4777 Sofienberg N- 0506 Oslo - Norway
Norway, OPEC, Russia and Mexico! Cut the crude oil supply in joint market action!
We remember the situation in 2001-2002. Now it is time for another joint market action, a.o.t. to save the world from the manmade global warming problem!
The anarchists world wide have called for joint market actions to cut crude oil poduction as much as to hike the world's average price to about 150 US $ per barrel over longer time, to boost renewable energy-production toward an optimal level seen in dynamic perspective, i.e. significant investment in -- and use of -- efficient backstop technology; in relation to solutions to the manmade global warming problem. A backstop technology provides resources at a constant marginal cost, i.e. corrected for inflation, for an indefinitely long time.
"06.12.2001: The Russians and Mexicans have decided to cut export by 150 000 and 100 000 bpd. respectively, and thus the aim to cut ca 2 000 000 bpd. may perhaps be within reach. The oil price hiked to 20 US $ p.b. 17.12.2001: The Norwegian state council decided to cut oil production 150 000 bpd from 01.01.2002. 04.01.2002: The other countries and Norway have cut production significantly, and the oil price hiked to ca 21 US $ p.b. The trouble in the Mid East in April-May 2002 contributed to hike the oil-price to more than 25 US $ p.b. Medio December 2002 OPEC decided to use regulatory means to keep the crude oil price at 25 US $ p.b. according to DW-TV and other international newsmedia. 27.10.2003 the Nort Sea Brent crude oil spot price was at 29 US $ p.b. according to OILNERGY." From Thus we know cooperation to hike the price is a real possibility!
In April 2011 the oil price hiked to about 120 US $ p.b.. Now it is time for cooperation to hike the oil price to about 150 US $ per barrel over longer time, a.o.t. to save the world from the manmade global warming problem. More information at The green and eco-anarchist movements also join in this action, see
P. Johansen for IIFOR