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The main resolutions of the international branch of APT:
To see the resolutions from the Nordic branch of IAT-APT, click on Nordisk APT.
Two important resolutions, a part of the basis for the IAT's decisions, are "Anarchists against ochlarchy (mob rule) and ochlarchist infiltration", click on IJA 1 (33)
and "Anarchy vs ochlarchy (mob rule) and anarchists vs ochlarchists" click on
IJA 1 (36).



Anarchy is optimal order... & Newsmedia = Big Brothers! Stop the lies... & What is an extremist...

Resolutions, decided with general consent, by:
The International Anarchist Congress
The 11th Anarchist Biennial 27-28.11.2010
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
The AI/IFA network represents more than 50 000 anarchist world wide
To see the Website of the Congress - Click here!

De facto: ochlarchy (mob rule) and anarchy & ochlarchists and anarchists are opposites as war and peace.
To say de facto ochlarchy is anarchy and ochlarchists are anarchists are lies equal to war is peace.
And it has similar authoritarian, repressive, functions as Big Brother in "1984".

This is proven as a practically certain truth beyond reasonable doubt in the 3 resolutions below.
The proof speaks for itself, but more than 50 000 anarchists confirming the validity of the proof add weight behind.

It is a fact that we are living in a mostly Orwellian "1984" newspeaking, lying, world.

If you see or hear anything significant about anarchy, anarchist, anarchists, anarchism or libertarian,
breaking the Oslo Convention
against ochlarchy and for anarchy, or similar, feel free to ...

Contact IAT - Click here!

... and the person(s) violating the anarchist rules of the Convention or similar
will most likely get a Brown Card (or Brown Cards) from IAT, indicating
an authoritarian Orwellian "1984" Big Brother newspeak and/or ochlarchical tendency of the person(s)!
Persons who harass or otherwise behave in an ochlarkish way towards anarchists will also most likely get a Brown Card.
And we will also hand out Brown Cards to ochlarchism against future generations
, i.e. climate criminals.

Brown Cards are handed out as open, free, matter of fact criticism by the IAT-APT. We try hard to be fair.

Never forget!
Anarchy is optimal order!
For anarchist action!

The anarchists call on the international newsmedia to report fairly and objectively about anarchy, anarchism, anarchist and anarchists!

1. The authoritarian travesty of "anarchy" = ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, and "anarchists" = ochlarchists/ochlarchs is hard to stop... Authoritarians: Marxists, liberalists and populists/fascists all have an interest in calling ochlarchy "anarchy" and ochlarchists/ochlarchs "anarchists". And their authoritarian newsmedia/propaganda stations, say BBC marxist, CNN liberalist, etc. mostly postulate this travesty, i.e. authoritarian Orwellian "1984" newspeak. In these cases they deserve a Brown Card.

2. Anarchy is in reality and objectively seen a system significantly without archs, ochlarchs/ochlarchists included, i.e. a system with relatively small rank and income differences, orderly (optimal order, and not chaos) and efficient, also environmentally. Anarchy is real democracy - from the people and upwards, significantly. Anarchists are real democrats. The people, seen as a class, are the grassroots in contrast to the superiors in rank and/or income, the pyramid that in reality is the state/government, if significant i.e. top heavy, and it is probably always inefficent. Anarchism and anarchist strategy are to change the societal organization in horizontal direction, as members of the people, not attacking persons or things... More and more... Until complete horizontal organization is achieved, as an ultimate aim.

3. The word anarchy origins from greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates , i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion, ideally or practically. Anarchy, [an-arch]-y means [an = without, arch = ruler(s)]-y = system, management as in monarch-y. Thus anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". That is economic and political/administrative, societal, management from the people, grassroots, and upwards - significantly, without a top heavy pyramid in rank and/or income, i.e. without a top - down approach, without ochlarchy/ochlarchists/ochlarchs and other archs, significantly.

4. Anarchism means anarchist, i.e. non-authoritarian, non-ochlarchical means and methods, as well as anarchist ends and aims. There must be consistency between means and ends. This is the only strategy that works. The real aim is in general the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions, if any. The only violence anarchists accept is violence, proportionate, in self defense, i.e. not ochlarchist or other authoritarian actions. Anarchist actions are actions consistent with the here mentioned framework, i.e. non-authoritarian and non-ochlarchical, and not marxist, liberalist or populist/fascist, and nothing else.

5. When mislead youths and similar adopt this travesty and call themselves "anarchists" and do ochlarchy, and the main media reports more or less uncritical in the same way, the vicious circle is complete. The difference between ochlarchs/ochlarchists and anarchists is per definition dependent on what you do, not what you say you are or flag! There is no panacea to break this circle, but it is not unbreakable. has about 15 000 visitors and 50 000 hits per month, and a lot of other websites have the same information. In the long run we will break the vicious circle, but it would certainly help if the main media sometimes let our objective information about anarchy vs ochlarchy and anarchists vs ochlarchists/ochlarchs pass on to their audience...

6. For objective information and updated news about anarchy, anarchism and anarchists, read and similar websites world wide! The first main newsstation that makes use of the word ochlarchy and reports objectively about this matter will receive a large Black Star '*' from IAT. But that will probably take some time. The IAT and anarchists in general are however patient. In the long run anarchy will be everywhere on Earth... The sooner the better... We are on party with the future...

7. To mix up opposites as a) anarchy and ochlarchy and b) anarchists with ochlarchists/ochlarchs, as outdated dictionaries and media often do, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT in such cases hands out a Brown Card, as free criticism of this authoritarian tendency. The Anarchist International, AI, and the International Anarchist Tribunal included the Anarchist Press Tribunal, IAT-APT, call on the international newsmedia and mandated persons to report fairly and objectively, and not with authoritarian newspeak, about anarchy, anarchism, anarchist and anarchists.

8. Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, vandalism, arson, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism**), autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannical behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, a top - down approach. The Greek rooted word for mob rule is ochlarchy. Ochlarchy is also used as a common word for all the authoritarian evils mentioned above i.e. mob rule broadly defined.

9. People doing ochlarchy, i.e. ochlarchists/ochlarchs, are clearly authoritarian. They may be liberalists, fascists or marxists, practically certain not anarchists. If anti-capitalist, they are authoritarian socialists, i.e. marxists - leftists*) or leftwing extremists, not anarchists, although they may falsely try to pose as such, i.e. provocateurs, or wrongly be called so by the media. The media should call such ochlarchists marxists, leftists, leftist*) groups or leftwing extremists, because that is what they are, not anarchists! Anarchists are in the middle and upwards on the economic-political map, they are not leftists or rightists*), not leftwing or rightwing extremists.

It is a fact that socialists (anti-capitalists) are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that anti-capitalist (socialist) ochlarchists are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may call themselves or flag. The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling anti-capitalist ochlarchists anarchists.

10. For more information about the Brown Card and anarchy vs chaos, see (click on) the Oslo Convention and search for anarchy vs chaos at the Anarchy debate/Anarkidebatt. For more information about provocateurs, see the footnote and more at External links.

Newsmedia = Big Brothers! Stop the lies 'anarchy' = ochlarchy and 'anarchist(s)' = ochlarchist(s), even if it is political 'sexy' and sells well...
It is Orwellian '1984' Big Brother newspeak and fabricated propaganda!

1. It is a fact that mislead kids, copycats included - neonazi, communist, police, etc. provocateurs, in general ultra-authoritarian marxists, populists/fascists or liberalist, i.e extremists and totalitarians, can get publicity and even reach headlines in the main international newsmedia by combining false use of anarchist symbols, with ochlarchy, i.e. a) smashing some windows and use some Molotov coctails to torch a couple of cars or similar**) and b) misusing and spraying some anarchists symbols and misusing anarchists flags in this connection.

2. Opposites. Ultra-authoritarian publicity hungry kids etc. with ochlarchy on the de facto agenda know this very well... But ochlarchists are de facto the opposite of anarchists and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is the opposite of anarchy, similar as peace is the opposite of war. It is Orwellian "1984" Big Brother newspeak type fabrication of 'news' to call de facto ochlarchy = 'anarchy' and de facto ochlarchists = 'anarchists'.

3. Political 'sexy'. The words anarchy, anarchism and anarchist(s) are political 'sexy', have some kind of magic, and attract many readers and viewers in the newsmedia, and give thus money in the newsmedia's pockets. The temptation for journalists and editors to do speculative Big Brother fabrication of reports in this way is large. Marxism, liberalism and fascism/populism are dull compared with anarchy/anarchism and anarchist(s), from newsmedia perspective. The words marxism, liberalism and fascism/populism don't sell, don't get attention, compared to the words anarchy/anarchism and anarchist(s). Never the less, if ochlarchy happens, it is wrong to call it anarchy, etc.

4. A typical case: the anticapitalist. Ochlarchy is in general authoritarian, de facto a top down approach, and de facto thus not anarchist, i.e. a bottom up approach. Ochlarchists are in general authoritarian, not only their bosses. All authoritarian socialism is de facto marxism. All authoritarian socialists are de facto marxists. Anticapitalist, i.e. socialist, ochlarchists are thus de facto marxists, not anarchists. That ochlarchy in some mystical marxist dialectical way later will end up in anarchy, is against historical and social scientific evidence, and absurd. Such ideas are marxist - not anarchist. There is thus practically certain no connection between a) anarchy, anarchist(s) and anarchism and b) ochlarchy and ochlarchist(s), not in the short and not in the long run. Newsmedia should thus in general call anti-capitalist ochlarchists marxists - not anarchists, if reporting objectively and fair, although it may be less political 'sexy', give less readers and viewers and money, and in general result in less attention to the reporting. The best and most objective and fair are to call an ochlarchist what he/she de facto is: an ochlarchist!

5. Fabricated propaganda. The lies 'anarchy' = ochlarchy and 'anarchist(s)' = ochlarchist(s), even if they are political 'sexy' and sell well, are Orwellian "1984" Big Brother newspeak!! This means an unfair and non-libertarian treatment of (real) anarchists, i.e. opposed to ochlarchy and the false mix of ochlarchy with anarchy, etc. Ochlarchy is in general criminality, and anarchist are in general against criminality. Anarchists use Brown Cards, etc. to try to stop this, present analysis and proof of the real connection, etc., but it will not work if the press don't report more objective. Setting ochlarchist = 'anarchist', ochlarchy = 'anarchy', etc. are  Orwellian "1984" authoritarian Big Brother newspeak fabricated propaganda, it means unfreedom and unfairness for (real) anarchists.

6. On and on. Stop it - NOW! To fabricate and spread such newspeak propaganda, on and on, are directly opposed to fair and objective reporting and a misuse of the freedom of the press, in Orwellian "1984" big brother newspeak direction. The newsmedia fabricating such propaganda are like Big Brother authoritarian newspeak media mentioned in Orwell's "1984", de facto Big Brothers. To fabricate and spread such newspeak propaganda are in itself a form of ochlarchy, ultra-authoritarian an extremist, just as Big Brother in "1984". To fabricate and spread such newspeak propaganda also produce copycat ochlarchists falsely posing as 'anarchists', in an evil circle. The Big Brother newsmedia de facto mislead kids into the ochlarchy = 'anarchy' 'game'. Stop it - NOW!

7. In general: report as a Free press - not the 4th power of the State, i.e. archy: ochlarchy, monarchy, oligarchy, polyarchy, plutarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, hierarchy, etc, i.e. in real terms, economic and/or political/administrative. The State = in general x-archy, where x can be anything but not 'an'. Newsmedia that de facto mislead kids etc. into ochlarchy and the ochlarchy = 'anarchy' 'game', acting as the 4th power of the State, as well as the persons directly involved, are responsible for the ochlarchy and extremism, and should also be hold accountable... The anarchists call on the newsemedia to act responsible!

8. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = (an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system and management, as, say, in monarch-y. Anarchists are for and contribute to anarchy and anarchism world wide. One of the main tasks of anarchists is the fight against ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined). To mix up opposites as a) anarchy and ochlarchy and b) anarchists with ochlarchists/ochlarchs, as outdated dictionaries, newsmedia and mislead youths often do, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped and anarchists make resolutions with free, libertarian criticism of this authoritarian tendency, and also contribute to other direct actions against ochlarchy, guards at demonstrations, etc.

9. Anarchists are not only against ochlarchy, but also monarchy, oligarchy, polyarchy, plutarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, hierarchy, etc, i.e. in real terms, economic and/or political/administrative. Anarchists mean all forms of archies should be done away with, practically toward ideally.

10. In general, nobody takes ochlarchists seriously, it is just a police matter, criminality, which anarchists are strongly against. In general ochlarchists, especially the ones falsely posing as 'anarchists', get publicity, and that is all. They have in general no influence on economic-political decisions regarding their demands. Ochlarchy does in general not work in libertarian direction, only for the authoritarian and more of it. Demonstrate with dignity - not ochlarchy, use real matter of fact arguments and add weight behind via direct actions, included mass actions, and via elections, within the framework of and/or compatible with real democracy.

What is an extremist, person or organization, really?

1. An extremist, person or organization, is the same as totalitarian on the EP-map, i.e. with more than 666 per thousand, or about 67%, authoritarian degree. Leftwing extremists or just left*) extremists to the left of the middle of the map, and rightwing extremists or just right*) extremists to the right of the middle.

2. We see on the EP-map (click on System theory and economic-political map) that leftwing extremists are leftist ultra-fascists, most of left fascists, some leftist populists, a little more than half of the state-communists (leninists and maoists), and about 1/3 of left socialists. Rightwing extremists are rightist ultra-fascists, most of right fascists, some rightist populists, a little more than half of the conservative liberalists, and about 1/3 right liberalists. These figures refer to types of system, not number of persons. Anarchists are far from extremists , they are from the middlepoint and upwards on the map, not far left or far right, with 50% or less authoritarian degree. Extremists and totalitarians are practically certain either marxists, populists/fascists or liberalists, never anarchists.

3. Extremism typically also has social psychological roots. Keywords are mass hypnotic suggestion, totalitarian personality disorder, physical and psychical violence, a paranoid twisted travesty of reality, and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including criminality. Typically present is a form of charismatic leadership in the meaning a special quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination and inspires unswerving allegiance and devotion. Totalitarian personality disorder typically appears among both leadership and followers, rank and file, although sometimes in different forms. It may also appear at a single person or small sects, and in polyarchical networks. The main hallmark of totalitarian personality disorder is a significant will to cow, broadly defined, or support for such people or organizations. Typically is also complaining about hostility or mobbing, i.e. ochlarchy, when exposed to free, matter of fact criticism.

4. Political extremism is typically use of,  or threat of use of, violence against persons and/or things, to achieve political aims. Political extremism is authoritarian, ochlarchist (ochlarchy = mob rule), the opposite of anarchist, according to the Oslo Convention. Persons doing political extremism are ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists, and are thus expelled from the anarchist movement, regardless of  what they may claim to be. Such ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist  movement, get an expelling Brown Card from the International Anarchist Tribunal, for breaking the Oslo Convention. The only violence accepted by anarchists is violence, proportionate, in self defense, i.e. not political extremism. Anarchism is neither pacifism, nor political extremism, terrorism**) included. The anarchists condemn all forms of extremism.
*) Left and leftist and right and rightist are more relative concepts, and can be used in different contexts and connections, but standing alone leftist(s) typically means marxism from 50% - 100% left of the middlepoint of the EP map, and standing alone rightist(s) means liberalism from 50% to 100% to the right of the middlepoint, thus anarchism (and anarchists), which is between 50% to the left and 50% to the right of the middle on the EP map, is not at all left/leftist or right/rightist. Fascism are found downwards from the middlepoint of the EP map, and not far left or far right, but may typically be leftwing (left fascist) or rightwing extremism. The more unprecise term 'far right' for right fascism, in the meaning to the right and far from the middlepoint on the EP-map, may sometimes be used. Anarchism and anarchists are not extremism or extremists on the EP-map, and practically certain never in reality. However left and leftist(s) are not necessary extremists and ultra-authoritarian, they may be just authoritarian or even semi-democratic/semi-libertarian. Right and rightist(s) are not necessary extremists and ultra-authoritarian, they may be just authoritarian or even semi-democratic/semi-libertarian. Ochlarchical left and leftist(s) and right and rightist(s) may in rare cases be just authoritarian and not ultra-authoritarian and extremists, but extremism and extremists are the typical cases.

**) A "litmus test" of whether marxists, fascists, anarchists or liberalists are behind terrorism.

Briefly defined terrorism is "rule by terror", i.e. 1. The act of terrorizing; use of terror and violence to intimidate, subjugate, etc. especially as a political weapon or policy and intimidation and subjugation so produced 2. A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation. 3. Unlawful acts of violence committed in an organized attempt to overthrow a government. In short and typically: A terrorist is an armed person that deliberately attacks unarmed persons, especially innocent civilians. Thus, the al-Qaeda attacks on the WTC and Pentagon are clearly terrorism, and the anti-terrorist coalition's attacks are mainly not terrorism. Some terrorist groups issue warnings before bomb attacks and/or similar. According to 1.-3. this is still terrorism. Terrorism is a form of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), significant.

1. Terrorism is extremist, ultra-authoritarian acts, de facto very much a top down approach, se notes on extremism and anarchy at IAT-APT International Branch. Extremism is either marxist, fascist or liberalist, practically certain not anarchist, because an anarchist acting ultra-authoritarian/extremist stops to be an anarchist, and will be expulsed from the anarchist movement. All terrorists falsely called anarchists historically are expulsed from the anarchist movement post mortem, because they were not real anarchists. And all terrorists falsely called anarchists, of our time, are in general also expulsed from the anarchist movement via Brown Cards by IAT-APT. NB! Terrorists are thus not anarchists! The only violence anarchists accept is defensive violence, proportionate, in self defense, a bottom up approach, and that excludes terrorism, a top down approach.

To be an anarchist or not is per definition dependent on what you do, not what you say you are or flag or be called by the newsmedia or others. It is not the outspoken aim - agenda, if any, that counts. The real aim is the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions, if any. Anarchist actions are actions that in consequence move (or keep) the social organization in horizontal direction, and that excludes terrorism because this is actions that in consequence have a top down approach, vertical organization - a form of government. Terrorists and terrorism may be anti-government in the meaning against the present government, but terrorism is in itself government - ochlarchy and ochlarchist, and thus not anarchist or anarchy. Practically certain anarchism and anarchy cannot be created by the opposite - ochlarchy and ochlarchism - a form of government/state.

2. Terrorist actions are extremist/ultra-authoritarian and if capitalist/economical plutarchist, typically profit-motivated, the action is either fascist or liberalist, not anarchist or marxist. Ultra-authoritarian fascists in consequence also act for a "strong man", extremist liberalists not. Fascist terrorists often also have nationalist motives. Liberalist and fascist terrorism are rightwing extremism (with the rare exception of left-fascist/populist/nazi etc. terrorism which is a form of leftwing extremism).

3. If extremist acts are anti-capitalist, they are socialist, and thus ultra-authoritarian socialism, i.e. a form of marxism - governmental/state-socialism, not liberalist or fascist, and not anarchist. What is a hallmark of marxist  extremism? Violent attacks on symbols of capitalism and/or the (capitalist - according to marxism) state is a marxist strategy of vanguardism, similar to the marxist-leninist terrorist organizations the Italian Red Brigades (BR) and German RAF (Baader Meinhof), etc. Anarchists see extremist symbolic actions on capitalism and statism as futile vis-a-vis changing the social organization in horizontal direction - the anarchist aim and strategy, and thus such actions are practically certain not done by anarchists, see also 1 and 2. So if there are extremist attacks on symbols of capitalism and state, it is marxist leftwing extremists, not anarchists behind. Thus terrorism that attacks symbols of capitalism and state, are done by marxist extremists, leftwingers, and not anarchists.

In short: persons that are anti-capitalist, i.e. socialist, and terrorist ochlarchist, and thus de facto authoritarian  - are authoritarian socialists - government/state-socialists, i.e. marxists - not anarchists. They may be anti-government, in the meaning against the present government, but terrorism is in itself government - ochlarchy and ochlarchist, and thus not anarchist or anarchy. Persons that try to replace one form of goverment - the present - introducing another form of government - ochlarchy, are not anarchists. Practically certain anarchism and anarchy cannot be created by the opposite - ochlarchy and ochlarchism - a form of government/state. Ochlarchists including terrorists are the opposite of anarchists. Anti-capitalist terrorists (ochlarchists) are de facto marxists - not anarchists - and should thus never be labeled anarchists, but instead be called what they really are - marxists.

4. Using this "litmus test", 1-3 we find that most terrorism world wide is done by marxist, leftwing, extremists, or rightwing extremists, practically certain never anarchists. In the future the people, police, authorities and newsmedia should use this "litmus test" when reporting about who is behind terrorism.

5. To mix up opposites as anarchists with terrorists, a form of ochlarchists, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. Ochlarchists and anarchists are opposites. Such Big Brother notes in the media also produce copycat ochlarchists and terrorists - mainly mislead youths, falsely posing as "anarchists". It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards, as free criticism of this authoritarian tendency - according to the Oslo Convention, - to newsmedia and others that are spreading such disinformation.

6. In addition to 1.-5. only a few facts are necessary to find out whether marxists, fascists, anarchists or liberalists are behind terrorism. And terrorists are practically certain not anarchists!


The anarchist (= liberal social-democratic) ideal - the long-term economic-political goal of the anarchists (the liberal social-democrats)!

AI-generated video about the 100% anarchist = real democratic, ideal. Click on:

The anarchist ideal is generally a society organized as far as possible according to anarchist principles, as a guiding star for the economic-political management, etc. The principles for the anarchist ideal society are: 100% socialism and autonomy in the broadest sense, efficiency (Pareto-optimality, also with regard on environmental factors) and justice (the exchange criterion, that no one will exchange positions with anyone else, after all), minimal rank and salary differences - political/administrative and economic hierarchy, including freedom (without deprivation of others' freedom, slavery and tyranny), equality, solidarity; social justice including libertarian (freedomly) law (adopted directly by the people themselves or via delegates) and optimal order, rule of law and human rights, free contracts (not slave contracts), free initiatives, atheism (anarchism is a secular project, but implies full freedom of religion), antimilitarism (based on mutual disarmament and balance of forces), internationalism (not supranationalism, or nationalism), decentralism, self-government and federalism (not hierarchical, EU-like), self-management (autogestion) and libertarian communalism, i.e. decisions are mainly taken locally by the significantly and concretely affected - from anyone according to ability - to anyone according to need. This is the essence of "system and governance without a ruler and ruling" = an-arch-y. That is real democracy.

The usual left vs. the right dimension alone is completely insufficient to provide an adequate picture of the economic-political landscape. The two-dimensional economic-political map presented here gives an adequate picture of the economic-political landscape.

Freedom, i.e. the degree of freedom, is measured by the libertarian degree = 100% - the authoritarian degree. The libertarian degree = the degree of democracy. Freedom, i.e. freedom without harming others' freedom, not freedom at others expence, economically and/or political/administrative, in the widest sense! Real freedom = or > 50% libertarian & democratic, i.e. both economic and political/administrative in the widest sense = Anarchy and Anarchism. Real freedom = or > 50% socialism & autonomy broadly defined = Anarchy and Anarchism. Real democracy always includes green policy, i.e. significant. Real democracy means society should be managed and run from the bottom up, i.e. from the People – grassroots, and upwards, not from the top – down, i.e. significant. This is real federalism. This is freedom in societal perspective.











A Black Star is handed out to Giselle Pelicot for brave anarcha-feminist action.

The following links speak for themselves:





According to the Oslo Convention, a Brown Card in general means expulsion from the anarchist movemement. This is in this case valid for Jamal Hannah, Peter Bach and Robert Wogatze, plus Zazaban, Per Bylund and Milos Rancic a.k.a. Millosh. However we see hope for the Southern IFA-IAF federations*) in the long run, so as a special case they are not expulsed, but suspended, i.e. a disallowance  and rejection of their congresses will remain as long as the marxist leftist/collectivist/communist and ochlarchical tendency is dominant.


*) These Brown Cards are handed out to all the Southern IFA/IAF-federations except the Spanish FAI and the Argentinian FLA, that are considered less authoritarian. Also the British and Anglophone Anarchist Federation, that is only partly a Southern IFA/IAF federation, has not got a Brown Card.


The official website of the solidarity confederation Anarchist Black Cross (ABC), see (click on:) The Anarchist Black Cross - ABC declares: ABC is affiliated to the International Black Cross (IBC) and the Anarchist International. The program of the ABC is consistent with the resolutions of the Anarchist International in general, i.e. , say, authoritarian tendencies - as terrorists, mafia, ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) and chaos groups, etc., including such persons falsely posing as and/or called "anarchists" in the newsmedia are not supported. The secretariate of both the ABC and IBC is located in Norway, i.e. the Anarchist Black Cross International, ABC-I. Unless special cases all anarchists and organizations of the Anarchist International are collectively members of the ABC. Solidarity work for libertarian political prisoners, i.e. the main purpose of ABC, is a must for all anarchists. The ABC in general only supports anarchist political prisoners.

The official ABC site, The Anarchist Black Cross - ABC, has the only and original ABC, IBC and ABC-I logo, and it is copyrighted and trademarked material of the Anarchist International - IJ@/Fb, see (click on) "Links" below. It may be mentioned that the cross here is used as a symbol of anarchist human rights, i.e. secular libertarian law and order as well as solidarity, and has principally no divine or religious meaning. In addition to the cross the logo also includes an outline of a star with similar meaning as the Black Star of the International Anarchist Tribunal, and the @-sign of anarchist youth, indicating that libertarian youths should participate enthusiastic in the ABC solidarity work.

Sorry to say, the ABC has from time to time got 'competition' from marxians, mainly communist, and other authoritarian groups falsely posing as ABC, to provoke and let the ABC look like idiots. Other papers and websites a.s.o. calling themselves "Black Flag", "Flag Blackened", "Black Panther", "Black Hammer", "Black Halfmoon", "CNA" and similar, have occured, i.e. they have nothing to do with the ABC etc. although sometimes falsely posing as a part of the organization.

Especially we must give a warning about a false "anarchist black cross network" mainly put up by the marxist 'autonomus' communist and ochlarchy group "Blitz" in Oslo. The marxian communist Blitz (provocateurs) is well known for making ochlarchy and falsely pose as 'anarchist' to provoke and put the blame on anarchists, see Brown Card to Blitz/AFA & IS & RU. Several other microscopic groups here and there, i.e. marxist and communist provocateurs, are also connected to this false "Blitz-abc" network. They are also using a false "abc-logo", i.e. the typical marxian fist logo of Blitz placed on the top of a black cross. Anyone using this false "abc-logo" may in general be looked upon as false!

This false "Blitz-abc" of course has no connection to the ABC or the original logo linked at The Anarchist Black Cross - ABC. The "Blitz-abc" has also made a typical marxian provocation of a false "anarchist" program, a) stating the "autonomous" right to "freedom" to do ochlarchy (mob rule, mafia) - for they who might feel like doing so, b) supporting marxian/ochlarchist "comrades" in jail and similar - there are lists of marxian and other ochlarchical jailbirds falsely presented as "anarchists", c) demanding release of mainly all criminals from prison right away, d) and similar provocative crackpot ideas, say total abolishing of prisons and punishment, making anarchists and anarchism look totally stupid.

Some of these false 'Blitz-abc" type groups are also promoting lies that 'anarchists are against democracy' and so on, a false statement because anarchy and anarchism are democracy, i.e. real democracy, and vice versa. These false "Blitz-abc" groups have got Brown Cards by the International Anarchist Tribunal according to the Oslo Convention, and are thus expulsed from the anarchist movement. NB! They are thus not anarchists. Another problem is that these false abc-groups and provocateurs often put up links to real ABC-groups and the official ABC-website and quote some sound ABC-texts etc., on their marxian and ochlarchical websites and blogs to falsely get credibility.

Anarchists, for the situation today, look upon prisons as a necessity to fight crime, criminality is in general authoritarian, but at the same time are for human treatment of prisoners, against capital punishment, physical punishment and torture in any form. In a society close to the anarchist ideal, prisons may however not be necessary, because people have changed and devoloped to peaceful, non-ochlarchical, anarchists. This is however far from certain and only possible in a very far future. For today and in the near future prisons are a necessity.

As anarchy is freedom, i.e. without harming others' freedom; and ochlarchy is the opposite of this, these "autonomous" marxian ochlarchy false "ABC" groups clearly demonstrate that they are not a part of the anarchist movement. It is directly opposed to the ABC program to support ochlarchists and terrorists in prison. ABC only supports anarchist political prisoners, i.e. not ochlarchists, that is ordinary criminals!

Anarchists wrongly often are mixed up with ochlarchy, say, in the newsmedia, and that is harmful to our movement, and thus ochlarchical persons from marxian small group vanguard pseudo-"class war" activities, chaos-punks, a.s.o, that end up in jail must never be called 'anarchists' to avoid such misunderstandings. Furthermore the marxian parties etc. should support their comrades themselves, relatively poor anarchists should not work and pay to support marxian and similar ochlarchs. If the marxians come to power, they would probably bully us anarchists and/or do worse, as have happened several times throughout history. To work for the release of bullies that may attack us if they get out of jail, and even falsely pose as "anarchists" to provoke and compromise our movemement, is certainly not of high priority for the anarchists. Hell no!

Also a similar group, the Greek brown & red marxist provocateurs 'Actforfreedomnow/boubouras', marxist ochlarchists falsely posing as 'anarchists', and a.o.t. supporting and falsely calling the marxist ochlarchist terrorist group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire 'anarchist', has got a Brown Card, meaning the group and its associates are expulsed from the anarchist movement. The ochlarchist thieves 'Actforfreedomnow/boubouras' have even stolen the Black Star of IAT-APT and put it on their webpage to falsely try to legitimate their ultra-authoritarian brown & red nonsense, say - written on their wepage, "Solidarity Means Attack!: For the Destruction of All Prisons and the World that Makes Them", "As long as authority lays its hands on various comrades [i.e. ultra-authoritarian ochlarchist criminals], our signature on permanent contract of our total refusal of civilization will be renewed automatically." My, my, what language from this 'baboon offspring', clearly marxist, perhaps communist, provocateurs - similar to Blitz in Oslo, may also be infiltrated by Greek police provocateurs... Also the Greek so called "Anarchist Federation" and "Rouvikonas" get the Brown Card. They are involved in a lot of "storm" actions. Their rhetoric and practice are marxian ochlarchist. Many members are police informers and agent provocateurs, ex convicts, etc. They have occupied buildings and turned them into illegal businesses. They are in reality marxist ochlarchists supported by authoritarian socialists and communists in the parliament and thus never arrested or even harassed by the police. More Brown Cards related to Greece, see (click on:) The situation in Greece - An anarchist paper.

The authoritarian marxist and communist provocateur tactic of falsely posing as 'anarchists' (in the false meaning of ochlarchists), makinglarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined including chaos, and putting the blame on anarchists to a) discredit the libertarian movement as much as possible, b) create aggression against anarchists, anarchism and anarchy and c) call for a strong, authoritarian marxist (including communist) party and its rule, is d) well known. Similar is valid for all State/government/archy/authority provocateurs including their followers. Anarchists take actions to stop such provocateurs and this tactic, via a.o.t. the International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT-APT) handing out Brown Cards and thus expulsions from the anarchist movement, and the Anarchist International Security Council (AISC)... More information about marxist and other provocateurs are found at External links, Anarchy debate, Freedom Online and IAT-APT International branch, search for provocateur in these files, also see IAT-APT Nordic branch and search for provokatør.

Practically certain anarchy cannot be created or achieved via ochlarchy. Ochlarchy is in itself authoritarian, usually ultra-authoritarian, and can only result in authoritarian and even ultra-authoritarian, i.e. totalitarian, rule. A development towards real democracy, i.e. anarchy, must be done by the people's actions - more and more, i.e. act with dignity, use real matter of fact arguments and add weight behind via direct actions, including mass actions & industrial actions, and via organization, dialog and elections, of course without ochlarchy! The Anarchist International (AI/IFA) and The Anarchist International Information Service (AIIS) are junctions in this connection.

Digression: Prisons. R. D. wrote: please consider that some short-term necessity for prisons is likely that familiar slippery slope that Lenin/Bolsheviks slipped down. In other words, a strong fuel for the existing fire.  I quote: "In a society close to the anarchist ideal, prisons may however not be necessary, because people have changed and devoloped to peaceful, non-ochlarchical, anarchists. This is however far from certain and only possible in a very far future. For today and in the near future prisons are a necessity." 

ABC answered: A society close to the anarchist ideal, say 90% anarchy degree, is not realistic in the short run. To achieve a society close to the anarchist ideal takes a long time. The whole education system must change radically to achieve that all people are developed to peaceful, non-ochlarchical, anarchists. This will  take long time. To abolish prisons everybody must be developed to peaceful, non-ochlarchical, anarchists first. That will take a long time. The anarchist international has only about 50 000 networkmembers/subscribers in groups and individuals. It will take a long time to educate the world’s population of about 7 000 000 000 to peaceful, non-ochlarchical, anarchists. This is far from certain is possible, and only possible in a very far future. Short-term necessity for prisons is not likely that “familiar slippery slope that Lenin/Bolsheviks slipped down”. Far from… Thus, for today and in the near future prisons are a necessity.

PS. 28.02.2024. The daily newspaper "Ta Nea" (Τα Νέα), which means "The News", mentions 28.02.2024 on the front page the title "Criminal and anarchist networks were dismantled". This newspaper is related  to the Panhellenic Sosialist Movement a.k.a. PASOK, i.e. authoritarian marxists.

Below is a part of the article translated from Greek:

"A network of eight to ten criminal defendants for robberies, drugs and attempted murder, as well as anti-authoritarian with an organizational role (previously involved in bank robberies), who recently carried out bomb attacks in Athens and Larissa, was dismantled by the Anti-Terrorism Service. In particular, it carried out investigations in the prisons of Larissa and Domokos, as it is believed that prisoners in the said prisons are related to explosions in a bank in Petralona, in the offices of a construction company in Athens - for which the organization "Sympraksis Ekdikisis" (Partnership of Revenge) had assumed responsibility - as well as in attacks against penitentiaries in Haidari and Larissa. The same group, in fact, is being thoroughly investigated for its possible involvement in the sending a month ago of a file-bomb with a high-powered explosive to the president of Appeals of Thessaloniki, which had handled a case of merging the sentences of one of the members of the network. The confirmation of such an event would justify the police who speculate that the sending of the explosive device that did not explode (the responsibility was assumed by the first-appearing Armed Response) was not symbolic but aimed at the vengeful extermination of the judicial official, while it would also cause a bloodbath in the Thessaloniki courts . They are in fact criminals together with marxist provocateurs – terrorists and ochlarchists." @-Greetings PF.

The IAT hands out Brown Cards to "Ta Nea", PASOK and the ultra-authoritarian ochlarchy groups Sympraksis Ekdikisis" (Partnership of Revenge) and Armed Response for breaking the Oslo Convention. These two groups are far from anarchists, but extremists and ultra-authoritaran marxists.


"The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil," Albert Einstein wrote in his essay "Why Socialism?" published in the first issue of Monthly Review (May 1949). Einstein may be an important thinker in physics, but he is quite uninformed of real political economy and social organization research, where capitalism proven beyond reasonable doubt is nothing but economical plutarchy.

Thus the statement "anarchy of capitalist society" is practically certain an oxymoron, 'anarchy-plutarchy', and thus not a scientific statement. Anarchy is socialism [and autonomy], significant, and the IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to Albert Einstein post mortem, for this Orwellian "1984" newspeak statement, similar to Big Brother's statement "peace is war".

Anarchy and capitalism = economical plutarchy, are opposites, similar to the opposites "peace and war". Thus practically certain a significant capitalist society can not be an anarchy. Albert Einstein is creating conceptual chaos, an authoritarian Orwellian Big Brother newspeak-tendency, and are thus breaking the Oslo Convention, and deserves the Brown Card, for this authoritarian statement.   


Post-mortem Sergei Nechaev a.k.a. Sergey Nechayev, François Claudius Koenigstein, known as Ravachol, the criminal Bonnot mob, Émile Henry, Leon Frank Czolgosz and other terrorists falsely posing as 'anarchists' (i.e. provocateurs), in the past have got the Brown Card, and have thus got their expulsion from the anarchist movement post mortem. These terrorist ochlarchists falsely posing as anarchists have really never been a part of the anarchist movement, but been ochlarchist infiltrators to the movement.

It is an historical mistake to include these persons in the anarchist movement, as they were ochlarchist infiltrators - not really anarchists. They were ordinary criminals, ochlarchist terrorists posing as "anarchists", and acting according to the authoritarian travesty of 'anarchy', but not anarchism. This however happened long time ago, in a time with heavy repression against the anarchist international, with a lot of infiltration by a) police provokers, who did a lot to discredit the anarchist movement, and b) a red&brown Leninistoid group called Blanquists, etc. The Blanquists etc. were RAF (Baader Meinhof, Maoist Marxist-Leninists) type of groups at that time, and they also managed to use a few naive persons as "useful" idiots. This is understandable, but not defendable. Terrorism is not a part of real anarchism. 'Propaganda of the deed' is specific political action meant to be exemplary to others, and has as such nothing to do with terrorism.

Both Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta condemned the terrorism. Proudhon denounced terrorism i.e. the Blanquists, Bakunin denounced Nechaev, see IJA 4 (31), Kropotkin wrote: "a structure based on centuries of history cannot be destroyed with a few kilos of explosives." Malatesta wrote: "He who throws a bomb and kills a pedestrian, declares that as a victim of society he has rebelled against society. But could not the poor victim object: 'Am I society?' ", etc. As far as IAT knows neither Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin nor Malatesta urged terrorism or participated in terrorism themselves.

The terrorist ochlarchists, ultra-authoritarian infiltrators to the Anarchist Movement, i.e. provocateurs, mainly leftist, marxist, communist type of infiltrators, started with the Blanquists, Nechayevists, Ravacholists, Mostists, Henryists, the Bonnotists, Czolgosists, etc. and continue today in the Libcomists, the Risupists, Antifa/AFA, 'Anarquismo', 'A-Infos', Blitz, Black Bloc and similar, mainly controlled by Trotskyites and other communists, say, marxist-leninists (ml). Their propaganda is easy to spot, they are "engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression" (, but not 1. against THE STATE (vertical organization broadly defined, including ochlarchy), and they are not 2. for horizontal organization (liberal social-democracy = real democracy = libertaire = anarchist), as 3. the Anarchists are 100%. They all, the provocateurs & ochlarchist terrorists, have got BROWN CARDS by IAT-APT and are thus expulsed from the Anarchist Movement. ALL OF THEM!

De facto: ochlarchy (mob rule including terrorism) and anarchy & ochlarchists (including terrorists) and anarchists are opposites as peace and war. To say de facto ochlarchy is anarchy and ochlarchists (including terrorists) are anarchists are lies equal to peace is war (remember Big Brother's Ministry of Truth in Orwell's "1984"). This is proven as a practically certain truth beyond reasonable doubt in the 3 resolutions in the Preamble to IAT-APT International Branch. The proof speaks for itself, but more than 50 000 anarchists confirming the validity of the proof in 2010 add weight behind.

That terrorists sailing under false anarchist flag wrongly have been labeled as anarchists historically, mainly in authoritarian Orwellian Big Brother newspeak lying historical works, shall of course not set precedence for now and in the future. Faults of the past should never be repeated. And history books and similar should be corrected so the newspeak lies are removed. And similar faults of today in the newsmedia broadly defined should of course also be corrected. To promote such a policy the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to persons and organizations breaking the Oslo Convention in this connection.

NRK-Dagsrevyen 22.05.2004 is wrongly mixing up a terrorist ochlarchist in Spain in the past with an anarchist, and thus gets a Brown Card. 01.06.2012 Lars Gule in the Breivik case falsely calls Émile Henry 'anarchist' and gets a Brown Card.

Frank Aarebrot at NRK 2 28.10.2016 is mixing up a terrorist ochlarchist in USA (probably Czolgos) with an anarchist, and thus gets a Brown Card. Wikipedia is also falsely calling Czolgosz an anarchist and gets a Brown Card.

IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to Klassekampen (25.02.2017), Øyvind Strømmen and Nikolai Sitter, for falsely putting blame for terrorism on Bakunin, based on Sitter's book "Terrorismens historie - Attentat og terrorbekjempelse fra Bakunin til IS".

14.06.2017 at ABC-Nyheter, Nick Sitter, a.k.a. Nikolai Sitter, continues his crusade against anarchism, falsely calling the ochlarchist terrorism in the past "anarkistisk terrorisme" - anarchist terrorism. He is thus breaking the Oslo Convention and IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to Nick Sitter and ABC-Nyheter, as well as Klassekampen and BI Business Review, where Sitter's article was earlier published.

07.09.2018 professor in political science Bernt Hagtvedt in a lecture about fascism at NRK 2 is mixing up terrorist ochlarchists with anarchists in the past, declaring "Anarkister skjøt villig vekk...", and thus gets a Brown Card. NRK 2 also gets a Brown Card.

See for more information.


The Anarchy of the Oceans, it is the most extensive economic political system on planet Earth. It is not an ideal type of anarchism, close to 100% degree of anarchy, but still it is in general, unless special cases now and then, here or there, significant, i.e. more than 50 % anarchist. Anarchy is freedom without harming others' freedom, i.e. co-operation without coercion, ideally or practically. Economic freedom at others' expense, in the ocean, i.e. chaos and over-fishing. When resources are scarce, horizontal organization is the means to avoid freedom at others' expense, and secure the Anarchy of the Oceans. This may be done in at least three ways: 1. Public NGO, similar to the Swiss local direct democracy, among the concerned, 2. Economic democracy, similar to agricultural co-operatives, 3. Market of quotas, - or a combination. In all three cases, sanctions against "free riders" and ochlarchists/ochlarchy in general are a part of the solution. One sanction is receiving a Brown Card from the International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT), for breaking the Oslo Convention.

24.03.2024 China ruled by Xi JinPing & Co. has got Brown Cards from IAT for breaking the Oslo Convention, i.e. for bullying and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) in general in the South China Sea, a part of the Anarchy of the Oceans.

The "Labor party" administration, at NRK-Dagsrevyen 3.8.1995 talks about the anarchy of the oceans, in the meaning of chaos. The anarchy of the oceans, it is as mentioned the most extensive economic political system on planet Earth. Anarchy is freedom without harming others' freedom, i.e. co-operation without coercion. Economic freedom at others' expense, in the ocean, i.e. chaos and over fishing. When resources are scarce, horizontal organization is the means to avoid freedom at others' expense, and secure the anarchy of the oceans. This may be done in at least three ways: 1. Public NGO, similar to the Swiss local direct democracy, among the concerned, 2. Economic democracy, similar to agricultural co-operatives, 3. Market of quotas, - or a combination. In all three cases, sanctions against "free riders" are a part of the solution... The International anarchist movement denounces this mix of anarchy and chaos by the Norwegian "Labor party" and NRK-Dagsrevyen, and similar cases in the media all over the world.

Notoriously authoritarian spokesmen, reporters, etc., breaking the Oslo-convention of 1990 severely or several times, will receive a Brown Card from the Anarchist Press Tribunal as a symbol of free criticism...

Another Brown Card goes to Ragnar Kvam Junior and the editors of Dagsrevyen 28.08.2001 at the Norwegian State TV NRK for mixing up anarchy and anarchist conditions with authoritarian tendencies connected to the refugees problem at the Norwegian ship Tampa outside Australia. More about this event at: The Tampa case.


The media sometimes present "Gateavisa" as an "anarchist organ", which is not true. "Gateavisa" is a "counter cultural" organ registered by itself, and supported economically by the Norwegian state, as a cultural periodical. Thus, it is not a political organ. The "counter culture" however reflects in various proportions marxist, liberal, populist, and anarchist tendencies, and so does "Gateavisa". Say, drug liberalism is not a part of the anarchist concept. Interview with the ultra-authoritarian marxist Johan Galtung, without libertarian critical remarks, and the left wing marxist Herbert Marcuse presented as "the philosoph of freedom" may also be mentioned, as well as reports from the mainly populist New Age "Alternativ Festival" arranged by the so called "Alternativt Nettverk", spreading astrology, quasiscientifical, religious and occultist propaganda. Besides "Gateavisa" is a satirical paper, officially without defamatory power since the early 1980-ties...

As far as we know the only offically mandated and publicly registered political organ of the anarchist movement is International Journal of Anarchism/Folkebladet ISSN 0800 0220, and it is not supported by the state or commercial interests either. Anarchism is a political concept.....

Having Kumbel's famous notion on joking in mind, we must ask the media to stop calling "Gateavisa" "anarchist organ", because it is not, and promotes chaos. The international anarchist movement denounces these authoritarian doings, and doesn't accept the use of the word "anarchist organ" in this connection, which is disinformation. Notoriously authoritarian reporters, spokesmen, editors, etc, breaking the Oslo-convention of 1990 severely or several times, will receive a Brown card from the Anarchist Press Tribunal as a symbol of free criticism...

Similar Brown Card warnings are related to "Spunk Press", presenting a mix of "anarchist, alternative and underground", "Tigerden - Love and Rage @-fed."(later closed down), and other more or less disordered "counter-cultural" or "alternative" groups and organs all over the world... Promoters of contradictions from "anarcho-marxism", via "anarcho-populism" to "anarcho-capitalism"; i.e. marxism, populism, and liberalism in a state of confusion, and thus not anarchism, anarchy or anarchist...

The so called Libertarian Party in the USA and the "anarcho-capitalists", have probably not the full understanding of the realities concerning economical plutarchy, i.e. capitalism, and thus not anarchy, i.e. libertarian/libertaire/freiheitliches/frihetlig. Thus, to be taken seriously, they should both agree to be semi-libertarian, i.e. to the right on the Economic-Political map, outside the Quadrant of Anarchism (if not right wing extremists or fascists in disguise). In Baltikum an "anarchist organization", appeared on a web-page decorated with swasticas. Thus we have probably nazis that openly act as anarchists. It must also be mentioned that nazi-skinheads appeared at the open anarchist-conference in Stockholm 1983, wanting to "join the anarchist-movement", of course for provoking and compromising the anarchists. They were however put at place by the Northern IFA-secretariate in a firm way at this event. But of course probably they try elsewhere all of the time, and sometimes less openly.

A special Brown Card warning goes to Kaj Skagen, a Norwegian left populist "light" author and follower of Rudolf Steiner, "explaining" anarcho-individualism as a dangerous and especially destructive form of alcoholism, leading to suicide, in his essay "Metafysikk eller selvmord", Cappelen 1996, and "Jens Bjørneboe og antroposofien" p. 16 Aft.p. 20.01.1997. This says perhaps the most about the intellectual capacity of the so called Devakan, the imaginary "world bank of knowledge" of Rudolf Steiner and his supporters!

Populists/fascists posing as libertarian, anarchist and/or anti-authoritarian are well known. Jürg Haider's "Freiheitliches Partei"/"Libertarian Party" in Austria is more or less fascist. The populist Frp in Norway at the Stortings election 2001 declared themselves as "the most anti-authoritarian party in Norway", probably to get votes from the anarchists and other real democrats. This was of course rejected by the anarchists. Although there is probably (still) a small faction of more or less libertarian to the right within the Fr.p, they are far from a majority and have little to none influence. Several groups of "anarcho-nationalists" have appeared on Internet. None of these groups have anything to do with anarchism on the economical-political map. They are all just populists/fascists in disguise. See below for more information on this problem.

Anarcho-individualism , i.e. individualist anarchism and mutualism rooted back to Pierre- Joseph Proudhon, etc., with Benjamin Tucker as a typical theorist, and updated to our generation by others, is not much more of a mental challenge than being a member of the Norwegian co-op "Samvirkelag". Anarcho-individualism is also to work independent on equal footing, say, individually as farmers, or together as a hairdressers' cooperative. Furthermore, atheism, as well as to be a teetotaller, are encouraged by anarchism, included anarcho-individualism. Thus, it is not anarchist to bow for "King Alcohol" and spiritualism. Mentally, the idea of anarcho-individualism is no danger to anyone, it probably contributes to a feel good factor, and to make people more robust against stress than averagely. It must be mentioned that Kaspar Schmidt's, alias Max Stirner's, teutonian individualism, must be seen all in all and with irony, not partially and literally, to be understood in an anarchist way, and it is more supplemental to anarcho-individualism. In this context, Kant's brief definition of anarchy: Right/justice and freedom without violence; should also be remembered. Thus, the author Jens Bjørneboe's problem was obviously not the mental challenge of anarcho-individualism.

By the way, Jens Bjørneboe is called the most important Norwegian poetical writer after Henrik Ibsen. Both Henrik Ibsen and Jens Bjørneboe were anarchists. Politically Bjørneboe was early influenced by liberalism and the syndicalist populism of Rudolf Steiner. Later he turned towards bohemian marxism. At the age of 46 years, he declared to be an anarchist, an economic-political flash perhaps lasting a bit longer than his later Goodbye to the alcohol (Farvel til alkoholen). However, Bjørneboe's anarchism is not always easy to identify in his stories, mainly due to chaotic fantasies or retrospective elements related to the liberal, populist and marxist days. His main writings on anarchism are quoted in a report published by Anarkistenes organisasjon i Norden . The strange circumstances around the early violent death of Jens Bjørneboe, have never been thoroughly investigated. This could be discussed more, perhaps also in a perspective similar to the Lund commission. It is however also said Bjørneboe had problems with the health, mainly with the liver, due to drinking. Others say he got the drinking problem under control, and that he was working optimistically on an anarchist historical play, in his latest days. Some notes to such a play are known.

Mentioning syndicalism, broadly defined, revolutionary or reformist, there are different political tendencies related to the Economic-political map, i.e. anarchist, marxist (state-socialist), liberal, or populist and fascist. Some labor organizations may include several political tendencies. Anarchism and anarchosyndicalism mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and cooperation without coercion, practically or ideally. To put it simple: Negation de l'autorite et de tout povoir. Thus, the concepts of worker's and people's power (arbeidermakt, folkemakt) are not anarchist concepts. Economic-political power means authoritarian systems, they who have power are superiors in contrast to subordinates; i.e. bureaucracy, oligarchy, ochlarchy (mob rule), polyarchy, economical or political plutarchy, or similar, and not the people. Thus, power to the people is contradictory, people power and workers' power are oxymorons, and are practically speaking impossible. Thus, any group calling for power to the people (folkemakt, arbeidermakt) is a fraud, and represents authoritarian policy, and often ochlarchy including chaos.

Samfunnspartiet, founded by Bertram D. Brochmann, is not anarchist. The young Brochman was relatively libertarian, but he ended up as populist "light".

To the left (not upwards) on the Economic-Political map, we have the followers of the former Soviet communist party. The Russian marxists, and state-socialists in other countries, have had a bad habit of putting up several black flags fronting their mass of red flags at demonstrations in the latest years. These marxists posing as "anarchists", i.e. "anarcho-syndicalists", "anarcho-bolsheviks", etc. included, are authoritarian, and sometimes terrorists or similar, and of course have no relations to the anarchist movement. This type of bad habit is not new: The echoes of the social democrat Lenin's marxist, tactical posing as "anarchist", talking about "anarchist's theories" in a somewhat positive way and "withering away of the state" in his book "The state and revolution" of 1917, while he and his comrades Stalin and Trotsky and other state-socialists were doing everything to create a totalitarian state and union behind the back of the people, and imprisoning and killing anarchists, are still to be heard!

No anarchist would suggest that these and similar marxistoid "anarchists" should be taken seriously as anarchists! And the trotskyist based "Love and rage - Revolutionary Anarchist Federation" in the USA (later closed down), Ken Loach and the marxist POUM propaganda movie "Tierra y Libertad"- Land and Freedom - etc., Peter Bach and some fake, selfstyled "ABC-groups", Majordomo "A-infos":..."spreading the virus"?!, Carter Butts, Luthor Gaylord's trotskyist IWW and Jamal Hannah's "IWW-organization" promoting a mix of marxists as Gramsci and Herbert Marcuse etc, some marxists falsely posing as 'anarchists' (provocateurs), and a dash of real anarchism, presented at different web-sites, i.e. "anarchist", "libertarian", "punk terrorist", "anarcho-syndicalist" etc., should not be taken more seriously! "Leftism" is not anarchism! Anarchism is upwards on the Economical Politcal Map! (If you don't turn it round). The Industrial Workers of the World - IWW (that must not be mixed up with the anarchosyndicalist International Workers of the World, IWW/AI, see, in general of today is neither an anarchist nor anarchosyndicalist nor liberatrian organization, it is a mainly a marxist syndicalistic organization of basically communist Trotskyite type and Lubbeist socialistic tendencies. Allthough not itself saying it is libertarian or syndicalist directly, the Industrial-WW, on many web-sites have been wrongly classified as anarchosyndiclaist or libertarian socialist. One good thing must however be said about the Industrial-WW. They clearly states on their (unofficial, but main) web-site, that they are not the anarchosyndicalist International-WW, i.e. the IWW/AI.

IWW/AI is also against the "all workers - one union" strategy of the Industrial-WW and others, that reminds anarchists of the Soviet Union, and their intrigues, lies and smearstories related to Jamal Hannah & co at against the Anarchist International and its sections, similar to Marx's intrigues etc. against Bakunin in the First International. Nobody should link up to this student commie type joke of an "industrial union" nor take it seriously. Boycott "Industrial-WW"! They also may see this as a strong Brown Card warning. If they don't correct the smearstories and lies, they may soon get the Brown Card. [Later Jamal Hannah & co got a Brown Card]

There are, as indicated above, several other marxist groups and fascists/neonazis posing as "anarchosyndicalists", "anarchobolsheviks", "anarchonationalists", "revolutionary syndicalists" etc. Say, in Sweden 1999 a real anarchosyndicalist Björn Söderberg of SAC was killed by two nazis, after trying to stop the fascist infiltration in a union-club. 23.10.1999 about 20-40000 persons all over Sweden demonstrated against fascism and to honor the memory of the brave syndicalist.

As mentioned the Anarchist Conference in Stockholm, arranged by the Nordic IFA secretariate and the Swedish section of the Anarchist International, in 1983, several neonazi skinheads tried to infiltrate the movement, but strong measures were taken to stop these dangerous intruders. These effort of the Anarchist International was however a good investment.... Our fellows at SAC have, as mentioned, been less lucky dealing with this problem. All neonazis falsely posing as 'anarchists', including so called "national anarchists", "nationalist anarchists", "national libertarians", "third positionists" and similar, have got Brown Cards from the IAT-APT and are thus expulsed from the anarchist movement.

The IAT calls on all anarchists, anarchosyndicalists included, to be on the alert against authoritarian infiltration: Fascists, nazists, trotskyite, lubbeists, red brigades, etc. A stitch in time saves nine - better look before you leap, i.e. organizations ruined, persons being wounded or be killed. "The fight against fascism begins with the fight against bolshevism" (Otto Rühle)

Not to mention the Norwegian marxist social democrat Turid Larsen, mixing up "Knoll og Tott" , i.e. the "Katzenjammer Twins", mob rule tendencies, similar to some secret services "stay behind" type ochlarchy, with anarchism and "anarchist twins", in Arbeiderbladet 17.01.1997. Say, the Norwegian Labor Party's (AP's) Arne "Knoll" Treholt, spying for KGB, and Arvid "Tott" Engen, the so called Spider of Jessheim, were by no means acting like anarchists. They were by all means marxists, and represent probably only the tip of the iceberg, i.e. chaotic bureaucratic secret service type tendencies, still present, and a problem in the Norwegian society as well as internationally. By the way, talking about comic stars and similar: "Judge Dredd" at TV 1000 cannot fight both chaos and anarchy, i.e. order.

Carter Butts' proposed "definition" of anarchy: "Any form of societal organization without a ruler or other form of centralized, coercive control," is quite funny, as it is so vague that a) not only all semi-libertarian ideologies become "anarchy", but also b) most of trotskyist and leninist sects, left wing extremists, as well as free marketers and right wing extremists, rioters and mob rule; and thus c) this "definition" is contradictive and meaningless . IFA-IAF-AI is by no means sectarian, but to have an open mind, is not the same as to blow out the brains...

A similar "definition" is discussed at the IFA-IAF introduction page, and we shall repeat and continue this discussion here:

Anarchy is the highest form of social order, and thus "chaotic anarchy" is similar to "chaotic-order" = "chaotic non-chaotic", i.e. a contradiction and meaningless. An example of a chaotic, and thus not valid proposed "definition" of anarchy, is the following: "Anarchy means without ruler or any form of centralized, coercive government." In real terms this definition excludes monarchy, but does not rule out decentralized forms of plutarchy (capitalism), oligarchy (majority or minority dictatorship), hierarchy (significant rank or economic differences, or government by guru/priests), polyarchy (many rulers) and ochlarchy (mob rule) from the concept of anarchy, and thus is contradictive. A definition of anarchy which does not exclude plutarchy, hierarchy, oligarchy, polysrchy and ochlarchy in a proper way, is of course not valid, and thus wrong similar to Orwellian "1984-newspeak" or a definition of 2+2 = 3 or 4 or 5, which does contradict reality for all known things as we know them, because no thing doubles itself or disappears by itself arbitrary at the same moment, in reality. And thus 2+2=4, and nothing else. 2+2=3 or 2+2=5 is wrong. Magic and contradictions are fraud or virtual reality, not reality, as far as we know it today. Anarchist systems may be anarcho-communist, -collectivist, -individualist, or other, i.e. social individualist anarchism; social anarchy, anarchism and federalism etc. included. Thus, there are four sectors within the anarchist quadrant of the economic-political world & map, not three or five.

A system or society cannot at the same time be both anarchist and non-anarchist, i.e. chaotic. If a system is chaotic, it is not found in the anarchist quadrant on the EP map, but left, down or right. Anarchist policy is typically consistent, flexible, but not opportunistic, related to principles; while authoritarian policy typically is chaotic, opportunistic, conglomerate aggregates. Economic-political power corrupts, and total power corrupts absolutely. Conflicts among "states within the state", and olig- and other archical corruption, repression, coercion and other chaotic behavior, i.e. mutually included, are well known. Chaos is typically found at more than 67% authoritarian degree below zero, i.e. basically totalitarian systems.

The degree of anarchy is 100% minus the authoritarian degree, i.e. within the anarchist quadrant. Systems with authoritarian degree less than 50% outside the anarchist quadrant are semi-libertarian, i.e. not significant authoritarian, but not anarchist. Thus, mixed concepts as anarcho- capitalism, liberalism, marxism, populism, statism, chaos, authoritarian, totalitarian, etc. are all contradictions, inconsistent and meaningless. Thus, they are not anarchy, anarchist, or anarchism, but something else, outside the Anarchist Quadrant on the Economical Political Map. A system's coordinates cannot practically be located in two or more quadrants of the map at the same time. A system's coordinates reflect the system seen all in all, i.e. what is significant.


Anarchists against political extremism  

Political extremism is typically use of,  or threat of use of, violence against persons and/or things, to achieve political aims. Political extremism is authoritarian, ochlarchist (ochlarchy = mob rule), the opposite of anarchist, according to the Oslo Convention. Persons doing political extremism are ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists, and are thus expelled from the anarchist movement, regardless of  what they may claim to be. Such ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist  movement, get an expelling Brown Card from the International Anarchist Tribunal, for breaking the Oslo Convention.  The only violence accepted by anarchists is violence, proportionate, in self defense, i.e. not political extremism. Anarchism is neither pacifism, nor political extremism, terrorism included.

An extremist, person or organization, is the same as totalitarian on the EP-map, i.e. with more than 666 per thousand, or about 67%, authoritarian degree. Leftwing extremists or just left extremists to the left of the middle of the map, and rightwing extremists or just right extremists to the right of the middle. On the EP map leftwing extremists are leftist ultra-fascists, most of left fascists, some leftist populists, a little more than half of the state-communists (leninists and maoists), and about 1/3 of left socialists. Rightwing extremists are rightist ultra-fascists, most of right fascists, some rightist populists, a little more than half of the conservative liberalists, and about 1/3 right liberalists. These figures refer to types of system, not number of persons. Anarchists are far from extremists, they are from the middlepoint and upwards on the map, not far left or far right, with 50% or less authoritarian degree. Extremists and totalitarians are practically certain either marxists, populists/fascists or liberalists, never anarchists.

Extremism typically also has social psychological roots. Keywords are mass hypnotic suggestion, totalitarian personality disorder, physical and psychical violence, a paranoid twisted travesty of reality, and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including criminality. Typically present is a form of charismatic leadership in the meaning a special quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination and inspires unswerving allegiance and devotion. Totalitarian personality disorder typically appears among both leadership and followers, rank and file, although sometimes in different forms. It may also appear at a single person or small sects, and in polyarchical networks. The main hallmark of totalitarian personality disorder is a significant will to cow, broadly defined, or support for such people or organizations.

The anarchists condemn all forms of extremism.

BROWN CARD TO BERLUSCONI, ETC, below for more information

So called "autonomous" groups are marxist, not anarchist

The same is valid for so called "insurrectionalist" groups

Socialism is devided in autonomous socialism = anarchism, and statist socialism = marxism, on the economical-political map. Marxism may be semilibertarian = authoritarian degree is < 50%, or authoritarian = authoritarian degree > 50%, se map at . All authoritarian socialism is marxism, never anarchism. So called "autonomous" groups are political extremists, i.e. authoritarian, and anti-capitalist, i.e. socialist (unless fascists in disguise). Political extremism is use of,  or threat of use of, violence against persons and/or things, to achieve political aims. Political extremism is authoritarian, ochlarchist (ochlarchy = mob rule), the opposite of anarchist, according to the Oslo Convention, see Persons doing political extremism are ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists, and are thus expelled from the anarchist movement, regardless of  what they may claim to be. Such ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist  movement, get an expelling Brown Card from the International Anarchist Tribunal, for breaking the Oslo Convention. So called "autonomous" groups are usually marxist, authoritarian socialist, leftwing extremists and provocateurs, not anarchist, on the economical-political map. And thus so called "autonomous" groups don't represent  autonomous socialism, i.e. anarchism, although they may use some anarchist and autonomous phrases. So called "autonomous" groups are marxist, not anarchist, and in reality not significant autonomous, but authoritarian, based on statism, i.e. significant. They are acting like states within the state, protostates,  doing authoritarian statism, marxism not anarchism. Anarchism is the progressive middle on the economical political map, not far left or far right. The criticism of so called "autonomous" groups is also valid for so called "insurrectional" groups, i.e. nothing but vanguardist ochlarchists, leftwing extremists and provocateurs. They only work according to the fascist strategy of making chaos, falsely rename it "anarchy", and later call for the "strong man". Real anarchists go for velvet revolutions, not ochlarchy.

Squatting may very often be seen as similar to having a free lunch and let others pay the bill, i.e. slave for the squatter one way or the other. Squatting and the squatter movement are typically 1. communism with kleptarchy, or 2. communist kleptarchy (both 1. and 2. significant ochlarchy), i.e. in both cases 1. and 2. significant authoritarian, and thus not anarchy, anarchist and anarchism. Squatting is also theft, and theft is capitalism. Squatters infiltrating the anarchist movement, get an expelling Brown Card from the International Anarchist Tribunal, for breaking the Oslo Convention.


COPENHAGEN 16.12.2006 - More than 300 demonstrators were arrested in the Danish capital on Saturday after violent clashes between police and youths who were protesting against the planned closure of an "autonomous" youth center in the city. Several hundred demonstrators threw cobblestones, bottles and fireworks at police and erected blazing barricades made from Christmas trees, trash cans and bicycles. It was extremely violent. It looked like a war zone. Police responded with tear gas attacks and split the main crowd of demonstrators into several smaller ones using armored cars. Groups of demonstrators walked toward the city center smashing shop windows, leaving a trail of destruction. The conflict over the "autonomous" youth center has been brewing since 2000 when local government sold the building that houses the center. Left-wing activists, including provocateurs, have been using the center as a base since 1982. The current owners have a court order to have the squatters evicted but the youths have sworn to protect the house and have repeatedly called for a political solution. Danish media reported that at least four police officers and several demonstrators were injured in the clashes. Some newsmedia reported that, among others, "anarchists" were behind the riots. But this is not true, the rioters were left wing marxist ochlarchists, provocateurs, not anarchists. They get a Brown Card and are thus expulsed from the anarchist movement.



A "litmus test" of whether marxists, fascists, anarchists or liberalists are behind terrorism

Briefly defined terrorism is "rule by terror", i.e. 1. The act of terrorizing; use of terror and violence to intimidate, subjugate, etc. especially as a political weapon or policy and intimidation and subjugation so produced 2. A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation. 3. Unlawful acts of violence committed in an organized attempt to overthrow a government. In short and typically: A terrorist is an armed person that deliberately attacks unarmed persons, especially innocent civilians. Thus, the al-Qaeda attacks on the WTC and Pentagon are clearly terrorism, and the anti-terrorist coalition's attacks are mainly not terrorism. Some terrorist groups issue warnings before bomb attacks and/or similar. According to 1.-3. this is still terrorism. Terrorism is a form of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), significant.

1. Terrorism is extremist, ultra-authoritarian acts, de facto very much a top down approach, se notes on extremism and anarchy at IAT-APT International Branch. Extremism is either marxist, fascist or liberalist, practically certain not anarchist, because an anarchist acting ultra-authoritarian/extremist stops to be an anarchist, and will be expulsed from the anarchist movement. All terrorists falsely called anarchists historically are expulsed from the anarchist movement post mortem, because they were not real anarchists. And all terrorists falsely called anarchists, of our time, are in general also expulsed from the anarchist movement via Brown Cards by IAT-APT. NB! Terrorists are thus not anarchists! The only violence anarchists accept is defensive violence, proportionate, in self defense, a bottom up approach, and that excludes terrorism, a top down approach.

To be an anarchist or not is per definition dependent on what you do, not what you say you are or flag or be called by the newsmedia or others. It is not the outspoken aim - agenda, if any, that counts. The real aim is the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions, if any. Anarchist actions are actions that in consequence move (or keep) the social organization in horizontal direction, and that excludes terrorism because this is actions that in consequence have a top down approach, vertical organization - a form of government. Terrorists and terrorism may be anti-government in the meaning against the present government, but terrorism is in itself government - ochlarchy and ochlarchist, and thus not anarchist or anarchy. Practically certain anarchism and anarchy cannot be created by the opposite - ochlarchy and ochlarchism - a form of government/state.

2. Terrorist actions are extremist/ultra-authoritarian and if capitalist/economical plutarchist, typically profit-motivated, the action is either fascist or liberalist, not anarchist or marxist. Ultra-authoritarian fascists in consequence also act for a "strong man", extremist liberalists not. Fascist terrorists often also have nationalist motives. Liberalist and fascist terrorism are rightwing extremism (with the rare exception of left-fascist/populist/nazi etc. terrorism which is a form of leftwing extremism).

3. If extremist acts are anti-capitalist, they are socialist, and thus ultra-authoritarian socialism, i.e. a form of marxism - governmental/state-socialism, not liberalist or fascist, and not anarchist. What is a hallmark of marxist  extremism? Violent attacks on symbols of capitalism and/or the (capitalist - according to marxism) state is a marxist strategy of vanguardism, similar to the marxist-leninist terrorist organizations the Italian Red Brigades (BR) and German RAF (Baader Meinhof), etc. Anarchists see extremist symbolic actions on capitalism and statism as futile vis-a-vis changing the social organization in horizontal direction - the anarchist aim and strategy, and thus such actions are practically certain not done by anarchists, see also 1 and 2. So if there are extremist attacks on symbols of capitalism and state, it is marxist leftwing extremists, not anarchists behind. Thus terrorism that attacks symbols of capitalism and state, are done by marxist extremists, leftwingers, and not anarchists.

In short: persons that are anti-capitalist, i.e. socialist, and terrorist ochlarchist, and thus de facto authoritarian  - are authoritarian socialists - government/state-socialists, i.e. marxists - not anarchists. They may be anti-government, in the meaning against the present government, but terrorism is in itself government - ochlarchy and ochlarchist, and thus not anarchist or anarchy. Persons that try to replace one form of goverment - the present - introducing another form of government - ochlarchy, are not anarchists. Practically certain anarchism and anarchy cannot be created by the opposite - ochlarchy and ochlarchism - a form of government/state. Ochlarchists including terrorists are the opposite of anarchists. Anti-capitalist terrorists (ochlarchists) are de facto marxists - not anarchists - and should thus never be labeled anarchists, but instead be called what they really are - marxists.

4. Using this "litmus test", 1-3 we find that most terrorism world wide is done by marxist, leftwing, extremists, or rightwing extremists, practically certain never anarchists. In the future the people, police, authorities and newsmedia should use this "litmus test" when reporting about who is behind terrorism.

5. To mix up opposites as anarchists with terrorists, a form of ochlarchists, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. Ochlarchists and anarchists are opposites. Such Big Brother notes in the media also produce copycat ochlarchists and terrorists - mainly mislead youths, falsely posing as "anarchists". It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards, as free criticism of this authoritarian tendency - according to the Oslo Convention, - to newsmedia and others that are spreading such disinformation.

6. In addition to 1.-5. only a few facts are necessary to find out whether marxists, fascists, anarchists or liberalists are behind terrorism. And terrorists are practically certain not anarchists!

The provocateur club "FC 55", "Freedom Club - 55", called Unabomber by FBI, has notoriously been mixing up anarchy etc., with chaos, terrorism and similar authoritarian tendencies, since the new nazi wave started in the seventies. The Unabomber (Theodore Kaczynski) is a psychopathic killer and FC 55 also is a +3 code for IF 88, i.e. International Fascists, Hail Hitler, as in Zorn 88.

The typical fascist tactic of creating chaos (ochlarchy = mob rule broadly defined), falsely naming it "anarchy", i.e. "libertarian" or "freiheitliches" etc., and (later) call for the "strong man" and a totalitarian arch/archy, to do away with the "anarchy", is internationally well known. This will however practically certain only result in another form of ochlarchy and no real law and order for the people seen as a class opposed to the superiors, i.e. archs, in private and public sector, economically and/or political/administrative, i.e. in income and/or rank. Other ultra-authoritarian groups of marxist and liberalist origin have often similar tactics. This tactic is just an extension of the very frequent Orwellian "1984" Big Brother type newspeak calling ochlarchy falsely "anarchy" to support archy in general, i.e. x-archy, where x can be anything but not 'an'; in itself an ultra-authoritarian tendency of newsmedia, etc, mentioned in the Oslo Convention. Anarchy is however not ochlarchy, but real democracy.

Among other cases, in Norway the DKP, promoting "anarchy" with fascist methods, and Frp may be mentioned; in Germany FAP, RAF (Baader Meinhof); Greece the MK & Enraged Wolves; Autonomous Cells of Rebel Action, Anarchist Liberation Brigade, Overthrow Anarchist Faction, May 15, Brass Knuckle Anarchist Punks, Anarchist Group of Virona, Last Generation, Anarchist Faction, Uncontrolled Rage, Children of Fire, Anti-Establishment Nucleus, Anarchist Struggle, Anarchists' Attack Group (AAG), Burning Path (Flegomeno Monopati), Anarchist Street Patrol, 21 June, Anti-Statist Justice (Antistatlig rättvisa); France The Group Bakounine Gdansk Paris Guatemala Salvador (GBGPSG), Action Directe International (ADi), Action Directe; Italy Sardinian Autonomy Movement (MAS), Solidarieta Internazionale, Sinistra Ante Parlamentare, Informal Anarchist Federation (Federazione Anarchia Informale a.k.a. Federazione Anarchica Informale), Fronte Rivoluzionario del Comunismo (FRC), Cooperative of Hand-Made Fire and Related Items (Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini), Proletarian Nuclei for Communism (Nuclei Proletari per Comunismo – NPC), The Five C's, Brigata XX Luglio, Brigata Arrabbiata, Red Brigades (Brigate Rosse); Spain Los Anarquistas and similar groups; Austria - Freiheitliches Partei of Jürg Haider; Sweden the "olympian bomber" and Frihetsfronten, sometimes called "anarcho"-capitalists i.e. extreme free marketers. ["Anarcho"-capitalism, i.e. anarcho-plutarchy, a contradiction]."Insurrectional anarchism", i.e. terrorism; "Anarcho"-nationalists, i.e. neonazis, at Internet; USA John Zerzan, Derrick Jensen, Daniel Quinn, and ELF - primitivism and neo-ludditism; Anarho-sindikalisticka inicijativa et. al. from the ex-Yugoslavian region, a.s.o. These things are occurring several places in Europe, USA, etc.

NB! All of these and similar groups and their followers have got expulsing Brown Cards from IAT-APT and are thus not members of the anarchist movement. Also, they are not networkmembers of the Anarchist International. However, as anyone; marxists, fascists, liberalists as well as anarchists, may be a subscriber to the IJA-newsletters, a few of them may perhaps be subscribers. All of these and similar groups and their followers are terrorists or potential terrorists, extremists and provocateurs, and thus not anarchists.

Brown terror, sometimes with a dash of red or blue (or green), is neither "freiheitliches" nor "anarchistisch". "Anarchist" ideals or aims, combined with authoritarian methods, are marxism, fascism or liberalism on the economic-political map, and are thus not anarchism or anarchist. Even Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, had vague "anarchist" or "classless" ideals - like a "pie in the sky", but they were not libertarian or anarchists. The fight against fascism starts with the fight against marxism. Anti-capitalist ochlarchists/ochlarchs are as mentioned authoritarian socialists, i.e. marxists.

Especially John Zerzan, Derrick Jensen, Daniel Quinn, and ELF - primitivism and neo-ludditism; i.e. brown fascistoid "green" policy, strategy and tactics, has nothing to do with anarchism. Say, a "primitivist" and/or or "anti-civilization" society can only feed a few million people on earth, the others, billions, will die from this policy, thus it is worse than Hitler and Stalin, not to mention the terrorist strategy and tactics, i.e. clearly non-anarchist. So called "anarchist"-primitivism, in reality ochlarchist-primitivism, is a fascistoid "green" political tendency, far from anarchy and anarchism.

It is as mentioned not the outspoken aim, the agenda, that counts. The real aim is the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions. Aims in ideological manifestos may be "anti-capitalist", "anti-imperialist", "anti-globalization", "anti-statist", "antifascist", "antipower", "antihierarchy", "antiauthoritarian", "anti-government", "anarchist" and similar with good intentions, but this is not relevant. A typically fascistoid statement used by ochlarchist, terrorist, infiltrators falsely posing as "anarchists" is: "All those attacks which are carefully directed towards the structures of power, administration of USA, EU and NATO, as well as on the other hierarchic and authoritative structures within the society, under the presumption of wide support, can only be treated by definition of legitimate anti-fascists resistance." This authoritarian statement gives a false "legitimation" of terrorism, i.e. authoritarian means and methods. The real aims are as mentioned always the consequences of the means that are used, and nothing else.

A few pounds of dynamite will never change the powerstructure, as Kropotkin stated. Neither will some dozens of Molotov coctails. Terrorism is an unfruitful departure from anarchism, not a part of it. Anarchism means anarchist, i.e. non-authoritarian means and methods, as well as anarchist ends and aims. History and all relevant science, i.e. excluding materialistic and other dialectics, New Age, and similar quasi-science, demonstrate it is not possible to reach anarchist ends with authoritarian means. In general if the means involved are creating chaos/ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, it is promoting fascism or other dictatorship, totalitarian systems, calls for a "strong man", or other authoritarian systems, and not anarchism, i.e. real democracy. See also ANARCHISM VS OCHLARCHY (MOB RULE) IN GENOA - BROWN CARD TO BERLUSCONI, ETC, below for more information in this connection.

The statements and manifesto of the provocateur(s) FC 55, say, defending Manuel Noriega, promoting "anarchist power" - a contradiction; reactionary, i.e. brown "environmentalism", neo-ludditism, etc., [as well as the statements of his later supporter John Zerzan, another brown environmentalist (primitivism)], are just some authoritarian nonsense, made up to promote chaos, and put the blame on anarchists/anarchism. To bow for this tyrant (arch) and print such nonsense, as the newspapers N.Y. Times and Washington Post have done initiated by the FBI; it just promotes more of the same, as well as international contempt!


a) the US"counter terrorist expert" Yonah Alexander at CNN 27.7.1996 still promotes the Unabomber as "anarchist", and

b) 7.8.1996 Helle Hoyness (Dagbladet), Arve Henriksen (Aft.p. Aften), and "Radio- og TV-nyheter" (Arbeiderbladet), call such a manifesto "anarchist", commenting NRK's program about the Unabomber 21.00 - 7.8.1996 (a program which however did not mention anarchist and anarchism at all),

- they may share this Brown Card together with the responsible at Washington Post, N.Y. Times, FBI and the FC 55, released 20.9.1995, and updated several times. The international anarchist movement denounces these authoritarian doings, and of course doesn't accept the use of the word anarchist in this connection, which is disinformation. The Anarchist Press Tribunal issues the Brown Card as a symbol of free criticism, to notoriously authoritarian reporters, spokespersons and other persons, authors, writers, editors, etc., mixing up anarchist and chaotic/ochlarchical tendencies as mentioned above, and thus breaking the Oslo-convention of 1990 severely or several times...

Brown Cards as indicated above in general also go to all the persons and organizations mentioned above, and to the media and others calling them anarchists and their authoritarian ideology anarchist, anarchism or anarchy. They will bring, or brought about, nothing but authoritarian tendencies and systems, far from anarchy or anarchist. As mentioned all the so called "anarchist" organizations have got Brown Cards for mixing up anarchist with chaotic and other authoritarian tendencies, in short ochlarchy and ochlarchist, according to the Oslo Convention of 1990, and are thus expelled, expulsed and banned from the anarchist movement. Similar cases in the future will be treated the same way by IAT-APT.

06.08.2011.Wikipedia, a mockery of a "free encyclopedia" and in reality quite authoritarian, is uncritical echoing the main newsmedia's "1984" newspeak lies about the Unabomber (Ted Kaczinsky) as "anarchist", and gets a Brown Card. Wikipedia has turned out to be one of the main authoritarian enemies of anarchy and anarchism, also presenting a lot of "1984" newspeak lies in this connection, a.o.t. falsely calling the ochlarchy with rivaling polyarchy of Somalia "anarchy".

A special a Brown Card goes to TKB-ORG  Terrorism Knowledge Base, and MIPT (The National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism) for several times wrongly mixing up anarchists with chaos, ochlarchy and terrorists.

Another special Brown Card goes to the speculative "Anarchos förlag" in Sweden, i.e. ochlarchists falsely posing as anarchists, which is publishing the brown, "environmentalist" ideas of John Zerzan, falsely promoted as "anarchist" but in reality ochlarchist, see above, and thus not anarchist. It must also be mentioned that GAIA's Eco-Anarchist-Manifesto, see EAM , is clearly against primitivism, neo-ludditism and anti-civilization in all forms, especially the terrorist and in general ochlarchical policy of John Zerzan, because this is a non-anarchist political tendency. John Zerzan is clearly an ochlarchist, and thus not an anarchist, and has got the Brown Card from IAT-APT, and is thus expulsed from the anarchist movement.

The leader for a terrorist act, called the Oklahoma-bomber, was however not named anarchist or libertarian, but "anti-government", in this case a brown & blue conservative fundamentalist. The Oklahoma City bombing in the US in 1995 was done largely by a single person (Timothy McVeigh). The Atlanta city bombing 27.7.1996 was a similar act of terrorism.

07.02.2010. Fareed Zakaria at the program GPS at CNN speaks about an "anarchist" that was a terrorist. The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to Fareed Zakaria and CNN for breaking the Oslo Convention.

01.05.2012. Marxist terrorists Douglas Wright, Brandon Baxter, Anthony Hayne, Connor Stevens and Joshua Stafford falsely posing as "anarchists" get Brown Cards from IAT and are thus expulsed from the anarchist movement. FBI arrested the five self-described "anarchists" in the Cleveland area (Ohio/USA) for allegedly plotting to blow up a four-lane highway bridge over a national park. The group is anti-capitalist, i.e. socialist, and terrorist ochlarchist, and thus authoritarian  - and authoritarian socialists are marxists not anarchists. Violent attacks on (symbols of) capitalism and/or the (capitalist - according to marxism) state/government are marxist, similar to the marxist-leninist terrorist organizations the Italian Red Brigades (BR) and German RAF (Baader Meinhof), etc. FBI, Reuters and Jeremy Pelosky, Kim Palmer, Bill Trott and Jackie Frank get Brown Cards from IAT for falsely calling the marxist ochlarchists "anarchists" and thus breaking the Oslo Convention.

24.05.2003 No anarchistgroup behind bomb blast in Spain! This act of terrorism is done by ochlarchists, not anarchists. The IAT gives a Brown Card to this group of terroristical ochlarchists and the newsmedia spreading disinformation, mixing them up with anarchists. The Brown Cards of course also means expulsion of the terrorist infiltrators, posing as anarchists, from the anarchist movement. 01.04.2004 No anarchists behind letterbombs in Spain. This act of terrorism is done by ochlarchists, not anarchists. The IAT gives a Brown Card to these terroristical ochlarchists and the newsmedia, including Euronews, spreading disinformation, mixing them up with anarchists. The Brown Cards of course also mean expulsion of the terrorist infiltrators, posing as anarchists, from the anarchist movement.

The IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to BBC's Dateline London 02.08.2009 with editor Nick Guthrie for reporting about "anarchic" in connection to ETA and Taleban. ETA and Taleban are in no way anarchic, terrorism is very authoritarian, a top - down approach, and they are polyarchically organized, far from anarchist. Thus ETA and Taleban are clearly ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists!

No anarchists behind bombs against Romano Prodi and the European Parliament etc.

So called "anarchists" have been suspected of putting up bombs to hit Romano Prodi in Italy in December 2003, and a letter bomb explodes at the office of a British MEP hours after another parcel ignites at European Parliament HQ 05.01.2004. These so called "anarchists" ("Informal Anarchic Federation" and "Sardinian Anarcho-Insurrectionalist Gang") are however not anarchists, but ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist movement (ochlarchy = mob rule broadly defined). The ochlarchists may very well be on the payroll of Berlusconi & Co, as they have put up false "anarchists" before, i.e. police provokers. Anyway the ochlarchists are not anarchists because ochlarchism and anarchism are opposite political tendencies. BBC and other media 28.12.2003 and 05.01.2004, and The Guardian 04.02. 2004 wrongly putting the blame on (suspected) anarchists instead of ochlarchists, get a Brown Card for breaking the Oslo Convention in this matter. The so called  "Informal Anarchic Federation" and the "Sardinian Anarcho-Insurrectionalist Gang" get an expelling Brown Card from the IAT. These "anarchist federations" have nothing to do with the real anarchist movement and are not members or associates of it. The Anarchist International works against the supranational EU-mega State, an EU-super-state, but of course with democratic means, not terrorism. Terrorism is a form of ochlarchy, and anarchy and ochlarchy are opposite things.

18.08.2004: ... Local reports say a second device was also was found in the Porto Rotundo area, on the Sardinian coast, after a newspaper received a tip-off. Italian news agency Ansa said the caller claimed to be from the leftist Proletarian Combatant Groups (NPC). Mr Blair and his wife Cherie left Sardinia on Tuesday after a short stay. Italy has been on heightened security alert after a general terror threat from a group linked to al-Qaeda. The group had threatened to attack Italy if it failed to withdraw its troops from Iraq. But this bomb was said to have been left by an Italian anarchist organization which the national Corriere della Sera newspaper says has carried out 20 attacks in the last four years, including small bombings of government party headquarters in Sardinia. This group is not anarchist but ochlarchist terrorists, and gets a Brown Card with expulsion from the anarchist movement.  

Marxist extremists behind terrorist attack in Rome a.o.t. against the embassy of the Anarchy of Switzerland.
Brown Cards to Barbie Nadeau, Newsweek Magazine, Dan Rivers and CNN and more for falsely putting the blame on anarchists. Stop the lies!
Also Brown Cards to the Italian Police, Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maron, and the state-run ANSA news agency.
The terrorism in Italy 23.12.2010 is done by the marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchy group "Informal Federation of Anarchists", i.e.
provocateurs falsely posing as 'anarchists', which long time ago got a Brown Card from IAT-APT and are
thus expulsed from the anarchist movement. They are thus NOT anarchists!
Proof and more information above and below in this resolution:

Bombs exploded at two embassies in Rome Thursday 23.12.2010, Italian police said. The first explosion, a package bomb at the Swiss Embassy, seriously wounded the person who opened it, police said. A second bomb exploded at the Chilean Embassy shortly afterwards, wounding one person, who has been taken to the hospital, police said. And a "suspicious package" was found at the Ukrainian Embassy in the Italian capital, police said, adding that security forces were on the way to investigate. Bomb threats were phoned to City Hall and to another government office in Rome, the mayor's office said. No bombs have been found in either location. One person was wounded and a second bomb exploded in the courtyard of the Swiss Embassy in Greece, but most of the other bombs were destroyed safely by police. In Thursday's attacks, a 53-year-old mail room worker in the Swiss Embassy was badly injured in both hands, and may lose one, police said.

The bombings come a day after police blanketed Rome in heavy security due to student demonstrations. Last month, at least 14 parcel bombs were sent out from Athens, Greece, mostly to embassies in that city. Behind the terrorism was the marxist leftwing extremist group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, no anarchists were involved. This terrorist attack in Italy is practically certain done by a similar marxist group.

The anarchists condemn the terrorist attack. A.o.t. using the "litmus test" of whether marxists, fascists, anarchists or liberalists are behind terrorism, it is practically certain that marxist leftwing extremists are behind this terrorist attack in Rome against the embassy of the Anarchy of Switzerland and more. Why should anarchists attack the embassy of the Anarchy of Switzerland? Barbie Nadeau, Newsweek Magazine and CNN's false accusations that anarchists are behind this terrorism are absurd! And Barbie Nadeau's lie about so called anarchists in Swiss prison on hunger strike is horrible. There are no anarchist political prisoners in Europe at all, and certainly not in the Swiss Confederation. The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to Barbie Nadeau, Newsweek Magazine and CNN for falsely putting the blame of this terrorism on anarchists (and the other lie), and thus breaking the Oslo Convention. Dan Rivers at CNN's London office falsely calls the marxist leftwing extremist group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire 'anarchist' and also gets a Brown Card. Stop the lies!

PS. Later the Orwellian ultra-authoritarian Big Sister Barbie Nadeau continues with more lies on CNN, this time about "an international anarchist terrorist" organization behind the terrorism in Italy. There exists no such thing as "an international anarchist terrorist organization", and IAT-APT hands out another Brown Card to Barbie Nadeau and also one more to CNN, for this horrible lie! Stop the lies! Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said the incident is similar to a wave of letter bombs sent last month by an anarchist group based in Greece, linking both sets of bombings to an "international anarchist movement." But Greek officials disputed that anyone in their country was involved in the blasts. "There is no evidence that the bombs originated in Greece," Foreign Ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras said. Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maron gets a Brown Card from IAT-APT, similar to Barbie Nadeu and Dan Rivers.

NB! International marxist leftwing extremist terrorism - not anarchists. There may however be connections between a) the marxist leftwing extremist terrorist group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and other similar groups in Greece, see Greek revolt - marxist riots and terrorism, and b) marxist leftwing extremist terrorist groups in Italy - or such copy-cats! But they are NOT ANARCHISTS!!! (There are some marxist ochlarchists included terrorists in Italy, Spain and Greece, some falsely posing as 'anarchists', in jail and outside, that are angry at Switzerland, Chile, etc... But they are NOT ANARCHISTS! Anarchists and ochlarchists are opposites!)

Brown Cards to Conspiracy Cells of Fire and Associated Press etc.

16.03.2017 Associated Press and several newspapers falsely reported “A letter exploded Thursday at the French office of the International Monetary Fund, lightly injuring one person, amid heightened security around Europe after a string of deadly attacks. The incident came as a Greek anarchist group claimed responsibility for a failed letter bomb sent to the German Finance Ministry on Wednesday. The Greek group that claimed responsibility for the German bombing, Conspiracy Cells of Fire, claimed in an online posting Thursday on a Greek left-wing website that the attack was part of a concerted campaign by international anarchist groups. The bomb sent to Germany, containing low-grade explosives …, was destroyed Wednesday before it could explode.” The truth is that the group Conspiracy Cells of Fire is an authoritarian, ochlarchist marxist group, long time ago expulsed from the anarchist movement, and of course has no connection to the international anarchist movement. The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to Conspiracy Cells of Fire and Associated Press and the other newspapers reporting falsely about the event, according to the Oslo Convention. The international anarchist movement condemns the terrorist attack.

PPS. Even later: The Orwellian ultra-authoritarian Big Sister Barbie Nadeau repeats the lies of Europol on CNN, se below. These lies are NOT NEWS and rebuffed long time ago!!! Stop the lies!

PPPS. CNN continues the false reporting that this terrorism is linked to "international anarchists". Repeating a lie several times does not make it a truth, remember Goebbels did not win in the long run! Stop the lies!

The Italian police said that the Informal Federation of Anarchists [a.k.a. Informal Anarchist Federation and Informal Anarchic Federation; in Italian Federazione Anarchica Informale (FAI) and Federazione Anarchia Informale (FAI)] claimed responsibility for the attacks, according to the state-run ANSA news agency. The Informal Federation of Anarchists is however a well known ultra-authoritarian marxist group, and they ar far from anarchists. Thus, the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to the Italian police and the state-run ANSA news agency for breaking the Oslo Convention. CNN and the Italian police indicate that the Informal Federation of Anarchists is an associate or member of the L'International des Federations Anarchistes (IFA), this is also a lie, see the official website of IFA

The marxist provocateurs, the "Informal Federation of Anarchists", is vowing in messages that it plans more such acts to "destroy the systems of domination," the state-run ANSA news agency reports. Terrorism is however a form of domination and it will never "destroy the systems of domination"...

Several other newsmedia including BBC falsely put the blame of this terrorism on anarchists, and get Brown Cards according to the Oslo Convention.

11.05.2012. Olga Nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front group claimed responsibility for shooting and wounding the head of an engineering company in Italy, and said it would strike again, spreading fears of a return to 1970s political violence in crisis-hit Italy. The Informal Anarchist Federation included the Olga Nucleus is a marxist group - not anarchist, and has long time ago been expulsed from the anarchist movement via a Brown Card. Leaflets mentioning the hard-leftist marxists "Red Brigades" movement that spread terror in the 1970s and carrying their five-pointed star logo were plastered on the walls of official buildings in Legnano, about 30 km (20 miles) northwest of Milan, police said. The Italian police, Reuters and Michel Rose, Lisa Jucca; Claudia Cristoferi, Antonella Cinelli, Danilo Mason and Myra MacDonald get Brown Cards from IAT for falsely calling the marxist ochlarchists "anarchists" and thus breaking the Oslo Convention.

In 2012 the Informal Anarchist Federation, i.e. marxist extremist, terrorist provocateurs, got offshoots in Greece and Mexico. The Brown Card and expulsion of the Informal Anarchist Federation from the anarchist movement, are also valid for the offshoots in Greece and Mexico.

PPPPS. The truth 1. De facto marxist leftwing extremist terrorists, provocateurs falsely posing as 'anarchists', such as the Italian "FAI (Federazione Anarchica Informale)" and similar are not anarchists. Stop the lies! This group and their network are long time ago expulsed from the anarchist movement. The Italian "FAI (Federazione Anarchica Informale)" has long time ago got a Brown Card from IAT-APT meaning this group is expelled from the anarchist movement. They are thus NOT ANARCHISTS. The same with similar groups in Greece and Spain. And there are no anarchists in prisons in Italy, not in the Anarchy of Switzerland, not in Greece and not in Spain, and thus of course no jailed anarchists on hunger strike in any these countries. The Orwellian ultra-authoritarian Big Sister Barbie Nadeau repeats her newspeak lies on CNN and more of it, similar to "peace is war". Stop the Orwellian Big Brother and Big Sister newspeak lies!

The truth 2. Terrorism is a form of ochlarchy - the opposite of anarchy and anarchism; and terrorists are ochlarchists - the opposite of anarchists. To Big Sister Barbie Nadeau and more... Newsmedia = Big Brothers! Stop the lies 'anarchy' = ochlarchy and 'anarchist(s)' = ochlarchist(s), even if it is political 'sexy' and sells well... It is Orwellian '1984' Big Brother newspeak and fabricated propaganda! See this resolution in the Preamble to this page IAT-APT International Branch.

The truth 3. Apropos this terrorism and news-reporting, see PREAMBLE - THREE VERY IMPORTANT RESOLUTIONS: Anarchy is optimal order... & Newsmedia = Big Brothers! Stop the lies... & What is an extremist... at the IAT-APT International Branch. Apropos these resolutions, decided with general consent, by The International Anarchist Congress - The 11th Anarchist Biennial 27-28.11.2010: MORE THAN 50 000 ANARCHISTS WORLD WIDE CONFIRM THAT OCHLARCHISTS, INCLUDING TERRORISTS - ARE PRACTICALLY CERTAIN NOT ANARCHISTS! THUS: The Informal Federation of Anarchists [a.k.a. Informal Anarchist Federation and Informal Anarchic Federation; in Italian Federazione Anarchica Informale (FAI) and Federazione Anarchia Informale (FAI)] and its associates are proven beyond reasonable doubt NOT ANARCHISTS. To see the Website of this Congress - Click here!

Behind this conclusion are objective facts, also historical, about FAI and the scientific practically certain valid theory/resolutions mentioned in this PPPPS, all in all practically certain evidence and proof that FAI is marxist and not anarchist. There is no significant difference between the de facto terrorist actions and policy, i.e. the consequences of the use of the means involved, of FAI and, say, RAF-ml (marxist-leninists) also known as the Baader-Meinhof-mob, a well known ultra-authoritarian leftwing extremist marxist ochlarchy included terrorist group. There is no profit motive, indicating capitalism. And the terrorist acts are extremism. Thus, all evidence points to ultra-authoritarian socialism, i.e. FAI is a marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchist group. The evidence speaks for itself, but more than 50 000 anarchists confirming the validity of the proof add weight behind. Sailing under false anarchist flag of course does not make FAI anarchist, quite the opposite. In addition FAI this time has attacked the Anarchy of Switzerland, i.e. significant libertarian socialism, also indicating that FAI is authoritarian socialist.

The authoritarian marxist and communist provocateur tactic of falsely posing as 'anarchists' (in the false meaning of ochlarchists), making ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined including chaos, and putting the blame on anarchists to a) discredit the libertarian movement as much as possible, b) create aggression against anarchists, anarchism and anarchy and c) call for a strong, authoritarian marxist (including communist) party and its rule, is d) well known. Similar is valid for all State/government/archy/authority provocateurs including their followers. Anarchists take actions to stop such provocateurs and this tactic, via a.o.t. the International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT-APT) handing out Brown Cards and expulsions from the anarchist movement, and the Anarchist International Security Council (AISC)... More information about marxist and other provocateurs are found at External links, Anarchy debate, Freedom Online and IAT-APT International branch, search for provocateur in these files, also see IAT-APT Nordic branch and search for provokatør.

Practically certain anarchy cannot be created or achieved via ochlarchy. Ochlarchy is in itself authoritarian, usually ultra-authoritarian, and can only result in authoritarian and even ultra-authoritarian, i.e. totalitarian, rule. A development towards real democracy, i.e. anarchy, must be done by the people's actions - more and more, i.e. act with dignity, use real matter of fact arguments and add weight behind via direct actions, including mass actions & industrial actions, and via organization, dialog and elections, of course without ochlarchy! The Anarchist International (AI/IFA) and The Anarchist International Information Service (AIIS) are junctions in this connection.

05.07.2012. Expulsing Brown Card to the marxist provocateur Mario López Hernández. The ochlarchist (terrorist) provocateur Mario Antonio López Hernández, a) responsible for two bomb attacks in Mexico 27.06.2012, a typical authoritarian socialist - and thus marxist - similar to the Italian "FAI", falsely posing as "anarchist", and b) his supporters at the false Cruz Negra Mexico, have c) got Brown Cards from the IAT, and are thus expulsed from the anarchist movement.

27.12.2010. Italian bomb disposal experts have defused a parcel bomb sent to the Greek embassy in Rome. Police said that a second suspect parcel, sent to the Venezuelan embassy, turned out to contain no explosives. Practically certain no anarchists involved... The anarchists condemn the bomb attack and the bomb hoax, i.e. terrorism, and not anarchist and anarchism.

31.12.2010. The Norwegian TV2 gets a special Brown Card Baddie Prize in this connection, see Anarkisttribunalets Brunt Kort Verstingspris til TV2.

12.03.2017. Brown Cards to BBC and marxist ochlarchists falsely posing as "anarchists" in Italy. BBC is falsely reporting that masked "anarchists" used Molotov cocktails [firebombs] at a demonstration in Italy. De facto the demonstrators using firebombs are authoritarian ochlarchists & socialists, i.e. marxists, not anarchists. The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to BBC and the marxists falsely posing as "anarchists", according to the Oslo Convention, also meaning the marxists are expulsed from the anarchist movement.

22.04.2018. Brown Cards to Ola Karlsen - ABC-nyheter and marxist ochlarchists falsely posing as "anarchists" in Italy, Spain and Greece. Ola Karlsen is falsely reporting about "anarchists" using firearms in terrorism in Italy, Spain and Greece in 2017. De facto the so called "anarchists" are authoritarian ochlarchists & socialists, i.e. marxists, not anarchists. The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to Ola Karlsen - ABC-nyheter and the marxists falsely posing as "anarchists", according to the Oslo Convention, also meaning the marxists are expulsed from the anarchist movement.

31.10.2018. The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to BBC, Al Jazeera and Reuters for falsely reporting about an "anarcho-communist" suicide bomb-terrorist in Arkhangelsk, Russia. The so called "anarcho-communist" is not a communist anarchist, but a marxist ochlarchist, and gets a Brown Card post-mortem. It is a fact that socialists (anti-capitalists) are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that anti-capitalist (socialist) ochlarchists are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may call themselves or flag. The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling anti-capitalist ochlarchists anarchists, anarcho-communists included.

19.01.2019. Brown Cards to Reuters, Euronews, George Georgiopoulos and Alexander Smith for falsely calling the marxist ochlarchy group 'Iconoclastic Sect' "anarchist". 19.01.2019 Reuters and Euronews reported: "Anarchist group claims December attack on Athens church. - An anarchist group on Saturday said it was responsible for an explosive device that wounded a police officer and a civilian outside a church in central Athens last month. The group, which calls itself the 'Iconoclastic Sect', made the claim on a Spanish web page, and said December's attack outside the Saint Dionysios church in the heavily policed, upmarket Kolonaki neighbourhood, was just the start. "Our hands will not tremble when the time comes to spill blood, we won't show mercy or sensitivity towards our enemies," the group said on the website. A source familiar with the investigation told Reuters that it was taking seriously the claim for the attack, which took place just before the church was due to open for a service in late December. Small-scale attacks on businesses, state buildings, police and politicians are not uncommon in Greece, which has a long history of political violence. (Reporting by George Georgiopoulos; Editing by Alexander Smith)".

It is a fact that socialists are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that socialist ochlarchists are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may be called by the media or call themselves or flag. The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling marxist ochlarchists anarchists. The anarchists condemn the ochlarchy.  Reuters, Euronews, George Georgiopoulos and Alexander Smith  are mixing up the marxist ochlarchy group 'Iconoclastic Sect'  with anarchists, and the International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT-APT) hands out Brown Cards to Reuters, Euronews, George Georgiopoulos and Alexander Smith for this false statement and breaking of the Oslo Convention.

Ochlarchists, not anarchists in Greece

10-11.05.2005 No anarchist group behind taking of 150 hostages and violence in Greece. Small groups of ochlarchists, some students at the university, regularly disrupt peaceful protest marches by other groups in a bid to provoke police. They have also been blamed for small gas canister-type bomb attacks on banks, police stations and embassies. 20.05.2005 Greek ochlarchists falsely posing as and/or called "anarchists" by the media clashed with the police. These acts of mob rule including terrorism are done by ochlarchists, not anarchists, although they may be posing as such. The IAT gives a Brown Card to these groups of terroristical and violent ochlarchists and the newsmedia spreading disinformation, mixing them up with anarchists. The Brown Card of course also means expulsion of the ochlarchist and terrorist infiltrators, falsely posing as and/or called "anarchists" by the media, from the anarchist movement. Anti-capitalist ochlarchists/ochlarchs are authoritarian socialists, i.e. marxists, not anarchists. Anti-capitalist rioters and/or terrorists are practically certain marxist leftwing extremists.

Updated news about marxist riots and terrorism in Greece, Brown Cards, anarchist criticism of the Greek revolt, etc.

See (click on) Greece

Green "Anarchy" = ochlarchy, Brown Card to the Green Anarchy Collective and more

 20.09.2004. The so called Green Anarchy Collective writes in an article in Green Anarchy # 17: "We feel that it is important to move towards a radically decentralized world, ... destroy all the institutions and physical manifestations [of civilization]... We want to become uncivilized. In more general terms, this is the trajectory of green anarchy in thought and practice. Civilization... is ... our enemy. "  

What we need is a more civilized world, i.e. libertarian, not destruction of the civilization. A radically decentralized world without civilization will end up in  authoritarian ochlarchy  (mob rule) tendencies as mentioned in the Oslo Convention of 1990. Green Anarchy is thus mixing up anarchy and authoritarian tendencies and gets a  Brown Card, meaning expulsion from the anarchist movement. Also the group Fertile Ground and the nutter-guru-arch Fertile Ground Board member Dillon Thomson have got Brown Cards from IAT-APT and are thus expulsed from the anarchist movement.

Brown Cards to Gabrielle Brogge and Associated Press, criminal tourists to the Anarchy of Switzerland, Earth Liberation Front (ELF), Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and "Terra selvaggia," (Wilderness) & provocateurs

20.07.2011. Gabrielle Brogge and Associated Press reported: 3-year prison terms recommended in Swiss bomb plot. Prosecutors in Switzerland's highest criminal court Wednesday recommended prison sentences of at least three years for a trio of alleged eco-terrorists charged with plotting a bomb attack on a planned IBM Corp. nanotech research facility near Zurich. Federal prosecutor Hansjoerg Stalder said the three brought powerful explosives to Switzerland in the spring of 2010 to carry out their intended attack on IBM's $90 million research center, which opened in May. "They came as criminal tourists to Switzerland," Stadler told the court.

The trial, held under tight security in the Federal Criminal Court, has drawn attention to a loose network of European [marxist provocateurs and false so called] anarchists who have grown more violent and coordinated during the continent's financial crisis and been linked to recent bombings in Greece, Switzerland and Italy. Police said the three defendants - 35-year-old Costantino Alfonso Ragusa, his 29-year-old wife Silvia Ragusa Guerini and their 26-year-old Swiss friend Luca "Billy" Cristos Bernasconi - were arrested last year carrying explosive gel and several types of fuel - a combination with almost the explosive power of TNT.

But the defense argued that police wrongly treated the three as presumed criminals from the start, snaring them in a fake traffic stop near Zurich, about two miles (3 kilometers) from the IBM facility. Stalder described the defendants, the Italian couple and a Swiss man, as having close links to the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation Front (ALF), both extremist [brown, red and green] movements that have claimed responsibility since the 1990s for a variety of what authorities describe as eco-terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States. He said Ragusa and Guerini are known as founders and members of the Italian movement "Terra selvaggia," or Wilderness, which has connections to ELF, and that Bernasconi is an Italian member of ALF. Stalder said each of the three should serve at least three years in prison, without suspending any of the time already served since their arrests, because of the seriousness of the planned crime. A verdict is expected Friday.

22.07.2011 AP reports: Three environmental activists with links to European anarchist groups were found guilty Friday of plotting a bomb attack on an unfinished IBM nanotech research facility near the Swiss city of Zurich. The Italian couple, Ragusa and Guerini, and Bernasconi, a Swiss citizen living in Italy, were handed prison sentences ranging from 3 years and 4 months to 3 years and 8 months. This was slightly higher than federal prosecutors had recommended.

The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards according to the Oslo Convention to a) Gabrielle Brogge and Associated Press, as well as b) the ultra-authoritarian & extremist Costantino Alfonso Ragusa, Silvia Ragusa Guerini, Luca "Billy" Cristos Bernasconi, Earth Liberation Front (ELF), Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and "Terra selvaggia," (Wilderness), and c) a loose network of European [marxist provocateurs and false so called] anarchists, meaning they are not anarchists and expulsed from the anarchist movement. Ad b) in case these persons and groups falsely claim to be anarchists, remember they are not anarchists, and expulsed from the anarchist movement.

Brown Cards to Europol and director Rob Wainwright

Orwellian "1984" newspeak Big Brother lie-report from Europol about so called "anarchist" terrorists in Europe, in reality ochlarchists and not anarchists

In the "TE-SAT 2010 EU TERRORISM SITUATION AND TREND REPORT", see Europol - European Police - TE-SAT 2010, Europol declares: "The agenda of anarchist terrorist groups is usually revolutionary, anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian. Not all Member States distinguish between activities of left-wing and anarchist terrorist groups in their contributions. For this reason, both categories are discussed in the same chapter of this report. Greece, Italy and Spain reported 40 attacks by leftwing and anarchist terrorists. Actions by anarchist groups are becoming more violent and sometimes well planned. After a quiet period of two years, the FAI (Federazione Anarchica Informale) claimed two attacks in Italy which targeted the director of the CIE (Centro di Identifi cazione ed Espulsione), and the Bocconi University in Milan."

The so called "anarchist terrorists" (provocateurs) mentioned, in Greece, Italy and Spain, the Italian "FAI (Federazione Anarchica Informale)" being the only such group mentioned by name in Europol's report, are in reality terrorist ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists, and have got Brown Cards from IAT-APT, and are thus expulsed from the anarchist movement. NB! They are thus not members of the anarchist movement. Using the "litmustest" above on the mentioned cases, it is clear that the so called "anarchist terrorists" mentioned by Europol, in reality are marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchs/ochlarchists - NOT anarchists..

Europol's terrorist accusations against anarchists are completely false. The truth is that no anarchists in Greece, Italy and Spain or other places on Earth have participated in terrorist attacks, i.e. ochlarchical actions, not now and not before. Ochlarchy is mob rule broadly defined including terrorism. The only violence anarchists accept is defensive violence, proportionate, in self defense, see, say, direct action. The mentioned violence including terrorism is not of this kind, and are done by extremist ochlarchs/ochlarchists, practically certain marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchs/ochlarchists, not by anarchists.

Anarchists should in general not be mixed up with left-wingers. Anarchists are not extremists and have less than 50% authoritarian degree, and are found in the middle and upwards on the economic-political map, while the extreme left have more than 666 per thousand authoritarian degree, are totalitarian, see System theory and economic political map. Anarchists are real democrats, not the opposite, i.e. extremists and totalitarian.

To mix up opposites as anarchists with terrorists, a form of ochlarchists, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. Ochlarchists and anarchists are opposites. Such Big Brother notes in the media broadly defined, including Europol's report, also produce copycat ochlarchists and terrorists - mainly mislead youths, falsely posing as "anarchists". It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards, as free criticism of this authoritarian tendency - according to the Oslo Convention, - this time to Europol and director Rob Wainwright and newsmedia spreading their disinformation. The trial and Brown Card verdict against Europol by IAT-APT, happened 22.07.2010. Europol has no public e-mail address, but the IAT-APT has posted a message to Europol on their "Media Request" mail-form with a link to this resolution.


The modern, updated definitions of state and anarchy

1. Authoritarians notoriously mix up anarchy, anarchist and anarchism with authoritarian tendencies: Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannical behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates. The Greek rooted word for mob rule is ochlarchy. Ochlarchy broadly defined may also be used as a common word for all the authoritarian evils mentioned above, i.e. in general lack of security and law and order in a society as a public sector service. This is ochlarchy, the opposite of anarchy, i.e. based on libertarian law and order and security as public sector services, according to the anarchist (IFA) principle of social justice. The ochlarchists/ochlarchs are rulers of chaos, with equal to or more than 666 per thousand (67%) authoritarian degree, i.e. very evil. This also includes very chaotic, authoritarian social systems, i.e., say, rivaling polyarchy/oligarchy with ochlarchy. State in a broad societal meaning is systems with significantly large rank and/or income differences and/or inefficient, i.e. significantly vertically organized, also chaotic. Chaotic states, with rivaling polyarchy or oligarchy and ochlarchy, are failed states, archies, not anarchies.

2. The word anarchy origins from Greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion, ideally or practically. Anarchy, [an-arch]-y means [an = without, arch = ruler(s)]-y = system, management (optimal order and law included) as in monarch-y. Thus anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". That is economic and political/administrative, societal, management from the people, grassroots, and upwards - significantly, without a top heavy pyramid in rank and/or income, i.e. without a top - down approach. And thus anarchies are systems with significantly small rank and income differences, plus efficiency, i.e. significantly horizontally organized. This is the opposite of the above mentioned authoritarian tendencies, i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, a top - down approach, chaos - and rulers of chaos... state, also failed states.

3. These modern, updated definitions of state vs anarchy are a.o.t. opposed to Max Weber's outdated definitions. We think everybody should stick to these modern, updated definitions, and not use arbitrary or Max Weber's outdated definitions. It is important to see the real difference between anarchies and states, including failed states, and not mix up states with anarchy, that is quite something else. In general, necessary for anarchy and anarchism is a functioning central administration, with law and order, significantly horizontally organized. A breakdown of the central administration, be it government/state/authority or significantly horizontally organized, creates a failed state, see above, and not anarchy. Wrongly calling states, including failed states, anarchies is authoritarian Orwellian "1984" newspeak, and should be avoided. Authoritarian marxist, liberalist and populist/fascist propaganda stations often present failed states wrongly as anarchies. The IAT issues Brown Cards in this connection, see below...

Very chaotic states - failed states

In the 1990s and later several examples of very chaotic, authoritarian systems have been registered, say, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Liberia, Rwanda, Albania, Sierra Leone, Congo, Solomon Islands, Burundi, Iraq, Haiti, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Kyrgyztan, Zimbabwe, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, etc., and wrongly called anarchy by some of the media. They are not anarchies according to the definition 2. above, but clearly states, as defined in 1., mainly failed states.

These very authoritarian, chaotic economic-political systems may be marxist, populist, fascist, nazi, or liberalism in a chaotic manner, but not anarchy, anarchist or anarchism. When they were reported as "anarchies", i.e. in reality rivaling polyarchies/oligarchies with ochlarchy, etc, these countries had an authoritarian degree between ca 70 % - 80 % and thus a libertarian degree as low as ca 20 % - 30 % , see . Anarchies have libertarian degree equal to or more than 50%. Some of the above mentioned states have improved a bit, i.e. they have now a higher libertarian degree, but not very much. They are all still far from anarchy.

Brown Card and APT-IAT

The Anarchist Press Tribunal (the APT branch of the International Anarchist Tribunal, IAT) issues a BROWN CARD WARNING to the media mixing up anarchy and very chaotic authoritarian systems, i.e. ochlarchies etc., failed states, according to the Oslo-convention. Notoriously authoritarian reporters, spokesmen, etc, breaking the Oslo-convention of 1990 severely or several times, will receive a BROWN CARD from the Anarchist Press Tribunal as a symbol of free criticism, see .

Brown Cards and Brown Card warnings

APT issues a special Brown Card warning to the editors at World News, CNN 28.06.97, who probably not yet have discovered that Albania has one of the most authoritarian economic-political systems in Europe, and wrongly call it "anarchy". The system in Albania is ochlarchy and chaos, i.e. authoritarian - and thus not anarchy. The capitalistic pyramid mob rule of Berisha & Co, and the chaotic ochlarchy initiated by marxists, are by no means anarchy or anarchist, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion, i.e. repression.

A similar Brown Card warning is issued to Helge Øgrim, NTB - Aftenposten 18.07.97, about Liberia. The very authoritarian and chaotic economic-political system of this African country is either marxist, populist, fascist, nazi, or liberalism, and thus not anarchist or anarchy as suggested by Helge Øgrim. Another Brown Card goes to Tove Gravdal for mixing up the more than 666 per thousand authoritarian degree hell in Liberia with "anarchy" in Aftenposten 12.07.2003. See also Nordic Branch of APT about the Brown Card to Tove Gravdal. A Brown Card also goes to Barnaby Phillips at BBC 07.08.2003 for calling the bloody chaos, rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy (mob rule) in Monrovia, Liberia, for "anarchy", i.e. quite misleading. Another Brown Card goes to NRK-Utsyn 16.12.2003 for calling the violent ochlarchy (mob rule) in Congo, with lack of law and order, "anarchy". Anarchy and anarchism always have plenty of law and order, i.e. libertarian law and order based on human rights. If not, the system is significant authoritarian, and not anarchy and anarchism, see and . Thus, there is no anarchy in Congo.

06-7.03.2002: BBC News' Emily Buchanan reports about possible "anarchy" in Sudan and Iraq, probably mixing it up with oligarchy, polyarchy, ochlarchy and rivaling "states within the state", i.e. in short chaos, the quite opposite of anarchy, i.e. real democracy and order. This authoritarian mix of anarchy and chaos gives BBC's Emily B. a Brown Card warning. We'll like to "see Emily play" with something she understands better in the future...

A similar Brown card warning goes to BBC and NRK Altid Nyheter 17.07.2003 reporting about "the Solomon Islands have been sliding towards anarchy" lately, probably meaning rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy, chaos and mutual repression included, and not really anarchy.

A Brown Card goes to BBC's Ben Brown who reported about the "total chaos of anarchy" related to the situation in Iraq at BBC TV 11.04.2003. BBC's Ben Brown also reported 06 & 07.04.2003 about "anarchy" related to the situation in Basra on BBC TV. - Forget it! You mean chaos, ochlarchy (mob rule) & rivaling polyarchy, lawlessness and looting (theft) we think, quite the opposite of anarchy, and thus breaking the Oslo convention, see (click on) . For a general update on law and anarchism search for "law" in . See also Nordic branch of APT-IAT about the situation in Iraq after the rule of Saddam Hussein. The situation in Iraq at the moment is an extreme form of liberalism, not anarchism.

A Brown Card goes to BBC and NRK-Alltid Nyheter 03.08.2003 reporting about "lawless anarchy" in Basra, Iraq, for breaking the Oslo convention severely. The situation in Basra with rivaling polyarchy and "states within the state", ochlarchy (mob rule), lawlessness, chaos and mutual repression, is very authoritarian, and thus quite the opposite of anarchy. 20.03.2009 the authoritarian marxist propaganda station BBC continues to call the situation i Iraq in 2003 "anarchy", in the false meaning of ochlarchy including chaos, and gets a fresh Brown Card.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe has 04.11.2003 accused President Chandrika Kumaratunga of bringing Sri Lanka to the verge of anarchy and chaos, according to BBC and several other newsmedia. If it is on the verge of anarchy the country cannot be on the verge of chaos, because anarchy is quite the opposite of chaos, according to the Oslo Convention, and Ranil Wickramasinghe gets a Brown Card from IAT-APT together with the newsmedia. BBC and NRK-Alltid nyheter get a Brown Card for a similar statement about "anarchy" and chaos in Haiti 10.01.2004. NRK-Urix gets a Brown Card 26.02.2004 for stating "anarkiet hersker", "anarchy rules" in Haiti, wrongly mixing up "anarchy" with ochlarchy. Anarchy rules ok in Norway since 1994/95, ochlarchy rules in Haiti 2004, and that is not ok.

25.03.2005 NRK-Dagsrevyen reports about "anarchy" in Kyrgyztan, mixing up anarchy with rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, included looting (theft) and chaos, and thus breaking the Oslo Convention and gets a Brown Card. 26.03.2005 Sveriges Radio reports about "anarchy" and chaos in Kyrgyztan, and shares the Brown Card with NRK.

29.09.2004 and 06.01.2005: NRK-Alltid Nyheter talks about chaos and "anarchy" in Somalia, mixing up rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos with anarchy, and thus gets a Brown Card. 06.03.2005 NRK- Dagsrevyen reports about "anarchy" in Somalia, and shares the Brown Card of 06.01.2005. 06.12.2010. NRK-TV2 sends and anglophone program about Somalia falsely calling it 'anarchy', and thus NRK gets a Brown Card.

CNN 06.01.2007 reports "The ease with which Somalis can get weapons is a major problem in this chaotic African nation. It has not had an effective government since clan-based warlords toppled a military dictatorship in 1991 and plunged the country into anarchy, " - mixing up rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos with anarchy, and thus gets a Brown Card. 16.12.2008: Brown Card to the authoritarian conservative liberalist propaganda station CNN for wrongly calling the rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy in Somalia anarchy! In a commercial for their own program the CNN is daily spreading myths that they have "a front road seat to anarchy" in Somalia. You are reporting wrong. Somalia is a failed STATE, i.e. a STATE, not anarchy. It is a STATE, i.e. archy, with rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy. NOT ANARCHY!!!! We give you a Brown Card because you are spreading lies that Somalia is an anarchy. This is authoritarian, Orwellian "1984" newspeak... 04.10.2009. Christiane Amanpour on CNN declares: "Anarchy has been a constant in Somalia", and gets a Brown Card for spreading this disinformation. The IAT-APT repeats: "Somalia is a failed STATE, i.e. a STATE, not anarchy. It is a STATE, i.e. archy, with rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy. NOT ANARCHY! Anarchy and State are opposites." CNN 02.07.2010 again mentions "anarchy" in connection to Somalia and get another Brown Card.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 the New York Times, ID 40041893, reports: "Somalia's ills have always come in waves, starting in 1991 when clan-based militias overthrew the central government and the country plunged into anarchy. That fighting, like the fighting today, disrupted markets, kept out aid shipments and led to rapid inflation of food prices. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people starved." This is authoritarian Orwellian "1984" newspeak from NYTimes. It has never been anarchy in Somalia, just rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy, etc, a failed state, and thus according to the Oslo Convention NYTimes gets a Brown Card.

03.12.2009. Brown Card to Wikipedia. The authoritarian mockery of a free encyclopedia, Wikipedia, falsely reports about "Anarchy in Somalia"; see . The International Anarchist Tribunal - Anarchist Press Tribunal ( IAT-APT) declares: It has never since 1991 been anarchy in Somalia, just rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy and chaos, a failed State. Somalia is a failed STATE, i.e. a STATE, not anarchy. It is a STATE, i.e. archy, with rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos. NOT ANARCHY! Anarchy and State are opposites. Anarchy and rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. archy, are opposites. Anarchy and chaos are opposites, see the Oslo Convention and search for anarchy vs chaos at . To mix up opposites as 1. Anarchy and State, 2. Anarchy and rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. archy, and 3. Anarchy and chaos, as Wikipedia does, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to Wikipedia, as free, libertarian criticism of this authoritarian tendency. The Anarchist International and the IAT-APT of course condemn the terrorism and ochlarchy in general in Somalia.

06.01.2010. Brown Card to CIA. The CIA (non)fact book falsely reports "After the regime's collapse early in 1991, Somalia descended into turmoil, factional fighting, and anarchy."; see . The International Anarchist Tribunal - Anarchist Press Tribunal ( IAT-APT) declares: It has never since 1991 been anarchy in Somalia, just rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy and chaos, a failed State. Somalia is a failed STATE, i.e. a STATE, not anarchy. It is a STATE, i.e. archy, with rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos. NOT ANARCHY! Anarchy and State are opposites. Anarchy and rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. archy/state, are opposites. Anarchy and chaos are opposites, see the Oslo Convention and search for anarchy vs chaos at . To mix up opposites as 1. Anarchy and State, 2. Anarchy and rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. archy/state, as CIA does, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to CIA, as free, libertarian criticism of this authoritarian tendency. The Anarchist International and the IAT-APT of course condemn the terrorism and ochlarchy in general in Somalia.

26.11.2009. Mohamed Olad Hassan, Tom Odula and Associated Press declare: "Somalia has been mired in anarchy and chaos since 1991 when warlords overthrew longtime dictator Mohamed Siad Barre." It is true that Somalia has been mired in chaos, but it has never been anarchy there. Chaos and anarchy are opposites, see the Oslo Convention and search for anarchy vs chaos at . To mix up opposites as anarchy and chaos as Mohamed Olad Hassan, Tom Odula and Associated Press do, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the International Anarchist Tribunal - Anarchist Press Tribunal hands out Brown Cards to Mohamed Olad Hassan, Tom Odula and Associated Press, as free, libertarian criticism of this authoritarian tendency.

A similar Brown Card goes to the authoritarian marxist propaganda station BBC for falsely reporting about "anarchy" in Somalia in their Country profile: Somalia, updated Friday, 2 May 2008 at , quoting:"Somalia has been without an effective central government since President Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991. Years of fighting between rival warlords and an inability to deal with famine and disease have led to the deaths of up to one million people. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, a former leader of the semi-autonomous Somali region of Puntland, was chosen by Somalia's interim parliament as president of the Transitional Federal Government in October 2004. The election took place in Kenya because the Somali capital was regarded as being too dangerous. The president pledged to promote reconciliation and to set about rebuilding the country. But his government, plagued by internal disagreements, has failed to end Somalia's anarchy. BBC also mentions "SURVIVING ANARCHY" at the same web-page. It must be clear to all that Somalia is a failed state, i.e. a state - and not anarchy.

10.05.2009 BBC-TV correctly states that "Somalia, a nation of about eight million people, has experienced almost constant civil conflict since the collapse of its central government in January 1991." But it is totally wrong to call this anarchy, as BBC-TV does. Anarchy means a functioning central administration, but not government, i.e. top heavy pyramid in rank and/or income, significantly vertically organized. The system with rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) in Somalia is clearly government, archy, and not anarchy. Thus the authoritarian marxist propaganda station BBC-TV gets a Brown Card, for spreading this disinformation, according to the Oslo Convention. 15.08.2012 IAT hands out a Brown Card to BBC for continuing to lie "Somalia's decades of anarchy" 01.06 and 15.08.2012. The situation in Somalia is and has been rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - NOT ANARCHY. Somalia is the country most far from anarchy in the world. 04.06.2013 Robert Fowler on BBC's Hardtalk, mentions "chaos and anarchy" in Somalia, and the IAT hands out Brown Cards to Fowler and BBC, according to the Oslo Convention.

15.09.2009 BBC reports about "anarchy and lawlessness" in Zimbabwe. Anarchy is optimal order and not lawlessness. It is a very authoritarian ochlarchy in Zimbabwe, far from anarchy, and the authoritarian marxist propaganda station BBC-TV gets a Brown Card, for spreading this disinformation, according to the Oslo Convention. 29.11.2010 BBC-TV continues wrongly to call Somalia 'anarchy' and the BBC's Website is full of this lie, thus IAT-APT hands out another Brown Card to BBC, this ultra-authoritarian marxist propaganda 'news'-station.

Brown card to CNN and Arwa Damon for falsely calling the rivaling polyarchy and ochlarchy in Iraq - anarchy. 28.05.2009 and repeated several times CNN in "World's untold stories - Inside Iraq: Living with the enemy" (by Arwa Damon) expresses: "Not long ago it seemed that Iraq was on the edge of complete anarchy. Bodies were been dumped in the streets every day as Sunni and Shia groups settled scores... Iraqis turned on each other, neighbors slaughtered neighbors, friends betrayed one another. It was the sheer degradation of society on a shocking and utterly petrifying scale." It must be clear for all educated people that this situation in Iraq was not near complete, 100%, anarchy, or any form of anarchy of lower degree, i.e. systems with an anarchy degree above 50% and thus an authoritarian degree less than 50 %. The situation in Iraq was a very authoritarian hell society with rivaling polyarchy/oligarchy mixed with ochlarchy (mob rule), i.e. with more than 666 per thousand (67%) authoritarian degree, and thus very far from anarchy. Polyarchy with ochlarchy is not anarchy. CNN and Arwa Damon get a Brown Card, for spreading this disinformation, according to the Oslo Convention. The system by now is a bit less authoritarian, but still far from anarchy.

11.04.2009: Robert D. Kaplan, Center for a New American Security, and the IHT-NY-Times get a Brown Card for breaking the Oslo Convention and falsely postulating "anarchy on land means piracy at sea", "piracy is the maritime ripple effect of anarchy on land. Somalia is a failed state and has the longest coastline in mainland Africa, so piracy flourishes nearby." "Somali pirates are usually unemployed young men who have grown up in an atmosphere of anarchic violence, and have been dispatched by a local warlord to bring back loot for his coffers. It is organized crime carried out by roving gangs." As Kaplan correctly states Somalia is failed state, i.e. a STATE with rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) and chaos, rivaling states within the state, i.e. a form of archy, but not as he suggests anarchy, the quite opposite. We repeat: SOMALIA is a STATE, ARCHY - NOT ANARCHY. Anarchy and State are opposites. There are no pirates at sea outside Norway and Iceland, i.e. anarchies.  

16-17.01.2010. Brown Card to Luis Carballo and Euronews, that speak about "total anarchy" in Haiti. Haiti is after the massive earthquake to be considered as a FAILED STATE. The central administration is no longer functioning. Haiti is now a failed STATE, i.e. a STATE, not anarchy. It is a STATE, i.e. archy, with rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos. NOT ANARCHY! Anarchy and State are opposites. Anarchy and rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. archy, are opposites. Anarchy and chaos are opposites, see the Oslo Convention and search for anarchy vs chaos at . To mix up opposites as 1. Anarchy and State, 2. Anarchy and rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. archy, and 3. Anarchy and chaos, as Luis Carballo and Euronews do, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to Luis Carballo and Euronews, as free, libertarian criticism of this authoritarian tendency. The Anarchist International and the IAT-APT of course condemn the chaos and ochlarchy in Haiti, and call for law and order. It is not anarchy in Haiti, not total anarchy and not anarchy of lower degree! Jan Espen Kruse and NRK report "kaotisk ... totalt lovløse tilstander ... anarki," in Haiti, setting chaos and lawlessness, i.e. ochlarchy, falsely equal to anarchy, and thus get Brown Cards.

CNN and Lucia Newman describe the situation in Port-au-Prince, as "anarchy ... anarchy grips Haitian capital", they falsey postulate, mentioning "armed gangs, thugs, are ransacking, patrolling the streets at will, and there are no police to be seen." This is however rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, and not anarchy, and thus CNN and Lucia Newman get Brown Cards. Later Ivan Watson on CNN falsely calls the situation in Haiti "anarchic", and he gets a Brown Card. NY-Times and Mark Lacey report "patience was wearing thin, and reports of looting increased, ... for the moment, this is anarchy," said Adolphe Reynald, a top aide to the mayor of Port-au-Prince. "For the moment", it is not anarchy, but as mentioned rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy and chaos, and NY-Times, Mark Lacey and Adolphe Reynald get Brown Cards.

In another article in NY-Times the "Big Brothers" Mark Lacey and Simon Romero report "there were pockets of violence and anarchy, reports of looting and ransacking, and at least one lynching of an accused looter as police officers stood aside." As mentioned it is rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy and chaos, and a failed state, in Haiti - the quite opposite of anarchy. The central administration is not functioning in Haiti, and a functioning central administration - with law and order - is necessary for anarchy. Thus NY-Times, Mark Lacey and Simon Romero get a fresh Brown Card. Reuters and Carlos Barria report "It's anarchy there now, total chaos, the police have gone away," about Haiti, and also they get a Brown Card. The Anarchist International calls on all anarchists to send money-aid to Haiti, through safe channels, say Red Cross. 11.09.2010 BBC (TV) in a retrospective report falsely postulates that Haiti was "on the brink of anarchy", and gets a Brown Card from IAT-APT according to the Oslo Convention.

14.11.2004: Euronews is reporting: During a public debate in the city of Marseille, the French president said Paris would carry on with its UN peacekeeping mandate, which he says was also backed by other African nations. In criticism of the regime of Ivorian President Laurant Gbagbo, he said he would not leave the former colony, which was once a model to others, to head down a road towards "anarchy and fascism". The French president is probably mixing up rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos with anarchy, and thus gets a Brown Card. Anarchy and fascism are opposite systems on the Economical-Political map, and thus anarchy cannot exist together with fascism at the same time and place.

CNN writes on its website 01.09.2014: “ANARCHY IN LIBYA”, “U.S. diplomats evacuated the anarchic Libyan capital last month” and “the anarchy that currently reigns in Libya's capital”.  This is an Orwellian “1984” newspeak lie. De facto there is rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos, and far from anarchy and anarchic, in Libya - included Tripoli. CNN gets a Brown Card for this serious break of the Oslo-Convention. Libya is at the moment a failed state, i.e. a State – not anarchy and anarchic. Libya will probably be a failed state – a rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos, for many years.

Brown Cards to Patrick Cockburn and the Independent UK. Rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, in Syria, Iraq and Libya, not anarchy.

19.09.2015 Patrick Cockburn writes in the Independent UK the following: "Refugee crisis was caused by a careless West that allowed anarchy and fear to take root in the Middle East. The war in Syria and Iraq has gone on as long as the First World War... Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Western powers no longer see their vital interests as being affected by the collapse of countries such as Libya or Iraq. It is noticeable that anarchy in these two countries has little effect on the price of oil, though both countries are important producers."

This is not true. The truth is that Syria, Iraq and Libya are failed states, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out Brown Cards to Patrick Cockburn and the Independent UK, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Cards to Peter Bergen, CNN's national security analyst, Fareed Zakaria GPS, and CNN. Rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism, in Syria, Iraq and Libya etc., not anarchy.

15.02.2016 Peter Bergen at Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN is misusing the word anarchy pointing to some countries in the Middle East, say Syria, Iraq and Libya etc. It is not true that these States are anarchies. The truth is that Syria, Iraq and Libya etc. are failed states, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out Brown Cards to Peter Bergen, CNN's national security analyst, Fareed Zakaria GPS, and CNN, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention. The only anarchies in the world are Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland. They are also very good for people to live in. So Bergen is also wrong when he said "The only thing that is worse than dictatorship is anarchy". Anarchy is real democracy, not rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism.

PS. 12.03.2016. Anarchy and ochlarchy/chaos are opposites. CNN reported about the chaos at the Trump-meeting in Chicago mentioning there could have been "total anarchy" if the meeting was not postponed. This is false. There could perhaps have been total ochlarchy (mob rule), but that is the opposite of total anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out a Brown Card to CNN for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Cards to Ivan Watson and CNN. Rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism, in Syria, not anarchy.

10.04.2016. Ivan Watson at CNN is reporting about "anarchy" in Syria. It is not true Syria is an anarchy. The truth is that Syria is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out Brown Cards to Ivan Watson and CNN for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

14.04.2016. Sky News is reporting about "anarchy" in Libya. It is not true that Libya is an anarchy. The truth is that Libya is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out a Brown Card to Sky News for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Cards to Richard Haas and Fareed Zakaria GPS and CNN. Rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism, in the Middle East, not "anarchy or near anarchy".

05.06.2016. Council on Foreign Relations' Richard Haas at Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN is misusing the word anarchy, pointing to some States in the Middle East, mentioning that it is "anarchy or near anarchy" there. It is not true that these States are anarchies or near anarchies. The truth is that several states in the Middle East are failed states, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out Brown Cards to Richard Haas, Fareed Zakaria GPS, and CNN, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention. The only anarchies in the world are Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland. Anarchy is real democracy, not rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism.

Brown Cards to BBC and Dateline London. Rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism, in the Middle East, not "bloody anarchy".

13.11.2016 One of the correspondents at Dateline London is misusing the word anarchy, pointing to some States in the Middle East, mentioning that it is "bloody anarchy" there. It is not true that these States are anarchies - "bloody anarchy". The truth is that several states in the Middle East are failed states, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out Brown Cards to BBC and Dateline London, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention. The only anarchies in the world are Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland. Anarchy is real democracy, not rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism.

Brown Cards to Fred Pleitgen, the author of "Taliban" Ahmed Rashid and CNN-Amanpour. The situation in Afghanistan is rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism, not "anarchic".

15.11.2016. Fred Pleitgen and the author of "Taliban" Ahmed Rashid on CNN-Amanpour, are misusing the word anarchic (i.e. anarchist/anarchy), pointing to Afghanistan, stating that the country is "at risk of becoming "Anarchic"". It is not true that the situation in Afghanistan is anarchic or near anarchic. The truth is that Afghanistan is - or is close to being, a failed state, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchic (i.e. anarchist/anarchy). The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out Brown Cards to Fred Pleitgen, the author of "Taliban" Ahmed Rashid and CNN-Amanpour, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchic (i.e. anarchist/anarchy), and breaking the Oslo Convention. The only anarchies, i.e. anarchic countries, in the world are Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland. Anarchy, anarchist and anarchic mean real democracy, not rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism.

Brown Cards to Ahmed Tolba, Mahmoud Mourad, Sami Aboudi and Adrian Croft, Reuters and Euronews and supporters of Sisi in Egypt. The situation in Syria and Libya is rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism, not "anarchy".

22.07.2018. Ahmed Tolba, Mahmoud Mourad, Sami Aboudi and Adrian Croft, Reuters and Euronews and supporters of Sisi in Egypt are misusing the word anarchy, pointing to Syria and Libya, stating "Supporters say Sisi's policies were necessary to bring stability to the most populous country in the Arab world and save it from the anarchy and destruction witnessed by other Arab countries such as Syria and Libya." It is not true that Syria and Libya are anarchies The truth is that Syria and Libya are a failed States, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out Brown Cards to Ahmed Tolba, Mahmoud Mourad, Sami Aboudi and Adrian Croft, Reuters and Euronews and supporters of Sisi in Egypt for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention. The only anarchies in the world are Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland. Anarchy means real democracy, not rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism.

Brown Cards to President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, Oscar Valero and Euronews. Nicaragua is a failed state with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy - chaos - and ultra-fascism, far from anarchy, i.e. real democracy.

28 and 31.07.2018. President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, Oscar Valero and Euronews are misusing the word anarchy, stating "Following this path to early elections is to open the doors to anarchy" (in the false meaning of chaos etc.). It is not true that Nicaragua will be an anarchy (real democracy) after an election (but perhaps a little less authoritarian?). The truth is that Nicaragua is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism, far from anarchy, i.e. real democracy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out Brown Cards to President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, Oscar Valero and Euronews for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention. The only anarchies in the world are Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland. Anarchy means real democracy, not rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascism.

Brown Card to CNN. Libya is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy.

08.04.2019. CNN at Hala Gorani Tonight is reporting about "years of anarchy" in Libya. It is not true that Libya is and has been an anarchy. The truth is that Libya is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out a Brown Card to CNN for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Cards to Oliver Miles, former British ambassador to Libya, and Al Jazeera. Libya is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy.

15.04.2019. Al Jazeera and Oliver Miles, former British ambassador to Libya, are reporting about "anarchy" in Libya. It is not true that Libya is an anarchy. The truth is that Libya is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT-APT) hands out Brown Cards to Al Jazeera and Oliver Miles for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Cards to Ulf Laessing, Ahmed Elumami, Valentina Za, Stephanie Nebehay, Michelle Nichols, Andrew Cawthorn, Angus MacSwan, Reuters and Euronews. Libya is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy.

16.04.2019. Ulf Laessing, Ahmed Elumami, Valentina Za, Stephanie Nebehay, Michelle Nichols, Andrew Cawthorn, Angus MacSwan, Reuters and Euronews are reporting: "Foreign powers are worried but unable to present a united front over the latest flare-up in the cycle of anarchy gripping Libya since dictator Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in 2011." It is not true that Libya is an anarchy. The truth is that Libya is a failed State, with rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy, i.e. chaos - and ultra-fascist, not anarchy. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT-APT) hands out Brown Cards to Ulf Laessing, Ahmed Elumami, Valentina Za, Stephanie Nebehay, Michelle Nichols, Andrew Cawthorn, Angus MacSwan, Reuters and Euronews for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Card to Russian president Medvedev for falsely trying to put the blame for the Domodedovo Airport terrorist attack on anarchy - Anarchy is optimal order - not chaos...

25.01.2011 Associated Press reported: Medvedev described Domodedovo Airport security as being in "a state of anarchy" and said its management must bear key responsibility for security failures that contributed to Monday's blast [terrorist attack 24.01.2011]. Medvedev is probably meaning chaos, a form of ochlarchy, and is thus breaking the Oslo Convention and gets a Brown Card from IAT-APT. Anarchy is real democracy including optimal order - not chaos, and anarchy is thus clearly de facto not responsible for this terrorist attack. Anarchists are not at all to blame in this case. The Brown Card to Russian president Medvedev is also for falsely trying to put the blame of the Domodedovo Airport terrorist attack on "anarchy". But even chaos in the management at the Domodedovo Airport is really not to blame much in this case. Medvedev and Putin must bear the key responsibility and are to blame for not fighting the terrorists in Russia in general hard enough.

BBC reported: Mr Medvedev said "pure anarchy reigned" at the airport. UK's Daily Mail reported: Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev said security checks at Domodedovo airport had been allowed to slip into 'a state of anarchy '. The Guardian reported: Domodedovo bomb shows security was in state of anarchy, says Medvedev. Norwegian TV2 and several other newsmedia (but not all main newsmedia) had similar lie-stories. They also get Brown Cards for breaking the Oslo Convention.

Later Medvedev seems to have left his theory that anarchy and anarchists were to blame for the Domodedovo Airport terrorist attack

26.01.2011. President Dmitry Medvedev fired a federal transport police chief Wednesday and lashed out at "passive" officers who guard Russia's airports and rail stations after the airport suicide bombing killed 35 people. Medvedev, often criticized as hesitant or ineffectual, appeared eager to assert his power after Monday's attack at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, which also left 180 people wounded. He announced the firing shortly before leaving for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where he was determined to reassure world business leaders that Russia was a safe bet for their badly needed investment. Medvedev began his address in Davos by accusing the airport bomber of trying to "bring Russia to its knees" and prevent him from attending the high-profile forum.

Medvedev did not specify his reasons for dismissing Maj. Gen. Andrei Alexeyev, head of the transport police for much of western Russia, including Moscow. But he did criticize transport police in general. "The police that are at the large transport centers, in airports, at railway stations, take an absolutely passive position," he said. Also Wednesday, the chief of the transport police division at Domodedovo Airport and two officers were fired by the interior minister.

Brown Card to V. Putin. Anarchy is democracy, not chaos  

24.02.2005 V. Putin, president of the Russian Federation, at a press conference in Bratislava, Slovakia, stated "... democracy is not anarchy..." probably meaning anarchy = chaos. But Putin is wrong.  Anarchy is real democracy, economical and political/administrative, i.e. both the degree of socialism and autonomy broadly defined > 50%. Any democracy that is not anarchy is a pseudo-democracy/authoritarian. The Russian federation of today is a pseudo-democracy/authoritarian, not real democracy, i.e. anarchy. Russia is ca 51% socialist, i.e. significant. It has a parliamentary system - it is not a totalitarian dictatorship, i.e. the authoritarian degree is less than 67%, but the president has very large power so it is rather authoritarian, with a degree of statism a little less than 75%. This means the degree of autonomy is a little more than 25%. All in all this means Russia has an authoritarian social-democrat system with ca 63,5 % authoritarian degree. This means the libertarian degree is about 36,5 prosent. Putin gets the Brown Card for mixing up anarchy with chaos, and thus breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Card to Hungarian ochlarchists

20.09.2006 - Hungary has been rocked by its most violent civil unrest in five decades, with angry demonstrators threatening the stability of the current government after the prime minister admitted lying to the public. These rioters are nothing but ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists, and are getting the Brown Card from the IAT. The Hungarian anarchists should demonstrate with dignity, giving the opportunity for real anarchist alternatives to the present mismanagement and the mob rule.


Some authors, spokesmen and editors have been mixing up "anarchism" and "mysticism". To put it simple "anarchy" is "neither god nor master", i.e. the negation of "religious, divine and/or satanic power". Thus, anarchists may well discuss metaphysics, but the basic anarchist principle in this matter is atheism, because so far no significant evidence exists to reject this hypothesis... The typical and principal anarchist point of view is ca 100% atheism with a dash of agnosticism. As anarchy means an-arch-y, system without arch(s), - anarchy, anarchists, anarchism and the libertarian in general are also principally against the archenemy, in the meaning of satan, antichrist, the devil, demons, etc. if any, i.e. as mentioned not very likely in a metaphysical, supernatural or similar way.

For the present purpose, anarchism is defined as the economical and political/administrative ideas which argues that human individuals and groups can and should exist without authority, and religion is defined as the belief in the existence and significance of supernatural being(s), and especially as the prevailing Judaeo-Christian system of the past two thousand years. The general assumption is that there is a negative connection logical, because divine and human authority reflect each other; and psychological, because the rejection of human and divine authority, of political and religious orthodoxy, reflect each other: An anarchist, who wants no all-powerful master on earth, no authority, must necessarily reject the idea of an omnipotent power (god) to whom everything must be subjected; if he/she is consistent, he must declare himself an atheist. Thus, the anarchist ideal implies atheism. As a matter of historical fact the negative connection has indeed been the norm, anarchists are generally non-religious and are frequently anti-religious, and the standard anarchist words of wisdom are: Neither god nor master! And if god really existed, he would have to be abolished! Thus, atheism is a basic principle for the anarchist ideal, but it is not a dogma. In less ideal, but still significant anarchism, a personal belief in god is possible.

However there are more than enough real authoritarian chaos-rulers, in this sense devils or the archenemy, on earth, although of course even such persons, "beasts", with more than 666 per thousand authoritarian degree, also are humans and have the same human rights as anyone else. To put a brand of Cain, stigmatize or demonish a person or group, doing ochlarchy, wichhunt against persons, lynchmobs, witchburning, crucifixion and crucifying, holocaust, etc, and in this way defining them as untermench, should thus be avoided 100%, although such arch persons and organizations of course must be handled realistical. Say, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are real devils, dangerous, -.Saddam has started two wars unprovoked, gassed and killed thousands of his "own" people, and Osama and al-Qaeda are behind the 11 september 2001 terrorism etc. killing thousands of innocent workingclass people. Such persons and their organizations must be arrested one way or the other, before they manage to do more harm and Hitlerian type ruling, i.e. statism, capitalism and terrorism included - very significant. (Saddam Hussein was arrested in 2003, and hanged in 2006, an act that anarchists were against, because they are opposed to capital punishment).

When we use the term "devil" it is not indicating we have to do with demons or something like that, it is just a figurative or metaphorical expression of the mathematical figures for more than "2/3" or "666 per thousand" authoritarian degree, i.e. a clear non-humanist tendency, bestiality. Scientifically the mathematical expression of "more than 2/3 authoritarian degree" is perhaps the most objective and neutral termn to avoid demonishing. Using a neutral, scientifical term however doesn't make these authoritarian leaders and their organizations less dangerous.

Thus, say, punk-songs with artistical expressions ironically telling something else, i.e. falsely mixing up ochlarchy, chaos, antichrist and similar on the one hand - and anarchy, anarchists, etc. on the other, must of course never be taken seriously, but only as irony related to the authoritarian travesty of anarchy and anarchists. The punk band "Sex Pistols"' expression: "I am an anarchist - I am an antichrist", taken literally - is a damn lie. It is not possible to be a real anarchist and also a real antichrist/satanist. Anarchists are not satanists or antichrists. Anarchists work to create heaven on earth, not hell on earth. Anarchists are against burning of churches, attacks on graveyards, etc. and condemn satanists strongly for doing so. Thus anarchists, the Anarchist International and anarchism in general, strongly denounce chaos-punks and similar acting according to the ochlarchical, authoritarian travesty of anarchy, anarchist and anarchism. Such behavior has nothing to do with anarchy, anarchists, anarchism etc. in real terms.

Anarchists want to change the world to be a better place to live in for the people, the working class and the grassroots as opposed to the authorities and upper classes, not to create hell on earth, i.e. systems with more than 666 per thousand authoritarian degree. (Authorities and upper classes, if any, per definition in general have more freedom, power, wealth, richness and/or welfare than the people, the working class and the grassroots in a society - thus there is no need to worry over their well being....). The Anarchist International is principally a secular organization and network, we don't mix up religion with politics. The Anarchist International has also a manifesto against satanism, click on:  

Atheism is as mentioned a basic anarchist principle, meaning the Anarchist International (AI) and anarchism in general is a secular project. However freedom is also a basic principle, and that includes freedom of religion, a personal belief. There are some anarchists in AI that believe in a god. But if the religion makes an authoritarian, hierarchical organization, the AI is against it, and will try to change such organizations in a horizontal direction, but not attacking people and material things.

To prevent "1984 newspeak" confusion and conceptual chaos, we will remind you of the following: Anarchy, anarchist, anarchism, etc, must not be mixed up with mystic and similar authoritarian tendencies. The international anarchist movement denounces this authoritarian mix, and of course doesn't accept the use of the word anarchist in this connection, which is disinformation. Notoriously authoritarian reporters, spokesmen, editors, etc., breaking the Oslo-convention of 1990 severely or several times, will receive a Brown card from the Anarchist Press Tribunal as a symbol of free criticism...


The media often have put the label "anarchist" on Internet. As any communication network, such as phone, telefax, post, etc., it may be used for free communication without harming others freedom, i.e. anarchist; or the opposite, i.e. libel, defamation, hacking and other criminal behavior. Today Internet is far from anarchist, as far as we know. It is not organized according to anarchist principles, and a lot of the so called information about anarchy and anarchism is disinformation. Thus, it should not be called anarchist either. The international anarchist movement doesn't accept, and denounces, the use of the word anarchist in this connection, which is disinformation. Notoriously authoritarian reporters, spokesmen, etc, breaking the Oslo-convention of 1990 severely or several times, will receive a Brown card from the Anarchist Press Tribunal as a symbol of free criticism...

The IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to BBC and Newsnight's Matt Prodger in a program "Why the pirates are on the rise in Sweden" 22.07.2009, and the Swedish Alexander Bad interviewed in this program, who falsely postulates "some real aggresive behaviour going on, especially from the anarchist section of the Pirate Party, and they have been personally threatening artists...". It is clear that if this is true, it is ochlarchist behaviour (ochlarchy is mob rule broadly defined) according to the Oslo Convention, and activists intimidating artists are thus not anarchists. The IAT-APT also hands out a Brown Card to these ochlarchists, if any, falsely posing as anarchists but in reality ochlarchists, and this means expulsion from the anarchist movement. The anarchists mean "free" file sharing is theft, a top down approach enslaving artists, and that artistic expressions should be priced according to long time marginal social costs (plus, under certain conditions, a prevalent mark up and VAT), as other goods and services - as always. Thus anarchists are against pirates, both in Somalia and Sweden, according to the Oslo Convention. Any filesharing must be done within a legal framework with free contracts for artists, not slavery or slave contracts, as piracy in reality means.

Also hacking is criminal and ochlarchist, not anarchist. Thus the IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to the criminal hacking group Anonymous, expulsing it from the anarchist movement. Anonymous is not anarchist and anarchists. The IAT-APT also hands out a Brown Card to NRK that 16.04.2013 falsely calls Anonymous an anarchist group, according to the Oslo Convention. 06.11.2015 Camilla Turner and Lexi Finnigan at Telegraph UK report: "Clad in Guy Fawkes masks, some of the supporters of Anonymous, the anarchic hacking collective, lit fires and smoke bombs on the streets." Hacking and use of smoke bombs and fires are ochlarchist, not anarchist or anarchic, and thus the International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT-APT) hands out Brown Cards to Camilla Turner, Lexi Finnigan and Telegraph UK for this serious break of the Oslo Convention.



We have seen enough of criminals, police provocateurs, mislead kids and others doing ochlarchy (mob rule) broadly defined, i.e. ochlarchists (provocateurs), infiltrating the anarchist movement, during the history, making trouble of various kinds for the anarchist movement and thus real progress in society. A firm stand against these ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist movement, being it police provokers, criminals and/or mislead kids or others, is a necessity for obvious reasons. The anarchist movement should of course not get mixed up with ochlarchists as we really have nothing to do with this sort of doings and persons. The difference between ochlarchs/ochlarchists and anarchists is per definition dependent on what a person does, not what he/she says he/she is, or flags.

This means among other things expulsion of the ochlarchist infiltrators from the anarchist movement, via the independent and autonomous International Anarchist Tribunal giving expelling Brown Cards in relevant cases, and followed up by expulsion of ochlarchists from anarchist arrangement as, say, congresses, demonstrations and actions, a.o.t. via internet, press releases and newsletters and websites.

It is extremely and especially important that the official anarchist websites, among others the APT-files, take a firm stand against the ochlarchist infiltrators to settle things right and show the media and the people in general where the anarchist movement officially and generally stands in this case, not to get mixed up with the ochlarchists, because that may be extremely harmful to our movement, regarding say recruitment, public relations and influence, as a movement mixed up with ochlarchy and ochlarchists will never be taken seriously as a political social movement of alternatives and improvements to the existing more or less bad, inefficient and/or unfair economical-political systems, it will only be seen as an even worse alternative.

Several media have called the riots and mob rule at the G8 and other "top-meetings" in Seattle, Prague, Gothenburg and Genoa, as well as at the May Day demonstrations in Berlin and London and similar events, for "anarchy", and also called the rioters "anarchists". Behind these riots are so called anti-capitalists, some marxist groups (as, say, the IS - International Socialists connected to the British Socialist Workers Party, Trotskyites and Maoists), some fascists (painting Jewish stars on the walls, national socialists, neonazis and fascists), criminals, and so called autonomous groups (marxists), punks and similar - sometimes in so called "Black Blocs/Blocks", highly hierarchical organizations on the streets, and sometimes misusing anarchist symbols, waving the black flag and painting the @-sign of anarchists. "Black Blocs" are typically vandals and thus ochlarchists, and anti-capitalist, i.e. ultra-authoritarian socialists. They are thus marxist leftwing extremists, sometimes falsely posing as "anarchists". They are criminal ochlarchical bosses of vandalism. The anarchists boycott such groups and condemn these ochlarchs/ochlarchists! Such marxist ochlarchs/ochlarchists and infiltrators falsely posing as "anarchists" are of course not members of the international anarchist movement. The anarchists repeat: these ochlarchists are not anarchists! Black Blocs have also sometimes neonazis and fascists as members, but are as mentioned typically ultra-authoritarian marxists, sometimes acting quite fascistoid... If the fascist/nazi element is dominant, but that is not the usual case, Black Blocs may be ultra-authoritarian fascists, either leftwing extremist or rightwing extremist fascist dependent on the main tendency.

These so called anarchists are inspirated by the authoritarian travesty of anarchy as chaos, disorder and mob rule; promoted, say, in the punk song "Anarchy in the UK" by the Sex Pistols - where "anarchy" is equal to chaos and ochlarchy, and "anarchist" is an evil (Antichrist) destroyer, and thus are not anarchists at all according to the Oslo-convention. Anarchy, i.e. in short "no rule(r/rs)" is not ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule(r/rs). To take such "free" artistical expressions and metaphores of punk-rock groups as the Sex Pistols, only reflecting authoritarian travesties of anarchism, anarchist, and anarchy that you may find in almost any of the authorities' and establishment's dictionaries, as a documentation on truth, and take it literally as a political program, i.e. just what a Swedish anarchist called "är ganska pucko", see . These "anti-"groups are all located from semi-libertarian marxism towards authoritarian socialism and fascism on the economic-political map, dependent on how ochlarchic and chaotic they are, and none of them are significantly anarchist. Generally speaking, persons who are so alienated that they identify with the authoritarian travesty of anarchy, anarchist and anarchism, have of course no connection to anarchy, anarchism or the anarchist movement.

The basically marxist idea that the way from the present established more or less disorder, i.e. lack of freedom, equality, solidarity etc., in anarchist direction, i.e. towards a higher degree of social order, via mystical marxist dialectics can be reached by creating oclarchy and chaos in the name of "anticapitalism etc.", is so morbid that it cannot be discussed seriously, just generally rejected. Generally speaking, to believe that creating chaos will in a mystical marxist dialectical way create order, is absurd. Ochlarchy is authoritarian and it contributes usually to even more authoritarian systems.

And, generally speaking, a small group of "enlightened" persons, doing "liberating" terrorism or violent ochlarchy on behalf of a "highly alienated" people, who are not supposed to know their own good, are highly authoritarian, i.e. despite of what these "radicals" may call themselves. Such symbolic acts only make people more alienated, enforce the authoritarian travesty of anarchy, anarchism and anarchists, and contribute to more authoritarian societies, i.e. a higher degree of statism and/or capitalism. The authoritarian tactic of making chaos and ochlarchy, falsely renaming it anarchy, and (later) call for the "strong man" is well known. Thus, such acts are, and only contribute to, authoritarian changes in the socio-economical and/or -political/administrative structures, broadly defined. And thus, they are contra-revolutionary acts, contributing to authoritarian revolutionary changes, not anarchist revolutionary changes. It is not the outspoken aim that counts. The real aim is the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions. Aims in ideological manifestos may be "anti-capitalist", "anti-imperialist", "anti-statist", "antiglobalization" and similar with good intentions, but this is not relevant. The real aims are always the consequences of the means that are used, and nothing else. What such small "anti-"group activities and symbolic acts are called, i.e.

a) "anti-capitalist", (a term mainly used by marxists, they are in a way opposed to capitalism, but not statism: Marxists will change the system to the left and downwards on the economical political map, while anarchists will move the system towards the middle and upwards. They have a communist ideal with no economical classes, but they do not account for classes of political/administrative rank. Although the marxists talk about an ideal with "no State", this consept of state is defined in economic terms. Thus they agree on the principle "from each according to ability, to each according to needs" but still think about a centrally planned economy and a hierarchical party. This is just a political/administrative state in anarchist science.

Furthermore, in practice this centrally planned economy and party state will generate considerably income hierarchy, i.e. capitalist (plutarchist) tendencies. If the plutarchist tendencies according to nomenklatura and similar become the significant, the system will become fascist in real terms. Thus, it is neither unity of ideals, theoretically and practically, nor means to reach the aims, between marxists and anarchists. And thus, it exists no common "anti-capitalist unity" as the marxists suggest. Anarchists prefer to talk about socialist and non-capitalist actions, to avoid getting mixed up with marxists. Furthermore, both socialism and autonomy should be taken into account in anarchist actions. The term "anti" is not an anarchist concept, it is typically the concept of marxist dialectics, i.e. "thesis, antithesis, synthesis", a quasi-scientific "formula" with no scientific value. The dialectical idea that the "formulas", say, capitalism - "anticapitalism" - socialism, or statism - "antistatism" - autonomy, are valid, is far from the truth. In fact violent symbolic anti-capitalist and/or antistate actions usually will promote more statism and capitalism. Typically violent "class war" ochlarchy from commies and nazis before the 2nd World War in Germany, contributed to legitimate dictatorship. It would not have been much better if the commies had taken the dictaturship. Thus, anarchists prefer the concept "non", as in non-authoritarian, non-government, non-capitalist, non-statist, etc. The change of system in progressiv, anarchist, direction goes not dialectical via "anti-everything" and ochlarchy and chaos, this just leads to legitimate more authoritarian rule. It means just a small or larger change in the co-ordinates of the system, all the time towards higher order, more fairness and efficiency, and fulfillment of the other anarchist principles, less rank- and income-differences etc. i.e. less plutarchy, monarchy, oligarchy, polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos, steady and with firmness. It may perhaps sometimes be tough, but significant ochlarchy, chaos and similar authoritarian tendencies, symbolic acts, and not organizational progressive change, should be avoided.

Anarchists also use the term "negation of", but never alone. The negational principles must always be seen together with the other anarchist principles, to get a meaningful concept, as, say, in the IFA-principles. There is however one exception, i.e. the principle of antimilitarism. This means only that if anarchists and the societies they live in are violently attacked by authoritarians , i.e. militarism broadly defined, then antimilitarist armed struggle may be introduced in self defense, proportional to what is necessary to achieve peace, but not more violent. In such cases the whole strategic picture must be taken into account, and the establishment of alliances with relatively democratic forces must be considered, to fight militarist ultra-authoritarians. In the Spanish civil war, the lack of sufficient alliances, resulted in a defeat for the relatively democratic and anarchist forces. The fascists and their allies won, also helped by Stalinist treason, and sat by power to the international megatrend towards less authoritarian societies put an end to fascism in Spain soon after the death of Franco. This is a lesson anarchists must never forget.),

b) "anti-imperialist" (imperialism is a marxist and obsolete concept with little or no relevance today. The British empire and Russian Soviet empire are no more existing, and USA has never been a significant colonial power. Marxists use the term imperialism as Lenin defined it: "the highest stage of capitalism", specifically the era in which monopoly finance capital becomes dominant, forcing nations and corporations to compete amongst themselves increasingly for control over resources and markets all over the world. Such control may take the form of geopolitical machinations, military adventures, or financial maneuvers. The anarchists and libertarians in general are against marxism in all forms, also the marxist concept of imperialism, and Lenin's marxist imperialism theory. It is not valid.

There are however supranational statism & capitalism, and multinational enterprises based on statism and/or capitalism; these are anarchist concepts, and they must not be mixed up with the marxist concepts and theories, which are propaganda and statism ideology. The Anarchist International thus mostly avoids the term "imperalism", not to get mixed up with marxism. The term "imperialism" may however also be used for supranational capitalism and/or statism related to multinationals, and AI is of course against this. AI has a few times used the word "imperialism" in this way, when it should not be misunderstood, but in general it is avoided, as it can be mixed up with the marxist concept. The term " anti-globalization " is sometimes used in a same way as "anti-imperialism", only it is a more vague concept. Anarchists are internationalists and thus in a way for globalization, but against supra-nationalism and nationalism, anarchism is based on the countries world wide, i.e. the Anarchist International is based on one federation in each country.)

c) "antigovernment" (also sometimes called anti-authority or anti-authoritarian or antiauthoritarian , i.e. vague concepts, that can be used by any political group who is opposed to the established authorities, - marxist, fascist and liberalist included. Two groups of extreme liberalists may be mentioned alltough they were not active in Genoa and Gothenburg. One is the conservative blue&brown antigovernment tendency, mainly in the USA, with the late Oklahoma-bomber. Another is the extreme right blue&brown tendency, sometimes called "anarcho"-capitalists, with, say, the Swedish Olympian-bomber. They are opposed to the political-administrative state in a way, especially the established central administration, but often mix up government with public sector, and do not account for economical plutarchy and economical hierarchies in general. "Anarcho"-capitalism is "anarcho"-economical plutarchy, i.e. an oxymoron and not anarchism. Thus, they are not anarchists. And, thus, it exists no "antigovernment unity". It may also be mentioned that Bakunin's faction in the 1st International at first used the vague term antiauthoritarian, but later changed the name to anarchists, similar to P. J. Proudhon, to avoid misunderstandings. Ochlarchy, mob rule broadly defined, is a form of government/state/authority, and not anarchy and anarchism, and ochlarchists/ochlarchs, bosses of vandalism, etc, calling themselves "antigovernment" groups, are not anarchists.),

d)"class war" (another typical marxist concept, used by, say, RAF (Baader-Meinhof) in Germany and BR in Italy. In fact it exists at least seven significant social classes of rank and income, not two, i.e. the division in people and authorities/superiors is a simplification, although frequently used by anarchists for pedagogical reasons. The "people" defined as the persons with relatively lowest rank and income are usually only a small part of the population, sometimes called the marginalized. As a small group of the people broadly defined, seen as a class as opposed to the superiors in rank and/or income, this small group must appeal to the solidarity of the rest of the people, to get better off. They usually do not have the resources to free themselves alone. Hard and violent actions will usually only increase the coercion and marginalization. The people, broadly defined, as a probable clear majority of the population, is defined at Anarchist Class Analysis .

The authorities are the relatively rich (economical plutarchists) and the political/adminstrative rulers, the top and lower commanding officers within the hierarchical enterprises in public and private sector, criminal (mafia, ochlarchists, terrorists etc.) or not, i.e. to put it simple, the bureaucracy economically and/or political/administratively broadly defined. Some of these non criminal, may be idealists and be solidaric with the people, and thus in a way, at least ideologically, also be a part of the people, not the upper classes. The anarchist prince, Pjotr Kropotkin, is a well known example of an idealist. Some of the people may be solidaric with the upper classes, say, perhaps in the purpose of climbing in the hierarchies, and thus be among the ramifications of the bureaucracy. Thus, there are rarely a unity between the people. The classes of the people have different interests, both seen as classes and as individual members of the classes. Many people love their leaders, or look at them as a necessary more or less evil. The relations between the classes, and the people broadly defined vis-à-vis the upper classes, may have a structural form of hard repression, less repression, and elements of co-operation with more or less coercion. Thus, the hierarchy ( if any) may be organized more or less from the bottom upwards, or from the top to the bottom.

A class-analysis must also take into account these relations between the classes, not only the class structure in a narrow sence. Thus a given hierarchy may also be more or less authoritarian, dependent on how authoritarian the relations between the classes and the persons are. And thus, performance must be included in the concept of structure. These relations of performance may be from ultra to less authoritarian to more or less co-operative, with small rank and/or income differences, i.e. the system may work more or less from the bottom and upwards, or the opposite, from the top towards the bottom. Thus, there are two ways of making the system less authoritarian, 1. To change the hierarchy economical and/or political/administrative, in horizontal direction. 2. To change the relations between the people within a given hierarchy, in horizontal direction, i.e. less authoritarian. The anarchist ideal has 100% horizontal organization, i.e. 100% socialism and autonomy, no hierarchy, and no authoritarian relations between people, and no authorities political/administrative and economically, and no disorganization.

Furthermore a revolutionary change in anarchist direction is about changing the social structures of positions and organization towards more socialism and autonomy, less rank and income differences, more efficiency and fairness, and taking into account the IFA-principles, the Oslo-Convention and anarchist human rights, i.e. significant. It is not about liquidating the persons in the upper classes. Thus the term "class war" is quite misleading. And generally speaking, the more civil war, the less revolution in a progressive way. Street ochlarchy is not anarchist. Ochlarchy, mob rule broadly defined, is as mentioned a form of government/state/authority, and not anarchy and anarchism, and ochlarchists/ochlarchs, bosses of vandalism etc, are not anarchists. A self styled "class war", introduced by a small group "on behalf of the people or the masses" is, as mentioned above, authoritarian and not anarchist. Anarchists use the word "fight", sometimes "struggle", but not "class war", and they are fighting for changing the economical and political/adminstrative organization, the structure of positions and relations, not against persons and other resources. A selfstyled, private war against the symbols of the system, typically in a way that people in general don't want - often because they know this will legitimate more authoritarian rule, is thus a hopeless task, and has nothing to do with working class struggle. Anarchists are peaceloving people, principally neither pacifists nor terrorists. Violence is an evil, and should be used as little as possible. The only violence accepted by anarchists is violence, proportionate, in self defense. A violent, ochlarchical society is not anarchist.

To "remove the boss" is usually not doing very much good. Without changing the organizational structure in horizontal direction, the old boss will just be replaced by a new one, and often even more authoritarian, especially if the first one is removed with violence. See also and search for "fog" og "wannabe" to understand what "fog-arch" and "wannebe libertarian" mean in this context. Working class struggle is really only about changing the social organization in libertarian direction, and that can only be done by changing the de facto organizations, not by attacking symbols of the system and destruction of valuable resources. There is very little social organization in the street, except traffic, so to think streetfighting and destruction of buildings will change the social organization is quite stupid. Social organization is mainly at the workplaces, housing, culture and the political organizations and system, not in the streets. The only social organization in the streets of interest, is some of the traffic system, and it is not possibly to improve that in a progressive direction by street fighting. In fact streetfrighting is bad for the traffic, and the traffic system is a political question. It is not decided in the street, but on the political arenas. The purpose of a street demonstration is influence on the system in a progressive direction. The politicians however are not very impressed by ochlarchy and chaos, but in loss and gain of votes around the elections, popularity in the polls, etc. Small groups doing private ochlarchical "war" on the symbols of the system is thus not doing "class war" and "class struggle" as they may believe themselves in their twisted minds, just doing ordinary petty crimes making a chaos and ochlarchy that most of the people are not interested to have. Some people with humor have called the State, i.e. authorities, the "ass". Then such small false "class war" ochlarchy groups are just "pimples on this ass", and if being terroristical and worse, they are just "assholes", real political brownies.

e)"quasi-political hooligans" (These are marxistoid, fascistoid and other capitalist groups and individuals doing ochlarchy, chaos and/or theft, and thus are located below the 67% authoritarian degree on the economical-political map).

f) or similar, - may all be considered "anti-capitalist" and/or "anti-statist", i.e. opposed to the established government, political/adminstrative and/or economically, in a way. But they have nothing to do with anarchy, anarchist(s) and anarchism, i.e. whatever they may be called, it doesn't matter:

The fight for anarchist revolutionary changes, i.e. significant changes in the social organization mainly of the political/administrative rank and the economical remuneration systems and structures in the society; significant changes of the coordinates of the system on the economical political map in progressive anarchist direction, i.e. towards both more socialism and autonomy, via, say,

i ) direct democratic actions of different kinds, ii) making co-operatives and similar, iii) actions at the place of work and even general strikes, iv) anarchist media and federation work, and v) other non-authoritarian acts, also including of course demonstrations in the streets and in front of embassies, however not ochlarchic and chaotic, and with clearly anarchist aims. International anarchists have a lot of experience of liberalist, marxist and fascist infiltration, punks and quasi-political hooligans included, in anarchist actions, but have so far managed to keep them out, calm, or at least not significant. These actions (i-v), are quite the opposite of symbolic violent ochlarchic and/or terrorist attacks on people, buildings, machinery and similar. These resources should be allocated in a more progressive, anarchist, way, not be destroyed. Thus, anarchy, anarchist and anarchism are not about destructive "anticapitalism" or "antistatism" and similar, but constructive work for more socialism and autonomy. To misuse anarchist symbols, and put up a vague protest against "state" and "capitalism" on a banner, has not anything to do with the fight for anarchism, anarchy and anarchist tendencies, i.e. changing the social organization in anarchist direction.

These are the lessons of the Gothenburg, Genoa and similar events, and all of the experience from the fight for anarchism. (And these lessons are even clearer when we look to the aeroplane crash-bombings against the World Trade Center ("capitalism") and Pentagon ("state") in America.) The anarchist movement must never contribute to such violent symbolic acts. If anarchists do violent symbolic acts and terrorism, they will cease to be anarchists, i.e. they will be something else - authoritarians, and thus they become marxists, fascists or liberalists.

Thus, the Anarchist International advocates velvet revolutionary changes, not civil war in any way, i.e. an authoritarian tendency. (See also "Anarchists against political extremism" above.) Furthermore: Anarchists are seeking more adherents to their cause. And they are doing this in the open, in front of the state and capitalism (economical plutarchy). And that is the proper way to go about it because that is the way to garner broad support. (1) If anarchists are peaceful toward their enemies in the state and capitalism (economical plutarchy), they are more likely to gain new adherents, the broad numbers of converts to the cause. This is because they can continue to operate in the open and because violence drives potential converts into the arms of the state/capitalism. (2) If they are more peaceful, they give the state/capitalists less reason to suppress them. (3) By being peaceful, any suppression by the state/capitalists gains sympathy for anarchists. (4) By being peaceful, they provide an example of what anarchism is about. It is true that the peaceful course requires patience and time, but the payoff is greater in the long run.

Ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is not anarchy (without rule(r(s))), and mob rulers (i.e. authoritarians) are not anarchists. Thus, The International Anarchist Tribunal issues a Brown Card to these "autonomous anarchists" and similar, and to media calling them anarchists, and the riots and mob rule for anarchy. These so called autonomous groups and similar - authoritarians and "useful" idiots of authoritarians, - are not a part of the international anarchist movement, and the press should not call them so either.

A Brown Card also goes to the British PM Mr Blair who blamed an "anarchists' travelling circus" for the violence. At the same moment the IAT gives a Black * Star to the media and governments that did not try to put the blame of the ochlarchy and chaos on anarchists and anarchism. Also the police contributed to the ochlarchy by violating human rights. They are getting a special Brown Card. A very special dark Brown Card goes to some cops in Genoa for killing one demonstrant in an ochlarchic way, and singing fascist songs. This killed demonstrant, Carlo Giuliani, was not an anarchist. By the way, not all punks are authoritarian and ochlarchic! We remember the Norwegian satirical punk song "Feit Føderal Pønk" (Fat federal punk) released on the anarchist @-label in 1979, and played, say, a lot on French anarchist radio (Radio Libertaire) early in the 1980-ies, which promoted real anarchy. Don't forget the Oslo-Convention about anarchy vs chaos.

14.12.2001: Some marxist "autonomous" groups have misused the black flag, traditionally used by some anarchists, in ochlarchical "anti-capitalist" and "antiglobalisation" demonstrations, the first violent protests in EU since 11 September 2001. These fake "anarchist" groups and the newsmedia calling them "anarchists" have got a Brown Card from the IAT. Ochlarchy is not anarchy and ochlarchists are not anarchists. The Brown Cards of course also means expulsion of the ochlarchist infiltrators, fake "anarchist" groups, from the anarchist movement.

A special Brown Card goes to Silvio Berlusconi, for severely breaking the Oslo Convention related to a police provocation at the G8 demonstrations. Italian police planted two Molotov cocktails in a school where protesters were sleeping to justify a brutal crackdown during last year's G8 summit in Genoa (2001). A policeman has confessed that he planted the explosives following a year of acrimony over the handling of security at the summit where a protester was shot dead by the police. "I brought the Molotov cocktail to the Diaz school. I obeyed the order of one of my superiors," the 25-year-old unnamed officer told prosecutors investigating the summit. The Molotov cocktails were planted in the school to justify the police raids on the school, he said. His superior, Pietro Troiani, from a mobile police unit in Rome, is already being investigated after another colleague accused him of providing false information to justify the raids.

[By the way, in 2003 Berluscony expressed that Mussolini wasn't that bad, see . 28.05.2010 Euronews reports: Politics. Berlusconi criticised over Mussolini remarks. There is an outcry over controversial comments from the Italian Prime Minister, who compared himself to the fascist dictator Mussolini. The centre-left opposition has condemned remarks made by Silvio Berlusconi at an OECD media conference in Paris. He lamented that he has never had the feeling of being in power. He said: "I will dare to quote to you a phrase from someone considered a dictator, a great, powerful dictator, Benito Mussolini. In his diary, I recently read the phrase: they say I have power. It isn't true. Maybe my party officials do. But I don't know. All I can do is say to my horse go right or left. And I have to be happy with that." Berlusconi has often found himself in hot water over jokes and outspoken comments on topics from sex to religion. In 2003 he was quoted as saying that Mussolini was a benign figure who "never killed anyone".]

At the time, the Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, insisted that the raids proved that the school held violent anarchists who had wrecked the city. The presence of Molotov cocktails has been held up by the police as justification for their raids on the school. They were shown off to journalists along with a nail bomb, two sledge-hammers and a pickaxe, also said to have been gathered at the scene. The protesters who stayed at the school insisted that they were not involved in the violence which marred the summit. Ninety-three demonstrators were arrested during the raids on the Armando Diaz school on 21 July last year. Sixty-three of them reported serious injuries. Protesters have claimed that they were beaten unconscious by police, deprived of sleep, sexually harassed and denied prompt medical treatment. There is some confusion about the planting of the petrol bombs. Last week another policeman said that he had seen Mr Troiani bringing the explosives into the school wrapped in plastic. But video footage shot by protesters appears to contradict this, apparently showing a group of police officers holding the Molotov cocktails before the raid without the plastic.  

The government has defended the police action in the face of widespread criticism and an admission by the Genoa police chief that his officers used "excessive force". It has accused prosecutors investigating the police of bias towards the protesters. The Italian opposition has accused Mr Berlusconi's conservative government of "zero tolerance" towards the protest movement against the G8-meeting. Police were drafted in from around the country for the summit for which 250,000 protesters flocked to the city. Seventy seven officers are under investigation, including the policeman who shot dead a protester, but no one has lost their job. Amnesty International has condemned the lack of action by the government to bring the police to justice, pointing out that many incidents were caught on camera and were "undeniable". The organization has accused the police of "arbitrary arrest and the use of torture and ill-treatment". There have been allegations that the police were well warned about the presence of specific violent elements among protesters but that these warnings were repeatedly ignored, leading to speculation that this was to allow officers free rein for violence.

There are now at least 10 criminal investigations into what happened in Genoa. Magistrates have notified about 80 officers that they are being investigated for alleged crimes committed during the school raid, the street protests and at the Bolzaneto detention centre where, Amnesty International claims, about 200 protesters were tortured. Protesters have alleged that the police action was sanctioned by politicians and they have called upon the Deputy Prime Minister, Gianfranco Fini, of the National Alliance Party, to resign. (Source: Jessie Grimond in Rome - The Independent (GB) 30 July 2002). These Molotiov coctails are however only a tip of the iceberg. FAI/IFA and CNT/AIT have reported to the IAT etc about ca 500 neonazis collaborating with the Italian police and forming a so called Black Bloc making violent ochlarchy and riots and put the blame on anarchists. The purpose is of course the usual authoritarian trick, make chaos and ochlarchy, falsely rename it 'anarchy', put the blame on anarchists - throw shit on the idea of freedom an anarchism in general, make people afraid, and call for the 'strong man', arch and 'strong rule', making way for populism and fascism (or other authoritarian rule). That such a political system will only make more ochlarchy, repression and slavery for the people as opposed to the authorities and upper classes, people may easily forget. When people eventually understand that they are fooled - it may be too late... As we have said several times before, the anarchists had nothing to do with the violent ochlarchy, i.e. chaos, riots and looting in Genoa at the G8-event, and ochlarchy there and in general is quite the opposite of anarchy and anarchism. The Brown Cards of course also means expulsion of the ochlarchist infiltrators from the anarchist movement.

P.S. There have been a few similar riots also after the 11.09.2001 terrorist event in USA, mainly in Barcelona, see and search for Spain. However there were not so much mixes of anarchism and anarchy with ochlarchy there and in the media. This is possibly a general trend related to 11.09 terrorist attacks, perhaps also a little bit as a result of the work at the IAT and the AIE, etc. However at May Day 2002, things are more back to "normal" again. "German, Australian and London, etc., "anarchists" are not anarchists, but ochlarchists, chaotic punks and similar type "national-anarchists", "anarcho-bolsheviks", marxist-lubbeists, supporters of RAF/Baader-Meinhof respectively IRA, or trotskyites posing as "anarchists", also marxian Industrial-WW members and their collaborationists, etc.," an IAT spokesman says. "None of these groups are anarchists, i.e. libertarian/libertaire." BBC and Euronews are mixing such authoritarian, ochlarchist groups with anarchists and anarchist protest several times, and get a Brown Card.

No anarchistgroup behind violent G8 demonstrations. BROWN CARD

No anarchist-group behind violent anti-globalisation demonstrations and looting, i.e. ochlarchy (mob rule), in the Swiss Confederation and France related to the G8 meeting in Evian 01-03.06.2003! These acts of ochlarchy are done by ochlarchists (provocateurs), not anarchists altough anarchists were blamed for much of the violence by international media. Ochlarchists posing as 'anarchist youths' (provocateurs) are not anarchists but simply ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists. The IAT gives a Brown Card to these groups of ochlarchists and the newsmedia spreading disinformation, mixing them up with anarchists. The Brown Card of course also means expulsion of the ochlarchist infiltrators from the anarchist movement.

No anarchists behind violent EU demonstrations in the Greek resort of Porto Carras. BROWN CARD

 There are no anarchists behind violent EU demonstrations in the Greek resort of Porto Carras (20.06.2003), i.e. ochlarchy (mob rule)!   These acts of ochlarchy are done by ochlarchists, not anarchists altough "anarchists"  were blamed for much of the violence by international media. Ochlarchists posing as 'anarchist youths' (provocateurs) are not anarchists but simply ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists. The IAT gives a Brown Card to these groups of ochlarchists and the newsmedia spreading disinformation, mixing them up with anarchists. See also Brown Card to Berlusconi above... The Brown Card of course also means expulsion of the ochlarchist infiltrators from the anarchist movement.


The anarchists are mainly for NATO, but very critical to some of its policy.
Brown Card to CNN etc. and leftwing extremist marxists falsely posing as "anarchists" in NATO-protests.

The anarchists at large are for NATO, but very critical to some of its policy, see "Antimilitarism - an anarchist approach" at, for the main anarchist policy on the matter. The CNN and other newsmedia are reporting about hooded vandals rioting at NATO-protests 04.04.2009, wrongly called "anarchists". These vandals are marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchs/ochlarchists falsely posing as "anarchists", i.e. provocateurs . They are criminal ochlarchical bosses of vandalism. The anarchists boycott this event and condemn these ochlarchs/ochlarchists! These marxist ochlarchs/ochlarchists and infiltrators falsely posing as "anarchists" are of course not members of the international anarchist movement, they are expulsed from the anarchist movement. The anarchists repeat: these ochlarchists are not anarchists!!!!! The CNN etc. and the ochlarchists/oclarchs get  Brown Cards for breaking the Oslo Convention. Stop calling them anarchists, because they are not!!!!

Anarchism and anarchist strategy vs ochlarchy and extremism - The anarchists condemn all forms of extremism!

The authoritarian travesty of "anarchy" = ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, and "anarchists" = ochlarchists/ochlarchs is hard to stop... Authoritarians: Marxists, liberalists and populists/fascists all have an interest in calling ochlarchy "anarchy" and ochlarchists/ochlarchs "anarchists". And their authoritarian newsmedia/propaganda stations, say BBC marxist, CNN liberalist, etc. mostly postulate this travesty, i.e. authoritarian Orwellian "1984" newspeak. In these cases they deserve a Brown Card. Anarchy is in reality and objectively seen a system significantly without archs, ochlarchs/ochlarchists included, i.e. a system with relatively small rank and income differences, orderly (optimal order, and not chaos) and efficient, also environmentally. Anarchy is real democracy - from the people and upwards, significantly. Anarchists are real democrats. The people, seen as a class, are the grassroots in contrast to the superiors in rank and/or income, the pyramid that in reality is the state/government, if significant i.e. top heavy, and it is probably always inefficent. Anarchism and anarchist strategy are to change the societal organization in horizontal direction, as members of the people, not attacking persons or things... More and more... Until complete horizontal organization is achieved, as an ultimate aim.

The word anarchy origins from greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates , i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion, ideally or practically. Anarchy, [an-arch]-y means [an = without, arch = ruler(s)]-y = system, management as in monarch-y. Thus anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". That is economic and political/administrative, societal, management from the people, grassroots, and upwards - significantly, without a top heavy pyramid in rank and/or income, i.e. without a top - down approach, without ochlarchy/ochlarchists/ochlarchs and other archs, significantly.

Anarchism means anarchist, i.e. non-authoritarian, non-ochlarchical means and methods, as well as anarchist ends and aims. There must be consistency between means and ends. This is the only strategy that works. The real aim is in general the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions, if any. The only violence anarchists accept is violence, proportionate, in self defense, i.e. not ochlarchist or other authoritarian actions. Anarchist actions are actions consistent with the here mentioned framework, i.e. non-authoritarian and non-ochlarchical, and not marxist, liberalist or populist/fascist, and nothing else.

When mislead youths and similar adopt this travesty and call themselves "anarchists" and do ochlarchy, and the main media reports more or less uncritical in the same way, the vicious circle is complete. The difference between ochlarchs/ochlarchists and anarchists is per definition dependent on what you do, not what you say you are or flag! There is no panacea to break this circle, but it is not unbreakable. has about 15 000 visitors and 50 000 hits per month, and a lot of other websites have the same information. In the long run we will break the vicious circle, but it would certainly help if the main media sometimes let our objective information about anarchy vs ochlarchy and anarchists vs ochlarchists/ochlarchs pass on to their audience... For objective information and updated news about anarchy, anarchism and anarchists, read and similar websites world wide! The first main newsstation that makes use of the word ochlarchy and reports objectively about this matter will receive a large Black Star '*' from IAT. But that will probably take some time. The IAT and anarchists in general are however patient. In the long run anarchy will be everywhere on Earth... The sooner the better... We are on party with the future...

To mix up opposites as a) anarchy and ochlarchy and b) anarchists with ochlarchists/ochlarchs, as outdated dictionaries and media often do, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT in such cases hands out a Brown Card, as free criticism of this authoritarian tendency. The Anarchist International, AI, and the International Anarchist Tribunal included the Anarchist Press Tribunal, IAT-APT, call on the international newsmedia and mandated persons to report fairly and objectively, and not with authoritarian newspeak, about anarchy, anarchism, anarchist and anarchists.

Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, vandalism, arson, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannic behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, a top - down approach. The Greek rooted word for mob rule is ochlarchy. Ochlarchy is also used as a common word for all the authoritarian evils mentioned above i.e. mob rule broadly defined. People doing ochlarchy, i.e. ochlarchists/ochlarchs, are clearly authoritarian. They may be liberalists, fascists or marxists, practically certain not anarchists. If anti-capitalist, they are authoritarian socialists, i.e. marxists - leftwingers, not anarchists, although they may falsely try to pose as such or wrongly be called so by the media. The media should call such ochlarchists marxists, leftwingers, because that is what they are, not anarchists! Anarchists are in the middle and upwards on the economic-political map, not leftwingers or rightwingers.

For more information about the Brown Card and anarchy vs chaos, see the Oslo Convention and search for anarchy vs chaos at .

An extremist, person or organization, is the same as totalitarian on the EP-map, i.e. with more than 666 per thousand, or about 67%, authoritarian degree. Leftwing extremists or just left extremists to the left of the middle of the map, and rightwing extremists or just right extremists to the right of the middle.

We see on the EP-map (click on ) that leftwing extremists are leftist ultra-fascists, most of left fascists, some leftist populists, a little more than half of the state-communists (leninists and maoists), and about 1/3 of left socialists. Rightwing extremists are rightist ultra-fascists, most of right fascists, some rightist populists, a little more than half of the conservative liberalists, and about 1/3 right liberalists. These figures refer to types of system, not number of persons. Anarchists are far from extremists , they are from the middlepoint and upwards on the map, not far left or far right, with 50% or less authoritarian degree. Extremists and totalitarians are practically certain either marxists, populists/fascists or liberalists, never anarchists.

Extremism typically also has social psychological roots. Keywords are mass hypnotic suggestion, totalitarian personality disorder, physical and psychical violence, a paranoid twisted travesty of reality, and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including criminality. Typically present is a form of charismatic leadership in the meaning a special quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination and inspires unswerving allegiance and devotion. Totalitarian personality disorder typically appears among both leadership and followers, rank and file, although sometimes in different forms. It may also appear at a single person or small sects, and in polyarchical networks. The main hallmark of totalitarian personality disorder is a significant will to cow , broadly defined, or support for such people or organizations. Typically is also complaining about hostility or mobbing, i.e. ochlarchy, when exposed to free, matter of fact criticism.

Political extremism is typically use of,  or threat of use of, violence against persons and/or things, to achieve political aims. Political extremism is authoritarian, ochlarchist (ochlarchy = mob rule), the opposite of anarchist, according to the Oslo Convention. Persons doing political extremism are ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists, and are thus expelled from the anarchist movement, regardless of  what they may claim to be. Such ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist  movement, get an expelling Brown Card from the International Anarchist Tribunal, for breaking the Oslo Convention.  The only violence accepted by anarchists is violence, proportionate, in self defense, i.e. not political extremism. Anarchism is neither pacifism, nor political extremism, terrorism included. The anarchists condemn all forms of extremism.

For more information about anarchists vs ochlarchists, see and .

Read more on , search for  extremism,  and  in this file, search for optimal order .


A Dark Brown Card goes to mulla Mohammad Omar, the Taleban leader, speaking on Kabul Radio Sunday 30.09.2001, afraid of the UN-USA actions against terrorism, talking about: "The government will perhaps brake down... It is easy to create anarchy, but to introduce law an order is a difficult task." To create anarchy is not easy, and it is the highest form of social order. Omar uses the word anarchy, morbid, according to the authoritarian travesty of the concept. This is of no surprise to the IAT, because the Taleban rule is one of the most authoritarian and chaotic governments on planet earth, with no real law an order and no anarchist human rights, no efficiency and fairness, no socialism and autonomy, large income and rank differences, and no fulfilment of the IFA-IAF principles, and defending the ultra-authoritarian bin-Laden terrorist polyarchical and ochlarchical network. This marxistoid/fascistoid government is so authoritarian that it doesn't even deserve the word government, it is only evil chaos, and a travesty even of muslim, fundamentalist hierarchy...

The suicide attacks against civilian people of the World Trade Center and Pentagon are much worse than the fascist Kamikaze attacks on military targets in the second world war. This is extreme terrorism plus "Kinder, Kirche (Mosque), Küche and Gott (Allah) mit uns". Furthermore bin-Laden has more than 40 children. If this is going to be the main tendency among muslim fundamentalists, they are going to need at a lot of "lebensraum" similar to Hitler & Co. This is not only fascism, but ultra fascism. This Brown Card also goes to the state channel Kabul Radio, and to all the media spreading this disinformation world wide.

The same Brown Card also goes to the dictator of Pakistan, warning about introduction of "anarchy" from the Northern Alliance, obviously meaning chaos etc., mentioned, say, on the CNN Monday 09.10.2001. Authoritarians always warn about "anarchy", i.e the travesty of anarchy in the meaning of oclarchy and chaos, when their authority is questioned. They will not admit the fact that management may well be done without archi-, i.e. based on co-operation without coercion on equal footing, horizontal organization, practically or ideally, without ochlarchy and chaos, economically as well as political/administrative, i.e. anarchy. The authorities, i.e. in monarchy, oligarchy, polyarchy, plutarchy and similar, always say: "Without us the only alternative will be anarchy", in the (false) meaning of chaos, but that is wrong. Chaos is similar to ochlarchy, etc, that's not anarchy.

When the Northern Alliance ruled the country before the Taleban, the system was polyarchy and ochlarchy in a state of more or less civil war and chaos, i.e. also a system below 67% authoritarian degree on the economical political map, and thus far from anarchy and anarchism. There have never been anything close to anarchy in the realm of Afghanistan in modern times, just chaotic and very authoritarian rule. A similar mix of anarchy with polyarchical and ochlarchical chaos, is presented by professor Patricia Grossman and a representant of the Afghan embassy in London at CNN 17.10.2001. At least the CNN and the professor should have known better. Thus, they may share the Brown Card with the Pakistanian and Taleban authorities. A second brown card goes to the Pakistanian authorities, who say they fear "anarchy", in the wrong meaning of chaos, related to the Northern Alliance's rule in Kabul, to the Norwegian State councillor of the Aid Department 15.11.2001. One Brown card goes to Paul Harris in Chaman and The Observer (Sunday December 2, 2001) because they, in an article about anti-Taleban "Warlords bring new terrors" state that, "Among the refugees fleeing the anarchy, the US has few friends". The last part is probably true, but if it was real anarchy - and not rule by terror in this part of Afghanistan, they would probably stayed. 14.04.2002: Peter Hjukström at Agenda Swedish TV2 is mixing up anarchy and chaos in Afghanistan, and both get a Brown Card.

When the Taleban rule ends, an UN-administration together with the different factions in Afghanistan, in a confederalist solution similar to Bosnia, should perhaps be introduced to avoid more polyarchy, ochlarchy and chaos. However, although the system will be less authoritarian than today or before, it will still probably be far from anarchy and the anarchist quadrant on the economical political map, and be relatively authoritarian. This over-populated country will, including a necessary decline in the population, have a long way to go before it reach anything close to anarchy, with an approximately optimal size of the population (bin-Laden has more than 40 children, a very bad example), efficiency and fairness, socialism and autonomy, small rank and income differences, and a reasonable fulfilment of the IFA/IAF-principles, anarchist human rights and ethics, the Oslo-convention, etc. A confederalist solution could perhaps also be used in the Middle East, but with two separate countries.

"Taliban and Qaeda Believed Plotting Within Pakistan" a headline declares in an article by JAMES DAO, AGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, May 27, printed in NY-Times 28.05.2002 — "Virtually the entire senior leadership of Al Qaeda and the Taliban have been driven out of eastern Afghanistan and are now operating with as many as 1,000 non-Afghan fighters in the anarchic tribal areas of western Pakistan, the commander of American-led forces in Afghanistan said today. The commander, Maj. Gen. Franklin L. Hagenbeck, said in an interview that intelligence reports indicated that the Qaeda and Taliban leaders now in Pakistan were plotting terrorist attacks, including car and suicide bombings, to disrupt the selection of a new national government in Kabul next month." "We here may see a slight tendency to put the blame on anarchic, i.e. anarchist tendencies, to cover up for own incompetence of mr Hagenbeck by not having achieved to fight down and arrest bin-Laden and the other al-Qaeda authorities. This indicates a break of the Oslo Convention. The tribal areas may perhaps be semi-autonomus in a way as Hagenbeck says in the intervew, but they are not anarchic, but mainly muslim fundamentalist polyarchical, ruled by hierarchical tribal organizations. Also the Oklahoma-bombers were "anti-government", but not anarchic, i.e. anarchist. Thus, even the mentioned tribal areas are opposed to the Kabul-regime, they are in no significant way anarchic. However it is difficult to say if it is just the reporter James Dao and NY Times or Franklin Hagenbeck himself, that is responsible for this mix of anarchist and authoritarian tendencies by reading the article, so we only give a Brown Card warning in this case," the Anarchist Press Tribunal of IAT says.

A similar mix of anarchy with the polyarchical, ochlarchical chaos, rivaling "states within state", and terrorism in  Arafat's PLO-state have been done by several newsmedia. The Palestinians are certainly not without rulers. And Shimon Peres in VG 03.11.2001 is FALSELY PUTTING THE BLAME OF THE TERRORISM ON "ANARCHISTS": "Til nå har terror sett ut til å være våpenet for de fattige, de bitre, de fanatiske, som lever i gårsdagens verden. Den er blitt et meget farlig instrument, fordi moderne våpen, så vel som sivile fly, er kommet i hendene på anarkister;" i.e "...terror... has become... very dangerous ... because modern weapons, as well as civilian airplanes, have come in the hands of anarchists". This is a severe contravention of the Oslo Convention of 1990. The anarchists have nothing to do with the terrorism whatsoever. This is similar to another big marxist social-democratic lier, Willy Brandt, calling the Marxist-Leninist (Maoist) RAF (Baader Meinhof) "anarchists" in a radio speech in Germany June 1972, and continuing the falsehoods in a letter to Augustin Souchy of 7th July 1972. These marxist socialdemocratic liers, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 and 1971 respectively, have thrown shame on the Peace Prize by spreading these horrible falsehoods, and have broken the Oslo Convention severely, and thus may share this Brown Card, together with the newsmedia calling Arafat's authoritarian PLO-state "anarchy". The verdict was unanimously decided upon. Don't forget the Oslo Convention.

01.04.2002: The Palestinian terrorism from Hamas and other Jihad groups, probably supported by Arafat, plus "Kinder, Kirche (Mosque), Küche and Gott (Allah) mit uns", drive the Jews on the ocean, lack of birthcontrol, overpopulation and muslim fundamentalist brainwash, plus a dash of marxism, indicating  more "lebensraum" similar to Hitler & Co and al-Qaeda policy, i.e. oligarchy, polyarchy, ochlarchy including terrorism, rivaling "states within the state", in short chaos - in the PLO-state of Arafat and around it, have nothing to do with anarchy, anarchist or anarchism, see the Oslo-convention of 1990, etc. The Red Cross is correctly complainig about the Israeli troops are harming the aid-work in Palestine. In this connection the Norwegian marxist president of Red Cross, Jan Egeland, says to NRK he fears complete"anarchy and lawlessness" in Palestine, clearly meaning chaos and thus breaking the Oslo convention of 1990. This is a serious mix of anarchy and chaos, and then both he and NRK get a Brown Card from the IAT.

The Norwegian marxist leftists within both the Labor Party, as, say, B. Froyn and The Socialist Left party, SV; the stalinists, maoists and trotskyites in RV, AKP (ml) and NKP, etc. have all the time since the 1970s supported the Palestinian terrorists/PLO-state of Arafat. A spokesman for the Arabs, A. B. Atwan on CNN, also talks about "anarchy" in the Mid East, certainly meaning chaos, 02.04.2002. However people that don't think the suicide jihad-bombers are terrorists don't have much defamatory power, so the IAT just gives a Brown Card warning in this case. 07.04.2002. NRK has last week several times sent an interview with the deputy boss follower of the ultra-authoritarian marxist Johan "Crackpot" Galtung at the "peace research institute PRIO" in Oslo, Hilde Henriksen Waage, stating loud and clear that the situation in Palestine is "anarchy and chaos", a bit similar to the Red Cross marxist Egeland above. Her analysis in general are also pseudoscientifical, a mix of facts and not facts and what she "feels", as she says to NRK, ca 100% biased pro Arafat. Both NRK and PRIO researchers have got several brown cards and warnings for breaking the Oslo convention in the terrorist and chaos connection before. Now they may share another one. "Klassekampen" reports 10.04.2002 that H. H. Waage has received a lot of "fan" mail from neonazis lately. No surprise to the IAT!

01.07.2002: The Palestinian Authority has reacted angrily after US Secretary of State Colin Powell said Washington would no longer deal with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Palestinian officials said sidelining Mr Arafat would lead to "anarchy" and violence, probably meaning violent mob rule and terrorism, i.e. ochlarchy broadly defined, and called on Palestinians not to meet Israeli or American delegations in response. "The American administration's policy is... entirely short-sighted, undemocratic and counter-productive," said Hanan Ashrawi, Palestinian Legislative Council. But thousands of Palestinians who took to the streets in Gaza to protest against high levels of unemployment they say is caused by Israel's policies also turned their anger on the Palestinian Authority. Speaking on US television on Sunday, Mr Powell said the US had no plans to speak to Mr Arafat either now or in the future (BBC). 02.07.2002: "This false mixing up of "anarchy" with violent ochlarchy, mob rule, is a serious break of the Oslo Convention, and thus the Palestine authority gets a Brown Card," IAT declares (also giving BBC a Brown Card warning).

16.11.2004: After Arafat's death the New York Times reports: Mr. Abbas escaped unharmed when two Palestinian security officers were killed in a burst of gunfire at a memorial service for Mr. Arafat. Mr. Abbas does not appear to have been a target of the shooting. Palestinians said the clash occurred between supporters of rival Fatah leaders in Gaza: Muhammad Dahlan, an ally of Mr. Abbas, and Ahmed Helis, an Arafat loyalist and the head of a powerful family here. "It shows the anarchy that has been building here," said Salah Abdel Shafi, a political analyst. "And people are very, very tense. The people who have been loyal to Arafat are very worried." Both New York Times and Salah Abdel Shafi get a Brown Card for mixing up "anarchy" with rivaling polyarchy, ochlarchy, terrorism and chaos.

15.07.2005: Several newsmedia and Abbas wrongly have called the present ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined, including rivaling states within the state, i.e. chaos) in Palestine for "anarchy" , breaking the Oslo Convention and thus get a Brown Card. 06.01.2006: Several newsmedia wrongly have called the present ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined, including lawlessness and rivaling states within the state, i.e. chaos) in Gaza (Palestine) for "anarchy", breaking the Oslo Convention and thus get a Brown Card. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". Anarchy and anarchism are coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion. This means practically or ideally, i.e. ordinary vs perfect horizontal organization respectively. Thus, anarchy and anarchism mean real democracy, economical and political/administrative, in private and public sector, not ochlarchy, mob rule broadly defined.



20.12.2002: BROWN CARD WARNING FROM IAT-APT: Some of the international newsmedia have called the present riots and ochlarchical situation in Argentina "anarchy", or close to "anarchy". This polyarchical, chaotic situation has however more than 67% authoritarian degree on the Economical Political Map, and thus far from anarchy, i.e. less than 50% authoritarian degree. The International Anarchist Tribunal reacts immediately to this authoritarian mix of anarchy and chaos. Anyone who calls this chaotic situation "anarchy" may receive a Brown Card from the tribunal. A chaotic mix of polyarchy, ochlarchy and plutarchy, rivaling "states within the state" have nothing to do with anarchy or anarchism.

04.01.2002: BBC calls the ochlarchy and chaos in Argentina "anarchy", and thus gets the first "Brown Card" from IAT in this case

16.01.2002  BBC reports about Duhalde calling the populists' selfmade economical chaos "anarchy", indirectly calling for an "arch", i.e. strong rule and dictatorship, and Duhalde gets a Brown Card from the IAT, together with BBC, which joins in this false song. BBC says Argentina is on "the brink of anarchy". The fact is that it has never been more far from anarchy since the "dirty war". The media should stop making such disinformation. Call it what it is, i.e. an authoritarian populist chaos and ochlarchy, etc., not anarchy, which is the quite opposite.

16-7.02.2002 Brown Card to La Prensa in Argentina from IAT:16-7.02.2002. The International Anarchist Tribunal - The Anarchist Press Tribunal - International Branch, shows the Argentinian newspaper "La Prensa" the Brown Card for mixing up anarchy and ochlarchy (mob rule) in Argentina, wrongly calling the trace of mob rule for "Postcard of Anarchy", i.e. "Postal de la anarquía : Con martillos y herramientas, ahorristas enfurecidos procuraron abatir las gruesas defensas de la Casa Central del Citibank, en la City. Los desocupados cortaron calles en el Gran Buenos Aires y en el interior. En Santa Fe invadieron la sede municipal. En Dock Sud fue liberado el acceso a la planta del Polo Petroquímico, impedido por piqueteros y que amenazaba el suministro de combustible a las estaciones de servicio." Mob rule(rs) - ochlarchy - is quite the opposite of anarchy - (management) without rule(rs). Newspapers etc. spreading such authoritarian disinformation, in a severe case or several times, get the Brown Card, according to the Oslo Convention of 1990.

The authoritarian, brown, strategy of making chaos, falsely rename it anarchy and call for the arch, "the strong man", is well known. Anarchists wan't have any of that! 17.04.2002 "Planned strikes this week -- including drivers of the armored vans that provide banks with cash -- show how difficult it will be for Duhalde to make Argentines accept more austerity after a long recession that has helped make one in two Argentines live in poverty on a few dollars a day. Duhalde, in power for just over three months but already in the low double digits in approval ratings, himself was in no doubt of the costs involved. "There will be social upheaval, of course there will be," Duhalde, who has been accused of using fears of anarchy (obviously meaning chaos) to keep himself in office, told local radio. The IAT will have something to say in this case and gives Duhalde a Brown Card warning 18.04.2002.

G8: Hard core "anarchists" = ochlarchists, getting the Brown Card

Thousands of protesters are set to take part in a Make Poverty History march in Edinburgh, as musicians perform in Live 8 concerts around the globe (02.07.2005). Police believe up to 120,000 people could join the march, aiming to press home their message to G8 leaders. Saturday's march is one of a number of events planned in the run-up to Wednesday's G8 summit at Gleneagles, when campaigners hope world leaders will make a commitment to tackle poverty in Africa. The events also coincide with the series of Live 8 concerts being held on Saturday in cities around the world, including London. The concerts will span nearly 24 hours, with the first having started in Tokyo at 0600 BST. Organised by Live Aid founder Bob Geldof, they will call for more aid for Africa, debt cancellation and fairer trade.   People on the Edinburgh march have been urged to wear white. Five cranes have been constructed along the south end of The Meadows, which will be used to display a giant banner bearing the message "Make Poverty History". Marchers will leave the rally in The Meadows at intervals from 1200 BST, with the aim of forming a human chain around central Edinburgh.

Donald Anderson, the leader of Edinburgh City Council, believes it will probably be the biggest protest Scotland has ever seen. He said: "We know there are going to be other demos over the weekend and on Monday, and that builds up to the concert at Murrayfield on Wednesday.   On Sunday, an Anti-War Coalition demonstration will take place in the city, followed by the Carnival for Full Enjoyment on Monday, etc. This is giving us concern because of reports that hard-core "anarchists" will use these events to cause trouble. These so called "anarchists" are not anarchists, i.e. libertarian, but authoritarian ochlarchists (ochlarchy =  mob rule broadly defined). These ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist movement, i.e. provocateurs, get a Brown Card marking that they are expelled and banned from the anarchist movement. We welcome all people who wish to take part in the demonstrations, but will not tolerate anti-social behaviour or criminal disorder, i.e. breaking the Oslo Convention, defining anarchist vs authoritarian tendencies. Political extremism is not tolerated. Authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists, on the economic-political map.

G-20 summit Pittsburgh September 2009.
Ochlarchists - not anarchists - clashed with police

Thousands of protesters on Friday 25.09.2009 marched through downtown streets, chanted "power to the people", a marxist slogan, and yelled toward the Group of 20 summit site as they crossed a bridge a few hundred yards from where world leaders were meeting. Police lined the route in front of the protesters, which included a couple dozen wannabe anarchists carrying peace signs and one that read, "No bailout no capitalism." The thousands of demonstrators in the so-called People's March were demanding solutions to environmental and economic crises they believe were created by the G-20, said Pete Shell, a protest organizer. Leaders of 19 countries and the European Union were meeting downtown, in sight of the Andy Warhol Bridge. When the protesters reached the bridge, they stopped and shouted toward the summit. Some gestured obscenely; one woman on a bullhorn yelled, "Power to the people, not the G-20." The demonstration was sponsored by The Thomas Merton Center, a Pittsburgh peace organization. The group held a festive mid-march rally, which included folk singers and speakers on various issues. The march had a city permit and organizers pledged to keep it nonviolent. The demonstrators apparently kept their word. At one point, a group of so called "black-clad anarchists", i.e. in reality not anarchists but ochlarchists, their faces covered, stood facing a line of police officers and sang "We all live in a fascist bully state" sung to the tune of the Beatles' "Yellow Submarine." So called "anarchists", also came nose-to-nose with officers, to little effect.

Friday's march had some marked differences from a Thursday 24.09.2009 afternoon march that ended with clashes between police and so called "anarchists", in reality ochlarchists. The Thursday march didn't have a permit and police declared it illegal almost as soon as it began. Small bands of so called "anarchists", in reality ochlarchists and provocateurs - the opposite of anarchists - responded to officers' overwhelming show of force by rolling huge metal trash bins, throwing rocks and breaking windows. Police fired bean bags and canisters of pepper spray and smoke. Later that night, hundreds of officers surrounded what was mostly a large gathering of University of Pittsburgh students in the city's Oakland neighborhood. The area was adjacent to where G-20 participants opened the summit, but leaders were long gone by the time police declared the gathering illegal and fired canisters of pepper spray and smoke.

Civil liberties groups decried what they called a heavy-handed and unwarranted police response to the Thursday protests. They complained that riot officers focused on largely peaceful, if unsanctioned, demonstrations when they should have been paying more attention to small groups of vandals that smashed windows of city businesses. Legal observers at the University of Pittsburgh gathering saw police surrounding, chasing and arresting students who weren't involved in the protest, said Paige Cram, spokeswoman for the National Lawyers Guild, a liberal legal-aid group. Mayor Luke Ravenstahl has praised officers for their work to minimize property damage. No protesters have been seriously injured. In all, several businesses were damaged Thursday and nearly 70 people were arrested on charges including failure to disperse and obstructing traffic. Four face more serious charges of aggravated assault, and two of those are also charged with inciting a riot, according to a Pittsburgh police news release.

The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to the ochlarchists, falsely called "anarchists" by some of the newsmedia, and to the newsmedia spreading such disinformation, especially the Associated Press.


Leftist ochlarchists making ochlarchy (mob rule) in Germany (Berlin), Sweden (Stockholm), UK (London) etc. on May Day 2003 are not anarchists.

IAT-APT gives a Brown Card warning to the media and the ochlarchists for breaking the Oslo Convention, see (click on) Anarchists demonstrate with dignity, not ochlarchy (mob rule). Other political tendencies, leftists and rightists demonstrate with ochlarchy in this case. Anarchists are in the middle, and are neither leftists nor rightists on the economical political map. Some chaos-punks and council commies & marxist-lubbeist leftists, also called "the children of Marx", sometimes are doing ochlarchy and some of them may be falsely posing as "anarchists", but they are not anarchists but provocateurs and the media should stop mixing them up with anarchists. Ochlarchy and anarchy, ochlarchists and anarchists, are opposite cases and should never be mixed up.The newsmedia falsely calling the ochlarchists anarchists get a Brown Card from IAT-APT. MAY DAY OCHLARCHY IS NOT ANARCHIST.

Leftist ochlarchists making ochlarchy (mob rule) in Germany (Berlin) and Ireland (Dublin) etc. on May Day 2004 are not anarchists.

IAT-APT gives a Brown Card warning to the media and the ochlarchists for breaking the Oslo Convention, see (click on) Anarchists demonstrate with dignity, not ochlarchy (mob rule). Other political tendencies, leftists and rightists demonstrate with ochlarchy in this case. Anarchists are in the middle, and are neither leftists nor rightists on the economical political map. Some chaos-punks and council commies & marxist-lubbeist leftists, also called "the children of Marx", sometimes are doing ochlarchy and some of them may be falsely posing as "anarchists" (i.e. provocateurs) and falsely using anarchist flags, but they are not anarchists and the media should stop mixing them up with anarchists. Ochlarchy and anarchy, ochlarchists and anarchists, are opposite cases and should never be mixed up. The newsmedia falsely calling the ochlarchists anarchists get a Brown Card from IAT-APT. MAY DAY OCHLARCHY IS NOT ANARCHIST.

Leftist ochlarchists making ochlarchy (mob rule) in Germany are not anarchists.

May Day 2009 marches in Berlin erupted in violence as the German capital suffered its worst street clashes for four years. Injuries were reported on both sides as hundreds of protestors attacked police with stones and bottles in the central Kreuzberg district. Germany had been bracing itself for trouble with anger running high because of rising unemployment in the worst recession since World War Two. May Day is traditionally marked by mass rallies across much of the world, but the downturn in Europe's biggest economy attracted significantly larger numbers of protestors this year. Police tried new low-profile 'de-escalation' tactics, to keep tension to a minimum, but moved in as darkness fell and they came under attack from stones and bottles. Similar clashes were reported in Hamburg, Dortmund and the southern city of Ulm. In Berlin, demonstrators as mentioned clashed with police. Bottles and stones were thrown at police, passing cars and trams, and rubbish bins were set alight. The unrest began when some 200 protesters began chanting anti-capitalism slogans after a street party ended in the early hours. Euronews TV reports about "anarchist violence" in this connection, is breaking the Oslo Convention, and gets a Brown Card. The ochlarchs were leftwing extremist marxists, not anarchists. All newsmedia falsely calling the ochlarchists anarchists get a Brown Card from IAT-APT. Ochlarchy in Greece was also falsely blamed on anarchists, see .

Brown Card to CNN - Marxist ochlarchists - not anarchists - clashed with the police in France 01.05.2016

01-02.05.2016 CNN reports that "anarchists" clashed with the police in France. This is not true. The truth is that marxist ochlarchists clashed with the police. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a Brown Card to CNN, for breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Cards to TV2 and Elin Sørsdal - Marxist ochlarchists - not anarchists - clashed with the police in France 01.05.2017

01.05.2017 TV2 and Elin Sørsdal report that "anarchists" clashed with police in France. This is not true. The truth is that marxist ochlarchists clashed with the police. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out Brown Cards to TV2 and Elin Sørsdal, for breaking the Oslo Convention, see (click on)

It is a fact that socialists (anti-capitalists) are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists, on the economic-political map and in reality. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that anti-capitalist (socialist) ochlarchists are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may call themselves or flag. The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling anti-capitalist ochlarchists anarchists.

Brown Cards to Euronews and Robert Hackwill - Marxist ochlarchists - not anarchists - clashed with the police in France 01.05.2018

01.05.2018 Euronews and Robert Hackwill report that "1000 so-called "Black Bloc" anarchists" clashed with police in France. This is not true. The truth is that marxist ochlarchists clashed with the police. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out Brown Cards to Euronews and Robert Hackwill, for breaking the Oslo Convention, see (click on)

It is a fact that socialists (anti-capitalists) are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists, on the economic-political map and in reality. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that anti-capitalist (socialist) ochlarchists are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may call themselves or flag. The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling anti-capitalist ochlarchists anarchists.

May Day ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is marxist - not anarchist!
Black bloc is a marxist ochlarchy group, not anarchist.
10 facts about anarchy, anarchism and anarchists!

It is a fact that socialists (anti-capitalists) are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that anti-capitalist (socialist) ochlarchists are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may call themselves or flag. The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling anti-capitalist ochlarchists anarchists. The Black bloc is anti-capitalist (socialist) and an ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) group, and thus marxist – not anarchist. When reporting about the Black bloc May Day and other ochlarchy, report the truth, and never call the Black bloc anarchist(s). (25.04.2019).

10 facts about anarchy, anarchism and anarchists (Click here!)

Brown Cards to France 24, Al Jazeera, Euronews, Reuters and Yle - Marxist ochlarchists - not anarchists - clashed with the police in France 01.05.2019

01.05.2019 France 24, Al Jazeera and Yle report that "anarchists" clashed with police in France. This is not true. The truth is that marxist ochlarchists clashed with the police. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out Brown Cards to France 24, Al Jazeera and Yle, for breaking the Oslo Convention, see (click on)

04.05.2019 Reuters, France 24 and Euronews report that "anarchists" clashed with police in France 01.05.2019. This is not true. The truth is that marxist ochlarchists clashed with the police. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out Brown Cards to Reuters, France 24 and Euronews, for breaking the Oslo Convention, see (click on)

It is a fact that socialists (anti-capitalists) are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists, on the economic-political map and in reality. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that anti-capitalist (socialist) ochlarchists are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may call themselves or flag. The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling anti-capitalist ochlarchists anarchists.

01.05.2023. Ad protests in France today. So called "Black Blocs" are not anarchist, but provocateurs lead by ultra leftist communists. The Anarchist International and IAT-APT condemn these groups, and they have been expulsed from the anarchist movement long time ago! Ad protests in France today. So called "Black Blocs" are not anarchists. Brown Card to France 24 reporting: May Day protests are heating up in France as "Black Bloc" anarchists threw projectiles at the police shortly after people started marching…


Crackdown in fearful New Orleans. US troops, armed with a shoot- to-kill policy, are being sent to New Orleans to quell growing lawlessness, four days after Hurricane Katrina hit. "Anarchy" has spread through the city, where thousands of people are stranded with no food or water, in increasing desperation and fear, BBC reports. The situation in New Orleans is however ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) included lawlessness, i.e. authoritarian, the opposite of anarchy. BBC and other newsmedia get a Brown Card for mixing up anarchy with ochlarchy, and thus breaking the Oslo Convention.

02.03.2010. Euronews-TV reports about the situation in Chile after the earthquake: "...desperation and anarchy take hold in Chile". It is looting, lawlessness and chaos in Chile these days, i.e. ochlarchy - the opposite of anarchy. Anarchy includes a.o.t. optimal order. To mix up opposites as anarchy with ochlarchy, as Euronews does, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. Euronews gets a Brown Card for this authoritarian and false mix of anarchy and ochlarchy, according to the Oslo Convention, i.e. for spreading the above quoted disinformation.

Anarchists against "Sons of Anarchy"!

Sons of chaos and ochlarchy - not anarchy!!!

Brown Cards, boycott etc., see (click on) .


Brown Card to David McCullough, Gerald D. Swick, NRK and others

John Adams is a seven-part miniseries showed on several TV-stations including NRK. It is based on David McCullough's Pulitzer Prize–winning biography John Adams, the miniseries begins with the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770, and ends with the deaths of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams on July 4, 1826. What emerges is a story of John and Abigail Adams and their contemporaries.

Gerald D. Swick writes about the series: "Likewise, the period of the American Revolution is shown as a time when courage and sacrifice often mingled with acts of lawlessness bordering on anarchy — which it was." NRK mentions "anarchy, lawlessness,..." in this connection. The TV-series also indicates the authoritarian travesty of anarchy, "our republic would have collapsed into anarchy", and David McCullough in the book.

The system in America was not anarchy, but rivaling polyarchy with ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined, including lawlessness) at that time. Polyarchy with ochlarchy is not anarchy.  David McCullough, Gerald D. Swick, NRK and others wrongly calling this polyarchy with ochlarchy, "anarchy", get Brown Cards, according to the Oslo Convention.

To mix up opposites as a) anarchy and polyarchy/ochlarchy  is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT in such cases hands out a Brown Card, as free criticism of this authoritarian tendency. The Anarchist International, AI, and the International Anarchist Tribunal included the Anarchist Press Tribunal, IAT-APT, call on the media  to report fairly and objectively, and not with authoritarian newspeak, about anarchy, anarchism, anarchist and anarchists.

Brown Cards to Harold Thompson, Sean Matthews and BBC

BBC 23.06.2009 falsely wrote: "Anarchist's ashes lough scattering. There was a hint on anarchy on the breeze over the waters of Lough Neagh recently with the scattering of the ashes of an American man. They belonged to Harold Thompson, who died in jail last October at the age of 66 after being sentenced to life plus 50 years for murder and robbery in 1979. His parents were from Ireland and had emigrated to the United States after the troubles of the first half of the 20th century. After a stint in Vietnam he became involved in anti-war protests and anarchism, notching up run-ins with the authorities before the killing that would see him spend the rest of his life behind bars. His supporters describe the man he was convicted of killing as a police informer who had killed the mother of one of Mr Thompson's children and threatened the life of another. His robberies are described as "expropriation activities" on an anarchist support website. A failed escape bid in 1986 saw him receive another 31 years for the attempted murder of three guards and other offences. He became a "jailhouse lawyer" working on appeals and complaints about the system for other prisoners and writing essays on anarchism and poems. One of the people who wrote to him in prison was Belfast man Sean Matthews, who helped organise his last farewell in Northern Ireland. "In his writings he had expressed the wish that his ashes be scattered here - he had accepted that he would die in prison," he said. The ceremony took place a few weeks ago in the presence of six anarchist supporters of Mr Thompson, including Mr Matthews and a woman from Spain. "Like a lot of American rebels he was impressed by Irish republicanism, I'm not myself, but with his parents being Irish and him being Irish American it's not surprising," Mr Matthews added. He said that Mr Thompson had been an inspiration to him and described his history of robbery as "no worse than the wage slavery that underpins our economy"."

According to the Oslo convention it is clear that Harold Thompson was an ochlarchist, and not an anarchist, and a supporter of ochlarchists/ochlarchy like Sean Matthews is also an ochlarchist and thus no anarchist. Robbery is not  "expropriation activities" but a form of theft, i.e. capitalism/economical plutarchy. Furthermore, the only violence anarchists accept is violence, propertionate in self defence, and not murder, i.e. is clearly authoritarian, a top down approach, heavy ochlarchy. The mentioned so called "anarchist support website" is of course also ochlarchist and not anarchist. According to the Oslo convention the IAT-APT hands at Brown Cards to the ochlarchists falsely posing as "anarchists", Harold Thompson (post mortem), Sean Matthews and the support website, which mean expulsion from the anarchist movement. BBC gets a Brown Card for presenting this disinformation, mixing up ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) with anarchy. 

Copenhagen climate summit December 2009. Marxists - not anarchists - rioting

The truth is that a lot of ochlarchist, authoritarian anti-capitalist protesters, i.e. marxists, rioted and clashed with police. No anarchists were involved. Colin Freeman -, falsely reports 12.12.2009: Copenhagen climate summit: 1,000 anarchists arrested. Nearly 1,000 people were arrested in Copenhagen yesterday as anarchists and left-wing activists fought running street battles with police in the Danish capital as negotiations continued at the climate summit. Cobble stones were thrown through the windows of the former stock exchange building and foreign office buildings in the city, but police made a large number of pre-emptive arrests under a controversial anti-hooligan law. The lie that 1,000 anarchists were arrested is rejected by IAT-APT. No anarchists were arrested, according to reliable libertarian sources. Euronews falsely reports 15.12.2009. Clashes mar Climate summit. Danish police and climate protesters have clashed again in Copenhagen. Riot squads arrested dozens of activists in the capital's hippy commune of Christiania after a late night party turned ugly. Anarchists reportedly created a barricade and authorities moved in after a car was torched. Colin Freeman & and Euronews get Brown Cards from IAT-APT for spreading the above quoted disinfomation, according to the Oslo Convention. As mentioned the truth is that marxists were rioting - not anarchists. Most of the main international newsmedia reported rather objectively about the demonstrations, and did not falsely put the blame of the riots on anarchists. Most of the protests against the manmade global warming, and the actions by anarchists, were peaceful and non-ochlarchical.

See the also the note "Anarchy is optimal order" in the introduction to this file.

Ad violent clashes with police etc, i.e. ochlarchy,  in Toronto 2010 related to the G20 meeting.
No anarchists involved

1. The anarchists condemn marxist vanguardism, hallmarked by symbolic violent attacks on state and capitalism, say, banks, government buildings and other symbols of wealth and power, i.e. ochlarchy and ochlarchist, futile from anarchist point of view, and the opposite of anarchism and anarchist. Such symbolic violent actions are typically marxist vanguardism, similar to RAF-ml (Baader-Meinhof), etc. and the opposite of anarchism and anarchist. Arrest the marxist 'vanguard', the marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchists, i.e. terrorists, vandals and hooligans, see also point 2. for more information.

2. Ad so called "anarchists" that use/used firebombs (Molotov coctails) and similar and/or do/did vandalism and hooliganism, i.e. throwing stones at police etc. 

The thruth is that terrorism, including bomb, arson attacks and firebomb attacks and similar - including threats of terrorism and calls for terrorism, is a form of ochlarchy, and very much a top down approach, ultra-authoritarian and extremist, and not anarchist. The anarchists condemn terrorism and are strongly opposed to all forms of extremism. These terrorists using firebombs, so called "anarchists",  are anti-capitalist, i.e. socialist, and ultra-authoritarian. Authoritarian socialists are marxists - not anarchists, and should not be called so by the media.

Ad so called "anarchists" that do/did vandalism and hooliganism, i.e. throwing stones at police etc. They are also in reality leftwing extremist marxist ochlarchists (provocateurs) and not anarchists. Such violent attacks on police etc. are ochlarchist, very much a top down approach, ultra-authoritarian and extremist, and not anarchist. The anarchists condemn these violent attacks on police etc., and are strongly opposed to all forms of extremism. These so called "anarchists" are anti-capitalist, i.e. socialist, and ultra-authoritarian. Authoritarian socialists are marxists - not anarchists. Arrest the criminal marxist ochlarchists!

As indicated above, these so called "anarchists",  that use/used firebombs (Molotov coctails) and similar and/or do/did vandalism and hooliganism, i.e. throwing stones at police etc., are in reality not anarchists, they are extremists and ochlarchists. The only violence anarchists accept is defensive violence, proportionate in pure self defense, not terrorism, i.e. extremism and ochlarchy. Other violent actions are ochlarchy and ochlarchist, and not anarchistic.

No anarchist groups have been involved in the terrorism, including bomb, firebomb and arson attacks and similar and/or do/did vandalism and hooliganism, in Toronto, not now and not before. These so called "anarchists",  are in reality marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchists, and thus not anarchists. Anarchists and ochlarchists are opposites. Such marxist, extremist ochlarchists, including copycats, have already long time ago got Brown Cards from the IAT-APT, meaning they are expulsed from the anarchist movement. NB! They are thus not anarchists! IAT-APT hands out fresh Brown Cards to these ochlarchists, to 'hooded ones', black clads', 'black blocs/blocks', etc, also the ones falsely posing as "anarchists" and using anarchist flags, so called "anarchists", to underline that they are expulsed from the anarchist movement, and thus are not anarchists, according to the (click on:) Oslo Convention.

People doing ochlarchy, i.e. ochlarchists/ochlarchs, are clearly authoritarian, and not anarchistic and anarchists. The difference between ochlarchs/ochlarchists and anarchists is per definition dependent on what you do, not what you say you are or flag or be called in the media or by others! Anarchism means anarchist, i.e. non-authoritarian, non-ochlarchical means and methods, as well as anarchist ends and aims. There must be consistency between means and ends. This is the only strategy that works. The real aim is in general the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions, if any.

Anarchism and anarchist strategy are to change the societal organization in horizontal direction, not attacking persons or things... Anarchists see extremist symbolic actions on capitalism and statism as futile vis-a-vis changing the social organization in horizontal direction - the anarchist aim and strategy, and thus such actions are practically certain not done by anarchists, and not in this and similar cases.  'Hooded ones', 'black clads', 'black blocs/blocks', etc., falsely posing as "anarchists", are as mentioned in reality marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchists, and not anarchists. Ad 'hooded ones', 'black clads', 'black blocs/blocks', etc. - anarchists are against political uniforms, this is used by authoritarian groups, not libertarians. A so called 'black bloc/block' is a very hierarchical, uniformed and para-militarist ochlarchist group, very authoritarian, fascistoid and/or commie-fascistoid, and thus far from anarchistic and anarchists. NB! As mentioned, 'black blocs/blocks' have got a Brown Card from IAT and are thus expulsed from the anarchist movement. They are thus not anarchists.

3.  As mentioned anarchists and ochlarchists are opposites. To mix up opposites as anarchists with marxist ochlarchists is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. Such notes in the media also produce copycat ochlarchists - mainly mislead youths, falsely posing as "anarchists". It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards, as free criticism of this authoritarian tendency. 

4. The Anarchist International and the International Workers of the World call for direct actions, i.e. demonstrations with dignity and without ochlarchy, against the authoritarian policy of the G8-G20 and for horizontal organization, i.e. socialism and autonomy, now and later. The IWW, AI and anarchists in general arrange, support and participate in direct actions, i.e. strikes, general strikes, rallies, etc., against the unenlightened plutarchy world wide, but are clearly - and fight - against ochlarchy and ochlarchists/ochlarchs and authoritarian tendencies in general!

The anarchists are against the State in the meaning of societal x-archy, where 'x' is a lot, but not 'an', and do and support direct actions against the State, i.e. top heavy societal pyramid, economical and/or political/administrative. Cut bureaucracy costs - increase the demand of the people - the people seen as a class as opposed to the superiors in rank and/or income - for full employment - against the unenlightend plutarchy of IMF, WB, euro and the Euro-zone, EU in general, and the G8 and G20 countries.

The anarchists thus call for proper demand management now and later. In general it must pay to work, for the people. More information about the fight against the unenlightened plutarchy - and for full employment, see No to euro - Full employment - Anarchist vs bureaucracy economics - IJA 1 (32), the WEC resolutions, The unenlightened plutarchy and The general theory of anarchist economics. More information about the best alternative to the unenlightened plutarchy, i.e. real democracy and horizontal organization, see (click on) System theory, Real democracy, Industrial organization and Horizontal organization - a brief survey.

Associated Press reports 27.06.2010 about the G20 meeting: World leaders pledging to reduce global deficits. As global deficits equal global surplus, this is the same as doing away with surplus, and is the policy of a) the uninformed of real economics and b) bureaucracy economics. It is typical unenlightened plutarchy. This is counterproductive, especially when the world economy very likely is entering a double dip depression, and with about 10% unemployment in many countries, including USA and the Euro-zone. Economic depression is per definition equal to or more than 5% unemployment ratio. This is certainly not the right time for reducing surplus = deficits, but time for proper demand management. Mandated persons! Do it now! Especially, weakening the over-evaluated US $, the British £ and the Euro, i.e. the currencies of the main "deficit countries", is a good thing in the present situation, not the opposite.

5. Reuters and Pav Jordan falsely report 26.06.2010. "G20 protesters burn police cars, smash windows. Black-clad "anarchists" separated from what began as a peaceful procession, fanning out through the core of a city generally known for its civility, and forcing police to rush to keep up... Anarchist groups, which led the violence, had specifically mentioned banks as targets in the run-up to the G20, and a Royal Bank of Canada branch in Ottawa was firebombed last month by a group saying they would protest at the summit." These so called "anarchists" are ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists. They are practically certain marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchists - and thus not anarchists. In fact no anarchists participated in the violence, and "Big Brother" Reuters and Pav Jordan get Brown Cards according to the Oslo Convention for publishing this liestory.

6. Euronews reports 27.06.2010. "G20. Violent anti-G20 summit protests in Canada. ... What started off as a peaceful rally, transformed into ugly scenes as anarchists, dressed in black, broke away from the main group... At least two police cars were set on fire, one in the financial district of the city. Shop fronts were destroyed, as people wearing masks continued to cause havoc, moving to just blocks away from the three meter fence around the summit site." These so called "anarchists, dressed in black", are ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists. They are practically certain marxist leftwing extremist ochlarchists - and thus not anarchists. The truth is that no anarchists participated in the violence, and "Big Brother" Euronews gets a Brown Card according to the Oslo Convention for publishing this liestory.

7. NRK-Dagsrevyen translated 'anarchy' to 'kaos/chaos' in their report about the G20-meeting, but put the blame for the ochlarchy in Toronto falsely on 'black bloc/block anarchists/anarkister', and joins Reuters and Euronews with a Brown Card from IAT-APT.

8. The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to all newsmedia that have similar reports as Reuters and Euronews. It must be mentioned that Euronews later had a report without falsely calling ochlarchists, "anarchists".

9. The other main international newsmedia including CNN, BBC and Associated Press, reported quite objectively about the violent ochlarchy in Toronto, and did not falsley call the ochlarchists "anarchists". BBC-TV Saturday showed a lot of red, marxist, flags, directly connected to the violent ochlarchy.

AP reported: "Police made more than 400 arrests after black-clad demonstrators broke off from a crowd of peaceful protesters at the global economic summit and went on a rampage in downtown Toronto that lasted into the early morning hours, authorities said Sunday. The roving band of protesters torched four police cruisers and shattered shop windows with baseball bats and hammers for blocks, including at police headquarters, then shed some of their black clothes, revealing other garments, and continued their rampage. Some demonstrators hurled rocks and bottles at police. Toronto Police Sgt. Tim Burrows said Sunday that at least 412 people had been arrested in the rampage that began Saturday afternoon. Burrows said many of the violent protesters were Canadian. He added that authorities had known of their plans for some time. "We're not sure we have the leaders, but we have a large proportion of those people and the people who decided they wanted to be influenced by these violent protesters and join with their cause," Burrows said. "A lot of them were home grown. There's a lot of Canadian talent in the group."

CNN later Sunday reported: "G-20 protests plagued by violence, vandalism. Police fired tear gas Sunday to tame groups protesting the arrest of G-20 demonstrators in Toronto, Canada, said Nena Snyder, a spokeswoman for the Integrated Security Unit. An old film studio was converted into a prisoner processing center specifically for handling G-20 protest arrests. Police released tear gas outside that center where other people were protesting the arrests, Snyder said. "I do not believe that the individuals bent on vandalism and violence in our city have finished with their intent, so we will remain vigilant," Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair said Saturday night. Police have made a total of 562 arrests since June 18, said Constable Rodney Petroski of the Ontario Provincial Police. From 6 a.m. ET Sunday through late afternoon, 224 people were arrested, he said. Some of those have been released from the prisoner processing center, while others were being held for bail, according to Petroski.

Mobs [ochlarchs/ochlarchists] were scuffling with police in multiple locations, Snyder said. Of the Sunday arrests, 70 took place on Bancroft Avenue, she said. "At no time was there risk to the safety of summit participants," according to the ISU. There were no reports of serious injuries to either protesters or police, said Integrated Security Unit spokeswoman Jillian Van Acker. Blair told reporters that packs of disruptive demonstrators infiltrated peaceful protests in order to cause chaos [ochlarchy, the opposite of anarchy] and distract police. "These criminals rely on the anonymity of hiding in a larger group of the curious and the naive," he said."

10. The anarchists condemn the violent marxist ochlarchists/ochlarchs, and welcome the arrests. The anarchists call for arrest of all criminal marxist ochlarchists/ochlarchs, now and later. The anarchists are not naive in these matters, see Direct action against the World Bank etc. at the ABCDE-conference.

11. Associated Press 28.06.2010 reported: Police arrest more than 600 at Toronto summit. Police raided a university building and rounded up hundreds of protesters Sunday in an effort to quell further violence near the G-20 global economic summit site a day after black-clad youths [leftwing extremist marxist ochlarchists] rampaged through the city, smashing windows and torching police cars. The violence shocked Canada, where civil unrest is almost unknown. Toronto police Sunday said they had never before used tear gas until Saturday's clashes with anti-Globalization activists [leftwing extremist marxist ochlarchists]. Police said they have arrested more than 600 demonstrators, many of whom were hauled away in plastic handcuffs and taken to a temporary holding center constructed for the summit.

Police adopted a more aggressive strategy Sunday by going into the crowd to make arrests, compared to the previous day when they stood back as protesters torched four police cars and broke store windows. No serious injuries were reported among police, protesters or bystanders, Toronto Police Constable Tony Vella said Sunday. Thousands of police officers in riot gear formed cordons to prevent radical anti-globalization demonstrations [leftwing extremist marxist ochlarchists] from breaching the steel and concrete security fence surrounding the Group of 20 summit site. Security was being provided by an estimated 19,000 law enforcement officers drawn from across Canada. Security costs for the G-20 in Toronto and the Group of Eight summit that ended Saturday in Huntsville, 140 miles (225 kilometers) away, were estimated at more than US$900 million.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper deplored the actions of a "few thugs" [leftwing extremist marxist ochlarchists] and suggested the violence justified the controversial cost. "I think it goes a long way to explaining why we have the kind of security costs around these summits that we do," he said. The disorder and vandalism [ochlarchy, the opposite of anarchy] occurred just blocks from where US President Barack Obama and other world leaders were meeting and staying. On Sunday, protesters gathered at a park near the detention center - about 2 1/2 miles (four kilometers) east of where the leaders were meeting. Plainclothes police jumped out of an unmarked van, grabbed a protester off the street and whisked him away in the vehicle. The protest was then quickly broken up by riot police, who set off a device that created a cloud of smoke that sent protesters running down the street. Vella said it was not tear gas.

Bridie Wyrock, 20, from Cleveland, Ohio, said she was arrested for public mischief for sitting on a street in the financial district. Wyrock, held for 19 hours before being released, said there weren't enough toilets and said some people resisted detention, but said police treated most people with respect. "They put us in cages, blocked off on all three sides," Wyrock said. "It was cold and dirty." An anti-poverty group called The Global Call to Action Against Poverty [and anarchists] criticized the protesters who committed violence [ochlarchy, the opposite of anarchy]. "A bunch of pimply faced teenagers trashing shops and burning cars does not help anyone," said Rajesh Latchman of GCAP South Africa. "These hooligans [leftwing extremist marxist ochlarchists] obscure the real issues."

Previous global summit protests have turned violent. In 1999, 50,000 protesters shut down World Trade Organization sessions in Seattle as police fired tear gas and rubber bullets. There were some 600 arrests and $3 million in property damage. One man died after clashes with police at a G-20 meeting held in London in April 2009.

See the also the note "Anarchy is optimal order" in the introduction to this file, and the chapter "Anarchists against political extremism".

This IAT-APT resolution is also supported by the International Workers of the World and the Anarchist International via the affiliated anglophone Anarchist Federation, see Freedom Online, as well as the World Economic Council.



Norwegian TV2 has visited London and interviewed Anjem Choudary. In the interview shown on TV2 15.11.2010 he says that a burqa and niqab ban can lead to bloodshed on the streets of Europe. Choudary: "This is something which the muslims will see as a direct attack against their religion. The women will, I don't think, refrain from wearing the burqa and niqab in the public arena because they do as an obligation, and the men will defend them. And ultimately this could lead to bloodshed in the streets of Europe."

Amatullah Himayah, a niqab-wearing muslim from London, is one of Choudary's students. She declares that a ban on burqa and niqab could lead to complete 'anarchy' (tawahush): "...Tawahush in Islam means complete anarchy. If they put these restrictions on muslims [i.e. ban on burqa and niqab], there would be complete tawahush, complete anarchy." TV2 also filmed Anjem Choudary teaching other muslims, and telling them that 'oppressing' muslims will lead to another 7/7 or 9/11 attack.

It is clear that bloody tawahush is violent ochlarchy (ochlarchy is mob rule broadly defined), in reality the quite opposite of anarchy, i.e. real democracy and optimal order, see "Preamble" at (click on) IAT-APT International Branch. Setting "ochlarchy = anarchy" is an Orwellian "1984" authoritarian Big Brother newspeak lie, similar to "peace = war".

The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to the mastermind of this threat, the extremist muslim hierarch (hierarchy is rule by clergy/priests) Anjem Choudary, and his follower Amatullah Himayah, for this Orwellian "1984" authoritarian Big Brother newspeak lie, according to the Oslo Convention; to rebuff this lie and expose these extremists as ultra-authoritarian 'Big Brothers/Sisters'. TV2 also gets a Brown Card for publishing this "1984" Orwellian lie.

The anarchists condemn all forms of extremism, of course also extremist muslim hierarchism, see "Preamble" and especially the resolution about extremism. Anarchists are strongly opposed to ochlarchy in general, also of course muslim extremist ochlarchy, tawahush. And the anarchists are against (ochlarchical) "hooded ones" in general, also burqa and niqab hooded ones. Anarchists in general prefer to see people face to face, and at large a) support habits, rules, laws and human actions promoting the face to face approach; and b) are against the repressive, pseudo-muslim and pseudo-religious use of burqa and niqab; via c) direct actions, included mass actions, and via elections, within the framework of and/or compatible with real democracy.

06.05.2011. Pro al-Qaeda groups demonstrate world wide, protesting the killing of Osama bin Laden, and some are sailing under false anarchist black flags and red & black logos. This is a serious break of the Oslo Convention and thus they all get Brown Cards from the International Anarchist Tribunal - The Anarchist Press Tribunal.


CNN 17.06.2011 reports: Hours after a crushing Stanley Cup defeat at the hands of the Boston Bruins, Vancouver residents on Thursday were trying to come to terms with the reasons their city had again exploded in riots. The incident echoed a 1994 Vancouver riot after a Stanley Cup loss to the New York Rangers, which caused widespread damage that resulted in hundreds of arrests.

Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu is blaming "criminals and [falsely] anarchists" who, he said, disguised themselves as Canucks fans for the riots. "These were people who came equipped with masks, goggles and gasoline, even fire extinguishers that they would use as weapons," Chu said of Wednesday night's melee. Nearly 100 people were arrested, according to Deputy Mayor Raymond Louie. Fifteen vehicles were damaged after the home team lost the hockey championship to the Boston Bruins. "We have more than 100 tips that include video and photographs of the individuals involved in the riot," Louie said Thursday. "We will investigate and prosecute individuals involved in last night's activities. They do not represent Vancouver, and we thank the people that came out this morning to help clean the streets."

The melee began after the Bruins won their first NHL championship in 39 years, trouncing the Vancouver Canucks 4-0 Wednesday night. "It's absolutely disgraceful and shameful," Mayor Gregor Robertson told CNN affiliate CTV. "It by no means represents the city of Vancouver." He called the rioters "despicable" after hundreds of mostly young ochlarchists took to the streets and set overturned vehicles ablaze. Some disappointed fans and rioters stopped and posed in front of the flames. Others danced atop an overturned vehicle as a cloud of gray smoke hung over downtown. Aerial footage showed city police wading into the unruly crowd that taunted and threw debris at the officers a few blocks from arena. In fact no anarchists were involved in the riots. The anarchists condemn the ochlarchy, an opposite of anarchy and anarchism. This is a serious break of the Oslo Convention by CNN and Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu. Thus they both get Brown Cards.


A man tried to attack News Corporation chief Rupert Murdoch with some sort of foam during a UK parliamentary committee hearing on the phone hacking scandal Tuesday 19.07.2011, forcing a 10-minute halt of the proceedings. This was an act of ochlarchy, mob rule broadly defined, i.e. authoritarian. The attacker also called Murdoch "greedy" indicating anti-capitalism, i.e. socialism. According to BBC Labour MP Tom Harris tweeted: "And once again a Gap Year Anarchist succeeds in his lifetime's ambition: to get all the attention. Well done." This attack was practically certain done by a marxist, i.e. an authoritarian socialist, and not an anarchist. The marxist propaganda news-corporation BBC and the marxist Labour MP Tom Harris get Brown Cards according to the Oslo Convention. Brown Cards are also handed out to all newsedia presenting similar lies in this connection.

02.08.2011 BBC reports: Murdoch shaving foam attack: 'Jonnie Marbles' jailed. A man who threw a plate of shaving foam at News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch has been jailed... Jonathan May-Bowles, of Edinburgh Gardens, Windsor, Berkshire, admitted attacking the media tycoon ... at a Commons hearing on phone hacking. The 26-year-old, who calls himself Jonnie Marbles, admitted assault and causing harassment, alarm or distress [i.e. ochlarchy]. He was told he would serve three weeks in prison, and must pay a £15 victim surcharge and £250 costs. After pleading guilty last week, the part-time comic told reporters: "I would just like to say this has been the most humble day of my life", mimicking Mr Murdoch's statement to MPs. IAT-APT comments: This time BBC did not falsely call the ochlarchist anarchist... 

07.08.2011. London24 reports: Tottenham riots see looting after Mark Duggan shooting protest turns ugly. Tottenham MP David Lammy has condemned the riots, saying "the community has had its heart ripped out". He said the scenes of anarchy did not represent "the vast majority of people in Tottenham." The riots and looting in Tottenham are clear examples of ochlarchy, an opposite of anarchy. London24 and the marxist Labour MP David Lammy get Brown Cards according to the Oslo Convention for falsely calling the de facto ochlarchy 'anarchy'. Brown Cards are also handed out to other newsedia and persons presenting similar lies in this connection. David Lindon Lammy (born 19 July 1972) is a British Labour Party politician, who has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Tottenham since 2000. The anarchists condemn the riots and looting.

08.08.2011. Associated Press reported: Violence and looting spread to new areas of London on Monday - and to a second major city - as shops and cars were set ablaze and ... [the police] struggled to contain the spiraling disorder on a third night of rioting in Britain's capital, which will host next summer's Olympic Games. It began late Saturday in London's northern Tottenham district when a peaceful protest over the police's shooting of a suspect turned violent... In the nation's central city of Birmingham, dozens of people attacked shops in a main retail district - spreading the chaos beyond London for the first time since violence broke out on Saturday night.

"There is significant disorder breaking out in a number of our communities across London," Tim Godwin, the acting London police commissioner said Monday, acknowledging that the 1,400 officers police deployed across London were struggling to halt the unrest. Some residents called for police to deploy water canons to disperse rioters, or call on the military for support. Witnesses in several neighborhoods said police were slow to respond as violence broke out in communities in the east and south of London previously untouched by the chaos, leaving young thugs free to set fires and steal from high street stores. The anarchists declare: "Stop the riots and looting, i.e. ochlarchy, NOW!"

09.08.2011 BBC reports: Further riots in London as violence spreads across England. An extra 1,700 police officers were deployed in London, where shops were looted and buildings were set alight. Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham and Bristol also saw violence.  BBC-TV (T. Smith) said that partly "anarchy reigns". Falsely calling this severe ochlarchy 'anarchy' is horrible, and the marxist propaganda news-corporation BBC gets a Brown Card according to the Oslo Convention. The anarchists repeat and declare: "Stop the riots and looting, i.e. ochlarchy - not anarchy, NOW!"

Later about the ochlarchy. "Bristol community blames a small number of anarchists," according to BBC. The truth is that the ochlarchists are practically certain not anarchists. The British Anarchist Federation declares: "It is an insult to all anarchists to falsely call the ochlarchy 'anarchy' and the ochlarchists 'anarchists'". The liberalist propaganda newsagency Reuters falsely reports about "anarchy in the UK". The IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to the Bristol community, Reuters and a fresh one to BBC, according to the Oslo Convention. Brown Cards are also handed out to all newsedia and persons presenting similar lies in this connection.

CNN reports: British Prime Minister David Cameron vowed tough action Tuesday to quell rioting in Britain's cities, after tensions between groups of youths and police escalated in London and elsewhere... He said more than twice as many police would be on the streets of London Tuesday night -- about 16,000 -- to tackle "criminality, pure and simple." Officers from several other cities were drafted in to help in the effort... Speaking after the meeting at Downing Street, Cameron said court processes would be sped up to ensure swift justice for those involved in "sickening scenes of people looting, vandalising, thieving, robbing," many of them apparently teenagers. The trouble -- described by the police as "'copycat criminal activity" -- takes place against a backdrop of austerity measures and budget cuts... The rioting that has caused chaos in London for three nights spread... Also Tuesday, police confirmed outbreaks of violence in Wolverhampton and West Bromwich, about 100 miles north of London, and the northwestern city of Manchester. In Manchester, a library and supermarket were ablaze, said Jeff Gill from the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue.

10.08.2011. Associated Press reports: Britain will not let a "culture of fear" take over its streets, Prime Minister David Cameron insisted Wednesday, saying police have drawn up contingency plans to use water cannon if necessary to remove rioters from the streets. Thousands of extra police officers on the streets kept a nervous London quiet after three nights of rioting, but looting flared in Manchester and Birmingham, where a murder probe was opened after three men were killed in a hit-and-run reportedly as they took to the streets to deter potential rioters. An eerie calm prevailed in the capital Wednesday, where hundreds of shops were shuttered early or boarded up Tuesday night as a precaution, but unrest spread across England on a fourth night of violence by brazen crowds of young people.

Armored vehicles and convoys of police vans backed up some 16,000 officers on duty - almost triple the number who were out Monday night. The show of force seems to have worked - there were no reports of major trouble in London on Tuesday night, although there were scores of arrests. Outside the capital, more looting was reported Tuesday night but not on the scale of Monday's violence in London. In the northwestern city of Manchester, hundreds of youths rampaged through the city center, hurling bottles and stones at police and vandalizing stores. A women's clothing store on the city's main shopping street was set ablaze, along with a disused library in nearby Salford. Manchester assistant chief constable Garry Shewan said it was simple lawlessness.

11.08.2011. Associated Press reports: Prime Minister David Cameron ... promised authorities would get strong powers to stop street mayhem erupting again. Cameron told lawmakers he was "... acting decisively to restore order on our streets," as police raided houses to round up suspects from four nights of unrest in London and other English cities. Acknowledging that police had been overwhelmed by mobile groups of looters in the first nights of the rioting, Cameron said authorities were considering new powers, including allowing police to order thugs to remove masks or hoods, evicting troublemakers from subsidized housing and temporarily disabling cell phone instant messaging services.

He said the 16,000 police deployed on London's streets to deter rioters and reassure residents would remain through the weekend. "We will not let a violent few beat us," Cameron said. He said he wanted to look at cities that had fought gangs "by engaging the police, the voluntary sector and local government." "I also believe we should be looking beyond our shores to learn the lessons from others who have faced similar problems," Cameron said. He said the government, police and intelligence services were looking at whether there should be limits on the use of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook or services like BlackBerry Messenger to spread disorder. BlackBerry's simple and largely cost free messaging service was used by rioters to coordinate their activities, Cameron's office said. Government officials said they were discussing with spy agencies and communications companies whether messaging services could be disabled in specific areas, or at specific times.

Authorities are considering "whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality," Cameron said. Cameron said that, in the future, police would be able to order people to remove masks, hoods or other face coverings when they suspect them of concealing their identity to carry out a crime. Currently, police must seek approval from a senior officer. A program that can ban gang members from meeting together, loitering in certain places, or displaying gang insignia will also be extended, he said. Police swooped on houses across London Thursday, detaining suspects and retrieving stolen goods. The number of people arrested since Saturday rose to 922, with 401 suspects charged. Wednesday night was largely quiet in London and other cities where looters had rampaged earlier this week.

12.08.2011. Right liberalist extremist UK riots and looting - on the economic-political map. The riots and looting in the UK were most likely profit motivated, i.e. capitalist, and rather autonomous - not statist, all in all indicating liberalism on the economic-political map and in reality. It was also extremist and severe ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) with more than 666 per thousand authoritarian degree, and not conservative liberalism, and thus practically certain a form of ultra-authoritarian right liberalism on the economic-political map.

PS. 27.08.2011. Towards real democracy, i.e. anarchy, now! According to 25.08.2011 Scotland Yard has warned fugitive rioters it is "far from finished" as the force confirmed more than 2,000 suspects have been arrested over the disturbances in London. Of 2,006 people held by officers over the violence that swept through London earlier this month, 1,135 people have been charged. Commander Simon Foy said: "I want to send a clear message to those involved that you will not get away with it." The problems of the people in the UK, a.o.t. with the austerity measures, cannot be solved by capitalist extremist liberalist chaotic events and (sub-)systems. The only way forward is an orderly development towards real democracy, i.e. anarchy.

The Anarchist Federation calls for an end of the present populist (moderate, parliamentarian fascist) regime in UK, and a steady and orderly movement of the social, i.e. economic and political/administrative - system towards real democracy, i.e. anarchy - a real revolution and a velvet revolution; and continued increased libertarian degree, see System theory - Chapter V. B.! A development towards real democracy must be done by the people's actions - more and more, i.e. act with dignity, use real matter of fact arguments and add weight behind via direct actions, including mass actions & industrial actions, and via organization, dialog and elections! The Anarchist Federation is a junction in this connection!! More information about the situation in UK at Freedom Online, the official organ of the British and Anglophone Anarchist Federation. See also Brief Course of Anarchy and Anarchism....

Brown Cards to Northern Ireland's Chief Constable Matt Baggott, BBC, CNN etc. Ochlarchy - not anarchy in Belfast.

PS. 10.08.2013. Northern Ireland's Chief Constable Matt Baggott has described violence during loyalist protests in Belfast, that resulted in 56 officers being injured, as "mindless anarchy". The trouble began when crowds of loyalists gathered in Royal Avenue on Friday evening, to stop a planned republican parade going through the city's main shopping district. The word anarchy is here probably used in the false meaning ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), and Matt Baggot, BBC, CNN and other newsmedia spreading this lie get Brown Cards from IAT-APT for breaking the Oslo Convention. The anarchists condemn the ochlarchy.


Ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is in general authoritarian, de facto a top down approach, and de facto thus not anarchist, i.e. a bottom up approach. Ochlarchists are in general authoritarian, not only their bosses. All authoritarian socialism is de facto marxism. All authoritarian socialists are de facto marxists. Anticapitalist, i.e. socialist, ochlarchists are thus de facto marxists, not anarchists. You cannot achieve anarchy by authoritarian means, ochlarchist means included, all experience demonstrates that. That ochlarchy in some mystical marxist dialectical way later will end up in anarchy, is against historical and social scientific evidence, and absurd. Such ideas are marxist - not anarchist. There is thus practically certain no connection between a) anarchy, anarchist(s) and anarchism and b) ochlarchy and ochlarchist(s), not in the short and not in the long run. Ochlarchists and anarchists are opposites. Anarchy and ochlarchy are opposites. Ochlarchy and ochlarchists are authoritarian, if anticapitalist, i.e. socialist, it is authoritarian socialism, i.e. marxism on the economic-political map and in reality. Anarchists are against marxism in all its forms. Marxists falsely posing as "anarchist(s)" in general get the Brown Card, meaning they are expulsed from the anarchist movement.


Daily Telegraph UK 27.09.2015 reports: “Shoreditch cafe at the heart of debate over London gentrification daubed with graffiti by anarchists as "scum" customers cower. A café which serves only breakfast cereal was targeted by anti-gentrification protesters wielding sticks, stones and flaming torches and wearing pig masks. Cereal Killer, in Shoreditch, east London, was attacked by a group of around 200 hooded assailants who daubed ‘scum’ on the windows while terrified customers cowered inside.  Police were called to the scene on Brick Lane on Saturday night, which was advertised on social media. The event, billed as the third “F**k Parade”, was apparently organised by the anarchist group Class War. Alan Keery, who owns the business with his brother Gary, said: “There were children there – they were terrified". Gary Keery said: “It wasn’t as if they were walking past and just happened to stumble upon us. They were deliberately coming here, throwing cereal and shouting ‘gentrification’, ‘anarchy’.” “If they really believe in the protest, why are they covering their face while they’re doing it? Why are they wearing pig masks?" One arrest was made and one police officer suffered minor facial injuries in the disorder, which happened between 8am and 12.30am, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said.”

This is not true. "Class War" is not an anarchist group. The truth is that "Class War" is a marxist ochlarchist  group far from anarchist on the economic-political map an in reality. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out Brown Cards to Telegraph UK  and "Class War". A Brown Card to Telegraph for falsely reporting that anarchists were behind the ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) in London, and thus breaking the Oslo Convention. And a Brown Card to "Class War" (marxist ochlarchists falsely posing as anarchists), meaning "Class War" is expulsed from the anarchist movement.


19.07.2016 on CNN (reporting from the Republican National Convention (USA)) Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke said in a speech that the Black Lives Matter movement is "anarchy". From the context is it clear that Clarke meant a form of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), not anarchy (as explained below). Anarchy and ochlarchy are opposites, and the International Anarchist Tribunal hands out Brown Cards to the Republican National Convention and David Clarke for breaking the Oslo Convention.

22.09.2016 on CNN governor of North Carolina Pat Mccrory calls the ochlarchy including chaos in the city Charlotte "anarchy". Anarchy and ochlarchy/chaos are opposites, and the International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a Brown Card to Pat Mccrory for breaking the Oslo Convention.

11.11.2016 on CNN a Trump supporter said that protesters against Trump want chaos and "anarchy". Anarchy and chaos are opposites. From the context is it clear that the Trump supporter meant a form of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), not anarchy (as explained below). Anarchy and ochlarchy are opposites, and the International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a Brown Card to the Trump supporter for breaking the Oslo Convention.

Brown Cards to Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson and ochlarchists falsely posing as "anarchists".

11.11.2016 CNN is reporting: "Thousands protesting Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election took to the streets for a third night of demonstrations and vigils in several US cities. An anti-Trump rally in Portland, Oregon, revved up as protesters confronted police Thursday night. What started out as a peaceful march, with more than 4,000 people, quickly turned violent. Over the course of the evening, "anarchists" in the crowd threw objects at officers, vandalized local businesses and damaged cars, Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson said. Police publicly declared a "riot" due to "extensive criminal and dangerous behavior" and called the protest "unlawful," according to posts on the department's Twitter page. The crowd was dispersed using "less lethal munitions" and at least 26 protesters were arrested, police said."  

The Anarchist Federation - section USA, and the Anarchist International condemn the ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), but support the peaceful demonstrations. This is a serious break of the Oslo Convention, and The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out Brown Cards to Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson and the ochlarchists falsely posing as "anarchists", meaning they are expulsed from the anarchist movement.

PS. In this connection Euronews is reporting "Police said many in the crowd tried in vain to get anarchist groups to stop destroying property", and also gets a Brown Card. Destroying property is ochlarchy, not anarchy, and the so called "anarchist groups" are ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists. Euronews should know better than this false reporting.

Brown Cards to marxist ochlarchists falsely posing as "anarchists".

20.01.2017. Police deployed pepper spray and made numerous arrests in a chaotic, ochlarchical, confrontation blocks from Donald Trump's inauguration Friday as protesters registered their rage against the new president. Spirited demonstrations, with anarchists and others, unfolded peacefully at various security checkpoints near the Capitol as police helped ticket-holders get through to the inaugural ceremony. Signs read, "Resist Trump Climate Justice Now," and ''Let Freedom Ring". But at one point, police gave chase to a group of about 100 protesters, marxist ochlarchists, a few falsely posing as "anarchists", who smashed the windows of downtown businesses including a Starbucks, Bank of America and McDonald's as they denounced capitalism and Trump. Police in riot gear used pepper spray from large canisters and eventually cordoned off the protesters. The IAT-APT handed out Brown Cards to the marxist ochlarchists falsely posing as "anarchists", meaning they are expulsed from the anarchist movement. The anarchists (AF-section USA) are planning anti-Trump demonstrations in the USA on Saturday, January 21, 2017, of course without ochlarchy.

Later on CNN reported: Six police officers were injured and 217 protesters arrested Friday after a morning of peaceful protests and coordinated disruptions of Trump's inauguration ceremony gave way to ugly street clashes in downtown Washington. At least two DC police officers and one other person were taken to the hospital after run-ins with protesters, DC Fire spokesman Vito Maggiolo told CNN. Acting DC Police Chief Peter Newsham said the officers' injuries were considered minor and not life-threatening. The anarchists condemn the ochlarchy. Also the IAT-APT handed out Brown Cards to CLG-News, Euronews and BBC for falsely calling the marxist ochlarchists "anarchists", and thus breaking the Oslo Convention.

21.01.2017. Millions of protesters, anarchists and many others, have taken to the streets of cities in the US and around the globe to rally against the new US President Donald Trump. Larger numbers of demonstrators than expected turned out for more than 600 rallies worldwide. The aim was principally to highlight women's rights, which activists believe to be under threat from the new administration. The biggest US rally was in the capital Washington, which city officials estimated to be more than 500,000-strong. There was no significant ochlarchy 21.01.2017.

02.02.2017. CNN falsely reports about "violent anarchists" at Berkeley. It is a fact that these so called "anarchists" are marxist ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists, and the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to the ochlarchists, meaning they are expulsed from the anarchist movement.The anarchists condemn the ochlarchy. Also the IAT-APT handed out a Brown Card to CNN for falsely calling the marxist ochlarchists "anarchists", and thus breaking the Oslo Convention.

1. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization - real democracy.

2. The Economic-Political Map

The anarchy degree is 100% - the authoritarian degree within the anarchist quadrant. (Esquerda means left, and direita means right. The star indicates the Norwegian economic-political system after the velvet anarchist revolution in 1994/95.)

3. Authoritarians notoriously mix up anarchy, anarchist and anarchism with authoritarian tendencies: Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannical behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, all in all ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined).

4. The word anarchy origins from Greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. NB! Any villain, ochlarch/ist, is an arch vis-a-vis the victims. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion - practically (significant,  > 50% anarchy degree) or ideally (towards 100% anarchy degree). This is the opposite of the above mentioned authoritarian tendencies, i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates - in general ochlarchy.

5. Ochlarchy is typical with more than 67% authoritarian degree. Anarchy has equal to or more than 50% anarchy degree. Anarchy is organization in general without (significant) arch(s), but not without management. The influence on the management, economic and political/administrative, in private and public sector, goes in general more from the bottom - the grassroots - upwards than from the top downwards. At the middle-point of the map the influence from the bottom is 50%. At the top of the map, the anarchist ideal, the influence from the bottom is 100%, or the organization is without top, 100% flat. Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland are anarchies of low degree (anarchy degree > 50% but less than 60%). Other countries are more or less authoritarian (significant, > 50% authoritarian degree).


27.05.2017 Associated Press reports that "anarchists" clashed with police in Italy at the G7 meeting. This is not true. The truth is that marxist ochlarchists – not anarchists - clashed with the police. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a Brown Card to Associated Press (AP), for breaking the Oslo Convention, see (click on)

It is a fact that socialists (anti-capitalists) are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists, on the economic-political map and in reality. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that anti-capitalist (socialist) ochlarchists  are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may call themselves or flag (in black blocs or not). The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling anti-capitalist ochlarchists anarchists.


07.07.2017 CNN reports that "anarchists" clashed with police in Hamburg, Germany, at the G20 meeting. This is not true. The truth is that marxist ochlarchists – not anarchists - clashed with the police. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a Brown Card to CNN, for breaking the Oslo Convention, see (click on)

It is a fact that socialists (anti-capitalists) are divided in two camps, marxists and anarchists. It is also a fact that all authoritarian socialists are marxists, not anarchists, on the economic-political map and in reality. It is a fact that ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) is authoritarian. Thus it is a fact that anti-capitalist (socialist) ochlarchists  are marxists, not anarchists, regardless of what they may call themselves or flag (in black blocs or not). The media and other persons should always report the facts in such cases, not falsely calling anti-capitalist ochlarchists anarchists.


The Economist July 29th - August 4th 2017 is misusing the word anarchy, pointing to Venezuela, stating that "there are signs of anarchy" there. This is not true. The truth is that there are signs of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including chaos - not anarchy - in Venezuela. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out a Brown Card to the Economist, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

1. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization - real democracy.

2. The Economic-Political Map

The anarchy degree is 100% - the authoritarian degree within the anarchist quadrant. (Esquerda means left, and direita means right. The star indicates the Norwegian economic-political system after the velvet anarchist revolution in 1994/95.)

3. Authoritarians notoriously mix up anarchy, anarchist and anarchism with authoritarian tendencies: Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannical behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, all in all ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined).

4. The word anarchy origins from Greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. NB! Any villain, ochlarch/ist, is an arch vis-a-vis the victims. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion - practically (significant,  > 50% anarchy degree) or ideally (towards 100% anarchy degree). This is the opposite of the above mentioned authoritarian tendencies, i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates - in general ochlarchy.

5. Ochlarchy is typical with more than 67% authoritarian degree. Anarchy has equal to or more than 50% anarchy degree. Anarchy is organization in general without (significant) arch(s), but not without management. The influence on the management, economic and political/administrative, in private and public sector, goes in general more from the bottom - the grassroots - upwards than from the top downwards. At the middle-point of the map the influence from the bottom is 50%. At the top of the map, the anarchist ideal, the influence from the bottom is 100%, or the organization is without top, 100% flat. Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland are anarchies of low degree (anarchy degree > 50% but less than 60%). Other countries are more or less authoritarian (significant, > 50% authoritarian degree).


The Economist January 6th – 12th 2024 is misusing the word anarchy, writing «Mr Netanyahu seems to have no-post-war plan other than anarchy or occupation.» and «But a wiser Israli leader might understand that famine in Gaza, anarchy or open-ended occupation there and the erosion of Amerian backing will not make Israel safer.» The Economist obviously means ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including chaos - not anarchy - in Gaza. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out a Brown Card to the Economist, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

1. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization - real democracy.

2. The Economic-Political Map

The anarchy degree is 100% - the authoritarian degree within the anarchist quadrant. (Esquerda means left, and direita means right. The star indicates the Norwegian economic-political system after the velvet anarchist revolution in 1994/95.)

3. Authoritarians notoriously mix up anarchy, anarchist and anarchism with authoritarian tendencies: Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannical behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, all in all ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined).

4. The word anarchy origins from Greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. NB! Any villain, ochlarch/ist, is an arch vis-a-vis the victims. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion - practically (significant,  > 50% anarchy degree) or ideally (towards 100% anarchy degree). This is the opposite of the above mentioned authoritarian tendencies, i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates - in general ochlarchy.

5. Ochlarchy is typical with more than 67% authoritarian degree. Anarchy has equal to or more than 50% anarchy degree. Anarchy is organization in general without (significant) arch(s), but not without management. The influence on the management, economic and political/administrative, in private and public sector, goes in general more from the bottom - the grassroots - upwards than from the top downwards. At the middle-point of the map the influence from the bottom is 50%. At the top of the map, the anarchist ideal, the influence from the bottom is 100%, or the organization is without top, 100% flat. Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland are anarchies of low degree (anarchy degree > 50% but less than 60%). Other countries are more or less authoritarian (significant, > 50% authoritarian degree).


The Economist June 9th - 15th 2018 is misusing the word anarchy, writing "Mr Trump's antics would matter less if they left the world order unscathed. But four years will spread anarchy and hostility". This is not true. The truth is that there probably will be more ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including chaos - not anarchy - in the world. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out a Brown Card to the Economist, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

1. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization - real democracy.

2. The Economic-Political Map

The anarchy degree is 100% - the authoritarian degree within the anarchist quadrant. (Esquerda means left, and direita means right. The star indicates the Norwegian economic-political system after the velvet anarchist revolution in 1994/95.)

3. Authoritarians notoriously mix up anarchy, anarchist and anarchism with authoritarian tendencies: Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannical behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, all in all ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined).

4. The word anarchy origins from Greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. NB! Any villain, ochlarch/ist, is an arch vis-a-vis the victims. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion - practically (significant,  > 50% anarchy degree) or ideally (towards 100% anarchy degree). This is the opposite of the above mentioned authoritarian tendencies, i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates - in general ochlarchy.

5. Ochlarchy is typical with more than 67% authoritarian degree. Anarchy has equal to or more than 50% anarchy degree. Anarchy is organization in general without (significant) arch(s), but not without management. The influence on the management, economic and political/administrative, in private and public sector, goes in general more from the bottom - the grassroots - upwards than from the top downwards. At the middle-point of the map the influence from the bottom is 50%. At the top of the map, the anarchist ideal, the influence from the bottom is 100%, or the organization is without top, 100% flat. Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland are anarchies of low degree (anarchy degree > 50% but less than 60% - "anarchist light"). Other countries are more or less authoritarian (significant, > 50% authoritarian degree). The world's so called order is full of ochlarchy (included chaos - very authoritarian), not anarchy. Trump will probably make it even more authoritarian…


The Economist August 31st-September 6th 2024 p.9 is misusing the word anarchy, pointing to Sudan, stating that "...Sudan to fall into permanent anarchy...". This is not true. The truth is that there are signs of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including chaos - not anarchy - in Sudan. The International Anarchist Tribunal (IAT) hands out a Brown Card to the Economist, for this Orwellian newspeak misusing the word anarchy, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization - real democracy. For more information about anarchy and on Brown Cards to the Economist, see (click on);, and search for The Economist. IAT homepage: About the situation in Sudan. Anarchist point of view:


30.05.2020. Brown Card to Donald Trump from the International Anarchist Tribunal for falsely calling the present riots and chaos in USA “anarchy”. "What I see happening on the streets of Atlanta is not Atlanta. This is not a protest. This is not in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. This is chaos," Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said. Donald Trump called the riots and chaos, that is ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, «anarchy and chaos” according to TV2, falsely mixing up the de facto ochlarchy with the quite opposite, anarchy = Real, i.e. always including green Democracy, including optimal order and law. Donald Trump is thus breaking the Oslo Convention, and The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a Brown Card to him for this very authoritarian, brown populist/fascist, Orwellian “1984” Newspeak.

31.05.2020 the US president Donald Trump denounced the actions of "looters and anarchists", accusing them of dishonouring the memory of Mr Floyd. What was needed, he said, was "healing not hatred, justice not chaos". "I will not allow angry mobs to dominate - won't happen," he added, according to several international news-media, including BBC and France 24. The Anarchist International Security Council, the anarchist intelligence network, has investigated the case, and is 100% sure no anarchists participates or is in anyway connected to the ochlarchy, including, riots, looting and vandalism, so this is a 100% lie from Donald Trump. Falsely putting the blame for the ochlarchy on anarchists, as Donald Trump does, is even more serious authoritarian Orwellian "1984" Newspeak than falsely calling the ochlarchy "anarchy". Thus, the International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a second Brown Card, this time a Dark Brown Card, to Donald Trump, the very authoritarian populist/fascist including anti-climate US president, for this serious break of the Oslo Convention.

Perhaps some leftist extremists, i.e. ultra-authoritarian ochlarchical marxists, and provocateurs - sometimes falsely posing as "anarchists" to try to put the blame for ochlarchy including criminality on the anarchist movement, say, such as the ultra-authoritarian marxist-communist ochlarchy group Antifa including several Trotskyites, are involved in the present ochlarchy in USA, but they are of course NOT AT ALL ANARCHISTS! Anarchists are practically 100% certain never ochlarchists! The police-ochlarchy including murder of innocent black people in USA, by white policemen, is extreme ultra-authoritarian ultra-fascism including racism, similar to Adolf Hitler's SS & Gestapo, and "must now be stopped at once" the British and Anglophone Anarchist Federation - Section USA - declares, supported by all and groups in general.

Trump said also on Sunday 31.05.2020 the US government would designate anti-fascist group Antifa as a "terrorist" organisation. It was not clear how many of the protesters participating in demonstrations are from Antifa. "Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors," Trump said on Twitter on Sunday afternoon. "These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!!""Sleepy Joe" is Trump's nickname for Democrat Joe Biden, his presumptive rival for the presidency in the November election, according to Al Jazeera. As mentioned above, Antifa is an ultra-authoritarian marxist-communist ochlarchy group including several Trotskyites. They are not anarchists. And no anarchists participates in the ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined.

Update 01.06.2020. The US-president Donald Trump delivered a brief address from the White House Rose Garden, amid the sound of a nearby protest being dispersed. "I'm dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults and the wanton destruction of property," he said. Mr Trump then turned his attention to the national protests, which he falsely blamed on "professional anarchists" and the anti-fascist group Antifa, according to BBC. This is a 100% very ultra-authoritarian and ultra-fascist, including anti-climate and racist, lie. 100% certain: no anarchists are participating in - or are behind - the ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined!

From: The International Anarchist Tribunal []
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2020 1:29 AM
To: International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.

Forwarding to other embassies of democratic countries and more in Norway. More information about sanctions against Trump’s very ultra-authoritarian and ultra-fascist including anti-climate and racist economic-political system in USA, see below. Best regards Harald Fagerhus.

From: The International Anarchist Tribunal []
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2020 1:15 AM
To: International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.
Cc: ''; USAs Ambassade terrortips; USAs Ambassade; ''; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet; PST

Hello international news-media, in about 100 blind-copies. Copies to CIA and US embassies in Norway and UN, Joe Biden’s group and some Norwegian relevant authorities. NB! New & latest updates! Regards Harald Fagerhus, responsible editor of IJOR/Fb/IJ@/IIFOR – AISC – GGS – IAT - The British and Anglophone Anarchist Federation - Section USA, and in general.

News-media! Report the truth! You are mainly all passing on false news, i.e. 100% lies, from Donald Trump and his followers among other US authorities that US-anarchists are behind the present ochlarchy, including chaos, violent riots, arson, robbery, theft, vandalism and so on in USA, without any comments about our view – the 100% truth. This must stop immediately! The 100% fact and truth are that no anarchists are behind or doing the ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, in the USA in the present protests. Please stop the false reporting! Remember the Haymarket affaire and the justice murder of the Chicago-anarchists. This may happen again and worse, if the false accusations from Trump and his followers among other US authorities against the US-anarchists, are the only news from the news-media, and Trump & Co follows up with judicial proceedings. We, the anarchists demand that the 100% true fact in this case, that US-anarchists in no way are behind the present ochlarchy in USA, shall be published at once by the international news-media. Or else the International Anarchist Tribunal will give you all that are presenting these horrible lies without comments about the truth, Dark Brown Cards for serving and supporting 100% the very ultra-authoritarian and ultra-fascist including anti-climate and racist system of Donald Trump and other authorities of his kind in the USA, as ultra-fascist dark brown propaganda news-stations, similar to Fox-News, all of you. Stop being dark brown shit-bags with witch-hunting against anarchists!

From: The International Anarchist Tribunal []
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2020 11:53 PM
To: Folket - media og øvrigheten

Hei Folket – media og øvrigheten i Norge. Videresender til orientering og oppfølging. Med vennlig hilsen Harald Fagerhus.

From: The International Anarchist Tribunal []
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2020 11:37 PM
To: The people & anarchists and authorities world wide

Forwarding to other embassies of democratic countries and more in Norway. Best regards Harald Fagerhus.

PS. Don’t support Donald Trump’s very ultra-authoritarian and ultra-fascist including anti-climate and racist system in USA. Make pressure to get rid of Trump and his ultra-fascist followers among other authorities in the US system. They should all be considered political-economic pariah. Make tough sanctions against USA. The US-system is quite similar to Hitler’s Germany as long as Donald Trump rules.

From: The International Anarchist Tribunal []
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2020 11:21 PM
To: International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.
Cc: USAs Ambassade terrortips; USAs Ambassade;; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; PST; Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet

Hello international news-media, in about 100 blind-copies. Copies to CIA and US embassies in Norway and UN, and some Norwegian relevant authorities.

News-media! You are mainly all passing on false news, i.e. 100% lies, from Donald Trump and his followers among other US authorities that US-anarchists are behind the present ochlarchy, including chaos, violent riots, arson, robbery, theft, vandalism and so on in USA, without any comments about our view – the 100% truth. This must stop immediately! The 100% fact and truth are that no anarchists are behind or doing the ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, in the USA in the present protests. Please stop the false reporting! Remember the Haymarket affaire and the justice murder of the Chicago-anarchists. This may happen again and worse, if the false accusations from Trump and his followers among other US authorities against the US-anarchists, are the only news from the news-media, and Trump & Co follows up with judicial proceedings. We, the anarchists demand that the 100% true fact in this case, that US-anarchists in no way are behind the present ochlarchy in USA, shall be published at once by the international news-media. Or else the International Anarchist Tribunal will give you all that are presenting these horrible lies without comments about the truth, Dark Brown Cards for serving and supporting 100% the very ultra-authoritarian and ultra-fascist including anti-climate and racist system of Donald Trump and other authorities of his kind in the USA, as ultra-fascist dark brown propaganda news-stations, similar to Fox-News, all of you. Stop being dark brown shit-bags with witch-hunting against anarchists!

Regards Harald Fagerhus, responsible editor of IJOR/Fb/IJ@/IIFOR – AISC – GGS – IAT - The British and Anglophone Anarchist Federation - Section USA, and in general.

From: The International Anarchist Tribunal []
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2020 11:00 AM
To: The Green Global Spring Revolution; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide; International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.
Cc: ''; USAs Ambassade terrortips; USAs Ambassade; ''


The cover pictures of the book reflects ochlarchy (= mob rule broadly defined) including chaos, and is compatible with ultra-authoritarian propaganda (communist, fascist and arch-conservative liberalism) that anarchy = chaos, and support calls for a strong man.  Besides. The nopal-picture & the poetry are however fine. The IAT-APT thus hands out a Brown Card warning to Horacio Ramón Suarez for suspected break of the Oslo Convention, acting like a provocateur, probably a "useful idiot" of communists.


We have seen enough of criminals, police provokers, mislead kids and others doing ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), i.e. ochlarchists, infiltrating the anarchist movement, during the history, making trouble of various kinds for the anarchist movement and thus real progress in society. A firm stand against these ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist movement, being it police provokers, criminals and/or mislead kids or others, is a necessity for obvious reasons. The anarchist movement should of course not get mixed up with ochlarchists as we really have nothing to do with this sort of doings and persons.

This means among other things expulsion of the ochlarchist infiltrators from the anarchist movement, via the independent and autonomous International Anarchist Tribunal giving expelling Brown Cards in relevant cases, and followed up by expulsion of ochlarchists from anarchist arrangement as, say, congresses, demonstrations and actions, a.o.t. via internet, press releases and newsletters and websites.

It is extremely and especially important that the official anarchist websites take a firm stand against the ochlarchist infiltrators to settle things right and show the media and the people in general where the anarchist movement officially and generally stands in this case, not to get mixed up with the ochlarchists, because that may be extremely harmful to our movement, regarding say recruitment, public relations and influence, as a movement mixed up with ochlarchy and ochlarchists will never be taken seriously as a political social movement of alternatives and improvements to the existing more or less bad, inefficient and unfair economical-political systems, it will only be seen as an even worse alternative.

Furthermore, the typical strategy of the ochlarchist infiltrators, i.e. provocateurs, to the anarchist movement is to 1. put anarchists in the front of the fight against the bad existing order and government (with heavy losses and imprisonment and torture), 2. to discredit the anarchist movement by sustaining the lie that anarchy = ochlarchy including chaos, and thus 3. reject the truth that anarchy is horizontal organization, i.e. liberal social-democracy = real democracy = libertaire = anarchy and anarchism i.e. freedom and equality, optimal order and law, etc., i.e. good, and 4. reject the idea of democracy in general for dictatorship and strong man rule, of red-brown, just brown including dark brown, or blue-brown - totalitarian type, with more than 67 per cent, i.e. more than 666, 666 ... per thousand authoritarian degree, i.e. ultra-authoritarian hell societies voluntarily accepted by sufficient of the masses, the People and more of the population.

This was the strategy of the brown Mussolini, the dark brown Hitler and Franco, the red-brown Mao followed by the dark brown Xi Jin-Ping, etc. and in 2020 the blue-brown arch-conservative unenlightened plutarchist Donald Trump in USA. Perhaps Trump will not succeed. Time will show...


Post-mortem Sergei Nechaev a.k.a. Sergey Nechayev, François Claudius Koenigstein, known as Ravachol, the criminal Bonnot mob, Émile Henry, Leon Frank Czolgosz and other terrorists falsely posing as 'anarchists' (i.e. provocateurs), in the past have got the Brown Card, and have thus got their expulsion from the anarchist movement post mortem. These terrorist ochlarchists falsely posing as anarchists have really never been a part of the anarchist movement, but been ochlarchist infiltrators to the movement.

It is an historical mistake to include these persons in the anarchist movement, as they were ochlarchist infiltrators - not really anarchists. They were ordinary criminals, ochlarchist terrorists posing as "anarchists", and acting according to the authoritarian travesty of 'anarchy', but not anarchism. This however happened long time ago, in a time with heavy repression against the anarchist international, with a lot of infiltration by a) police provokers, who did a lot to discredit the anarchist movement, and b) a red&brown Leninistoid group called Blanquists, etc. The Blanquists etc. were RAF (Baader Meinhof, Maoist Marxist-Leninists) type of groups at that time, and they also managed to use a few naive persons as "useful" idiots. This is understandable, but not defendable. Terrorism is not a part of real anarchism. 'Propaganda of the deed' is specific political action meant to be exemplary to others, and has as such nothing to do with terrorism.

Both Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta condemned the terrorism. Proudhon denounced terrorism i.e. the Blanquists, Bakunin denounced Nechaev, see IJA 4 (31), Kropotkin wrote: "a structure based on centuries of history cannot be destroyed with a few kilos of explosives." Malatesta wrote: "He who throws a bomb and kills a pedestrian, declares that as a victim of society he has rebelled against society. But could not the poor victim object: 'Am I society?' ", etc. As far as IAT knows neither Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin nor Malatesta urged terrorism or participated in terrorism themselves.

The terrorist ochlarchists, ultra-authoritarian infiltrators to the Anarchist Movement, i.e. provocateurs, mainly leftist, marxist, communist type of infiltrators, started with the Blanquists, Nechayevists, Ravacholists, Mostists, Henryists, the Bonnotists, Czolgosists, etc. and continue today in the Libcomists, the Risupists, Antifa/AFA, 'Anarquismo', 'A-Infos', Blitz, Black Bloc and similar, mainly controlled by Trotskyites and other communists, say, marxist-leninists (ml). Their propaganda is easy to spot, they are "engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression" (, but not 1. against THE STATE (vertical organization broadly defined, including ochlarchy), and they are not 2. for horizontal organization (liberal social-democracy = real democracy = libertaire = anarchist), as 3. the Anarchists are 100%. They all, the provocateurs & ochlarchist terrorists, have got BROWN CARDS by IAT-APT and are thus expulsed from the Anarchist Movement. ALL OF THEM!

De facto: ochlarchy (mob rule including terrorism) and anarchy & ochlarchists (including terrorists) and anarchists are opposites as peace and war. To say de facto ochlarchy is anarchy and ochlarchists (including terrorists) are anarchists are lies equal to peace is war (remember Big Brother's Ministry of Truth in Orwell's "1984"). This is proven as a practically certain truth beyond reasonable doubt in the 3 resolutions in the Preamble to IAT-APT International Branch. The proof speaks for itself, but more than 50 000 anarchists confirming the validity of the proof in 2010 add weight behind.

That terrorists sailing under false anarchist flag wrongly have been labeled as anarchists historically, mainly in authoritarian Orwellian Big Brother newspeak lying historical works, shall of course not set precedence for now and in the future. Faults of the past should never be repeated. And history books and similar should be corrected so the newspeak lies are removed. And similar faults of today in the newsmedia broadly defined should of course also be corrected. To promote such a policy the IAT-APT hands out Brown Cards to persons and organizations breaking the Oslo Convention in this connection.


Brown Cards to NRK with Tove Bjørgås, BBC and CNN for mixing up ochlarchy including chaos with anarchy 06-07.01.2021 and falsely putting the blame on the Washington riot partly on anarchists.

Brown Cards to NRK with Tove Bjørgås, BBC and CNN for mixing up ochlarchy including chaos with anarchy 06-07.01.2021 and falsely putting the blame on the Washington riot partly on anarchists, i.e. for serious break of the Oslo Convention. The rioters were the nazi & ultra-fascist Donald Trump supporters, and no anarchist participated in the coup attempt and attack on democratic institutions. Anarchy is not ochlarchy including chaos, but real democracy, i.e. liberal social democracy. And anarchists are real democrats, i.e. liberal social democrats, not ultra-fascists or totalitarian extremists to the left and right on the economic-political map and in reality.

Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization - real, always including green, democracy, liberal social democracy.

From APT:


CNN and Don Lemon 14.01.2021 states that freedom [at others expense] "leads to anarchy", obviously meaning ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including chaos, and thus breaking the Oslo Convention, and get a Brown Card from IAT-APT. Anarchy and ochlarchy are opposites; anarchy = ochlarchy including chaos is an oxymoron, and cannot exist in reality. Ochlarchy is authoritarian, not anarchist, see the EP-map. Anarchy is a.o.t. freedom without harming the freedom of others, not "freedom" at others' expense. More information about freedom related to anarchy, see

From APT:


John Richard Kasich Jr. a.k.a. John Kasich, Republican, on Wolf Blitzer's “Situation Room” on CNN 14.01.2021, falsely puts the blame for the Trump nazi & ultra-fascist coup attempt and riots in Washington USA 06.01.2021, on “hardcore anarchists” similar to Trump earlier. Are Kasich and the whole Republican party nazi & ultra-fascists? This is a serious break of the Oslo Convention, and the IAT-APT hands out a Brown Card to John Kasich, Wolf Blitzer and CNN for this blatant lie. 20.01.2021. Kasich continues to put the blame for the Republican nazi & ultra-fascist coup attempt and riots in Washington USA 06.01.2021 on anarchists, stating "the anarchists who crashed into the Capital" with Don Lemon at CNN, and the IAT-APT hands out a Dark Brown Card to them all.


PPS. 22.01.2023. Fareed Zakaria on CNN mentions "anarchy", in the meaning of ochlarchy including chaos, and gets a Brown Card.



PPPPPS. 01.04.2024. Brown Card to CNN Newsroom with Michael Holmes and an Israeli Marxist interviewed by Holmes, using the word «anarchy» in the false meaning of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), including chaos, and breaking the Oslo Convention.

PPPPPPS: 03.04.2024. Federal judge condemns ‘normalization’ of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter, but called the ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) falsely «anarchy», breaking the Osloconvention, and gets a Brown Card shared with CNN, that prints the lie: «The judge warned of a “vicious cycle … that could imperil our institutions” if Americans, upset with future election results, resort to the “vigilantism, lawlessness and anarchy” that occurred on January 6, 2021». See: Source: CNN.

PPPPPPPS: 29.04.2024. Brown Card to CNN and Isa Soares that called the ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including chaos and criminality in Haiti falsely "anarchy", and breaking the Oslo Convention. Anarchy is in reality libertarian law and optimal order.

12.09.2024. BROWN CARD to CNN. The news broadcast show Anderson Cooper 360° is misusing the word «anarchy», obviously in the false meaning ochlarchy (= mob rule broadly defined including chaos) and is thus infringing the Oslo Convention.

13.05.2024. Blinken: Israel offensive on Rafah would not eliminate Hamas. An all-out Israeli offensive on the Gaza city of Rafah would provoke "anarchy" without eliminating Hamas, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday, as Washington stepped up a pressure campaign against such an assault. Source: France 24. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a Brown Card to Antony Blinken for this severe breach of the Oslo Convention. He obviously means "anarchy" in the false meaning ochlarchy (= mob rule broadly defined) including chaos. Source: AIIS.

21.05.2024. AISC anmelder ICC til det Internasjonale Anarkist-Tribunalet, IAT, for forbrytelse mot Oslokonvensjonen, spesielt paragrafen "Other ochlarchists may also get the BROWN CARD…" og "Especially, persons who harass or otherwise behave in an ochlarkish way towards anarchists will most likely get a Brown Card. Here "anarchists" also mean anarchy/anarchism in general." Husk: "A Brown Card indicates a totalitarian Orwellian "1984" tendency of the convict(s)." ICC blander sammen det ultra-fascistiske og anti-anarkistiske Hamas, støttet av Iran, med det relativt frihetlige Israel som blant annet har den anarkistiske Kibbutz-bevegelsen. Dette er åpenbart oklarki (pøbelvelde bredt definert), inkludert kriminalitet. ICC opptrer kriminelt i dette tilfellet. IATs hjemmeside med Oslo Konvensjonen: Kilde: AIIS.

AISC reports ICC to the International Anarchist Tribunal, IAT, for crimes against the Oslo Convention, especially the paragraph "Other ochlarchists may also get the BROWN CARD..." and "Especially, persons who harass or otherwise behave in an ochlarkish way towards anarchists will most likely get a Brown Card. Here "anarchists" also mean anarchy/anarchism in general." Remember: " A Brown Card indicates a totalitarian Orwellian "1984" tendency of the convict(s)." The ICC conflates the ultra-fascist and anti-anarchist Hamas, supported by Iran, with the relatively libertarian Israel which, among other things, has the anarchist Kibbutz movement. This is obviously ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), including criminality. The ICC is acting criminally in this case. IAT homepage with the Oslo

21.05.2024. Det Internasjonal Anarkist-Tribunalet, IAT, har dømt i saken mot ICC. Vi har ikke funnet signifikante bevis på folkemord eller andre krigsforbrytelser begått fra Israels side i Gaza forsvarskrigen mot Hamas. ICC farer med løgn om dette, og dette er oklarki (pøbelvelde bredt definert), inkludert kriminalitet. Det er kriminelt å komme med falske anklager av denne typen mot et helt uskyldig Israel, og dette er en klar forbrytelse mot Oslokonvensjonen. Kollateral ødeleggelse ved urban krigføring kan være svært stor, men er ikke krigsforbrytelser. Derfor utsteder IAT et Brunt Kort til ICC ved anklager Karim Khan. Kilde: IAT & AIIS.

Later 21.05.2024. The International Anarchist Tribunal, IAT, has judged in the case against the ICC. We have not found significant evidence of genocide or other war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza defensive war against Hamas. The ICC is lying about this, and this is ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), including crime. It is criminal to make false accusations of this kind against a completely innocent Israel, and this is a clear crime against the Oslo Convention. Collateral destruction in urban warfare can be very large, but are not war crimes. Therefore, the IAT issues a Brown Card to the ICC with prosecutor Karim Khan. Source: IAT & AIIS. More information at

31.05.2024. Brown Card to Donald Trump. The International Anarchist Tribunal convicts Donald Trump for criminality, i.e. severe violation, of the Oslo Convention,, and hands out a Brown Card to him. A Brown Card indicates a totalitarian Orwellian "1984" tendency of the convict(s).  Sources: IAT and AIIS.

08.06.2024. Brunt Kort til NRK-Helgemorgen og den ultra-autoritære Dag Henrik Tuastad fra Universitet i Oslo, for alvorlig forbrytelse mot Oslokonvensjonen. Tuastad blander sammen anarki og oklarki (= pøbelvelde bredt definert inkludert KAOS), i Gaza på en meget uheldig måte. Anarki er lov og optimal orden og det helt motsatte av oklarki inkludert kaos. F.eks. Norge er et anarki, men situasjonen på Gaza under Hamas er ultra-fascistisk og dette systemet må bort og erstattes med demokrati. IATs hjemmeside med Oslokonvensjonen: Kilde: AIIS og IAT.

Brown Card to NRK-Helgemorgen and the ultra-authoritarian Dag Henrik Tuastad from the University of Oslo, for a serious crime against the Oslo Convention. Tuastad mixes up anarchy and ochlarchy (= mob rule broadly defined including CHAOS), in Gaza in a very unfortunate way. Anarchy is law and optimal order and the complete opposite of ochlarchy including chaos. E.g. Norway is an anarchy, but the situation in Gaza under Hamas is ultra-fascist and this system must be removed and replaced with democracy. IAT homepage with the Oslo Convention: Source: AIIS and IAT.

25.06.2024. Brown Card to CNN and president in Kenya William Ruto for calling the protest-ochlarchy (= mob rule broadly defined, including chaos) falsely for "violence and anarchy", and thus breaking the Oslo Convention, see

From APT:


12.09.2023 Stephen Sackur at Hard Talk on BBC, mentions "anarchy", in the meaning of ochlarchy including chaos, and gets a Brown Card.

09.03.2024. Former US ambassador to Haiti, said in an interview on BBC world news, about the situation in Haiti "this is chaos, this is anarchy", and both BBC and the former US ambassador get BROWN CARDS for breaking the Oslo Convention.

02.05.2024. Ochlarchists, not anarchists behind ochlarchy in the USA. Brown Card to BBC, which falsely suggests the ochlarchy (= mob rule broadly defined, including chaos) made by ochlarchists during the ultra-fascist Pro Palestine student demonstrations in the USA is done by «anarchists», and thus violates the Oslo Convention. Anarchy is law and optimal order, the very opposite of ochlarchy. Anarchy means "system and management without ruler(s)" = an-arch-y, not that the mob rules = ochlarchy and ochlarchists.


19.11.2023. Ad Argentina’s election. The choice is between Sérgio Massa and Javier Milei. The AI supports Massa. Milei is a so called «anarcho-capitalist», i.e. anarchy-plutarchy, an oxymoron...That has nothing to do with real anarchism. Significant mixtures of anarchist and authoritarian tendencies should be denounced, i.e. as a general anarchist opinion, now and in the future. The International Anarchist Tribunal hands out a Brown Card to Javier Milei, for this Orwellian «1984» Newspeak type mix of anarchism with authoritarian tendencies, according to the Oslo Convention.

Concepts as anarcho-archy = anarchy-x-archy in any form, meaning system, coordination and management "both with and without ruling and rulers" at the same time and place, are not allowed for, because such concepts are contradictive, and thus are nonsens and not logical and scientifical, because this is in reality not possible, and anarchism and anarchy are about realities. Thus anarcho-marxism, anarcho-capitalism = anarchy-plutarchy, anarcho-ochlarchy, anarcho-chaos, anarchy = chaos, anarchism = anarchy = minimal state or libertarian state, state in general, anarcho-statism, anarcho-authority, etc, are nonsense and not valid concepts, but confused Orwellian "1984" "newspeak" that is not anarchist, but authoritarian, i.e. chaotic, and should be avoided.


09.04.2024. A landmark ruling in Europe’s top rights court delivers a watershed moment for climate litigation, see: Source: CNBC.

The IAT-APT follows up with a Brown Card to the political top in Switzerland for ochlarchism against future generations, i.e. climate criminals, and thus for breaking the Oslo Convention:

"Briefly defined anarchy and anarchism are coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion. This means practically or ideally, i.e. ordinary vs perfect horizontal organization respectively. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization. Thus, anarchy and anarchism mean real democracy, economical and political/administrative, in private and public sector.

Ochlarchists, i.e. people and organizations/groups infiltrating the anarchistmovement and posing as anarchists and doing ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), will get a BROWN CARD from the International Anarchist Tribunal, meaning they are expelled from the anarchist movement. Thus, receiving a BROWN CARD in this case means expulsion from the anarchist movement. Other ochlarchists may also get the BROWN CARD, but they are of course not expelled from the anarchist movement because they did not pose as anarchists anyway. Especially, persons who harass or otherwise behave in an ochlarkish way towards anarchists will most likely get a Brown Card. Here "anarchists" also mean anarchy/anarchism in general. And we will also hand out Brown Cards to ochlarchism against future generations, i.e. climate criminals."


About "Musk interviews German far-right frontwoman", see: Quoting BBC: «Af-d frontwoman, Alice Weidel insisted her party was ... "libertarian" but had been "negatively framed" by mainstream media as extremist.» They sowed doubt and confusion so that their audience question what they know to be true. The term that best describes their strategy is “DARVO” (for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender). It’s a classic manipulation in which someone hides their real motives (in this case, an ultra-fascist agenda) behind feigned victimhood and the misappropriation of “freedom of speech". By invoking “freedom of speech,” they are weaponizing a foundational right to shield themselves from scrutiny and to deflect from the nature of their ideology. It’s a rhetorical strategy designed to confuse audiences, sow doubt about well-documented history, and distract from the speaker’s actual agenda. This is clearly a form of ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, including chaos and heavy rule from the top and down. BROWN CARD TO AF-D AND ELON MUSK. THEY ARE NOT LIBERTARIAN (= LIBERTAIRE = ANARCHIST) BUT FASCIST, I.E. ULTRA-FASCIST, SIMILAR TO DONALD TRUMP. BOYCOTT AF-D IN THE GERMAN GENERAL ELECTION AND MORE! They are breaking the Oslo Convention, quoting:

"Briefly defined anarchy and anarchism are coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates, i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion. This means practically or ideally, i.e. ordinary vs perfect horizontal organization respectively. Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". In short an-arch-y = [(an = without - arch = ruler(s)) - y = system (included optimal order and law) and management, as, say, in monarch-y]. Anarchy and anarchism are efficient and fair system and management without top heavy societal pyramid economical and/or political/administrative - in income and/or rank, i.e. significant horizontal organization. Thus, anarchy and anarchism mean real democracy, economical and political/administrative, in private and public sector.

Ochlarchists, i.e. people and organizations/groups infiltrating the anarchistmovement and [falsely] posing as anarchists and doing ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined), will get a BROWN CARD from the International Anarchist Tribunal, meaning they are expelled from the anarchist movement. Thus, receiving a BROWN CARD in this case means expulsion from the anarchist movement. Other ochlarchists may also get the BROWN CARD, but they are of course not expelled from the anarchist movement because they did not pose as anarchists anyway. Especially, persons who harass or otherwise behave in an ochlarkish way towards anarchists will most likely get a Brown Card. Here "anarchists" also mean anarchy/anarchism in general. And we will also hand out Brown Cards to ochlarchism against future generations, i.e. climate criminals." 14.01.2025.

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