The International Anarchist Congress
The 18th Anarchist Biennial 22-24.11.2024
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
1. The main points on the agenda and proposals for decisions and resolutions are the updates on since
the congress in 2022, especially about the climate crisis.
Among the proposals for resolutions of the congress are the documents, articles and actions at (click on):
These documents and other updates on were decided with general consent as resolutions from the congress, i.e. the 18th Anarchist Biennial
Contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The next congress - the 19th - will be in November 2026.
The International Anarchist Congress
The 17th Anarchist Biennial 25-27.11.2022
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
1. The main points on the agenda and proposals for decisions and resolutions are the updates on since the congress in 2020.
Among the main proposals for resolutions of the congress are the documents, articles and actions at (click on):
These documents and other updates on were decided with general consent as resolutions from the congress, i.e. the 17th Anarchist Biennial.
Contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The new congress - the 18th - will be in November 2024.
Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc., and vice versa: Google Translate.
24.10.2022. I J-HØ. will participate on the congrees, and my first proposal is about GREEN GROWTH:
Green Growth: GAIA and GGS mean it is possible to have environmentally sustainable economic growth in the society, both locally and globally, if we do the right things. This means development of new and realistic (i.e. not fantasies about working CO2 cleaning on large scale, and fusion based nuclear energy) environmentally friendly technology and substitution of old and polluting etc. industry towards more environmentally friendly industry. Via substitution towards green economy in demand, production and distribution an environmentally sustainable growth with full employment, efficient and fair, is possible - on our limited earth. Thus GAIA and GGS oppose certain technological advances which are contributing to ecological and environmental decay. Fossil energy, especially coal, but also oil and gas etc., must be replaced with green energy. Furthermore birth control and very limited population growth, are necessary to achieve environmentally sustainable economic growth. The GDP, Gross Domestic Product, must be based more on services and low-energy products in general, and less on material goods and high-energy products in general. Materials in general must be recycled more than today. Slowly as time goes by introducing less work-time and more holidays, are also a part of the solution. If all the mentioned conditions are fulfilled, high economic growth is possible, GDP per capita will increase significantly over time, and the growth will also be environmentally sustainable. Especially, the problem with manmade global warming will be solved. The Institute of Industrial Economics (INDECO) in Oslo, Norway has developed a general Cogripsmodel, with a realistic plan, that if implemented via Cogripspolicy, will create considerable environmentally sustainable economic growth, at least 3 - 5 percent yearly growth in GDP, i.e. significantly substituted towards green energy and other products, and much based on services, less on material goods.
However, the present economic growth, with the traditional composition of GDP, is too much based on material goods and high-energy products, too little recycling, uncontrolled population growth, coal and other fossil energy as input, too much waste in general, etc. to be environmentally sustainable. If the political economy broadly defined doesn't manage the necessary substitution towards green economy in demand, production and distribution, including development of lots of new and realistic environmentally friendly technology, the economic growth must be reduced or stopped, or else our planet GAIA will be ruined by pollution and climate change including manmade global warming. But this linear approach, without significant substitution, means a very bad situation for the People and also most likely very authoritarian. INDECOs Cogripsmodels and Cogrips-policy, with a lot of substitution towards green in the political economy broadly defined and in the GDP, is a much better including democratic solution for the People. By the way the GDP, the Gross Domestic Product, is defined, explained and discussed very well at the political economy files at, use the anarchist search engine via "Links" below to find the stuff.
What is GDP?
GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is arguably the most important of all economic statistics as it attempts to capture the state of the economy in one number. GDP represents the value of goods and services produced in the country from all sections of the economy; agriculture, manufacturing, energy, construction, the private service sector and public sector. GDP can be measured in three ways:
1. The value of the goods and services produced; which is known as the output measure
2. The value of the goods and services purchased by households, by public sector, from overseas (export - import) and by business in terms of investment in machinery and buildings. This is the expenditure measure, and measures total demand for GDP.
3. The value of the income generated mostly in terms of profits and wages; which is known as the income measure.
In theory all three approaches should produce the same number. In most countries the office for national statistics publishes one single measure of GDP, based on a best estimate using all three ways of measuring. Usually the main interest in the GDP figures is in the quarterly [or yearly] change in GDP in real terms - volume, that is after taking account of changes in prices (inflation).
The price level of GDP is measured by the GDP deflator, i.e. price index for GDP. GDP-nominally/GDP-deflator = GDP in real terms - volume. Say, if GDP increases 5% (= 1. 05), and the inflation is 3%, the price level increases 3% (= 1.03), from the previous period; the GDP volume, i.e. in real terms, has increased 1.05/1.03 = 1.0194, about 1.9 %. Thus the real economic growth is 1.9%.
If the GDP measured in real terms is up on the previous three months, the economy is growing. If it is negative it is contracting. And two consecutive three-month periods of contraction mean an economy conventionally is said to be in recession. If the price level is decreasing, i.e. the inflation is negative, it is called deflation. Calculating a GDP estimate for all three measures is a huge undertaking. The output measure alone - which is considered the most accurate in the short term - involves often surveying tens of thousands private firms and public sector.
Usually first an early or "flash", estimate of the real growth in economic activity is published, but this is revised as more information is gathered. Revisions can be made as much as 18 months to two years after the first "flash" estimate. GDP is the principal means of determining the health of the economy and is used widely, nationally and internationally. GDP is used internationally by the various financial bodies such as OECD, IMF, and the World Bank to compare the performance of different economies. The European Union also uses GDP estimates as a basis for determining different countries' contributions to the EU budget.
GDP per capita, the average real income per inhabitant of a country, is also an important measure. This measure is also one among other measures in estimation of the libertarian degree of a country, see Ranking .
Best regards Prof. Dr. cand. oecon. and cand. anarch. Jens Hermundstad Østmoe at NØI-INDECO-OSE and IIFOR-PGU, adviser for GGS & GAIA and in general.
Translation tool English, to Norwegian French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc., and vice versa: Google Translate.
PS. To Greta Thunberg & Co. You must support the green growth policy. Attempts to linear reduction in GDP will make fascism all over and create large unemployment and will not solve the climate crisis. Best regards J-HØ.
Best regards Prof. Dr. cand. oecon. and cand. anarch. Jens Hermundstad Østmoe at NØI-INDECO-OSE and IIFOR-PGU
Published in Folkebladet – the Peoples’ Journal:
NB! Cand. anarch. = cand. oecon. polit. libertar.
SV! Realverdien av formuene våre har minsket mye i de senere årene: Det er en løgn at formuene har økt. Vi vil ikke ha mer formuesskatt også. Da krymper formuen mye mer.
DETTE ER SPAREPENGENE VÅRE! STJEL IKKE DEM!!! Apropos Statsbudsjettet: Vi ønsker progressiv formuesskatt, høy for store formuer og skattefritak på formue under 7 millioner NOK.
Det vesentligste av produksjonen skal foregå privateid, og med vanlige, kanskje storfamilie, private husholdninger. Samvirkebevegelsen kan utvides, men også ordinært grønt privat næringsliv, bl.a. i nettverksorganisasjoner med flate strukturer, har absolutt sin plass i den desentraliserte plan+privat-økonomien. Store hierarkiske statsbedrifter på linje med det fordums Jernverket i Mo i Rana, og store offentlige styrings-byråkratier, har liten til null plass i den nye grønne og effektive samfunnsøkonomien. Det må være fri konkurranse, men toppskatt på stor formue, så det ikke utvikler seg oligopoler og monopoler. Frikonkurransemodellen, med grønne avgifter og subsidier + topp-formuesskatt, er egentlig anarkistisk (sosialisme + autonomi) = liberalt sosial-demokrati = reelt demokrati = det libertære, i motsetning til det autoritære, som skal på historiens skraphaug all over. Der forurenser det autoritære ikke, og forsurer ikke livet til Folket.
NB! Skillet mellom kapitalisme og sosialisme går ikke på om bedriftene har fortjeneste (profittmaksimering) som mål eller ikke, men om fortjenesten, eller rettere sagt inntektene, blir signifikant ulikt fordelt når alt kommer til alt, eller ikke; sosialisme er signifikant likhet, frihet, etc. og fortjeneste og frikonkurranse kan utmerket godt være en del av dette, bare det ikke utarter til oligopoler og monopoler med kjempefortjeneste, der dette ikke er hensiktsmessig. Sosialisme har i bunn og grunn egentlig ingenting med statsbedrifter og null fortjeneste å gjøre, bare så dere veit det. Et samfunn hvor det er fy, fy og forbudt å tjene betalingsmidler (penger), strider mot genene til folk flest, og vil aldri og ikke fungere bra pga. bl.a. korrupsjonsloven, som også i stor grad er genbestemt. Men det går an å organisere seg til signifikant likhet, frihet etc. og godt miljø, via avgifter og subsidier og topp-formuesskatt - i vesentlig markedsøkonomi - som nevnt over, med videre... Det er det som er anarkisme = liberalt sosial-demokrati - alltid inklusive grønt, i bunn og grunn, ANarkistisk ORGanisasjon (ANORG).
Korrupsjonsloven er «Makt korrumperer tendensielt [også moralsk], og allmakt korrumperer absolutt.» (Baron Acton)
Mvh Professor Dr. cand. oecon. og cand. oecon. polit. libertar. Jens Hermundstad Østmoe alias Timian Sabatini. Ved NØI-INDECO-OSE & IIFOR-PGU.
Frihet og sosial rettferdighet/justis er to grunnleggende anarkistiske prinsipper. En må her gjøre oppmerksom på at frihet ikke alltid er det samme som frivillighet, som ikke er et like grunnleggende anarkistisk prinsipp. Frivillighet kan nektes dersom tvangen er liten i forhold til friheten som opprettholdes ved hjelp av tvangen. F.eks. er tvungen verneplikt med på å opprettholde et lands frihet fra okkupasjon. Hovedregelen er likevel at frihet og frivillighet går hånd i hånd. Det bør være minst mulig tvang utover det rent nødvendige. Nødvendig tvang har noe med å unngå gratispassasjerer å gjøre. For eksempel er skatter og avgifter en tvang som bør brukes for å få frihet til kollektive goder som er gratis eller sterkt subsidierte. Gratispassasjer problematikken, og 1/n-tedels effekten til pulverisering av ansvaret ved produksjon av kollektive goder, i kombinasjon med spill-lignende effekter a la Fangens dilemma, viser at individuell rasjonalitet ofte fører til kollektiv irrasjonalitet, mindre produksjon av kollektive goder enn det som er velferdsmessig optimalt, dersom finansieringen kun er basert på frivillighet.
Man kan altså ikke si at et økonomisk-politisk system med mye skatter og avgifter er mindre anarkistisk enn et system med lavere skatter og avgifter, så lenge skatter og avgifter i hovedsak går til dekning av produksjon av kollektive goder, herunder en rettferdig fordeling, eller til å takle eksternaliteter og andre markedsfeil, og i liten grad går til profitt bredt definert til byråkrati og/eller herskere. En forutsetning er at det er bred konsensus om skatte- og avgiftsnivået. Skatten har da ideelt sett en karakter av sosial kontingent, bestemt direkte demokratisk eller via delegater, av folket selv, og er dermed skatt bare i navnet, ikke i gavnet. Her er det snakk om grader av kontingent kontra skatt, da definert som noe som innkreves på udemokratisk vis, over hodet på folket og mot folkets interesser. Under alle omstendigheter er snyteri på skatten å oppfatte som tjueri fra felleskassen, noe som ikke kan aksepteres. Det fullkomne anarkistiske ideal, 100% anarki, med 100% sosialisme og 100% autonomi, er også 100% basert på frivillighet. Dette forutsetter imidlertid at folk har utviklet, via opplærings-systemet bredt definert, en meget høy anarkistisk, inklusive sosial, bevissthet. I dag kan man ikke si at denne forutsetningen er oppfylt.
Man kan kanskje med en viss rett si anarkismen er prinsipielt i mot tvang, og er i hvert fall i mot unødvendig tvang, og satser på frivillighet der dette er optimalt, men vi er ikke prinsipp-ryttere med hensyn på tvang. Anarkistene har blant annet gått unisont ut mot rusreformen til Venstre & Co: Løsningen angående narkotika er vel både straff og behandling. Enten straff eller behandling er en syk problemstilling, feil spørsmål! Som gir idiotiske svar! Frihet til dop er lik slaveri! Anarkistene er mot narkotika-liberalisme, og mot liberalismen i sin alminnelighet.
Anarkistene er i praktisk politikk sosial-individualister, dvs. liberale sosial-demokrater. Vi er selvfølgelig heller ikke mot forsvaret, politi og rettsvesen og fengsler, så lenge fanger behandles humant, med sikte på rehabilitering. Politisk bruk av tvang og politiske fanger og lignende er selvfølgelig uakseptabelt fra anarkistisk hold.
PS. Anarki og anarkisme kort definert er system og styring uten hersking/hersker(e), dvs. samarbeid uten undertrykkelse, tyranni og slaveri - og med minst mulig tvang. Frivillighet kan nektes dersom tvangen er liten i forhold til friheten som opprettholdes ved hjelp av tvangen. Det anarkistiske ideal, 100% anarki, er et system helt uten tvang og kun basert på frivillighet. Idealet krever en meget høy anarkistisk, inklusive sosial, bevissthet, og vi er ikke der i dag. (IIFOR/JHØ)
24.10.2022. Proposal from ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China anarchists) represented by 'Moy Ei' <>.
ACAME - Chinese Section, the Hong Kong anarchists, are still going strong, and in good spirits, and keep a low profile due to the repression, but clench the fists in the
pockets, declaring. "We will not be cowed by the Chinese ultra-fascists! To hell with Xi Jin-Ping sooner or later!" 11.11.2020.
15.02.2021. ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China anarchists) declares: One China - the Chinese Confederation (CHINCON), Free China & Green China! Xi Jin-Ping's ultrafascist regime must be removed and a real democratic system must replace it before One China - the Chinese Confederation (CHINCON) can be established.
AIIS reports 26.11.2020: The Green Global Spring (GGS) will make actions pressing the Chinese & Hong Kong administrations in progressive green & real democratic direction! SLOGANS: Less Than 1,5° C Global Warming! Drop Fossil Fuel! Green Energy! Full Employment! 5 % Green GDP growth! Small Income & Rank Differences! Down with the Gini-index to 20 %! Liberal Social-Democracy! Real & Green Democracy! Eco-Anarchy For Ever! Sufficient High Democracy Degree! Zero Population Growth!!!
The Hong Kong Spring is a part of the Green Global Spring, see & & See also a Note from the Anarchist International Embassy below here in the introduction.
04.12.2020. Beijing was and is preparing for confrontation with the US and intended to dominate the world "economically, militarily and technologically", Mr John Ratcliffe, the top US intelligence official, warned. Sources: BBC and AIIS.
Updated on China - Antioch - The Anti-ochlarchy League is a mysterious, powerful secret organization, a loose global network, started in 1996 in the USA.
Revelation: Antioch, a.k.a. the Anti-ochlarchy League, is most likely behind the Nashville bombing, see.
Ochlarchy has an anti-climate and anti-green dimension, especially with mob rule broadly defined against the grand-children, thus the fight against ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly
defined, a.o.t. done by Antioch, the Anti-ochlarchy League, is also a part of the Green Global Spring, see, &
26.01.2021. Chinese economy revisited. Slave contracts and direct slavery i.a. in the Gulag, creates cheap labor. The official minimum income is approx. half of the WTO's poverty line, and many do not even have it. They are unable to develop technology, cf. totalitarian system, see the EP map, and have to buy, steal and copy it. Despite a large, rich and powerful private and public bureaucracy, most recently with the military top as members, they therefore become "competitive" in price internationally. Subsidies on exports provide additional foreign currency, which they use i.a. to buy technology and raw materials, and on luxury to the bureaucracy. But they are greedy and want more, therefore militarism, initiated last year and especially in recent months. The fact that this stone-corrupt Chinese bureaucracy also de facto gives the damn in the climate, follows incorrigibly from the ultra-fascist system, and can only be changed and improved climate-wise by a system change in a significantly flatter direction. Source: AIIS.
03.02.2021. 'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape. Women in China's "re-education" camps for Uighurs have been systematically raped, sexually abused, and tortured, according to detailed new accounts obtained by the BBC. See: Source: BBC.
18.02.2021. Beijing faces new abuse claims from Xinjiang. A former teacher and ex-detainee allege gang rape and torture of women inside China's vast network of detention camps.
See: Source: CNN.
10.03.2021. China building offensive, aggressive military, top US Pacific commander says, see: Source: CNN.
11.03.2021. China's parliament endorses plan to 'improve' Hong Kong elections, further curbing opposition, see: Source: CNN.
01.05.2021. IIFOR: Hong Kong is no longer among the 25 most libertarian countries in the world, at about 42 % libertarian (= democracy) degree, but closer to the ultra-fascist system in mainland China, between 25% and 0 % libertarian degree, i.e. 75-100% authoritarian degree.
31.07.2021 AISC - Report: China still harvesting organs from prisoners at a massive scale, see: Source: CNN.
10.10.2021. Taiwan won't be forced to bow to China, President Tsai says during National Day celebrations, see: Source: CNN.
22.10.2021. China says ‘no room’ for concessions over Taiwan after Biden commits to defend island, see: Source: France 24.
14.12.2021. AISC report: 3WW is needed quickly to save the globe. The coal supply surplus is enormous and the price will therefore fall, and the more green energy is produced. Ultra-fascist states are forced to choose the cheapest energy - coal (and fossil otherwise) due to the law of corruption and the danger of rebellion. China will therefore never stop coal production and use voluntarily. Therefore, 3WW against China is a must to solve the climate crisis. Biden must understand that 3WW against China and other ultra-fascist states is absolutely necessary and the faster the better. Diplomacy and competition do not work at all. There is no way beyond 3WW, if we are to save the planet. The alternative is a huge global and increasing subsidy for the closure of coal power and fossil fuels otherwise, and support for green energy + technology otherwise. It will be far too expensive, and will only intensify authoritarianism. It is not a workable road. The United States and NATO must therefore immediately launch 3WW at full strength.
19.09.2022. Biden again says US would defend Taiwan if China attacks, see: Source: BBC.
09.10.2022. Taiwan president to pledge to bolster combat power as China tensions rise, see: Source: Reuters.
10.10.2022. ‘No room for compromise’ on Taiwan’s sovereignty, President Tsai says in National Day speech, see: Source: CNN
10.10.2022. About China. Unmasking the Truth::: CCP: Stop the Atrocity Against Humanity. Against organ stealing by the CCP!!!.
Gini indexes for China
Gini index of China update. In 2003 the Gini index was 44.7 (0.447). In 2020, China reached a score of 46.8 (0.468) points. It has been up to about 49 (0.49) in recent years. The Gini Index is a statistical measure that is used to represent unequal distributions, e.g. income distribution. It can take any value between 1 and 100 points (or 0 and 1). The closer the value is to 100 the greater is the inequality. 40 or 0.4 is the warning level set by the United Nations. As a rule of the thumb, a Gini index above 35 indicates capitalism. Thus China is a very capitalist country, more capitalist than the USA with Gini index about 40-42.
Growing inequality counts as one of the biggest social, economic, and political challenges to many countries, especially emerging markets. Over the last 20 years, China has become one of the world's largest economies. As parts of the society have become more and more affluent, the country's Gini coefficient has also grown sharply over the last decades. China's Gini coefficient ranged at a level higher than the warning line for increasing risk of social unrest over the last decade, 40 (0.4). These Gini index data do of course not account for corruption, thus the real figures are far higher, i.e. including income from the rampant corruption in China. The real Gini index may be as high as 70 (0.75), as a well educated estimate/guess. Source: IIFOR 09.10.2022.
13.10.2022. Rare protest against China’s Xi Jinping days before Communist Party congress, see: Source: CNN.
14.10.2022. A sense of crisis has defined Xi’s rule. It will shape China well into the future, see: Source: CNN.
14.10.2022. China’s economy is ‘in deep trouble’ as Xi heads for next decade in power, see: Source: CNN.
15.10.2022. China's Communist Party is holding its five-year congress. Here's what to expect, see: Source: Euronews.
15.10.2022. Communist Party Congress will offer clues to China’s future, see: Source: France 24.
16.10.2022. China kicks off 20th Communist Party Congress as Xi Jinping prepares to expand power, see: Source: CNN.
19.10.2022. Xi Jinping wants China to ‘win local wars.’ Russia’s failures in Ukraine show that’s not so easy, see: Source: CNN.
21.10.2022. The greatest risk to China’s Xi Jinping? Himself, see: Source: CNN.
24.10.202. After the CCP congress: China’s Xi is more powerful than ever. What does it mean for the world?... And he threatens Taiwan, see: Source: CNN.
26.11.2022. Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy, see: Source: CNN.
More information at (click on):
25.10.2022. Proposal from AFIS represented by S. Anderson with general information about AFIS and history, and about 1. The political situation in Sweden and 2. Cooperation with SAC about more anarchism in the anarchosyndicalist labour federation:
Anarkism i Sverige. Anarchism in Sweden.
This is the official web-site of the Anarchist Federation of Sweden, founded and affiliated to IFA - the International of the Federations of Anarchists - l'Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes, - as an IFA-section 15-17 October 1982 and as an IFA-federation 26.11.1983. See the two official organs of IFA at that time, C.R.I.F.A Bulletin no 42 novembre-février 1982 p.4 and ifa-Solidaritet no 1 1982/fb 4-82 and no 8 1983/fb 4-83. The Anarchist Federation of Sweden is rooted back to the "Anarkistiska Propaganda Förbundet", The Anarchist Propaganda Federation of Sweden. The name Anarkistfederationen i Sverige, AFIS, was used already in the early 1970s.
The purpose of the Propaganda Federation was to spread anarchist ideas from person to person, generation to generation, and not propagating in a derogatory sense, i.e. authoritarian indoctrination. APF did this, among other things, by publishing the Swedish anarchist paper "Brand". APF owned the publishing rights for "Brand", but in the 1970s the issues were not very regular. In the middle of the 1970s a support group for the marxist-leninist RAF (Baader Meinhof), posing as "anarchists", stole the title "Brand" and used it for publishing authoritarian propaganda. This and similar false "anarchist" groups sometimes posed as "SAF" ("Sveriges Anarkistfederation") other times "AKO" ("Anarko-Kommunistisk Organisation"), "RAO" ("Revolutionära Anarkisters Organisation"), etc. The "anarchism" was just pseudolibertarian rhetoric, and the real political core was marxian communism/syndicalism.
The groups were also, as SAC, infiltrated by VPK [now V] (communists) and other leninists and leftists, trotskyites, marxist-lubbeists, council communists and even populists and neonazis, as well as different sorts of "wannabe" libertarians. The concept "wannabe" libertarian is briefly defined at Anarchist Social Organization Research. Feel free to click on this link and search for 'wannabe' in the file if you are not familiar with the term. Persons connected to such false "anarchist" organizations, have several times lifted their many headed polyarchical authoritarian hydra, to provoke and compromise the anarchist movement. Polyarchy is neither anarchy nor anarchist or anarchism. Among the provokers are also probably infiltrators from the Secret police, Säpo, some of them quite brown politically.
Say, at the Anarchist Conference in Stockholm, arranged by the Nordic IFA secretariate and the Swedish section of the Anarchist International, in 1983, neonazi skinheads tried to infiltrate the movement, but strong measures were taken to stop these dangerous intruders. These efforts of the Anarchist International were a good investment.... Our fellows at SAC have been less successful dealing with this problem. In 1999 a real anarchosyndicalist, Björn Söderberg of SAC, was killed by two nazis, after trying to stop the fascist infiltration in a union-club. 23.10.1999 about 20-40000 persons all over Sweden demonstrated against fascism and to honor the memory of the brave syndicalist. This is just a tip of the iceberg. It is also happening today.
AFIS clearly denounces and rejects all these mainly "wannabe" libertarian, marxian, populist and nazi-infiltrated groups falsely posing as "anarchist", historically, today and in the future -- in Sweden and generally, click on the International Anarchist Tribunal - International and Nordic branches for more information. The IFA/AI principles clearly say only one anarchist federation in each country. In our country this is AFIS and nothing else.
The APF went to court to stop this false "anarchists", issuing authoritarian propaganda under the stolen title Brand, from publishing, and the court decided that the false publication should stop. Although APF got all rights from the court, the marxian false "anarchist" group continued unlawfully to publish their authoritarian propaganda under the title "Brand". In the last years of the 1970s and the early 1980s these false publications were less regular*. In 1982 another, more anarchistic group published "Brand-faran", i.e. a similar paper, but not exactly the same name, to avoid problems with the court's decision. The editing group was observers at the First Nordic Anarchist Congress. At this congress in 1982, the APF was reorganized as the Swedish section of IFA, the Anarchist International, and in 1983 refounded as an IFA-federation, i.e. Anarkistfederationen i Sverige, AFIS, via a referendum.
The lawful right to publish "Brand" was then taken over by the AFIS. However as "Folkebladet" was decided to be a common organ for the federations of the Northern Anarchist Confederation, NAC, the Swedish included, the publishing right of "Brand" was handed over to "Folkebladet", and "Brand" was later considered as a part of "Folkebladet" and "IFA-Solidaritet", the bulletin of the Northern sections of IFA/IAF. After some time another false "anarchist" group started unlawfully to publish a paper titled "Brand". This unlawful publishing of "Brand" has been going on for about 15 years until 2001. The editors still try to continue the unlawful publishing of their authoritarian, ochlarchic, marxist propaganda, of course trying to discredit the anarchist movement as much as possible. The "anarchism" is not anarchism although of course mixed with som anarchist ideas to get credibility.
However these marxist games went a bit too far, and the editing group got trouble with the Swedish secret police, who strangely took the group seriously. AFIS has never done. But AFIS denounces of course the editing group, and their unlawful use of the title "Brand" and their ochlarchical, childish, marxist "revolt-guide" and other authoritarian propaganda. Strangely they have been taken seriously also by the Swedish press, who support these thiefs, i.e. especially of course the marxists, with Jan Guillou in front, probably because the false "anarchist" group confirms their Leninist prejudices that anarchism is the "initial weakness", also called "infantile disorder", of socialism. However the real infantile disorder of socialism is marxism. The whole thing only shows the degeneration of "radical" politics in Sweden. The case was however dismissed and the false publishing of "Brand" still continues. Nobody should take this marxian joke of a "libertarian" paper seriously. And not the attempts to organize "SAF", "AKO", "RAO", and similar from time to time. No anarchist should deal with these persons, other than tell them they are not anarchist, and turn the back against them.
Today the real "Brand" is a part of "International Journal of Anarchism" which is also the organ of AFIS, the Anarchist Federation of Sweden. "Brand" was first published in 1898, but had never ambitions to be an international journal alone. Thus, although International Journal of Anarchism has a direct root back to Sweden 1898, the volumes of IJA are only counted back to 1971, the founding year of "Folkebladet", which has been more set on Nordic and international distribution. The only officially recognized issues of "Brand" are the volumes edited by "Anarkistiska Propaganda Förbundet", and the issues from 1982 and later, as a part of/included in "Folkebladet", "IFA-Solidaritet" and "International Journal of Anarchism". Thus, the updated issues of "Brand"are found via the link to BRAND below. The false issues of "Brand" mentioned above, should of course not be noticed or accounted for at all, among anarchists as well as others interested in anarchism. Click there to get the proper Brand:
Fellows in Sweden! Contact AFIS and join the AFIS-network today! Be a networkmember/subscriber to the IJ@/AFIS/NAC/AI/IFA! Feel free to forward this information to your own network, and/or link up the Website of AFIS at your blog or homepage. Join in the struggle for and towards anarchy and anarchism, i.e. for socialism and autonomy; against economical plutarchy - that is capitalism; and against statism -- in Sweden and world wide... Of course a struggle without ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), the opposite of anarchist, anarchy and anarchism!!! A struggle for anarchy and anarchism as opposed to all forms of marxism (state-socialism), liberalism and fascism, including populism. A struggle for a movement of the societal, i.e. economical and political/administrative, systems -- in libertarian direction, less authoritarian degree... AFIS always works and demonstrates with dignity, uses real matter of fact arguments and adds weight behind via direct actions, mass actions, and via elections. More information is available via "contact AFIS" below.
More information about AFIS is found at Some external links to AFIS etc. (search for 'AFIS' in this file) and via "Links" below, see especially the Northern Anarchist Confederation (NAC).
says a clear NO to euro/emu September 14. 2003.
NEJ TILL EURO/EMU 14.09.2003
One of the most
important objectives of AFIS 2003 is no to the adaptation of the
EU currency, the euro, in Sweden. Together with various
individuals, organizations, unions, and political parties,
we aim at achieving a clear "no"-vote in the Swedish
national referendum on the euro/emu, September 14, 2003.
says a clear NO to euro/emu September 14, 2003.
The result was/Resultatet blev
56,2% no/nej - 41,8% yes/ja
En av Sveriges få återstående riktigt anarkistiska sammanslutningar
One of Sweden's few remaining real anarchist associations
Svenska Akademien (The Swedish Academy) blir alltmer inflytelserik, allt synligare i debatt och offentlighet - och allt rikare. Nobelpriset i litteratur är bara höjdpunkten i Akademiens arbete. Numera är De aderton en kulturpolitisk faktor också i långt mindre glamorösa sammanhang.
"Snille och smak". Längre från det folkhemskt heldemokratiska "alla-ska-med"-tänkandet är det svårt att placera sig. Svenska Akademiens 220-åriga paroll fortsätter att provocera. De aderton ställer sig på livstid om inte över, som belackarna anser, så åtminstone utanför Vardags-Sverige.
- Poängen är att Svenska Akademien inte tar en krona av skattemedlen, den är helt självförsörjande och helt självständig och gör som den vill. Det är en av Sveriges få återstående riktigt anarkistiska sammanslutningar. Vi står utanför staten, sammanfattar historikern och författaren Peter Englund som valdes in 2002.
Han talar om en kritisk "korseld från höger till vänster" som konsekvensen av denna position:
- Det är intressant att Akademien väldigt tydligt provocerar två grupper. Den ena är marknadskramarna. Enbart tanken på en institution som ignorerar marknaden och utan hänsyn till trender eller försäljningssiffror ger även okända författare en massa pengar i pris är kolossalt provocerande för dem, säger han och fortsätter.
- Den andra gruppen är statskramarna. För dem är det kolossalt provocerande att det finns en kulturinstitution som har inflytande, som är just självständig och där staten inte kan gripa in.
Many young job hunters in Sweden go to the Anarchy of Norway - The Northern Anarchist Confederation wish them welcome
As youth unemployment soars in Sweden, more youngsters are fleeing across the border to the Anarchy of Norway in an attempt to find work. A quarter of Swedes aged between 15 and 24 now find themselves outside the labor market in Sweden, with the ongoing economic depression only making matters worse. According to the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the migration could result in long-term damage to the country's growth. The number of Swedes choosing to work for their Norwegian neighbors has risen by 25 percent in just two years, to 83,000 in 2009. Of those Swedes with a tax card in the country, 35 percent are in their twenties.
"I have more questions than before about foreign opportunities from those with academic training," said Pirjo Vaananen from the Public Employment Service in an interview with Stockholm News. "Often they show an active interest in working abroad just before they finish their education," he added. Advisor for the Norwegian Employment Service, Johannes Sorbo, said, "It is certainly a plus that wages are better than in Sweden, and it is easier for young people to find jobs in Norway than in Sweden. We have a labor shortage." Sorbo added that young Swedes are popular with Norwegian employers as, "they are known to be skilled and easy to deal with, and the language is of course no problem."
Economist for the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Malin Sahlen, said the issue is not so positive for Sweden. "It's really worrying that graduates and other young people see a reason to leave Sweden. For companies, who will need these employees later, a direct consequence is that key skill and potential is leaving the country. In the long term, this means lower growth and prosperity for the country as a whole," Sahlen told Stockholm News.
The Northern Anarchist Confederation however see more positively on the matter, and wish the young job hunters in Sweden that go to the Anarchy of Norway welcome. Anarchists from Sweden moving to Norway may still be members of AFIS if they wish, or join AFIN if they wish so, and will in any case be networkmembers/subscribers of the Northern Anarchist Confederation. 31.07.2010.
Ad general election in Sweden 2010
Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt says his center-right, in international perspective mainly socialdemocratic, government will stay in office despite losing its majority in a parliamentary election. Reinfeldt says he will seek support from the opposition Greens (MP) to avoid having to rely on the right-populist nazi-based Sweden Democrats (SD), who entered Parliament for the first time. The Anarchist Federation of Sweden, AFIS, calls on the Greens (MP), the most libertarian party in Sweden, to negotiate with Reinfeldt to get as much as possible libertarian influence on Swedish politics, and to achieve zero influence for the right-populist SD, and avoid chaos in Swedish politics.
27.09.2010 the Green party wants to make an agreement with Reinfeldt's minority government about asylum- and migration politics, and perhaps more. The aim is mainly zero influence of the SD. The Green party has already had discussions with PM Reinfeldt. To create a joint cabinet between the Greens and the Reinfeldt-coalition is however not an issue since the Green party has not got such an invitation from the government. 28.09.2010 Reinfeldt has also phoned the Social-democrat party's leader Mona Sahlin to talk cooperation.
The anarchists' black and red and black flags flew at anti right-populist demonstration in Stockholm
Thousands of people have protested in the Swedish capital of Stockholm as the brown and blue right-populist Sweden Democrats entered parliament the first time. The Sweden Democrats won 20 seats in the 349-member Riksdag in an election three weeks ago, leaving the party with the balance of power. Demonstrators peacefully marched on the parliament building to protest against their policies. The party wants to cut immigration and has described Islam the greatest threat to Sweden since World War II. Parliament speaker Per Westerberg was re-elected on Monday as Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt prepares to present his new minority government to lawmakers on Tuesday. The premier has vowed that he will not cooperate with the Sweden Democrats. AFIS and the Northern Anarchist Confederation supported the direct action. Euronews TV in a video highlighted the anarchists' black and black and red flags. Sources: Euronews and AIIS. 04.10.2010
The anarchists' black and red flag flew at anti-nazi demonstration in Gothenburg
About ten thousand people, anarchists and many others, have protested in the Swedish city Gothenburg against a neo-nazi march. About 500 persons, mainly from Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen, NMR, participated in the neo-nazi march. AFIS and the Northern Anarchist Confederation supported the direct action against the neo-nazis. Both the neo-nazis and some anti-racist marxist ochlarchists clashed with the police. The anarchists, using red and black flags, condemn the ochlarchy, and of course demonstrated with dignity, not ochlarchy. Source: AIIS. 30.09.2017.
Riksdagsvalet i Sverige 2018 - General election in Sweden 2018
Valet den 9 september 2018 har beskrivits som avgörande men ju mer det tuggas desto svårare är det att se skilnaderna mellan block och partier. Det blir till att rösta på det minst dåliga den här gången med, men nu med en betydligt djupare suck än förr.
The general election of September 9, 2018 has been described as crucial, but the more one chews, the more difficult it is to see the differences between blocks and parties. It will be voted on the least bad this time also, but now with a much deeper sigh than before.
Moderaterna: 19,84 procent (70 mandat)
Centerpartiet: 8,61 procent (31 mandat)
Liberalerna: 5,49 procent (20 mandat)
Kristdemokraterna: 6,32 procent (22 mandat)
Socialdemokraterna: 28,26 procent (100 mandat)
Vänsterpartiet: 8,00 procent (28 mandat)
Miljöpartiet: 4,41 procent (16 mandat)
Sverigedemokraterna: 17,53 procent (62 mandat)
Anarchist Accounting
Podcasten Anarchist Essays har nyligen publicerat ett avsnitt med Anders Sandström, ekonom och författare till boken Anarchist accounting. Arbetarens ekonom Anders Sandström gav i november 2020 ut en uppdatering av sin bok om anarkistisk redovisning, Anarchist Accounting. Accounting Principles for a Democratic Economy (Routhledge), en bok som uppskattades i kretsar som diskuterar en alternativ hållning till ekonomi på akademikernivå.
*) The stars indicate the position of the Norwegian economical-political system after the revolutionary change in 1994/95.
Fig. 1. Picture of the Anarchist Economical-Political Map
Countries: |
Rank of country according to libertarian degree, and type of system |
Libertarian degree and (authoritarian degree) % |
Degree of socialism |
Degree of autonomy and |
Gini-index |
Norway |
1 Anarchy |
54,0 (46,0) |
55,0 (45.0) |
53,2 (46,8) |
25,8 |
Switzerland |
2 Anarchy |
53,0 (47,0) |
51,0 (49,0) |
55,1 (44,9) |
33,1 |
Iceland |
3 Anarchy |
52,0 (48,0) |
54,0 (46,0) |
50,1 (49,9) |
25,0 (est.) |
Liechtenstein |
4 Soc.dem. |
49,5 (50,5) |
51,4 (48,6) |
47,7 (52,3) |
32,0 (est.) |
Luxembourg |
5 Soc.dem. |
49,2 (50,8) |
52,1 (47,9) |
46,5 (53,5) |
30,8 |
Denmark |
6 Soc.dem. |
48,8 (51,2) |
55,3 (44,7) |
43,0 (57,0) |
24,7 |
Japan |
7 Soc.dem. |
48,5 (51,5) |
55,2 (44,8) |
42,6 (57,4) |
24,9 |
Belgium |
8 Soc.dem. |
48,2 (51,8) |
54,0 (46,0) |
43,0 (57,0) |
25,0 |
Finland |
9 Soc.dem. |
47,9 (52,1) |
53,8 (46,2) |
42,6 (57,4) |
26,9 |
Sweden |
10 Soc.dem. |
47,5 (52,5) |
54,0 (46,0) |
41,7 (58,3) |
25,0 |
Netherlands |
11 Soc.dem. |
47,2 (52,8) |
52,0 (48,0) |
42,8 (57,2) |
30,9 |
Canada |
12 Soc.dem. |
46,8 (53,2) |
50,9 (49,1) |
43,0 (57,0) |
33,1 |
Austria |
13 Soc.dem. |
46,5 (53,5) |
52,1 (47,9) |
41,4 (58,6) |
30,0 |
Ireland |
14 Populist |
46,2 (53,8) |
45,0 (55,0) |
47,4 (52,6) |
35,9 |
Germany |
15 Soc.dem. |
45,9 (54,1) |
53,0 (47,0) |
39,6 (60,4) |
28,3 |
Spain |
16 Soc.dem. |
45,5 (54,5) |
51,5 (48,5) |
40,1 (59,9) |
32,5 |
Australia |
17 Populist |
45,0 (55,0) |
48,0 (52,0) |
42,2 (57,8) |
35,2 |
United King. |
18 Populist |
44,5 (55,5) |
44,7 (55,3) |
44,3 (55,7) |
36.0 |
New Zealand |
19 Populist |
44,0 (56,0) |
44,6 (55,4) |
42,4 (57,6) |
36,2 |
France |
20 Soc.dem. |
43,5 (56,5) |
51,4 (48,6) |
36,6 (63,4) |
32,7 |
Italy |
21 Populist |
43,0 (57,0) |
44,7 (55,3) |
41,3 (58,7) |
36,0 |
22 Cons. lib. |
42,5 (57,5) |
24,5 (75,5) |
69,8 (30,2) |
40,8 |
Israel |
23 Populist |
42,3 (57,7) |
47,8 (52,2) |
37,3 (62,7) |
35,5 |
Hong Kong |
24 Cons. lib. |
42,1 ( 57,9) |
22,1 (77,9) |
74,8 (25,2) |
43,4 |
Greece |
25 Populist |
42,0 (58,0) |
47,9 (52,1) |
36,6 (63,4) |
35,4 |
Best regards Prof. Dr. cand. oecon. and cand. anarch. Jens Hermundstad Østmoe at NØI-INDECO-OSE and IIFOR-PGU
Published in Folkebladet – the Peoples’ Journal:
Det är viktigt med en debatt om syndikalistisk strategi och försök att bredda syndikalistiska organisationer. Men rörelsen tjänar inget på en urvattning av syndikalismens politiska historia. Snarare behöver vi en större och öppnare diskussion om både frihetlig praktik och teori, skriver Amalthea Frantz och Gabriel Kuhn som ett svar till Rasmus Hästbacka. Snart ska Organisatörens handbok ges ut på SAC:s förlag Federativs. I juli publicerade Arbetaren en recension av boken, skriven av Rasmus Hästbacka som är SAC:s fackliga samordnare och medlem i Umeå LS. Boken är en översättning av Secrets of a successful organizer och sammanfattar den erfarenhet som amerikanska arbetsplatsorganisatörer, knutna till nätverket Labor Notes, har samlat på sig under årtionden. Den är en viktig handbok för arbetsplatsorganisatörer, även om det förstås aldrig kan finnas en exakt mall för hur organisering ska ske på varje arbetsplats och i varje ort.
Vi kan hålla med om mycket däri, men inte att syndikalism skulle vara opolitisk och icke-ideologisk. Rasmus Hästbacka stannar dock intevid sin mycket positiva beskrivning av boken. Han använder den för att agitera för en viss linje: syndikalismen är en klassrörelse, den är inte vänster, den bygger på medlemsdemokrati och federalism, och skickliga arbetsplatsorganisatörer ska bygga sektioner och hjälpa organisationen att växa. Vi kan hålla med om mycket däri, men inte att syndikalism skulle vara opolitisk och icke-ideologisk. Rasmus Hästbacka har framfört sina argument under flera år, i artiklar som publicerats både på svenska och engelska. Han har sammanställt en grundkurs om syndikalismen som ska läras ut till LS-medlemmar. Och nästa år ska Federativs även släppa en ”ideologisk grundskiss” om syndikalismen som Hästbacka står bakom. Det är lätt att tro att det inte finns några andra inom SAC som har åsikter om syndikalismen och syndikalistisk strategi.
För syndikalistiska läsare är det värt att veta att Labor Notes inte är en syndikalistisk organisation. De är ett tvärfackligt orienterat nätverk av arbetsplatsorganisatörer, varav de flesta återfinns bland gräsrötterna hos USA:s AFL-CIO-fack – som motsvarar LO‑fack i Sverige. Labor Notes är inte heller ”opolitiska” på det sätt som Rasmus Hästbacka argumenterar för. På Labor Notes-konferensen 2022 var huvudtalaren den kända politikern Bernie Sanders, frontfiguren för Democratic Socialists, alltså vänsterfalangen inom det stora Democratic Party i USA. Att diskutera de större frågorna (klasskampen och ett socialistiskt samhälle) verkar för Hästbacka bara vara en distraktion från organiseringen på arbetsplatserna.
Men det finns ett betydligt större problem med Hästbackas användning av Labor Notes handbok för att lyfta sin tolkning av syndikalismen: boken beskriver en metod, ingen ideologi eller ens strategi. En metod kan användas av alla möjliga människor i alla möjliga sammanhang, i detta fall av arbetsplatsorganisatörer i stora fack, små fack, svartröda fack, gula fack eller inga fack alls; föreningsfunktionärer, partipolitiker eller lobbyister kan också låta sig inspireras. Rasmus Hästbacka skriver att han vill sikta på ”små myrsteg”. Att diskutera de större frågorna (klasskampen och ett socialistiskt samhälle) verkar för Hästbacka bara vara en distraktion från organiseringen på arbetsplatserna.
Vi menar att det kan vara precis tvärtom. Vi behöver diskutera på både mikro- och makronivå. Att förutsätta att blivande medlemmar är ointresserade av att prata strategier och samhällsförändring är kontraproduktivt och påminner något om det ”förakt för vanliga arbetare” som Hästbacka tror sig kunna upptäcka bland anarkister. Det finns dessutom vissa lustiga drag i Rasmus Hästbackas argumentation. I recensionen skriver han att ”SAC:s pionjärer ville bygga en öppen klassorganisation” och att ”denna ambition uttrycktes igen på 2022 års kongress genom den principförklaring som röstades igenom”. Det är inte så konstigt att det blev så, med tanke på att det var Rasmus Hästbacka som skrev den nya principförklaringen. Det är inte det enda retoriska tricket i texten. Själva begreppet ”öppen klassorganisation” presenterar Hästbacka som ett etablerat begrepp inom den syndikalistiska debatten. Men vid en online-sökning återfinns begreppet i en enda text som inte är skriven av Hästbacka själv: i Sven Lagerströms Syndikalismen – en grundbok från 1984, en text Hästbacka gärna refererar till.
Rasmus Hästbacka är inte den enda som reflekterar över vad syndikalismen är, varken i Sverige eller utomlands. Det finns en hel del människor som drar andra slutsatser än Hästbacka, utan att de förespråkar det han kallar för ”kaderfack” eller ”bräckliga nätverk”. De gör det i debattartiklar, men ännu oftare i sin verksamhet: när de diskuterar motgångar eller framgångar efter en blockad, när de håller liv i sina sektioner, när de gör sitt bästa för att upprätthålla demokratiska medlemsmöten, när de värvar en kollega. Det är värt att i sammanhanget titta på hur begreppen ”syndikalism” och ”anarkosyndikalism” har använts historiskt. Under hela första halvan av 1900-talet användes de mer eller mindre synonymt. ”Revolutionär syndikalism” smög sig också in, men i stort sett menade alla detsamma: en klassrörelse som inte enbart skulle använda fackföreningar för att få en större del av den kapitalistiska kakan, utan för att störta hela det kapitalistiska systemet.
I SAC:s första principförklaring från år 1910 står det att fackföreningar skulle ”aldrig få fattas som självändamål, utan enbart som medel … i striden för klasskampens egentliga mål: … ett fritt samhälle utan statlig tvångsorganisation.” Med tanke på hur gärna Hästbacka hänvisar till historiska texter för att underbygga sin tolkning av syndikalismen vore det intressant att veta vad han tycker om detta uttalande. Men dessa två aspekter av syndikalismen (anarkismen och klassorganisering) utesluter inte varandra.
Vilka var det då som pratade om ”anarkosyndikalism”respektive ”(revolutionär) syndikalism”? Om man kan hitta något mönster över huvud taget så användes ”anarkosyndikalism” av dem som ville betona syndikalismens anarkistiska bas. Den var tydlig, även i Sverige. SAC:s grundare tillhörde till stor del ungsocialisterna, alltså de ofta anarkistiskt orienterade medlemmar i Socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiet som hade lämnat partiet några år tidigare. ”Syndikalism” däremot användes av dem som ville betona att syndikalismen var klassbaserad och inte i första hand en ideologisk/politisk rörelse. Men dessa två aspekter av syndikalismen (anarkismen och klassorganisering) utesluter inte varandra.
Det är sant att det finns det som Rasmus kallar för ”kaderfack”. De är oftast dogmatiska och sekteristiska. Efter andra världskriget har de samlats i den Internationella arbetarassociationen (IAA), som grundades 1922 och som var betydligt större och öppnare på 1920- och 1930-talen. (Det kanske inte är någon slump att Vadim Damier, som Rasmus Hästbacka anser vara kaderfackens mest prominenta förespråkare, har skrivit en lång bok om IAA:s historia.) Det är på grund av dessa sekteristiska strider som begreppen ”anarkosyndikalism” och ”syndikalism” skiljts åt alltmer sedan 1950-talet. Vissa syndikalistiska fackföreningar ville markera att andra syndikalistiska fackföreningar inte levde upp till de förstnämndas dogmatiska krav. Andra ville inte likställas med sekteristerna. Det är en terminologisk kamp utan mycket innehållslig substans.
Det finns en hel del syndikalistiska fackföreningar som inte är dogmatiska och sekteristiska, men som omfattar anarkistiska grundvärderingar ändå: IP i Polen, FAU i Tyskland, CGT i Spanien, med flera. Det går bra för dem. Vissa är nyare som fackföreningar, andra har gamla rötter. Just spanska CGT, som kallar sig anarkosyndikalistiskt, har lyckats med bred organisering de senaste decennierna. Det är på dem som SAC:s organisation och idéer bygger: direktdemokrati, federalism, platt organisering, arbetarstyre med mera. SAC har kontakt med dessa systerorganisationer i världen, vi följer deras kamp och ibland samarbetar vi. Vi tror att syndikalister i Sverige kan lära minst lika mycket av dem som av ett tvärfackligt nätverk i USA.
”Okej, men varför är den här diskussionen alls viktig?” kan man rimligtvis fråga sig. Jo, för att det gynnar och stärker syndikalistiska fackföreningar att minnas sina anarkistiska grundvärderingar. Det är på dem som SAC:s organisation och idéer bygger: direktdemokrati, federalism, platt organisering, arbetarstyre med mera. Att vissa delar har försämrats internt de senaste åren, till exempel att makt har centraliserats och insynen i den minskat, är snarare ett bevis på att SAC behöver gå tillbaka till sina rötter. Dessutom: om en syndikalistisk fackförening har många aktiva som förstår varför vi har byggt organisationen efter direktdemokratiska och frihetliga principer, är det betydligt mer osannolikt att dessa principer urholkas.
Vi anser alltså inte att fokuspå anarkistiska grundvärderingar som komplement till fokus på klassorganisering står i vägen för SAC:s framgång. Problemet är inte att SAC förknippas med vänstern (frihetlig socialism räknas till vänster på den politiska skalan, så är det bara). Inte heller att frihetlig socialism är en målsättning som är för stor eller att idealet med ett aktivt medlemskap är för krävande. Tvärtom. Om vi tar dessa principer på allvar och säkerställer att de präglar vår praktik framöver, då kan vi vara en mer relevant organisation för klasskampen i Sverige.
Vi behöver en bredare diskussion om både mål och medel – om hur vårt praktiska arbete kan kopplas till teori och ideologi, och tvärtom. Vi vill med den här texten uppmana och uppmuntra fler medlemmar att delta i den debatten.
Gabriel Kuhn och Amalthea Frantz är medlemmar av SAC:s internationella kommitté.
PS. Kända anarkister som skrivit i Arbetaren. Nisse Lätt, Emma Goldman, Stig Dagerman och Britta Gröndahl skrev alla i Arbetaren. Arbetaren har under dess 100-åriga historia haft flera kända skribenter som även varit aktiva syndikalister. Många vars namn sällan tas med i den allmänna historieskrivningen. Här är fyra mer eller mindre kända anarkister och syndikalister som publicerats i Arbetaren genom åren. Se:
*) Documents from the IIFOR archives indicate this unlawful publishing mainly was in the periode 1976-1979. In 1982 a "Valekstra Brand" was published, among other things inviting to the First Nordic Anarchist Congress in Oslo 15-17 October 1982. It was edited by an "autonomus" group, "en fristående redaktion", at Box 494 - 751 06 Uppsala. The same group published several issues of "Brand Faran" in 1983. In no 5 1983 the editors wrote they would continue to use the lawful title "Brand Faran", and thus not use the real title "Brand". 26.11.1983 AFIS was founded as a federation, the reorganized APF, and took over the publishing right of Brand. Then it was included in "Folkebladet" and "IFA-Solidaritet". Perhaps due to some misunderstandings the Uppsala group continued to publish their journal, but now they unlawful used the title "Brand", although with a different layout than the old logo. However they didn't dare to write the adress of the editing group in the paper. The title "Brand" was misused in no 1 and 2 1984. They also promoted "@sosialen" with the slogan "Vägra arbete", i.e "don't work", and an extremistical pacifism, that have very little to do with anarchism.
In no 3 1984 however they once again used the lawful title "Brand Faran". However later on the unlawful use of the title "Brand" was again introduced, perhaps with a different editing group. In 1986 a new editing group with "Eva X Moberg" as "Brandredaktör", unlawfully started to publish another false "Brand". The editing group was mainly leftist marxian "autonomist", a bit similar to the Norwegian "Blitz", promoting occupations, support to the authoritarian Kurdish nationalist marxist-leninists of PPK, chaotic punks, "wannabe libertarian" ideas, etc. Ms "X" was editor of this version of the false "Brand" between 1986 and 1995. Later on another ochlarchical, childish marxist leftist group took over the unlawful publishing. AFIS has made its point of view clear, denouncing these false "Brands", but it is sometimes difficult to stop unlawful publishing from small marxist "autonomus" groups, that don't follow anarchist law as well as Swedish law. All anarchists should turn their back against these marxian groups falsely posing as "anarchist", and not link up to it.
25.10.2022. Proposal from Anna Quist about Anarcha-feminism and the Anarcha-feminist Manifesto (AFM/MAF). Do the MAF need an update???
The Diploma to cand. anarch. of Anna Quist, official & elected spokesperson of i@f
Press release 08.03.2002 about the history
of the Anarcha-Feminist International,
the Anarcha-Feminist Manifesto and the 20
years anniversary of i@f 1982-2002
Press release 08.03.2005 "PAY EQUITY NOW"
Press release 08.03.2007 "Maternity"
08.03.2009 NO TO STATE-FEMINISM! The Anarchafeminst Manifesto is still valid!
Anarka-feministene (a brief historical note in Norwegian)
Poem for Women's Day 08.03.2010: Strike! Ad Women's Day 08.03.2010 there were two anarchafeminist international direct actions!
Women's Day 08.03.2012 - Anarchafeminist international direct action with MAF!
Women's Day 08.03.2013 - Anarchafeminist international direct action!
Women's day 08.03.2021/22. The "feminist" ochlarchist Bloque Negro (Black Bloc) in Mexico is Communist provocateurs, not anarchists, and has thus got an expulsing Brown Card from IAT-APT. AMLO, the Mexican President, must deal with the problems, also the femicide. See also: ANARCHISTS AGAINST OCHLARCHY (MOB RULE) AND OCHLARCHIST INFILTRATION, at More information about the situation in the country, search for 'Mexico' at and
Apropos ABORT! Ad Dagsnytt 18 NRK 15.09.2022: Anarkofeministene, de liberale sosialdemokratene, er enig stort sett med WHO. Vi kvinner skal bestemme selv. Vi tar naturligvis hensyn til fosteret. Bort med alle nemnder og ukestengsler i lovs form.
Speaking of ABORTION! Ad Dagsnytt 18 NRK 15.09.2022: The anarcho-feminists, the liberal social democrats, largely agree with the WHO. We women must decide for ourselves.
We naturally take the fetus into account. Away with all tribunals and weekly fences in the form of law.
Ad likestilling mellom kjønn. Vi er ikke interessert i å erstatte patriarki med matriarki. Det har ingen interesse for kvinner fra FOLKET i motsetning til overklassen om det er menn eller kvinner på toppene!!! Fram for flat struktur!!!
Bulletin of the Anarchist International
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The IJ@ is mandated by the AI/IFA/IAF to be sent to anarchist groups, journals and organizations all over the world:
Europe, America, Asia, Oceania, Africa, Arctic & Antarctic and the Anarchy of the Oceans
NB! This site is also the official webpage of the Anarchist International Security Council (AISC), AI/IFA's secret intelligence organization, see footnote *****).
Very, very important message from The Anarchist International Security Council - Revolutionary pilots - as suggested by M. Bakunin -
And about 1. life with or without absolute hell fascism and 2. survival vs the end of mankind! Must be read at once. Top Secret! (no more - see close to the bottom of this website.)
AI - IFA - IAF is rooted back to the 1st International's (i.e. the International Workingmen's Association) conference at Saint-Imier, in The Swiss Confederation, 15-16.09.1872. At this conference it was decided an anarchist resolution denouncing all forms of [authoritarian] political power, i.e. political/administrative and economically broadly defined. Also a solidarity and fellowship pact was decided upon by the delegates. The anarchist international had meetings several times during the years passing by.
The Anarchist International (IFA) was reorganized at a congress in Carrara (Italy) 31.08-05.09.1968. The purpose of the congress was, among other things, to create a world wide anarchist organization as an alternative to "Cohn Bendit et autres gauchistes", also called "the children of Marx". Anarchists were tired of people presenting basically marxist ideas as anarchism. In the following years, several congresses were organized.
In 1997 the term Anarchist International (AI) was officially introduced, although mentioned several times before, say, in International Journal of Anarchism, IJ@ no 10/26 (15) in 1985. The constitution of the Anarchist International AI was officially confirmed on the International Anarchist Congress, i.e. the 5th Anarchist Biennial, arranged by the NAC/IFA/AI in Oslo medio December 1998. The AI is a broader organization and network than the IFA anarchist federations of some countries in the South and North. The International Journal of Anarchism, IJ@, is the only officially mandated and publicly registered organ of the Anarchist International AI-IFA-IAF. A documentary on the IJ@'s mandate is presented below on this file. The main different sections and federations of the Anarchist International world wide are presented at (click on) Links.***
The Anarchist International AI/IFA's main policy, a bit simplified, is in general to increase the democracy = libertarian degrees of countries, i.e. their economic-political systems, as much as much as possible, in the world in a dynamic perspective. Sometimes this implies a struggle to prevent a decline in the democracy = libertarian degree as much as possible, namely when other factors pull in the negative direction. AI/IFA puts some extra weight at a) the 3 anarchies of today, i.e. Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland, and policy towards higher anarchy/libertarian = democracy degree in these countries, as they are only anarchies of rather low degree, b) to get more countries to be anarchies, e.g. of them relatively near anarchy today, c) and to improve the situations and hike the libertarian degrees in the most authoritarian - least libertarian countries. In all cases AI/IFA concentrates on situations with significant momentum, e.g. popular revolt and more or less revolutions, in libertarian, democratic direction. Anarchy is liberal social democracy = real democracy, documented at Real democracy defined, i.e. always including green and human rights, see Anarchism and human rights. We are not imposing any system. The people, among them anarchists, make their own anarchisms (systems) in general voluntarely. An opposite of system in this context is ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), including chaos, i.e. non-anarchist. Freedom is a basic anarchist principle. We are for freedom.
Anarchism is, among other things, based on dialog and free, matter of fact, criticism. It is the IJ@ editorial group's mandate to spread the Journal of the Anarchist International to all anarchists etc. world wide, to keep up the dialog and free, matter of fact, criticism in the libertarian, i.e. liberal social democratic - network.
Fellows! The people, seen as a class in contrast to the superiors economically and/or political administrative, i.e. in income and/or rank. The present and future are in our hands! Contact AI - Click here and join the AI/IFA-network today! Be a networkmember/subscriber to the IJ@/AI/IFA-newsletters - Click here, and use the subscription link at the bottom of the page! Feel free to forward this information to your own network, and/or link up the Websites of AI/IFA = ANORG The ANarchists' ORGanization Global, at your blog or homepage. Join in the struggle for and towards anarchy and anarchism, i.e. for more socialism and autonomy; against economical plutarchy - that is capitalism; and against statism -- locally, domestic, regionally and world wide... Of course a struggle without ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), the opposite of anarchist, anarchy and anarchism!!! A struggle for anarchy and anarchism as opposed to all forms of marxism (state-socialism), liberalism and fascism, including populism. A struggle for a movement of the societal, i.e. economical and political/administrative, systems -- in libertarian direction, less authoritarian degree i.e. always including green and pro-climate policy... AI/IFA and its sections always work and demonstrate with dignity, use real matter of fact arguments and add weight behind via direct actions, mass actions, and via elections. Anarchy and anarchism = liberal social-democracy. More information is available via Contact AI - Click here! ...
A special anglophone language problem and a brief definition of anarchy and anarchism
The words anarchy and anarchism are a bit problematic. Sorry to say, anglophone languages are very much twisted in an Orwellian "1984" "newspeak" way, to fool the people via the education to worship authority, compared to Nordic language, say,
A. Rules, rule = regler, regel (relatively fixed ways to settle things in an orderly way, i.e. regulations and regulatory means); but also B. Rules, rule = hersking, hersker, herske (to be an arch/ruler, act as an arch, bestiality).
Thus in English/American the words 'archein (Greek) = herske (Nordic)' is translated to B. "rule" = to be an arch etc., but "rule" also is used as A. 'regel' = "rule" (i.e. rule(s) in the meaning of relatively fixed way(s) to settle things, disputes and conflicts in an orderly way, i.e. regulations and regulatory means = regel/regler). And thus, due to using one word to mean two very different things, i.e. A. and B, the anglophones are forced in an authoritarian way to think very much false and wrong about realities, with respect to anarchy, freedom and authority, that the Scandinavian people are not to the same extent. See the point! Anglophones are very much fooled by the authorities in this way, thus you probably cannot easily think free, but like a slave via psychological ruling, to think authority = ruler is necessary to keep order. In Norwegian a situation "an (without) arch(y)" "uten hersker" may very well considered to be with 'regler' because "hersker" = rules, and "regler" = rules, are quite different words. This is very difficult to understand with an anglophone basis.
C. Furthermore the Greek word "an" is not meaning "without" in general, but just as "an" in anaerobe and similar words, i.e. "an" means without what is mentioned in the suffix, but keeping what is essential in the matter, i.e. management in the meaning of coordination related to anarchy. Thus the whole thing gets often mixed up in the anglophone sphere, the language falsely forcing people to think that rule and rulers are necessary to settle things in an orderly way.
D. To fix this linguistical/language problem in a simple way, we mainly use the word "rules" in the meaning of one or more rules in case A, and the words "rule" and "ruling" in case B, unless something else is mentioned. We will now present a brief definition of anarchy:
The word "anarchy" origins from Greek. The original meaning, that everybody should stick to, is the following: The prefix "an" means "negation of", as in anaerobe vs aerobe, anandrous vs -androus, anhydride vs hydride, etc; i.e. "an" means without what is mentioned in the suffix, but keeping what is essential in the matter. The suffix "archy" means "rule (not rules or law), ruler, rulers, superior in contrast to subordinates, etc.", from Greek "archein", "to rule, to be first"; and "archos", "ruler" i.e. in a coercive, repressive, etc. manner, slavery and tyranny included. As mentioned "an" means without what is mentioned in the suffix, but keeping what is essential in the matter, i.e. in this case management in the meaning of coordination, but without ruling. The 'ruling' is not essential, but an evil alienation, i.e. bestiality. Bestiality is especially the hall-mark of systems with more than 666 per thousand (ca 67%) authoritarian degree, see map above. [The term "ca" is an abbreviation for the latin circa, which means about or approximately.] Thus "Anarchy" doesn't mean "without coordination, management, administration, etc.".
Anarchy is management, coordination and administration etc. without ruling and thus without rulers. NB! Remember D. Anarchy and anarchism also of course have and use regulations and regulatory means when necessary and optimal, i.e. significant selfregulation. That anarchy, means an-arch-y, i.e. management and coordination without ruler(s), not just "without rule", a vague term that superficially may be interpreted and manipulated in a lot of inconsistent ways, i.e. non-authoritarian as well as authoritarian, must never be forgotten. "An" means "without" as in an-aerobe, etc, "arch" means "ruler(s)" broadly defined, and "y" in this connection stands for system, management, coordination, as in monarch-y, oligarch-y, etc. The "an" is connected to "arch", not "y". Thus (an-arch)-y means without arch, but not without system, management, coordination, it means (an-arch)-system, management, coordination. In short an-arch-y = (an = without arch = ruler(s)) y = management. Anarchy = Liberal Social Democrcy = Real Democracy, i.e. always including Green, and pro-climate policy.
E. Anarchism is political systems and organizations coordinated as anarchy in the above meaning and manner, but also the political tendency advocating anarchy understood this way, and the scientifical knowledge about anarchy and the ways to reduce non-anarchist tendencies.
Anarchism is a modern sociological science broadly defined
Anarchism is a modern sociological science, this is a basic principle of anarchism declared by Pjotr Kropotkin in "Modern science and Anarchism" 1903, and still valid anarchism: "Anarchism is an attempt to apply to the study of the human institutions the generalizations gained by means of the natural-scientific inductive method; and an attempt to foresee the future steps of mankind on the road to liberty, equality, and fraternity, with a view to realizing the greatest sum of happiness for every unit of human society. This method it applies to all the so-called humanitarian sciences, and, availing itself of this method as well as of all researches which have recently been called forth by it... Anarchism endeavors to reconstruct all the sciences dealing with man, and to revise every current idea of right, justice, etc., on the bases [= methodology] which have served for the revision of all natural sciences.
Whether or not Anarchism is right in its conclusions, will be shown by a scientific criticism of its bases [i.e. the anarchist principles in general, the basic libertarian working hypothesis and theories updated] and by the practical life... But in one thing it is absolutely right: in that it has included the study of social institutions in the sphere of natural-scientific investigations; and makes use of the method by which modern natural science ... were developed. Owing to this, the very mistakes which Anarchism may have made in its researches can be detected the more readily. But its conclusions can be verified only by the same natural-scientific, inductive-deductive method by which every science and every scientific concept of the universe is created. Anarchism does not recognize any method other than the natural-scientific. No struggle can be successful if it is an unconscious one, and if it does not render itself a clear and concise account of its aim... [The method is a part of Anarchism]: Perhaps we are wrong and they are right. But in order to ascertain who is right, it will not do either to quote this and that authority, to refer to Hegel's trilogy, or to argue by the "dialectic method." This question can be settled only by taking up the study of economic relations as facts of natural science. Whithout entering into further discussion of the principles of Anarchism and the Anarchist programme of action [called Anarchist praxeologi, human action research, today], enough has been said, I think, to show the place of Anarchism among the modern sociological sciences." [Thus Anarchism is a modern sociological science broadly defined, including political economy etc, based on the methodology of modern natural sciences.]
Anarchism is an updated research front based on the natural scientifical method
Furthermore in the book "Modern Science and Anarchism" (1903) a.o.t. Peter Kropotkin declares - and gives the reason why - anarchism is defined as an updated research front of libertarian social scientifical research, using the methods of modern natural sciences, i.e. mathematical relations, statistics etc. Anarchism: "Its method of investigation is that of the exact natural sciences, by which every scientific conclusion must be verified... (using) ... the concrete language of natural sciences, -- so we proceed in dealing with the facts of social life... -- not by the dialectic method, but by the natural-scientific method, the method of induction and deduction... We had better give up using the sonorous words which only conceal the superficiality of our semi-learning. In their time the use of these words was, perhaps, unavoidable -- their application could never have been useful.. No struggle can be successful if it is an unconscious one, and if it does not render itself a clear and concise account of its aim...
Perhaps we are wrong and they are right. But in order to ascertain who is right, it will not do either to quote this and that authority, to refer to Hegel's trilogy, or to argue by the "dialectic method." This question can be settled only by taking up the study of economic relations as facts of natural science. Whithout entering into further discussion of the principles of Anarchism and the Anarchist programme of action, enough has been said, I think, to show the place of Anarchism among the modern sociological sciences. Anarchism is an attempt to apply to the study of the human institutions the generalizations gained by means of the natural-scientific inductive method; and an attempt to foresee the future steps of mankind on the road to liberty, equality, and fraternity, with a view to realizing the greatest sum of happiness for every unit of human society. In Anarchism there is no room for those pseudo-scientific laws with which the German metaphysicians of the twenties and thirties had to consent themselves. Anarchism does not recognize any method other than the natural-scientific.
This method it applies to all the so-called humanitarian sciences, and, availing itself of this method as well as of all researches which have recently been called forth by it, Anarchism endeavors to reconstruct all the sciences dealing with man, and to revise every current idea of right, justice, etc., on the bases which have served for the revision of all natural sciences. Whether or not Anarchism is right in its conclusions, will be shown by a scientific criticism of its bases and by the practical life.... But in one thing it is absolutely right: in that it has included the study of social institutions in the sphere of natural-scientific investigations; has forever parted company with metaphysics; and makes use of the method by which modern natural science .... developed. Owing to this, the very mistakes which Anarchism may have made in its researches can be detected the more readily. But its conclusions can be verified only by the same natural-scientific, inductive-deductive method by which every science and every scientific concept of the universe is created."
This basic principle of Anarchism, [i.e. the hypothetical deductive method, see Scientific Method ] per definition or seen as a methodological working hypothesis, is still valid and confirmed on all later anarchist congresses discussing this question in a scientifical, matter of fact, way. This libertarian, scientifical, way of thinking and research, praxeology i.e. human action research included, is the way to settle disputes, make action programs based on the anarchist principles in general, and develope anarchism further, - it is the basic methodological framework of anarchism and the Anarchist International. The other basic principles of anarchism are presented and discussed at (Click on) System theory and economic-political map and via links of this web-site.
Anarchism vs other -isms defined by the most basic principles
The most basic principles related directly to Kropotkin's definition of anarchy, anarchism and social sciences in general, as an updated research front, are the following:
( 1 ) Anarchies vs archies.
Societal, political-economical systems, including organizations
and political tendencies; economical, political or politological,
sociological and anthropological systems, may be anarchies or the
negation of anarchy = archies. Thus the total amount of societal
systems S = anarchy + archy <=> S = anarchies + archies.
Anarchy = anarchism, with respect to societal systems broadly
( 2 ) Archies may be expressed as x-archy, where
x is one of a set of systems characteristics of archs, say, (
mon, olig, poly, plut, ochl, matri, patri, hier, etc; but not an)
or a logical union of several x-es reflecting different forms of
archy/archies as opposed to anarchy/anarchies, i.e. the negation
of x-archy = archies.
( 3 ) Possibility of anarchy. It is assumed that
these terms reflect concepts that may be defined in a way that
anarchy is not impossible in reality, i.e. the amount of
anarchies in real terms is greater than the empty set, zero.
Anarchy is matter of degree = tendency. Anarchy, i.e. an
anarchist social system, may have 100% or a significant degree of
anarchy, i.e. less than 100%, but above a given significant level.
( 4 ) Significant anarchist tendency = anarchy.
As anarchy is the negation of x-archy it may not have any amount,
i.e. significant tendency towards or of, x-archy. Thus anarchy may
have zero or insignificant tendency towards or of archies. The
significant level is defined on aggregated dimensions.
( 5 ) Dimensions: a) There are an economic
dimension and a non-economical dimension in societal, political-economical,
system context: One aggregated economical, and one aggregated non-economical
dimension, i.e. political/administrative rank broadly defined.
Empirically this reflect economic remuneration and political/administrative
rank of organizational social systems' maps broadly defined.
b) The economical dimension measures socialism vs capitalism, where the degree of capitalism is the tendency towards or of economical archies (x-archy) and the non-economical dimension is autonomy vs statism, where the degree of statism is the tendency towards or of political/administrative archies.
c) Along these two
dimensions different forms of anarchy and archies (x-archy), are
measured and mapped. The degree of socialism = 100% - degree of
capitalism. The degree of autonomy = 100% - degree of statism.
Socialism and autonomy are defined as insignificant degree of
capitalism and statism respectively, and capitalism and statism
is defined as significant degree of statism and capitalism
respectively. Thus, socialism and autonomy are defined as
significant degree of socialism and autonomy, and capitalism and
statism are defined as insignificant degree of socialism and
autonomy respectively .
( 6 ) Anarchism and other -isms. Anarchy is the
negation of archies related to the economical and political/administrative
dimensions, i.e. socialism and autonomy. Capitalism is economical
plutarchy, including hierarchy and may be other x-archies broadly
defined in an economical context. Statism is political/administrative
monarchy, oligarchy, polyarchy, ochlarchy (mob rule), the archies
of rivaling states within the state, i.e. chaos; and the tyranny
of structurelessness i.e. disorganization, and/or political
plutarchy, and it may also include other archies, say, being
matriarchy, if the main rulers are women. Furthermore
1. Statism without (economical) plutarchy/capitalism = marxism ((state-) communism, state-socialism);
2. statism plus (economical) plutarchy/capitalism = fascism (populism included);
3. socialism without statism = anarchy = anarchism;
4. (economical) plutarchy/capitalism without statism = liberalism.
Libertarian (in the meaning of 'libertaire' (french) or 'libertær'
(nordic)), and real democracy (realdemocracy) are synonyms for
anarchist, anarchy and anarchism. Anarchy and anarchism are
sometimes called the third alternative, social form, or way. (This
must not be mixed up with Tony Blair's non-anarchist "third
way = neue mitte" of Gerard Schröder, or Adolf Hitler's
"dritte reich".)
Archies (x-archy) are defined equal to authority and State/government in societal context. Thus authority and State/government in societal context are liberalism, fascism and marxism broadly defined. And thus anarchy and anarchism are systems without any authority and State/government, in societal context, i.e. economical and political/administrative, also called political broadly defined. These societal, political concepts of state/government and authority, must not be mixed up with statism and the authoritarian degree, as defined related to economical-political mapping. Furthermore insignificant tendency towards or of State/government is not State/government, and insignificant tendency towards or of authority is not authority, but anarchy and anarchism.
( 7 ) Significant level at 50%. Anarchy has less
than 50% tendencies towards or of archies, x-archy, aggregated on
the two relevant dimensions, on a scale from 0 => 100%. Thus
more than 50 % tendencies towards or of archies, x-archy of
relevant x-es, aggregated on the economic and/or the non-economic
dimension, are not anarchist, not anarchy. Thus anarchy has 100-50%
degree of socialism and 100-50% degree of autonomy, and archies
have less of one or both, i.e. more than 50% degree of capitalism
and/or statism.
( 8 ) Anarchy defined: Anarchy and anarchism
mean system, coordination and management without ruling and
rulers (not without rules). i.e. co-operation without repression,
tyranny and slavery, and archies mean system, management and
coordination with ruling and rulers, i.e. the negation of anarchy
and anarchism. From greek 'an', as in anaerobe vs aerobe, i.e.
keeping what is essential of the object, (in this case system,
management, coordination) but without the special characteristic
mentioned in the suffix, i.e. 'arch', ruling and ruler(s), from
archos (ruler) and archein (ruling, being first).
( 9 ) Not totalitarian: The question of
anarchism and anarchy vs archies is limited to the societal
political-economical systems' management and coordination. What
is interesting in anarchist perspective is whether or not the
economical-political system has authority, i.e. ruling and rulers
- or not, with respect to the societal managent and coordination.
Other uses of the words anarchy vs x-archy and anarchies vs
archies are principally irrelevant to anarchism, and should in
general be avoided.
(10) Not valid concepts. Concepts as anarcho-archy
= anarchy-x-archy in any form, meaning system, coordination and
management "both with and without ruling and rulers" at
the same time and place, are not allowed for, because such
concepts are contradictive, and thus are nonsens and not logical
and scientifical, because this is in reality not possible, and
anarchism and anarchy are about realities. Thus anarcho-marxism,
anarcho-capitalism = anarchy-plutarchy, anarcho-ochlarchy,
anarcho-chaos, anarchy = chaos, anarchism = anarchy = minimal
state or libertarian state, state in general, anarcho-statism,
anarcho-authority, etc, are nonsense and not valid concepts, but
confused Orwellian "1984" "newspeak" that is
not anarchist, but authoritarian, i.e. chaotic, and should be
These axioms should be seen as fertile working hypothesis, not dogmas or absolutely truths. (IIFOR)
Briefly defined State in a broad societal meaning is systems with significantly large rank and/or income differences and inefficient, i.e. significantly vertically organized. Anarchies are systems with significantly small rank and income differences, plus efficiency, i.e. significantly horizontally organized.
In addition to these axioms and most basic principles of
social sciences, anarchy and anarchism and other -isms, other
principles of policy defining authority more precise and concrete
in a societal context, structural and functional, performance
included, must be introduced, and the significant level of
anarchy vs archies must be calibrated for applied and practical
research and analysis. This is a.o.t. discussed on the file (click
on:) System theory and economic-political map , search for
'calibration' and 'principles'. The axioms (1) - (10) are
consistent with the economical-political maps below:
*) The stars indicate the position of the Norwegian economical-political system after the revolutionary change in 1994/95.
1. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization - real democracy.
2. The Economic-Political Map
The anarchy degree is 100% - the authoritarian degree within the anarchist quadrant. (Esquerda means left, and direita means right. The star indicates the Norwegian economic-political system after the velvet anarchist revolution in 1994/95.)
3. Authoritarians notoriously mix up anarchy, anarchist and anarchism with authoritarian tendencies: Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannical behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, all in all ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined).
4. The word anarchy origins from Greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. NB! Any villain, ochlarch/ist, is an arch vis-a-vis the victims. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion - practically (significant, > 50% anarchy degree) or ideally (towards 100% anarchy degree). This is the opposite of the above mentioned authoritarian tendencies, i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates - in general ochlarchy.
5. Ochlarchy is typical with more than 67% authoritarian degree. Anarchy has equal to or more than 50% anarchy degree. Anarchy is organization in general without (significant) arch(s), but not without management. The influence on the management, economic and political/administrative, in private and public sector, goes in general more from the bottom - the grassroots - upwards than from the top downwards. At the middle-point of the map the influence from the bottom is 50%. At the top of the map, the anarchist ideal, the influence from the bottom is 100%, or the organization is without top, 100% flat. Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland are anarchies of low degree (anarchy degree > 50% but less than 60%). Other countries are more or less authoritarian (significant, > 50% authoritarian degree).
Anarchist International support action for the
social-individualist anarchist Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
Julian Assange, the main spokesperson for the news-organization WikiLeaks, is social and individualist as well as progressive, and may thus be seen as a social-individualist anarchist. As many social-individualist anarchists he does not use the label 'anarchist' about himself, at least not so far... But he 1. has 02.12.2010 been called anarchist on CNN, and more, 2. has a strong co-operation with -- and support for -- the social-individualist Anarchy of Iceland, 3. is mainly acting as an anarchist, a.o.t. a) for a free press -- against the media as a 4th power of the State, b) doing whistle-blowing against authorities, and c) works for libertarian human rights, and thus 4. practically certain is a social-individualist anarchist. To see an interview with Julian Assange about his main policy and activities click here!
The ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) against Julian Assange, a) falsely calling his whistle-blowing and other libertarian press-activities criminal, b) smear-campaigns with probably false accusations of rape in Sweden, c) people calling for his assassination and d) much, much more mobbing, e) must stop. Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, and their news-reporting, have full support from the Anarchist International and the Anglophone Anarchist Federation, and AI & AF have 02.12.2010 launched an international solidarity direct action for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. AI & AF call on all anarchists world wide, and all others that read this resolution, to join in the world wide support action. AI & AF demand continued freedom for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks!!!
PS. Fellows world wide! You can join in the international solidarity direct action for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks by forwarding this resolution to your own network, and/or link up the Web of Freedom Online, the official organ of the Anglophone Anarchist Federation and/or the Anarchist International at your Web and/or blog. Do it now!!!
The Anarchist International sees the music etc. of FABS as an important source of inspiration for anarchists, anarchism and anarchist action, in a global perspective. The Anarchist International protests against the tendencies of harassment of FABS from the capitalist - economical plutarchist - Internet online shops, although the five major albums of the FABS per 2011 are represented in these shops for listening and buying internationally, see (click on:) FABS. The Anarchist International calls on all anarchists world wide, to support FABS, the Federalist Anarchist Beat Society, by spreading information about the band and their music, and buying their records. For more information, see (click on:) FABS. At this Website you will find information about the band and their music, etc. and also links to international Internet online recordshops for each of these five albums.
The guidance of the world - look to the three anarchist, real democratic, countries... and the Anarchist International
Solving the economic recession problem
We accept no leaders of the world, be it USA, Russia, EU or China. However guidance is a must. Look to the three anarchist, the only real democratic, countries of the world, Norway, Switzerland and Iceland, guided by a.o.t. the Anarchist International and IIFOR. They will probably be the first to solve the economic recession problem, balancing 1) Total demand nominally = (Price level)(Labor productivity)(Total labor force). Where 2) Total demand nominally = Public and private consumption + Public and private real investment + Export - Import, 3) Price level = (1 + Inflation %/100) and Labor productivity is national product volume per employed, averagely, and inflation is measured by the price index for the national product. How to achieve this aim? Read A SHORT NOTE ON THE GENERAL THEORY OF ANARCHIST ECONOMICS: GENERAL THEORY . Anarchies have the best conditions to do proper demand management. The other most libertarian countries should follow them in coordinate efforts to solve the recession problem. The rest of the world should also join in. The sooner the better! Proper demand management now!!!
Countries: |
Rank of country according to libertarian degree, and type of system |
Libertarian degree and (authoritarian degree) % |
Degree of socialism |
Degree of autonomy and |
Gini-index |
Norway |
1 Anarchy |
54,0 (46,0) |
55,0 (45.0) |
53,2 (46,8) |
25,8 |
Switzerland |
2 Anarchy |
53,0 (47,0) |
51,0 (49,0) |
55,1 (44,9) |
33,1 |
Iceland |
3 Anarchy |
52,0 (48,0) |
54,0 (46,0) |
50,1 (49,9) |
25,0 (est.) |
Liechtenstein |
4 Soc.dem. |
49,5 (50,5) |
51,4 (48,6) |
47,7 (52,3) |
32,0 (est.) |
Luxembourg |
5 Soc.dem. |
49,2 (50,8) |
52,1 (47,9) |
46,5 (53,5) |
30,8 |
Denmark |
6 Soc.dem. |
48,8 (51,2) |
55,3 (44,7) |
43,0 (57,0) |
24,7 |
Japan |
7 Soc.dem. |
48,5 (51,5) |
55,2 (44,8) |
42,6 (57,4) |
24,9 |
Belgium |
8 Soc.dem. |
48,2 (51,8) |
54,0 (46,0) |
43,0 (57,0) |
25,0 |
Finland |
9 Soc.dem. |
47,9 (52,1) |
53,8 (46,2) |
42,6 (57,4) |
26,9 |
Sweden |
10 Soc.dem. |
47,5 (52,5) |
54,0 (46,0) |
41,7 (58,3) |
25,0 |
Netherlands |
11 Soc.dem. |
47,2 (52,8) |
52,0 (48,0) |
42,8 (57,2) |
30,9 |
Canada |
12 Soc.dem. |
46,8 (53,2) |
50,9 (49,1) |
43,0 (57,0) |
33,1 |
Austria |
13 Soc.dem. |
46,5 (53,5) |
52,1 (47,9) |
41,4 (58,6) |
30,0 |
Ireland |
14 Populist |
46,2 (53,8) |
45,0 (55,0) |
47,4 (52,6) |
35,9 |
Germany |
15 Soc.dem. |
45,9 (54,1) |
53,0 (47,0) |
39,6 (60,4) |
28,3 |
Spain |
16 Soc.dem. |
45,5 (54,5) |
51,5 (48,5) |
40,1 (59,9) |
32,5 |
Australia |
17 Populist |
45,0 (55,0) |
48,0 (52,0) |
42,2 (57,8) |
35,2 |
United King. |
18 Populist |
44,5 (55,5) |
44,7 (55,3) |
44,3 (55,7) |
36.0 |
New Zealand |
19 Populist |
44,0 (56,0) |
44,6 (55,4) |
42,4 (57,6) |
36,2 |
France |
20 Soc.dem. |
43,5 (56,5) |
51,4 (48,6) |
36,6 (63,4) |
32,7 |
Italy |
21 Populist |
43,0 (57,0) |
44,7 (55,3) |
41,3 (58,7) |
36,0 |
22 Cons. lib. |
42,5 (57,5) |
24,5 (75,5) |
69,8 (30,2) |
40,8 |
Israel |
23 Populist |
42,3 (57,7) |
47,8 (52,2) |
37,3 (62,7) |
35,5 |
Hong Kong |
24 Cons. lib. |
42,1 ( 57,9) |
22,1 (77,9) |
74,8 (25,2) |
43,4 |
Greece |
25 Populist |
42,0 (58,0) |
47,9 (52,1) |
36,6 (63,4) |
35,4 |
The estimates are approximately figures. © IIFOR/IJA ISSN 0800 0220 2007 and later.
Anarchy = here social-individualist anarchism; Soc. dem. = social democrat marxism; Populist = here moderate parliamentarian democratic fascism; Cons. lib. = Conservative liberalism. Ranking of countries according to libertarian degree, estimates of the libertarian degree in general, and information on methodology, see Ranking - footnotes and economic-political map at System theory .
Regards... P. Johansen , L. Jakobsen and A. Quist for AI and IIFOR 04.12.2008.
The International Anarchist Congress
The 17th Anarchist Biennial 25-27.11.2022
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
1. The main points on the agenda and proposals for decisions and resolutions are the updates on since the congress in 2020.
Among the main proposals for resolutions of the congress are the documents, articles and actions at (click on):
These documents and other updates on were decided with general consent as resolutions from the congress, i.e. the 17th Anarchist Biennial.
Contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The next congress - the 18th - will be in November 2024
The International Anarchist Congress
The 16th Anarchist Biennial 20-22.11.2020
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
1. The main points on the agenda and proposals for decisions and resolutions are the updates on since the congress in 2018.
Among the main resolutions from the congress are the documents, articles and actions at (click on):
These documents and other updates on were decided with general consent as resolutions from the congress, i.e. the 16th Anarchist Biennial.
Contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The next congress - the 17th - will be in November 2022
The International Anarchist Congress
The 15th Anarchist Biennial 23-25.11.2018
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
1. The main point on the agenda and proposals for decisions and resolutions are the updates on since the congress in 2016.
Among the resolutions from the congress are (click on):
10 facts about anarchy, anarchism and anarchists
10 fakta om anarki, anarkisme og anarkister
Anarchism and national liberation movements
Horizontal Organization - A brief survey
These documents and other updates on were decided with general consent as resolutions from the congress, i.e. the 15th Anarchist Biennial.
Contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The next congress will be in November 2020
The International Anarchist Congress
The 14th Anarchist Biennial 25-27.11.2016
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
1. The main point on the agenda and proposals for decisions and resolutions are the updates on since the congress in 2014.
Among the resolutions from the congress are:
USA - Anarchist anti-Trump actions Friday, January 20, 2017 - without ochlarchy!
Syria and Mexico - A mainly marxist collectivist project with relations to the Kurdish marxist-nationalistic terrorist organization PKK, called Rojava, is established in and around the city Kobane in the north of Syria. Similar to the mainly marxist collectivist project Chiapas in Mexico, Rojava has no support from the Anarchist International. Both Rojava and Chiapas have more than 50 % authoritarian degree already, located far left in the collectivist sector in the marxist quadrant of the the economic-political map, and will most likely develop to more than 67 % authoritarian degree, as the "Soviet Union" after the Russian revolution - a totalitarian system. Persons supporting the Rojava and Chiapas projects are the "useful idiots" of marxists.
These documents and other updates on were decided with general consent as resolutions from the congress, i.e. the 14th Anarchist Biennial.
Contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The next congress will be in November 2018
The International Anarchist Congress
The 13th Anarchist Biennial 28-30.11.2014
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
1. The main points on the agenda and proposals for decisions and resolutions are the updates on since the congress in 2012.
2. The anarchist revolution in Norway 20 years, see (click on) Anarchy in Norway. The Anarchy of Norway is still going strong.
The main resolution from the congress, see (click on) The anarchist velvet revolution in Norway 20 years - The Anarchy is still going strong.
This document and other updates on were decided with general consent as resolutions from the congress, i.e. the 13th Anarchist Biennial.
Contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The next congress will be in November 2016
The International Anarchist Congress
The 12th Anarchist Biennial 24-25.11.2012
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
The main points on the agenda and proposals for decisions and resolutions are the updates on since the congress in 2010:
Join the fight for anarchy - and more of it - world wide - NOW!
Participate in the struggle for anarchy, i.e. real democracy!
In addition to the general struggle for anarchy, on top of the agenda,1-2-3, equally important, is the fight for
1. social justice and security, 2. solution to the economic crisis & 3. solution to the global warming problem.
* The anarchist principle of social justice and social security *
* The World Economic Council - WEC - Against economic crisis *
* The Eco-Anarchist Manifesto - EAM - Against manmade global warming *
... and more ...
These documents and the other updates on were decided with general consent as resolutions from the congress, i.e. the 12th Anarchist Biennial.
Contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The next congress will be in November 2014
The International Anarchist Congress 2010
The 11th Anarchist Biennial 27-28.11.2010
Resolutions and more... Click here!
The next congress will be in November 2012
The International Anarchist Congress
The 10th Anarchist Biennial 29-30.11.2008
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
The main points on the agenda, the decisions and resolutions are
1. Anarchism in Iceland
Anarchy in Iceland and the Libertarian Federation of Iceland
2. Other items
2.1. Antimilitarism - an anarchist approach
IJA 2 (38)
2.2. The situation in Georgia
Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia
2.3. Let's build anarchism
A paper from Canada
If you have comments, contact the anarchist congress - click here!
The next congress will be in November 2010
The International Anarchist Congress
The 9th Anarchist Biennial 25-26.11.2006
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
The main points on the agenda are 1. Anarchy vs ochlarchy (mob rule) and 2. Anarchists vs ochlarchists.
Background information: Search for "ochlarchy" at
The main resolution from this congress is published at IJA 1 (36)
The International Anarchist Congress
8th Anarchist Biennial 27-28.11.2004
Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
The 10 anniversary of the anarchist velvet revolution in Norway 1994-2004, and beyond.
Click on 8th Anarchist Biennial
The 25th Anniversary of the
Anarchist Federation of Norway
1977- 2002
Web of
AFIN: 25th Anniversary
14-15 December 2002
The International Anarchist Congress
7th Anarchist Biennial - Medio December 2002
Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
Click on 7th Biennial
Annual Bank Conference on Development
Invited by UD
1927 - 2002:
LXXV aniversario de la fundación de la
Anarquista Ibérica - FAI
junio de este año e los días 21 y 22
information in English and Spanish?
Click on: Sevilla 2002
New, updated book on the history of FAI/IFA, the Iberian Anarchist Federation
A new book with the History of FAI, the Iberian Anarchist Federation, affiliated to IFA, celebrating the 75 years anniversary 2002, is now published, by FAI-group "Albatros". The book is an update of CNT's Juan Gomez Casa's earlier book Historia de la FAI, and is also including items and material not mentioned in the old book. The book may very well be used for study circles and further discussions and work on historical research of anarchism. The volume has 300 pages, costs 9 euros plus shipping costs; and may be ordered via the link to the orderform below.
Order FAI's historybook? - Click here, and send!
to the
Network for East Timor - AISNET!
Click here to join the
direct action
against ochlarchy and boycott of
Edgar Rodrigues
in Brasil!
The action ended 14.05.2009 when Edgar died 88 years old.
A documentary of the IJ@'s mandate:
The mandate of IJ@, seen historically, is close connected the history of "Folkebladet" and to the foundation of the Northern section(s) of IFA/IAF, the Anarchist International. The foundation of the Northern section(s) of IFA/IAF started with the affiliation of the Anarchist Federation of Norway. This is documented, among other things, in the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A, the official organ of IFA at that time. The "Commision de rédaction de bulletin CRIFA 145 Rue Amelot 75011 Paris France" and "C.R.I.F.A. Umberto Marzocchi Casella Postale no 22 17100 Savona (Italia)" were responsible for the publication. C.R.I.F.A. is the "Commission de relations de l'internationale des fédérations anarchistes". In C.R.I.F.A. Bulletin no 39 avril-mai 1982 p. 10 the following was reported:
L'ANORG a été fondéé à Oslo le 13 mars 1977 et a été depuis la seule organisation anarchiste de Norvège. et, ensemble avec la petite fédération syndicaliste NSF/AIT, les seules organisations libertaires dans tout le pays. L'ANORG, a des adhérents dans tout le pays. Nous vous joignons notre journal extérieur "Folkebladet" organe de l'ANORG, et nous avons également un bulletin intérieur.
Même si vous ne comprenez pas ce qui est écrit, nous pensons qu'il peut être intéressant que vous voyiez ce que les anarchistes norvégiens font.
L'ANORG a été invité par des anarchistes danois à rejoindre l'IFA. Congrès du 23-27 mars 1978, mais nous avons décidé avant d'avoir plus d'expérience et d'être capable d'y participer autant que les autres fédérations. Cependant le 15 janvier 1979 l'ANORG a voté à l'unanimité de rejoindre l'IFA sur les principes approuvés par le 3e congrès de l'IFA. Mais maintenant nous pensons qu'il est temps de participer au travail international sur un pied d'égalité avec les autres fédérations anarchistes. - Fédération anarchiste de Norvège.
A note about the founding date: "Foregangsgruppa i ANORG" - the interim group in the Anarchist Federation, rooted back to Kultursyndikatet, the Culture Syndicate in the late 1960'ties, had worked for several years as a loose network to found an anarchist federation, without semilibertarian marxists and liberal/individualists. Foregangsgruppa was formally founded 13 Mars 1977. This group did a lot of work to join the forces of the different groups and individuals of the anarchist movement, and after a wide debate, arranged the statutory general meeting of the federation, "stiftelsesmøtet", Tuesday 13. September 1977. Thus, Anarkistføderasjonen i Norge (AFIN) - Anarkistenes Organisajon (i Norge) - ANORG, the Anarchist Federation of Norway, was finally founded 13.09.1977. Folkebladet was founded in 1971, and had been the organ of different groups, before it became the organ of the Anarchist Federation. It had also been distributed internationally, mainly in Scandinavia.
The affiliation to IFA recorded in Bulletin C.R.I.F.A. no 39 avril-mai 1982, was confirmed in a letter from C.R.I.F.A. Umberto Marzocchi, dated 12th of May 1982 and another letter 09.11.1982. The first letter also urged the first Nordic Anarchist Congress. The term "Nordic" means Northern, i.e. in the North in general, as confirmed on a later congress.The Northern section(s) of IFA was founded at the first Nordic anarchist congress in Oslo, 15-18 October 1982. The Bulletin C.R.I.F.A no 42 novembre-février 1982 declared :
(There were a Spanish (p. 4) and an English (p. 5) report in this issue of the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A, but the Spanish version seems to be the most correct of the two, compared to the Swedish and Norwegian reports printed in Folkebladet, and other material. Thus we will quote the Spanish version here. Where the English version is more precise, this is noted in [...] brackets):
El primer congreso anarquista nordico se ha celebrado del 15 al 17 de octubre del [19]82 en Oslo (Folkets Hus, Youngstorget). Ha estado organizado por la ANORG/IFA (Federación anarquista noruega afiliada a la IFA). Este congreso se ha celebrado según el deseo de Umberto Marzocchi, secretario de la [IFA/]CRIFA, siendo expressado en una carta el 12 de mayo del [19]82 a la ANORG. Estaban presentes los delegados de varios paises nórdicos así que los observadores de la SAC (Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation) ... y un representante de la Federación anarquista francesa [a delegate from the French Anarchist Federation (FAF/IFA), was also present].
El principal tema de este congreso ha sido la cooperación anarquista nórdica... La meta a alcanzar es la adhesión de los anarquistas a una sección nórdica de la IFA a través de sus propios Federaciones nacionales. A este fin el congreso unánime decide la puesta en marcha de un secretariado nórdico de la IFA. Por el momento ese papel será tenido por el secretarioado administrativo [the expeditionary group] de la ANORG.... Los anarquistas que quieran adherir a la IFA podrán hacerio teniendo como intermediario el secretariado nórdico de la IFA. Estos anarquistas se encontrarán en la misma situación con respecto a la IFA que los miembros de la ANORG (decidiones, cotisaciones, etc.)
El secretariado nórdico publicará ocho bolitinos al año que serán adjuntos a Folkebladet ... o sea al boletin interior, o bién según el caso, un sepacio será reservado en sus publicaciones para las informaciones procedentes del secretariodo...
El secretariado nórdico a través del
boletin deberá contribuir a organizar actividas comunes, entre
otras, congresos, conferencieas, tribunas anarquistas, simposios,
seminarios, encuentros estivales y actividades culturales... El
secretariado deberá encargase de la coordinación de las
actividades [direct actions of different kinds] nórdicas.
El primer número del "Boletin Nórdico" editado por el
congreso, ha sido publicado en suplement del número 4 de
Folkebladet (año 1982). Su título es "IFA-Solidaritet"
(órgano de las secciones nórdicas de la IFA).
The conclusion of these documents recorded in Bulletin C.R.I.F.A no 39 avril-mai and no 42 novembre-février 1982, is that the Anarchist Federation of Norway - Anarkistføderasjonen i Norge (AFIN) - Anarkistenes organisasjon (i Norge) ANORG, was affiliated to IFA/IAF from 15.01 1979 with the organ "Folkebladet", and that the Northern Section(s) of IFA was/were founded and affiliated to IFA/IAF 15-17.10.1982, with the bulletin "IFA-Solidaritet", IAF-Solidarity, published in close connection to Folkebladet. The Northern section(s)' affiliation to IFA, was/were also confirmed on later IFA-congresses arranged in Oslo, and documented in issues of Bulletin C.R.I.F.A and IFA-Solidaritet, the two officially and mandated organs of IFA at that time. Furthermore, there were no opposition to these decisions recorded in the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A and IFA-Solidaritet, so they were decided by general consent *) .Some of the new Northern sections of IFA, i.e. the Danish, the Swedish and the Finnish, were in one years time refounded as IFA-federations, i.e. in 1983. This was unanimously decided upon by a general ballot, referendum, among the members of the Northern sections.This is recorded in IFA-Solidaritet, which was distributed to the other IFA/IAF-sections, among other things, via the C.R.I.F.A. The documents also imply that the IFA-secretariate in Oslo was not considered as a sub-secretariate to C.R.I.F.A, but on equal footing, i.e. as commissions for the Northern and Southern sections respectively.
In 1983 there were 4 Northern (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish) and 3 Southern federations (French, Italian and Iberian) in IFA/IAF plus the UAB (Bulgarian Anarchist Union) and the Northern sections outside Scandinavia. In the following years the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A declined in number of issues and quality, and it was necessary to do something to keep up the anarchist international information service. In 1984 Folkebladet and IFA-Solidaritet were gathered in one publication, and the name International Journal of Anarchism was introduced. At the same time the distribution started to develop world wide, not only in Scandinavia. Also "Brand", the Swedish anarchist paper of AFIS/APF, and later "International Journal of Organization Research", the organ of IIFOR, were included in IJA.
Since the IJA is a direct follower of Folkebladet, the volumes of the journal are counted from the founding of Folkebladet in 1971. Thus, issues of the volumes are noted as the number of the issue, plus the volume number, say 1 (31) for the first number of the 31st volume, i.e. year 2001. These changes were also confirmed on the later Northern IFA congresses. During the last part of the 1980ties the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A declined further, and finally finished publishing. Thus International Journal of Anarchism became the only officially mandated and publicly registered organ for the anarchist international IFA/IAF and the anarchist movement in general. The international journal registration number of IJA is ISSN 0800-0220. In 1996 IJA was introduced on Internet, and since 1998 it has been an electronic online-journal, distributed on the Internet and/or by e-mail world wide to anarchists and others with interest of anarchist information. There will however also be issues on paper distributed to IFA-sections and others interested in anarchy, anarchist(s) and anarchism internationally, that do not have access to e-mail or internet. IJ@ is also the organ of the International Anarchist Tribunal, founded in 1982.
The mandate for the International Journal of Anarchism, in addition to what is mentioned above, is similar to the mandate made for the Bulletin the old days, decided by the International of Anarchist Federations IAF/l' Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes IFA, (see Bulletin C.R.I.F.A no 42 novembre-février 1982 p. 2) updated to the modern IT-age:
We call again the decisions that have been taken at congresses of the Anarchist International IAF/IFA. After a long discussion about the development of IFA/IAF, and the best way to maintain links between the anarchists in the world, the next points have been decided:
- The IJ@ will be sent to the whole international libertarian movement (organizations, papers, reviews,...);
The IJ@ will be written in several languages: French, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, etc. and articles should be provided with an English summary. The summary may be omitted if the article is short and written in English;
- Circulars will be sent to the sections to discuss particular points and to convene reunions of work;
- Reunion of work convened by the joining sections, with summary in order to prepare these reunions. An objective of these reunions are to prepare new conferences of international campaignes.
- Internet and e-mail are suitable means to reach these ends.
In 1997 the term Anarchist International was introduced. This is a wider concept than the IFA/IAF meaning the affiliated federations. There are also sections and federations for anarcha-feminism, green/eco-anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, affiliations to the Community Action Network, CAN, and the Anarchist Black Cross, ABC, and for collectivist and communist/commune anarchism; social-, social-individualist and federalist anarchism, as well as individualist and mutualist anarchism, since 1982. The Anarchist International is based on the IFA/IAF-federations, i.e. mainly in Europe, but also includes groups and individuals that are anarchists or interested in anarchist information broadly defined all over the world. The constitution of the Anarchist International AI was as mentioned officially confirmed on the International Anarchist Congress, i.e. the 5th Anarchist Biennial, arranged by the NAC/IFA/AI in Oslo medio December 1998. In the later years the networkmembers/subscribers have been more and more global, no longer mainly in Europe.
Thus, the Anarchist International is a) a non-sectarian, non-dogmatic, non-dialectical and non-metaphysical broad based, including - and not expulsing - organization and network, b) covering all libertarian tendencies, where c) everybody on equal footing, coordinate, and co-operative without coercion, from each according to ability - to each according to need - may contribute to the research front of valid anarchism via the method of modern science, introduced by d) Kropotkin**, and based on research, consistency, skepticism, dialog, and free, matter of fact, criticism, in short e) the anarchist scientifical way of thinking. A short summary of the updated, consistent, research front on anarchism is found at System theory and economic-political map with links, and at IIFOR's homepage Web of IIFOR . A basic course to easily be updated on the research front on anarchism, according to need, is presented at AIUF's homepage at Anarchist International University Federation .
The purpose and aim is among other things to work stand by for one affiliated anarchist federation in each country, based on these principles, so the International may be a really anarchist alternative to the UN, i.e. for the whole world. Furthermore the IJ@ is distributed not only to libertarians, but to "the people, anarchists and authorities world wide", including the international newsmedia. This is to inform the world of resolutions from anarchist-congresses, -conferences, -seminars, -tribunals and other activities, and to organize common actions to promote more anarchy and less authoritarian tendencies in the different countries.
The AIIS - Anarchist International Information Service at, is the main international anarchist news-agency of today, and it is also engaged in the fight for anarchism world wide. AIIS, named "Anarkistenes Informasjonstjeneste - AIT" in Norwegian, was officially founded in 1994 by AIUF/AU, and established on Internet in 1996. In 1997 the AIIS was taken over by the AI/IFA-secretariate in Oslo, that had been doing media and information work all of the time since the founding in 1982, continuing the work of the secretariate of AFIN since the founding in 1977, with different mandates and staff. As mentioned the constitution of the Anarchist International AI was officially confirmed on the International Anarchist Congress, i.e. the 5th Anarchist Biennial, arranged by the NAC/IFA/AI in Oslo medio December 1998. At this congress the AIIS was mandated to be the offical newsagency of the Anarchist International. The AIIS is industrially and with respect to copyright a co-operative branch of IJ@ ISSN 0800 - 0220. (Source IJ@ no 5 (31), The history of AI-IFA-IAF and AIIS, see links on bottom of this page). ****)
*) As mentioned above the founding and membership of the Northern IFA-sections 1979-1982/3 were accepted by general consent throughout the rest of IFA, and thus it was of course not on the agenda at the congress in the South, i.e. Paris, 1986, as a few have misunderstood, where four elected delegates of the Northern IFA-sections participated by phone and written material was sent in advance, with the resolutions from the 4th IFA congress in Oslo, i.e. in the North, earlier same year, - (and not later).
**) This method, the scientifical anarchist way of thinking, was mainly introduced by Peter Kroptkin in 1903-13 in the book "Modern Science and Anarchism", but indicated in a more vague way already by Pierre J. Proudhon in the middle of the 19th century. Later on this method was developed further by, say, Frisch, Haavelmo, Santillan, etc.
***) We have seen some weird stories on Internet produced by Jamal Hannah et. al. that IJA is not a real organ of the Anarchist International and IFA/IAF a.s.o. This is probably rooted back to some intrigues against the Northern sections of IFA-IAF from some of the Southern federations (not the Spanish). To set things right we have made a documentary on the mandate of International Journal of Anarchism and the Anarchist International Information Service stating the facts by real historical documents, so everybody for themselves can confirm the truth about the mandate, and see that we are not posing, but the real ones. We are sick tired of these intrigues and will in this way try to put and end to it.
In 1986, at the fourth IFA-congresses in the north, and in the south where NAC, The Northern Anarchist Confederation's four federations participated by phone, the southern IFA-federations, the French, Spanish and Italian turned leftwards at the economical political map due to leftist-marxist tendencies.They thus left the anarchist quadrant on the economical-political map. The three southern IFA-federationas turned out to be "the children of Marx". (The Bulgarian Anarchist Union, UAB, was not a federation, but an authoritarian group, and thus not recognized by the International Anarchist Tribunal as a member of IAF-IFA.) This leftist-authoritarian position of the southern IFA federations made it necessary to reorganize the IFA to save it from the marxist- leftist positions. Thus, the majority of the IFA federations, the four northern, decided to reorganize the IFA, and started the Anarchist Biennials, a series of international anarchist congresses, the first one in 1990. The three southern IFA-federations and their secretariate were suspended by the majority of the federations, the four Northern, and the International Anarchist Tribunal, see IAT - Mandate , and the resolutions of their later congresses were disallowed, included the one in 1990. The suspension and the disallowance of their congresses will remain until the marxist-authoritarian tendency of the southern IFA-federations is removed. So far this has not happened. Thus the resolutions from their congresses from the fifth in 1990 and later are disallowed, due to significant marxist authoritarian tendencies. The latest statement (2007) from the Southern IFA/IAF federations against the Anarchist International is a.o.t: "The main problem is some lunatic in Norway". Thus they state that people that do not agree with them are lunatic, just like in the Soviet Union. This only confirms that the Southern IFA/IAF federations are marxistoid communist/collectivist on the economical-political map, and not anarchist. We can assure you that the about twenty persons working parttime for the AI/IFA-secretariate in Oslo are not lunatic, and neither are the rest of the Anarchist International.
The Anarchist International is a broader network than the IFA/IAF-sections in the north and south. The Anarchist International is a global, undogmatic, free thinking, nonsectarian modern anarchist international, with sections for anarchoindividualist, anarchocollectivist, social individualist and mutualist anarchist and anarchocommunist as well as green/ecoanarchist, anarchosyndicalist and anarchafeminist anarchists. The Anarchist International has about 2000 networkmembers/subscribers, groups and individuals, of which about 500 are in the northern sections of IFA/IAF, i.e counted without the Southern IFA/IAF-federations. The Southern IFA/IAF is a dogmatic, sectarian communist "anarchist", leftist marxistoid organization with little interest for the Anarchist International. The Southern IFA/IAF is more communist than anarchist, i.e. collectivist on the economical political map. Outside the anarchist quadrant on the map, far left in the marxist quadrant.
Further readings on the conflict between the Southern IFA-federations and the Anarchist International are "About the northern and southern sections of IFA-IAF and the Anarchist International AI-IFA-IAF" IJA 2 (35) , "The southern IFA-IAF-federations are marxist" IJA 3 (38) , "THE SO CALLED "ANORG-WARNING" IS FALSE " Lies about the Anarchist International rebuffed and "The Southern IFA Federations" Southern - see footnotes.
****) Decision making etc. of the Anarchist International. At the International Anarchist Congresses, the Anarchists Biennials, the International Congress-Seminars on Anarchism, starting with the first one in 1990, a fixed point of the agenda is election of the AI-secretariate and another fixed point is the updates of since last congress. Resolutions and decisions from earlier congresses that a) are not ended and b) not are objects for changes and updates, are c) automatically confirmed and are considered still valid, as resolutions from the present congress. Between congresses the AI-secretariate, AIUF, IIFOR, IAT and the editor group of IJA, are mandated to update the, also taking into account contributions from the AI-network broadly defined according to anarchist principles, according to decisions of the International Anarchist Congresses, i.e. the Anarchist Biennials, the International Congress-Seminars on Anarchism.
Resolutions with typical scientific content, i.e. testable hypothesis, are decided after discussion and investigations, scientific testing, including logic consistency tests, and evaluation, and of course, not by voting. To vote on typical scientific questions is like to "decide" by voting whether the earth is round or flat, or if 2 +2 is 4 or 5, and should be avoided. If the hypothesis/resolution after this is confirmed, the resolution is said to be decided by general consent or unanimously decided upon. However research principally never ends, and the hypothesis or theories may still be up for further discussions, investigations and testing, say, at the next biennial. Typical administrative economic-political resolutions, as for example a budget, may preferably be decided by general consent, say, after discussions and negotiations, or by voting, they can also be decided unanimously.
Resolutions may also have both a) a typical scientific part, and b) a typical administrative economic-political part, then each part is decided respectively as indicated above, to make the whole resolution. In general questions and resolutions considered controversial or for other reasons seen as fit for a wide public debate, are presented at the anarchist-debate fora at before decided on congresses or published in IJA or published at other relevant places on In general the decisions and the decision making should a) secure a high academic quality and competence, and b) be efficient and fair and according to anarchist principles in general, see, c) especially notes etc. about decisions and rules of decisions at Industrial organization etc, Basic Course, AI-secretariate, AIUF, IIFOR, IAT-APT, Anarchy Debate, Real democracy and IJA.
Groups and sections of AI/IFA in general are independent and have autonomy, i.e. have freedom within a framework decided by the the International Anarchist Congresses, i.e. the Anarchist Biennials, the International Congress-Seminars on Anarchism. Such framework may include checks and balances, accountability, anarchist principles and mandates and similar. NB! As almost all significant activities of the Anarchist International AI/IFA and its sections are reported on, checks & balances and accountability are easy to confirm and for all to see world wide, not only by the network of the Anarchist International - AI/IFA & its sections, and at congresses.
*****) About AISC. NB! Very, very important message from The Anarchist International Security Council = Revolutionary pilots ( = revolusjonære loser, in Norwegian) as suggested by M. Bakunin. And about 1. life with or without absolute hell fascism and 2. survival vs the end of mankind! Must be read at once. Top Secret! (no more). NB! This Website is also the official web-page of the Anarchist International Security Council (AISC). This council was established as an informal network in 1978 by the Anarchist Federation of Norway (AFIN) related to ochlarchist repression by the use of force from communists of AKP (ml), now Rødt, at May Day demonstrations. The council was expanded in 1979 when anarchists were violently attacked by rightwing extremists. The security network was confirmed on several international anarchist congresses later on, related to IFA. The AISC was officially confirmed as a world wide libertarian security network connected to the Anarchist International, at the 5th Anarchist Biennial, arranged by the NAC/IFA/AI in Oslo medio December 1998.
The structure of AISC is decentralized with no central command and no central committee. Ordinary Secret Service documents, i.e. Not Classified intelligence reports, of general interest, are sent to the IJ@/IJOR for publishing. Most of the networkmembers of the Anarchist International - AI/IFA and its sections are de facto acting generals ... all on equal footing - none above -- significant; and also networkmembers of the vast Anarchist International Security Council - AISC, i.e. world wide. The term acting generals indicates functions as general as well as ensign and rank and file soldier, self-managed on collective and individual basis. Acting generals of AISC are entitled to the use of 1 black & red star as rank symbol in duty, the sign of an ensign, and also called "one star general". Legitimate use of this star is always confirmed by the Anarchist International. The AISC takes care of all kinds of security functions, and may be a bit shadowy in some of them. One function is to act as revolutionary pilots, as mentioned by M. Bakunin, mainly related to velvet revolutions and revolutionary changes. AISC has freedom within a framework decided by the International Anarchist Congresses, the Anarchist Biennials of AI/IFA.
The strategy and tactics of AISC are based on the following facts: Anarchists in general are not pacifists. Anarchists are never terrorists. No real anarchist has been a terrorist historically. The strategy, tactics and practice of AISC are libertarian including mutual aid, compatible with real democracy and based on direct actions, i.e. without ochlarchy (i.e. mob rule broadly defined - terrorism is a form of ochlarchy). Thus, although AISC usually is involved in non-violent resistance, it may be violent, but only in legitimate and proportionate self-defense. The AISC is involved in the anarchists' general fight against ochlarchy, and contributes to guards at demonstrations, etc. In the rare case an AISC-networkmember, claiming to be libertarian/anarchist, is acting as an ochlarchist/ochlarch or in other ways is acting authoritarian, the networkmember will get a Brown Card from IAT-APT according to the Oslo Convention, and thus be expulsed from the anarchist/libertarian movement, etc.
AISC is no vigilantes/borgervern, paramilitary organization, armed militia, military organization, uniformed organization, secret agents, a conspiracy or organized crime, or a so called black bloc/block (i.e. fascistoid and/or commie-fascistoid, violent non-libertarian and ochlarchist paramilitary & militarist hierarchies). AISC is a 100% legitimate self-defense network, as mentioned based on mutual aid, and it is an antimilitarist organization and thus of course not militarist and not for militarism. But also of course many networkmembers of the AISC have legitimate weapons for hunting, sports and self-defense, on individual basis, as well as significant training in self-defense and martial arts broadly defined. NB! In the case of attacking murderer(s) - killer ochlarchs, and you don't have a gun, use a proper sharp knife to kill in necessary self defense: Just stab with the knife once - with all your strength - right in near the solar plexus and then up behind the breastbone (sternum) - then the ochlarch is killed (dau). So take a step back to avoid his/her blood. Call for allies if any. Then quick take out the next one the same way, a.s.o. until all attacking murderers are dead, alone or preferably with allies if possible. Afterwards you can do whatever you want! NB! Hesitation against attacking murderer(s) is ca. 100% always fatal - be as quick as possible and 100% without mercy. Then it is possible to survive, even against more than one killer-ochlarch.
If this does not work, say, because the killer-ochlarch has protected the heart, try the throat or stab in his stomach and try to run etc. Never surrender or get caught - fight on to death in anyway - if nothing else work and they will catch you - cut the central bloodvessel of your own throat - quick, because if you don't manage to kill yourself, and you have no allies to help you, that means ca. 100% probably hell first and last and if you are lucky, killed slowly with severe pain later. Best option is to be brave and die standing and fight as hell to the death, in the struggle against killer-ochlarchs. Cowardice and pacifism will ca. 100% likely punish itself with hell and more hell and even more hell, and if you are lucky slowly killed with much pain, much later on. Say, Hemedti's Mega-mafia-ochlarchist-ultrafascist RSF-mob State in Sudan, and per 2019/20 also with forces in Yemen and Libya, will ca. 100% certain have lots of killer-ochlarchs and mafia-ultra-fascist ochlarchist torturists and terrorists in general. And if the climate-destruction continues, Hemedti & the mob or similar may come to you for "lebensraum" soon. NB! Most networkmembers of the AISC have also significant education and training from regular armed forces in their home countries at different rank levels, some also as lieutenant commander, colonel or even higher rank. - However in AISC all have only one black & red star, are "one star generals", also called "ensign-generals". The AISC has also similar functions as the United Nations' Security Council (UNSC) for the anarchist movement and the libertarian world, 'le monde libertaire', and also somewhat related to the world in general. The AISC also contributes to prepare cases for the International Anarchist Tribunal, IAT-APT.
The AISC is also a junction between the libertarian movement and regular antimilitarist corps (or similar regular corps) of different countries and their defense organizations. AISC also gives advice in security matters on local and national level, as well as to the international community, at relevant time, place and events. The AISC is inspired by a.o.t. the works of Sun Tzu interpreted in a libertarian way, i.e. , say, the term "sovereign" is interpreted as the People, seen as a class as opposed to superiors, and not a ruler/rulers [x-arch(s), where x can be anything but not 'an'], etc. Remember also at the historic time of Sun Tzu there were no airforce, cruise missiles, nuclear bombs and similar. AISC is also inspired by George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia". See Antimilitarism - an anarchist approach - IJA 2 (38), The International Conference on Terrorism - IJA 4 (31) & Socal justice and security and in general, for more information about the organization and self-management, as well as strategy & tactics and practice, of AISC. NB! The AISC is also a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) as all organizations. What is declared above and here - are ca. 100% certain truths and rules for necessary violent self defense for all real democrats, i.e. de facto anarchists, also valid for the GGS-subscribers/network-members, see (click on:) violent direct action.
Pacifists in the present and coming fight and war against ultra-authoritarian ochlarchist marxists, fascists and arch-conservative liberalists, all of which tend to develop into ultra-fascism, i.e. killer ochlarchs, face ca. 100% certain hell and slow painful death, as Jesus and NB! probably much worse. Jesus is 100% dead and not risen from the grave. He was an idiot - and got a painful death totally in vain. Don't follow idiots or be an idiot in other ways, and in the fight against killer-ochlarchists certainly go to hell and a slowly painful death. NB! Lies about life after death are horrible fatal and evil and ultra-authoritarian fascist lies. Must be stopped 100% - NOW- SOON! 100% atheism with 0% agnosticism is the only and 100% truth. Fatal 100% evil ultra-authoritarian fascist-religious lies are de facto ultra-fascist war propaganda, and must be treated as such. To hell with it!
NB! You live and die here and now, there is no afterlife, and the Green Global Spring Revolution, GGS, is a fight to the death for anarchy-democracy & green, and survival of mankind vs real hell-ochlarchy-ultra-fascism with full blown climate crisis, - all the way to the end of mankind, which if the ultra-authoritarian ochlarchist-fascists, i.e. ultra-fascists - win, will hopefully then be rather soon.
AISC is lead by two Universal Cosmic Top Secret units with codenames Emma Amelia (EA) and Den Kosmiske E-tjenesten (DKE). AISC has powerful secret service technology at its disposal. This is demonstrated among other ways in an e-mail to Margrethe Stensson and her team at Tåsen mental hospital, where she is followed and investigated via AISC's technology, see (click on:) AISC5. The AISC is a part - division - of International Journal of Organization Research - IJOR/Folkebladet/IJ@/AISC © ISSN 0800-0220 - electronic issues ISSN 1890-9485 since 2009, with Harald Fagerhus as responsible editor.
Interpretation of the logo: An anarchist @-sign (= Anarchist & A) with the flash to the right meaning I (= International), the flash to
the left meaning S (= Security) and the C in black at the circle (= Council) , thus AISC - the Anarchist International Security Council.
Resolution, decided with general consent, by:
The International Anarchist Congress
The 11th Anarchist Biennial 27-28.11.2010
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
The AI/IFA network represents more than 50 000 anarchist world wide
To see the Website of the Congress - Click here!