International solidarity action pro-anarchy and republic in UK
We support the direct action happening and paroles of the UK-section of the anglophone Anarchist Federation related to the royal wedding 29.04.2011
Monarchy - NO! Anarchy - YES! Republic YES! Strong president - NO! Royal plutarchy - NO!
More information at (click on:) Freedom Online
Decided after dialog and based on general consent:
- The Anarchist International world wide AI/IFA
- The International of Anarchist Federations IAF - L'Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes IFA
- The World Secretariate and Commission (WSC) of IFA/IAF/AI - The AI-secretariate
- The Anarchist International Information Service AIIS
- The International Journal of Anarchism IJ@
- The International Anarchist Tribunal IAT
- FABS - The Federalist Anarchist Beat Society
- The FABS HUB - International Center for FABS in Oslo - Distributes FABS products world wide
- The Commune Anarchist International, Communist Anarchism, Anarcho-communist section of AI
- The Individual Anarchist International, Individualist Anarchism, Anarcho-individualist section of AI
- The Social-individualist Anarchist International, Mutualist Anarchism, Third Alternative Anarchist section of AI
- The Collective Anarchist International, Collectivist Anarchism, Anarcho-collectivist section of AI
- The Anarchafeminist International - L'Internationale Anarchoféministe - i@f
- The International Workers of the World - The Anarcho-syndicalist section of AI - SG & ICC and all sections
- The Anarchist Black Cross, affiliated to the International Black Cross, AI, and the ABC-I
- The Green Anarchist International Association - GAIA
- The Libertarian Association of Teetotalers - LAT
- The Community Action Network - CAN
- The International Federation of Centers for Libertarian Studies and Documentation - IFCLSD - FICEDL- Northern Secretariate
- The Anarchist Federation of Denmark - Anarkistføderationen i Danmark, affiliated to IFA
- The Anarchist Federation of Norway - Anarkistføderasjonen i Norge, affiliated to IFA
- The Anarchist Federation of Sweden - Anarkistfederationen i Sverige, affiliated to IFA
- The Anarchist Federation of Finland - Suomen Anarkistifederaatio, affiliated to IFA
- The Libertarian Federation of Iceland - Íslenska Frjálshyggjumaður Ríkjasamband, affiliated IFA
- The Northern Anarchist Confederation (NAC) - Anarkistenes organisasjon i Norden, affiliated to IFA
- The British and Anglophone Anarchist Federation (AF), associated member of NAC and affiliated to IFA and AI
- The Southern Anarchist Federations, affiliated to IFA - via WSC
- The Anarchist Confederation of Eastern Europe, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist Confederation of Africa, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist Confederation of Latin America, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist Confederation of Oceania, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist International Network in Western Europe, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist International Support Network for Timor-Leste/East Timor AISNET
- The Anarchist Confederation of the Oceans, Arctic, Antarctic & Outwards, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist International University Federation, affiliated to NAC and AI/IFA
- The International Federation of Anarchist Youth IFAY, affiliated to AIUF, NAC and AI/IFA
- The International Institute for Organization Research, IIFOR
- World Economic Council - WEC
- The Anarchist International Embassy AIE