International Journal of Anarchism

ifa-Solidaritet - folkebladet - © ISSN 0800-0220 no 4 (31) editor H. Fagerhus - Contact IJA

Bulletin of the Anarchist International

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I. Introduction
II. The al-Qaeda polyarchical terrorist network
III. Authoritarian errors of USA criticized proportional to realities
IV. The al-Qaeda terrorist attacks
V. Anarchists vs ochlarchy against muslims, Jews, pacifists, free speech etc.
VI. The anti-terrorist coalition and the counterforces
VII. Armed struggle against Taleban/al-Qaeda and aid to the people
VIII. Allies launch attack, bioterror, updated news and comments etc.
News updates
B. An overview - NB! Latest news above this anchor

IX. The roots of terrorism
X. Condolences
Terrorism defined
XII. Resolutions from the International Anarchist Tribunal IAT
Resolutions from APT International Branch
Resolutions from APT Northern Branch
C. The Oslo Convention and the media

I. Introduction

The global fight against jihad-terrorism, terrorism at large and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) in general is central to anarchism, anarchy, i.e. Libertarian Human Rights and Real Democracy, and anarchists. Anarchists, the real ones, have always been opposed to ochlarchy, including all forms of terrorism, as well as other x-archy, where x can be anything but not 'an'. To get rid of ochlarchy including terrorism, via direct actions and other actions within the framework of and/or compatible with real democracy including green and libertarian human rights, is central to the fight for anarchy and more of it; the main aim, strategy and tactics of anarchists. The International Anarchist Tribunal, IAT-APT, also has important reports about anarchy and anarchism vs terrorism and ochlarchy in general.

02.08.2022. US kills al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in drone strike in Afghanistan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/01/politics/joe-biden-counter-terrorism/index.html. Source: CNN.

How Joe Biden and his team decided to kill the world's most wanted terrorist, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/01/politics/ayman-al-zawahiri-death-white-house-joe-biden/index.html. Source: CNN.

22.07.2011. Ad terrorist attack in Oslo, the capital of the Anarchy of Norway. "Probably done by international terrorists, Al-Qaeda, Gaddafi or similar. Not anarchists behind," the Anarchist International Security Council, AISC, and the International Anarchist Tribunal, IAT-APT, say to AIIS in a preliminary report. In the evening at least seven people were reported dead, there may be more. The Anarchist Federation of Norway, AFIN, and the Anarchist International, AI/IFA, condemned this violent, ultra-authoritarian and extremist attack on a peaceful anarchy and anarchism. In connection to the bomb attack in Oslo a man dressed as a police officer gunned down youths at a summer camp at Utøya, killing at least 10. The man who opened fire at the youth camp was Norwegian and later arrested by the police.

23.07.2011. Early Saturday the Norwegian police report that at least 80 were killed at Utøya. Suspect in Oslo and Utøya [øya means island] terrorist attacks is Anders Behring Breivik, 32-year-old, about 6ft tall and blond. He has tweeted: "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests," quoting the liberalist John Stuart Mill. He promotes christian and arch-conservative opinions, which he also called nationalist. He expresses himself strongly opposed to multiculturalism - that cultural differences can live together in a community. In one of the posts he states that politics today no longer revolves around socialism against capitalism, but that the fight is between nationalism and internationalism, a basic anarchist principle. Anders Behring Breivik is most likely a brown & blue conservative and christian fundamentalist and rightwing extremist, i.e. an ultra-authoritarian liberalist (totalitarian, not liberal liberalism), and not a nazi, see the economic-political map. This is an international political current that also includes terrorists, say, in Sweden the "olympian bomber", and in USA the "Oklahoma bomber", but the Norwegian police suggest Anders Behring Breivik was alone in the attacks. [Later, in 2013, Breivik turned to fascism, probably right fascism, trying to start a Norwegian fascist party. In 2015 Breivik became even more authoritarian, a nazi (ultra-fascist on the economic-political map).]

Anders Behring Breivik has earlier been a member of the populist Fremskrittspartiet, Frp, and its youth organization. Although the main tendency of Frp is right-populism, small fractions of extreme liberalists and even nazis are connected to the party. Media reports in Norway paint a portrait of Breivik as a "loner", who lived with his mother in a wealthy suburb of west Oslo, was well educated and enjoyed hunting. An Oslo police spokeswoman said Breivik has been charged with two counts of terrorism. She said he would have to appear in court within three days. Breivik may be sentenced to the Norwegian maximum time in prison, 21 years. The Norwegian Anarchist Council, NACO, declares to the Norwegian people: "Stay calm and continue with the Anarchy!"

Oddny Estenstad, a spokeswoman for a Norwegian farm co-operative, said the suspect had been a customer. She told the AFP news agency: "We sold him six tonnes of fertilizer, which is a relatively standard order." The police later confirmed that fertilizer was used to make a bomb at Breivik's farm. Jane Owen, the British ambassador to Norway, tells the BBC there is a sense of shock and devastation in Oslo, where quite a large a proportion of the country live. She says it brings home the threat of terrorism, from whatever quarter. She is also mentioning the "libertarian tradition" in Norway on BBC TV. She says she has been struck by the fortitude and solidarity of the Norwegian people which will help them get through the coming days.

In the afternoon the Norwegian police confirmed a carbomb was used in the blast in Oslo. The police said: "It was a very powerful bomb, and it was in a car. The car didn't stand there for very long. We have taken possession of the car that he used from Oslo to Utøya." In a 1,500-page manifesto, posted on the Web hours before the attacks, Mr. Breivik recorded a day-by-day diary of long time of planning for the attacks, and claimed to be part of a small group that intended to "seize political and military control of Western European countries and implement a cultural conservative political agenda." He predicted a conflagration that would kill or injure more than a million people, adding, "The time for dialogue is over. We gave peace a chance. The time for armed resistance has come." The manifesto was signed Andrew Berwick, an Anglicized version of his name.

The document also describes a secret meeting in London in April 2002 to reconstitute the Knights Templar, a Crusader military order. It says the meeting was attended by nine representatives of eight European countries, evidently including Mr. Breivik, with an additional three members unable to attend, including a "European-American." Mr. Breivik was also believed to have posted a video on Friday summarizing his arguments. In its closing moments, the video depicts Mr. Breivik in military uniform, holding assault weapons. Rarely has a mass murder suspect left so detailed an account of his activities.

24.07.2011. Norway, included the anarchists, mourned on Sunday close to 100 people killed in a shooting spree and car bombing by a Norwegian who saw his attacks as "atrocious, but necessary". In his first comment via a lawyer since his arrest, Anders Behring Breivik, said he wanted to explain himself at a court hearing Monday about extending his custody. "He has said that he believed the actions were atrocious, but that in his head they were necessary," his lawyer Geir Lippestad said. Oslo's acting police chief Sveinung Sponheim confirmed to reporters that Breivik would be able to speak to the court. It was not clear whether the hearing would be closed or in public. "He has admitted to the facts of both the bombing and the shooting, although he's not admitting criminal guilt," Sponheim said, adding that Breivik had said he acted alone. Police were checking this because some witness statements from the island spoke of more than one gunman, Sponheim said.

25.07.2011. A judge denied Anders Behring Breivik the public stage he wanted to air his arch-conservative rants and call for revolution on Monday, ruling that the first hearing for the man who has confessed to Norway's twin terror attacks be held behind closed doors. "Based on information in the case the court finds that today's detention hearing should be held behind closed doors," Judge Kim Heger said in a statement. "It is clear that there is concrete information that a public hearing with the suspect present could quickly lead to an extraordinary and very difficult situation in terms of the investigation and security." Police have said a trial could be a year away. The maximum jail term in Norway is as mentioned 21 years, although that can be extended if there is a risk of repeat offences. "In theory he can be in jail for the rest of his life," said Ståle Eskeland, professor of criminal law at the University of Oslo. Breivik will be held for at least eight weeks, half of that in complete isolation, after a closed hearing in which he said his terror network had two other cells.

Signs of normality began to return to Oslo on Monday. A wide police cordon around the bomb site was lifted on the first workday since the attacks, leaving just a narrower zone closed off. Most shops were open and trams were rumbling through the city's streets. The total death toll in Friday's bomb blast and shootings has been revised downward to 76, police say. Police now say eight people died in the bombing in Oslo, up one from the earlier death toll. Authorities revised downward the number of dead in the shooting on Utøya from 86 to 68. Police say they are still searching the island for possible victims. There have been direct mass actions in Oslo and all over the country in respect of the victims and for the values of real democracy. More than 100,000 Norwegians rallied in Oslo on Monday night, many carrying white and red roses, a.o.t. to mourn the dead and to show unity after July 22. Tens of thousands of others rallied in other cities from Tromsø to Bergen. [Later the number of killed was revised to 77.]

26.07.2011. Norway's justice minister on Tuesday hailed "fantastic" police work after Anders Behring Breivik killed at least 76 people, trying to set aside anarchist and other criticisms that police had reacted too slowly to a shooting massacre. An armed SWAT team took more than an hour to reach Utøya, where Breivik was coolly shooting terrified youngsters at a Labor Party youth camp. Though it is just 25 miles (40 kilometers) from Oslo, it took police about 90 minutes to get there. Breivik as mentioned told a judge at his custody hearing on Monday that two other cells in his "organization" existed. However, a source close to the investigation said: "We feel that the accused has fairly low credibility when it comes to this claim but none of us dare to be completely dismissive about it either." Researchers at IIFOR doubt Breivik's claim that he is part of a wider [rightwing extremist & arch-] conservative network of christian "crusaders", against a.o.t. "cultural marxism" and a "muslim invasion", seeing it as bragging by a psychopathic fantasist who has written that exaggeration is a way to sow confusion among investigators. The Aftenposten daily said Breivik's interrogation was moving slowly, with the confessed killer silent on his claims about sleeper cells or other potential collaborators.

In signs that police are skeptical that Breivik was part of a wider network, border controls imposed on July 22 were lifted late on Monday. Also Norway has not raised the threat level for terrorism. Prosecutors will consider whether Breivik's acts fall under a 2008 law on crimes against humanity, said Ståle Eskeland, professor of criminal law at Oslo University. "To kill a group of civilians systematically is the basic criteria" for charges of crimes against humanity, Eskeland said, adding that the maximum penalty for this offence was 30 years in jail, rather than 21 years under the anti-terrorism law. In both cases the sentence can be extended for up to five years at a time if there is risk of repeat offences. So far Breivik has been charged with "destabilizing or destroying basic functions of society" and "creating serious fear in the population." Police attorney Christian Hatlo has said Breivik expects to spend the rest of his life in jail.

27.07.2011. Norwegian PM promises "more democray", indicating higher degree of real democracy, i.e. anarchy. Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg has announced the creation of a "22 July Commission" to investigate Friday's bomb and gun attacks. He said the commission, agreed to by all political parties, would analyze everything that happened. Speaking at a news conference at his residence, Mr Stoltenberg said the commission would be independent and would enable lessons to be learned. The prime minister also announced a national memorial, and promised that the central administration would contribute to the cost of funerals of the victims. Relatives and victims would also be entitled to payments from the central administration under a new law on compensation for victims of crime. In a statement earlier, Mr Stoltenberg said Norway would not be intimidated or threatened by the attacks and that Norwegians would stand firm in defending their values. He said that the violence would be met by more openess and more democracy. "The Norwegian response to violence is more democracy, more openness and greater political participation," Stoltenberg insisted at a news conference, according to Associated Press.

28.07.2011. Investigators will interview Anders Behring Breivik again on Friday 29.07.2011, and will focus on whether there is "any more danger," police attorney Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby told reporters. Breivik has claimed wide contact with individuals and groups he says support his views. But experts, included anarchists, have cast doubt on his claims and questions persist about whether there was a genuine network or if Breivik's statements were exaggerations. Police have not turned up any signs that copycat attacks might be committed, Kraby said. But they are clearly concerned that Breivik could inspire others. Kraby said Brevik's next hearing will be closed "just in case he's able to send messages by code" to associates. Police have so far only interviewed the suspect once, in a seven-hour session the day after the attack. Kraby said Breivik is in contact only with his lawyer and investigators. He also said the Norwegian police have been in touch with the FBI. The Norwegian police are cooperating with the police in several other countries regarding the attacks. Breivik's attorney has said his client considers himself a "savior" and that he is likely insane. Breivik has as mentioned pleaded not guilty to the terrorism charges he faces.

29.07.2011. Police attorney Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby said the 32-year-old Norwegian remained calm and cooperative during the questioning session Friday, in which investigators reviewed with him his statements from an earlier session on Saturday. Investigators believe Breivik acted alone, after years of meticulous planning, and haven't found anything to support his claims that he's part of an anti-muslim etc. militant network plotting a series of coups d'etat across Europe. A person who was wounded in last week's terrorist attacks in Norway has died, raising the death toll from the massacre to 77. Henning Holtås, a police attorney, said Friday the unidentified victim died at a hospital of wounds he suffered during the shooting rampage on Utøya. Norwegian extremist Anders Behring Breivik has as mentioned admitted conducting the shooting rampage on Utøya that has killed 69 people and setting off a bomb in central Oslo that killed eight.

30.07.2011. Norway suspect was considering other targets. Police say the man who confessed to a bombing and youth camp massacre that killed 77 people in Norway has told them he also considered other possible locations to attack. Police attorney Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby says Anders Behring Breivik was questioned for 10 hours on Friday and "said he was interested in other targets." Norwegian tabloid VG said Breivik had described the Royal Palace [of the symbolic, powerless king] and the head office of the prime minister's Labor Party in Oslo as potential targets. The paper did not cite its sources. Kraby wouldn't comment on the report but said that, "They were targets that one would say are natural for terror attacks." Except for funerals of victims and mourning in this connection, the Anarchy of Norway is returning more and more to normality.

24.08.2012. Breivik ruled sane and sent to jail. Norway's home-grown confessed terrorist Anders Behring Breivik knew what he was doing when he killed 77 persons in and around Oslo on July 22 last year, the city court in Oslo ruled on Friday 24.08.2012. The court, finding Breivik sane at the time of his murderous rampage, sentenced him to Norway's longest prison term of 21 years, with a provision that can allow him to be held in custody for the rest of his life. Behring Breivik will be held in preventive detention for a maximum of 21 years, minimum 10 years. (With new updates). The maximum sentence of 21 years may  be prolonged at a later date, five years at a time, if he is deemed to remain a danger to society. Sources: newsinenglish.no and norwaypost.no. More information below on news updates.

02.05.2011. Osama bin Laden is killed - Anarchist comment. President Obama declares that Osama bin-Laden, the emir (i.e. plutarchist and hierarchist overlord) of al-Qaeda (and also an ochlarch) is dead, taken out by US counterterrorism forces in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad i.e. in Abbottabad, along with other family members. He was shot in the head during a US raid and the US Navy Seals were involved in the mission that killed him. Al-Qaeda will of course call Osama bin-Laden a holy martyr and make the most of it, but he was certainly more useful for this criminal terrorist organization alive than dead. This is a significant victory in the fight against jihad-terrorism, but the global struggle against terrorism and ochlarchy in general is of course far from over, and continues with full strength... And most likely the rest of the the al-Qaeda polyarchical terrorist network will try a revenge soon! Thus it is time for alert.

And principally it would have been more right to take Osama bin Laden alive and give him a life sentence in jail. Anarchists are in general against capital punishment, see libertarian human rights, but not against killing in pure self defense, alone or with allies, if there is no other option. Was the killing the only option? And was it necessary to kill other family members? This could be discussed more! Probably an arrest and life sentence would mean less of terrorism in revenge than this killing. Cowboy 'justice' is somewhat outdated and primitive - or not?

Later US State Department warns of "enhanced potential for anti-American violence" following bin Laden's death. Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea, a US official said. A DNA match confirms Osama bin Laden was killed, according to a senior US administration official.

03.05.2011. Former US president Bush's cowboy & wild west 'wanted dead or alive' and CIA's code-name 'Geronimo' about Osama bin Laden, plus the fact that he was unarmed when killed, may perhaps go well among the more primitive part of the US public. However libertarians in general and most of the rest of the world will probably mean this weakens the US position in this matter. 04.05.2011 the Associated Press published a report called 'After the raid: debating photos, foreign aid, more' with interesting information clearifying and correcting conflicting reports from the US-officials in the case, quoted below. A spokesperson for The Anarchist International Security Council (AISC) says to AIIS that "Osama bin Laden caught alive could probably have given interesting information about al-Qaeda and connections to Taleban and more," and added: "but 'done is done and eaten is eaten', now we must look forward in the struggle against terrorism and ochlarchy in general!"

06.05.2011. Pro al-Qaeda groups demonstrate world wide, protesting the killing of Osama bin Laden, and some are sailing under false anarchist black flags and red & black logos. This is a serious break of the Oslo Convention and thus they all get Brown Cards from the International Anarchist Tribunal - The Anarchist Press Tribunal, see IAT-APT - International Branch. BBC has published a report about al-Qaeda around the world.

11.09.2001 The IAT wrote to the international newsmedia and anarchists: The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) has investigated the terrorism in New York and Washington 11.09.2001. If anybody in the media think this is done by anarchists, IAT can confirm that this is not true. We denounce these authoritarian doings, but we have no ideas of what kind of group is behind (i.e. the IAT had a superficial suspicion, but no proof).  If anyone would like to discuss this matter with the international anarchist movement, please write an e-mail to ifa@anarchy.no. Then it was a conference and discussion internationally among anarchists and others about terrorism in this case, and generally. (The IFA-secretariate in Oslo has since 15-17 October 1982 been officially mandated to ... "organizar actividades comunes, entre otras, congresos, conferencias, tribunas anarquistas, simposios, seminarios, encuentros estivales y actividades culturales". See Bulletin C.R.I.F.A. no 42 novembre-février 1982, p. 4 and decisions of later congresses, see The History of the Anarchist International - AI/IFA/IAF. The Bulletin C.R.I.F.A. was the official organ of IFA-IAF at that time.) This Conference on Terrorism is still going on. The conclusions so far, among other things, i.e. a summary, is the following:

II. The al-Qaeda polyarchical terrorist network

The network of Osama bin-Laden, al-Qaeda (a.k.a. al-Qaida, al-Qa'ida, meaning the base, chief command), a suspicious group, is using black flags similar to anarchists, but they have nothing to do with anarchism, anarchist(s), or anarchy. They are muslim hierarchists and ochlarchs. Al-Qaeda is located to the muslim hierarchical patriarchal state of Taleban (a.k.a. Taliban) and the Mujahedin guerilla, in Afghanistan (2001). This network also includes the Haakat ul-Mujahedin, with the guerilla al-Faran, who in 1995 killed, say, the Norwegian Hans Christian Ostrø, and all organizations doing jihad, islamist "holy" war, in several countries all over the world. Osama bin-Laden is called emir (i.e. plutarchist and hierarchist overlord) of al-Qaeda (and also an ochlarch). The muslim terrorist network is however not a highly centralized organization. It is a decentralized oligarchical network. Thus, it is a polyarchical organization, based on local, secret, cells. Such polyarchical organizations are not easy to pull down and crush. It is however necessary not to go soft on these terrorists, but to fight them down, to liberate the Arabian and muslim people from fundamentalism, capitalism and statism including lack of birth-control, to get a peaceful, say, Palestinian country, and less authoritarian Arabian and muslim countries broadly defined. The muslim hierarchists are convinced that USA is the Great Satan, and Israel the Small Satan.

Israel must of course give up the occupations on Palestinian land. However, it must be possible for some Jews to live in the Palestinian areas, as well as Palestinian Arabs today live rather well in Israel. The present PLO-state, based on statism, corruption, militarism and muslim hierarchy, is a plague to the Palestinian people. A few anarchists, say, as Noam Chomsky, i.e. mainly left wing anarchist collectivists - close to marxism, seem to have gone soft on muslim hierarchist terrorists, talking of "understanding". This is quite similar to the hesitating position of the Norwegian marxist left party, SV. The anarchist criticism of USA, EU, NATO and UN should always be proportional to reality, and not more or less be an echo of marxist propaganda and statist ideology; i.e. Leninist, Trotskyite, Maoist, "anti-imperialist", "leftist" or other.

III. Authoritarian errors of USA criticized proportional to realities

Say, USA and to a lesser extent NATO, have done several authoritarian errors, as pointed out by, among others, Noam Chomsky, but sometimes exaggerated and seen out of context. It must not be forgotten that the nazis still probably would have ruled Europe if USA had not joined the Allies to fight fascism in second world war. When Truman decided to use nuclear bombs, USA had lost 30 000 men in the struggle about Okinawa, and the Japanese lost 230 000 men. This is about twice as much as the loss by the nuclear bombs, and the Japanese were prepared for a long fight with probably much larger sacrifices. The Japanese got more and more fanatic, introducing, say, Kamikaze suicide attacks, and would probably struggle for a long time in a prolonged war with both large civilian and non-civilian losses. Marxists, say, Johan Galtung, are spreading the myth that Japan was close to capitulation. This is far from the truth. A usual estimate on net saved lives because of the use of the nuclear bombs In Japan, because it stoppet a long hard prolonged war against fanatical Kamikaze etc. fighters, is ca 1 000 000 people all in all. This figure of course may be discussed, but it is perhaps not so far from the truth.

And the marxist-leninist Serbian militarists and the others, would probably still have continued with ethnic cleansing on Balkan, if NATO and USA had not put up their antimilitarist forces in the area. Say, Slobodan Milosevic was responsible for the killing of about 200.000 muslims. The bombing against the Serbian forces also resulted in the fall of the marxist-leninist dictatorship, and establishment of a probably less authoritarian system, with hope for democracy and human rights, perhaps later also an anarchist movement. Although the use of nuclear bombs in 1945 and the - probably not deliberate - bombing of some non-military targets in Serbia, may perhaps be questioned from anarchist human rights perspective: These errors must be seen in the context of ending the militarist dictatorships, to get a proportional realistic judgement. It saved probably a lot more lives than were lost.

IV. The al-Qaeda terrorist attacks

The acts of terrorism in New York and Washington 11.09.2001 are deliberately directed against a lot of civilians, in peace times, and thus are quite something else. The terrorist acts against the World Trade Center (WTC) and Pentagon demonstrate beyond all doubt that violent symbolic actions against "capitalism" and "state", are authoritarian, basically marxist, and not anarchist. Osama bin-Laden's and "Doctor Dead" Ayman al-Zawahiri's aims in ideological manifestos may be "anti-capitalist", "anti-government" and "anti-imperialist" with good intentions, but this is not relevant. The real aim is generally the consequences of the means that are used, and nothing else. That a unit not always can be put highly responsible because the consequences under the given circumstances seen all in all were not very reasonable to understand is something to take into account, but this is still a basic principle of anarchism. The real aim in this case is thus primarily deliberate killing of a lot of ordinary workingclass people doing their job, striking people with horror, muslim fundamentalist militarism and rule by terror, etc. That these terrorist acts also are supported by national socialists (neonazis/nazis) and a former RAF-member in Germany, as well as the "anti imperialist" and archterrorist "Carlos" the "Jackal", Illich Ramirez Sánches, should be of little surprise. "Tell me what your friends are, and I will tell you what you are!" - is a good old anarchist word of wisdom. These statements also apply to the Gothenburg and Genoa events and similar, where authoritarian and semilibertarian marxists and neonazis did violent symbolic "anti-capitalist" acts, although these events were just chaotic and ochlarchical, and not really terrorist. The lessons of the Genoa and Gothenburg events, are discussed by the IAT at http://www.anarchy.no/anarchy/apt.html .

On the economic-political map al-Qaeda, Taleban and associates are ultra-authoritarian, totalitarian and extremists, with a diffuse marxistoid/fascistoid policy, mainly located within a circle to the right in the stat-communist sector and in the left-fascist sector, thus a form of leftwing extremism. In practice an al-Qaeda/Taleban state/califate, or superstate, will probably be, or end up in, a form of left-fascism close to ultra-fascism on the economic-political map, see http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html. ISIL, a.k.a. Islamic State, IS, and Daesh, is even more authoritarian, and located in the ultra-fascist sector of the economic-political map.

We, mainly the international anarchists that joined this conference and discussion on terrorism, understand the muslim hierarchist terrorism - and their statist and/or fascist ideology, very well. The analysis of IAT is also important in this connection. To defend the people of the world, also including muslim people broadly defined (and not their authorities), it is necessary to fight this authoritarian evil down, however not violating anarchist human rights. Thus, we are only supporting the US, EU, NATO and UN actions against the muslim terrorists as far as that. The USA got backing from the UN Security Council of taking necessary actions of self defense related to international law, and also from the NATO pact §5 of solidarity "one for all, and all for one", if this considerable militarist terrorist attack was conducted from outside USA. And before any actions are taken, there must be proof of guilt, beyond reasonable doubt. But also earlier acts of terrorism, say as the Ostrø-case, and the series of attempts and terrorist acts on USA from 1992 and later, should be considered in this connection. These terrorist attacks have been escalating during these years, and thus must also be seen in dynamic perspective. All forms of terrorism, i.e. red/brown, green/brown, dark brown and blue/brown, should be considered in a general fight against terrorism.

V. Anarchists vs ochlarchy against muslims, Jews, pacifists, free speech etc.

By the way, the present ochlarchy against innocent muslims - i.e. non muslim state hierarchists doing jihad - and look alikes, in the USA and other places, it is denounced by the anarchists, and must be stopped immediately. The same is valid vis-a-vis innocent Jews later on world wide, especially in Europe. Even in the Anarchy of Norway ochlarchy against innocent Jews have become a slight tendency. Horrible - and must be stopped at once. However - all main religions today - and especially the fundamentalist versions- are evil alienations used in the service of capitalism and statism, militarism and patriarchism included - and should be denounced, and gotten rid of in the long run. Anarchism is an atheist, i .e. secular political project. Anarchists should also unite in the fight against more authoritarian laws and more of an Orwellian "1984" police state, introduced as means against terrorism. 15.10.2023. The ongoing war Israel vs. Hamas, which is fascist & terrorist, similar to al-Qaeda, Isis and Taleban, has increased anti-semitism and attacks on Jews world wide. This must be stopped. The international newsmedia must report about this issue, and counter the massive fake news in this connection on X, former Twitter, and anti-social media in general.

Terrorism is terrorism is terrorism, and it is authoritarian, as pointed out in the Oslo-Convention of 1990 as well as, say, by anarchist classics as Kropotkin and Malatesta. Anarchism, anarchist, and anarchy are principally neither pacifism, nor terrorism, i.e. rule by terror. Although there have always been a few pacifists in the anarchist movement, say, as Augustin Souchy, the followers of Tolstoy and some others, this is not the anarchist ideal, but they represent more or less an authoritarian tendency. Pacifism represents one of a series of "free rider" problems that the anarchist movement must deal with. Thus, a few pacifists may well be tolerated, but if this tendency becomes significant, the movement will cease to be anarchist. The international newsmedia with CNN and BBC in the front, reported about a few anarchists participating in a pacifist demonstration with ca 2000 taking part in the US, against armed struggle vis-à-vis terrorism (Saturday 29.09.2001). A few pacifists must be tolerated, without calling for expulsion from the anarchist movement.

However the pacifists are neither representative for the anarchist movement, nor the people, but an authoritarian tendency. They can't be taken seriously. The newsmedia should report about the main tendency in the anarchist movement to give a fair and realistic picture, as well as among the people (i.e. not the authorities). A vast majority among anarchists and the people, support a limited armed struggle against the terrorists, however not violating anarchist human rights and ethics. However a general "crusade", i.e. war, against muslims is not supported. And not a war between the countries US & Co and Afghanistan, i.e. the civilian population. This is a struggle against the ultra-authoritarian Taleban & al-Qaeda, jihad terrorism broadly defined. Mr Bush should be very cautious with "cowboy" talk, and "wild west" actions, because these will only harm the general fight against terrorism. Terrorism cannot be fought by state-terrorism, i.e. against the civilian population. Furthermore bin-Laden must not be a martyr. That's just what he wants. This will only enforce the support for the al-Qaeda network of terrorist polyarchy and ochlarchy. It is important to explain the fact that bin-Laden is no hero, but an ideological fascistoid/marxistoid Führer, as proven beyond reasonable doubt later in this report from the Conference on Terrorism. The al-Qaeda/Taleban network is far from a vanguard of socialism and freedom, as, say, the ultra-authoritarian marxist Johan Galtung indicates.

The Conference denounces the "Susan Sontag certificate" given to Noam Chomsky and others by the conservative Weekly Standard. Susan Sontag stood up against mr Bush and said the terrorist suicide bombers were not cowards. Had they been cowards, the problem would have been less. One of the problems with the al-Qaeda terrorists is that they are arch-brave and totally ruthless with their own and others life. This is mainly because they are totally brainwashed at ultra-authoritarian muslim schools and terrorist training camps. Taleban means "student(s)". This "certificate" is not free criticism but ochlarchy! Generally speaking, the tendencies towards press censorship introducd as means in the fight against terrorism must be rejected. This is a struggle that may continue for several years. If press censorship is introduced, bin Laden has won an important victory against the open society. The American newsmedia with CNN in the forefront, have already done a moderate censorship. Dan Rader the news "anchor" at CBS says publicly something that means "When my President says hop, I'll hop". What kind of man is Dan, if he is a man? Is he really representative for the so called free press of America? We must remind the American press about the NAC resolution "Free Press vs 4th Power of the State". The BBC had a meeting with the government, but rejected censorship. The IJA and the Conference on Terrorism present a summary of the whole picture proportional to realities, as far as they have have sources. Rocco Galati's discussion on Canada's "Police State Agenda" in antiterrorism laws is available at http://www.anarchy.no/anarchy/galati.html . This indicates that anarchists should join forces with other civil liberties and human rights organizations, to stop a development towards an Orwellian "1984" police state connected to some of the new "antiterrorism" laws world wide.

VI. The anti-terrorist coalition and the counterforces

Tuesday 02.11.2001 USA presented proof that the al-Qaeda network organized the terrorist acts against the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Thus the NATO, Norway included, was introduced in the fight against terrorists, and the British PM Tony Blair declared a limited armed struggle against al-Qaeda and Taleban, but not against the civilian population of Afghanistan. Economical and political/administrative struggle in general, and broadly defined, were introduced. Blair said the Taleban had the choice, but choosed the terrorists. See also the news 07.10.2001 below about responsibility for the terrorism.

Thus, there is a broad coalition front, ideologically based on the moderate left, via the anarchist progressive middle, to the moderate right, above the 67% authoritarian degree on the economical-political map, for a limited armed (and other) struggle against terrorism, however not attacking innocent civilian population, and with a UN-aid program for refugees. And even some muslim hierarchist states, and military dictatorships or totalitarian states, as say Pakistan, are not clearly against this anti-terrorist coalition, although not always really actively supporting it. Later the anti-terrorist front also got support a.o.t. from the organization of muslim countries, several totalitarian states. The anarchists declare that the fight against terrorism must not overshadow the fight against totalitarianism and for human rights interpreted in a libertarian way.

Only some highly authoritarian red&brown left, dark brown and blue&brown right tendencies are supporting the al-Qaeda network and Taleban. The authoritarian marxists, Leninist, Trotskyite, Maoist, "anti-imperialist", "leftist" and other, among them the former DDR communists at PDS and the paper "Neues Deutschland" with the ultra-authoritarian exile-Norwegian "peace-professor" Johan Galtung in front, are trying to build a "peace movement" against the anti-terrorist coalition. This is as usual contra-revolutionary politics from the marxists, and people with any touch of libertarian ideas should not be among the "useful" idiots of Lenin and join this movement. A "peace movement" with the followers of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and similar wholesale murderes, and their "useful" idiots, are of course nothing to take seriously. Also Leon Trotsky's treason and attack against Kronstadt, must be remembered in this connection. These marxists have never put up a finger in protest against their massmurderers doings, but always defend the horror. As usual the marxists will try to put liberal and other pacifist groups in front to get an alibi of "liberty", while spreading their authoritarian propaganda and trying to build up their hierarchical organizations behind the cover of "peace". Furthermore, the Conference denounces the ultra-authoritarian muslim hierarchist terrorist students and others' riots and ochlarchy in Palestine, Pakistan and other places, only authoritarian marxists and similar support them. Even Arafat understands this is reactionary, and the Palestinian police has arrested some of the ochlarchists.

VII. Armed struggle against Taleban/al-Qaeda and aid to the people

04.10.2001 President George W. Bush has announced that the United States is to provide an extra $320m in aid to help Afghanistan's impoverished people during the coming winter. The money will be spent on food and medicines to assist Afghans who have remained in the drought-stricken country, as well as those who have fled to neighboring countries and are living in refugee camps.The number of refugees leaving Afghanistan has grown as the US prepares to strike against Saudi militant Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda organization, who are being sheltered by the Taleban regime in Afghanistan.

In a speech to US State Department workers in Washington, Mr Bush said the people of America had no compassion for terrorists, nor for any state that sponsored them. But he added: We have great compassion, however, for the millions around the world who are victims of repressive governments. The US would work with the United Nations and other organizations to ensure the aid got through to the people of Afghanistan, Mr Bush said: In our anger, we must never forget that we are a compassionate people. While we firmly and strongly oppose the Taleban regime, we are friends with the Afghan people. The anarchists as always support the people, seen as a class, in contrast to the superiors in rank and/or income, in Afghanistan, USA, Palestine, Israel and all other countries world wide, against terrorism and other authoritarian evils. At the International Conference of Terrorism, ICOT, first and foremost the voices of the people are presented. Taleban, al-Qaeda and similar groups are clearly at odds with the people.

VIII. Allies launch attack, bioterror, updated news and comments etc.

A. News updates

07.10.2001 an US led coalition of allies launch attacks on strategic Taleban targets in several Afghan cities and al-Qaeda terrorist training camps etc. Osama bin-Laden gave in a speach to the international newsmedia a so strong moral support for the terrorist acts of 11.09.2001, that it was equal to take the responsibility for it, and he called all muslims to join in the terrorist fight against USA and Israel. Also the Northern Alliance of Afghanistan continued attacks on Taleban forces. These actions will go on for a while, at least several weeks (perhaps months and years).

09.10.2001 there were reports about a few civilian casualties in Afghanistan. The Conference impressed the US led coalition to avoid killing among the civilian population. The al-Qaeda spokesman Sulaiman Abu Ghaith told the newsmedia via the TV-station Al Jazeera in Qatar, they should do more terrorist acts, i.e. aeroplane crash and jihad. A few hours later two Taleban spokesmen gave full support to al-Qaeda, and free hands for bin Laden. Arafat denounces al-Qaeda, and bin Laden's point of view, that the terrorist attacks are connected to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

13.10.2001 an US bomb has missed the target and reached a few civilians. This is regretted by the US, explaining it was not deliberately, and that they will continue to aim at military targets. A few attacks of anthrax in US are perhaps connected to the bin-Laden network. Bush had once more asked Taleban to hand over bin-Laden, but the Taleban rejected. UN and US are discussing the forming of a broad based political system in Afghanistan post Taleban, perhaps also a confederalist solution similar to the system in Bosnia, as suggested by the IAT.

14.10.2001 the Taleban told they would hand over bin-Laden to a third country if USA could deliver solid evidence about guilt. Mr. Bush rejected the idea soon after. Anyway, the al-Qaeda has given so much support for the terrorist acts and even more terrorist attacks, so this question cannot seriously be debated anymore. Furthermore al-Qaeda has been a major sponsor for the autocratic illegal Taleban government, and bin Laden and the Taleban leader are relatives. The Conference called for negotiations between the UN etc., Israel and the Palestinians to create a fully independent Palestinian country as soon as possible.15.10.2001 another anthrax attack, in a letter, is discovered. This is probably a terrorist attack. Perhaps Saddam Hussein is also involved. He has biological weapon factories and has also used virulent gas against "his own" people. But it exists no proof about who did it so far.

On the day before Berlusconi meets Bush to promise Italian support for the so called "war" in Afghanistan the Italian people show how they feel by marching 24 kilometres from the city of Perugia to Assissi, ca 300.000 strong, in the name of peace and against the terrorist attacks. It was also a microscopic participation of pacifist anarchists, among them an Irish group, reporting to IJA. There have also been other protests, but far less than expected.

15.10.2001 a few more anthrax attacks are discovered in the US. The NATO country Turkey, with the second largest army after USA, is hesitating in joining the anti-terrorist forces. Economical anti-terrorist "war" is enforced in Europe. 17.10.2001 the negotiation climate in the Middle East is getting worse, because Palestinian terrorists killed Israels' Minister of Tourism Reha'am Ze'evi. Arafat denounces the terrorist attack, and says he will arrest the criminals, but the terrorist groups are so integrated in the present PLO state that the Conference doubt this will happen. Later Arafat's police has arrested some of the "Popular Front" which is responsible for the terrorist killing, but mainly not the suspected guilty. Time will show. 19.10.2001 there are press reports about ground troops special forces of the anti-terrorist coalition are introduced in Afghanistan. This is later confirmed by spokesmen from the anti-terrorist coalition. The use of bioterrorism against USA is increasing

24.10.2001: The Conference denounces Talebans' use of civilians as shield; and the use of anthrax, the bioterrorism against USA; Israel's reoccupation of Palestinian land; and the US reintroduction of license to kill, a la James Bond, to CIA, and similar changes of law. Everybody should try to keep the head a bit cool in this difficult situation, to avoid unnecessary violence. 28.10.2001 The grim news of civilian losses in Afghanistan are happening almost every day. The Taleban indicates about more than 1000 civilian losses, the US have admitted at least 4. A very uncertain estimate from IIFOR is between ca 180-320 from 09-28.10.2001, based on figures from families, UN and newsmedia. Of several thousand bomb attacks on Taleban/al-Qaeda installations and forces, only ca 10 has gone wrong, hitting non-military targets, so far. Thus, this is clearly mainly not a war against the civilian population. A US national socialist group is suspected to stay behind the anthrax bioterrorism. 16 christians are killed by muslim Taleban supporters at a church in Behawalpur, Pakistan. The christians fear more attacks.

1. November and December 2001

01.11.2001 Turkey joined the anti-terrorist forces, and decided to participate with special forces, ca 90 soldiers strong. The bomb attacks from the anti-terrorist forces are now directed more against the Taleban frontlines. Thus, there will be less losses among the civilian population.03.11.2001 Australia will join the anti-terrorist forces with a lot of troops. Some anthrax attacks in Europe are discovered, and a new one in US, (skin-anthrax). The bombings against the Taleban frontline have been heavy the last days. 09.11.2001: "A general stop in the bombings will make Taleban crawl out of their wholes and fasten their grip on the civilan population", says G. Valle in Peshawar, Pakistan. "At the same time bomb attacks that reach civilians will be a main problem". He means this reflects the Aghan peoples' opinion. Thus, the Afghan people support the bombings as far as there are minimal civilan losses. They want to get rid of the Taleban very authoritarian and chaotic rule.

10.11.2001 The Northern alliance has counqered a strategical important city in North Afghanistan. Last time the warlords hold the city, they introduced a terror rule. The Conference demands that it shall not happen this time.13.11.2001: The Northern alliance has taken about 50% of the country, including Kabul. Some ochlarchy is introduced, but not much. 15.11.2001: Tony Blair reports to the British parliament about even more evidence that bin Laden and al-Qaeda stay behind the 11.09.2001 events, in an internal al-Qaeda video were bin Laden speaks about "we" in connection to these terrorist acts. Bin Laden says "he will rather die than give in to the USA" to an Arabian news agency. The Pakistanian authorities say they fear "anarchy", in the wrong meaning of chaos, related to the Northern Alliance's rule in Kabul, to the Norwegian State councillor of the Aid Department. 22.11.2001: The Northern Alliance has taken about 2/3 of the country. Cinemas, TV, radio and audiorecorders that were forbidden to use by the Taleban, are once more in use in the liberated areas, and music is heard.

27.11.2001: The Northern alliance has taken about 3/4 of the country. 8 journalists have been killed so far, due to ochlarchy. Delegates from rival Afghan factions attending landmark talks in Germany have agreed on the principle of forming a broad-based transitional government. The delegates at the United Nations-sponsored conference have set themselves a deadline of three to five days to agree on the shape of an interim administration and possibly a multinational force for Afghanistan, according to UN spokesman Ahmed Fawzi. 29.11.2001: The Northern Alliance has taken most of the country. Afghan talks 'close to deal': Two key parties at UN-sponsored talks on Afghanistan's future are close to agreeing a power-sharing mechanism. The Northern Alliance was reported to have agreed with Afghan monarchists to set up an interim council, which would be charged with naming a provisional government for the country. An aide to Younis Qanooni, head of the alliance delegation, told hat the two sides had agreed to set up the council and that its size and membership would be discussed on Thursday. Diplomats hope the council will be the first step towards setting up a broad based government for Afghanistan. They could also pave the way for elections in about two years time. Women and girls that were not allowed to go to school under the Taleban rule, could once more join in the classes. 01.12.2001 A proposal for a new government, is expected ready on Monday 03.12.2001. Sunday 02.12.2001: Three suicide attacks in Israel on Saturday and Sunday have left at least 25 victims dead and over 200 injured. The bombers also died. The Conference demands that Arafat must arrest the responsible terrorist leaders. However the Conference is not forgetting the the death of five innocent Palestinian children who walked into a boobytrap placed by the army on their way to school at the Khan Yunes Refugee Camp. The responsible for this should also be arrested.

04.12.2001: Israel targets Arafat headquarters. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat escapes unhurt from an attack on his headquarters in Ramallah, as Israeli launches a new wave of strikes. Two Palestinians are killed and a lot wounded. The four Afghan factions holding talks in Bonn have reached agreement on a United Nations blueprint for rebuilding the country's political system. 1. Interim administration to govern for six months. 2. A supreme court to be set up and a 21-member special independent commission to call a Loya Jirga (traditional grand assembly). 3. Loya Jirga to elect transitional state council for two years, until a constitution is drawn up and elections held. 4. A multinational force to secure Kabul. The four factions have now put forward many more names than there are jobs available on the interim administration.The next step, expected to begin immediately, will be to choose which factions get which jobs - a delicate balancing act given Afghanistan's complicated ethnic and tribal mix.

The Pentagon denies reports that US bombs killed about 20 civilians in eastern Afghanistan, close to suspected Taleban and al-Qaeda hideouts. Tribal forces in southern Afghanistan, backed by American air strikes, say they are closing in on the last remaining Taleban stronghold of Kandahar from different directions. A few of these warlords are very ochlarchical, say, Gul Agha, the former mujahideen governor of Kandahar, and his tribal militia. The Conference demands that this violent ochlarchy should be stopped. US military forces take custody of a young American from Washington DC, captured fighting for the Taleban. The body of CIA officer Johnny Spann, the first known US combat death in Afghanistan, returns to the United States. Afghan women's delegates are meeting in the Belgian capital Brussels for a two-day summit on the future of Afghanistan. Anti-Taleban fighters in Afghanistan say they have clashed with members of Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda terror network near their cave hideout south of Jalalabad. 05.12.2001. Three more American soldiers, and five anti-Taleban fighters, have been killed and several wounded, bombed by US airforce. The talks in Bonn, Germany, have resulted in an agreement. The delegates have selected anti-Taleban commander Hamid Karzai to head an interim state council in Afghanistan.

06-8.12.2001: Taleban leader Mullah Omar will begin surrendering Kandahar on Friday, a Taleban official tells. The Taleban forces have had big losses the last days, and a lot had to give in. However Omar himself and some of the Taleban soldiers do not quite agree, yet. Israeli warplanes strike Palestinian police headquarters in Gaza City. Batch of mail coming through US Federal Reserve outside mail facility tests positive for anthrax. Afghans celebrated in Kandahar after the Taleban lost the last major city under their control Friday, while fighters looking for Osama bin Laden encountered stiff resistance near Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. Karzai has promised "common Taleban" fighters amnesty, but said about 650 non-Afghan fighters in the Kandahar area are criminals who must be brought to justice internationally. Explosions and weapons fire echoed overnight as US and "Eastern" Alliance forces continued their assault on Taleban and al-Qaeda positions in the mountainous eastern Afghan region of Tora Bora. BREAKING THE NEWS: SHIMON PERES IS PUT ON TRIAL AT THE INTERNATIONAL ANARCHIST TRIBUNAL FOR PUTTING THE BLAME OF THE TERRORISM ON ANARCHISTS. (THE VERDICT IS PRESENTED IN CHAPTER XII A, BELOW)

09.12.2001: Breakthrough in Afghan aid effort. Fears of a major humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan recede as a vital aid route is restored with the reopening of a bridge on the Uzbek border. Hamas and islamic jihad have carried out five suicide bombings in the past 10 days, killing 29 Israelis. Arafats says he has arrested several of the jihad terrorists, but is it enough? 10.12.2001: NRK reports the Taleban has surrendered in the last region they controlled in Eastern part of the country. Still bin Laden and about thousand Arabian soldiers of al-Qaeda are fighting. CNN reports the "Eastern" Alliance forces made key gains against al-Qaeda fighters positioned high in Afghanistan's rugged White Mountains near the border with Pakistan. The commander said alliance troops had taken two al-Qaeda command centers and four tunnel complexes. 11.12.2001: NRK reports most of the al-Qaeda troops have surrendered, only a small group and bin-Laden refuse to give in. 12.12.2001: Bin Laden and al-Qaeda have still not given in. 10 Jews have been killed by Palestinians. Arafat says they will close all offices and institutions of Hamas and islamic jihad.

13.12.2001: A spokesman for al-Qaeda says bin Laden has escaped to Pakistan. The Conference doesn't know if this is the truth. Israeli Cabinet cuts off contact with Arafat; to deploy military to arrest jihad terrorists. President Bush announces US withdrawing from Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. On a tape released by Pentagon, Osama bin Laden says hijackers "were trained" and says plans were not revealed to them until "just before they boarded the planes." 12 are killed and several wounded by terrorists at the Parliament in India. The marxist Terje Rød-Larsen from UN in Palestine, a comrade of Arafat, says the Oslo agreement of 1993 is finished if Arafat is crushed. The Conference does not quite agree. There must be other alternatives than the extreme PLO-marxists, as Arafat, and jihad terrorists, among the Palestinian people. These must however be real delegates of the Palestinian people, not a Quisling puppet regime, introduced by Israel.14.12.2001: Osama bin-Laden is believed to be surrounded by opposition and US forces in a cave complex at Tora Bora, a senior military official tells CNN. Shimon Peres, the authoritarian socialdemocrat marxist, supports his comrade in politics, Arafat, and has called the terrorists "anarchists". This is quite similar to the authoritarian marxist Willy Brandt, who called the marxist-leninist (maoist) RAF (Baader-Meinhof) "anarchists", and thus supported his comrades the marxist-leninist (stalinist) ruling party in DDR, now PDS, that trained and supported RAF, together with PLO/Arafat. They both got the Brown Card from IAT. Marxist politics stinks!!!!

12 Palestinians are killed by Israeli troops. Some marxist "autonomous" groups have misused the black flag, traditionally used by some anarchists, in ochlarchical "anti-capitalist" and "anti-globalization" demonstrations, the first violent protests in EU since 11 September 2001. These fake "anarchist" groups and the newsmedia calling them "anarchists" have got a Brown Card from the IAT. Ochlarchy is not anarchy and ochlarchists are not anarchists. 15.12.2001: The former KBG leader, Putin, now president of Russia, sends his support to his old comrade Arafat, and is warning the Jews. Unless the Israelis cast off their arrogant mode of thinking, and the position as an occupying power, the present cycle of bloodshed will probably only intensify. Europe that has witnessed the arrogance of colonialism as a dominant power, should not return now to adopt similar attitudes even when their source is the Jewish State. International intervention to stop both Arafat, the jihad terrorists and Sharon is urgently needed for the sake of the Palestinians and the Israelis as well. Six Palestinian policemen were killed by Israeli troops, yesterday in Salfeet on the Northern part of the West Bank. Four Palestinians were killed today at Beit Hanun in the Gaza Strip. It seems that three of them were boys, resisting with nothing but stones the massive Israeli forces which invaded their town, infantry and tanks and armored personnel carriers. The Anarchist International Embassy sends a note about "the situation in the Middel East and Europe", based on the resolutions from the Conference, to other embassies etc..

16.12.2001: Unknown number of US marine casualties after explosion at Kandahar airport in Afghanistan, CNN reports. The al-Qaeda bases close to Tora Bora are crushed, and at least 500 terrorists are on the run. Arafat try to play his usual marxist game, saying he will arrest the jihad terrorists (and will perhaps arrest a few, but mainly not the guilty, and release them in a couple of days.) The Conference as usual doesn't believe too much in his marxist games, and has not forgotten that he supported Saddam Hussein in his sudden militarist attack on the independent country al-Kuwait. By the way, the Palestinians in refugee camps must not be forgotten in the Middle East discussion, and Arafat is elected by the Palestinian people, although the freedom of this election may be questioned. Arafat has closed down a lot of offices of the jihad terrorists, but this is more cosmetical than real antiterrorist policy, as far as the Conference may understand. 3 American soldiers were wounded in clean up operations in Afghanistan.

17.12.2001: US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says that as many as 2 000 al-Qaeda fighters, many of whom come from outside Afghanistan, are still on the run. Hazrat Ali, who is leading the anti-Taleban Afghan forces in the area, said 200 al-Qaeda fighters had been killed and 35 captured. Anti-Taleban fighters have publicly paraded captured members of the al-Qaeda terror network, as they continue to meet resistance from others forced out of their bases in mountains in eastern Afghanistan. The anti-Taleban Afghan forces, backed by US and British troops, have taken dozens of prisoners since Sunday as they have cleared areas in Tora Bora. Hamas has buried one of their terrorist leaders, killed by Israeli troops, and swear revenge. More jihad terrorism is waiting ahead, dispite Arafats talks of peace and negotiation, if not something drastic is done. 18.12.2001: The Anarchy of Norway has discussed and offered to send some volunteers,.among them experts of "direct action and sabotage" to peace-keeping in Afghanistan, but Tony Blair doesn't want to use forces from small countries, toghether with 1000-1500 British soldiers and other units from other big countries, all in all about 4000-5000 strong. Thus, these Norwegian soldiers may probably stay home at Christmas. However Bush wants some "mine-destroyers", another branch where Norwegians have competence, so perhaps some soldiers will go to Afghanistan anyway. Time will show. Of course the Anarchy of Norway will do a fair share in the fight against terrorism, in relevant branches, armed service and/or not. However Norwegian soldiers will decide autonomously what to do, what Bush or Blair say or not, it is not so important!

19.12.2001. Bush says the US forces in Afghanistan will leave as soon as al-Qaeda and Taleban are finished. The British will lead a multinational peace keeping force in Afghanistan ca 3 months, i.e. without US participation. Hamas says they will halt attacks on Israelis. The anthrax used in the US bioterrorism is made in USA, reports the ABC-news. 20.12.2001: The German Socialdemocrats, the followers of Willy Brandt, and their old comrades, the stalinist ruling party of DDR, now PDS, have joined forces and have introduced a majority rule together in Berlin. One Palestinian is killed by other Palestinians. Some Norwegian officers have already travelled to Afghanistan, and a force about 100 soldiers strong will probably follow soon after Christmas. Ca 65 Afghans have been killed by the US, and nobody really knows if the killed are Taleban/al-Qaeda or delegates to the new interim council. More bloodshed in the PLO-state of Arafat. 22.12.2001: Hamid Karzai is sworn in as leader of the new interim government to replace Afghanistan's defeated Taleban regime.

The foreign minister of the state council says Norway will contribute with money to support the new system in Afghanistan. He also says Afghanistan must not be forgotten even if the newsmedia become less interested in the country. The Norwegian anarchist council agrees, not only for humanitarian reasons. A chaoitic Afghanistan may easily be a nest of international terrorism once more. Furthermore the Anarchist council thinks the brainwashing jihad schools should be closed down all over the muslim world. 24.12.2001. The last days some attempts to do terrorism are discovered and avoided, and terrorists have been arrested in USA and Europe. 25.12.2001: The Palestinians have killed 1 Jew and wounded three others. The Israelis have arrested 3 members of the Palestinian jihad terrorist organization. Also the PLO-state of Arafat has arrested some Palestinian terrorists the latest days. But is it enough? ... the Conference repeats. 26-28.2001: Osama bin-Laden has demonstrated he is still the emir of al-Qaeda on a video, and also reminded us that the polyarchical terrorist network is relatively independent of his commands. Arafat has not done enough to arrest the jihad terrorists, and the problems in the Middle East continues. BBC reports that the Norwegians once more are engaged in the peacework at Sri Lanka, but so far with limited success. The Conference denounces the new tension between India and Pakistan. Pakistan must arrest their terroristic so called "freedomfighters".

The Conference also again impresses that USA must stop missing on military targets, i.e. Taleban and al-Qaeda forces. The ca 40 possible civilian people killed on Thursday was a bad mistake. 31.12.2001-01.01.2002: Star TV reports about one armed terrorist arrested in India. Pakistan has arrested about ca 100 terrorists, and the tension between India and Pakistan is reduced a bit, but is still dangerously high. The Conference decides to continue in 2002.

Antiterrorism 2002-2005

About the anarchists' and others' fight against terrorism 01.01.2002 - 11.09.2005 - click on http://www.anarchy.no/antiterrorism1.html .

The situation in Sri Lanka, click on http://www.anarchy.no/srilanka.html .

11.09.2005: Four years have gone since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, and The International Conference on Terrorism takes a break from the daily updates. The International Conference on Terrorism and the Anarchist International denounce all kinds of terrorists and terrorism world wide. We will be back with more news, comments, resolutions and other direct actions, when something especially important happens.

2006 and beyond...

Stop the war between Hezbollah and Israel. Develop the camp of the workers

In the war between Israel and on the other side the reactionary, fascist, militias of political islam, the workers, and more generally the people of the area, have nothing to gain. The pressures of different political islamist gangs, whether to impose the veil on women, or to install a veritable sexist apartheid and deny fundamental human rights to the populations under their yoke, remind us that these are not any kind of liberation forces, but just armed gangs seeking to replace one oppression by another.

This military escalation in the Middle East only serves the ruling classes and the leaders of the fascist armed gangs. In Israel, touched by a social crisis (20% of the population live below the poverty line), the ruling class seeks by the military escalation in Lebanon and Palestine, among other things, to avoid an explosion of workers' struggles. In the same way, for the reactionary gangs of Hamas and Hezbollah, this war is a blessing, justifying the existence of their militias and increasing their grip on the population. As for Iran, the conflict with the USA and EU is a gift fallen from heaven to defuse the recent rise of workers' and feminist struggles.

Just as we firmly denounce this military escalation, calling for an immediate ceasefire, and an end to the bombings, and withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, we believe, as internationalist workers, that one of our urgent tasks is to support the development of a third camp - the camp of the workers and the people in general - in the Middle East, at one and the same time against statist and capitalist domination in general, and especially against the islamist oppression. We reaffirm our total solidarity with the organizations that fight, in the Middle East, like us in Europe and elsewhere in the world, for workers' interests, for  equality between all the peoples of the region, for women's emancipation against reactionary traditions and religious currents, for secularism and, beyond that, for the creation of another future free from wars, atrocities, racism, sexism, statist and capitalist exploitation in general. (Press release from the Anarchist International 13.08.2006)

End in sight for the international armed struggle against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan

06.12.2008: End in sight for war in Iraq, Bush says: The war in Iraq isn't over, but a successful end is in sight, thanks to hard work between the United States and Iraq, President George W. Bush said in his weekly radio address today."Earlier this week, Iraq's Presidency Council approved two landmark agreements that will solidify Iraq's democratic gains, affirm its sovereignty, and put its relations with the United States on a strong and steady footing," he said. "The first agreement that America and Iraq have signed is called a strategic framework agreement."

This pact sets out a common vision for US-Iraqi relations in the years ahead, he said. Under this agreement, the two nations will work together to bring greater stability to Iraq and the region. That will include working to promote stability in the region through trade and investment as well as supporting Iraq's leaders and citizens."Only a few years ago, such an agreement was unimaginable," Bush said. "Terrorists were seizing new ground and using violence to divide the Iraqi people along sectarian lines and the nation was nearing the point of political collapse and civil war. Today, violence is down dramatically. The Iraqi military is growing in capability, taking the lead in the fight against the extremists, and working across sectarian lines."There is hope in the eyes of young Iraqis for the first time in many years," he added.

The second agreement, a status of forces agreement, has the primary purpose of ensuring the protection of US troops and Defense Department civilians as Iraq begins to exercise greater sovereignty. "It [also] lays out a framework for the withdrawal of American forces in Iraq," Bush said. "This withdrawal will take place in two stages." "The first stage will occur next year, when Iraqi forces assume the lead for security operations in all major population centers, while US combat forces move out of Iraqi cities and into an overwatch role", Bush said. After this transition has occurred, the drawdown of American forces will continue to the second stage, with all US forces returning home from Iraq by the end of 2011. The International Conference on Terrorism and the Anarchist International are pleased with the plan for withdrawel. The anarchists, the ICOT, AI and AIE have been against this war all of the time, from the start.

27.02.2009: President Barack Obama has announced the withdrawal of most US troops in Iraq by the end of August 2010. In a speech at a Marine Corps base, he said the US "combat mission" in Iraq would officially end by that time. But up to 50,000 of 142,000 troops now there will stay into 2011 to advise Iraqi forces and protect US interests, leaving by the end of 2011, he said. Mr Obama praised the progress made but warned: "Iraq is not yet secure, and there will be difficult days ahead." Some Democrats are concerned that the timetable falls short of his election pledges on troop withdrawal. Mr Obama had said previously that he would completely pull out troops within 16 months of taking the top job. Earlier this month, he ordered the deployment of up to 17,000 extra US troops to Afghanistan, saying they had been due to go to Iraq but were being redirected to "meet urgent security needs".

07.03.2009: Obama Ponders outreach to elements of the Taleban. President Obama declared in an interview that the United States was not winning the armed struggle in Afghanistan and opened the door to a reconciliation process in which the American military would reach out to moderate elements of the Taleban, much as it did with Sunni militias in Iraq. Mr. Obama pointed to the success in peeling Iraqi insurgents away from more hard-core elements of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a strategy that many credit as much as the increase of American forces with turning the armed struggle around in the last two years. "There may be some comparable opportunities in Afghanistan and in the Pakistani region," he said, while cautioning that solutions in Afghanistan will be complicated.

08.03.2009: Karzai welcomes Obama call to reach out to Taleban. President Hamid Karzai on Sunday welcomed President Barack Obama's call to identify moderate elements of the Taleban and encourage them to reconcile with the Afghan government. Obama's call "was good news because this has been the stand of the Afghan government," Karzai told a gymnasium full of Afghan women during a speech to commemorate International Women's Day. "There may be some comparable opportunities in Afghanistan and in the Pakistani region," Obama said, while cautioning that solutions in Afghanistan will be complicated. Karzai warned that there are Taleban fighters who are beyond reconciliation - those who have joined with al-Qaeda, for instance. But he said talks should go forward "with those who are afraid to come back to their country, or who feel they have no choice but to stay with the Taleban for various reasons. They are welcome." Obama cautioned that Afghanistan is a less-governed region than Iraq with a history of fierce independence among tribes, creating a tough set of circumstances for the United States to deal with.

Obama as mentioned last month ordered 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan to bolster the record 38,000 American forces already in the country. Obama has promised to increase the US focus on Afghanistan and away from Iraq, as the US begins to draw down its forces there. In the latest violence, a roadside blast killed a NATO service member and wounded two US coalition members in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, the NATO-led force said. Another roadside blast in central Ghazni province hit a police vehicle, killing three officers and wounding another three, said Ismail Jahangir, the spokesman for the provincial governor. A joint Afghan-coalition patrol, meanwhile, killed two Afghan police officers late Friday who opened fire on their team in northeastern Kapisa province, the coalition said in a statement Sunday. The joint patrol, which was on foot, attempted to identify themselves as friendly forces to the police without success, the statement said. "In selfdefense, the patrol returned fire killing two individuals," it said. The string of deaths continues an upward spike in violence that has spread throughout Afghanistan the last three years even as Obama's administration is trying to come up with a new approach to dealing with the Afghan armed struggle against the terrorists.

14.10.2009: Anarchists against Afghanistan = Chaosistan. A Black Star to Gen. Stanley McChrystal. Gen. Stanley McChrystal has warned us about Afghanistan = Chaosistan, a failed state similar to Somalia, if he don't get sufficient troops to counter the Taleban/Al-Qaeda insurgency. The IAT-APT issues a Black Star to Gen. Stanley McChrystal  for calling this danger Chaosistan, and not falsely anarchy. The anarchists urge NATO to send sufficient troops to counter the Taleban/Al-Qaeda insurgency in a most libertarian way, i.e. at least 3 to 1. PS. 23.06.2010. McChrystal was sacked by Obama after criticism of some of the touchy US-president's administration.

19.11.2009: Karzai sets Afghan forces target. Hamid Karzai has been sworn in as Afghan president for a second elected term, saying he wants Afghan forces in charge of the nation within five years. In his inauguration speech, Mr Karzai announced a conference to tackle corruption and a national gathering to help bring peace to Afghanistan. He also invited his defeated rivals to join him in working for peace.

01.12.2009: Obama announced he was sending an additional 30,000 American troops to armed fight against al-Qaeda/Taleban in Afghanistand and would commence troop withdrawals by the summer [July] of 2011.

04.12.2009: NATO allies will bolster the US troop surge in Afghanistan by sending at least 7,000 soldiers of their own, officials said Friday in pledges that US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton described as crucial to turning the tide in the stalemated armed struggle. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen of Denmark told reporters at the organization's headquarters that still further NATO forces might be in the offing, suggesting there would be "more to come." According to a copy of Clinton's prepared remarks to the closed-door NATO meeting, she told the ministers that "the pace, size and scope of the drawdown will be predicated on the situation on the ground." "If things are going well, a larger number of forces could be removed from more areas," she said. "If not, the size and speed of the drawdown will be adjusted accordingly." No one was saying a quick pullout. Said Fogh Rasmussen: "Transition (to Afghan control) does not mean exit." Afghanistan's security forces have been hobbled by a lack of training and resources, but US officials hope to bolster their ability by sending them out with American and allied troops into battle zones.

28.12.2009. A wing of al-Qaeda claimed responsibility on Monday for a failed Christmas Day attack on a US-bound passenger plane and President Barack Obama vowed to bring "every element" of US power against those who threaten Americans' safety. The anarchists condemn the attack. 29.12.2009. President Obama: "Mix of human and systemic failures" allowed terror suspect to board airliner in failed bombing.

22.01.2010. Peace scheme mooted for Taleban. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has told the BBC he plans to introduce a scheme to attract Taleban fighters back to normal life by offering money and jobs. He would offer to pay and resettle Taleban fighters to come over to his side, with the scheme funded by the international community. He said the UK and US would show at a conference next week in London that they had decided to back his new plan. Japan is one of the countries which, he said, is prepared to put up the money. The Taleban currently pay their volunteers, who are often just farmers, significantly more than the Afghan government can afford to give its forces. President Karzai said the Afghan people had to have peace at any price. War was not the only way forward and there had to be proper peace activity and reconciliation. Previously, he said, Britain, the US and other Western countries had not been happy about the idea. Now they had changed their minds. He stressed that Taleban supporters who were members of al-Qaeda or other terrorist networks would not be accepted. But anyone who accepted the Afghan constitution and did not have an ideological opposition to it could return.

Lame duck perception. Doing deals with his enemies is a bold approach, but as President Karzai enters his second term of office he knows he must get an agreement. Many of his own people, as well as the Western powers, regard him as a lame-duck president. In the past, his ability to run Afghanistan has been limited by the powers of the warlords, and by the high level of corruption. With considerable frankness, he accepted that there was some truth in this. "Yes," he said, "my presidency is weak in regard to the means of power, which means money, which means equipment, which means manpower, which means capacity." The clear implication was that if he got these things, he could start to run the country as he wanted. If there was agreement at next week's conference in London, Afghanistan would be in a position to run its own affairs. In five years, he said, Afghanistan could be controlling its own security and leading the fight in the country against corruption and the drugs industry.

But he is still smarting from the heavy criticism he got from the Americans and British about the way last August's presidential election was run. He insists it was a concerted effort by the West to undermine him. "Unfortunately our election was very seriously mistreated by our Western allies," he said. Now, though, he had to depend on them to help him. Could he trust them? "We trust them because we are in a relationship together," he replied. President Karzai angrily rejected a suggestion earlier this week by a UN agency that nearly a quarter of Afghanistan's GDP was swallowed up by corruption. Nevertheless, he said, "if you expect us to be a First World country, you are making a mistake".

22.01.2010. Police in Turkey have arrested 120 suspected members of al-Qaeda after carrying out a series of dawn raids across the country. Reports say a senior Turkish member of the islamist network, accused of recruiting students to fight in Afghanistan, is among those to have been rounded up. Turkey has been carying out similar such raids on over the past year. These new arrests follow the detention of 25 suspected al-Qaeda members on Wednesday in the capital Ankara and the southern city of Adana. One is believed to be the leader of Al-Qaeda in Turkey, Serdar Elbasa, who is also known as Abu Zer. In those earlier raids, police seized weapons, fake identity papers and explosives. The radical islamist group has previously carried out attacks on Turkish soil - most notably in a 2003 bombing in Istanbul which killed 60 people.

24.01.2010. New bin Laden tape emerges. A new audio tape allegedly from the al-Qaeda ruler, i.e. emir, Osama bin Laden claims responsibility for an attempt to blow up a plane en route to Michigan on Christmas Day and warns the United States of more attacks. The tape, which aired on the Arabic-language news Web site Al-Jazeera on Sunday, says "the United States will not dream of enjoying safety until we live it in reality in Palestine." The tape continues: "It is not fair to enjoy that kind of life while our brothers in Gaza live in the worst of miseries." AIIS could not independently confirm the authenticity of the message, but  it is probably not false, and it contains the same hollow justification for murder of innocent people as earlier messages.

In another section of the audio tape that Al-Jazeera broadcast, the voice says: "God willing our attacks will continue as long as you support the Israelis and may peace be on those who follow guidance." Bin Laden also claims responsibility for the foiled attack on Delta flight 253 in December. "The message intended to be sent to you was through the hero fighter Omar Farouq, may God release him, confirming an earlier message that the [September] 11th heroes delivered to you and it was repeated before and after [that event]," he says. A Nigerian man, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, has been charged with attempting to blow up the Delta Airlines plane as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam, Netherlands. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, i.e. Yemen, was behind the failed attack on Christmas Day. So a message like this -- no matter whose voice it may be -- should come as no surprise. Al-Qaeda has, from time to time, tried to build support for its program of murder by talking about the Palestinian issue. That line's never gotten them much in the past, and it's unlikely to now, either.

Bin Laden had six messages in 2009. The last was on September 25 and was "to the European people." In that message, he urged the countries to reconsider their involvement in the Afghanistan so called "war". "Today Europe is suffering an economic crisis, and its export reputation doesn't hold true anymore, while America is bleeding economically because of all the wars it is involved in," his last message said. "Think about how Europe will fare when America pulls out of Afghanistan. You will be left to suffer alone the rage of the people you oppressed." It should be clear to all that this is a lie. The polyarchical and ochlarchical network of al-Qaeda, murderers, has clearly a top - down approach, not the other way around.

There is a possibility bin Laden did not know about the attempted attack in December and al-Qaeda branches may be using it to prove themselves to the group's leadership. They were able to get their man on an American plane on American soil so it is partly successful. The strategy is there, outlined by the mother leadership and now we will probably see the branches doing their best to please their leadership and implement the al-Qaeda vision in their own ways. Bin Laden is thought to be hiding in the Pakistan-Afghanistan mountain region, according to intelligence experts.

As mentioned the polyarchical and ochlarchical network of al-Qaeda, murderers, has clearly a top - down approach. Anarchists are against capital punishment, and the only violence anarchists accept is defensive violence, proportionate, in self defense. As other murderers al-Qaeda should preferably be arrested, and face trial and get life in prison. However as for other murderers who try to avoid arrest by shooting at, or bombing, the ones that legitimately will arrest them, it may be no other option than to kill them in self defense - or be killed by al-Qaeda. Such killing by law and order forces is within the framework of proportionate violence in self defense, and direct action from the bottom - upwards, significantly. However the US cowboy wild west "wanted dead or alive" is not necessarily compatible with this approach, and should be avoided. And the fight against the terrorists is not a "war on terror", but a law and order case. The law and order forces consist of NATO including US defense and stabilization forces, plus Afghan forces, police and defense. They not only face al-Qaeda but also their ally the Taleban.

28.01.2010. Sixty nations have promised 100 million euros for a fund to help disaffected Afghans - including Taleban fighters - to lay down their arms and rejoin mainstream society in Afghanistan. An international conference on Afghanistan held in London has been hailed as the first time reintegration plans have won such international support. Britain's Foreign Secretary David Miliband said: "The intention is for some provinces to transition by late 2010/early 2011, on the road to meet President Karzai's commitment that half of Afghanistan provinces would have an Afghan security leadership within three years and the whole of Afghanistan would be under Afghan security leadership within five years." Miliband launched a strong attack on Iran, which was invited but didn't go to the conference. The Afghan government on the other hand have invited the Taleban to a council of elders meeting. It is the strongest signal yet that the administration and its Western allies want a way out of the so called "war".

Can the peace scheme advocated by Afghan president Hamid Karzai to attract Taleban fighters back to normal life be taken seriously? The ICOT, AI and the Anarchist International Embassy have some doubts. Now everybody will be Taleban....Up until now the extremists in Afghanistan have refused to negotiate. Karzai remains confident the lure of money and jobs financed through the international trust fund can work. Earlier this week in Istanbul, Karzai outlined his bold approach. "Those Taleban who are not part of al-Qaeda or other terrorist networks are welcome to come back to their country, lay down arms and resume life under the constitution of Afghanistan," President Karzai said. The idea to persuade Taleban fighters to come back into the fold is not a novel one. Last March, during a conference on Afghanistan in the Hague, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke about peace through reintergration.

"We must also support the efforts by the government of Afghanistan to separate the extremists of al-Qaeda and the Taleban from those who joined their ranks not out of conviction but out of desperation," Clinton said. Any talking to the Taleban would go hand in hand with the military strategy. NATO 's top commander, US General Stanley McChrystal, will soon have an extra 37,000 troops to count on to secure the highly unstable South of the country. The allies hope the surge will bear fruit, forcing the extremists to the negotiating table. Many ordinary Afghans, however, are tired of waiting for security to come. "We all live under the tent in this freezing weather. People have died here. Our demand from this conference is to build us houses and bring security in our country," one displaced man said. In a temporary camp near to the capital Kabul, like so many others dotted around Afghanistan, the occupants simply want peace. The Anarchafeminist International is worried about womens' rights in connection with integration of earlier Taleban fighters into Karzai's regime.

21.02.2010. Outgunned Taleban mounting tough fight in Marjah. Outnumbered and outgunned, Taleban fighters are mounting a tougher fight than expected in Marjah, Afghan officials said Sunday, as US-led forces converged on a pocket of militants in a western section of the town. Despite ongoing fighting, the newly appointed civilian chief for Marjah said he plans to fly into the town Monday for the first time since the attack to begin restoring Afghan government control and winning over the population after years of Taleban rule. With fighter jets, drones and attack helicopters roaring overhead, Marine and Afghan companies advanced Sunday on a 2-square-mile (5.2-sq. kilometer) area where more than 40 insurgents were believed holed up. "They are squeezed," said Lt. Col. Brian Christmas, commander of 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment. "It looks like they want to stay and fight but they can always drop their weapons and slip away."

US officials signaled their intention to attack Marjah, a major Taleban supply and opium-smuggling center, months ago, apparently in hopes the insurgents would flee and allow the US-led force to take over quickly and restore an Afghan government presence. Instead, the insurgents rigged Marjah with bombs and booby traps to slow the allied attack, which began Feb. 13. Teams of Taleban gunmen stayed in the town, delivering sometimes intense volleys of gunfire on Marine and Afghan units slogging through the rutted streets and poppy fields. Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi said the US and its allies had expected the Taleban to leave behind thousands of hidden explosives, which they did. But they were surprised to find that so many militants stayed to fight. "We predicted it would take many days. But our prediction was that the insurgency would not resist that way," Azimi said in Kabul.

In a statement Sunday, NATO acknowledged that insurgents were putting up a "determined resistance" in various parts of Marjah, although the overall offensive is "on track." Marine spokesman Lt. Josh Diddams said Sunday that Marines and Afghan troops were continuing to run into "pockets of stiff resistance" though they were making progress. Diddams said no area is completely calm yet although three markets in town - which covers about 80 square miles - are at least partially open. "Everywhere we've got Marines, we're running into insurgents," Diddams said. In many cases, the militants are fighting out of bunkers fortified with sandbags and other materials. Before the assault, US officers said they believed 400 to 1,000 insurgents were in Marjah, 360 miles (610 kilometers) southwest of Kabul. About 7,500 US and Afghan troops attacked the town, while thousands more NATO soldiers moved into other Taleban strongholds in surrounding Helmand province. It was the largest joint NATO-Afghan operation since the Taleban regime was ousted from power in 2001.

NATO's civilian chief in Afghanistan, Mark Sedwill, said the military operation was moving slowly "because of essentially the ruthlessness of the opponent we face and the rules that we've set for ourselves" to protect civilians. "We could have swept through this place in a couple of days but there would have been a lot of casualties." he said. NATO said one service member died in a roadside bombing Sunday, bringing the number of international troops killed in the operation to 13. At least one Afghan soldier has been confirmed dead. Senior Marine officers say intelligence reports suggest more than 120 insurgents have died. The Marjah operation is a major test of a new NATO strategy that stresses protecting civilians over routing insurgents quickly. It's also the first major ground operation since President Barack Obama ordered 30,000 reinforcements to Afghanistan. Gen. David Petraeus, who oversees the armed struggles in Afghanistan and Iraq, said on NBC's "Meet The Press" that Marjah was the opening salvo in a campaign to turn back the Taleban that could last 12 to 18 months.

In a setback to that strategy, the Dutch prime minister said Sunday that his country's 1,600 troops would probably leave Afghanistan this year. Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende spoke a day after his government collapsed when a coalition partner insisted the Dutch troops leave in August as planned. Most Dutch troops are stationed in Uruzgan province, which borders Helmand to the north. Afghan officials expressed concern that Taleban fighters driven out of Helmand could regroup in Uruzgan without a robust NATO presence. During Sunday's fighting, Marines found several abandoned Kalashnikov rifles along with ammunition hidden in homes, suggesting that insurgents intended to blend into the local population and fight back later. Sporadic volleys of insurgent machine-gun fire rang out through the day.

The Taleban shoots in front of  houses, they don't care that there are children around. Abdul Rahman Saber, chief of the local council for Marjah, said the situation in much of the town was improving - that some residents had been able to return to their homes. Anxious to begin the task of restoring government authority, Zahir, the new district leader, said he plans to meet Monday with community leaders and townspeople about security, health care and reconstruction. "The Marines have told us that the situation is better. It's OK. It's good," said Zahir, who like many Afghans goes by one name. "I'm not scared because it is my home. I have come to serve the people." Life in Marjah, however, remains far from normal. The price of food had soared, with the price of sugar and other staples doubling as the fighting continues. "The Taleban are fleeing the area, but there is sporadic shooting," Saber said. "Two or three days ago, 12 civilians were wounded by bullets when they were escaping."

On Saturday, President Hamid Karzai urged NATO to do more to protect civilians during combat operations to secure Marjah, although he noted the military alliance had made progress in doing that - mainly by reducing airstrikes and adopting more restrictive combat rules. NATO forces have repeatedly said they want to prevent civilian casualties, but acknowledged that it is not always possible. On Saturday, the alliance said its troops killed another civilian in the Marjah area, bringing the civilian death toll from the operation to at least 16. Karzai also reached out to Taleban fighters, urging them to renounce al-Qaeda and join with the government.

But the process of reconciliation and reintegration is likely to prove difficult. On Sunday, Mohammad Jan Rasool Yar, spokesman for Zabul province, said authorities arrested 14 police in the Shar-e-Safa district on Saturday who had defected to the Taleban's side last week. They were found on a bus heading to Pakistan. NATO said two insurgents, including a suspected Taleban commander, were captured Friday in northern Helmand province. The men are believed to be involved in making roadside bombs. They, along with three others earlier in the week, had been caught as part of an operation to break up the Taleban's weapons supply line.

The Taleban has so far rejected Hamid Karzai's latest call for peace, branding the Afghan President a "puppet" who is "bogged down in corruption." Reports that secret talks on national reconciliation had already been held, sparked hopes that Karzai's new appeal in parliament might lead to a breakthrough. But his chief political rival says even a change in the military balance of power won't soften the resolve of the most hardened militants. "The Taleban are not ready to enter talks," said opposition leader Abdullah Abdullah. "They think that they have the upper hand militarily. And also, it is against their ideology, against their core existence to enter talks or to envisage to be part of a democratic system." NATO has hit pockets of stiff resistance in its current attacks on Taleban strongholds. But the insurgents remain so far defiant, perhaps digging in for a fight to the death.

22.02.1010. NATO mistake condemned by the anarchists. NATO jets mistakenly killed at least 21 people in central Afghanistan, Afghan officials said Monday, the deadliest attack on civilians in six months. The strike prompted a sharp rebuke from the Afghan government as it struggles to win public backing for a major military offensive against the Taleban in south. Also Monday, a suicide bomber detonated explosives at a community meeting in eastern Afghanistan, killing 15 civilians including a prominent tribal leader widely criticized for failing to prevent Osama bin Laden's escape at Tora Bora after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. The civilian deaths occurred as 15,000 NATO, US and Afghan soldiers were in their 10th day of fighting insurgents in the southern town of Marjah in Helmand province. The mission is to rout the Taleban, set up a local government and rush in aid to win public support.

The alliance said its planes fired on what was thought to be a group of insurgents in Uruzgan province on their way to attack NATO and Afghan forces. Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary said the airstrike hit three minibuses, which were traveling on a major road near Uruzgan's border with Day Kundi province. Although the airstrike was not related to the Marjah offensive, civilian casualties undermine NATO's goal of turning back the Taleban and winning the confidence of the Afghan people - one of the main objectives of the southern operation. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has repeatedly called on NATO to do more to protect civilians during stepped-up military operations, and the Afghan Cabinet strongly condemned the airstrike. The anarchists, ICOT, AI and the AIE, also condemn the mistake, and repeat that civilian losses must be put at a minimum.

In recent months, NATO has limited airstrikes and tightened rules of engagement on the battlefield to try to protect the Afghan people and win their loyalty from the Taleban. "I have made it clear to our forces that we are here to protect the Afghan people and inadvertently killing or injuring civilians undermines their trust and confidence in our mission," top NATO commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal said in a written apology after Sunday's strike. "We will redouble our effort to regain that trust." It was the second time in nine days that NATO has apologized for killing civilians. On Feb. 14, two US rockets slammed into a home outside Marjah, killing 12 people, including six children. According to NATO, at least 16 civilians have been killed so far during the offensive; human rights groups say the figure is at least 19. Bashary said investigators had recovered 21 bodies from the Uruzgan airstrike and that two other people were missing.

The Afghan Cabinet reported a higher death toll, saying 27 civilians were killed, including four women and a child, and 12 other people were injured. The ministers urged NATO to "closely coordinate and exercise maximum care before conducting any military operation" to avoid further civilian casualties. The toll was the highest involving civilians since last September, when US pilots bombed two hijacked fuel tankers in a German-ordered airstrike near the northern town of Kunduz. German officials, citing a classified NATO report, say up to 142 people are believed to have died or been injured. Afghan leaders estimated that 30 to 40 civilians were killed.

Monday's suicide bombing occurred outside Jalalabad, the capital of Nangarhar province. Police Gen. Mohammad Ayub Salangi said a militant attacked tribal elders and government workers who were meeting with a few hundred Afghan refugees to discuss the distribution of land. Among those killed was Mohammad Zaman Ghamsharik, better known as Haji Zaman, one of the two principal Afghan warlords who went after bin Laden after the Taleban fled Kabul in 2001. "When we came to the site, 14 bodies were lying on the spot and I learned that tribal elder Mohammad Zaman was also among the dead," said eyewitness Malik Ahmad. "Twenty people were wounded including the head of the Nangarhar refugees department." On Dec. 11, 2001, Zaman told the senior US military officer at Tora Bora that al-Qaeda fighters wanted to surrender, but needed a cease-fire to allow them to get down from the mountains, the report said. That turned out to be a ruse, and bin Laden and hundreds of his followers escaped.

In the southern offensive in Marjah, fighting was less intense on Monday than in previous days. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that the number of displaced residents has more than doubled during the past four days. More than 3,700 families, or an estimated 22,000 people, from Marjah and surrounding areas have registered in Helmand's capital of Lashkar Gah 20 miles (30 kilometers) from Marjah, the UN said. The International Committee of the Red Cross said it had evacuated 28 sick and injured civilians to treatment facilities outside the area since the offensive began on Feb. 13. Ajmal Samadi, a spokesman for the Afghan Rights Monitor in Kabul, said food prices had soared. "The situation is grim," Samadi said. "People are very concerned. Markets are closed. Shops are closed. Pharmacies are closed. No health facilities are functioning properly."

A deputy district chief, appointed to shepherd new governance into the town after years of Taleban control. made his first trip to Marjah on Monday. He handed out turbans to elders in a sign of respect. Abdul Zahir Aryan toured the main market, then sat down at a gas station with 40 to 50 elders, who told him they wanted to see the main market reopened and that they remained concerned about security because of ongoing fighting in many neighborhoods, said Rory Donohoe, the head of the US development agency for Helmand province.

14.03.2010. A series of bombings has rocked Kandahar, leaving at least 30 people dead. Four separate suicide attacks in the southern Afghan city struck different targets, including a prison and the police headquarters. The Taleban have claimed responsibility for the bombings, saying they are meant to send a 'message' to NATO. Insurgents are the main target of a joint operation between NATO and Afghan security in Helmand province.

31.05.2010. Al-Qaeda # 3 top killed. Al-Qaeda's number three — a co-founder of the terror network — has been killed in Pakistan's border area with Afghanistan, according to a statement attributed to the group that was posted on Islamist websites Monday. The statement did not say how Egyptian-born Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, who was also known as Sheik Sa'id al-Masri, was killed nor did it identify a successor. Al-Yazid was al-Qaeda's financial director and ran its operations in Afghanistan. It was al-Yazid who shortly before the September 11 attacks transferred several thousand dollars to Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 hijackers.

23.06.2010. Gen. David Petraeus replaces Gen. Stanley McChrystal as commander of forces in Afghanistan.

01.09.2010. Obama: US combat in Iraq over, 'time to turn page'. Claiming no victory, President Barack Obama formally ended the US combat role in Iraq after seven long years of bloodshed, declaring firmly Tuesday night: "It's time to turn the page." Now, he said, the nation's most urgent priority is fixing its own sickly economy. From the Oval Office, where George W. Bush first announced the invasion that would come to define his presidency, Obama addressed millions who were divided over the so called "war" in his country and around the world.

As the anarchists, the Anarchist International, AI/IFA, the Anarchist International Embassy, AIE, and ICOT, Obama fiercely opposed to the war from the start. Obama said the United States "has paid a huge price" to give Iraqis the chance to shape their future - a cost that now includes more than 4,400 troops dead, tens of thousands more wounded and hundreds of billions of dollars spent. In a telling sign of the domestic troubles weighing on the United States and his own presidency, Obama turned much of the emphasis in a major "war" address to the dire state of US joblessness. He said the Iraq war had stripped America of money needed for its own prosperity, and he called for an economic commitment at home to rival the grit and purpose of a military campaign.

US forces still in fight at end of combat mission. Even as President Barack Obama was announcing the end of combat in Iraq, American soldiers were sealing off a northern village early Wednesday as their Iraqi partners raided houses and arrested dozens of suspected insurgents. While the Obama administration has dramatically reduced the number of troops and rebranded the mission, the operation in Hawija was a reminder that US forces are still engaged in hunting down and killing al-Qaeda militants - and could still have to defend themselves against attacks. That reality was front and center at a change-of-command ceremony in one of Saddam Hussein's former palaces outside Baghdad that the American military now uses as its headquarters.

Officials warned of a tough road ahead as the US moves into the final phase of the 7 1/2-year war. Of paramount concern is Iraqi leaders' continued bickering, six months after parliamentary elections, over forming a new government - a political impasse that could further endanger stability and fuel a diminished but still dangerous insurgency. "Iraq still faces a hostile enemy who is determined to hinder progress," Gen. Lloyd Austin, the newly installed commander of the just under 50,000 US troops still in Iraq, told the swelling crowd that was clad in military fatigues and political suits. "Make no mistake, our military forces here and those of the Iraqi nation remain committed to ensuring that our friends in Iraq succeed."

23.06.2011. President Barack Obama declares faster-than-expected drawdown in Afghanistan. In a prime-time televised appearance on Wednesday 22.06.2011, Obama said he would withdraw 10,000 troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2011, and a further 23,000 by the end of next summer. Remaining troops would be steadily withdrawn after that. Nearly 70,000 US soldiers will, however, remain in Afghanistan even after the cuts announced by Obama, about twice the number when he took office in January 2009. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged that Obama's plans to withdraw nearly a third of the some 99,000 US troops in Afghanistan by the end of next summer was a riskier plan than he had initially wanted. "Clearly, this is not a 'rush to the exits' that will jeopardize our security gains," Undersecretary of Defense Michele Flournoy said at the same hearing, alongside Mullen. Mullen also played down the possibility that security gains could be easily reversed, and noted that bringing home troops offered other benefits, including reinforcing the goal of putting Afghans in control of their security by the end of 2014.

"The truth is, we would have run other kinds of risks by keeping more forces in Afghanistan longer. We would have made it easier for the Karzai administration to increase their dependency on us," Mullen said. The Taleban has been pushed out of some areas of their southern heartland, but the insurgency has intensified along Afghanistan's eastern border with Pakistan and US commanders have wanted to shift their focus to that area. US officials are increasingly looking to a potential political solution, eventually bringing Taliban to the negotiating table. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged preliminary outreach. "We believe that a political solution ... is possible. The United States has a broad range of contacts at many levels across Afghanistan and the region ... including very preliminary outreach to members of the Taliban," Clinton told a Senate hearing on Thursday.

She added that "this is not a pleasant business," but part of efforts to end the insurgency. In another sign of the challenges ahead in transferring control to Afghan authorities, an Afghan court on Thursday overturned a quarter of the results from last year's fraud-tainted parliamentary election — potentially plunging the country into a new political crisis. Afghanistan has been in a state of political paralysis since the September 18 election, with a full cabinet still not in place after weeks of squabbling. Sources: AIIS, Reuters & Euronews.

15.12.2011. The United States officially ended its mission in Iraq on Thursday 15.12.2011, nearly nine years after it led an invasion to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta arrived in Baghdad for the ceremony to personally thank the US troops who have served there, as well as Iraqi security forces. All US troops must be out of Iraq by the end of the month after Washington and Baghdad failed to agree on terms under which they could remain. There were about 5,500 American troops in Iraq as of Tuesday, the most recent day American officials in Iraq gave CNN figures. Source: CNN.

18.12.2011. The last US troops in Iraq crossed the border into Kuwait on Sunday morning, ending almost nine years of a deadly and divisive war. About 500 soldiers based in Fort Hood, Texas, and 110 military vehicles made the journey south from Camp Adder, near Nasiriyah, to the Khabari border crossing, from where they will head to Camp Virginia in Kuwait before flying home. They were the last soldiers in what amounted to the largest US troop drawdown since the war in Vietnam. America's contentious and costly war in Iraq officially ended Thursday with an understated ceremony in Baghdad, when US troops lowered the flag of command that flew over the Iraqi capital.

Justified by President George W. Bush largely on the grounds that Saddam Hussein was seeking weapons of mass destruction that he could share with terrorists such as al-Qaeda, the invasion cased deep divisions in America and around the world. President Obama, elected partly on the strength of his opposition to the war, has promised economic, diplomatic and military help to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Nearly 4,500 Americans were killed and more than 30,000 injured in Iraq. Source: CNN.

Terrorism and the International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers 28.04.2011!

A joint IWW & AIT/IWA resolution suggested by IWW's French fellows CNT/AIT gives a new dimension to the concept of terrorism
related to reckless bosses responsible for work accidents. This form of terrorism is also a form of ochlarchy and is - or should be - criminal!

The struggle against terrorism continues - Stop the ochlarchy - Updated!

More information:

Click here!

Al-Qaeda terrorism is increasing in memberstates of the Arab League

With Arab countries we mean the 22 members of the Arab Leauge. The main goal of the League is to "draw closer the relations between member States and co-ordinate collaboration between them, to safeguard their independence and sovereignty, and to consider in a general way the affairs and interests of the Arab countries." The Arab Leauge is the main fascist organization of today, with four moderate fascist systems, and eighteen totalitarian fascist systems, with more than 67% authoritarian degree.

Qatar is the least authoritarian Arab country. Ruled by the al-Thani family since the mid-1800s, Qatar transformed itself from a poor British protectorate noted mainly for pearling into an independent state with significant oil and natural gas revenues. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Qatari economy was crippled by a continuous siphoning off of petroleum revenues by the Amir, who had ruled the country since 1972. His son, the current Amir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, overthrew him in a bloodless coup in 1995. In 2001, Qatar resolved its longstanding border disputes with both Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Oil and natural gas revenues enable Qatar to have a high GDP per capita, 31 558 US $ (2005). For 2007 it is estimated to $ 75 900 PPP, and $ 86 600 at current exchange rate, one of the worlds highest. This contributes to lower the degree of capitalism, but the income-distribution is significantly uneven. The unemployment rate was as low as 0.7% (2007). All in all this is significantly a capitalist country, the degree of capitalism is estimated to 59,5 %. Ethnic groups are Arab 40%, Indian 18%, Pakistani 18%, Iranian 10% and other 14%. Religion: Muslim 77.5%, Christian 8.5%, other 14% (2004 census) . It is ranked as no 40 on the UN's Human Development Index of 2005.

Government type is emirate, a form of  monarchy headed by the Amir, but not without tendencies of democracy, say, the constitution was ratified by a public referendum on 29 April 2003, and endorsed by the Amir on 8 June 2004, made effective on 9 June 2005. Legal system based on Islamic and civil law codes, discretionary system of law controlled by the Amir although civil codes are being implemented. Islamic law dominates family and personal matters. Legislative branch is a unicameral Advisory Council or Majlis al-Shura. The constitution provides for a new 45-member Majlis al-Shura; the public would elect two-thirds of the Majlis al-Shura; the Amir would appoint the remaining members; preparations are underway to conduct elections to the Majlis al-Shura. The Council of Ministers is appointed by the monarch. In April 2007, Qatar held nationwide elections for a 29-member Central Municipal Council (CMC), which has limited consultative powers aimed at improving the provision of municipal services; the first election for the CMC was held in March 1999. There are however no political parties.

The degree of statism is estimated to 65,4 %, clearly a statist country. Thus the authoritarian degree is estimated to 62,5 % and the libertarian degree 37,5 %, ranked as no 47 of countries according to libertarian degree. It is thus not a totalitarian system with more than 67% authoritarian degree, but  rather authoritarian. It is located to the left in the populist sector of the fascist quadrant on the economic-political map, thus it is a left populist regime, moderate fascism. Similar systems, but a bit more authoritarian are in the United Arab Emirates, ranked as no 48 of countries according to libertarian degree, with ca 37,4 % libertarian degree, Bahrain 49 (ca 37,3%) and Kuwait  50 (ca 37,2%).

The other Arab countries are totalitarian fascist states, with less than 33,33 % libertarian degree: Libya ranked as no 68 (ca 32,5% libertarian degree),  Oman 74 (ca 31,9%), Saudi Arabia 82  (ca 31,1%), Lebanon 84 (ca 30,9%), Tunisia 92 (ca 30,1%), Jordan 93  (ca 30%), Algeria 105 (ca 28,5%), Syria 108 (ca 28,2%), Occupied Palestinian Territories 110 (ca 28%), Egypt 122 (ca 26,7%), Morocco 127 (ca 25,8%),  Comoros 135 (ca 24,5%), Sudan 144 (ca 23,6%), Djibouti 152  (ca 22,8%), Yemen 154 (ca 22,6%), Mauritania 155 (ca 22,5%), Iraq 177 (ca 20,5%) and Somalia 186 ( ca 20%).

Somalia with its rivaling polyarchy and heavy ochlarchy is the most authoritarian country in the world. These totalitarian fascist states have very little respect for human rights and are ruled very significantly from the top downwards to the boottom/grassroots, both economically and political/administrative. There is a marginal anarchist opposition in some of the countries, say Lebanon, Egypt and Morocco, but most of the oppositions are fundamentalist, islamist, fascist terrorist groups, even worse than the existing regimes. The Anarchist International supports human rights, including labor and womens' rights, and anarchist opposition, in these countries, and the AI-note "What anarchists are against and what they are for" is translated to Arabic by Arab anarchists, see Anarchism in Arabic, but it is a long way to go before anything close to anarchy regarding the societal system seen all in all can be achieved in these countries.

22.07.2009. Amnesty says Saudi terror fight plagued with abuse. Saudi Arabia is holding more than 3,000 people in secret detention and has used torture to extract confessions in its anti-terrorism crackdown since the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Amnesty International said in a report. The report criticized the international community for turning a blind eye to the kingdom's methods in its crackdown. Asked about the report, a Saudi Interior Ministry official, Abdulrahman Alhadlaq, said, "These are claims that have to be proven." "Our policies on human rights are very clear and the orders given are for prisoners to be treated with respect and according to international human rights principles," Alhadlaq said. "If anything happened, it would be an individual case and if it is brought to anybody's attention it will be dealt with."

31.12.2009. Yemeni forces raid al-Qaeda hideout, clashes erupt. Yemeni forces raided an al-Qaeda hideout and set off a gunbattle Wednesday as the government vowed to eliminate the group that claimed it was behind the Christmas bombing attempt on a US airliner. The fighting took place in an al-Qaeda stronghold in western Yemen, haven for a group that attacked the US Embassy here in 2008, killing 10 Yemeni guards and four civilians. A government statement said at least one suspected militant was arrested during the clashes. "The (Interior) Ministry will continue tracking down al-Qaeda terrorists and will continue its strikes against the group until it is totally eliminated," Deputy Interior Minister Brig. Gen. Saleh al-Zawari told senior military officials at a meeting in Mareb, another province believed to shelter al-Qaeda fighters. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, an offshoot of Osama bin Laden's group, claimed it was behind the attempt to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner. Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old passenger, was arrested Friday after he allegedly tried to bring down the Northwest Airlines flight, carrying 289 people.

US investigators said Abdulmutallab told them he received training and instructions from al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen. Yemen's government has said Abdulmutallab spent two periods in the country, from 2004 to 2005 and from August to December of this year, just before the attempted attack. Abdulmutallab's Yemen connection has drawn attention to al-Qaeda's growing presence in the impoverished and lawless country, which is located on the tip of the Arabian Peninsula across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia. Wednesday's clashes took place in Hudaydah province, an al-Qaeda stronghold along the Red Sea coast. A security official said the target was a house owned by an al-Qaeda sympathizer. The official said the owner was arrested, a suspected al-Qaeda member was injured and several militants who fled were being pursued. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

Before Wednesday's clashes, Yemeni forces backed by US intelligence carried out two major strikes against al-Qaeda hideouts this month, reportedly killing more than 60 militants. The US has increasingly provided intelligence, surveillance and training to Yemeni forces during the past year, and has provided some firepower, according to a senior US defense official, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the subject. Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said Yemen received $67 million in training and support under the Pentagon's counterterrorism program last year, second only to some $112 million spent in Pakistan. He said the program was not a new one. "We are going to work with allies and partners to seek out terrorist activity, al-Qaeda, wherever they operate, plan their operations, seek safe harbor," he said. "This is an effort that is years old now."

02.01.2010. Yemen sends more troops to al-Qaeda strongholds. Yemen deployed several hundred extra troops to two mountainous eastern provinces that are al-Qaeda's main strongholds in the country and where the suspected would-be Christmas airplane bomber may have visited, security officials said Saturday. The reinforcements, aiming to beef up the military's presence in a remote region where the government has little control, were Yemen's latest move in a stepped-up campaign to combat al-Qaeda. The United States plans to more than double its counterterrorism aid to the impoverished, fragmented Arab nation in the coming year to boost the fight. Gen. David Petraeus, the US general who oversees the so called wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and who announced the increased aid, arrived in Yemen on Saturday and met with President Ali Abdullah Saleh, a Yemeni government official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press. The confrontation with al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen gained new urgency after the failed attempt on Christmas Day to bomb a US airliner headed to Detroit. President Barack Obama said Saturday that al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen [Arabian Peninsula] was behind the attempt. The 23-year-old Nigerian accused in the attack, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, has told US investigators he received training and instructions from al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen.

03.01.2010. US shuts Yemen embassy on threats. The US has shut its embassy in Yemen's capital Sanaa, citing "ongoing threats" by an al-Qaeda offshoot linked to an alleged failed US plane bomb plot. In a statement on its website, the embassy reminded US citizens in Yemen to be vigilant and aware of security. It comes a day after top US soldier Gen David Petraeus visited Yemen to pledge US support for its fight with al-Qaeda. There is mounting Western and anarchists' concern that Yemen, the Arab world's poorest nation, is becoming an al-Qaeda haven. "The US Embassy in Sanaa is closed today, January 3, 2010, in response to ongoing threats by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to attack American interests in Yemen," said a statement on the embassy website on Sunday. It is not clear when the mission will reopen. The embassy was the target of an attack in September 2008, which was blamed on al-Qaeda, and in which 19 people died, including a young American woman.


In its internet statement, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula urged Muslims to help in "killing every crusader who works at their embassies or other places". Yemeni officials said on Saturday they had sent more troops to fight al-Qaeda militants in the provinces of Abyan, Baida and Shabwa. "These measures are part of operations to hunt down elements of al-Qaeda... and tighten the noose around extremists," a Yemeni official told AFP news agency. Analysts say the US has also provided intelligence to Yemeni forces, which carried out raids on 17 and 24 December that reportedly left more than 60 militants dead. In his weekly address, President Obama said he had made it "a priority to strengthen our partnership with the Yemeni government, training and equipping their security forces, sharing intelligence and working with them to strike al-Qaeda terrorists". He said training camps had already "been struck, leaders eliminated, plots disrupted".

Also the British Embassy in Yemen was closed Sunday. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told the BBC on Sunday that the UK would work with the US to step up Yemen's counter-terrorism efforts. "This is a new type of threat and it is from a new source which is obviously Yemen," said Mr Brown, "but there are many other potential sources Somalia, as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan." Yemen was thrust to the top of the Western security agenda in October 2000, when 17 US sailors died in an al-Qaeda suicide attack on the USS Cole destroyer in the port of Aden. Correspondents say the Yemeni government needs economic as well as military aid. With a fast-growing and impoverished population, the country is facing diminishing water reserves and the likelihood that its only source of income, oil, will run dry in a few years. But security is just as big a challenge, complicated by an abundance of firearms, an insurgency in the north and a secessionist movement in the south. While the government is weak and unpopular in much of the country, the US has little choice but to work through it to fight al-Qaeda as any overt US presence would almost certainly provoke a public backlash. But the prospects of re-asserting central government authority over the lawless areas where al-Qaeda is based look, in the opinion of some analysts, remote - even with beefed-up American support.

Somali PM sees rebel rout from capital this month. Talk of an imminent government attack on the rebels has been rife in recent weeks and al Shabaab, the main insurgent group, is reported to have stepped up the forced recruitment of youths into its ranks in readiness for the assault. "Our troops are prepared to act, and flush these terrorists out of the capital before the end of January, and continue taking over the control of more territories from these fighters," said Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke. Somalia has had no effective central government since 1991, and is a failed state, i.e. a state, archy, with rivaling oligarchy/polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos. The West's efforts to install one have been undermined most recently by the insurgency led by al Shabaab, which Washington views as al-Qaeda's proxy in the region. Sharmarke said the government's preparations centered on recruiting and training the troops and reforming the command structure. "We could not go to war overnight, but we put most of our efforts into preparing our forces to act, so that the work can yield some results at the end of the day," he said. US-led military action in Afghanistan and Iraq is piling pressure on al-Qaeda groups there, raising Somalia's appeal as a safe haven for the militants, the prime minister said.

04.01.2010. Yemeni forces on Monday killed at least two al-Qaeda militants they said were behind a threat that forced the US and European embassies to close, as concern grew about the poor Arab country's stability. Several nations made changes at their embassies in Yemen Monday, including Japan, France, Spain and Germany. Each country cited the need for increased security measures. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said instability in Yemen posed a global threat and pledged on Monday to plug any holes in US security procedures after the Christmas Day airline bombing attempt. Clinton said the US Embassy in Yemen -- which closed on Sunday along with two other Western embassies due to unspecified al-Qaeda threats -- would only reopen when security conditions permit. Security -- such as new requirements for closer screening of airline passengers from 14 countries -- would continue to be beefed up. Enhanced security screening that took effect Monday for people traveling to the United States from or through Yemen, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and 11 other countries. People who are from or traveling from or through these countries are supposed to have full-body pat-downs and have their carryon luggage checked: Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen. Several of the countries are member states of the Arab League.

05.10.2010. Militants in Yemen falsely are using the anarchist black flag, and get a Brown Card from IAT-APT according to the Oslo-Convention.

Yemen is showing signs of friction with the United States over the fight against al-Qaeda, insisting it has the terror group under control. As the US Embassy in San'a reopened its doors Tuesday after a two-day closure, the Interior Minister has suggested the shutdown was not needed. It said in a statement that security in the capital "is good and there is no fear for the lives of any foreigner or foreign embassy." The statement is the latest by Yemeni officials complaining that the government is being wrongly depicted as unable to fight al-Qaeda. Over the weekend, the head of the National Security Agency played down the terror threat, insisting, "Yemen is not a refuge for al-Qaeda, as some claim. These are exaggerations."

06.01.2010. Brown Card to CIA. The CIA (non)fact book falsely reports "After the regime's collapse early in 1991, Somalia descended into turmoil, factional fighting, and anarchy."; see https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/countrytemplate_so.html . The International Anarchist Tribunal - Anarchist Press Tribunal ( IAT-APT) declares: It has never since 1991 been anarchy in Somalia, just rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy and chaos, a failed State. Somalia is a failed STATE, i.e. a STATE, not anarchy. It is a STATE, i.e. archy, with rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos. NOT ANARCHY! Anarchy and State are opposites. Anarchy and rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. archy/state, are opposites. Anarchy and chaos are opposites, see the Oslo Convention http://www.anarchy.no/oslo.html and search for anarchy vs chaos at http://www.anarchy.no/andebatt.html . To mix up opposites as 1. Anarchy and State, 2. Anarchy and rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. archy/state, as CIA does, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to CIA, as free, libertarian criticism of this authoritarian tendency. The Anarchist International and the IAT-APT of course condemn the terrorism and ochlarchy in general in Somalia. More information search for FAILED STATES at http://www.anarchy.no/apt.html . Also militants in Somalia falsely are using the anarchist black flag, and get a Brown Card from IAT-APT according to the Oslo-Convention.

Yemeni forces capture 3 al-Qaeda suspects. Yemeni security forces arrested three suspected al-Qaeda militants from a cell that the US has said was linked to a plot against the American or other embassies, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday. The arrests were the latest move in Yemen's US-backed crackdown on al-Qaeda's offshoot here, as Yemeni officials trumpet that they are taking on the militant group. The ministry said it had captured five other militants in recent days around San'a and in the western region of Hodeida. Thousands of troops have been sent to provinces east of the capital where the terror group has set up strongholds in a bid to strengthen government control in the areas.

09.01.2010. Yemen's conflicts flare amid al-Qaeda fight. More chaos? While ramping up the fight against al-Qaeda with US help, the Yemeni government has also escalated its own internal conflicts in the north and south that threaten to throw the fractured country into greater chaos and even nourish the terror group's growth. Yemeni troops backed with tanks and artillery launched new assaults against Shiite rebels, the military said Saturday, the latest offensive in an increasingly bloody war that has been raging for years on the capital's northern doorstep. Also, lethal clashes erupted this week between protesters and security forces struggling to put an end to a secessionist movement in the once-independent south, where bitterness toward San'a is swelling. The anarchists question if the impoverished nation's military can wage a determined campaign against al-Qaeda under the strain of the multiple conflicts, and there are fears the terror group is seeking to link up with insurgents for new recruits, particularly in the south.

Yemen's deputy prime minister in charge of security and defense, Rashad al-Alimi, said Thursday that fighting al-Qaeda was the government's "first priority." On Saturday, counter-terror units conducted exercises outside San'a, attacking a mock al-Qaeda hideout and practicing a hostage-rescue operation. What fuels Yemen's instability is widespread alienation among tribes and factions toward a regime they complain has for years hoarded power and wealth among a small circle of supporters. They say their regions have been neglected, with poverty spreading and infrastructure left to deteriorate. In much of the country, powerful tribes have filled the void, some sheltering al-Qaeda fighters. The government holds firm authority only around the capital, and the troops or administrators it sends to lawless areas are seen by many locals as interlopers.

The government accuses al-Qaeda of working with the Shiite rebels and southern secessionists, a claim denied by both. Unless the conflicts are resolved, al-Qaeda may find allies, particularly among the southerners, Mohammed Abdel-Malik al-Mutawakkil, a political scientist at San'a University declared. Support for al-Qarda is not strong among the southerners, "but if they find there is no solution (to their grievances), they will turn to any outlet, and some will accept" the terror group, he said. The head of al-Qaeda's offshoot in Yemen, Naser Abdel-Karim al-Wahishi, appealed to southerners in May, expressing support for their cause and urging them to continue their fight against San'a's "suppression and tyranny." The south was the site of al-Qaeda's 2000 attack on the USS Cole, off the port of Aden.

The provinces of the south were an independent nation for decades, ruled by a socialist regime, until it unified with the north in 1990. Four years later, San'a put down a new independence bid in a 3-month civil war. Since then, many in the south accuse San'a of taking oil revenues and land, dismissing southerners from the government and military, and imposing northern administrators. "This regime has turned the south into a trash bin. The manner of the regime in the south is one of colonialism and occupation," said Abbas al-Assal, a member of the main southern secessionist movement Al-Harak. The succession movement gained new momentum in 2008, when the government, struggling under reduced oil revenues, cut pensions for veterans of the former southern state's military. In a wave of protests since, security forces have opened fire on demonstrators at least six times in 2008 and 2009, according to the US-based Human Rights Watch.

Last Sunday and Tuesday, security forces in the former southern capital Aden twice tried to storm the offices of the south's most influential newspaper, Al-Ayyam, where protests were being held against the paper's closure last year for alleged secessionist tendencies. Forces firing rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons clashed with the paper's guards. The fighting killed a policeman and two office guards. The paper's chief editor, Hisham Bashraheel, and his son surrendered to police on Wednesday, but the incident has sparked street protests in other southern towns. Al-Alimi, the deputy prime minister, said the government tolerates peaceful protests and accused the southerners of instigating violence. He denounced the secessionist movement as "outlaws." The government showed pictures of weapons it said were seized in Al-Ayyam's offices.

In the north, Shiite rebels known as Hawthis rose up against the government in 2004. Since August, the conflict escalated into full-fledged warfare, centered in the mountainous corner of Yemen between San'a and the Saudi border. Saudi forces joined in late, battling Yemen's Shiite rebels along the frontier.

On Saturday, the military claimed to have killed dozens of rebels in clashes in the past few days. San'a accuses Tehran of backing the rebels as part of an attempt by the mainly Shiite Iran to extend its power into the Sunni Arab world. But the US and other Western nations are skeptical about Iranian involvement. "It is an indigenous rebellion, largely a result of homegrown grievances," a Western diplomat said, speaking on condition of anonymity in order to discuss the situation. "The chief element is the lack of development." The conflict also has religious overtones. Government elements in the past have encouraged a presence in the north of Sunni Salafist extremists, many of whom consider Shiites heretics. The result has been a backlash from Shiites, the diplomat said. Salafis in the government and military are believed to be pushing President Ali Abdullah Saleh to continue the war in the north, and Sunni extremists have reportedly been brought in to fight alongside government forces. Ali Mohammed Omar, a Salafist who runs an anti-secessionist movement in Aden, warns the regime cannot fight al-Qaeda and the other two fronts at once. "If the government opens a war on al-Qaeda, that's three (fronts), and the Yemeni army might collapse," he said.

10.01.2010. Yemen's president open to dialogue with al-Qaeda. Yemen's president said he is ready to talk to al-Qaeda members who renounce violence, suggesting he could show them the same kind of leniency he has granted militants in the past despite US pressure to crack down on the terror group. Yemen is moving cautiously in the fight against al-Qaeda, worried over a potential backlash in a country where anger at the US and extremism are widespread.

President Barack Obama says he has no intention of sending American troops to Yemen or Somalia. Obama told People magazine in an interview to be published Friday that he still believes the center of al-Qaeda activity is along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

13.01.2010. Al-Qaeda leader killed. Yemeni security forces killed a suspected militant who was on a government list of wanted al-Qaeda figures, and arrested four others in a raid on a house in a remote mountainous province, the region's governor said Wednesday. Elsewhere in Shabwa province, suspected al-Qaeda fighters ambushed a patrol before dawn Wednesday, killing two members of the security forces and wounding four others, officials said. The gunmen attacked the security forces' patrol on a winding mountain road at Nakaba, south of the provincial capital Ataq, the security officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to talk to the press.

Saudi Arabia's latest announcement of the death toll in its two-month old battle with Yemeni rebels along the border is a stark reminder of the ferocity of the fighting in this remote part of the Arabian peninsula, even as the kingdom tries to use air strikes and artillery to minimize casualties. On Tuesday, Prince Khaled bin Sultan, the Saudi assistant defense minister, said clashes with Yemeni rebels have killed 82 Saudis and left 21 missing, in one of his regular briefings on the fighting since his forces went on the offensive on Nov. 5. Yemen's Hawthi rebels have been battling their own government since 2004 over neglect and discrimination, but when they crossed the border into Saudi Arabia and killed two border guards in November, Saudi Arabia's well-funded, but untested military joined the fray. Arab diplomats, speaking from the Saudi capital Riyadh, said Saudi troops are moving slowly in their two-month campaign against the rebels to establish a six mile (10-kilometer) deep buffer zone on both sides of the border. Saudi analyst Anwar Eshki said that a buffer zone had been successfully established. "Practically speaking the war is over, Saudi forces have driven the Hawthis deep inside Yemen," said the head of the Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies in Jeddah.

15.01.2010. Yemen says airstrike kills al-Qaeda military chief. Yemeni warplanes struck outside a desert village near the border with Saudi Arabia on Friday, killing six al-Qaeda operatives, including the group's top military leader in the country, security officials said. The military chief, who escaped a government attack targeting him last month, was one of Yemen's most-wanted militants and had plotted to assassinate the US ambassador. Yemen, with the help of US counterterrorism aid and training, has intensified an offensive against an al-Qaeda offshoot that has dug in to pockets of the mountainous, impoverished nation, sometimes under the protection of powerful local tribes that have their own grievances with the weak central government. Rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy make Yemen close to a failed state, AI, AIE and ICOT declare.

UN Security Council has decided unanimously to eliminate all nuclear weapons

With President Barack Obama presiding, the UN Security Council on Thursday unanimously endorsed a sweeping strategy aimed at halting the spread of nuclear weapons and ultimately eliminating them, to usher in a world with "undiminished security for all." "That can be our destiny," Obama declared after the 15-nation body adopted the historic, US-initiated resolution at an unprecedented summit session. "We will leave this meeting with a renewed determination to achieve this shared goal." The lengthy document was aimed, in part, at the widely denounced nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea, although they were not named. It also reflected Obama's ambitious agenda to embrace treaties and other agreements leading toward a nuclear weapon-free world, some of which is expected to encounter political opposition in Washington. On both counts, Thursday's 15-0 vote delivered a global consensus - countries ranging from Britain to China to Burkina Faso - that may add political impetus to dealing with nuclear violators, advancing arms control in international forums and winning support in the US Congress.

"This is a historic moment, a moment offering a fresh start toward a new future," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, saluting the first such Security Council gathering of presidents and premiers to deal with nuclear nonproliferation. The 2,300-word document did not authorize any concrete actions, but it urged action on a long list of proposals before the international community. It called for negotiation of a treaty banning production of fissile material for nuclear bombs and establishment of internationally supervised nuclear fuel banks, to keep potential bomb material out of more hands - both items on Obama's agenda. It also urged states to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), the 1996 pact banning all nuclear bomb tests, another Obama goal.

The United States is among nine nations with nuclear weapons or technology whose approval is required for that treaty to take effect, but which have not ratified the CTBT. Republican opposition defeated the test-ban pact in the US Senate in 1999, and Obama is expected to face similar GOP opposition in pushing for ratification next year. The Senate objected to the measure because the US might need to test its weapons to assure reliability, and there were concerns international monitoring might fail to
detect cheaters. The resolution in various ways reaffirmed support for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the 1968 accord aimed at preventing the spread of atomic arms beyond five original weapons powers - the US, Russia, Britain, France and China. It bolstered a slew of earlier council resolutions that slapped sanctions on North Korea, for its testing of nuclear weapons, and on Iran, whose uranium-enrichment program is suspected to be intended for nuclear weapons. It demanded that these "parties
concerned" comply fully with such requirements. Obama, leading the meeting because the US is council president for the month of September, said the resolution was not "about singling out an individual nation." But French President Nicolas Sarkozy, in his council speech, directed sharp words at both countries.

"We may all be threatened one day by a neighbor, by a neighbor endowing itself" with nuclear weapons, Sarkozy said. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called on the council to consider "far tougher sanctions" against Iran. In reaction, the Iranian UN mission later issued a statement denouncing "fear-mongering" and "falsehoods," and repeating its claim that its nuclear program is designed for civilian energy purposes only. The flare-up came just a week before a scheduled Oct. 1 meeting in Geneva between the Iranians and European, US and Chinese representatives to try to move toward resolving the long-running standoff. In his speech, Libya's UN ambassador, Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgam, filling in for absent leader Moammar Gadhafi, targeted another suspected nuclear weapons program, that of Israel, which rejects the Nonproliferation Treaty. Israel's nuclear sites should be subject to international oversight, Shalgam said. "Otherwise, all the states of the Middle East will say, `We have a right to develop nuclear weapons. Why Israel alone?'" Thursday's omnibus resolution also expressed "grave concern" about the threat of nuclear terrorism, and urged states to take firmer steps to keep potential bomb material out of terrorist hands. It encouraged governments to lay down stricter guidelines for exporting nuclear technology, for example, and to do more to detect and disrupt nuclear trafficking.

The White House said Thursday's action demonstrated "growing international political will behind the (Obama) nuclear agenda." It also endorsed ideas that have not always found favor in Washington. China's president focused on one of those ideas, a late addition to the final resolution referring to "negative security assurances," guarantees to non-nuclear-weapon states that they will never be attacked with nuclear weapons. The US has resisted making such assurances all-encompassing and legally binding. Addressing this, China's Hu Jintao said all weapons states "should make an unequivocal commitment of unconditionally not using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states." The resolution also identified global nuclear disarmament as a "pillar" of the Nonproliferation Treaty, a point much ignored in past years by the Republican White House of George W. Bush. The resolution called on states to negotiate "a treaty on general and complete disarmament."

In his agenda-setting speech in Prague last April, Obama embraced such a goal, as he did earlier in a joint statement with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. He repeated that commitment on Thursday. "The historic resolution we just adopted enshrines our shared commitment to the goal of a world without nuclear weapons," he told the summit. "And it brings Security Council agreement on a broad framework for action to reduce nuclear dangers as we work toward that goal." Arms-control advocates applauded the unprecedented Security Council action. It "brings much-needed global focus to the risks posed by the spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear know-how and nuclear material," said a statement from four leading US ex-statesmen - former Secretaries of State Henry A. Kissinger and George P. Shultz, former Defense Secretary William Perry and ex-US Sen. Sam Nunn. The four have led a 2-year-old campaign to move toward abolition of nuclear arms.

Key elements in the resolution adopted unanimously Thursday by the UN Security Council:

Resolved "to create the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons."

Urged all states to ratify the treaty, which outlaws all nuclear tests everywhere. Lack of ratification by a handful of nations, including the US, has kept the treaty from entering into force.

Called for negotiation of a treaty that would ban production of fissile material used for nuclear weapons.

Emphasized the Security Council would deal with cases of violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), the 1968 accord seeking to limit nuclear weapons possession to five original powers (United States, Russia, Britain, France, China). Expressed concern over current "major challenges" to the NPT, meaning North Korean and Iranian nuclear programs. Called on all states to accede to the NPT.

Called for negotiations on an eventual treaty for complete nuclear disarmament, as envisioned by the NPT.

Encouraged the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency on establishing a nuclear fuel bank under international auspices, to keep potential bomb material from slipping into more hands.

Expressed "grave concern" about the threat of nuclear terrorism. Urged governments to improve their policing of potential trafficking in nuclear materials, to keep them out of the hands of "non-state actors," and to impose stricter controls on legal nuclear exports.

Urged states to better cooperate with inspectors of the IAEA, including adoption of an "additional protocol," expanding the IAEA's ability to inspect a country's nuclear activities.

The Anarchist International, ICOT and AIE a) welcome the UNSC's decision of eliminating all nuclear weapons, and call for deeds - not words - in this matter, and b) hopes that eliminating all nuclear weapons will contribute to reduce state-terrorrism. 24.09.2009. However the nuclear disarmament must be too fast and must be balanced. May be an arsenal of some large nuclear H-bombs is optimal for security reasons, at least until other and better social security including military & police security are firmly established. AISC 26.10.2011.

08.04.2010. Obama and Medvedev sign treaty to cut nuclear arms, most significant pact in a generation.Casting aside years of rancor, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday signed the biggest nuclear arms pact in a generation, lacing the moment with new warnings of sanctions for an intransigent Iran. The treaty, sealed after months of halting negotiation, is significant not just for what it does but for what it symbolizes: a fresh start for the United States and Russia, and evidence to a watching world that nuclear disarmament is more than a goal. The pact commits their nations to slash the number of strategic nuclear warheads by one-third and more than halve the number of missiles, submarines and bombers carrying them. That still leaves the two countries with enough nuclear firepower to ensure mutual destruction several times over, but the move sets a foundation for deeper reductions, which both sides are already pursuing.

"It sends a signal around the world that the United States and Russia are prepared to once again take leadership," Obama said moments after he and Medvedev signed the treaty in a gleaming, ornate hall in the Czech Republic's presidential castle. Said the Russian president: "The entire world community has won." The pact will shrink the limit of nuclear warheads to 1,550 per country over seven years, about a third less than the 2,200 currently permitted. The nuclear arms pact now faces a ratification vote in the Russian legislature and the US Senate. At home, Obama's team is struggling to get the necessary votes, and the president himself is directly involved. He said he was confident that Democrats and Republicans would see that the treaty protects US interests - an upbeat view of bipartisanship in a town where it's been scarce. "I feel confident that we are going to be able to get it ratified," Obama said.

Beyond slashing nuclear arsenals, the US sees the new "START" treaty, as it is known, as a key part of efforts to reset ties with Russia, badly strained under the Bush administration, and engage Moscow more in dealing with global challenges, including the nuclear arsenal of North Korea and nuclear ambitions of Iran. The new pact is only part of the Obama administration's new nuclear strategy. It was signed only days after the White House announced a fundamental shift in its policy on the use of nuclear weapons, calling the acquisition of atomic arms by terrorists or rogue states a worse menace than the Cold War threat of mutual annihilation.

The treaty signed Thursday is the most significant nuclear disarmament pact in a generation, and Medvedev has lauded it as "an important step" in disarmament and arms control efforts.

While the Russian parliament is likely to follow the Kremlin's lead, the ratification process in the US Senate could be troublesome. Fearing potential trouble, Moscow has said that Russian lawmakers will synchronize their moves to ratify the deal with the US legislators. Sensitive to East European concerns, Obama is tending to other business while in Prague - hosting a dinner for leaders from 11 Central and Eastern European nations formerly in or near Moscow's orbit, who worry about the Kremlin's post-communist push for influence. Under Obama, Russian cooperation on key priorities, from helping to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran to opening supply routes for the US military into Afghanistan and agreeing to new arms reductions, has increased - though not by a huge amount.

The Anarchist International, AI/IFA, the Anarchist International Embassy, AIE, and the ICOT welcomed the signing of the New START Treaty as a "milestone in the international efforts to advance nuclear disarmament and to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons."

Other US nuclear initiatives will follow the Prague signing. Leaders from more than 40 countries will gather in Washington next week to discuss improvements in securing nuclear materials. The White House plans to lead calls for disarmament in May at the United Nations during an international conference on strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

13.04.2010. President Obama says nations at summit endorse goal to secure all vulnerable nuclear materials within four years.

The anarchist Giuseppe Pinelli's honor restored

Two widows from the years of bitter civil conflict in Italy have shaken hands in a moving memorial ceremony in Rome. Licia Rognini is the widow of anarchist Guiseppe Pinelli who died in 1969 - after falling from the third storey window of a police station following three days of questioning. Gemma Capra is the widow of police officer Luigi Calabresi who was accused of killing Pinelli - and was himself assassinated three years later by left wing radicals. They were brought together by Italian president Giorgio Napolitano: "Here we are fulfilling a political and institutional gesture," he said. "We have broken the silence over wounds that cannot be distinguished - those of the 17 who died in the Piazza Fontana bombing - and that of a man whose righteousness and sense of honor need to be reaffirmed and never forgotten." An investigation controversially claimed Pinelli's death was an accident - it would become the subject of a world famous play by Dario Fo. The play Accidental Death of an Anarchist (Italian title: Morte accidentale di un anarchico) is perhaps the best-known play by the Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo. No-one was ever convicted of the Milan bombing of which he was posthumously acquitted. 415 people died in political violence in Italy between 1969 and 1988. 

The ceremony.  Licia Rognini, widow of Giuseppe Pinelli, and Gemma Capra, widow of Luigi Calabresi, they met for the first time at the Quirinale and they shook hands on the Day of remembrance for victims of terrorism and murder. This event strongly desired by the President of the Italian Republic, who in his speech, pointed out, moved in tone, the need to "reaffirm and restore the honor of Pinelli", to "break the silence" about his affair, because he, an anarchist wrongly suspected of being involved in the bomb attack at  Fountain Square, "was a victim twice."

The encounter. Napolitano has made his entry into the Hall of Corazzieri, where the commemoration was held, accompanied by the two widows and their children, Claudia and Mario. The  image more than any speech just gives the feeling of this day where, for the first time, was also invited the widow of Pinelli. The two women took part in the celebration's both sessions in the second row, a few chairs away from each other.

The handshake. Before the ceremony the widow of Calabresi has taken the first step and has been meeting at the widow of Pinelli. They shake hands. Then a brief chat and handshake even among children.

The intervention of Napolitano. The Head of State stressed the following "to remember the massacre of Piazza Fontana, and with it the start of a dark strategy of tension, is to remember a long and mutually tormentation which has not managed to stem a full judicial truth." But it must be said enough, he added, also "on suspicion judges." Then passing through Pinelli that you must "respect and honor ... that he was an innocent victim twice before heavy unfounded suspicions and then of a sudden, senseless end." "This is not reopen or call into question a process, but making a gesture... It breaks the silence on a wound that is not separable from that of the 17 who lost their lives in Fountain Square." "Thank you, [widow of] Pinelli, for having accepted ... to be with us today." 

Napolitano continued: We must look forward in this spirit for a historical duty and "to avert any risk that turns the ghosts of the past," the specter of terrorism and political violence that was the next step of "ideological extremism, a ghost that could raise new social tensions" in case of a acute economic crisis. First of all, you have to understand what were the years of terrorism, admitting that "it crosses several subversive plots", those right-wing neo-fascist and reactionary "in connivance with the State apparatus", and those of "extremist and revolutionary left, up the spread of terrorism of the Red Brigades ", which culminated in the assassination of Aldo Moro. Over the years we have managed to establish that the objective was to destabilize the democratic system and push towards an authoritarian. 09.05.2009. Resolution from the ICOT, AIE and AI.

PS. 20.12.2009. The likely truth about the death of Pinelli. Significant is the comment of Licia Rognini , the widow of Pinelli, collected recently from the Italian newspaper "Il riformista". With a few sentences she is summarizing what likely happened that night, December 15 1969, in the police headquarters in Milan: "They beat him, believed him dead and threw him down, or hit him at the end of the interrogation and made him fall unconscious, and this also explains his silent flight, without even a cry, [from the 4th floor of the police station] and also explains that of the five agents only one [the policeman] rushed down to check his condition. I am convinced of this story still." A large crowd, silent but full of anger, accompanied the funeral of Giuseppe Pinelli. The main newsmedia reported about three thousand people following him to the grave, but there were actually many more. It was a forest of black flags, two of which (very large) opened up the procession, and the coffin was also wrapped in a black cloth.

Anarchist International Embassy in Oslo

l'ambassade du monde libertaire

Support for the protests against the fascist rule in Myanmar - About the Anarchist Revolution in Burma/Myanmar - locally known as the Spring Revolution

The Anarchist International gives full support to the popular protest against the fascist system in Myanmar (Burma). The military dictatorship must keep its hands of the protest movement. The AI strongly supports a movement towards anarchy, i.e. real democracy, in Myanmar. A note from AIE 26.09.2007.

"Leave Burma now!": The Anarchist International tells multinationals

The Anarchist International calls several multinational companies known of having business links to Burma to pull out of the country and stop propping up the brutal regime, and is calling those concerned to extend economic sanctions to cover all economic sectors.  While numerous foreign companies have ceased doing business with Burma, under pressure from the international anarchist movement,  trade unions, human rights and democracy groups, many multinational companies still have relations with the military dictatorship.

No company can claim to have clean hands if it is doing business in or with Burma, since the Generals take their cut out of every deal. We call on companies to disinvest, and those who have refused to do so will now be exposed to the full weight of public condemnation for effectively supporting a ruthless, corrupt and bloody dictatorship. 

Burma's economy is built on absolute repression of its workforce, state-terrorism, with the use of forced labor still rife in the country despite international pressure on the regime to respect fundamental rights. The case for full and effective sanctions is now absolutely compelling, and any company which does not withdraw voluntarily must be made to do so. The junta's murderous reaction to the demonstrations in recent days shows how far they will go to maintain total power, and continue lining their own pockets at the expense of the massive majority who are deprived of access to proper healthcare, education, decent food and other essentials.  Only a tiny few benefit from Burma's links to foreign business, and they are the very authors of the murder, torture and violence which is still going on. 

On the Anarchist International's list are several key multinationals with well-documented business links to Burma, including Caterpillar (USA), China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), Daewoo International Corporation (Korea), Siemens (Germany), Gas Authority of India (GAIL), GlaxoSmithKline (UK ), Hyundai (Korea), ONGC Videsh Ltd (India), Swift (Belgium), and Total (France). The Anarchist International calls on international boycott and other actions against these firms. Companies which think they can continue to pretend that their business with Burma somehow helps ordinary people there are seriously mistaken. They will come under unprecedented pressure to pull out.

Regards ... Chargé d'affaires A. Quist of AIE 07.10.2007

On Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma, May 15, 2009

The AIE, AI and ICOT are deeply concerned about Aung San Suu Kyi's current situation and the new charges being levied against her for supposedly violating the terms of her house arrest. Aung San Suu Kyi has been under illegitimate house arrest for more than thirteen of the nineteen years since her party was overwhelmingly elected by the people of Burma to lead their country. Her current period of detention is due to expire on May 27. The Burmese authorities must not use the current situation as a pretext to extend her detainment. The AIE, AI and ICOT call for the immediate and unconditional release of Aung San Suu Kyi and the more than 2,100 other political prisoners currently held by the state-terrorist Burmese regime. We stand in solidarity with all those who struggle for the cause of democracy and freedom in Burma, and we strongly urge progress towards a democratic Burma that respects the rights of all of its citizens.

Regards ... Chargé d'affaires A. Quist of AIE 15.05.2009

08.06.2009. Letter from USA's UN Mission, USUN, to AI

Like you, the United States is concerned by the Human Rights violations in Burma and are engaging this issue through multiple channels. We will keep you posted as the situation develops. Thank you for your active engagement.

Celebrities and others tweet for Suu Kyi's release in Burma

The campaign, launched May 27, asks Suu Kyi's supporters to tweet, write text messages or send video and photos to its Web site, http://64forsuu.org . The Anarchist International Embassy posted the following message to the campaign: "On Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma. The AIE, AI and ICOT are deeply concerned about Aung San Suu Kyi's current situation and the new charges being levied against her. We stand in solidarity with all those who struggle for the cause of democracy and freedom in Burma. More information about the anarchist point of view at http://www.anarchy.no/ija431.html , search for Burma." See http://www.64forsuu.org/word.php?wid=10228  . 18.06.2009.

Myanmar pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi shared rice and chocolate cake with her prison guards to celebrate her 64th birthday Friday, as global condemnation of her trial galvanized rallies in capitals around the world. 19.06.2009.

Letter from "64forSuu" 03.07.2009: Ban Ki-moon In Burma - Help Us Keep The Pressure Up

Dear Friend,

Today UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon arrived in Burma, as the regime once more delayed Aung San Suu Kyi's trial. When he arrived Ban Ki-Moon said it was his top priority to secure the release of all of Burma's political prisoners - this is a breakthrough for us as that's what we've been campaigning for him to do for many months. We need to ensure that Ban turns words into action. The regime is hoping that by stringing out Aung San Suu Kyi's trial the world will forget her; we can't let that happen. We need tens of thousands of people across the world to show that they haven't forgotten her by demanding that the regime release Suu Kyi and all of Burma's political prisoners at http://www.64forSuu.org

The global movement calling for the release of Suu Kyi has never been stronger. With over 16,000 messages, and the backing of political leaders, major celebrities  such as Julia Roberts, Yoko Ono, Paul McCartney and Bono, 64forSuu.org has demonstrated the scale of global outrage. Over a hundred thousand people support her on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/aungsansuukyi , and thousands are supporting her on Twitter (by using the hashtag #ASSK64 Twitter). TAKE ACTION: LET'S KEEP THE PRESSURE UP! Aung San Suu Kyi is Burma's most high profile political prisoners but  across Burma there are 2,154 other political prisoners enduring appalling conditions inside Burma's squalid prisons. They face brutal torture, are banned from receiving family visits and denied proper medical care. Please go to http://www.64forSuu.org now and leave a message calling for their release. With your help we can show that no matter what the regime try the world will never forget Burma's brave political prisoners.

Thank you,

Johnny Chatterton
Project Manager

PS: If you're not already, please become a supporter of Aung San Suu Kyi on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aungsansuukyi

Burma sentences Suu Kyi to more house arrest

A Myanmar [Burma] court convicted Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi on Tuesday 11.08.2009 of violating her house arrest by allowing an uninvited American to stay at her home. The head of the military-ruled country ordered the democracy leader to serve an 18-month sentence under house arrest. The 64-year-old opposition leader has already spent 14 of the last 20 years in detention, mostly under house arrest, and the extension will remove her from the political scene when the junta stages elections next year. The sentence, which drew international condemnation from anarchists and others, was handed down along with a stretch of seven years with hard labor for the American intruder, 53-year-old John Yettaw. One of Suu Kyi's lawyers, Nyan Win, said the democracy leader told her defense team to proceed with an appeal.

US senator meets Suu Kyi, wins American's release

Stung by international outrage over the trial of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's ruling generals agreed Saturday to hand an American prisoner involved in her case to a visiting US senator. Sen. Jim Webb was also granted an unprecedented meeting with the junta chief, and was allowed to hold talks with Suu Kyi, the first foreign official permitted to see the Nobel laureate since she was sentenced to 18 more months of house arrest on Tuesday. American John Yettaw, who was sentenced to seven years of hard labor for swimming uninvited to Suu Kyi's lakeside house in Yangon, will be deported on Sunday, Webb said in a statement from his Washington office. 15.08.2009. Mr Yettaw flew with Senator Webb to Bangkok, where he was taken to hospital in a US embassy van. 16.08.2009.

Aung San Suu Kyi released from house arrest - Anarchist comment

After a general election in Burma that was neither free nor fair, and keeping the generals' hold on power, political activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi has been released from house arrest. The Anarchist International, AI/IFA, the Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East, ACAME and the Anarchist International Embassy in Oslo, AIE, a) condemn the general election as a complete farce, and b) continue to condemn the military dictatorship, with about 75,2 % authoritarian degree, and only about 24,8% libertarian degree, an ultra-fascist regime with more than 75 % degree of both statism and capitalism, i.e. economical plutarchy, see system theory and economic-political map. The AI/IFA, ACAME and AIE demand a) lasting freedom for Aung San Suu Kyi, and b) release of all political prisoners in Burma (Myanmar). The struggle against this extremist and state-terrorist regime continues with new hope.13.11.2010.

PS. 15.11.2010. In an interview Monday with the BBC, Suu Kyi said she sought "a nonviolent revolution" and offered some reassuring words for the military. "I don't want to see the military falling. I want to see the military rising to dignified heights of professionalism and true patriotism," she said. The British-educated Suu Kyi also said she did not fear being detained again. "I'm not scared," she said. "I know that there is always a possibility, of course. They've done it back in the past, they might do it again."

Aung San Suu Kyi won a seat in parliament

Burma's (Myanmar's) pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi won a seat in parliament on Sunday 01.04.2012, her party said, after an historic by-election that is testing the country's nascent reform credentials and could persuade the West to end sanctions.

Aung San Suu Kyi criticized by UN

27.08.2018. A UN report has said top military figures in Myanmar must be investigated for genocide in Rakhine state and crimes against humanity in other areas. The report, based on hundreds of interviews, is the strongest condemnation from the UN so far of violence against Rohingya Muslims. It says the army's tactics are "grossly disproportionate to actual security threats". Myanmar rejected the report. At least 700,000 Rohingya fled violence in the country in the past 12 months. The report names six senior military figures it believes should go on trial and sharply criticises Myanmar's de facto leader, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, for failing to intervene to stop attacks. Aung Sang Suu Kyi, the report finds, "has not used her de facto position as Head of Government, nor her moral authority, to stem or prevent the unfolding events in Rakhine".

12.11.2018. Amnesty International is stripping Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi of its highest honour, the Ambassador of Conscience Award. The politician and Nobel peace prize winner received the honour in 2009, when she was living under house arrest. The rights group said it was profoundly dismayed at her failure to speak out for the Rohingya minority, some 700,000 of whom have fled a military crackdown. This is the latest honour in a string of awards Ms Suu Kyi, 73, has lost.

31.01.-01.02.2021. Myanmar military takes control of country after detaining Aung San Suu Kyi, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55882489. Source: BBC. The Anarchist International, AI/IFA, and ACAME condemn the military coup.

22.02.2021. Myanmar's junta warns against 'riot and anarchy' as thousands continue protests, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210222-thousands-of-protesters-rally-in-myanmar-junta-warns-more-could-die. Source: France 24. The IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to Myanmar's junta for falsely mixing up "anarchy" with ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including chaos, and thus breaking the The Oslo Convention. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization - real, always including green, democracy, liberal social democracy. And thus, anarchy is not ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including chaos.

05.03.2021. Increasing evidence that Myanmar's military forces are shooting to kill as country mourns young victims, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/05/asia/myanmar-military-shoot-to-kill-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

15.03.2021. Myanmar protests: Demonstrators killed in bloody Yangon crackdown, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-56395085. Source: BBC. The ACAME - Section Burma (Burmese anarchists) declares: Slogans for the revolution - Less Than 1,5° C Global Warming! Drop Fossil Fuel! Green Energy! Full Employment! 5 % Green GDP growth! Small Income & Rank Differences! Down with the Gini-index to 20 %! Liberal Social-Democracy! Real & Green Democracy! Eco-Anarchy For Ever! Sufficient High Democracy Degree! Zero Population Growth! Myanmar coup: What is happening and why? See: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55902070. Source: BBC. 16.03.2021. The ACAME - Section Burma (Burmese anarchists) calls for international solidarity by NATO, Quad, The Commonwealth of Nations, Russia and other allies to support the revolution in Burma. Myanmar's military is killing peaceful protesters. Here's what you need to know, according to CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/16/asia/myanmar-protesting-coup-explainer-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

Report from AISC about USA & Russia, China and Burma.

From: AISC - Anarchist International Security Council - Federal Bureaus World Wide [mailto:fb@anarchy.no]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 10:51 PM
To: USAs Ambassade terrortips; Russlands ambassade; Japans Ambassade; United Kingdom ; Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; 'postmottak@mil.no'
Cc: CNN Q&A; CNN BACKSTORY ; CNN - YWT@CNN.COM; tips aftenposten; NTB-Utenriks ; NTB-Vaktsjef ; 'worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk'; 'haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk'
Subject: Oppdatering. About the Anarchist Revolution in Burma/Myanmar - Update 18.03.2021... The ACAME - Section Burma (Burmese anarchists) calls for international solidarity... LES DETTE: Sammendrag, update 58. Burma m.m..

Kommentar og råd igjen.

Biden til Putin: «Killer», og «has no soul». «Soul» i kristen forstand er det ingen som har, heller ikke Biden. Og «killer»…. USA er ikke hellige de heller, nylig CIA killed en iransk militær topp. Dette er helt ufruktbar retorikk og Biden bør roe seg i fremtiden. Vi trenger Russland som alliert i 3. WW og sikker 4. WW, om man ikke kommer i gang signifikant med 3. WW og vinner den ganske snart. Man har ikke mange år på seg i denne klima-saken + demokrati, som heller ikke er å forakte. NB!  Russland er et demokrati! Ikke idéelt, men det er ikke USA heller.

(Det er bedre i Norge, i snitt ca. 54% demokratigrad, men jeg smaker mye autoritær brun møkk, så jeg personlig har det under gjennomsnittet. Jeg jobber med saken, for å forbedre min situasjon…)

Få en slutt på småkrangelen mellom Russland og NATO/USA. Hacking og utskjelling, = marginalt tull og tøys. Både Putin og Biden bør skjerpe seg. Vi har viktigere ting og ordne opp, nemlig klimakrisen og dermed Kina, som verstingen. Og det går ikke uten 3. WW. Sanne mine ord.

V-h. A. Stalin, for AISC.

PS. Start nå med å motarbeide juntaen i Burma, ikke bare retorisk fordømming, tomme ord, fra det såkalte UN-sikkerhetsrådet og andre. Anarkistene i Burma står i mot så godt de kan, mest fredelig, men også litt legitimt selvforsvar med det lille de har av våpen. Noen dauer og det er tortur av de som lar seg fange, og så dauer de også stort sett. Juntaen er ekstrem mørkebrun dritt. Se i hvert fall og stoppe salget av våpen til juntaen. RASKT!

From: AISC - Anarchist International Security Council - Federal Bureaus World Wide [mailto:fb@anarchy.no]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 12:09 AM
To: USAs Ambassade terrortips; Russlands ambassade; Japans Ambassade; United Kingdom ; Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; postmottak@mil.no
Cc: CNN - YWT@CNN.COM; CNN BACKSTORY ; CNN Q&A; tips aftenposten; NTB-Utenriks ; NTB-Vaktsjef ; worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk; haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk
Subject: About the Anarchist Revolution in Burma/Myanmar - Update 17.03.2021... The ACAME - Section Burma (Burmese anarchists) calls for international solidarity... LES DETTE: Sammendrag, update 57. Burma.

Hei Sann! Til antatte allierte. Prøv i hvert fall å være litt mindre feige… V-h. A. Stalin, for AISC.

Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc., and vice versa: Google Translate.

Website with strategy & policy of AISC, se footnote *****) at http://www.anarchy.no/ai.html. See also (click on:) http://www.anarchy.no/asia.html, http://www.anarchy.no/ija150.html & http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html.

22.03.2021. US and allies sanction Myanmar's military for violent repression of protesters, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/22/politics/us-allies-burma-sanctions/index.html. Source: CNN.

24.03.3021. Myanmar protesters join 'silent strike' after soldiers kill 7-year-old girl in her father's arms, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/24/asia/myanmar-protests-7-year-old-killed-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

26.03.2021. US and UK ratchet up sanctions on Myanmar's military, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56248559. Source: BBC.

27.03.2021. Myanmar: 'Dozens die' in protests as coup leaders mark Armed Forces Day [i.e. State-Terrorists Day] see, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-56546920. Source: BBC.

28.03.2021. Global condemnation of Myanmar military's 'reign of terror' after deadliest day since coup, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210328-global-condemnation-of-myanmar-military-s-reign-of-terror-after-deadliest-day-since-coup. Source: France 24.

29.03.2021. Kremlin, despite military visit, says it is worried by rising civilian toll in Myanmar, see: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-myanmar-politics-kremlin/kremlin-despite-military-visit-says-it-is-worried-by-rising-civilian-toll-in-myanmar-idUSKBN2BL1E0. Source: Reuters.

03.04.2021. Myanmar's rebel groups voice support for protesters as junta continues crackdowns, see: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210403-myanmar-s-rebel-groups-voice-support-for-protesters-as-junta-continues-crackdowns. Source: France 24.

10.04.2021. Myanmar's military has underestimated the strength, will and bravery of its own people [i.e. the real anarchists, that want federal democracy, not the provocateurs of the junta...], see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/09/asia/myanmar-yangon-military-protesters-bravery-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

14.04.2021. Myanmar ethnic groups unite in fight against army, sights set on federal rights, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210414-myanmar-ethnic-groups-unite-in-fight-against-army-sights-set-on-federal-rights. Source: France 24.

16.04.2021. Opponents of Myanmar's junta set up national unity government, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210416-opponents-of-myanmar-s-junta-set-up-national-unity-government. Source: France 24.

28.04.2021. 'I thought I would die.' Myanmar protesters describe torture they suffered in detention, [the State Terrorism of the junta continues, and may result in a Failed State], see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/27/asia/myanmar-coup-detainees-torture-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

30.04.2021. Double crises of coup and Covid could push half of Myanmar's population into poverty, UN warns, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/30/asia/myanmar-coup-covid-poverty-undp-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

04.05.2021. Kachin rebels shoot down military helicopter as parcel bomb kills 5 in central Myanmar, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/04/asia/myanmar-military-helicopter-parcel-bomb-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

05.05.2021. At military camps in the Myanmar jungle, doctors and students learn how to fire guns, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/04/asia/myanmar-rebels-training-hnk-dst-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.

Myanmar's journalists face 'humanitarian crisis' as crackdown intensifies, see: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/media/2021/05/03/myanmar-media-press-freedom-under-attack-hancocks-pkg-intl-hnk-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/around-the-world/. Source: CNN.

07.05.2021. 'They have guns but we have people': Inside Myanmar's Spring Revolution, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-57016528. Source: BBC.

27.05.2021. The ACAME - Section Burma (Burmese anarchists), declares: "All anarchists included atheist-anarchists, anarcho-punks and pro federalist real democracy (= a form of anarchism/anarchy) folks in Burma, have a hard time now! Junta! Hands off all anarchists. Give in to the Burmese Spring Revolution!!!" About some of the Burmese anarchists, see: https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2015/12/30/changing-myanmars-hidden-atheists.

05.06.2021. Could phone footage put Myanmar's leaders in jail? – See: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-57332985. Source: BBC.

18.06.2021. UN General Assembly calls for halt of weapons to Myanmar, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210618-un-general-assembly-calls-for-halt-of-weapons-to-myanmar. Source: France24. 

22.06.2021. Army clashes with anti-junta militia in Mandalay, Myanmar's second-biggest city, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/06/22/asia/myanmar-mandalay-fighting-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

07.07.2021. The police defecting as a new civil war looms in Myanmar, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-57739572. Source: BBC.

19.10.2021. Myanmar to release 5,600 prisoners held for anti-junta protests, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/18/asia/myanmar-junta-prisoner-release-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

06.12.2021. Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to four years in prison, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/06/asia/suu-kyi-verdict-sentence-myanmar-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. NB! Later CNN reports that the sentence is reduced to two years by the Junta-chief.

07.12.2021. Myanmar democracy movement undeterred despite sentencing of ousted leader Suu Kyi, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20211207-myanmar-democracy-movement-undeterred-despite-sentencing-of-ousted-leader-suu-kyi. Source: France 24.

20.12.2021. Tortured to death: Myanmar mass killings revealed, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-59699556. Source: BBC.

27.04.2022. Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi handed five year jail term for corruption, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/27/asia/myanmar-aung-san-suu-kyi-corruption-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

22.07.2022. ‘I can’t forget her'- Myanmar’s soldiers admit atrocities, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62208882. Source: BBC.

25.07.2022. Myanmar junta executes leading democracy activists, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/24/asia/myanmar-executions-pro-democracy-figures-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

16.08.2022. Former Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to 6 more years in prison, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/15/asia/myanmar-aung-san-suu-kyi-prison-junta-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

02.09.2022. Myanmar's Suu Kyi sentenced to three years for electoral fraud: source, see: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220902-myanmar-s-suu-kyi-sentenced-to-three-years-for-electoral-fraud-source. Source: France 24.

29.09.2022. Myanmar's Suu Kyi and Australian economist sentenced to 3 years, see: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220929-myanmar-s-suu-kyi-and-australian-economist-sentenced-to-3-years. Source: France 24.

22.12.2022. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has called on Myanmar’s ruling military junta to release all political prisoners, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/22/asia/un-security-council-myanmar-resolution-intl/index.html. Source: CNN..

30.12.2022. Myanmar court extends Aung San Suu Kyi’s prison sentence to 33 years, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/30/asia/myanmar-aung-san-suu-kyi-court-verdict-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

01.02.2023. ‘Mom, please just kill me’: A world looks away from Myanmar’s descent into horror, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/31/asia/myanmar-coup-anniversary-rebel-groups-intl-hnk-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.

01.02.2023. AI/IFA and ACAME call on NATO and allies to send arms to the People’s Defence Force (PDF), to support the real democratic, i.e. anarchist - revolution in Burma/Myanmar - against the junta. Web of AI/IFA: http://www.anarchy.no/ai.html. Web of ACAME: http://www.anarchy.no/asia.html.

04.02.2023. ASEAN ministers urge Myanmar junta to implement agreed peace plan, see: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230204-asean-ministers-urge-myanmar-junta-to-implement-agreed-peace-plan. Source: France 24.

15.03.2023. Myanmar monastery attack kills 22 as conflicting accounts emerge of alleged massacre, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/15/asia/myanmar-military-monastery-attack-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

11.04.2023. Around 100 people killed after Myanmar junta attack on village, shadow government says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/11/asia/myanmar-junta-village-attack-intl/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA and ACAME again call on NATO and allies to send arms to the People’s Defence Force (PDF), to support the real democratic, i.e. anarchist - revolution in Burma/Myanmar - against the junta. Web of AI/IFA: http://www.anarchy.no/ai.html. Web of ACAME: http://www.anarchy.no/asia.html.

01.08.2023. Myanmar junta pardons former leader Suu Kyi for five offences, see: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/myanmar-junta-pardons-ex-leader-suu-kyi-five-offences-state-media-2023-08-01/. Source: Reuters.

19.11.2023. ‘A real blow for the junta’: Myanmar’s ethnic groups launch unprecedented armed resistance, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20231119-a-real-blow-for-the-junta-myanmar-s-ethnic-groups-launch-unprecedented-armed-resistance. Source: France 24.

27.11.2023. Opponents vow ‘beginning of the end’ for Myanmar’s junta as resistance launches nationwide offensive, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/28/asia/myanmar-nationwide-offensive-junta-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

27.03.2024. Burnings and beheadings: Myanmar junta escalates terror tactics against its people, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/27/asia/myanmar-military-junta-civilian-attacks-intl-hnk-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.

20.05.2024. Armies of young insurgents are changing the course of a forgotten war. The rapid advances by the resistance in recent months indicate that this time they may have the advantage, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0600jgey2po. Source: BBC.

23.05.2024. CNN: ‘The entire town is burning.’ Fires rage as Rohingya caught up on the front lines of Myanmar’s civil war. CNN cannot independently verify these claims. See: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/23/asia/myanmar-rohingya-arson-buthidaung-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.

Anarchist International Embassy in Oslo

l'ambassade du monde libertaire

For freedom of speech. We strongly condemn the terrorist attack on the Danish embassy in Pakistan

The International Conference on Terrorism and the Anarchist International strongly condemn the terrorist attack, this cowardly act by murderous extremists, on the Danish embassy in Pakistan. We are deeply shocked by the news of this attack, which is also an attack on free speech. We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victims.

The twelve Mohammed drawings, see  http://face-of-muhammed.blogspot.com/

The stripped terrorist: "I am Mohammed and nobody dears to print me", see  http://www.adressa.no/nyheter/trondheim/article1094459.ece

Mohammed as a "pig", see http://www.dagbladet.no/2010/02/03/nyheter/karikaturtegninger/pst/profeten_muhammed/rasehets/10222684/

Yours sincerely

Chargé d'affaires  B. Hansen of AIE 04.06.2008 - updated

PS. 07.01.2015. Hooded, black-clad gunmen kill four cartoonists at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and eight others in Paris. Thousands rally in Europe in support of the victims. All in all seventeen people were killed in attacks on a satirical magazine, police officers and a kosher supermarket. The AIE and AI condemn the terrorist attacks.

On the evening of 13 November 2015, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis. Beginning at 21:20 CET, three suicide bombers struck near the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, followed by suicide bombings and mass shootings at cafés, restaurants and a music venue in central Paris. The attackers killed 130 people, including 89 at the Bataclan theatre, where they took hostages before engaging in a stand-off with police. Another 368 people were injured, 80-99 seriously. Seven of the attackers also died, while the authorities continued to search for accomplices. The attacks were the deadliest on France since World War II, and the deadliest in the European Union since the Madrid train bombings in 2004. France had been on high alert since the January 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo offices and a Jewish supermarket in Paris that killed 17 people and wounded 22, including civilians and police officers. IS/Daesh was behind the terrorist attacks. The AIE and AI condemn the terrorist attacks and IS/Daesh.

22.03.2016. Islamic State IS/ISIL/ISIS/Daesh. The death toll in today's Brussels terrorist attacks is 32. About 270 injuries are reported, according to CNN. IS/Daesh was behind the terrorist attacks. The AIE and AI condemn the terrorist attacks and IS/Daesh. Sources: CNN, NRK and AIIS. Updated 29.03.2016.

12.06.2016. Islamic State IS/ISIL/ISIS/Daesh. An American-born man who'd pledged allegiance to ISIS gunned down 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando -- the deadliest mass shooting in the United States and the nation's worst terror attack since 911, authorities said Sunday. The AIE and AI condemn the terrorist attack and ISIS/Daesh. Sources: CNN and AIIS.

14.07.2016. Islamic State IS/ISIL/ISIS/Daesh. Terrorism in France. A lorry ploughs through packed crowds gathered for Bastille Day celebrations in Nice, southern France, killing at least 84 people, in what French President Francois Hollande calls a terrorist attack. The AIE and AI condemn the terrorist attack. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the carnage 16.07.2016. Sources: BBC, Al Jazeera and AIIS.

20.12.2016. Terrorism in Germany. The Berlin police said early Tuesday 20.12.2016 that the killing of at least 12 people and the wounding of dozens more when a truck plowed through a Christmas market on Monday 19.12.2016 night was “a suspected terrorist attack.” Source: NY-Times. Update 23.12.2016. Video of Berlin attack suspect Anis Amri pledging allegiance to ISIS emerged hours after he was killed in a shootout in Milan. The video released Friday 23.12.2016 on an ISIS-affiliated website shows Amri pledging allegiance to the group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He does not refer to Monday's Christmas market attack in which 12 people were killed.  The Tunisian man had been the subject of a Europe-wide manhunt since Monday. For months before the attack, Amri was considered to be one of the most dangerous Islamists in Germany, intelligence officials said. He was put on a German security services list of dangerous people in March; it currently includes 549 individuals. The AIE and AI condemn the terrorist attack. Sources: CNN and AIIS.

20.10.2020. Days after a suspected Islamist beheaded a French school teacher, police on Monday 19.10.2020 raided Islamic associations and individuals suspected of extremist religious beliefs, arresting dozens of people, said France’s interior minister, in a sweep expected to last a few more days. History teacher Samuel Paty, 47, was murdered on Friday 16.10.2020 in broad daylight outside his school in a middle-class Paris suburb by an 18-year-old of Chechen origin. Police shot and killed the attacker. Paty was attacked on his way home from the junior high school where he taught in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of Paris. The teenage assassin allegedly sought to avenge his victim's use of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed in a class on freedom of expression to 13-year-olds. Muslims believe that any depiction of the Prophet is blasphemous. Public figures called the killing an attack on the Republic and on French values. Fifteen people, including four students, were arrested Monday for questioning, according to a judicial source. The detainees included a man who was in contact with the perpetrator before the attack, the source added. The anarchists global condemn this act of terrorism by an Islamist. Sources: France 24 and AIIS.

29.10.2020. A man wielding a knife on Thursday 29.10.2020 killed three people in an attack at the Basilica of Notre-Dame in Nice in southern France. The suspect, a Tunisian national, has been arrested in the attack which President Emmanuel Macron has described as an Islamist terrorist attack. The anarchists global condemn this act of terrorism by an Islamist. Sources: France 24 and AIIS.

Anarchist International Embassy in Oslo

l'ambassade du monde libertaire

AI and AIE condemn India terror attacks

The Anarchist International and AIE condemn this week's terrorist attacks in the Indian financial centre Mumbai as despicable atrocities, aimed at innocent civilians from India and abroad.  A lot are known to have been killed and several more injured in the series of coordinated armed attacks on public spaces, a hospital, hotels and a Jewish community centre in various locations around the city.

Once again, it is ordinary people going about their legitimate business who have been targeted.  Our heartfelt sympathies go to all the victims  and those who have lost family, friends and colleagues in these atrocious attacks. We are expressing condolences and hope that the perpetrators of the violence will be brought to justice.

Yours sincerely
Chargé d'affaires  B. Hansen of AIE 28.11.2008


The Anarchist International condemns Moscow terrorist attacks etc.

The Anarchist International, AI,  has condemned the suicide bombings, which caused carnage on the Moscow Metro system on 29 March, as acts of barbarism. 40 commutors have been killed, and 121 injured, as two suicide bombers detonated their bombs at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations, some 40 minutes apart. It was the city's first terrorist attack since 2004.

Dozens of innocent people were killed or maimed by these appalling and vicious attacks, including many workers travelling to work. The AI expresses its deepest condolences to all those affected by these bombs, which were clearly designed to cause maximum casualties and to spread fear and panic. We condemn those responsible for this outrage, and hope that those who orchestrated the attacks will be identified and brought to justice as soon as possible. 29-30.03.2010.

Update 31.03.2010. A Chechen terrorist claimed responsibility Wednesday for this week's deadly subway bombings in Moscow, as two new suicide bomb attacks targeting police officers in southern Russia left 12 people dead. Doku Umarov, the emir that rules the islamic jihad terrorists in Chechnya and other regions in Russia's North Caucasus, said in a video posted Wednesday on a pro-rebel Web site that Monday's twin suicide attacks were an act of revenge for the killing of civilians by Russian security forces. He warned that attacks on Russian cities will continue.

The islamic jihad terrorists in Chechnya and other regions in Russia's North Caucasus have more than 666 per thousand authoritarian degree, i.e. they are real beasts and ultra-authoritarian extremists, and are condemned by the Anarchist International. The fight against the islamic jihad terrorists in Chechnya and other regions in Russia's North Caucasus is a part of the general fight against terrorism world wide, and this fight is, under certain conditions, supported by the AI, ICOT and the Anarchist International Embassy, AIE. Umarov's statement was posted after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin vowed to "drag out of the sewer" the terrorists who plotted the subway bombings. Wednesday's suicide bombings in Dagestan, a volatile southern province east of Chechnya, could have been planned by the same group behind Moscow's bombings, Putin said.

01.04.2010. Euronews reports: Terrorism. Doku Oumarov [a.k.a. Dokka Umarov], Russia's new public enenemy. He's 46 years old and Russia's new public enemy number one after he claimed the double attack on the Moscow underground. He's been reported killed or captured several times in the past, either by Russian toops or those of Moscow's Chechen strongman Ahmad Kadyrov, but Doku Oumarov keeps on popping up. Otherwise known as Emir Abu Ousman, he took control of the rebel movement in the Caucasus three years ago. He proclaimed himself Emir of a new islamic Caucasian Emirates comprising six Russian republics, from Dagestan in the east to Karatchaevo-Tcherkessie in the west. He intends to impose sharia law there.

He became leader after Russia eliminated his predecessors; in June 2006 Abdul Khalim Saidoullaiev was gunned down by Russian forces. A year before that Aslan Maskhadov, a Chechen advocate of independence had been killed. He had been elected in 1997, and called for a dialogue with Moscow several times before taking up arms and military leadership in the second Chechen war. Shamir Bassaiev was the author of the Dubrovka theatre seige in Moscow in 2002, the Beslan school hostage tragedy in 2004, and scores of other attacks. He became Oumarov's vice president, but met a violent end just a month later.

Like a hydra the Caucasian rebels regrow heads as soon as they are chopped off, and it seems each new leader is more radical than the last. "Obviously the Russian security services were too preoccupied with the destruction of significant, symbolic figures, being sure that if they eliminated insurgent cheifs they would solve the problem. But the system has shown it doesn't work." He may constantly be on the move with a price on his head, hunted by the Russians and Kadyrov's Chechens, but Oumarov claims he commands thousands of Mujahaddin. His statements are ambiguous; he denies being an islamic extremist and insists he just wants independence, condemning violence and terrorism against civilians. Yet it is he who claims the Moscow bombings, and the bombing of the Moscow-St Petersburg train last November which killed 27 people. Today he says these attacks were repraisals for Russian crimes in the Caucasus.

Wikipedia reports: The Caucasus Emirate [a Pan-islamic militant movement that is rejecting the idea of a merely independent Chechen state in favor of an islamic state encompassing most of Russia's North Caucasus and based on islamic Sharia law] is claimed to be composed of the following wilayahs (provinces):

However, according to Umarov, the bases of the rebel fighters loyal to him "spread from Azerbaijan to Abkhazia ." In August 2008 Movladi Udugov , an ideologue and a spokesman for the Caucasus Emirate, said that "as Dokka Umarov very accurately observed, this islamic state does not yet have any borders. It's not correct to say that we want to build some sort of enclave on the territory of these North Caucasus republics. No, today many Muslims living in Tatarstan , Bashkortostan , Buryatia , Russians from the most widely differing regions of Russia who have accepted islam, swear an oath of allegiance to Dokka Umarov as the legitimate leader of the Muslims. And wherever he is - in Moscow , Blagoveshchensk , Tyumen - when a Muslim swears that oath, he becomes a fighting unit. Just because these people are not visible in their cities just now and are not active, that doesn't mean that they won't become active in the future."

Ad Sharia law. The Anarchist International and the International Anarchist Tribunal have investigated Sharia law, and found that the usual interpretations of Sharia law are not compatible with Libertarian Human Rights and thus are criminal and mafia laws, authoritarian juridical laws, and not compatible with the anarchist IFA-principles of a) social justice, and b) the negation of authoritarian juridical laws. Thus the Anarchist International and the International Anarchist Tribunal principally in general do not accept verdicts based on Sharia law, especially not capital punishment. Verdicts based on Sharia law are in general seen as not valid and criminal abuses of real social justice. And AI and IAT are of course not only againts Sharia capital punishment, but against death penalty in general, in USA, Russia, China, etc.

Euronews reports: Terrorism. Medvedev vows revenge on visit to Dagestan. Russia's pain is mixed with a thirst for vengeance as it continues to bury the remaining victims from Monday's Moscow metro attacks. Earlier, while more funerals of the 39 dead were being held in the Russian capital, President Dmitry Medvedev made a surprise visit to the North Caucasus republic of Dagestan. After holding a minutes silence with top security chiefs, Medvedev vowed to destroy the bombers. "Recently we have had some success in the fight against terrorism," Russia's president said. "We have succeeded in destroying the most hateful bandits. But apparently this is not enough. In any case we will find them all in good time, and we will punish them all like we did before. Only this way things will happen," he added.

That tougher tone follows yesterday's chilling video posting by Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov. He promised to bring war to Russia's streets after claiming he was behind Monday's bloodshed. Medvedev's visit to the Caucasus comes amid growing unrest in the region and fears islamist militants may attempt to launch a major bombing offensive in Russia's heartland. Overnight, a further two people were killed in Dagestan when their car blew up. It is thought they were carrying explosives. That came only hours after another 12 people died in a twin suicide attack in the north of the country.

05.04.2010. Russia: Bomber kills 2, islamic insurgency spreads. A suicide bomber blew himself up at a police station in a troubled Russian province Monday, killing two officers and wounding two others as islamic insurgency continues to spread across the region. The bomber's car exploded later, wounding an investigator. The attack took place in Ingushetia, a primarily Muslim province in the impoverished North Caucasus area, in southwestern Russia. Ingushetia, Dagestan and other Caucasus provinces have been plagued by attacks and bombings by islamic militants who have spread across the region after two separatist wars in neighboring Chechnya.

The violence is increasingly being described as a civil war between Kremlin-supported administrations and islamic rebels. Widespread abuse of civilians by police, including abduction, torture and killing, have swelled the militants' ranks. Dagestan, wedged between Chechnya and the Caspian Sea, was as mentioned the site of two suicide bombings Wednesday that killed 12 people, mostly police officers. Another explosion there Thursday killed two suspected militants. On Sunday, two powerful explosions derailed a cargo train, but no one was injured.

In Ingushetia, the attacker detonated his explosives at police headquarters in the town of Karabulak, said regional prosecutor Yuri Turygin. More officers was lining up for roll call inside the compound, and investigators believe they may have been the target. But the attacker set off his explosive belt when the police at the entrance demanded his ID. About half an hour later, a vehicle he had parked outside the headquarters exploded, wounding an investigator inspecting the area after the first blast. The explosions damaged the police headquarters and nearby residential buildings and destroyed several cars.

There have been several previous suicide bombings at police stations in the Caucasus. In the deadliest, in August, an assailant crashed a bomb-laden van through the gates of the police station in Nazran, Ingushetia's main city, killing 24 people and injuring more than 200. Another suicide bomber blew up a car at a police station in Dagestan in January, killing six officers and wounding at least 16 people. And the Moscow subway bombing may be linked to Dagestan, as well: One of the two suicide bombers has been identified as the 17-year-old widow of a slain islamic militant from Dagestan. Russian media published what they said were the pictures of the bomber, Dzhanet Abdurakhmanova, partly veiled, in the embrace of a bearded man. Both were holding handguns. A Russian newspaper reported Monday that the second Moscow suicide bomber may have been a 28-year-old schoolteacher, also from Dagestan. Novaya Gazeta quoted the woman's father as saying he recognized her in a photograph.

Russian leaders have vowed to destroy islamist militants in the North Caucasus, who have claimed responsibility for the terrorist bombings. The attacks have fueled concern that further strikes against major Russian cities are being planned. The insurgents are demanding the formation of an islamic state in the Caucasus. The fight against the islamist terrorists is backed by the AI, ICOT and AIE, but only as far as Libertarian Human Rights are respected.

06.04.2010. Russia says teacher was 2nd subway suicide bomber. Investigators confirmed Tuesday that one of the two suicide bombings on Moscow's subway last week was carried out by a 28-year-old teacher from the North Caucasus. The Federal Security Service said evidence showed that Maryam Sharipova, a university-educated computer science teacher, was one of the bombers. The other had been identified earlier as Dzhanet Abdurakhmanova, the 17-year-old widow of an Islamic militant slain by government forces. Anarchists and human rights groups accuse security forces and police in the North Caucasus of fueling the insurgency through extrajudicial killings, abductions and abuses.

The Anarchist International condemns the Domodedovo Airport terrorist attack 24.01.2011 etc.

The Anarchist International - AI/IFA has condemned the suicide bombing, which caused carnage on Moscow's Domodedovo Airport on 24 January, as an act of barbarism. Dozens of innocent people were killed or maimed by this appalling and vicious attack The AI expresses its deepest condolences to all those affected by thise bomb, which were clearly designed to cause maximum casualties and to spread fear and panic. We condemn those responsible for this outrage, and hope that those who orchestrated the attacks will be identified and brought to justice as soon as possible. However the AI regrets the attempt by Russian authorities to put the blame on anarchy and anarchists:

Brown Card to Russian president Medvedev for falsely trying to put the blame for the Domodedovo Airport terrorist attack on anarchy - Anarchy is optimal order - not chaos...

25.01.2011 Associated Press reported: Medvedev described Domodedovo Airport security as being in "a state of anarchy" and said its management must bear key responsibility for security failures that contributed to Monday's blast [terrorist attack 24.01.2011]. Medvedev is probably meaning chaos, a form of ochlarchy, and is thus breaking the Oslo Convention and gets a Brown Card from IAT-APT. Anarchy is real democracy including optimal order - not chaos, and anarchy is thus clearly de facto not responsible for this terrorist attack. Anarchists are not at all to blame in this case. The Brown Card to Russian president Medvedev is also for falsely trying to put the blame of the Domodedovo Airport terrorist attack on "anarchy". But even chaos in the management at the Domodedovo Airport is really not to blame much in this case. Medvedev and Putin must bear the key responsibility and are to blame for not fighting the terrorists in Russia in general hard enough.

BBC reported: Mr Medvedev said "pure anarchy reigned" at the airport. UK's Daily Mail reported: Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev said security checks at Domodedovo airport had been allowed to slip into 'a state of anarchy '. The Guardian reported: Domodedovo bomb shows security was in state of anarchy, says Medvedev. Norwegian TV2 and several other newsmedia (but not all main newsmedia) had similar lie-stories. They also get Brown Cards for breaking the Oslo Convention.

Later Medvedev seems to have left his theory that anarchy and anarchists were to blame for the Domodedovo Airport terrorist attack

26.01.2011. President Dmitry Medvedev fired a federal transport police chief Wednesday and lashed out at "passive" officers who guard Russia's airports and rail stations after the airport suicide bombing killed 35 people. Medvedev, often criticized as hesitant or ineffectual, appeared eager to assert his power after Monday's attack at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, which also left 180 people wounded. He announced the firing shortly before leaving for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where he was determined to reassure world business leaders that Russia was a safe bet for their badly needed investment. Medvedev began his address in Davos by accusing the airport bomber of trying to "bring Russia to its knees" and prevent him from attending the high-profile forum.

Medvedev did not specify his reasons for dismissing Maj. Gen. Andrei Alexeyev, head of the transport police for much of western Russia, including Moscow. But he did criticize transport police in general. "The police that are at the large transport centers, in airports, at railway stations, take an absolutely passive position," he said. Also Wednesday, the chief of the transport police division at Domodedovo Airport and two officers were fired by the interior minister.

08.02.2011. A Chechen warlord has apparently claimed responsibility for last month's carnage at Russia's busiest airport and warned of further such attacks. In a video on an islamist website, Doku Umarov said he ordered the "special operation" to avenge what he called Russian "crimes" in the Caucasus. He did not mention Domodedovo Airport in Moscow by name. But his reference to the 24th - the suicide bombing occurred on January 24 - looks to confirm suspicions of his involvement. Umarov has warned he will make 2011 a year of "blood and tears" for Russia.

World wide comments to Osama Bin Laden's death

News of Osama bin Laden's death stirred strong emotions Monday 02.05.2011, from a profound sense of relief across much of the globe to outrage among sympathizers who vowed to avenge the al-Qaeda leader. Most world leaders and libertarians welcomed President Barack Obama's announcement of the helicopter raid on a compound in Pakistan, congratulating the US for killing bin Laden or expressing satisfaction that the search for the world's most wanted terrorist was over. "This is the fate that evil killers deserve," said outgoing Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, deploring the harm that bin Laden did to "the image of Islam and Arab causes."

Anarchist comment: President Obama declares that Osama bin-Laden, the emir (i.e. plutarchist and hierarchist overlord) of al-Qaeda (and also an ochlarch) is dead, taken out by US counterterrorism forces in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad i.e. in Abbottabad, along with other family members. He was shot in the head during a US raid and the US Navy Seals were involved in the mission that killed him. Al-Qaeda will of course call Osama bin-Laden a holy martyr and make the most of it, but he was certainly more useful for this criminal terrorist organization alive than dead. This is a significant victory in the fight against jihad-terrorism, but the global struggle against terrorism and ochlarchy in general is of course far from over, and continues with full strength... And most likely the rest of the the al-Qaeda polyarchical terrorist network will try a revenge soon! Thus it is time for alert.

And principally it would have been more right to take Osama bin Laden alive and give him a life sentence in jail. Anarchists are in general against capital punishment, see libertarian human rights, but not against killing in pure self defense, alone or with allies, if there is no other option. Was the killing the only option? And was it necessary to kill other family members? This could be discussed more! Probably an arrest and life sentence would mean less of terrorism in revenge than this killing. Cowboy 'justice' is somewhat outdated and primitive - or not?

Later US State Department warns of "enhanced potential for anti-American violence" following bin Laden's death. Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea, a US official said. A DNA match confirms Osama bin Laden was killed, according to a senior US administration official.

03.05.2011. Former US president Bush's cowboy & wild west 'wanted dead or alive' and CIA's code-name 'Geronimo' about Osama bin Laden, plus the fact that he was unarmed when killed, may perhaps go well among the more primitive part of the US public. However libertarians in general and most of the rest of the world will probably mean this weakens the US position in this matter.

Associated Press reported 02.05.2011: French President Nicolas Sarkozy hailed "the tenacity of the United States" in its hunt for the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks while Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi called his death a "great result in the fight against evil." Spontaneous, celebratory rallies broke out in New York City at ground zero, where the World Trade Center towers fell nearly 10 years ago, and outside the White House where Obama announced bin Laden's slaying. "Here in New York, it is impossible not to be reminded of the murderous legacy of Osama bin Laden," EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said while on a visit to the city. "He and the al-Qaeda network have been responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people across the world, including the Arab world." Ashton said "we need to remain vigilant in our efforts to completely disable the al-Qaeda network, as the threat of retaliatory action remains serious."

In Afghanistan, where bin Laden was given refuge by the country's previous Taleban rulers, local officials erupted in applause when President Hamid Karzai told them the news. "(His hands) were dipped in the blood of thousands and thousands of children, youths and elders of Afghanistan," Karzai told reporters, and repeated his claim that that the fight against terrorism should not be fought in Afghan villages, but across the border in hideouts in Pakistan where bin Laden was killed. But others in the war-torn nation disagreed about bin Laden's legacy. "He was like a hero in the Muslim world," said Sayed Jalal, a rickshaw driver in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad. "His struggle was always against non-Muslims and infidels, and against superpowers." At the site of the 1998 bombing of the US Embassy in Kenya, a man who lost his eyesight in the attack prayed in front of a wall commemorating those killed. "This is a day of great honor to the survivors and victims of terrorism in the world," Douglas Sidialo told AP Television News. "A day to remember those whose lives were changed forever. A day of great relief to us victims and survivors, to see that bin Laden has been killed."

But Brian Deegan, a lawyer from the southern Australian city of Adelaide, felt a "cold shiver" rather than relief when learning about bin Laden's death on a car radio. He lost his 21-year-old son Josh in al-Qaeda-linked bombings on the Indonesian resort island of Bali in 2002. "I don't gain any satisfaction in his death - nothing will bring Josh back to me," Deegan said. The Vatican said Christians could never rejoice about the death of any human being. But spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said bin Laden was responsible for having caused the deaths of countless innocents and for having used religion to spread "division and hatred among people."

Outside the iconic Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, India - one of the sites of the 2008 terror siege that killed 166 - some people didn't believe bin Laden was dead. Others said killing him had made the world a little safer. "It's a good feeling there is one terrorist less," said Sufyan Khan, a 20-year-old Muslim student. Those who followed or sympathized with bin Laden expressed shock and dismay, or vowed revenge. "My heart is broken," Mohebullah, a Taleban fighter-turned-farmer in eastern Afghanistan, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "In the past, we heard a lot of rumors about his death, but if he did die, it is a disaster and a black day." Salah Anani, a Palestinian-Jordan militant leader accused of links to al-Qaeda, said "There will be soon be another leader."

A top al-Qaeda ideologue going by the online name "Assad al-Jihad2" posted a long eulogy for bin Laden on extremist websites and promised to "avenge the killing of the Sheik of Islam." Bin Laden's former sister-in-law, Swiss-born Carmen Binladin, told AP that he would have wanted to die "rather than face justice in an American court." She said his family in Saudi Arabia will have received the news of his death with "a great sense of sadness." US embassies and Americans across the globe were on alert for possible reprisals. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said a "backlash" from al-Qaeda sympathizers could not be ruled out. British embassies reviewed their security, and the government advised citizens to stay vigilant and avoid demonstrations or large crowds.

"The world's most wanted international terrorist is no more, but the death of bin Laden does not represent the demise of al-Qaeda affiliates and those inspired by al-Qaeda, who have and will continue to engage in terrorist attacks," said Ronald Noble, the head of the international police agency Interpol. In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called bin Laden's death "a resounding victory for justice, for freedom and for the shared values of all democratic countries that fight shoulder to shoulder against terror." The leader of the Palestinian militant Hamas government in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, condemned the killing, saying the operation marked "the continuation of the American oppression and shedding of blood of Muslims and Arabs."

Venezuela, which often criticizes US policy, also offered a voice of dissent. Vice president Elias Jaua told state-run television it was "questionable from a human point of view to celebrate killing as an instrument for resolving problems." Peruvian President Alan Garcia gave part of the credit to former US President George W. Bush, saying it was his decision "to punish bin Laden and patiently continue this work that has borne fruit." A leading Colombian human rights activist, Rep. Ivan Cepeda, lamented that the "war on terror" that led to bin Laden's demise "was carried out without respecting international human rights."

Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki called the strike against bin Laden "an act of justice to those Kenyans who lost their lives and the many more who suffered injuries" in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. The attacks blamed on al-Qaeda killed 224 people and injured thousands. In Iraq, the former epicenter for al-Qaeda's war against the US, both Shiite and Sunni civilians celebrated bin Laden's death. "The crimes committed by al-Qaeda against the Iraqi people as well as other people all over the world, shows that this terrorist group poses a clear danger to the world's security," Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said.

Al-Qaeda linked groups like the Islamic State of Iraq were responsible for some of the most heinous crimes committed in the country. As recently as last fall, the Islamic State of Iraq, using at least some fighters from abroad, raided a Baghdad church, killing 68 people. "We are very happy to hear about the killing of the boss of terrorism in the world," said Mardin Yalda, 45, who survived the horrific siege. "During his life, bin Laden was the source of suffering and agony for many innocent people, whether Christians or Muslims."

Several Muslims said bin Laden's death will help restore the image of Islam as a religion of peace, not violence and radicalism. "Bin Laden's acts robbed us of freedom to talk and move around," said Mohammad al-Mansouri, a prominent lawyer and human rights activist in the United Arab Emirates. "He turned us into targets at home and suspects in every foreign country we traveled to." Others said the al-Qaeda leader should have been brought to justice instead of killed. "Osama bin Laden has been responsible for preaching hatred and using terrorism to kill innocent people around the world and it would have been more suitable for him to be captured alive and put on trial in an international court," said Mohammed Shafiq, head of the Ramadhan Foundation, a Muslim organization in Britain.

NATO called bin Laden's death a "significant success" and said the alliance, with 150,000 troops in Afghanistan, would make sure the country "never again becomes a safe haven for extremism." But Russia's ambassador to NATO downplayed bin Laden's significance, saying the al-Qaeda leader "was only a symbol" who had long since retired and been replaced by younger commanders. Security analysts questioned whether the fact that bin Laden was found in a compound about 60 miles (100 kilometers) from the Pakistani capital could complicate relations between the US and Pakistan. "He's the world's most wanted man but he didn't seem to be Pakistan's most wanted man," said Gareth Price, a researcher at Chatham House in London. "Why had Pakistan not spotted he is living in a nice tourist resort just outside Islamabad?" Pakistan's High Commissioner to Britain, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, insisted that his nation was not aware of bin Laden's presence in Abbottabad. "Had we known it we would have done it ourselves," Hasan told the BBC.

After the raid: debating photos, foreign aid, more

04.05.2011 the Associated Press published this report 'After the raid: debating photos, foreign aid, more' with interesting information clearifying and correcting conflicting reports from the US-officials in the bin-Laden case. A spokesperson for The Anarchist International Security Council (AISC) says to AIIS that "Osama bin Laden caught alive could probably have given interesting information about al-Qaeda and connections to Taleban and more," and added: "but 'done is done and eaten is eaten', now we must look forward in the struggle against terrorism and ochlarchy in general!"

A US commando's curt message to superiors signaled the end had come for the world's most wanted terrorist: "Geronimo EKIA," meaning enemy killed in action. Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda leader who liked to pose with a menacing AK-47 assault rifle in his hand or by his side, was discovered without a gun by the Navy SEALs who barged into his room and shot him dead. The White House on Tuesday gave a more complete picture of the assault - and corrected some key details from earlier official accounts - as the team that pulled off the storied raid in Pakistan briefed officials and rested back at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington. A key question for President Barack Obama: whether to release graphic images of bin Laden's corpse. Doing so could dispel doubts that bin Laden is indeed dead. The worry, though, is that it would feed anti-US sentiment.

CIA Director Leon Panetta said at least one photo is likely to be released. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., hoped not. Rogers said Wednesday he was concerned that the photo could be seen as a "trophy" that inflames US critics and makes it harder for members of the American military deployed overseas to do their job. "Conspiracy theorists are going to see the pictures and find 10 reasons why they think it's someone else," Rogers said on ABC's "Good Morning America." "I don't know what we gain by showing this picture." Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., among the lawmakers who had the images described to them, played down concerns. "They're not going to scare people off," he said. "Nothing more than you'd expect with a person with a bullet in his head."

Codenamed Geronimo after the Apache fighter of the late 1800s who was ultimately captured by the US, bin Laden was buried at sea from an American ship scant hours after his death. White House officials initially suggested bin Laden had been holding a gun and perhaps firing at US forces. The corrected account raised questions about whether the Americans ever planned to take him alive, or simply were out to kill him. Panetta told "PBS NewsHour" that bin Laden "made some threatening moves" that "represented a clear threat to our guys" but was not more specific about what the unarmed terrorist did as the commandos engaged others at the compound in a firefight and burst into their prey's room. [NB! This does not sound very credible... ed.note.]

"I don't think he had a lot of time to say anything," Panetta said. "It was a firefight going up that compound. ... This was all split-second action on the part of the SEALs." Panetta underscored that Obama had given permission to kill the terrorist leader: "The authority here was to kill bin Laden," he said. "And obviously, under the rules of engagement, if he had in fact thrown up his hands, surrendered and didn't appear to be representing any kind of threat, then they were to capture him. [NB! This does not sound very credible... ed.note.] But they had full authority to kill him."

After they shot him in the head and chest, the SEAL team in just minutes quickly swept bin Laden's compound for useful intelligence, making off with a cache of computer equipment and documents. The CIA was hurriedly setting up a task force to review the material from the highest level of al-Qaeda's leadership. The documents provide a rare opportunity for US intelligence. When a midlevel terrorist is captured, his bosses know exactly what information might be compromised and can change plans. When the boss is taken, everything might be compromised but nobody knows for sure. The revised account of bin Laden's final moments was one of many official details that have changed since he was killed in the nighttime raid early Monday morning in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. The White House misidentified which of bin Laden's sons was killed - it was Khalid, not Hamza. Officials incorrectly said bin Laden's wife died in gunfire while serving as his human shield. That actually was the wife of a bin Laden aide, and she was just caught in crossfire, the White House said Tuesday.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney attributed those discrepancies to the fog of war, saying the information was coming in bit by bit and was still being reviewed. Nevertheless, the contradictory statements may raise suspicions about the White House's version of events, given that no independent account from another source is likely to emerge. The only non-US witnesses to survive the raid are in Pakistani custody. Five people were killed in the raid, officials said: bin Laden; his son; his most trusted courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti; and al-Kuwaiti's wife and brother. The latest White House account leaves open the question of whether there was any gunfire from bin Laden's defenders in his room before the commandos shot him.

Obama prepared to visit New York City's ground zero on Thursday to mark the end to one of history's most intense manhunts and to remember anew the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks at the hands of bin Laden's al-Qaeda organization. He invited former President George W. Bush, who once famously said he wanted bin Laden "dead or alive," to join him, but the former president declined. In Washington, questions flew about whether Pakistan was complicit in protecting the mastermind of those attacks. Several Republicans and Democrats in Congress have raised the possibility of cutting off US aid to Pakistan. The Pakistani government has denied suggestions that its security forces knew anything about bin Laden's hideout or failed to spot suspicious signs in a city with a heavy military presence.

In a closed-door briefing for lawmakers Tuesday, Panetta said, "Pakistan was [not?] involved or incompetent," a US official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the private meeting. Pakistan criticized the American raid in its sovereign territory as "unauthorized unilateral action." While tensions grew, efforts also were apparent to contain the damage in an important if checkered relationship. The Obama administration pushed back against the talk of punishing Pakistan. So did Republican House Speaker John Boehner, who said, "Having a robust partnership with Pakistan is critical to breaking the back of al-Qaeda and the rest of them." And Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said that despite difficult relations with Pakistan, "They have allowed us to pursue our drone program. We've taken out over 16 of the top 20 al-Qaeda leaders because of that. That's cooperation."

Rogers called the failure to find bin Laden an embarrassment for Pakistan, but warned against cutting off aid, saying: "They need us and we need them. Frustrating? Absolutely. Are they going to be the best partners we've ever had? No." For the long-term legacy of the most successful counterterrorism operation in US history, the fact that bin Laden was unarmed is unlikely to matter much to the Americans he declared war against. The CIA's top counterterrorism official once promised to bring bin Laden's head back on a stake. Yet just 24 hours before the White House acknowledged that bin Laden had been unarmed, Obama's chief counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, said, "If we had the opportunity to take bin Laden alive, if he didn't present any threat, the individuals involved were able and prepared to do that."

Will it matter around the world? Some may try to make much of it in Pakistan and elsewhere. "This country has gone through a lot of trauma in terms of violence, and whether or not he was armed is not going to make a difference to people who were happy to see the back of him," said Mosharraf Zaidi, a political analyst and columnist in Pakistan. Yet, he said, "The majority have a mistrust of America, and this will reinforce their mistrust of America." Obama and his national security team followed the operation as it unfolded, watching television monitors, the air thick with tension at the White House. Nerves were raw when one of the two Black Hawk helicopters that descended into the bin Laden compound Monday fell heavily to the ground. Officials believe that was due to higher-than-expected air temperature that interfered with the chopper's ability to hover - an aeronautical condition known as "hot and high."

The SEALs all got out of the downed helicopter and proceeded into the compound. As they swept through the property, they handcuffed those they encountered with plastic zip ties and pressed on in pursuit of their target. Many SEAL team members carry helmet-mounted cameras, but the video beamed back to Washington did not show the fateful showdown with bin Laden, officials said. That word came from the SEALs on the ground: "Geronimo EKIA." The CIA's makeshift command center erupted in applause as the SEALs helicoptered to safety.

[Later report] AP source: bin Laden thought going for a weapon. US officials tell The Associated Press that the Navy SEALs who stormed Osama bin Laden's compound shot and killed him after they saw him appear to lunge for a weapon [credible?]. The officials, who were briefed on the operation, say several weapons were found in the room where the terror chief died, including AK-47s and personal side arms. The officials also say a US commando grabbed a woman who charged toward the group. The fear, the officials say, is that she might have been wearing a suicide vest [credible?]. The Navy SEAL pulled the woman away from his fellow SEALs. The officials further say the two dozen SEALs involved in the operation are back at their home base outside Virginia Beach, Va., and that the extensive debriefing they underwent is complete. Source: Associated Press 04.05.2011.

PS. Bin Laden was living in a large house not far from a military academy in Abbottabad, an army town that is just two hours drive from the capital. That he lived there for up to six years undetected has reignited long-standing suspicions that the country, nominally a US ally, is playing a double game. Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said anyone who claimed his country hid bin Laden was "color blind." During a visit to Paris, Gilani said that Pakistan shared intelligence with numerous countries in the fight against terrorism and had "excellent cooperation" with the United States. He said that "if we have failed it means everybody failed," and an investigation would be ordered. Some US lawmakers have suggested that Washington cut or terminate American aid to Pakistan as a result. But others are advising caution - Pakistan has nuclear arms, is already unstable and the US needs its support to withdraw from Afghanistan. Mike Rogers, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said the discovery of bin Laden so close to an army installation was "embarrassing to them" but that institutional entities like the army, intelligence service and government likely didn't know about bin Laden's presence.

Obama says he won't release bin Laden death photos. President Barack Obama said Wednesday he's decided not to release death photos of terrorist Osama bin Laden because their graphic nature could incite violence and create national security risks for the United States. "There's no doubt we killed Osama bin Laden," the president said in an interview with CBS News, and there was no need to release the photographs or gloat. "There's no need to spike the football," he said. The president said that for anyone who doesn't believe bin Laden is dead, "we don't think that a photograph in and of itself is going to make any difference." "There are going to be some folks who deny it. The fact of the matter is you won't see bin Laden walking on this earth again," said Obama.

Geronimo's tribe seeks apology. The leader of Apache warrior Geronimo's tribe is asking President Barack Obama for a formal apology for the government's use of the revered figure's moniker as a code name for Osama bin Laden. Fort Sill Apache Tribal Chairman Jeff Houser sent a letter to the president Tuesday, saying equating the legendary Apache warrior to a "mass murderer and cowardly terrorist" was painful and offensive to all Native Americans. The letter was posted Wednesday morning on the Oklahoma tribe's website. The White House referred questions on the matter to the US Defense Department, which said no disrespect was meant to Native Americans. The department wouldn't elaborate on the use of "Geronimo," but said code names typically are chosen randomly so that those working on a mission can communicate without divulging any information to adversaries. Meanwhile, news about the code name spread quickly across Indian Country and on social network sites, resulting in a groundswell of criticism against the government. Several tribes and tribal leaders issued statements of disapproval, while many Facebook and Twitter posted angry comments, some using historical photos of the Apache leader for their profile pictures. Source: Associated Press 04.05.2011.

06.05.2011. Pro al-Qaeda groups demonstrate world wide, protesting the killing of Osama bin Laden, and some are sailing under false anarchist black flags and red & black logos. This is a serious break of the Oslo Convention and thus they all get Brown Cards from the International Anarchist Tribunal - The Anarchist Press Tribunal, see IAT-APT - International Branch. BBC has published a report about al-Qaeda around the world.

Terrorist attack in Oslo - Anarchist point of view

The global fight against jihad-terrorism, terrorism at large and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) in general is central to anarchism, anarchy, i.e. Libertarian Human Rights and Real Democracy, and anarchists. Anarchists, the real ones, have always been opposed to ochlarchy, including all forms of terrorism, as well a other x-archy, where x can be anything but not 'an'. To get rid of ochlarchy including terrorism, via direct actions and other actions within the framework of and/or compatible with real democracy including libertarian human rights, is central to the fight for anarchy and more of it; the main aim, strategy and tactics of anarchists. The International Anarchist Tribunal, IAT-APT, also has important reports about anarchy and anarchism vs terrorism and ochlarchy in general.

22.07.2011. Ad terrorist attack in Oslo, the capital of the Anarchy of Norway. "Probably done by international terrorists, Al-Qaeda, Gaddafi or similar. Not anarchists behind," the Anarchist International Security Council, AISC, and the International Anarchist Tribunal, IAT-APT, say to AIIS in a preliminary report. In the evening at least seven people were reported dead, there may be more. The Anarchist Federation of Norway, AFIN, and the Anarchist International, AI/IFA, condemned this violent, ultra-authoritarian and extremist attack on a peaceful anarchy and anarchism. In connection to the bomb attack in Oslo a man dressed as a police officer gunned down youths at a summer camp at Utøya, killing at least 10. The man who opened fire at the youth camp was Norwegian and later arrested by the police.

23.07.2011. Early Saturday the Norwegian police report that at least 80 were killed at Utøya. Suspect in Oslo and Utøya [øya means island] terrorist attacks is Anders Behring Breivik, 32-year-old, about 6ft tall and blond. He has tweeted: "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests," quoting the liberalist John Stuart Mill. He promotes christian and arch-conservative opinions, which he also called nationalist. He expresses himself strongly opposed to multiculturalism - that cultural differences can live together in a community. In one of the posts he states that politics today no longer revolves around socialism against capitalism, but that the fight is between nationalism and internationalism, a basic anarchist principle. Anders Behring Breivik is most likely a brown & blue conservative and christian fundamentalist and rightwing extremist, i.e. an ultra-authoritarian liberalist (totalitarian, not liberal liberalism), and not a nazi, see the economic-political map. This is an international political current that also includes terrorists, say, in Sweden the "olympian bomber", and in USA the "Oklahoma bomber", but the Norwegian police suggest Anders Behring Breivik was alone in the attacks. [Later, in 2013, Breivik turned to fascism, probably right fascism, trying to start a Norwegian fascist party. In 2015 Breivik became even more authoritarian, a nazi (ultra-fascist on the economic-political map).]

Anders Behring Breivik has earlier been a member of the populist Fremskrittspartiet, Frp, and its youth organization. Although the main tendency of Frp is right-populism, small fractions of extreme liberalists and even nazis are connected to the party. Media reports in Norway paint a portrait of Breivik as a "loner", who lived with his mother in a wealthy suburb of west Oslo, was well educated and enjoyed hunting. An Oslo police spokeswoman said Breivik has been charged with two counts of terrorism. She said he would have to appear in court within three days. Breivik may be sentenced to the Norwegian maximum time in prison, 21 years. The Norwegian Anarchist Council, NACO, declares to the Norwegian people: "Stay calm and continue with the Anarchy!"

Oddny Estenstad, a spokeswoman for a Norwegian farm co-operative, said the suspect had been a customer. She told the AFP news agency: "We sold him six tonnes of fertilizer, which is a relatively standard order." The police later confirmed that fertilizer was used to make a bomb at Breivik's farm. Jane Owen, the British ambassador to Norway, tells the BBC there is a sense of shock and devastation in Oslo, where quite a large a proportion of the country live. She says it brings home the threat of terrorism, from whatever quarter. She is also mentioning the "libertarian tradition" in Norway on BBC TV. She says she has been struck by the fortitude and solidarity of the Norwegian people which will help them get through the coming days.

In the afternoon the Norwegian police confirmed a carbomb was used in the blast in Oslo. The police said: "It was a very powerful bomb, and it was in a car. The car didn't stand there for very long. We have taken possession of the car that he used from Oslo to Utøya." In a 1,500-page manifesto, posted on the Web hours before the attacks, Mr. Breivik recorded a day-by-day diary of long time of planning for the attacks, and claimed to be part of a small group that intended to "seize political and military control of Western European countries and implement a cultural conservative political agenda." He predicted a conflagration that would kill or injure more than a million people, adding, "The time for dialogue is over. We gave peace a chance. The time for armed resistance has come." The manifesto was signed Andrew Berwick, an Anglicized version of his name.

The document also describes a secret meeting in London in April 2002 to reconstitute the Knights Templar, a Crusader military order. It says the meeting was attended by nine representatives of eight European countries, evidently including Mr. Breivik, with an additional three members unable to attend, including a "European-American." Mr. Breivik was also believed to have posted a video on Friday summarizing his arguments. In its closing moments, the video depicts Mr. Breivik in military uniform, holding assault weapons. Rarely has a mass murder suspect left so detailed an account of his activities.

24.07.2011. Norway, included the anarchists, mourned on Sunday close to 100 people killed in a shooting spree and car bombing by a Norwegian who saw his attacks as "atrocious, but necessary". In his first comment via a lawyer since his arrest, Anders Behring Breivik, said he wanted to explain himself at a court hearing Monday about extending his custody. "He has said that he believed the actions were atrocious, but that in his head they were necessary," his lawyer Geir Lippestad said. Oslo's acting police chief Sveinung Sponheim confirmed to reporters that Breivik would be able to speak to the court. It was not clear whether the hearing would be closed or in public. "He has admitted to the facts of both the bombing and the shooting, although he's not admitting criminal guilt," Sponheim said, adding that Breivik had said he acted alone. Police were checking this because some witness statements from the island spoke of more than one gunman, Sponheim said.

25.07.2011. A judge denied Anders Behring Breivik the public stage he wanted to air his arch-conservative rants and call for revolution on Monday, ruling that the first hearing for the man who has confessed to Norway's twin terror attacks be held behind closed doors. "Based on information in the case the court finds that today's detention hearing should be held behind closed doors," Judge Kim Heger said in a statement. "It is clear that there is concrete information that a public hearing with the suspect present could quickly lead to an extraordinary and very difficult situation in terms of the investigation and security." Police have said a trial could be a year away. The maximum jail term in Norway is as mentioned 21 years, although that can be extended if there is a risk of repeat offences. "In theory he can be in jail for the rest of his life," said Ståle Eskeland, professor of criminal law at the University of Oslo. Breivik will be held for at least eight weeks, half of that in complete isolation, after a closed hearing in which he said his terror network had two other cells.

Signs of normality began to return to Oslo on Monday. A wide police cordon around the bomb site was lifted on the first workday since the attacks, leaving just a narrower zone closed off. Most shops were open and trams were rumbling through the city's streets. The total death toll in Friday's bomb blast and shootings has been revised downward to 76, police say. Police now say eight people died in the bombing in Oslo, up one from the earlier death toll. Authorities revised downward the number of dead in the shooting on Utøya from 86 to 68. Police say they are still searching the island for possible victims. There have been direct mass actions in Oslo and all over the country in respect of the victims and for the values of real democracy. More than 100,000 Norwegians rallied in Oslo on Monday night, many carrying white and red roses, a.o.t. to mourn the dead and to show unity after July 22. Tens of thousands of others rallied in other cities from Tromsø to Bergen. [Later the number of killed was revised to 77.]

26.07.2011. Norway's justice minister on Tuesday hailed "fantastic" police work after Anders Behring Breivik killed at least 76 people, trying to set aside anarchist and other criticisms that police had reacted too slowly to a shooting massacre. An armed SWAT team took more than an hour to reach Utøya, where Breivik was coolly shooting terrified youngsters at a Labor Party youth camp. Though it is just 25 miles (40 kilometers) from Oslo, it took police about 90 minutes to get there. Breivik as mentioned told a judge at his custody hearing on Monday that two other cells in his "organization" existed. However, a source close to the investigation said: "We feel that the accused has fairly low credibility when it comes to this claim but none of us dare to be completely dismissive about it either." Researchers at IIFOR doubt Breivik's claim that he is part of a wider [rightwing extremist & arch-] conservative network of christian "crusaders", against a.o.t. "cultural marxism" and a "muslim invasion", seeing it as bragging by a psychopathic fantasist who has written that exaggeration is a way to sow confusion among investigators. The Aftenposten daily said Breivik's interrogation was moving slowly, with the confessed killer silent on his claims about sleeper cells or other potential collaborators.

In signs that police are skeptical that Breivik was part of a wider network, border controls imposed on July 22 were lifted late on Monday. Also Norway has not raised the threat level for terrorism. Prosecutors will consider whether Breivik's acts fall under a 2008 law on crimes against humanity, said Ståle Eskeland, professor of criminal law at Oslo University. "To kill a group of civilians systematically is the basic criteria" for charges of crimes against humanity, Eskeland said, adding that the maximum penalty for this offence was 30 years in jail, rather than 21 years under the anti-terrorism law. In both cases the sentence can be extended for up to five years at a time if there is risk of repeat offences. So far Breivik has been charged with "destabilizing or destroying basic functions of society" and "creating serious fear in the population." Police attorney Christian Hatlo has said Breivik expects to spend the rest of his life in jail.

27.07.2011. Norwegian PM promises "more democray", indicating higher degree of real democracy, i.e. anarchy. Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg has announced the creation of a "22 July Commission" to investigate Friday's bomb and gun attacks. He said the commission, agreed to by all political parties, would analyze everything that happened. Speaking at a news conference at his residence, Mr Stoltenberg said the commission would be independent and would enable lessons to be learned. The prime minister also announced a national memorial, and promised that the central administration would contribute to the cost of funerals of the victims. Relatives and victims would also be entitled to payments from the central administration under a new law on compensation for victims of crime. In a statement earlier, Mr Stoltenberg said Norway would not be intimidated or threatened by the attacks and that Norwegians would stand firm in defending their values. He said that the violence would be met by more openess and more democracy. "The Norwegian response to violence is more democracy, more openness and greater political participation," Stoltenberg insisted at a news conference, according to Associated Press.

28.07.2011. Investigators will interview Anders Behring Breivik again on Friday 29.07.2011, and will focus on whether there is "any more danger," police attorney Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby told reporters. Breivik has claimed wide contact with individuals and groups he says support his views. But experts, included anarchists, have cast doubt on his claims and questions persist about whether there was a genuine network or if Breivik's statements were exaggerations. Police have not turned up any signs that copycat attacks might be committed, Kraby said. But they are clearly concerned that Breivik could inspire others. Kraby said Brevik's next hearing will be closed "just in case he's able to send messages by code" to associates. Police have so far only interviewed the suspect once, in a seven-hour session the day after the attack. Kraby said Breivik is in contact only with his lawyer and investigators. He also said the Norwegian police have been in touch with the FBI. The Norwegian police are cooperating with the police in several other countries regarding the attacks. Breivik's attorney has said his client considers himself a "savior" and that he is likely insane. Breivik has as mentioned pleaded not guilty to the terrorism charges he faces.

29.07.2011. Police attorney Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby said the 32-year-old Norwegian remained calm and cooperative during the questioning session Friday, in which investigators reviewed with him his statements from an earlier session on Saturday. Investigators believe Breivik acted alone, after years of meticulous planning, and haven't found anything to support his claims that he's part of an anti-muslim etc. militant network plotting a series of coups d'etat across Europe. A person who was wounded in last week's terrorist attacks in Norway has died, raising the death toll from the massacre to 77. Henning Holtås, a police attorney, said Friday the unidentified victim died at a hospital of wounds he suffered during the shooting rampage on Utøya. Norwegian extremist Anders Behring Breivik has as mentioned admitted conducting the shooting rampage on Utøya that has killed 69 people and setting off a bomb in central Oslo that killed eight.

30.07.2011. Norway suspect was considering other targets. Police say the man who confessed to a bombing and youth camp massacre that killed 77 people in Norway has told them he also considered other possible locations to attack. Police attorney Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby says Anders Behring Breivik was questioned for 10 hours on Friday and "said he was interested in other targets." Norwegian tabloid VG said Breivik had described the Royal Palace [of the symbolic, powerless king] and the head office of the prime minister's Labor Party in Oslo as potential targets. The paper did not cite its sources. Kraby wouldn't comment on the report but said that, "They were targets that one would say are natural for terror attacks." Except for funerals of victims and mourning in this connection, the Anarchy of Norway is returning more and more to normality. This article will be updated when something significant happens. See also Social justice and social security.

Norway slow to convict terror suspects

Eleven people have been arrested under Norway's anti-terror laws since 2000, including the right-wing extremist who killed 77 people two months ago. Not one has been convicted. The July 22 bomb attack and shooting rampage rocked the foundations of Norway's democratic society, which places high value on openness and civil rights. Officials conceded shortcomings in terror legislation in the Scandinavian country, and Norway's chief prosecutor predicted a range of changes, including tightened security. "We cannot have a situation where it's possible to drive a van carrying a bomb to the prime minister's office and ... be parked there for several minutes before it explodes," Tor-Aksel Busch said. Busch said the case of Anders Behring Breivik will force scrutiny of Norwegian sentencing practices. "We have (maximum) verdicts of 21 years for defendants that have killed two, maybe three people," Busch told The Associated Press. "In this case, we have an inconceivable number beyond that."

Breivik has admitted to the July killings, but denies criminal guilt because he says the massacre was necessary to save Norway and Europe. If found guilty on terrorism charges, he faces 21 years in prison. An alternative custody arrangement - if he is still considered a danger to the public - could keep him behind bars indefinitely. But a look at recent history suggests that finding someone guilty in Norway is not easy. Before the July attacks, suspects have only been arrested in four cases on suspicion of terror or terror financing but no one has so far been convicted under the terror laws, according to records obtained by The Associated Press in response to a request under Norway's Freedom of Information Act.

Norway, like other European countries, adopted terror legislation after 9/11. However, critics have pointed out loopholes, including the fact that planning an act of terror alone is not a crime. If two or more people are involved in planning, it becomes a crime of conspiracy. Breivik claims he planned and carried out the attacks on his own. In Norway's first terrorism trial in 2008, three men were charged with plotting attacks against Israeli and US embassies in Oslo, which never took place. Two were acquitted, for lack of evidence. The third defendant was found guilty of complicity in an unrelated shooting at a synagogue in Oslo in 2006, but the court ruled that the incident, in which no one was hurt, was not an act of terror. A higher court later found him guilty of attempted murder, but the Supreme Court suspended the verdict due to a procedural error and he was released.

Last year, a Somali-born Norwegian who had transferred $33,000 to al-Shabaab militants in Somalia was found innocent of funding terrorism. The court said he had not knowingly funded terrorist activities of an organization that at the time was not classified as a terrorist group by the United Nations. Instead, he was found guilty of breaking a UN arms embargo on Somalia and was given a fine. Two others arrested in the case were released by police after questioning. They were not charged. In 2003, Mullah Krekar, the founder of the Kurdish Islamist group Ansar al-Islam, was under suspicion of funding and organizing terrorism in Iraq from Norway. The case never made it to court but Norway declared him a threat to national security and ordered him deported. The decision was later postponed amid concerns he would face execution or torture in Iraq. Last month, authorities filed terror charges against Krekar for making death threats against Norwegian politicians if deported. In Norway, as in neighboring Scandinavian countries, authorities tend to fight terrorism by disrupting plots rather than making arrests.

Last year, the detention of three suspected al-Qaida members was an aggressive departure from routine, in a case where the FBI and CIA worked closely with local authorities to unravel an alleged plot in Norway. Mikael Davud, Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak Bujak and David Jakobsen were arrested in connection with a plot against an unspecified Norwegian target. US and Norwegian officials believe the plot was linked to the same Pakistan-based al-Qaida planners behind thwarted schemes to blow up New York's subway and a British shopping mall. Davud, the suspected ringleader, told police he had planned a bomb attack against the Chinese Embassy in Oslo and had used the two other suspects to obtain the ingredients for a bomb, but said they were not aware of the target, according to his lawyer Carl Konow Rieber-Mohn. Security police said Bujak had indicated that the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which caricatured the Prophet Muhammad, was the intended target. The trial is expected to open this fall.

With anti-terror measures under scrutiny, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg warned against a knee-jerk reaction, and urged the nation of 5 million to uphold its long ideals of peace and tolerance even as it had been "hit by evil." He appointed an independent commission to investigate the attacks and to submit its report by next August. A survivor of the July 22 terror attacks, Stine Renate Haaheim, says she doesn't feel Norway needs to change its terror laws because of the attacks. "Personally, I don't think so," the 27-year-old lawmaker told the AP. "We don't want to make any rushed decisions now. I think we have seen a lot of countries that have done that in the face of terror." Haaheim said Norway needs time to reflect on what has happened, and remember those who died in the attacks. "We have met bullets with flowers and showed that love is much more stronger than hate and speaking for myself revenge is not in my thoughts," she said. "For me it is important to hold onto what I believed in before July 22." (Source: Associated Press 03.09.2011.)

14.11.2011. Norway killer arrives at 1st open court hearing. The Norwegian right-wing extremist who confessed to a bombing and shooting spree that killed 77 people in July has arrived at his first open court hearing. Dozens of reporters and members of the public were packed inside the court room in Oslo on Monday as Anders Behring Breivik walked in wearing a dark suit. Reporters were banned from reporting on the proceedings and no photography or video recordings were allowed. Breivik is facing terror charges for the July 22 attacks at the government district in Oslo and an island youth camp outside the capital. Previous court hearings in the case have been closed to the public. Source: AP.

Later 14.11.2011. Norway killer claims mantle of resistance leader. The Norwegian right-wing extremist who confessed to a bombing and shooting massacre that killed 77 people tried to declare himself a resistance leader Monday at his first public court hearing but was quickly cut off by the judge. Anders Behring Breivik was escorted by guards into an Oslo court room packed with dozens of reporters and spectators, including survivors of his rampage at a youth camp near the capital who were seeing him in person for the first time since the July 22 attack. "I am a military commander in the Norwegian resistance movement," Breivik said before the judge interrupted him and told him to stick to the issue at hand. The hearing was to decide whether to extend Breivik's custody pending his trial on terror charges.

At the end of the hearing, Breivik, 32, asked Judge Torkjel Nesheim if he could address survivors and victims' relatives, but he was turned down. Prosecutors asked to keep Breivik jailed for 12 more weeks, with restrictions on media access, visitors and mail. Previous court hearings in the case have been closed to the public. At the end of Monday's hearing, the judge lifted a ban on reporting the proceedings. Investigators say Breivik set off a fertilizer bomb outside government headquarters on July 22, killing eight people, before heading to an island retreat, where youth sections of Norway's ... Labor Party were holding their annual summer camp.

Disguised as a police officer, he opened fire on scores of panicked youths, shooting some as they fled into the lake. Sixty-nine people were killed on Utoya island before Breivik surrendered to a police SWAT team. The carnage shocked Norway and the world, and still haunts a nation that sees itself as peaceful and tolerant. Tim Viskjer, who survived the shooting spree on Utoya, watched Breivik's hearing on a video screen in another room in the court house. "I thought he seemed cold and inhuman," Viskjer told Norwegian broadcaster NRK. "It was uncomfortable, but for me I moved on a little bit after seeing and hearing the suspect."

Like he did in previous closed hearings, Breivik on Monday confessed to the attacks but pleaded not guilty to terror charges. Breivik has denied criminal guilt, saying he was in a state of war to protect Europe from being taken over by Muslim immigrants. He described his pretrial detention at the Ila prison in Oslo as "irrational torture." His defense lawyer, Geir Lippestad, told reporters after the hearing that Breivik doesn't recognize the authority of the court and demands to be released from prison. An online manifesto attributed to Breivik sheds light on his choice of targets. In it, he lays out a blueprint for a multi-phase revolution, targeting left-leaning political elites he accuses of destroying their own societies by admitting large numbers of immigrants, especially from muslim countries.

His actions have been widely condemned, including by the anti-islamic bloggers and groups that he cited prolifically in the document. Investigators say they have found no evidence to support Breivik's claims that he belongs to a network of modern-day crusaders opposed to multiculturalism, and that two other cells are ready to strike. Police prosecutor Paal Hjort Kraby said Breivik most likely plotted and executed the attacks on his own, but said it cannot be ruled out that he had accomplices. Source: AP.

Anders Behring Breivik, speaking Monday at a court just two blocks from where he detonated a huge home-made bomb before shooting 69 people at the ruling Labor Party's summer camp, also rejected the court's authority to hear his case. "I am a military commander in the Norwegian resistance movement and Knights Templar Norway. Regarding the competence (of the court), I object to it because you received your mandate from organizations that support hate ideology (and) because it supports multiculturalism," Breivik told the court. "I acknowledge the acts but I do not plead guilty," Breivik told the court.

The killings shattered a nation known for its open society, peace and relative prosperity, sparking a debate about immigration and security. Breivik, speaking at a court picketed by a group of protesters ... attempted to address survivors and victims' relatives but the court denied his request. The hearing was the first opportunity for the media, surviving victims and victims' relatives to hear Breivik, 32, speak publicly. The hearing, required under Norwegian law to keep a suspect in prison before trial, was Breivik's fourth, and as expected, the court decided to keep him in custody. He will likely remain in prison until he goes to trial, probably in the first half of next year. Some 120 people were admitted to the courtroom, while hundreds of others squeezed into overflow rooms equipped with video links.

The hearing, required periodically under Norwegian law to keep a suspect imprisoned before trial, was Breivik's fourth but the first open to the public. A district judge extended pre-trial custody for 12 weeks but said Breivik can begin receiving visitors and letters under strict control and that on December 12 he can have access to media for the first time... Breivik has been kept in solitary confinement since July 22 and has been denied visits, correspondence and access to newspapers and television. Officials said court-appointed psychiatrists were expected to finish their work late this month and that a trial was tentatively set to begin on April 16 [2012]. They also said the courtroom used on Monday would be totally reconstructed for the trial, nearly doubling the audience capacity to 240 seats and adding a press center for 250 to 300 journalists. Source: Reuters.

Web of AISC: http://www.anarchy.no/ai.html *****)

Ad Breiviksaken og antiterrorisme. Strengere kontroll!

Strengere kontroll med hvem som kjøper kunstgjødsel. Det må være reelle bønder som kan dokumentere behov og også kontroll med at den faktisk blir brukt til  gjødsling. Annen bruk av kunstgjødsel må forbys, med strenge straffer. Dynamitt o.l. er mye lettere å kontrollere, for det brukes kun til sprengstoff.

Breivik er rimeligvis tilregnelig, men en psykopatisk morder med fikse ideer. Det finnes andre lignende ekstremister, totalitære på det økonomisk-politiske kartet...

Automatvåpen hører kun forsvaret og politiet til, og ingen andre. Salg av slikt til andre må forbys raskt, og alt slikt konfiskeres av politi og forsvar. Vanlige våpen, dvs. ikke automatvåpen, dobbeltløpet og enkeltløpet hagle, rifler, samt pistoler og revolvere uten rask omladningsmulighet er ok. Men dette er kun til selforsvar, sport og jakt. Det må være strenge straffer for å ha forbudte og ulovlige våpen. Mye strengere enn i dag. Dette vil også redusere omløpet av slike våpen blant kriminelle, nasjonalt og internasjonalt.

Denne resolusjonen er også publisert på den nye filen Social justice and social security: http://www.anarchy.no/socialjustice.html.

Ad the Breivik case and anti-terrorism. Stricter control!

Stricter control of who is buying fertilizer. It must be real farmers who can demonstrate need and also controls to ensure that it is actually used for fertilization. Other use of fertilizers must be banned, with strict penalties. Dynamite and similar are much easier to control, for it is only used for explosives.

Breivik is probably reasonably sane, but a psychopathic killer with fixed ideas. There are other similar extremists, totalitarian on the economic-political map ...

Automatic weapons shall belong only to the armed forces and police, and no others. Sales to others of such weapons must be banned soon, and all such weapons confiscated by police and defense forces. Conventional weapons, that is not machine guns or other automatic weapons, i.e. double barreled and single barreled shotgun, rifles and pistols and revolvers without fast reloading facilities are ok. But such weapons are only for self defense, sports and hunting. There must be strict penalties for having illegal and illicit weapons. Much stricter than today. This will also reduce the circulation of such weapons among criminals, nationally and internationally.

This resolution is also published on the new file of Social justice and social security: http://www.anarchy.no/socialjustice.html. 25.10.2011.


Psychiatric evaluation finds Norway killer insane

Prosecutors say that a psychiatric evaluation of confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik found he was insane during the July 22 bomb and shooting attacks that killed 77 people in Norway. The finding by the two forensic psychiatrists will help determine whether Breivik is sentenced to prison or psychiatric care. Prosecutor Svein Holden says the report shows Breivik was "psychotic" during the attack. If that assessment is upheld by the court then Breivik cannot be sentenced to prison for the attacks. Source: Associated Press.

Breivik psykotisk? En foreløpig betraktning...

To samkjørte arrogante psykiatere som uttaler seg skråsikkert ut fra en så lite eksakt vitenskap som psykiatrien sår i seg selv tvil om konklusjonen om at Breivik er psykotisk (insane) og derfor ikke strafferettslig tilregnelig, er korrekt... Saken bør diskuteres mer... Mvh. NACO.

Breivik psychotic ? A preliminary consideration...

Two coordinated arrogant psychiatrists who speak unfailing from such a little exact science as psychiatry in itself creates doubt about the conclusion that Breivik is psychotic (insane) and therefore not criminally sane, is correct ... The matter should be discussed more ... Regards NACO.

Et utvalg av artikler med relevans til Breiviksaken - A selection of articles with relevance to the Breivik case

Historisk oversikt og nyheter - Historic overview and news, see IJA 4 (31)

Breiviksaken og sosial justis og sikkerhet - The Breivik case and social justice and security, see Social Justice

Artikler fra Anarkidebatt - Articles at the Anarkidebatt in Norwegian, see Anarkidebatt
Artikler med spesiell relevans til Breiviksaken er markert med grønt
Articles with special relevance to the Breivik case are marked with green

Contents (2012):
Anarki kontra stat - en kortfattet utredning om stats- og anarki-begrepene
Om stat og styring og det frihetlige (anarkisme)
Nei til almenningsøkonomi  - Ja til anarkistisk økonomi
Det norske systemet, et anarki mellom liberalisme og marxisme
Norske ledere sjefer mindre
Skolene og barnehagene bør ha formålsparagrafer basert på anarkistiske grunnprisipper
Noen strøtanker om det anarkistiske ideal
Minst klasseforskjeller i Norge
Lønnsforskjellene er blitt mindre
Best betalt på "gølvet"
Om forsvaret av anarkiet
Israel 60 år. Israels plass på det økonomisk-politiske kartet
USA på det økonomisk-politiske kartet
Tysklands plass på det økonomisk-politiske kartet
YTRINGSFRIHETEN - Pressens rolle under anarkismen
Sykehusene - stats-monolitt i KRISE
Nei til "Storebror ser deg" - Anarkistene sier nei til EU-direktiv 2006/24 - Datalagringsdirektivet - DLD
Halv, full eller null matmoms? Fordelingseffekter med videre
Boikott åpnings-seremonien til OL i Beijing
Kirken og offentlige budsjetter
Subsidier til kapitalister/plutarker i U-land vil ikke hjelpe folket
Anarkistene støtter de nye foreslåtte grep for å gjøre Oslo til en virkelig kulturhovedstad
Den kompakte majoritet mot ny ekteskapslov
PST bør nå skjerpe overvåkingen av nazi-miljøet
Høyresiden, populistene og Oslo Arbeiderparti burde skamme seg
En anarkistisk kritikk av Arne Næss
Svein Longva er død
En sannsynlig naturlig forklaring på Snåsamannens suksess og et friskt fraspark mot helsestatsråd "healing" Hanssen
Kritikk av Navarsetes og Senterpartiets angrep på ytringsfriheten
Nei til blanding av politi og religion!
Politiaksjoner - kjeltringstreker og politisk torpedovirksomhet? Anarkistenes syn!
Anarki, ikke regjeringssystem i Norge!
Søkelys på de diagnostiske kriteriene for psykose og paranoid schizofreni i tilknytning til Breivik saken. En foreløpig kommentar
Ad Breiviksaken og antiterrorisme. Strengere kontroll!
Et utvalg av artikler med relevans til Breiviksaken
Pelsdyrnæringen og anarkisme

Google international translation tool - Norwegian to English and more

New psychiatric evaluation finds Norway killer sane

A report by the new court-appointed psychiatrists on the mental state of confessed terrorist Anders Behring Breivik has found him to be sane when he carried out his terrorist act on July 22nd last year. The conclusions in the report by psychiatrists Terje Tørrisen and Agnar Aspaas are therefore the opposite of the conclusion made by the two first psychiatrists, which declared Behring Breivik criminally insane. Source: The Norway Post 10.04.2012.

Trial against Behring Breivik in Oslo

The trial against Anders Behring Breivik, accused of murder and terrorism, opened at the Oslo City Court (Tinghus) on Monday 16.04.2012. During the opening sesssion, Breivik said he did not recognize the Norwegian court. Behring Breivik is accused of killing 77 people - eight in the car bomb attack against the main Council of State office building in Oslo, and the rest, mainly teenagers, at a political youth camp on Utøya Island, an annual camp organized by the youth branch of the Labor Party. Breivik has confessed to the killings, but denies criminal responsibility. He claims he is waging a war against an Islamic take-over of Norway. He claimed he was acting in self defense [emergency right]. (Behring Breivik erklærte seg ikke skyldig og hevder han handlet i nødrett: "Jeg [Breivik] erkjenner handlingene, men ikke straffskyld og jeg påberoper meg nødrett.") Breivik greeted the court with his right wing extremist fist (not nazi or fascist) greeting. The trial is expected to last at least ten weeks. Source: AIIS 16.04.2012.

26.04.2012. Norwegians pull together again. In an enormous show of solidarity, an estimated 40,000 people braved cold, pouring rain to show up at a central square in Oslo on Thursday 26.04.2012 and sing a song that the man on trial for last summer's terrorist attacks had derided. The song was Lillebjørn Nilsen's "Children of the Rainbow", a Norwegian rendition of American folk singer Pete Seeger's 1971 "My Rainbow Race", a very popular song in Norway. People took revenge with singing and a march to the court with roses, in what the clearly impressed head of the Oslo City Court called "a manifestation of Norwegian culture." Source: AIIS.

24.08.2012. Breivik ruled sane and sent to jail. Norway's home-grown confessed terrorist Anders Behring Breivik knew what he was doing when he killed 77 persons in and around Oslo on July 22 last year, the city court in Oslo ruled on Friday 24.08.2012. The court, finding Breivik sane at the time of his murderous rampage, sentenced him to Norway's longest prison term of 21 years, with a provision that can allow him to be held in custody for the rest of his life. Behring Breivik will be held in preventive detention for a maximum of 21 years, minimum 10 years. (With new updates). The maximum sentence of 21 years may  be prolonged at a later date, five years at a time, if he is deemed to remain a danger to society. Sources: newsinenglish.no and norwaypost.no.

The IS-terrorism in Syria, Iraq and world wide, and the anarchists' response, is reported at http://www.anarchy.no/ija141.html

15.03.2019. Christchurch shootings: 50 dead in New Zealand mosque attacks. Fifty people have been killed and 50 wounded in shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the incident as a terrorist attack and one of New Zealand's "darkest days". A gunman identifying himself as an Australian live-streamed the rampage at Al Noor mosque to Facebook. He had espoused racist, anti-immigrant views, a fascist inspired by Breivik. The gunman live-streaming the attack from a head-mounted camera said he was a 28-year-old Australian called Brenton Tarrant. The footage showed him firing at men, women and children from close range inside the Al Noor mosque. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison described the man as an "extremist, right-wing" terrorist. Tarrant was charged with murder and will appear in court on Saturday 16.03.2019 morning, police confirmed. The attack was the deadliest in the country's history. The Anarchist International - AI/IFA and The Anarchist Confederation of Oceania - ACO condemn Trenton Tarrant and the terrorist attack.

US and Taliban sign "historic peace in our time deal" [remember Chamberlain and Hitler in 1938 ], USA giving in to the
Taliban islamist terrorists ultra-fascists, to end the 18-year war Feb 2020. To hell with Trump!

01.03.2020. US and Taliban sign "historic peace in our time deal" [remember Chamberlain and Hitler in 1938 ], USA giving in to the Taliban islamist terrorists ultra-fascists, to end the 18-year war Feb 2020. The  United States and Taliban signed the "peace deal" Saturday 29.02.2020 aimed at bringing an end to the country's longest war. The agreement sets the stage for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan more than 18 years after President  George W. Bush ordered bombing in response to the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The US has spent more than 750 billion fighting the war, which has cost tens of thousands of lives on all sides. The "historic deal" was signed in Doha, Qatar, by US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on hand to witness the ceremony, but this shameful retirement from fighting ultra-fascism is 100% the responsibility of the coward and "free rider" in the fight against fascism: Donald Trump.

All U.S. troops are going to withdraw from Afghanistan under the "peace deal" --  the "conditions-based" withdrawal will be completed in 14 months if Taliban "keep commitments". The signing between Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban officials will set the stage for the final withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan after 19 years of violence that has killed more than 3,500 Americans and coalition troops and tens of thousands of Afghans since the US invasion following the terrorist attacks  of September 11, 2001. The Taliban will of course soon after the 14 months establish an islamist, totalitarian, ultra-authoritarian and ultra-fascist, ochlarchy STATE, with a large very top-heavy and repressive islamist pyramid  Bureaucracy.  To hell with Donald Trump. The fight against fascism, including anti-climate policy and terrorism and ochlarchy in general, continues - for real, including green, democracy in all countries of the world, i.e. global - continues: The 3rd World War! See (click on:) The Green Global Spring Revolution.

The fight against the terrorist, ultra-authoritarian fascist Hamas regime - for a free Palestine

See Antiterrorism 2- click on http://www.anarchy.no/antiterrorism2.html .

This file is updated when something important happens

B. An overview

Demonstrations against terrorism and so called "racist war" occured in the US, in October 2001. Whether these confused demonstrations are against Taleban/al-Qaeda & Co, or against the anti-terrorist coalition, or both, is difficult to say. What is for sure, is that Taleban/al-Qaeda/ISIS terrorism cannot be stopped by street demonstrations with people wearing T-shirts with "peace", "antiwar", "antiterrorism", or "against racist war" written on them. Engaged and frightened people protesting may be very well, but as mentioned, this "peace movement" cannot be taken seriously. Blind protest is usually worse than no protest. However, the use of bombs and other weapons with especially large risk vis-à-vis the civilian population, could perhaps be avoided. 15.10.2023. The ongoing war Israel vs. Hamas, which is fascist & terrorist, similar to al-Qaeda, Isis and Taleban, has increased anti-semitism and attacks on Jews world wide. This must be stopped. The international newsmedia must report about this issue, and counter the massive fake news in this connection on X, former Twitter, and anti-social media in general.

All anarchists are of course ideally against both the terrorism and the so called war against it, with the losses of human life etc. However, just like the struggle against fascism from 1936-1945 (and later), the struggle against the Taleban/al-Qaeda fascistoid/marxistoid terrorism, cannot be won with just non-violent means. Thus, if not fought against by armed struggle and all other relevant means, the terrorism will probably only escalate to unknown proportions. And thus, anarchists should stick to the principle of antimilitarism, support the armed struggle against the terrorist militarism, i.e. support the anti-terrorist coalition, and not be pacifists and "useful" idiots of the marxist "peace movement". Anarchism is principally antimilitarism, not pacifism and terrorism. At the same time anarchists shall of course not stop criticizing USA, Russia, China etc. for authoritarian errors, proportional to realities.

Also solidarity with innocent muslims, against ochlarchy, must not stop anarchists from criticizing muslim hierarchical statism and terrorism in Palestine and in the Middle East, Asia and Oceania in general. The jihad terrorists want to destroy Israel, and drive the Jews on the ocean, and that is not the policy of anarchists related to the Middle East. After the Oslo-agreement (1993) the majority of Palestians are probably respecting Israel as an independent country, but the Intifada is partly a jihad terrorist war and partly a struggle for legitimate Palestinian autonomy, and thus can only partly be morally supported by anarchists. The Palestinian jihad terrorism has no support at all. Israel has a legitimate claim to fight the terrorism. However, generally speaking, the Intifada is a hopeless task. The solution is to get back at the negotiation table as soon as possible. A UN-based solution a bit similar to the system in Bosnia, but with two separate countries, is perhaps the best solution. The fundamentalist religious hierarchical militarist and imperialist territorial dreams on both sides must be rejected.

It is necessary to enforce the struggle against terrorism and terrorists in all relevant fields of the world society, to minimalize the threat as much as possible, as fast as possible. Next time perhaps they hit you, with aeroplane crash, car-bombs, virulent gas, virus, anthrax or perhaps even a nuclear bomb, if this authoritarian evil is allowed to develope. It wan't stop by itself or by pacifism! Do something in the fight against terrorism now! Anarchists should neither be naive nor paranoid about the terror.

Bill Clinton and UN used several non-violent means against al-Qaeda in the previous years. It didn't work. The use of general strike in Afghanistan to stop the terrorist, militarist rule of al-Qaeda/Taleban, as the syndicalists of IWA-AIT-IAA seem to indicate, is probably unrealistic and inefficient in this case. An armed struggle against terrorism seems to be a necessary part of the general fight against terrorism, but will always, however not deliberately, also have some civilian losses. This is a dilemma from anarchist point of view, but the realistic alternative scenario, i.e. escalating terrorism with much more casualties, is far worse. To call for general strike and other "peace" actions against the so called war, will not have any significant effect against Taleban/al-Qaeda, and thus will only contribute to an escalating terrorism. A vast majority of the Conference rejects the hypothesis that some oil-pipelines in Afghanistan are of significant importance in this conflict. This is because nobody using this argument has tried to present an estimate of the oil-pipeline's influence on the anti-terrorist question. There exists no documents indicating that this has played an important role in this question, as far as the Conference know, and the statement must then be considered as a vague meaning, without any real scientific significance. Thus, this is not a reliable source or reason, proportional to realities. As IWA-AIT-IAA correctly writes: "The US dominate the military, economic, technological and cultural dimensions of power in the world today, so when we consider their military actions, it is also important to analyse their economical motives." However when the connection to economic factors are quite marginal, as in this case, this must not be exaggerated.

Marxists and similar always try to "economicalize" the reason for a conflict, and try to explain most evils by "capitalism". Because their statist ideology has only "one devil", capitalism, marxists start with this as "das Fazit", and the "analysis" always try to relate a problem to "capitalism", whether this is relevant or not. This non-scientific approach cannot be taken seriously. In the Gulf war (and the later Iraq conflict) the oil was perhaps one among other relevant things to discuss, but in the Balkan conflict, there were no important economical motives. The main problem was ethnic cleansing and the danger of escalation to a third world war. Furthermore, there exist practically no multinational capitalist enterprises in Afghanistan, and although there has been a contact between Taleban and the the Californian oil company Unocal. about an oilpipeline (it could as easely have been the Norwegian Statoil), a possible problem with oilpipelines could of course have been dealt with in a less costly way, than by anti-terrorist attacks. In November 2001 the Caspian oil-pipeline The New Great Game, from Kasakhstan to a Russian city was opened. Behind Caspian Pipeline Consortium stand Kasakhstan, Russia, Oman, and Chevron Texaco and Exxon Mobil. With the new system in Afghanistan, of course there will be "business as usual" with oil-pipelines as well as other things. To connect the pipeline too much to the anti-terrorist struggle as such, seems however not to be very relevant. IWA-AIT-IAA has put up documents about some of the oil-business in Asia, i.e. the Caspian region, and the US "silk road strategy act of 1999" at their homepage, see "links" at AIIS, and these documents mainly confirms that this business was/is not too much connected to the anti-terrorist struggle.

The main motive for the anti-terrorism coalition is of course the most realistic scenario about an escalating terrorism, and other forms of militarism, from the al-Qaeda/Taleban network, and other terrorists (as ISIS), if not something drastic is done. Especially it is important to do away with the training camps to reduce the recruiting, and fight down the core-troops in Afghanistan. However the possible 10 - 20 000 terrorists already established around in perhaps 40 - 60 countries, must not be forgotten. ( A Swedish expert says to NRK 12.12. 2001 that perhaps 30-40 000 have been trained in the al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan.) But if the anti-terrorist armed struggle had not been introduced, the number of terrorists could easily have been escalating to 50 - 100 000 in, say, ten years, and the number of killed by terrorist acts perhaps increased to 100 000 - 200 000. Not Only USA and Israel are probable targets, the whole western world, and we all, are in danger. Plans for terrorist attacks in several European cities were found in al-Qaeda buildings in 2001.

The mainly marxist "peacemovement", with direct and indirect support for the fascistoid/marxistoid Taleban/al-Qaeda organization, reminds us about the Stalinists' treason against the anarchists' armed struggle against fascism in Spain 1936-39, supported by the British Chamberlain's "Peace in our Time", i.e. Lenin's (and Hitler's) "useful" idiot. If the British etc. had supported the anarchists' fight against the fascists with weapons, airplanes and bombs, and not turned to "antimilitarist" pacifism, much of the fascism had probably been chrused already in Spain, and most of the horror of the second world war had perhaps been avoided. The British etc. should have supported the anarchists, defeated Franco and his German and Italian collaborationists, and then taking on Hitler-Germany, Mussolini-Italy and Japan, and won a quick victory. Thus, to stab the antiterrorist movement with a dagger in the back, by an anti-antiterrorist "peacemovement" seems not to be very smart.

The anarchist position and statements regarding al-Qaeda/Taleban are also mainly valid for Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups (as ISIS) world wide. It is true that Hamas was elected but so was Hitler (NSDAP was the largest party in the German parliament in 1932/33, but not above 50 %), and many other fascist regimes with more than 67% authoritarian degree. It does not make them significantly less fascist. Such terrorist, fascist rulers are only elected when the alternatives, usually wrongly, seem even worse, but the people, seen as a class in contrast to the superiors in rank and/or income, are always better off with a less authoritarian system. Thus such systems should always be done away with and replaced with a less authoritarian. The anarchists in the Israel, Hamas, Palestine conflict, as always support the people, the Palestinian and Israeli people, seen as a class in contrast to the superiors, including the ultra-authoritarian fascist Hamas rulers, i.e. the Israeli people against Hamas' terrorist rocket attacks, and the Palestinian people against deadly Israeli, IDF, attacks. The Anarchist International, AIE and ICOT's aim is a two independent countries' solution based on the 1967 borders, with no states in the meaning of topheavy pyramid structures, an end of the Israeli occupation, no wall, and the two countries living in peace, with an end of terrorism etc. Also the Palestinian refugee problem must have a positive solution within the two-countries' approach. The AI, AIE and ICOT mainly support "Anarchists against the wall".

In addition to the support to the anti-terrorist forces, under the conditions mentioned above, the International Conference on Terrorism also gives support to the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), a democratic, human rights and non-fundamentalist movement, ca 2000 coremembers strong, founded in 1977. See http://www.rawa.org . An anarchosyndicalist says to the Conference that the RAWA is half-marxist. The Conference says RAWA is not ideal to support, but rather the "best of the bad lot", as no significant anarchist organizations, anarchosyndicalist included - are accounted for in Afghanistan.

Terrorism is crime against individual persons, terrorism is crime against humanity, terrorism is murder and mutilation. Terrorism is neither heroic deeds nor freedomfight, nor legitimate resistance.

US and Taliban sign "historic peace in our time deal" [remember Chamberlain and Hitler in 1938 ], USA giving in to the Taliban islamist terrorists ultra-fascists, to end the 18-year war Feb 2020. The  United States and Taliban signed the "peace deal" Saturday 29.02.2020 aimed at bringing an end to the country's longest war. The agreement sets the stage for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan more than 18 years after President  George W. Bush ordered bombing in response to the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The US has spent more than 750 billion fighting the war, which has cost tens of thousands of lives on all sides. The "historic deal" was signed in Doha, Qatar, by US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on hand to witness the ceremony, but this shameful retirement from fighting ultra-fascism is 100% the responsibility of the coward and "free rider" in the fight against fascism: Donald Trump.

All U.S. troops are going to withdraw from Afghanistan under the "peace deal" --  the "conditions-based" withdrawal will be completed in 14 months if Taliban "keep commitments". The signing between Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban officials will set the stage for the final withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan after 19 years of violence that has killed more than 3,500 Americans and coalition troops and tens of thousands of Afghans since the US invasion following the terrorist attacks  of September 11, 2001. The Taliban will of course soon after the 14 months establish an islamist, totalitarian, ultra-authoritarian and ultra-fascist, ochlarchy STATE, with a large very top-heavy and repressive islamist pyramid  Bureaucracy.  To hell with Donald Trump. The fight against fascism, including anti-climate policy and terrorism and ochlarchy in general, continues - for real, including green, democracy in all countries of the world, i.e. global - continues: The 3rd World War! See (click on:) The Green Global Spring Revolution.

IX. The roots of terrorism

The International Institute for Organization Research, reports to the Conference that this conflict is mainly between ultra-authoritarian fascistoid/marxistoid middle class and economical plutarchist (capitalist), as well as militarist and statist, tendencies of red&brown, dark brown and/or blue&brown origin, and relatively democratic towards libertarian tendencies, more or less supported by the rest of the systems on the economical-political map, on the other side. This is mainly not a traditional left vs right, or socialism vs economical plutarchy (capitalism) conflict, as, say, the Stalinists of PDS with Johan Galtung in Germany, Maoists and Trotskyites in Norway (Klassekampen) and other places, etc. suggest. It is mainly a reactionary vs progressive or statism vs autonomy conflict.

Terrorism also have social psychological roots. Keywords are mass hypnotic suggestion, totalitarian personality disorder, physical and psychical violence, a paranoid twisted travesty of reality, ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), left- or rightwing extremism and criminality. Typically present is a form of charismatic leadership in the meaning a special quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination and inspires unswerving allegiance and devotion. Terrorism and other ochlarchy are practically always done by leftwing or rightwing extremists, totalitarian persons and organizations on the economic-political map, i.e. with more than 666 per thousand (about 67%) authoritarian degree.

The al-Qaeda network broadly defined is similar to the national socialist's and RAF (Baader Meinhof)'s etc. terrorist networks, only larger and more dangerous and fanatical. This is certainly no vanguard in a class-struggle for socialism and freedom. It is based on "Kinder, Kirche (Mosque) und Küche," "Gott (Allah) mit uns" and "Lebensraum", similar to Hitler & Co. Especially they will do away with Israel, the "small satan", and drive the Jews in the ocean. They will of course also try to kill as much as possible of the "great satan", USA, and probably the rest of the western countries, and expand muslim fundamentalist states world wide. Furthermore, we must never forget that Afghanistan is a tragic country. This overpopulated country with ultra-authoritarian chaotic rule for decades of years is nothing but tragic.

Before the 11th September events Taleban had killed several thousands of the Afghan people, destroyed agricultural areas etc., and driven ca 4 000 000 people to refugees. This is probably the worst rule in Asia since Pol-Pot. Thus, the starvation problem in Afghanistan is not related to the anti-terrorist armed struggle against Taleban/al-Qaeda. Life expectancy is abour 46 years, mostly due to high mortality among children.

This marxistoid/fascistoid statism is the primary source of the terrorism. The roots of terrorism may however be traced to something more fundamentally. The lack of birthcontrol, due to religious and "free rider" problems, is a major problem. Osama bin-Laden with more than 40 children and 3 wifes, is a very bad example to the poor. Generally this "free rider" problem, i.e. individually many children seem to be a "pension security", but collectively many children implicate overpopulation and starvation, enforced by religious and cultural prejudices, is the main source that ca 10-50 million people in the overpopulated countries die of hunger and hunger-related illnesses every year. The ca 4-6000 people killed by terrorism, the ca 250 000 killed by traffic accidents in the world each year, and some more thousands killed in wars and similar, are small problems compared to the number killed by starvation.

This starvation problem may mainly be considered as a special form of domestic statism, related to lack of birth-control. It is a special form of statism based on a combination of disorganization (the free rider problem), and religious/cultural hierarchy as well as ultra-authoritarian political/administrative bureaucracy, enforcing the lack of birthcontrol. People working for multinational capitalist companies may sometimes have slave-contracts, but they seldom die of hunger and overpopulation. Thus, multinational capitalism is mainly not the reason why people are starving to death. Thus "imperialism" and "globalization" are not significant reasons for death by starvation. This is of course no defense for multinational capitalist exploitation, it just means that there are even greater evils. Especially in Afghanistan, there exist practically no multinational capitalist enterprises.

The reason that people die of hunger is mainly the special form of domestic hunger-capitalism, i.e. economical hierarchy related to differences between food production and need for food, that is induced by the special form of statism related to lack of birth-control etc. mentioned above.

(These mentioned forms of statism and capitalism are so special, that IIFOR has discussed whether these problems really should be considered not as statism and capitalsim, but as independent reasons, outside the capitalism and statism paradigm. These problems may very well be discussed without relating to statism and capitalism. However in an anarchist context, it is naturally to relate these problems to the concepts of statism and capitalism, but it is far from a necessity. Anarchist science must never be an ideology with two "devils", statism and capitalism, similar to marxist "science", a quasi-religious ideology with one "devil", capitalism, considered to be the roots of any evil.)

Drought, as in Afghanistan, may increase this problem, but all countries should have a production buffer that take drought and similar into account. If not, natural fluctuations in the world's food production will induce death by starvation. Almost all food in the world is eaten, thus the world's population is mainly directly proportional to the food production. There is an approximate relation (1) between areas used for food production x average area productivity = food produced = ca food consumed and the size of the global population. More people, i.e. above this limit given by (1) will starve to death. That is as mentioned ca 10 - 50 000 000 people each year. Unless, capitalism and statism, "globalization" and "imperialism" included, changes the factors in (1) significant, these things have no effect on the total population. It must however be mentioned that more 3rd world cash crops for exports to OECD countries, reducing the OECD contries own food production, may result in less food for the 3rd world's population, and thus increase the number of death by starvation.

If fat people eat less, only a little more are available for the poor. Thus, very little of the starvation problem can be solved by more equal distribution of food. It is simply not enough food in the world to solve the starvation problem in a dynamic perspective. If one starving group gets more, another starving group is getting less, when the total food production is at a given level. The food production and ca population size is limited by the relation (1). That everybody shall starve more or less to death is no solution. Furthermore, the food production cannot be increased very much more due to environmental problems broadly defined. More ecological agriculture will need even more areas to produce the same amount, because of less area productivity, and will thus decrease the total food production as more areasto use for food production is restricted. To reduce the forest areas, to increase food production, is dangerous because of environmental problems. Furthermore the forests and forest products are in itself very important. Seaculture is based on wild fish as food, and has thus a very limited potential. More artificial food of "a brave new world" is no good solution.

Thus, in many countries this dynamic process of lack of birth-control vs food production is determining the size of the population, overpopulation, and death by starvation and related illnesses. In these cases more food will only increase the number of mouths to feed, and the number of people starving to death will remain approximately the same. Although the mass of people living on the planet are approximately doubled in the last 50 years, as well as the food production, the number of deaths by starvation and similar are not reduced significantly. Thus, in these countries it is not possible to reduce the number of people starving to death, unless a significant birth-control is introduced. This situation calls for international solidarity, but unless the aid is strictly combined with sufficient birth-control, the aid will not influence the number of people starving to death over some time. Vaccination programs etc. will only increase the amount of death by starvation, because the food production and the lack of birth-control is the ultimate rule, - don't forget (1).

Since overpopulation, combined with religious/ideological fundamentalism, hatred included, may be the background reason for marxistoid/fascistoid "Lebensraum" terrorism and militarist war, the general fight against terrorism also includes strong birthcontrol combined with temporarily aid, to reduce the population sufficiently towards the optimal level, and to get away from the maximal population limited by death of starvation. Overpopulation alone, is not the source of terrorism. About 10-50 millions of people have died by starvation and hunger related illnesses each year, in all of the last 50 years. Terrorism on a larger scale has been escalating only in the later years. It is the combination that is dangerous. Especially, the lack of birth-control among the Palestinian population, in dynamic perspective, is a ticking bomb. Ca 7 children per family, on such as small place, is really madness. Arafat's main aim should be to reduce the birth rate to a realistic level, as well as do away with the jihad terrorists broadly defined.

These are important roots of terrorism, and the way to get rid of it in the long run. To get rid of the al-Qaeda/Taleban network is of course the main problem today, but if the other roots are not taken care of, another militarist, terrorist fascistoid/marxistoid group will probably soon emerge. Say, Bin-Laden would lose most of the background for the idea that Israel is the small satan, and USA the big, if the problems between Israel and Palestine were solved.

The marxists, including ATTAC, the "anti-imperialists" and "anti-globalization" groups have not understood the main roots of terrorism, i.e. the limited food production and lack of birthcontrol, combined with ultra-authoritarian ideology of hatred and a feeling of humiliation. These basically wrong marxist "anti-imperialist" and "anti-capitalist" theories connected to terrorism, have also had a marginal influence on some not very well educated "useful" idiots at the semilibertarian and anarchist left wing. This problem should however be reduced to a minimum over time, when the knowledge from libertarian research is getting spread throughout the Anarchist International.

A more equal distribution of money, or workers or the state, taking over the factories, will not solve the problem, because people cannot eat money or the manufacturing industries' goods and services. The problem of starvation is not the least in countries with much primitive natural economy. The income distribution may of course influence who are becoming the victims of starvation, but not the total amount of death by starvation or related illnesses. The limited food production vs the overpopulation rule the total amount of death by starvation alone. The total population is limited by (1).

The road to socialism and freedom goes via birth-control and optimal, not maximal, size of the population in each country. This is mainly a problem that must be solved in each country, i.e. each country is mainly responsible for their own destiny in this matter, but solidaric aid to reach these aims, if people want it, is also necessary. This is not only a matter of solidarity, it is in the rich and relatively democratic/libertarian countries' (with approximately optimal populations) own interest to get rid of the starvation and overpopulation problem. The problem with the gap between rich and poor countries cannot be solved without massive birthcontrol in the overpopulated areas, combined with large real investments, also in food production, but within ecological limits. This should be done according to anarchist political economy, see, say, http://www.anarchy.no/aneco1.html , http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html with http://www.anarchy.no/formula.html and http://www.anarchy.no/klasse.html for a short introduction.

Modern terrorism may ideologically be rooted back to the ultra-authoritarian Russian dark brown left populist and nihilist Sergei Nechaev's "Revolutionary Catechism". Nechaev also tried to make a "useful" idiot of the anarchist Michael Bakunin a.k.a. Mikhail Bakunin, in this connection, but was denounced.

Sergei Nechaev a.ka. Sergey Nechayev (1847-1882) was a Russian revolutionary whose scheme for a professionally-organized revolutionary party was outlined in his Catechism of a Revolutionary (1868). Some authoritarian historians hold that he developed a "close relationship" with Michael Bakunin (1814-1876), but this is not true. Nechaev mainly was trying to play some tricks on Bakunin, and falsely put his name and a few Bakuninist phrases on the "Catechism" to get increased credibility on this authoritarian document, but when Bakunin experienced the real nature of Nechaev he denounced him. Bakunin broke with Nechaev over what he described as the latter's "Jesuit" methods, by which all means were justified to achieve revolutionary ends, say, in a letter of June 2, 1870, to Nechaev.

Nechaev founded a small revolutionary group known as The People's Retribution ( Narodnaya rasprava) or, "The Society of the Axe". This group, mainly of nihilist and ultra-authoritarian left populist political tendency, was outlawed in Russia after the murder of one of its own members in 1869, and Nechaev was eventually gaoled in 1872. He died in prison ten years later. Fyodor Dostoyevsky is assumed to have used Nechaev as a model for the character Pyotr Verkhovensky in The Possessed (1869-72).

Accounts by those who knew him present Nechaev as intellectually narrow and limited, but possessing immense energy and audacity, an unusual capacity to impose his will on others, a fanatical dedication to the cause of revolution, and a belief that his personal domination over the revolutionary movement was essential to its success. One of the best contemporary descriptions of him is to be found in a deposition to the police by Aleksei Kapatsinsky, an acquaintance of Nechaev's:

The first impression Nechaev makes is unpleasant yet actually seductive. He is pathologically touchy — and one feels this at first contact, although Nechaev tries to restrain himself. He reads a great deal.... especially books of historical and sociological content, and thus knows a great deal, although when he cites various authors he is sometimes quite careless. In debate he will try to trick and humiliate his opponent — he is a talented dialectician and knows how to touch the most sensitive areas of a young conscience: truth, honesty, courage etc. He won't tolerate people who are his equals, and with those stronger than he, maintains a strict silence and tries to cast a shadow of suspicion over them. He is extremely firm in his convictions, but out of self-esteem, to which he is prepared to sacrifice everybody. Thus, the main traits of his character are despotism and self-esteem. All of his declarations are full of passion, but very bilious. He stimulates interest in himself, and the more impressionable and naive simply worship him, the latter a necessary condition of any friendship with him. (See, say, P. Pomper: Sergei Nechaev (New Brunswick, 1979) Nechaev is a typical terrorist leader, i.e. ultra-authoritarian.

Media etc. sometimes connect terrorism to anarchism, but terrorism, "rule by terror" has nothing to do with anarchism, i.e. briefly "without rule((r)s)". Terrorism is an authoritarian tendency. "Propaganda by deed", an anarchist slogan, means just "guidance by example". Thus, it is a pedagogical principle, and has principally no connection to terrorism, as authoritarians sometimes suggest. None of the main classical spokesmen of anarchism; Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Malatesta, etc. were terrorists or advocated terrorism. Historically a few men called "anarchists" have participated in terrorist acts, say, "Ravachol" and a bit later, the "Bonnot-mob". They were ordinary criminals, ochlarchists and terrorists posing as "anarchists", and acting according to the authoritarian travesty of 'anarchy', but not anarchism. This however happened long time ago, in a time with heavy repression against the anarchist international, with a lot of infiltration by a) police provokers, who did a lot to discredit the anarchist movement, and b) a red&brown Leninistoid group called Blanquists, etc. The Blanquists etc. were RAF (Baader Meinhof) type of groups at that time, and they also managed to use a few naive persons as "useful" idiots. This is understandable, but not defendable.

These terrorist acts were also used against the anarchist movement, say, as an example the Chicago anarchists, i.e. connected to the Haymarket event. This has also been a major source for the authoritarian travesty of anarchism, promoted in a lot of dictionaries and media, but the contradictive "consept" of "anarchist terrorism", has never been accepted by anarchists. From time to time, some psychopats and similar lunatics, attracted to the authoritarian travesty of anarchism, have done terrorist acts, sometimes in the name of ideal dreams, and been called "anarchists", but this has really nothing to do with the anarchist international and anarchism, anarchist or anarchy, defined by anarchists. Say, so called "van der Lubbe-ism", marxist-lubbeism, is a marxian type utopian communist radicalism, a form of council bolshevism, and has nothing to do with anarchism or anarchists. The same goes for marxist leninist class war "Baader Meinhof - ism". The basically marxist idea that the way from the present established more or less disorder, i.e. lack of freedom, equality, solidarity etc., in anarchist direction, i.e. towards a higher degree of social order, via mystical marxist dialectics, can be reached by creating oclarchy, chaos and terrorism in the name of "anti-capitalism, "anti-governmnet", "anti-globalization", "anti-imperialism", etc, and even "anarchy", - is so morbid that it cannot be discussed seriously, just generally rejected. Generally speaking, to believe that creating chaos will in a mystical marxist dialectical way create order, is absurd. Terrorism is considered to be authoritarian, i.e. not anarchist, and a barren departure from the anarchist movement, i.e. terrorism is marxist, liberalist or fascist, below the 67% authoritarian degree on the economical political map.

Death by starvation is not the only source of terrorism, it is more a background, say, the marxist-leninist RAF (Baader Meinhof, Germany), BR (Italy) and their supporters, Lenin's "useful" idiots, some of them also wrongly called "anarchists", had no direct connection to overpopulation etc. Nationalist religious and/or marxist dialectical "class war", "race war" or "Gods war" ideology, combined with ultra-authoritarian fanatic culture, are the most direct reasons for terrorism. Generally speaking: The more authoritarian and violent the general culture and system are in a country, the higher probability for development of terrorism. In relatively democratic and libertarian cultures and systems, as say in Norway, red/brown terrorism and blue/brown terrorism have never occured, and the dark brown terrorism has been minimal.

However the fanatism must always have a strong ideological motive related to "lack of justice" to grow, to prove one's identity, i.e. legitimate the horrible acts, and that is why poverty and repression, overpopulation and death by starvation, are also important reasons for terrorism. To do away with, or minimalize terrorism, in the long run, both these direct reasons, and the background reasons, must be abrogated. These items must have top priority on the agenda of world politics today and in the future, for anarchists as well as other political tendencies above 67% authoritarian degree on the economical political map.

Terrorism must be fought both in the short and long terms. It must be possible to denounce what happened on 11 September, to back armed action to try to ensure that those who perpetrated it are brought to justice, and to try to prevent it ever occurring again, while at the same time arguing a bigger point: that in the longer term, a world in which so many people feel so dispossessed, so weak, is not a safe world. For security is so intimately interwoven with justice, that in a world in which so many legitimate grievances are left unresolved, we will never be delivered from the threat - and the fear - of terror. And if the struggle, armed included, against terrorism is to be genuinely global - if it is to unite the world - it must surely be credible to the world outside the North Atlantic area of the United States and Western Europe. For if it appears to be a struggle against a certain kind of terrorism only - the kind that attacks America and its friends - then it will look less and less like a struggle against terrorism in general and more and more like a war for American self-defense. Although such a war may be legitimate, for manifestly the United States was attacked and has the right to self-defense, it is not the same thing as a general struggle against terrorism. The Anarchist International and the International Conference on Terrorism support a general struggle against terrorism as a part of the fight for a development towards a new world order of anarchy, a political framework introduced by Bakunin already in the 19th century.

X. Condolences

And last, but not least, the International Conference on Terrorism expresses the deepest condolences with the relatives of the ca 3478 victims (dead or missing) of the terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon etc. 11.09.2001 plus the anthrax attack; and the American people. The Conference also expresses the deepest condolences with the relatives of the victims of the accidental bombing of civilians in Afghanistan by the anti-terrorist coalition, and the Afghan people, and with the relatives of the dead soldiers and others, among them 8 journalists; on both sides in this conflict. Similar condolences are also valid for the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and other places hit by terrorism around the world. A human life is a human life, civilian or not.

XI. Terrorism defined

Briefly defined terrorism is "rule by terror", i.e. 1. The act of terrorizing; use of terror and violence to intimidate, subjugate, etc. especially as a political weapon or policy and intimidation and subjugation so produced 2. A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation. 3. Unlawful acts of violence committed in an organized attempt to overthrow a government. In short and typically: A terrorist is an armed person that deliberately attacks unarmed persons, especially innocent civilians. Thus, the al-Qaeda attacks on the WTC and Pentagon are clearly terrorism, and the anti-terrorist coalition's attacks are mainly not terrorism. Some terrorist groups issue warnings before bomb attacks and/or similar. According to 1.-3. this is still terrorism. Terrorism is a form of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), significant.

The International Anarchist Tribunal had also something to say about the Taleban and al-Qaeda network:

XII. Resolutions from the International Anarchist Tribunal IAT

A. Resolutions from APT International Branch


A Dark Brown Card goes to mulla Mohammad Omar, the Taleban leader, speaking on Kabul Radio Sunday 30.09.2001, afraid of the UN-USA actions against terrorism, talking about: " The government will perhaps brake down... It is easy to create anarchy, but to introduce law an order is a difficult task." To create anarchy is not easy, and it is the highest form of social order. Omar uses the word anarchy, morbid, according to the authoritarian travesty of the concept. This is of no surprise to the IAT, because the Taleban rule is one of the most authoritarian and chaotic governments on planet earth, with no real law an order and no anarchist human rights, no efficiency and fairness, no socialism and autonomy, large income and rank differences, and no fulfilment of the IFA-IAF principles, and defending the ultra-authoritarian bin-Laden terrorist polyarchical and ochlarchical network. This marxistoid/fascistoid government is so authoritarian that it doesn't even deserve the word government, it is only evil chaos, and a travesty even of muslim, fundamentalist hierarchy...

The suicide attacks against civilian people of the World Trade Center and Pentagon are much worse than the fascist Kamikaze attacks on military targets in the second world war. This is extreme terrorism plus "Kinder, Kirche (Mosque), Küche and Gott (Allah) mit uns". Furthermore bin-Laden has more than 40 children. If this is going to be the main tendency among muslim fundamentalists, they are going to need at a lot of "lebensraum" similar to Hitler & Co. This is not only fascism, but ultra fascism. This Brown Card also goes to the state channel Kabul Radio, and to all the media spreading this disinformation world wide.

The same Brown Card also goes to the dictator of Pakistan, warning about introduction of "anarchy" from the Northern Alliance, obviously meaning chaos etc., mentioned, say, on the CNN Monday 09.10.2001. Authoritarians always warn about "anarchy", i.e the travesty of anarchy in the meaning of oclarchy and chaos, when their authority is questioned. They will not admit the fact that management may well be done without archi-, i.e. based on co-operation without coercion on equal footing, horizontal organization, practically or ideally, without ochlarchy and chaos, economically as well as political/administrative, i.e. anarchy. The authorities, i.e. in monarchy, oligarchy, polyarchy, plutarchy and similar, always say: "Without us the only alternative will be anarchy", in the (false) meaning of chaos, but that is wrong. Chaos is similar to ochlarchy, etc, that's not anarchy.

When the Northern Alliance ruled the country before the Taleban, the system was polyarchy and ochlarchy in a state of more or less civil war and chaos, i.e. also a system below 67% authoritarian degree on the economical political map, and thus far from anarchy and anarchism. There have never been anything close to anarchy in the realm of Afghanistan in modern times, just chaotic and very authoritarian rule. A similar mix of anarchy with polyarchical and ochlarchical chaos, is presented by professor Patricia Grossman and a representant of the Afghan embassy in London at CNN 17.10.2001. At least the CNN and the professor should have known better. Thus, they may share the Brown Card with the Pakistanian and Taleban authorities. A second brown card goes to the Pakistanian authorities, who say they fear "anarchy", in the wrong meaning of chaos, related to the Northern Alliance's rule in Kabul, to the Norwegian State councillor of the Aid Department 15.11.2001. One Brown card goes to Paul Harris in Chaman and The Observer (Sunday December 2, 2001) because they, in an article about anti-Taleban "Warlords bring new terrors" state that, "Among the refugees fleeing the anarchy, the US has few friends". The last part is probably true, but if it was real anarchy - and not rule by terror in this part of Afghanistan, they would probably stayed. 14.04.2002: Peter Hjukström at Agenda Swedish TV2 is mixing up anarchy and chaos in Afghanistan, and both get a Brown Card.

When the Taleban rule ends, an UN-administration together with the different factions in Afghanistan, in a confederalist solution similar to Bosnia, should perhaps be introduced to avoid more polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos. However, although the system will be less authoritarian than today or before, it will still probably be far from anarchy and the anarchist quadrant on the economical political map, and be relatively authoritarian. This over-populated country will, including a necessary decline in the population, have a long way to go before it reach anything close to anarchy, with an approximately optimal size of the population (bin-Laden has more than 40 children, a very bad example), efficiency and fairness, socialism and autonomy, small rank and income differences, and a reasonable fulfilment of the IFA/IJA-principles, anarchist human rights and ethics, the Oslo-convention, etc. A confederalist solution could perhaps also be used in the Middle East, but with two separate countries.

A similar mix of anarchy with the polyarchical, ochlarchical chaos, rivaling "states within state", and terrorism in  Arafat's PLO-state has been done by several newsmedia. The Palestinians are certainly not without rulers. And Shimon Peres in VG 03.11.2001 is FALSELY PUTTING THE BLAME OF THE TERRORISM ON "ANARCHISTS": "Til nå har terror sett ut til å være våpenet for de fattige, de bitre, de fanatiske, som lever i gårsdagens verden. Den er blitt et meget farlig instrument, fordi moderne våpen, så vel som sivile fly, er kommet i hendene på anarkister;" i.e "...terror... has become... very dangerous ... because modern weapons, as well as civilian airplanes, have come in the hands of anarchists". This is a severe contravention of the Oslo Convention of 1990. The anarchists have nothing to do with the terrorism whatsoever. This is similar to another big socialdemocratic lier, Willy Brandt, calling the Marxist-Leninist (Maoist) RAF (Baader Meinhof) "anarchists" in a radio speech in Germany June 1972, and continuing the falsehoods in a letter to Augustin Souchy of 7th July 1972. These socialdemocratic liers, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 and 1971 respectively, have thrown shame on the Peace Prize by spreading these horrible falsehoods, and have broken the Oslo Convention severely, and thus may share this Brown Card, together with the newsmedia calling Arafat's authoritarian PLO-state "anarchy". The verdict was unanimously decided upon. Don't forget the Oslo Convention.

01.04.2002: The Palestinian terrorism from Hamas and other jihad groups, probably supported by Arafat, plus "Kinder, Kirche (Mosque), Küche and Gott (Allah) mit uns", drive the Jews on the ocean, lack of birthcontrol, overpopulation and muslim fundamentalist brainwash, plus a dash of marxism, indicating  more "lebensraum" similar to Hitler & Co and al-Qaeda policy, i.e. oligarchy, polyarchy, ochlarchy including terrorism, rivaling "states within the state", in short chaos - in the PLO-state of Arafat and around it, have nothing to do with anarchy, anarchist or anarchism, see the Oslo-convention of 1990, etc. The Red Cross is correctly complainig about the Israeli troops are harming the aid-work in Palestine. In this connection the Norwegian marxist president of Red Cross, Jan Egeland, says to NRK he fears complete"anarchy and lawlessness" in Palestine, clearly meaning chaos and thus breaking the Oslo convention of 1990. This is a serious mix of anarchy and chaos, and then both he and NRK get a Brown Card from the IAT.

The Norwegian marxist leftists within both the Labor Party, as, say, B. Froyn and The Socialist Left party, SV; the stalinists, maoists and trotskyites in RV, AKP (ml) and NKP, etc. have all the time since the 1970s supported the Palestinian terrorists/PLO-state of Arafat. A spokesman for the Arabs, A. B. Atwan on CNN , also talks about "anarchy" in the Mid East, certainly meaning chaos, 02.04.2002. However people that don't think the suicide jihad-bombers are terrorists don't have much defamatory power, so the IAT just gives a Brown Card warning in this case. 07.04.2002. NRK has last week several times sent an interview with the deputy boss follower of the ultra-authoritarian marxist Johan "Crackpot" Galtung at the "peace research institute PRIO" in Oslo, Hilde Henriksen Waage, stating loud and clear that the situation in Palestine is "anarchy and chaos", a bit similar to the Red Cross marxist Egeland above. Her analysis in general are also pseudoscientifical, a mix of facts and not facts and what she "feels", as she says to NRK, ca 100% biased pro Arafat. Both NRK and PRIO researchers have got several brown cards and warnings for breaking the Oslo convention in the terrorist and chaos connection before. Now they may share another one. "Klassekampen" reports 10.04.2002 that H. H. Waage has received a lot of "fan" mail from neonazis lately. No surprise to the IAT!

01.07.2002: The Palestinian Authority has reacted angrily after US Secretary of State Colin Powell said Washington would no longer deal with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Palestinian officials said sidelining Mr Arafat would lead to "anarchy" and violence, probably meaning violent mob rule and terrorism, i.e. ochlarchy broadly defined, and called on Palestinians not to meet Israeli or American delegations in response. "The American administration's policy is... entirely short-sighted, undemocratic and counter-productive," said Hanan Ashrawi, Palestinian Legislative Council. But thousands of Palestinians who took to the streets in Gaza to protest against high levels of unemployment they say is caused by Israel's policies also turned their anger on the Palestinian Authority. Speaking on US television on Sunday, Mr Powell said the US had no plans to speak to Mr Arafat either now or in the future. 02.07.2002:" This false mixing up of "anarchy" with violent ochlarchy, mob rule, is a serious break of the Oslo Convention, and thus the Palestine authority gets a Brown Card," IAT declares.

"Taleban and Qaeda Believed Plotting Within Pakistan" a headline declares in an article by JAMES DAO, AGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, May 27, printed in NY-Times 28.05.2002 — "Virtually the entire senior leadership of Al Qaeda and the Taleban have been driven out of eastern Afghanistan and are now operating with as many as 1,000 non-Afghan fighters in the anarchic tribal areas of western Pakistan, the commander of American-led forces in Afghanistan said today. The commander, Maj. Gen. Franklin L. Hagenbeck, said in an interview that intelligence reports indicated that the Qaeda and Taleban leaders now in Pakistan were plotting terrorist attacks, including car and suicide bombings, to disrupt the selection of a new national government in Kabul next month." "We here may see a slight tendency to put the blame on anarchic, i.e. anarchist tendencies, to cover up for own incompetence of mr Hagenbeck by not having achieved to fight down and arrest bin-Laden and the other al-Qaeda authorities. This indicate a break of the Oslo Convention. The tribal areas may perhaps be semi-autonomus in a way as Hagenbeck says in the intervew, but they are not anarchic, but mainly muslim fundamentalist polyarchical, ruled by hierarchical tribal organizations. Also the Oklahoma-bombers were "anti-government", but not anarchic, i.e. anarchist. Thus, even the mentioned tribal areas are opposed to the Kabul-regime, they are in no significant way anarchic. However it is difficult to say if it is just the reporter James Dao and NY Times or Franklin Hagenbeck himself, that is responsible for this mix of anarchist and authoritarian tendencies by reading the article, so we only give a Brown Card warning in this case," the Anarchist Press Tribunal of IAT says.

More IAT-APT resolutions on anarchism and anarchists vs the opposite, terrorism and terrorists, are found at (click on): http://www.anarchy.no/apt.html .

B. Resolutions from APT Northern Branch


"Frykter at Afghanistan blir ofret" heter det i Avis1 fredag 14. september. "Livet i Afghanistan fortsetter foreløpig som før, men mange frykter at Afghanistan kan bli ofret for at USA skal få hevn over terrorangrepet. Rammes sivile i eventuelle amerikanske bombeangrep, vil det skape flere terrorister", frykter forsker Kristian Berg Harpviken. - "Det tragiske for landet er at det finnes ikke noe alternativ til Taleban. Hadde regjeringen blitt drept, ville landet bli kastet ut i et kaotisk anarki. Det ville forverre situasjonen ytterligere," sier Harpviken til Simen Slette Sunde i Avis1.

Landet er ganske kaotisk som det er, kanskje det ville blitt enda mer kaotisk om Taleban-regjeringen ble avsatt, men det ville i så fall ikke bli mer anarkistisk. I følge Oslo-konvensjonen er anarki og kaos motsatte situasjoner. Uttrykket "kaotisk anarki" er derfor selvmotsigende. Forøvrig er det ikke sikkert at den autokratiske Taleban-regjeringens avskjed ville ført til mer kaos. Det kunne jo vært aktuelt med en FN-administrasjon i samarbeid med de ulike fraksjonene i landet, i et konføderalistisk system tilsvarende det vi fikk i Bosnia etter borgerkrigen der. Da ville det ganske sikkert bli mindre kaotisk og autoritært, og dermed også få en mer anarkistisk tendens. At den anarkistiske tendensen i så fall ville være så sterk at den skulle kunne oppveie den autoritære, er imidlertid tvilsomt. Det er dermed tvilsomt om avsetting av Taleban-regjeringen ville medføre et signifikant anarkistisk samfunn. Men det ville sannsynligvis blitt mindre kaotisk og autoritært enn i dag. Anarkist-tribunalet (APT-IAT) gir en Brunt kort advarsel til Kristian Berg Harpviken og Simen Slette Sunde i Avis1, for å blande sammen anarki og kaos; en sammenblanding som i seg selv er kaotisk og autoritær.

I Nationen tirsdag 09.10.2001 fortsetter Harpviken, som er forsker ved marxismens og statsdyrkernes høyborg -."Institutt for fredsforskning"- sitt korstog mot anarkismen ved å fastholde at han "frykter at Afghanistan blir kastet ut i et massivt anarki etter angrepene på landet". Autoritære påstår ofte at alternativet til deres diktatur og autoritære styring er "anarki" i den feilaktige betydningen kaos, når deres maktposisjon er truet. Kaos, mangel på retts-sikkerhet, vilkårlig forfølgelse, skjeve rangs- og lønnsforhold, etc. er imidlertid nøye forbundet med de mest autoritære former for monarki, oligarki, polyarki, plutarki og oklarki, som ikke har noe med anarki, anarkistisk og anarkisme å gjøre. å bytte herskere innenfor slike totalitær/kaotiske systemer er naturligvis ikke noe alternativ for folket, i motsetning til øvrigheten. å forsvare Taleban systemet med al-Qaeda i spissen, som Harpviken indirekte gjør, er i seg selv autoritært. Man kommer ikke lenger med å forhandle med Taleban og al-Qaeda, enn man kom med Hitler. "Fredsforskerens" linje er som Johan Galtungs - "freds-professoren" - å underkaste seg det terroristiske åket.

Alternativet til totalitære systemer er ikke å bytte det ut med et nytt totalitært system, men å erstatte det med et mindre autoritært system, dvs i retning horisontal organisasjon, styring ved samvirke på like fot, uten over- og underordning og uten undertrykkelse, herunder ulike former for slaveri, dvs anarki, ideelt eller nesten, dvs et system som er mer horisontalt enn vertikalt organisert. At det skal bli signifikant anarkistisk i Afghanistan om Talebanregimet faller, er imidlertid usannsynlig, akkurat som det heller ikke er blitt anarki i Bosnia. Det er fortsatt et ganske autoritært system i Bosnia, selv om det er klart mindre autoritært enn under krigen, med det kaotiske oligarkiet, polyarkiet og oklarkiet i innbyrdes strid, ulike stater i staten, med "etnisk rensing" og folkemord på dagsordenen.

Her i Norge er det imidlertid signifikant anarkistisk, om enn nokså langt fra det anarkistiske ideal med 100% sosialisme og autonomi, minimale rangs- og lønnsforskjeller, maksimal effektivtet og rettferdighet, anarkistiske menneskerettigher og etikk, og oppfyllelse av IFA-prinsippene og Oslo-konvensjonen, etc, dvs toppen på det økonomisk-politiske kartet. (Se hjemmesiden til anarkistinternasjonalen med linker, http://www.anarchy.no/anarchy/.) For å si det kort: Det er flott hvis det blir anarki i Afghanistan, trist hvis det blir mer kaos. 

Harpviken fortsetter korstoget mot anarkismen videre i Vårt Land torsdag 11.10.2001: "- Faren er likevel stor for at Afghanistan ender opp i fullstendig anarki og sterk indre strid, slik situasjonen var fra 1992 til 1996." uttaler han. Det har ikke vært noe særlig bedre og mindre autoritært i Afghanistan under Talebanregimet enn det var med Nord Alliansen. Og det har aldri vært noe i nærheten av anarki der. Det har vært kaos og borgerkrig hele tiden, og f.eks. kvinneundertrykkelsen under Taleban står ikke noe tilbake for represjonen under Nordalliansens polyarki. Det er i det hele tatt sterkt beklemmende å høre hvordan en "fredsforsker" kan få seg til å forsvare de "sterke" og akk så kaotiske menn i Taleban. Når Taleban endelig har innrømmet (noe vi alle visste var realiteten lenge før de sa det selv) full støtte til al-Qaeda, og frie hender til fortsatt terrorisme for bin-Laden, stiller det "fredsforskeren" i et særdeles dårlig lys. En "fredsforsker" som er bekymret for et terror-regime som er verre og mer autoritært enn aksemaktene og deres kamikaze-flygere (de holdt seg til militære mål), har ingen legitimitet. Blir det mer sammenblanding av anarki med oklarki og kaos etc. fra herr Harpvikens side, får han det første Brune kortet på internett ved nordisk avdeling av APT-IAT. Det blir i så fall en milepel for en "fredsforsker" får man si. I Dagens Næringsliv 13/14.10.2001 står Harpviken igjen fram som Afghanistan ekspert, denne gangen som forsker ved Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi ved Universitetet i Oslo. Her nevnes ikke ordet anarki og han er mer nyansert i fremstillingen av Taleban vis-a-vis Nord Alliansen, som begge er ultra-autoritære og kaotiske. Til gjengjeld dukker Terje Skaufjord i den norske solidaritets- og hjelpeorganisasjonen Afghanistankomiteen opp og snakker om Nordalliansens styreform: - "Kabuls gater var lovløse... Det var anarki". Nå forholder det seg slik at lovløshet er autoritært i følge Oslo konvensjonen av 1990. Lovløshet er en form for oklarki - pøbelvelde, og dermed ikke anarki. Det blir en Brunt kort advarsel på Skaufjord, og på Torstein Tranøy fra DN, som er med på å spre denne desinformasjonen.

Advarselen gjelder også NRK-Dagsrevy-redaksjonen mandag 24.09.2001, og Bjørn Egereid, som nevner "borgerkrig og anarki" i landet. Det er mulig det blir en utvidelse av borgerkrigen i Afghanistan, dvs Taleban mot Nordalliansen m.fl., men at dette dermed skulle bli noe som ligner anarki er helt usannsynlig. Afghanistan vil nok som før ha et mer enn 67% grader autoritært, dvs et totalitært kaotisk, system - uten retts-sikkerhet og demokrati, i nærmeste fremtid, i hvertfall hvis landet blir overlatt til seg selv.

En tilsvarende Brunt kort advarsel går til Are Knudsen, Arne Strand (forskere) og kronikk-redaksjonen i Dagbladet torsdag 20.09.2001 for tesen: "Om Taleban-regimet skulle tape makten i Afghanistan, vil landet igjen kastes ut i et politisk anarki ..." Det er i det hele tatt forstemmende at politologi i Norge kun ser ut til å dreie seg om statsvitenskap, og dermed antar karakteren av statlig propaganda og statisme-ideologi, mens ikke-statsvitenskapen i vid forstand, anarkismen, ikke er satt på dagsordenen i tilstrekkelig grad. Vi kan dermed utvide Brunt kort advarselen til hele det statsvitenskapelige miljøet, som fornekter anarkismen dens rettmessige plass som en av politologiens fire hovedretninger.

Enda en Brunt kort advarsel går til BI-studenten Hewad Wolasmal (30) og Simen Tveitereid i Aftenposten lørdag 22.09.2001:" Det er altfor mange fraksjoner i landet. Før Taleban var det totalt anarki, soldater plyndret og drepte vanlige folk. Bare i Kabul kriget fire grupper om makten. Jeg støtter ikke deres kvinnesyn, men foretrekker Taleban fremfor anarki. Helst skulle jeg ønske at kongen kunne komme tilbake," sier Wolasmal i følge Tveitereid. Vi må bare få slå fast en gang for alle at det aldri har vært noen form for anarki i riket Afghanistan. Det som var før Taleban var polyarki (mange herskere) og oklarki (pøbelvelde) i krigslignende kaotisk form, og dette har ingenting med anarki eller anarkisme å gjøre.

Ulf Andenæs i Aftenposten fredag 12.10.2001 får også en advarsel for å hevde at "Demokratiske krefter i Afghanistan er det ingen som har sett noe til, i et land der styringen har vekslet mellom despoti og anarki."

Kort og noe upresist definert betyr forstavelsen "an" , "uten", "u-" eller "ikke" som i anaerob kontra aerob, anhydrid kontra hydrid, og lignende greske ord. Dette innebærer at "an" står for "uten" akkurat det som står i etterstavelsen, samtidig som man beholder det vesentlige ved tingen. Etterstavelsen "arki" betyr "erke-; herske; hersker; herskere; -velde", fra gresk "archein" som betyr "å herske", undertrykke o.l. og "å komme først" (f.eks. til forsyninger),- og "archos", som betyr "hersker". Anarki betyr dermed ikke "uten styring", men styring uten hersker og undertrykkelse, inkludert ulike former for slaveri og tyranni. Dette har i samfunnsmessig forstand to dimensjoner, den økonomiske og den politisk/administrative, altså det godtgjørelses- og avlønnings-messige på den enes siden, og det politisk/administrative og rangsmessige på den annen. Vi tenker her på de relle inntekts- og rangs-forhold, ikke de formelle eller symbolske sider ved organisasjonskartet.

At kongen og stortingspresidenten har henholdsvis rang nummer en og to i landet er uinteressant i anarkistisk sammenheng, fordi de har ikke noen reell makt. Derfor er det heller ikke noe reelt monarki i Norge. "Styring uten hersker", dvs anarki  er høyere grader av økonomisk og politisk/administrativt demokrati, med større eller mindre innslag av føderalisme og direkte demokrati, samvirke etc. dvs at systemet alt ialt fungerer mer fra folket - nedenfra og opp, enn fra øvrigheten - ovenfra og ned.

Påstanden om motsetning mellom demokrati og anarki, er derfor selvmotsigende. Ordet anarki brukes feilaktig. Det skulle f.eks. stått polyarki, oklarki og/eller kaos i stedet for anarki. Ideelt, ved 100% anarki skal folk styre på like fot, likestilt og direkte demokratisk, i et 100% horisontalt organisert samvirke, uten undertrykkelse, herunder alle former for tyranni og slaveri. I praksis er det grader av anarki. Er samfunns-styringen mer enn 50% anarkistisk, er det signifikant anarki. Da er samtidig autoritærgraden under 50%.

Den samme advarselen gjøres gjeldende for Vårt Land og en kristen hjelpearbeider, som torsdag 04.10.2001 roser Taleban for å ha "ryddet opp" i det angivelige anarkiet som var før de overtok. Den ene fundamentalisten roser altså den andre, og dette er egentlig ikke så overraskende. Det er ikke nok for fanatikeren bare å ha rett. Han må også finne noen som tar feil. Noen å hate. Kun ved å konstruere vrengebilder av den verden vi lever i, kan de hellige krigerne rettferdiggjøre sin egen eksistens. Her er det altså autoritetens vrengebilde av anarki, som trer i fokus.

Flere IAT-APT resolusjoner om anarkisme og anarkister kontra det motsatte, terrorisme og terrorister, finner du på (klikk på): http://www.anarchy.no/apts.html .

C. The Oslo Convention and the media


Resolution unanimously decided upon by the first combined IFA & FICEDL Congress in Oslo 1990

1. Authoritarians notoriously mix up anarchy, anarchist and anarchism with authoritarian tendencies: Chaos, disorder, mob rule*, lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannical behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates.

2. The word anarchy origins from Greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion. This is the opposite of the above mentioned authoritarian tendencies, i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates.

3. The above mentioned mixtures of anarchist and authoritarian tendencies are principal contradictions similar to the Newspeak slogan "peace is war" in Orwell's "1984", and have correspondent repressive functions. Anarchists won't have any of that! For obvious reasons significant mixtures of anarchist and authoritarian tendencies should be denounced, i.e. as a general anarchist opinion, now and in the future. These actions may be taken on individual, municipal or international level, dependent on the situation.

The media may act a) as a free press or b) as The 4th power of the state, i.e. generally give a negative and wrong description of anarchy and anarchism, mixing up authoritarian and anarchist ideas and roles. "The Bureaucracy" as a class concept is all superiors, i.e. criminal or not, in private and public sectors. "The People" are "The Total Population" minus "The Bureaucracy". The part of the people generally following and supporting The Bureaucracy, that is the ramifications of The Bureaucracy. We think a good reporter cannot be a part of The Bureaucracy or its ramifications. Reporters, spokesmen and others, breaking the Oslo convention severely, or several times, will receive the BROWN CARD** as a symbol of free criticism. Authoritarian journalism and similar must be criticized in a relevant way!

*) The Greek rooted word for mob rule is ochlarchy. Ochlarchy broadly defined may also be used as a common word for all the authoritarian evils mentioned in part 1. above, i.e. in general lack of security and law and order in a society as a public sector service. This is ochlarchy, the opposite of anarchy, i.e. based on libertarian law and order and security as public sector services, according to the anarchist (IFA) principle of social justice. The ones doing ochlarchy broadly defined are called ochlarchists, i.e. the opposite of anarchists. Sufficient public service of policing is important. Man is not like ants who cooperate socially, naturally and voluntarely without coercion/repression automatically by themselves. Thus, doing away with the existing rule or tendencies of authority may easily result in ochlarchy, mob rule, and not anarchy, if not a firm horizontal social organization, ideally or practically is established with a sufficient police corps to create security and libertarian law and order and to do away with tendencies towards ochlarchy. See http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html and search for the keywords "law" and "corps". Furthermore it must be mentioned that variation in the degree of "flatness" of organizations/federations of different purposes and aims may be optimal, say, a police or defence corps organization/federation may have a somewhat less degree of flatness than a study circle. And the police corps shall of course be well educated in libertarian human rights and policing and be democratically regulated and controlled, and bully types, corrupt and other "brown", ochlarchical elements should be expelled mainly during the education prosess and thus stopped from participating in the police corps. Regarding law and order a combination of private security firms and a horizontally organized public sector with anarchist courts on local, regional and confederal level, it is the best solution. Some law and order services are collective or semicollective and they will most efficiently be handled by a horizontally organized public sector. Competing court services sold for means of payment will be significantly corrupt and not making equality before the law. It will be "law and order" for the relatively rich, they will have it their way, and no real law and order for the relatively poor. The definition of theft is when you get something for nothing (and it is not a gift). Free goods and services, say air, are gifts from nature.

Anarchist laws, according to the principles of social justice and the negation of juridical laws, should be decided by the people, direct democratic or by delegates, and compatible with anarchist principles in general, human rights included, rooted back to natural law . Juridical laws mainly mean decided by authorities, lawyers, the mob, etc., i.e. authoritarian laws. As an example, most of the laws in Norway are non-authoritarian, there are however also some authoritarian laws, because the degree of anarchy is only ca 53-54%, i.e. significant anarchist, but not ideal. Thus, the law and court system of anarchy is quite similar to other democratic law and court systems, only less authoritarian, and more reflecting human rights (interpreted in an anarchist, non-authoritarian way). The International Anarchist Tribunals of I.F.A./A.I. are a special branch of anarchist law and court systems, see http://www.anarchy.no/iat.html .

The general idea is that anarchist laws should be decided from the bottom, the people, and upwards, not from the top downwards. That is law without State in the anarchist meaning. The people decide their own laws when the laws are decided. Thus it is selfmanagement. Of course the minorities rights must be respected in case of anarchist direct democracy, according to anarchist principles. Preferably decisions shold be made by general consent. In case where this is not possible the majority will decide, but they must compensate the minority in different ways to secure their rights. Economic compensation may sometimes be used. In anyway the majority will only be able to offer the minority a free contract, not a slave contract. Thus majority dictatorship will be avoided, as well as minority dictatorship, in an anarchist direct democracy.

Financing the public sector - social subscription vs taxes: We are here first discussing the anarchist ideal. If the people, say in a commune, decide with general consent a social subscription to finance a horizontally organized public sector, then it is 100% voluntarely. Thus there is no taxation involved. General consent is that a lot are for, and no one is against. In an anarchy of a high degree all the members of the society are anarchists and they have developed a consensus culture based on negotiations and a will to come to an agreement. In the case where there is no general consent, the majority may decide a social subscription for their part only to finance the public sector. The minority must then as far as possible be denied the public goods and services. In case where this is not possible, the question of "free riders" appear. In some cases "free riding" may bee seen as theft (theft= you get something for nothing, and it is not a gift), in other cases as a gift. Thus there may be different solutions to the "free rider" problem. In less ideal anarchism there may be degrees of social subscription vs taxes. The anarchists are in these cases for as little as possible coercion.

The AI and IAT have never expressed that an anarchist society of high degree of anarchy, should be organized in one way, or one homogenous system. The general idea is that the people really concerned of a case should be the ones that decide, in a horizontal way, alone in individual matters, two toghether in bilateral matters, three toghether in trilateral matters, etc., local matters decided locally, regional matters regionally, and general cases for a whole society (say a country) decided by all members of society together (preferably with general consent, based on a consensus-culture, with negotiations etc). Thus individually, locally and regionally, there may be several different systems within the framework of horizontal organizations, but for the general cases for a whole society, there may be only one system at a time, as far as the AI and IAT can see today. This general organization may of course change over time, because horizontal organization always may be improved, different working hypothesis may be put in place and rejected if it doesn't work. etc. But there must be ways to decide in general matters in an orderly anarchist way, or else it will be chaotic and ochlarchy. This could be investigated more. There may be several ways to make general decisions, that is reasonable horizontal. These several competing systems may be investigated in advance, so there is a large menu to choose from in an anarchist society of high degree, close to the anarchist ideal at the top of the economical-political map.

**) Ochlarchists, i.e. people and organizations/groups infiltrating the anarchistmovement and posing as anarchists and doing ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), getting the BROWN CARD, are expelled from the anarchist movement. Thus, receiving the BROWN CARD in this case means expulsion from the anarchist movement. Other ochlarchists may also get the BROWN CARD, but they are of course not expelled from the anarchist movement because they did not pose as anarchists anyway.

For more information about anarchists vs ochlarchists, see http://www.anarchy.no/ija136.html  and http://www.anarchy.no/ija133.html
For more information about anarchy vs chaos, search for anarchy vs chaos at http://www.anarchy.no/andebatt.html . See also the APT-files at the IAT website.

(The IAT also makes use of the other anarchist principles broadly defined, including the Economical Political map in the analysis)

Sources: We have used the probably best and edited from a lot of sources, a.o. BBC, CNN, Reuters, AP, NY-Times, and of course several anarchist sources.

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