The Peoples' Journal

International Journal of Organization Research - IJOR/folkebladet/IJ@

Click here! International Journal of Anarchism: Updated News and Comments - Click here!

The Anarchist International Information Service - AIIS

The official news-agency of the Anarchist International AI/IFA = ANORG GLOBAL


Translation tool English to Norwegian, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc., and vice versa: Google Translate.

AISC - Anarchist International Security Council - Federal Bureaus World Wide

Ochlarchy? What is it? Ochlarchy is mob rule broadly defined including chaos, the quite opposite of anarchy, a.o.t. libertarian law and optimal order!
Don’t mix this up. Call mob rule including chaos ochlarchy – not anarchy.

Ochlarchy, and the fight against this evil, is further explained at:

IJ@ 1/06 (36) Anarchy vs ochlarchy (mob rule) and anarchists vs ochlarchists,

IJ@ 1/03 (33) Anarchists against ochlarchy (mob rule) and ochlarchist infiltration!,

The International Anarchist Tribunal: (With additional Links, click on and read it all).

The Oslo Convention:


It is a fact that we are living in a mostly Orwellian "1984" newspeaking, lying, world.

De facto: ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) and anarchy & ochlarchists and anarchists are opposites as war and peace.
To say de facto ochlarchy is anarchy and ochlarchists are anarchists are lies equal to war is peace.
And it has similar authoritarian, repressive, functions as Big Brother in "1984".

If you see or hear anything significant about anarchy, anarchist, anarchists, anarchism or libertarian,
breaking the Oslo Convention against ochlarchy and for anarchy, or similar, feel free to ...

Contact IAT - Click here!

... and the person(s) violating the anarchist rules of the Convention or similar
will most likely get a Brown Card (or Brown Cards) from IAT, indicating
an authoritarian Orwellian "1984" Big Brother newspeak and/or ochlarchical tendency of the person(s)!

Persons who harass or otherwise behave in an ochlarkish way towards anarchists will also most likely get a Brown Card.
And we will also hand out Brown Cards to ochlarchism against future generations, i.e. climate criminals.

Brown Cards are handed out as open, free, matter of fact criticism by the IAT-APT. We try hard to be fair.

In this connection - feel free to read - click on: Preamble - three very important resolutions


The color brown here is rooted back to Adolf Hitler's ultra-authoritarian 'brown shirts' ochlarchy-mobs
and has of course no relation to skin color.

Also published at Folkebladet and NØI-INDECO-OSE's newsfile:

This file: