I want a strike where we go all. A strike of arms, legs, hair, a strike being born in each body.
I want a strike by workers, doves, chauffeurs, flowers, technicians, children, doctors, women.
I want a big strike, which to reach love. A strike where everything stops, the clock, factories, campus, schools, bus, hospitals, roads, ports.
A strike of eyes, hands and kisses. A strike where to breathe is not permitted, a strike where the silence is born to hear the footsteps of the tyrant who leaves.
Gioconda Belli
Quiero una huelga donde vayamos todos. Una huelga de brazos, piernas, de cabellos, una huelga naciendo en cada cuerpo.
Quiero una huelga de obreros, de palomas, de chóferes, de flores, de técnicos, de niños, de médicos, de mujeres.
Quiero una huelga grande, que hasta el amor alcance. Una huelga donde todo se detenga, el reloj, las fábricas, el plantel, los colegios, el bus, los hospitales, la carretera, los puertos.
Una huelga de ojos, de manos y de besos. Una huelga donde respirar no sea permitido, una huelga donde nazca el silencio para oir los pasos del tirano que se marcha.
Gioconda Belli
Sources: Anarcha-feminist picture and poem in Spanish, CGT - Rojo y Negro, e-mail with links sent to AI & IAF-AFI by RyN 23.02.2010. Poem translated to English by a Norwegian anarcha-feminist.
Gioconda Belli (born December 9, 1948 in Managua, Nicaragua) is an author, novelist and renowned Nicaraguan poet. She was earlier with the FSLN, but left it and is now a major critic of the government from a kind of libertarian perspective.