International Journal of Anarchism

ifa-Solidaritet - folkebladet - © ISSN 0800-0220 no 5 (31) editor H. Fagerhus

Bulletin of the Anarchist International

Included BRAND, DIALOG and International Journal of Organization Research





The history of IJ@ is close connected the history of "Folkebladet" and to the foundation of the Northern section(s) of IFA/IAF, the Anarchist International. The foundation of the Northern section(s) of IFA/IAF started with the affiliation of the Anarchist Federation of Norway. This is documented, among other things, in the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A, the official organ of IFA at that time. The "Commision de rédaction de bulletin CRIFA 145 Rue Amelot 75011 Paris France" and "C.R.I.F.A. Umberto Marzocchi Casella Postale no 22 17100 Savona (Italia)" were responsible for the publication. C.R.I.F.A. is the "Commission de relations de l'internationale des fédérations anarchistes". In C.R.I.F.A. Bulletin no 39 avril-mai 1982 p. 10 the following was reported:


L'ANORG a été fondéé à Oslo le 13 mars 1977 et a été depuis la seule organisation anarchiste de Norvège. et, ensemble avec la petite fédération syndicaliste NSF/AIT, les seules organisations libertaires dans tout le pays. L'ANORG, a des adhérents dans tout le pays. Nous vous joignons notre journal extérieur "Folkebladet" organe de l'ANORG, et nous avons également un bulletin intérieur.

Même si vous ne comprenez pas ce qui est écrit, nous pensons qu'il peut être intéressant que vous voyiez ce que les anarchistes norvégiens font.

L'ANORG a été invité par des anarchistes danois à rejoindre l'IFA. Congrès du 23-27 mars 1978, mais nous avons décidé avant d'avoir plus d'expérience et d'être capable d'y participer autant que les autres fédérations. Cependant le 15 janvier 1979 l'ANORG a voté à l'unanimité de rejoindre l'IFA sur les principes approuvés par le 3e congrès de l'IFA. Mais maintenant nous pensons qu'il est temps de participer au travail international sur un pied d'égalité avec les autres fédérations anarchistes. - Fédération anarchiste de Norvège.

A note about the founding date: "Foregangsgruppa i ANORG" - the interim group in the Anarchist Federation, rooted back to Kultursyndikatet, the Culture Syndicate in the late 1960'ties, had worked for several years as a loose network to found an anarchist federation, without semilibertarian marxists and liberal/individualists. Foregangsgruppa was formally founded 13 Mars 1977. This group did a lot of work to join the forces of the different groups and individuals of the anarchist movement, and after a wide debate, arranged the statutory general meeting of the federation, "stiftelsesmøtet", Tuesday 13. September 1977. Thus, Anarkistføderasjonen i Norge (AFIN) - Anarkistenes Organisajon (i Norge) - ANORG, the Anarchist Federation of Norway, was finally founded 13.09.1977. Folkebladet was founded in 1971, and had been the organ of different groups, before it became the organ of the Anarchist Federation. It had also been distributed internationally, mainly in Scandinavia.

The affiliation to IFA recorded in Bulletin C.R.I.F.A. no 39 avril-mai 1982, was confirmed in a letter from C.R.I.F.A. Umberto Marzocchi, dated 12th of May 1982 and another letter 09.11.1982. The first letter also urged the first Nordic Anarchist Congress. The term "Nordic" means Northern, i.e. in the North in general, as confirmed on a later congress.The Northern section(s) of IFA was founded at the first Nordic anarchist congress in Oslo, 15-18 October 1982. The Bulletin C.R.I.F.A no 42 novembre-février 1982 declared :

(There were a Spanish (p. 4) and an English (p. 5) report in this issue of the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A, but the Spanish version seems to be the most correct of the two, compared to the Swedish and Norwegian reports printed in Folkebladet, and other material. Thus we will quote the Spanish version here. Where the English version is more precise, this is noted in [...] brackets):


El primer congreso anarquista nordico se ha celebrado del 15 al 17 de octubre del [19]82 en Oslo (Folkets Hus, Youngstorget). Ha estado organizado por la ANORG/IFA (Federación anarquista noruega afiliada a la IFA). Este congreso se ha celebrado según el deseo de Umberto Marzocchi, secretario de la [IFA/]CRIFA, siendo expressado en una carta el 12 de mayo del [19]82 a la ANORG. Estaban presentes los delegados de varios paises nórdicos así que los observadores de la SAC (Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation) ... y un representante de la Federación anarquista francesa [a delegate from the French Anarchist Federation (FAF/IFA), was also present].

El principal tema de este congreso ha sido la cooperación anarquista nórdica... La meta a alcanzar es la adhesión de los anarquistas a una sección nórdica de la IFA a través de sus propios Federaciones nacionales. A este fin el congreso unánime decide la puesta en marcha de un secretariado nórdico de la IFA. Por el momento ese papel será tenido por el secretarioado administrativo [the expeditionary group] de la ANORG.... Los anarquistas que quieran adherir a la IFA podrán hacerio teniendo como intermediario el secretariado nórdico de la IFA. Estos anarquistas se encontrarán en la misma situación con respecto a la IFA que los miembros de la ANORG (decidiones, cotisaciones, etc.)

El secretariado nórdico publicará ocho bolitinos al año que serán adjuntos a Folkebladet ... o sea al boletin interior, o bién según el caso, un sepacio será reservado en sus publicaciones para las informaciones procedentes del secretariodo...

El secretariado nórdico a través del boletin deberá contribuir a organizar actividas comunes, entre otras, congresos, conferencieas, tribunas anarquistas, simposios, seminarios, encuentros estivales y actividades culturales... El secretariado deberá encargase de la coordinación de las actividades [direct actions of different kinds] nórdicas.
El primer número del "Boletin Nórdico" editado por el congreso, ha sido publicado en suplement del número 4 de Folkebladet (año 1982). Su título es "IFA-Solidaritet" (órgano de las secciones nórdicas de la IFA).

(The reports were signed by the COMMISION DE REDACTION DU BULLETIN CRIFA. Editors note)

The conclusion of these documents recorded in Bulletin C.R.I.F.A no 39 avril-mai and no 42 novembre-février 1982, is that the Anarchist Federation of Norway - Anarkistføderasjonen i Norge (AFIN) - Anarkistenes organisasjon (i Norge) ANORG, was affiliated to IFA/IAF from 15.01 1979 with the organ "Folkebladet", and that the Northern Section(s) of IFA was/were founded and affiliated to IFA/IAF 15-17.10.1982, with the bulletin "IFA-Solidaritet", IAF-Solidarity, published in close connection to Folkebladet. The Northern section(s)' affiliation to IFA, was/were also confirmed on later IFA-congresses arranged in Oslo, and documented in issues of Bulletin C.R.I.F.A and IFA-Solidaritet, the two officially and mandated organs of IFA at that time. Furthermore, there were no opposition to these decisions recorded in the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A and IFA-Solidaritet, so they were decided by general consent. Some of the new Northern sections of IFA, i.e. the Danish, the Swedish and the Finnish, were in one years time refounded as IFA-federations, i.e. in 1983. This was unanimously decided upon by a general ballot, referendum, among the members of the Northern sections.This is recorded in IFA-Solidaritet, which was distributed to the other IFA/IAF-sections, among other things, via the C.R.I.F.A. The documents also implies that the IFA-secretariate in Oslo was not considered as a sub-secretariate to C.R.I.F.A, but on equal footing, i.e as commissions for the Northern and Southern sections respectively. (To recollect these well documented historical facts may be reasonable, because some Trotskyite "friends" have denied these facts, and spread their disinformation, among other things, via Internet. They try to do "creative" marxist history writing. This disinformation must of course not be taken seriously.)

In 1983 there were 4 Northern (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish) and 3 Southern federations (French, Italian and Iberian) in IFA/IAF plus the UAB (Bulgarian Anarchist Union) and the Northern sections outside Scandinavia. In the following years the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A declined in number of issues and quality, and it was necessary to do something to keep up the anarchist international information service. In 1984 Folkebladet and IFA-Solidaritet were gathered in one publication, and the name International Journal of Anarchism was introduced. At the same time the distribution started to develop world wide, not only in Scandinavia. Also "Brand", the Swedish anarchist paper of AFIS/APF, and later "International Journal of Organization Research", the organ of IIFOR, were included in IJA. (See http://www.powertech.net/anarchy/brand.html and http://www.anarchy.no/iifor.html ) After some delay the organ of AFID, "Dialog", was also included in Folkebladet/IJ@.

Since the IJA is a direct follower of Folkebladet, the volumes of the journal are counted from the founding of Folkebladet in 1971. Thus, issues of the volumes are noted as the number of the issue, plus the volume number, say 1 (31) for the first number of the 31st volume, i.e. year 2001. These changes were also confirmed on the later Northern IFA congresses. During the last part of the 1980ties the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A declined further, and finally finished publishing. Thus International Journal of Anarchism became the only officially mandated and publicly registered organ for the anarchist international IFA/IAF and the anarchist movement in general. The international journal registration number of IJA is ISSN 0800-0220. In 1996 IJA was introduced on Internet, and since 1998 it has been an electronic online-journal, distributed on the Internet and/or by e-mail world wide to anarchists and others with interest of anarchist information. There will however also be issues on paper distributed to IFA-sections and others interested in anarchy, anarchist(s) and anarchism internationally, that do not have access to e-mail or internet. IJ@ is also the organ of the International Anarchist Tribunal, founded in 1982.

The mandate for the International Journal of Anarchism, in addition to what is mentioned above, is similar to the mandate made for the Bulletin C.R.I.F.A.in the old days, decided by the International of Anarchist Federations IAF/l' Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes IFA, updated to the modern IT-age:

We call again the decisions that have been taken at congresses of the Anarchist International IAF/IFA. After a long discussion about the development of IFA/IAF, and the best way to maintain links between the anarchists in the world, the next points have been decided:

- The IJ@ will be sent to the whole international libertarian movement (organizations, papers, reviews,...);

The IJ@ will be written in several languages: French, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, etc. and articles should be provided with an English summary. The summary may be omitted if the article is short and written in English;

- Circulars will be sent to the sections to discuss particular points and to convene reunions of work;

- Reunion of work convened by the joining sections, with summary in order to prepare these reunions. An objective of these reunions are to prepare new conferences of international campaignes.

- Internet and e-mail are suitable means to reach these ends.

In 1997 the term Anarchist International was introduced. This is a wider concept than the IFA/IAF meaning the affiliated federations. The Anarchist International is based on the IFA/IAF-federations, i.e. mainly in Europe, but also includes groups and individuals that are anarchists or interested in anarchist information broadly defined all over the world. The purpose of this is to work stand by for one affiliated anarchist federation in each country, so the International may be a really anarchist alternative to the UN, i.e. for the whole world. Furthermore the IJA is distributed not only to libertarians, but to "the people, anarchists and authorities world wide", including the international newsmedia. This is to inform the world of resolutions from anarchist-congresses, -conferences, -seminars, -tribunals and other activities, and to organize common actions to promote more anarchy and less authoritarian tendencies in the different countries. The main issues of IJ@ are the following:



Reports and special issues

1. Anarkismen i Norge I, 1850-1920. Anarchism in Norway I, 1850-1920. (ISBN 82-90468-00-8)

2. Ibsens Ikke-statsteori. Ibsen's non-state theory. (ISBN 82-90468-01-6)

3. Anarkofeminismen. Anarchafeminism. (ISBN 82-90468-02-4)

4. Bjørneboes anarkisme. Bjørneboe's anarchism. (ISBN 82-90468-03-2)

5. Husk Kronstadt. Don't forget Kronstadt. (ISBN 82-90468-04-0)

6. Anarkismen i Norge II, 1920-45. Anarchism in Norway II. 1920-45. (ISBN 82-90468-05-9)

7. Anarkismen i Norge III, 1945-80. Anarchism in Norway III, 1945-80. (ISBN 82-90468-06-7)

8. Anarkismen i Norge IV, 1977-83. Anarchism in Norway IV, 1977-83. (ISBN 82-90468-07-5)

9. Nordisk anarkistkongress I&II. Northern anarchist congress I&II. (ISBN 82-90468-08-3)

10. Anarkismen her og nå. Anarchism here and now. (ISBN 82-90468-09-1)

11. Anarchism on the Political Map (ISBN 82-90468-10-5)

12. Antimilitarisme på anarkististisk vis - Antimilitarism the anarchist way. (ISBN 82-90468-11-3)

13. LOS; ledelse, organisasjon og styring i samfunnsperspektiv. PILOT; guiding, organization and management in societal perspective (ISBN 82-90468-12-1)

14. Økonomisk politiske alternativer 1970-81. Economical political alternatives 1970-81. (ISBN 82-90468-14-8)

15. CNT - Anarkismen i Spania. CNT - Anarchism in Spain. (ISBN 82-90468-15-6)

16. Den anarkistiske materialismen. The anarchistic materialism. (ISBN 82-90468-16-4)

17. Anarchism, Technology & Freedom (ISBN 82-90468-17-2)

18 Målstyring og horisontal organisasjon. Management by objectives and horizontal organization. (ISBN 82-90468-18-0)

19. Anarki eller kaos. En guide til anarkismens grunnbegreper. Anarchy vs chaos. A guide to the basic concepts of anarchism. (ISBN 82-90468-19-9)

20. AFA; Anarkismen for alle - begreper, prinsipper og praksis. AFA; Anarchism for anyone - concepts, principles and practice. (ISBN 82-90468-20-2)

21. Grunnkurs i anarkismen: AFA, Studiemanual og Register. Basic course of anarchism. AFA, Teaching manual and register (ISBN 82-90468-22-9)


International Journal of Anarchism - ifa-Solidaritet - folkebladet

Bulletin of the Anarchist International

(ISSN 0800-0220) Founded 1971

4/80 Anarkisme kontra marxist-leninisme. Anarchism vs marxist leninism.

3/81 Anarkismens relevans til dagens samfunnsproblemer, Hvem er egentlig anarkist ?, Reklame og sexisme. The relevance of anarchism vis-à-vis today's societal problems. Who are really anarchist ? Commercials and sexism.

4/81 Ibsens ikke-statsteori, Anarkisme kontra Rudolf Steiner og antroposofien, Anarkisme kontra marxisme. The non-state theory of Ibsen, Anarchism vs Rudolf Steiner and the Waldorf school/anthroposophy. Anarchism vs marxism.

1/82 Anarkofeminisme, Castros Cuba, Augustin Souchy, De marginale. Anarcha-feminism, Castro's Cuba, Augustin Souchy. The marginalized.

3/82 Anarkismens historie i Norge I, Anarki i Norden, Murray Bookchin og økoanarkismen. The history of anarchism in Norway part I. Anarchy in the North, Murray Bookchin and eco-anarchism.

4/82 Anarkismens historie i Norge II, Nordisk anarkistkongress 1982. The history of anarchism in Norway part II. Northern anarchist congress 1982.

1/83 Anarkismens historie i Norge III, Anarkofeministisk manifest, Anarkosyndikalisme. The history of anarchism in Norway part III, Anarchafeminist manifesto, Anarchosyndicalism.

2/83 Anarkismen i Norge IV, Direkte aksjon, Fredsbevegelsen. The history of anarchism in Norway part IV, Direct action, The peace movement.

3/83 Nordisk anarkistkongress I&II, Anarkistene mot rusmidler, Hedningsamfunnet, m.v. Northern anarchist congress I&II, The anarchists against drugs. The Heathen (Atheist) Society, etc.

4/83 Anarkismen her og nå, Radio Libertaire, Fredsaksjonen. Anarchism here and now, Radio Libertaire, the Peace action.

The main articles of the volumes 1984-94 of the IJ@ newsletters are electronically available via (click on: ) http://www.anarchy.no/ija1984-94.html

2/84 Nordisk anarkistkongress III, (ANORGs5.) i Oslo. Northern anarchist congress III (ANORG's 5th) in Oslo.

1/85 Bort med marxismen, pasifismen, terrorismen. No to marxism, pacifism, terrorism.

9/85 International Institute for Organization Research. (Institutt for organisasjonsforskning.)

10/85 Horisontal organisasjon og SAS-modellen. Horizontal organization and the SAS-model.

3/86 Anarkofeminismen. Anarcha-feminism.

15/86 Nordisk Anarkistkongress IV (ANORGs 6). Northern anarchist congress IV (ANORG's 6th)

3/87 Nordisk Anarkistkongress V (ANORGs 7). Northern anarchist congress V (ANORG's 7th)

3/88 Anarkisme kontra populisme og liberalisme. Anarchism vs populism and liberalism.

4/88 Anarkismen, Ap og Frp. Anarchism, Labor Party and the populist Fr.p

5/88 Anarkisme, folkeavstemming og demokrati.(& EF). Anarchism, referendum and democracy (& EEC).

1/89 Nordisk anarkistkongress i 1988 (ANORGs 8). Northern anarchist congress in 1988 (ANORG's 8th).

2/89 Om Russland og Kina. About Russia and China.

3/89 Nordisk anarkistkongress 1989 (ANORGs 9). Folkeavstemming og direkte demokrati. Northern anarchist congress 1989 (ANORG's 9th)

17/89 Forblendet av Blitz. Blitzed by Blitz.(A left wing marxist "autonomous" group in Oslo)

1/90 Kapitalisme er tjueri - tjueri er kapitalisme. Capitalism is theft - theft is capitalism.

2/90 Provokatører og falske anarkister. provokers and false anarchists.

3/90 Europa ( Anarkistbiennalen, ANORGs 10 kongress-seminar), Europe (The first Anarchist Biennial, ANORG's 10th congress-seminar)

17/90 Nei til EF! Folkeavstemning om EØS? No to EEC! Referendum on EES?

1/91 Marxisme kontra anarkisme - Marxismens sanne ansikt. Marxism vs anarchism, The true face of marxism.

2/91 Anarkisme og antimilitarisme. Anarchism and antimilitarism.

3/91 Anarkisme og lov . Anarchism and law.

4/91 Anarko-kommunale sysselsettings-modeller (AKSM). Anarcho-municipal employment models (AMEM)

1/92 Frihetens øyeblikk må konsolideres. The moment of freedom must be concolidated.

2/92 Antiautoritært EF-opprør i Danmark. Anti-authoritarian EEC-revolt in Denmark

3/92 Litt anarkistisk økonomi - Anarkistbiennalen 1992. (ANORGs 11. k.s.). Some anarchist economics - The second anarchist biennial (ANORG's 11th congress-seminar)

4/92 Anarkisme kontra marxisme og terrorisme. Anarchism vs marxism and terrorism.

1/93 En økonomi er sunn - bare i den grad den er anarkistisk. An economy is sound - only to the extent it is anarchist.

2/93 Anarkismens røtter - a propos hval og valg. The roots of anarchism - a propos whale and election.

3/93 Klasseanalyse - Autoritære partier med frihetlig retorikk. Class-analysis - Authoritarian parties with libertarian rhetoric.

4/93 Innledningen til en samfunnsvitenskapelig revolusjon. The introduction to a social science revolution.

1/94 Anarkisme kontra individualisme og kollektivisme. Anarchism vs individualism and collectivism.

2/94 Anarkisme og lokalpolitikk. Anarchism and local politics.

3/94 Anarkistene mot borgerskapets vrengebilde av anarkismen. Anarchism vs the authorities travesty of anarchism.

4/94 Referendum og levende anarki. Referendum and living anarchy.

The main articles of the volumes 1984-94 of the IJ@ newsletters are electronically available via (click on: ) http://www.anarchy.no/ija1984-94.html

1/95 Anarchist vs bureaucracy economics.

2/95 Anarchism ... so far. Free press vs 4th power of the state

3/95 Anarchism, state and capitalism

4/95 Anarchism: Ideal, principles & practice

1/96 Anarchist alternative to Maastricht

2/96 Anarchism - The logical structure

3/96 Anarchist International Information Service at Internet

All of the issues from 4/94 to 3/96 of the IJ@ newsletters are electronically available via (click on: ) http://www.anarchy.no/ija1994-96.html

4/96 Brown cards and warnings from APT. The International anarchist tribunal.

1/97 L'Internationale Anarchoféministe. The Anarchafeminist International.

2/97 (27) L'Internationale des Federations Anarchistes (IFA)- The Anarchist International - The International of Anarchist Federations - The International of the Federations of Anarchists (IFA).

Den anarkistiske internasjonale. Internasjonalen til anarkistføderasjonene - Internasjonalen til Føderasjonene av Anarkister (IFA). A documentary of the IFA/IAF congresses from 1968-1984 - En dokumentasjon av IFA-kongressene fra 1968-1984

3/97 (27) Stortingsvalget 1997 - Folkebevegelsen for boikott av Fr.p, RV og andre ganske autoritære. The Stortings election 1977 - The people's movement for boycott of the populist Fr.p and RV the Red election alliance.

4/97 (27) Libertarian Association of Teetotallers - Anarkistisk Avholdslag - Frihetlig Rusfritt Forbund

Vol. 1998 (28), 1999 (29) and 2000 (30) of IJA are electronic updates on the IFA-AIIS web-pages (click "back to homepage" at the bottom of this page) and at the IFA-AIIS links-site.

1/01 (31) The Tampa case

2/01 (31) Before the Stortings election in Norway 2001

3/01 (31) After the Stortings election in Norway 2001 - NACO fights the co-operate comrades

4/01 (31) The International Conference on Terrorism

5/01 (31) The 30th Anniversary of IJA 1971-2001


Special issues of Folkebladet - Anarkistorganet in Norwegian are available at URL http://www.anarchy.no/folkebladet.html

More news and information about the Anarchy of Norway, The International Anarchist Tribunal, etc. at the Anarchist International Information Service:


The economical political map and anarchist principles used for analysis are presented at:


General information about the International Journal of Anarchism, the mandate and history, at:


The electronic issues of the International Journal of Anarchism are updated every time there are significant more informations about the different events and cases. But unless special cases, they are not redistributed by e-mail when they are updated. Also the IAT and other pages are updated almost every day. Thus, to be updated on the news and comments about anarchy, anarchist(s) and anarchism in different connections, it is necessary to visit the AIIS-web sites every day.

Articles to IJA may be written in any language, and should be provided with an English summary. If the article is short and written in English, the summary can be omitted.

Feel free to forward this issue of IJ@ to people or organizations you think may be interested in anarchy, anarchist(s) or anarchism, but include ifa@anarchy.no when you are forwarding, and don't use blind copies, so possible double distribution may be avoided in the long run. It's a small world.