1st Baron Acton: The scientific Law of Corruption & basic ideas etc.

John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1st Baron Acton:

The scientific Law of Corruption.

John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton. He is perhaps best known for the remark, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority.", which he made in a letter to an Anglican bishop.

That "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely", is valid recently at the Norwegian Storting and in The Council of State, and in the EU-top. There are also examples of psychiatrists with power that are corrupt morally and become monsters. Corruption is wide spread globally, especially in authoritarin countries, and even more in ultra-fascist states, such as China, Burma/Myanmar and Afghanistan and many more.


1. superior and overriding power practically always corrupts economical and political/administrative, in direction concentration of money & the practiced will to cow & subdue the People including anti-climate policy, on and from the Top of the societal pyramid in private and public sector = The Bureaucracy broadly defined;

2. the Bottom of the societal pyramid = the People's DEMANDS will only be met in a more democratic - real democratic world, i.e. sufficient Real, i.e always including green Democracy - in each country and global and

3. never achieved based on strong and stronger rule from the Top = the Bureaucracy (Why? - see point 1. about the Law of Corruption).

The degree of democracy = influence on the societal decisions by the People = the Bottom of the social pyramid, mainly taken by the Bureaucracy, the Top of the social pyramid, measured relatively as a percent degree between 0 % and 100 %, that is a precise measure on how much the People govern = democracy, i.e. the degree of it. This must be sufficiently high to meet the People's Demands, > 50%, i.e. Real, i.e. always including green Democracy, as in Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland, and a little higher.

An index about world wide corruption is at https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2024.

John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1st Baron Acton: The scientific Law of Corruption.

English social-individualist historian and ethics philosopher
John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1st Baron Acton of Aldenham, 8th Baronet

John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1st Baron Acton, in full John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1st Baron Acton of Aldenham, 8th Baronet, (born January 10, 1834, Naples [Italy]—died June 19, 1902, Tegernsee, Bavaria, Germany), English Liberal historian and moralist, the first great modern philosopher of resistance to the state, whether its form be authoritarian, democratic, or (state-)socialist. A comment that he wrote in a letter, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” today has become a familiar aphorism. He succeeded to the baronetcy in 1837, and he was raised to the peerage in 1869.


Acton was the only son of Sir Ferdinand Richard Edward Acton (1801–37) by his marriage to Marie Louise Pelline von Dalberg, heiress to a very respectable German title. In 1840 his widowed mother married Lord Leveson, the future Lord Granville and Liberal foreign secretary, an alliance that brought Acton early into the intimate circle of the great Whigs. Educated at Oscott College, Warwickshire, he went to Munich to study under the Catholic church historian Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger, who grounded him in the new German methods of historical research.

Having spent much time in the United States and Europe, he returned to England, settled at the family seat in Aldenham, Shropshire, and was elected to the House of Commons for Carlow, Shropshire, in 1859. In the same year he became editor, following John Henry Newman, of the Roman Catholic monthly the Rambler, but he laid down his editorship in 1864 because of papal criticism of his rigorously scientific approach to history as evinced in that journal. After 1870, when the First Vatican Council formulated the doctrine of papal infallibility, Acton was all but excommunicated for his opposition to that doctrine. In 1865 he married Marie von Arco-Valley, daughter of a Bavarian count, by whom he was to have one son and three daughters.

His parliamentary career had ended in 1865—he was an almost silent member—but he was an influential adviser and friend to William Gladstone, the Liberal leader and prime minister. Acton was raised to the peerage on Gladstone’s recommendation in 1869, and in 1892 Gladstone repaid his services as adviser by having him made a lord-in-waiting to Queen Victoria.

Acton wrote comparatively little, his only notable later publications being a masterly essay in the Quarterly Review (January 1878), “Democracy in Europe”; two lectures delivered at Bridgnorth in 1877 on The History of Freedom in Antiquity and The History of Freedom in Christianity (both published in 1907)—these last the only tangible portions put together by him of his long-projected “History of Liberty”; and an essay on modern German historians in the first number of the English Historical Review, which he helped to found (1886). In 1895 the prime minister Lord Rosebery had him appointed to the regius professorship of modern history at Cambridge. His inaugural Lecture on the Study of History (published in 1895) made a great impression in the university, and his influence on historical study was felt. He delivered two valuable courses of lectures on the French Revolution and on modern history, but it was in private that the influence of his teaching was most marked.

In 1899 and 1900 he devoted much of his energy to coordinating the project of The Cambridge Modern History, a monument of objective, detailed, collaborative scholarship. His efforts to secure, direct, and coordinate contributors for the project exhausted him, and he died from the effects of a paralytic stroke that he had suffered in 1901.


Acton was a stern critic of nationalism; his liberal social-individualist ideas, similar to Ragnar Frisch’, was to some extent rooted in religion, but had a more neo-liberalist approach, more to the rigth of the social-individualist sector of the Anarchist Quadrant of the Economic-Political Map (EPM) than Ragnar Frisch. For him, conscience was the fount of freedom, and its claims were superior to those of the state.  If democracy could not restrain itself, liberty would be lost. The test of a country’s freedom was the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. For Acton, in his judgment of politics as of history, morality was fundamental. He was the first great modern philosopher of resistance to the evil state. Civilized, cosmopolitan, rich, learned, and widely connected, he is remembered as much for his few historical writings as for his prescient concern with the problems of political moral. The Law of Corruption also implies moral corruption, as in China in recent years. Extreme moral corruption, such as with the Taleban top hierarchs, means many lose religious belief for power economic and political/administrative and many become atheists. Many aret thus not afraid of religious hell-ideas, and «heavenly judgement». This is valid for top rulers in general, i.e. unless special cases. NB! Also the will to power and potential power economic and/or political/administrative broadly defined corrrupts. Sources: Enc Britannica and INDECO-OSE.
