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International Federation of Anarchist Youth IFAY
Juventudes Libertarias JL
Føderasjonen av Anarkistisk Ungdom FAU

International Journal of Anarchism: Updated News and Comments - Click here! International Journal of Anarchism: Updated News and Comments - Click here! International Journal of Anarchism: Updated News and Comments - Click here! International Journal of Anarchism: Updated News and Comments - Click here! International Journal of Anarchism: Updated News and Comments - Click here!


This is the official web-site of the International Federation of Anarchist Youth (IFAY), the youth organization of the Anarchist International University Federation (AIUF), affiliated to the Northern Anarchist Confederation (NAC) and the Anarchist International (AI, IFA/IAF). The affiliated groups and persons are anarchist youths world wide, mainly high school pupils, in general people too young to be college or university students. The IFAY is a branch of the university federation and the members have the same rights and duties as the college and university students. Click on the link to the AI University Federation above for more information. Look for the anarchist kid flag (see above) on Internet for groups connected to the IFAY/JL/FAU network broadly defined.

Warning: Some marxist, commie groups are falsely posing as anarchist kids on the net etc, to make kids 'the "useful" idiots of Lenin', with purpose of using them, say, as "sturm-abteilungen" in a lot of "anti-actions", making social chaos and later call for strong rule by the Commie Party and "workers' councils" similar to the one big Soviet Union. "Soviet" means "workers' council" in Russian. There are several such groups, using some anarchist words of wisdom and anarchist youth flags and symbols to get credibility, but always mixing it up with marxian ideas, i.e. council communism, marxist-lubbeism, marxist-leninism, maoism, trotskyism, leftism, "autonomous" or similar. Thus, it is easy to see what groups are anarchist and what are marxian falsely posing as anarchists.

If there is a mix of anarchism and marxism, it is contradictional and chaotic marxism, and thus in reality marxian - not anarchism. These mentioned false "anarchist" groups are of course not members of the IFAY/FAU, as marxism and anarchism are non-compatible and contradictions. Marxian groups are found in the marxist quadrant on the economical polical map, i.e. to the left. Anarchist groups are found within the quadrant of anarchism on the map, i.e. in the middle and on the top, not far left or right (click on the link to the economical-political map above, for more information). Anarchism is based on social science, marxism is based on powerplay and pseudoscience. A simple analogy may illustrate the difference: Anarchism and marxism are like fire and water. If fire is mixed with water, the fire disappears. If the fire gives sufficient heath to boil the water real hot, it evaporates. Anarchism is not only science, it is also the fire of love for life based on humanity, freedom, equality, solidarity and other anarchist principles.

Also some populist, nihilist, neonazi, fascist and rightist groups have been posing as "anarchist" youth without being so, but this is less frequent. Say, "anarchist black hammer", "nihilist assault anarchist", "national anarchist" and "black bloc" groups, with fascistoid elements, have appeared, i.e. significant authoritarian.

Furthermore, we are for a drug-free youth culture, and against drug-liberalism and liberalism in general. Freedom to dope equals slavery!

Contact IFAY/FAU? - Click here!

Web: http://www.anarchy.no/ifay.html
