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The Anarchist International Embassy was founded and mandated by the International Anarchist Congress, i.e. the Fifth Anarchist Biennial in Oslo medio December 1998. The Anarchist Biennials are a series of international anarchist congress-seminars, starting with the first one in 1990, arranged by the North sections of AI-IFA-IAF.
The Anarchist International Embassy is mandated to take care of the Anarchist International's diplomatic services on an autonomous basis, using
a) anarchist principles, i.e. socialism and autonomy, efficiency and fairness, the IFA-principles, the Oslo Convention, anarchist human rights & ethics and the economical-political map, as well as
b) relations to the International Anarchist Tribunal a.s.o.;
related to concrete diplomatic situations and international affairs, vis-á-vis other embassies and external departments, ministries of foreign affairs, offices and state departments of different countries.
To see resolutions of the AIE, use the anarchist search engine at Links and search for "Anarchist International Embassy" and "AIE".
Web of the AIE: http://www.anarchy.no/embassy.html.
We have the honor to inform you, on behalf of The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), about our "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". The top three greenhouse gas emitters — China, the United States (USA) and the European Union (EU) — contribute more than half of total global emissions. The main problem in these countries is coal. While 1. many countries vowed to drop coal at the UN 2019 Climate Action Summit, and 2. Greta Thunberg, a network-member/subscriber of the GGS, and 15 other young activists filed a UN complaint arguing big emitter countries violate children's rights, 3. the major emitters were mainly silent. As a part of the new The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), we today start the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!"
In this action we, the GGS and associates & allies, will work hard and use all legal means; diplomacy, direct actions and indirect - with sanctions - and more, to achieve this aim as soon as possible! As stated 24.09.2019 in the GGS Report no 1: "The main strategy of the GGS is direct actions, sometimes supplemented with indirect actions (e.g. via elections), both with sanctions broadly defined, creating strength, force and pressure against the top (upper class), to achieve a more bottom - up approach, where the bottom - the People's demands, including “a safe pathway under 1.5C” global warming, are met." And as part of this general approach, the People now demand: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!, and we will not stop the action until this demand is met. Start to drop coal significantly NOW!
Today’s diplomatic action is of course only a first small step in this broad based "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". There will be much more to come… We must ask the 3 embassies/delegations, i.e. of China, USA and the EU, to forward this note from the AIE to relevant staff of the respective governments. This note is also distributed as a press release world wide, including to several other embassies/delegations and heads of state, and published at the GGS Report no 1. To China, USA, EU and also all other countries that use lots of coal, say, India and Australia: NB! Drop coal as soon as possible – start NOW!
We send the assurances of our greatest appreciations
Yours sincerely
Chargé d'affaires Anna Quist
for AIE
26.09.2019 - Updated 27.09.2019
The note, plus general information about the AIE, was sent 26.09.2019 as an e-mail to webmaster@chinese-embassy.no; osloirc@state.gov; delegation-norway@eeas.europa.eu; and world wide, titled:
"Update 26.09.2019 from The Green Global Spring Revolution: A note from AIE about the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". To the embassies of China and USA and EU's delegation in Oslo. Also distributed world wide!"
The note, per 26.09.2019 is published at the AIE-homepage, and at the (click on:) GGS Report no 1, and also featured at the homepage of (click on:) The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
PS. 27.09.2019. Ad Greta Thunberg's (of GGS) UN complaint! The 3 evil Coal-Monarchs: Xi Jinping of China, Donald Trump of USA and Jean-Claude Juncker (soon Ursula von der Leyen) of EU, are responsible for the Child Abuse!
The updated note with the PS is 27.09.2019 distributed and published the same way as the note dated 26.09.2019, but sent from The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
Om det kommende styresettet i Syria. Vi anbefaler en konføderal løsning der ulike regionale, etniske og religiøse grupper får utstrakt selvstyre, basert på det beste av systemene i de tre anarkiene i verden, Norge, Den Sveitsiske Konføderasjon og Island.
On the coming system of management in Syria. We recommend a confederal solution in which various regional, ethnic and religious groups are given extensive self-government, based on the best of the systems in the three anarchies in the world, Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland.
Best regards, The Anarchist International and the Embassy of the Anarchists, in Oslo, see: https://www.anarchy.no/embassy.html.
This resolution is published on Folkebladet: www.anarchy.no and The NØI-INDECO-OSE-NETWORK’S news file: https://www.indeco.no/archive/samgrep.htm.
The resolution is also published on the Web of the Arab Spring: https://www.anarchy.no/ija141.html and at the AI-embassy and more.