International Journal of Anarchism
ifa-Solidaritet - folkebladet - © ISSN 0800-0220 - electronic issues ISSN 1890-9485 since 2009 - no 1 (50) editor H. Fagerhus
Bulletin of the Anarchist International
The Situation in China included Hong Kong
China's place on the economic-political map
By IIFOR 2009 and updated.
This document: http://www.anarchy.no/ija150.html
THE FIGHT AGAINST THE CLIMATE CRISIS – THE GREEN GLOBAL SPRING (GGS) – CONTINUES AT FULL SPEED, SEE: http://www.anarchy.no/green.html & http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html
30.03.2024. This US state is not covered by the NATO treaty. Some experts say that needs to change, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/29/us/nato-treaty-hawaii-intl-hnk-ml-dst/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & AISC: Since threats to NATO countries are global, especially China, the organization must be understood as NATO & GLOBAL. From now on! Source: AIIS.
06.04.2024. West facing 'authoritarian' alliance, says Nato chief, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68743805. Source: BBC.
1/21 (51) The Situation in USA 2020-21 and later
1/20 (50) The Situation in China included Hong Kong NB! ALSO COVERING TAIWAN.
2/09 (39) The situation in Iran
AND «ANTITERRORISM 2» AGAINST HAMAS/IRAN ETC. AT: http://www.anarchy.no/antiterrorism2.html
BEST REGARDS... THE AI/IFA = ANORG GLOBAL & AISC, SEE: http://www.anarchy.no/ai.html, AND:
This note/resolution is also published on the Anarchy Debate: http://www.anarchy.no/andebate.html
PS. 23.07.2024. UK must be ready to fight war in three years, says Army head, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c035d05je2jo. Source: BBC.
28.07.2024. US to revamp military forces in Japan in ‘historic’ move as regional tensions mount, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/27/asia/us-austin-trilateral-japan-south-korea-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
01.10.2024. Mark Rutte takes office as NATO Secretary General, see: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_229142.htm. Source: NATO.
NB! Latest news are at the bottom of this document over the Appendix. Use the search option for Appendix and you are at the latest news.
1. The authoritarian travesty of "anarchy" = ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, and "anarchists" = ochlarchists/ochlarchs is hard to stop... Authoritarians: Marxists, liberalists and populists/fascists all have an interest in calling ochlarchy "anarchy" and ochlarchists/ochlarchs "anarchists". And their authoritarian newsmedia/propaganda stations, say BBC marxist, CNN liberalist, etc. mostly postulate this travesty, i.e. authoritarian Orwellian "1984" newspeak. In these cases they deserve a Brown Card.
2. Anarchy is in reality and objectively seen a system significantly without archs, ochlarchs/ochlarchists included, i.e. a system with relatively small rank and income differences, orderly (optimal order, and not chaos) and efficient, also environmentally. Anarchy is real democracy - from the people and upwards, significantly, and always including green. Anarchists are real democrats = liberal socialdemocrats. The people, seen as a class, are the grassroots in contrast to the superiors in rank and/or income, the pyramid that in reality is the state/government, if significant i.e. top heavy, and it is probably always inefficent. Anarchism and anarchist strategy are to change the societal organization in horizontal direction, as members of the people, not attacking persons or things... More and more... Until complete horizontal organization is achieved, as an ultimate aim.
3. The word anarchy origins from greek. The prefix "an" means "negation of" as in anaerobe versus aerobe and "arch" means "superior, i.e. in contrast to subordinates", as in archbishop, archangel, archduke, arch villain, etc. Thus anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, a.s.o., mean coordination on equal footing, without superiors and subordinates , i.e. horizontal organization and co-operation without coercion, ideally or practically. Anarchy, [an-arch]-y means [an = without, arch = ruler(s)]-y = system, management as in monarch-y. Thus anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery". That is economic and political/administrative, societal, management from the people, grassroots, and upwards - significantly, without a top heavy pyramid in rank and/or income, i.e. without a top - down approach, without ochlarchy/ochlarchists/ochlarchs and other archs, significantly.
4. Anarchism means anarchist, i.e. non-authoritarian, non-ochlarchical means and methods, as well as anarchist ends and aims. There must be consistency between means and ends. This is the only strategy that works. The real aim is in general the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions, if any. The only violence anarchists accept is violence, proportionate, in self defense, i.e. not ochlarchist or other authoritarian actions. Anarchist actions are actions consistent with the here mentioned framework, i.e. non-authoritarian and non-ochlarchical, and not marxist, liberalist or populist/fascist, and nothing else.
5. When mislead youths and similar adopt this travesty and call themselves "anarchists" and do ochlarchy, and the main media reports more or less uncritical in the same way, the vicious circle is complete. The difference between ochlarchs/ochlarchists and anarchists is per definition dependent on what you do, not what you say you are or flag! There is no panacea to break this circle, but it is not unbreakable. www.anarchy.no has about 15 000 visitors and 50 000 hits per month, and a lot of other websites have the same information. In the long run we will break the vicious circle, but it would certainly help if the main media sometimes let our objective information about anarchy vs ochlarchy and anarchists vs ochlarchists/ochlarchs pass on to their audience...
6. For objective information and updated news about anarchy, anarchism and anarchists, read www.anarchy.no and similar websites world wide! The first main newsstation that makes use of the word ochlarchy and reports objectively about this matter will receive a large Black Star '*' from IAT. But that will probably take some time. The IAT and anarchists in general are however patient. In the long run anarchy will be everywhere on Earth... The sooner the better... We are on party with the future...
7. To mix up opposites as a) anarchy and ochlarchy and b) anarchists with ochlarchists/ochlarchs, as outdated dictionaries and media often do, is equally authoritarian as mixing up opposites as peace and war, as Big Brother did in Orwell's "1984" newspeak. It should be stopped, and the IAT-APT in such cases hands out a Brown Card, as free criticism of this authoritarian tendency. The Anarchist International, AI, and the International Anarchist Tribunal included the Anarchist Press Tribunal, IAT-APT, call on the international newsmedia and mandated persons to report fairly and objectively, and not with authoritarian newspeak, about anarchy, anarchism, anarchist and anarchists.
8. Chaos, disorder, mob rule (narrowly defined), lawlessness, the law of the jungle, criminality, riots, vandalism, arson, theft, corruption, drugs, mafia, terrorism, autocratic rule, the right to the strongest, antisocial tyrannic behavior, etc. i.e. different types of superiors and subordinates, a top - down approach. The Greek rooted word for mob rule is ochlarchy. Ochlarchy is also used as a common word for all the authoritarian evils mentioned above i.e. mob rule broadly defined.
9. People doing ochlarchy, i.e. ochlarchists/ochlarchs, are clearly authoritarian. They may be liberalists, fascists or marxists, practically certain not anarchists. If anti-capitalist, they are authoritarian socialists, i.e. marxists - leftists or leftwing extremists, not anarchists, although they may falsely try to pose as such, i.e. provocateurs, or wrongly be called so by the media. The media should call such ochlarchists marxists, leftists, leftist groups or leftwing extremists, because that is what they are, not anarchists! Anarchists are in the middle and upwards on the economic-political map, they are not leftists or rightists, not leftwing or rightwing extremists.
10. For more information about the Brown Card and anarchy vs chaos, see (click on) the Oslo Convention and search for anarchy vs chaos at the Anarchy debate/Anarkidebatt. For more information about provocateurs, see the footnote and more at External links.
For information about anarchists vs ochlarchists, see http://www.anarchy.no/ija136.html and http://www.anarchy.no/ija133.html.
IAT-APT homepage: http://www.anarchy.no/iat.html.
What is an extremist, person or organization, really?
1. An extremist, person or organization, is the same as totalitarian on the EP-map, i.e. with more than 666 per thousand, or about 67%, authoritarian degree. Leftwing extremists or just left extremists to the left of the middle of the map, and rightwing extremists or just right extremists to the right of the middle.
2. We see on the EP-map (click on System theory and economic-political map) that leftwing extremists are leftist ultra-fascists, most of left fascists, some leftist populists, a little more than half of the state-communists (leninists and maoists), and about 1/3 of left socialists. Rightwing extremists are rightist ultra-fascists, most of right fascists, some rightist populists, a little more than half of the conservative liberalists, and about 1/3 right liberalists. These figures refer to types of system, not number of persons. Anarchists are far from extremists , they are from the middlepoint and upwards on the map, not far left or far right, with 50% or less authoritarian degree. Extremists and totalitarians are practically certain either marxists, populists/fascists or liberalists, never anarchists.
3. Extremism typically also has social psychological roots. Keywords are mass hypnotic suggestion, totalitarian personality disorder, physical and psychical violence, a paranoid twisted travesty of reality, and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) including criminality. Typically present is a form of charismatic leadership in the meaning a special quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination and inspires unswerving allegiance and devotion. Totalitarian personality disorder typically appears among both leadership and followers, rank and file, although sometimes in different forms. It may also appear at a single person or small sects, and in polyarchical networks. The main hallmark of totalitarian personality disorder is a significant will to cow, broadly defined, or support for such people or organizations. Typically is also complaining about hostility or mobbing, i.e. ochlarchy, when exposed to free, matter of fact criticism.
4. Political extremism is typically use of, or threat of use of, violence against persons and/or things, to achieve political aims. Political extremism is authoritarian, ochlarchist (ochlarchy = mob rule), the opposite of anarchist, according to the Oslo Convention. Persons doing political extremism are ochlarchists, the opposite of anarchists, and are thus expelled from the anarchist movement, regardless of what they may claim to be. Such ochlarchist infiltrators to the anarchist movement, get an expelling Brown Card from the International Anarchist Tribunal, for breaking the Oslo Convention. The only violence accepted by anarchists is violence, proportionate, in self defense, i.e. not political extremism. Anarchism is neither pacifism, nor political extremism, terrorism included. The anarchists condemn all forms of extremism.
Michael Bakunin was the first to form a social-democratic workers party, the Social-Democratic Alliance, and use the name social-democrat in organized workers-movement context from 1868. In 1868, Bakunin joined the Geneva section of the 1st International. The IWMA was rooted back to a meeting in London at St. Martin's Hall in 1864, deciding on a 'General Council', but its real founding and first congress was in Geneva in 1866. In 1869, Bakunin's Social Democratic Alliance, SDA, was refused entry to the IWMA, on the grounds that it was an international organization in itself, and only national organizations were permitted membership. The SDA was mainly a liberal social-democratic alliance. The SDA, not to be confused with Marxist social-democracy, dissolved and the various groups which it comprised joined the IWMA separately. The Marxist social democratic movement grew out of the efforts of August Bebel, who with Wilhelm Liebknecht cofounded the Social Democratic Workers’ Party in 1869, about one year later than Bakunin’s, and then effected the merger of their party with the General German Workers’ Union in 1875 to form what came to be called the Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands).
The Marxists stole the good concept social-democracy, that is much better than anarchy related to support from the People, that think (wrongly ok) that anarchy is ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) included chaos. We will take this good concept back, to get support from the People en masse. We are tired of being a small movement.
Regarding revolution related to the Anarchist Economic-Political map http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html:
Clarification of the term Revolution in connection with the Economic-Political map (EP map) - and GGS, GAIAN & GRETA THUNBERG and more. Every shift in the coordinates of an economic-political system on the EP map is by definition a revolution. Revolutions can be of varying sizes, some small, and sometimes somewhat larger. Revolution stands in opposition to reform, which is economic-political changes without a shift in the system coordinates, i.e. changes within the system's framework, without going beyond these. Each shift in the coordinates of an economic-political system on the EP map almost always takes place in a continuous process via infinitesimal shifts in the system coordinates, which are dynamically integrated over time, to a significant overall shift in the system coordinates, i.e. to a significant revolution. NB! A series of insignificant revolutions can thus result after a while, in an overall significant revolution. If the revolution is a downward movement on the EP map, it is also called a counter-revolution. Revolutions can also occur by discontinuous, possibly large - shifts in the system coordinates, without us going into this here, beyond noting that such often go terribly wrong, most often due to lack of relevant follow-up organizational structures. GGS, The Green Global Spring Revolution, among others supported by GAIAN Freedomly Zen Buddhists, other libertarians, Greta Thunberg & Co and more, do not pursue this terribly wrong strategy. But on the scheme mentioned under "NB!" above, which probably will be a success, provided the triggering of sufficient crowds to support the scheme (of GGS). And it must happen in due time to avert a full blown climate crisis, with Ragnarokk = FULL HELL ON GAIA, A.K.A. TELLUS AND THE EARTH.
The climate-crisis can not be solved only with reform, it is necessary to change the economic-political systems’ coordinates… Slowly, but not too slow… by IIFOR - from http://www.anarchy.no/andebate.html.
http://www.anarchy.no/iifor.html - IIFOR P.B. 4777 Sofienberg N- 0506 Oslo - Norway
1. Direct action defined as an anarchist ideal principle.
At the second Nordic IFA/IAF congress in Oslo 1983, the following resolution was unanimously decided upon, regarding direct action as an anarchist ideal principle:
Direct action and indirect action. What is really that?
Direct action is the main strategy of anarchism.
An act is a direct action if:
- all persons who are direct, i.e. considerably and concretly affected by the matter (in question) decide on equal footing ;
- these persons themselves put the decisions into practice, and take the responsability of realizing the goal.
Both conditions must be satisfied. A direct action is therefore a direct democratic action. A direct action is then an action direct on the matter by those who are directly affected.
If the decisions are made by others than, or by only some of those who are directly affected by the matter in question, the action is not direct. All or most of those who are directly affected, will then be excluded from, or develop an indirect relation to the management of the action. That is a sort of indirect action.
If the matter in question is not approached directly, and the action is based on the purpose being realized by others than those who are are directly affected, the action is also indirect. In other words: if someone makes decisions which affect others direct and/or others than those affected are responible for realizing the purpose of the action, the action is indirect.
2. Direct action in practice.
a) If both conditions in 1. are based on general consent we have the ideal anarchist situation or close to, 90% - 100% flat organization. There are in practice many types of actions that are compatible with 1. If there is no general consent, Libertarian Human Rights for the minority must be secured, etc., i.e. being within the framework of Real Democracy , a bottom - up approach.
b) Direct action may also be used to stop repression and exploitation, i.e. against archs economically and/or political/administrative, a bottom - up approach. There are in practice many types of actions that are compatible with this.
c) In practice there exist degrees of direct vs indirect action, and an action must be significantly direct, i.e. equal to or more than 50% direct, to be accounted for as a direct action. Thus there must be a significant approximation to the ideal anarchist principle of direct action, see 1., otherways it is indirect action, i.e. significantly. As mentioned this means a bottom - up approach, influence from the people seen as class in contrast to superiors in rank and/or income - and upwards, significantly, and not the other way around, a top - down approach, significantly. Non-libertarian actions, say, ochlarchical, are clearly not direct actions, but a top - down approach..
d) A direct action may be non-violent or violent, but anarchists only accept defensive violence, proportionate in self defense. Other violent actions are ochlarchy and ochlarchist, and not anarchistic. See also Antimilitarism - an anarchist approach, IJA 2 (38), and the Anarchist International Security Council, AISC, for direct action in self-defense matters. Terrorism is never a direct action, it is clearly a top - down approach. But sabotage and even killing in pure self defense of aggressive, attacking murderer(s), alone or with allies - if there is no other option - are direct action, a significant bottom - up approach. Terrorism is a form of ochlarchy, and as indicated very much a top - down approach, it is ultra-authoritarian and extremist, and not anarchist. Violence is an evil that should be used as little as possible.
e) Examples of non-violent direct actions are non-ochlarchical: e-mail campaigns, use of Websites, petitions and similar, also with lists of people signing up for the resolution, dialog, direct negotiation and arbitration, leaflets and books etc., stands, street demonstrations, rallies, co-operatives, self-employed and networks of self-employed, strikes - also general strike and workplace occupation strike, as long the strike does not go against life or health, boycott, sitins and blockades and sabotage in the meaning of working slow, referendum and direct democracy in general. See also point 2. a) and b).
Political or industrial direct actions are intended to have an immediate and noticeable effect that will influence a political administration or an employer. Anarchists' political/administrative and economic direct actions are actions for changing the societal organization in horizontal direction, and thus not violent attacks on persons and things, which are a top - down approach - economically and /or political/administrative [except in self-defense matters, see above].
This is the only strategy that works, there must be consistency between aims and means. The real aim is in general the consequences of the use of the means involved, not some ideological manifesto with good intentions, if any. Attacking persons and things will in general not change the societal organization in horizontal direction. In general, even if you kill the top boss, he or she will always be replaced by a new one on the top, perhaps even more authoritarian, and there is no shift of the societal organization in horizontal direction. Thus it is not anarchistic.
Resolution, decided with general consent, by:
The International Anarchist Congress
The 11th Anarchist Biennial 27-28.11.2010
International Congress-Seminar on Anarchism
The AI/IFA network represents more than 50 000 anarchist world wide
To see the Website of the Congress - Click here!
AI/IFA: Xi & Co are sitting on a volcano that will erupt with some unrest at the borders and they have no allies. We have 2-3 years until the 1.5 degree target is broken. The status quo does not hold. The US must change its goals and strategy or we are all lost!
16.06.2023. Bill Gates og andre IT-topper til Kina. Xi vil bare snoke IT-teknologi. Blinken til Kina. Xi = Hitler. Det er det han må ta utgangspunkt i, og ikke fisle Chamberlainistisk. Han må ikke ha illusjoner. Filen her skulle fjerne slike. AI/IFA.
05.01.2024. World’s biggest polluter, China, just had its hottest year on record, marked by deadly extreme weather, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/05/china/2023-hottest-year-china-climate-intl-hnk. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & GGS/GAIA: The third world war against Xi & Co is necessary and must start soon. Source: AIIS.
06.03.2024. What it’s like on board an outnumbered Philippine ship facing down China’s push to dominate the South China Sea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/06/asia/philippines-china-south-china-sea-confrontation-intl-hnk-dst/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & AISC and ACAME, Chinese section: Xi Jin-Ping is similar to Adolf Hitler. Source: AIIS.
ACAME - Chinese Section, the Hong Kong anarchists, are still going strong, and in good spirits, and keep a low profile due to the repression, but clench the fists in the
pockets, declaring. "We will not be cowed by the Chinese ultra-fascists! To hell with Xi Jin-Ping sooner or later!" 11.11.2020.
15.02.2021. ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China anarchists) declares: One China - the Chinese Confederation (CHINCON), Free China & Green China! Xi Jin-Ping's ultrafascist regime must be removed and a real democratic system must replace it before One China - the Chinese Confederation (CHINCON) can be established.
AIIS reports 26.11.2020: The Green Global Spring (GGS) will make actions pressing the Chinese & Hong Kong administrations in progressive green & real democratic direction! SLOGANS: Less Than 1,5° C Global Warming! Drop Fossil Fuel! Green Energy! Full Employment! 5 % Green GDP growth! Small Income & Rank Differences! Down with the Gini-index to 20 %! Liberal Social-Democracy! Real & Green Democracy! Eco-Anarchy For Ever! Sufficient High Democracy Degree! Zero Population Growth!!!
The Hong Kong Spring is a part of the Green Global Spring, see http://www.anarchy.no/ija141.html & http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html & http://www.anarchy.no/asia.html. See also a Note from the Anarchist International Embassy below here in the introduction.
04.12.2020. Beijing was and is preparing for confrontation with the US and intended to dominate the world "economically, militarily and technologically", Mr John Ratcliffe, the top US intelligence official, warned. Sources: BBC and AIIS.
Updated on China - Antioch - The Anti-ochlarchy League is a mysterious, powerful secret organization, a loose global network, started in 1996 in the USA.
Revelation: Antioch, a.k.a. the Anti-ochlarchy League, is most likely behind the Nashville bombing, see. http://www.anarchy.no/antioch.html.
Ochlarchy has an anti-climate and anti-green dimension, especially with mob rule broadly defined against the grand-children, thus the fight against ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly
defined, a.o.t. done by Antioch, the Anti-ochlarchy League, is also a part of the Green Global Spring, see http://www.anarchy.no/antioch.html, http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html & http://www.anarchy.no/nt20-21.html.
26.01.2021. Chinese economy revisited. Slave contracts and direct slavery i.a. in the Gulag, creates cheap labor. The official minimum income is approx. half of the WTO's poverty line, and many do not even have it. They are unable to develop technology, cf. totalitarian system, see the EP map http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html, and have to buy, steal and copy it. Despite a large, rich and powerful private and public bureaucracy, most recently with the military top as members, they therefore become "competitive" in price internationally. Subsidies on exports provide additional foreign currency, which they use i.a. to buy technology and raw materials, and on luxury to the bureaucracy. But they are greedy and want more, therefore militarism, initiated last year and especially in recent months. The fact that this stone-corrupt Chinese bureaucracy also de facto gives the damn in the climate, follows incorrigibly from the ultra-fascist system, and can only be changed and improved climate-wise by a system change in a significantly flatter direction. Source: AIIS.
01.03.2023. Å importere fra Kina er en sikkerhetsrisiko på linje med import av naturgass fra Russland. Vi oppfordrer derfor NATO og allierte til å boikotte alle varer og tjenester fra Kina.
Importing from China is a security risk on a par with importing natural gas from Russia. We therefore encourage NATO and allies to boycott all goods and services from China.
15.02.2023. Dutch chip firm ASML says former China employee stole data, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/15/tech/asml-china-employee-data-breach-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
03.02.2021. 'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape. Women in China's "re-education" camps for Uighurs have been systematically raped, sexually abused, and tortured, according to detailed new accounts obtained by the BBC. See: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55794071. Source: BBC.
18.02.2021. Beijing faces new abuse claims from Xinjiang. A former teacher and ex-detainee allege gang rape and torture of women inside China's vast network of detention camps.
See: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/02/18/china-xinjiang-abuse-allegations-watson-pkg-lead-intl-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN.
10.03.2021. China building offensive, aggressive military, top US Pacific commander says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/10/asia/us-pacific-commander-china-threat-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
11.03.2021. China's parliament endorses plan to 'improve' Hong Kong elections, further curbing opposition, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/11/asia/china-hong-kong-election-reform-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
01.05.2021. IIFOR: Hong Kong is no longer among the 25 most libertarian countries in the world, at about 42 % libertarian (= democracy) degree, but closer to the ultra-fascist system in mainland China, between 25% and 0 % libertarian degree, i.e. 75-100% authoritarian degree.
31.07.2021 AISC - Report: China still harvesting organs from prisoners at a massive scale, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/23/asia/china-organ-harvesting/index.html. Source: CNN.
10.10.2021. Taiwan won't be forced to bow to China, President Tsai says during National Day celebrations, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/10/asia/taiwan-national-day-tsai-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
22.10.2021. China says ‘no room’ for concessions over Taiwan after Biden commits to defend island, see: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20211022-biden-says-yes-us-would-defend-taiwan-against-china. Source: France 24.
14.12.2021. AISC report: 3WW is needed quickly to save the globe. The coal supply surplus is enormous and the price will therefore fall, and the more green energy is produced. Ultra-fascist states are forced to choose the cheapest energy - coal (and fossil otherwise) due to the law of corruption and the danger of rebellion. China will therefore never stop coal production and use voluntarily. Therefore, 3WW against China is a must to solve the climate crisis. Biden must understand that 3WW against China and other ultra-fascist states is absolutely necessary and the faster the better. Diplomacy and competition do not work at all. There is no way beyond 3WW, if we are to save the planet. The alternative is a huge global and increasing subsidy for the closure of coal power and fossil fuels otherwise, and support for green energy + technology otherwise. It will be far too expensive, and will only intensify authoritarianism. It is not a workable road. The United States and NATO must therefore immediately launch 3WW at full strength.
19.09.2022. Biden again says US would defend Taiwan if China attacks, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62951347. Source: BBC.
09.10.2022. Taiwan president to pledge to bolster combat power as China tensions rise, see: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-president-pledge-bolster-combat-power-china-tensions-rise-2022-10-09/. Source: Reuters.
10.10.2022. ‘No room for compromise’ on Taiwan’s sovereignty, President Tsai says in National Day speech, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/10/asia/taiwan-national-day-tsai-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN
10.10.2022. About China. Unmasking the Truth::: CCP: Stop the Atrocity Against Humanity. Against organ stealing by the CCP!!!.
Gini indexes for China
Gini index of China update. In 2003 the Gini index was 44.7 (0.447). In 2020, China reached a score of 46.8 (0.468) points. It has been up to about 49 (0.49) in recent years. The Gini Index is a statistical measure that is used to represent unequal distributions, e.g. income distribution. It can take any value between 1 and 100 points (or 0 and 1). The closer the value is to 100 the greater is the inequality. 40 or 0.4 is the warning level set by the United Nations. As a rule of the thumb, a Gini index above 35 indicates capitalism. Thus China is a very capitalist country, more capitalist than the USA with Gini index about 40-42.
Growing inequality counts as one of the biggest social, economic, and political challenges to many countries, especially emerging markets. Over the last 20 years, China has become one of the world's largest economies. As parts of the society have become more and more affluent, the country's Gini coefficient has also grown sharply over the last decades. China's Gini coefficient ranged at a level higher than the warning line for increasing risk of social unrest over the last decade, 40 (0.4). These Gini index data do of course not account for corruption, thus the real figures are far higher, i.e. including income from the rampant corruption in China. The real Gini index may be as high as 70 (0.75), as a well educated estimate/guess. Source: IIFOR 09.10.2022.
13.10.2022. Rare protest against China’s Xi Jinping days before Communist Party congress, see: http://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/13/china/china-party-congress-protest-banners-xi-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.10.2022. A sense of crisis has defined Xi’s rule. It will shape China well into the future, see: http://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/14/china/china-party-congress-walkup-analysis-intl-hnk-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.10.2022. China’s economy is ‘in deep trouble’ as Xi heads for next decade in power, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/14/economy/china-party-congress-economy-trouble-xi-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
15.10.2022. China's Communist Party is holding its five-year congress. Here's what to expect, see: https://www.euronews.com/2022/10/15/chinese-communist-party-is-holding-its-five-year-congress-heres-what-to-expect. Source: Euronews.
15.10.2022. Communist Party Congress will offer clues to China’s future, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20221015-chinese-communist-congress-will-offer-clues-to-china-s-future. Source: France 24.
16.10.2022. China kicks off 20th Communist Party Congress as Xi Jinping prepares to expand power, see: https://edition.cnn.com/asia/live-news/china-party-congress-10-16-22-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
19.10.2022. Xi Jinping wants China to ‘win local wars.’ Russia’s failures in Ukraine show that’s not so easy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/19/asia/china-party-congress-xi-military-russia-parallels-intl-hnk-mil-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
21.10.2022. The greatest risk to China’s Xi Jinping? Himself, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/21/china/china-party-congress-xi-jinping-risks-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
24.10.202. After the CCP congress: China’s Xi is more powerful than ever. What does it mean for the world?... And he threatens Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/24/china/china-party-congress-consequences-world-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
26.11.2022. Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/26/china/china-protests-xinjiang-fire-shanghai-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
25.12.2022. China carries out military exercises near Taiwan and Japan, sending 47 aircraft across Taiwan Strait in ‘strike drill’, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/25/asia/taiwan-china-aircraft-incursions-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
13.03.2023. Xi Jinping vows to make China’s military a ‘great wall of steel’ in first speech of new presidential term, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/13/china/china-xi-jinpong-first-speech-third-term-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AISC: USA and NATO and allies: Arm Taiwan!!!
14.04.2023. World leaders are lining up to meet Xi Jinping. Should the US be worried? See: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/14/china/xi-jinping-lula-china-brazil-world-leaders-visit-beijing-intl-hnk-mic/index.html. Source: CNN. Cooperating with Xi & Co is just like cooperating with Hitler. Stop it!
03.06.2023. Overseas Hong Kongers carry Tiananmen’s torch as vigils to remember massacre victims are snuffed out back home, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/03/asia/hong-kong-china-global-tiananmen-square-massacre-commemorations-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
04.06.2023. Hong Kong police detain more than 20 on Tiananmen anniversary, see: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230604-hong-kong-police-detain-more-than-20-on-tiananmen-anniversary. Source: France 24. The Anarchist International (AI/IFA): The protests are going on! Crush Xi & Co. For a green planet!
17.09.2023. U.S. and Chinese Officials Meet in Malta to Discuss Ukraine and Other Flashpoints, see: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/17/us/politics/us-china-meeting.html. Source: NY-Times. AISC: The US must not tinker with China in a Chamberlainist way. USA må ikke fisle chamberlainistisk med China.
14.11.2023. U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet Wednesday 15.11.2023 in California, USA. AISC: The US must not tinker with China in a Chamberlainist way. USA må ikke fisle chamberlainistisk med China. Xi = BIG HITLER!
16.11.2023. Biden hails productive talks with Xi as agreements reached on fentanyl and military communication, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/15/politics/biden-xi-meeting. Source: CNN. NB! Biden postulates China is Communist. That is wrong. It is ultra-fascist and Nazist... Xi = BIG HITLER. It was Communist under Mao, then left-fascist and now Ultra-fascist and Nazist under Xi. Xi = BIG HITLER. See below… (Xi is of course a dictator and also Mao)…
17.11.2023. Biden called Xi a 'dictator.' See how China reacted: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/11/17/china-censors-cnn-ripley-ebof-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN. AISC: Xi and China... ridiculous, ha, ha, ha... Xi = BIG HITLER!
05.01.2024. World’s biggest polluter, China, just had its hottest year on record, marked by deadly extreme weather, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/05/china/2023-hottest-year-china-climate-intl-hnk. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & GGS/GAIA: The third world war against Xi & Co is necessary and must start soon. Source: AIIS.
13.01.2024. Taiwan votes for a new president against a backdrop of growing China threats, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/13/asia/taiwan-presidential-election-voting-intl-hnk/index.html. AI/IFA & ACAME, Section Taiwan and AISC support the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which has won Taiwan’s last two presidential elections. Source: AIIS.
13.01.2024. Taiwan voters dismiss China warnings and hand the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), a historic third consecutive presidential win, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/13/asia/taiwan-presidential-election-results-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & ACAME, Section Taiwan and AISC congratulate DPP. Source: AIIS.
14.01.2024. China's diplomats condemn foreign governments over Taiwan post-election remarks, see: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/chinese-embassies-condemn-foreign-officials-over-taiwan-post-election-remarks-2024-01-14/. Source: Reuters. AI/IFA & ACAME Section Taiwan and AISC: Hands off Taiwan Xi & Co! Xi = Hitler. Source: AIIS.
26.02.2024. The dangerous parallels between Putin’s ambitions in Ukraine and Xi’s claims on Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/27/asia/putin-ukraine-xi-taiwan-parallels-analysis-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA, AISC & ACAME: NATO & allies! Send in more weapons & ammunition to Taiwan, and prepare for war against the ultra-fascist regime of Xi & Co. Crush Xi & Co, better sooner than later! Source: AIIS.
11.03.2024. Anarchism is strong in Taiwan. Audrey Tang - she’s young, an anarchist, and is leading Taiwan’s drive to become a digital powerhouse, see: https://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-taiwan-digital-minister-20170419-story.html. Source: LA-Times. Qalang Smangus, a collectivist anarchist movement, see: https://smangus.org/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnK5ew37QVI. And there are many more anarchists in Taiwan. Source: AIIS.
23.03.2024. China coast guard water-cannons Philippine ship days after US backs Manila in disputed sea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/23/asia/china-coast-guard-water-cannon-philippine-south-china-sea-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
24.03.2024. China ruled by Xi JinPing & Co. has got Brown Cards from IAT for breaking the Oslo Convention, i.e. for bullying and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) in general in the South China Sea, a part of the Anarchy of the Oceans. Source: AIIS
25.03.2024. Biden administration indicts and sanctions Chinese hackers accused of sweeping espionage campaign against US targets, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/25/politics/chinese-hackers-accusations-espionage-campaign/index.html. Source: CNN.
30.03.2024. This US state is not covered by the NATO treaty. Some experts say that needs to change, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/29/us/nato-treaty-hawaii-intl-hnk-ml-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.
AI/IFA & AISC: Since threats to NATO countries are global, especially China, the organization must be understood as NATO & GLOBAL. From now on! Source: AIIS.
06.04.2024. West facing 'authoritarian' alliance, says Nato chief, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68743805. Source: BBC.
12.04.2024. Biden says US defense commitments to Japan and Philippines remain ‘ironclad’ as he hosts key meeting amid China tensions, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/11/politics/us-japan-philippines-trilateral-meeting/index.html. Source: CNN.
NB! Latest news are at the bottom of this document over the Appendix. Use the search option for Appendix and you are at the latest news.
Thank you for your e-mail. We shall take follow-up action where appropriate...
From: LegCo ...
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2020 8:41 PM
To: Globaldistribution [for ACAME]
Subject: ... Re : Updated! Join The Green Global Spring (GGS) for sufficient Real i.e. always including green Democracy - to save The Planet from Manmade Global Warming via Bottom - Up - pro-democracy - Actions! A call for more GGS-actions!
This is to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail.
Please note that, where appropriate, your e-mail will be forwarded to Legislative Council Members and/or the relevant Legislative Council committees.
Thank you for your e-mail.
Public Complaints Office
Legislative Council Secretariat
26.09.2019. The Green Global Spring Revolution has started the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!".
This global action started with a note from the Anarchist International Embassy (AIE) sent 26.09.2019 to the embassies of China and USA and EU's delegation in Oslo, and also distributed world wide - see below for the note and more information.
05.12.2020 the Economist reports: making coal history. Celebrate the decline of coal in rich western countries. Asia must be next.
The world is finally burning less of the stuff.
It now faces the challenge of using almost none at all. Europe and America have shown that King Coal can be dethroned, but they cannot be bystanders as Asia works to complete the revolution.
If politicians in Europe and America are serious about fighting global warming, they must work harder to depress coal elsewhere (page 13 & 20).
The corona pandemic has led to the world emitting 7 percent less CO2 this year (2020) than last year (2019), according to UNEP 2020, the UN's annual status report on the world climate.
Nevertheless, the temperature in 2050 will only be 0.01 degrees Celsius lower than it would have been without a pandemic, due to the accumulation effect of CO2 in the atmosphere. Sources: NRK & AIIS 09.12.2020.
12.12.2020. Five years after the Paris accord, UN chief Antonio Guterres calls on members i.e. including China, to declare a 'state of climate emergency', and make good
on their promises to slash carbon pollution as they recover from the pandemic, "until carbon neutrality is reached," he added.
Speaking at the opening of the Climate Ambition summit, held online to mark five years since the Paris climate deal, Guterres warned that nations' current commitments were "far from enough" to limit temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
"If we don't change course, we may be headed for a catastrophic temperature rise of more than 3.0 degrees this century," he said. However: Only big words and no deeds related to the summit, due to "free riders".
Especially Xi Jin-Ping's China talks load about domestic and global climate-actions, but self makes new coal-plants all of the time. Sources: France 24 & AIIS.
Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, etc., and vice versa (click on:) Google Translate.
Anarchist International Embassy in Oslo
l'ambassade du monde
We have the honor to inform you, on behalf of The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), about our "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". The top three greenhouse gas emitters — China, the United States (USA) and the European Union (EU) — contribute more than half of total global emissions. The main problem in these countries is coal. While 1. many countries vowed to drop coal at the UN 2019 Climate Action Summit, and 2. Greta Thunberg, a network-member/subscriber of the GGS, and 15 other young activists filed a UN complaint arguing big emitter countries violate children's rights, 3. the major emitters were mainly silent. As a part of the new The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), we today start the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!"
In this action we, the GGS and associates & allies, will work hard and use all legal means; diplomacy, direct actions and indirect - with sanctions - and more, to achieve this aim as soon as possible! As stated 24.09.2019 in the GGS Report no 1: "The main strategy of the GGS is direct actions, sometimes supplemented with indirect actions (e.g. via elections), both with sanctions broadly defined, creating strength, force and pressure against the top (upper class), to achieve a more bottom - up approach, where the bottom - the People's demands, including “a safe pathway under 1.5C” global warming, are met." And as part of this general approach, the People now demand: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!, and we will not stop the action until this demand is met. Start to drop coal significantly NOW!
Today’s diplomatic action is of course only a first small step in this broad based "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". There will be much more to come… We must ask the 3 embassies/delegations, i.e. of China, USA and the EU, to forward this note from the AIE to relevant staff of the respective governments. This note is also distributed as a press release world wide, including to several other embassies/delegations and heads of state, and published at the GGS Report no 1. To China, USA, EU and also all other countries that use lots of coal, say, India and Australia: NB! Drop coal as soon as possible – start NOW!
We send the assurances of our greatest appreciations
Yours sincerely
Chargé d'affaires Anna Quist
for AIE
26.09.2019 - Updated 27.09.2019
Web of the AIE: http://www.anarchy.no/embassy.html.
The note, plus general information about the AIE, was sent 26.09.2019 as an e-mail to webmaster@chinese-embassy.no; osloirc@state.gov; delegation-norway@eeas.europa.eu; and world wide, titled:
"Update 26.09.2019 from The Green Global Spring Revolution: A note from AIE about the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". To the embassies of China and USA and EU's delegation in Oslo. Also distributed world wide!"
The note, per 26.09.2019 is published at the AIE-homepage, and at the (click on:) GGS Report no 1, and also featured at the homepage of (click on:) The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
PS. 27.09.2019. Ad Greta Thunberg's (of GGS) UN complaint! The 3 evil Coal-Monarchs: Xi Jinping of China, Donald Trump of USA and Jean-Claude Juncker (soon Ursula von der Leyen) of EU, are responsible for the Child Abuse!
The updated note with the PS is 27.09.2019 distributed and published the same way as the note dated 26.09.2019, but sent from The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
The maoists are ideologically totalitarian state-communists. They are all ideologically located in the state-communist sector of the marxist quadrant of the economic-political map, see System theory and economic-political map.
However in practice, in China 2009, the maoists are left fascists. A gini-index of 0 represents perfect economic equality, and a value of 100 perfect inequality, the most top heavy income pyramid. As a rule of the thumb a gini-index below 35 indicates socialism and a gini-index above 35 indicates capitalism, i.e. economical plutarchy, but the degree of socialism is also dependent of economical efficiency, indicated by GDP per capita. Socialism means economic equality - fairness - plus efficiency, capitalism the opposite.
Thus China, with a gini-index at about 44.7 is clearly capitalist, and it is not very efficient, with GDP per capita at only ca. 1,100 US $ per year. Thus it has very significant economical plutarchy, about 62 1/3% degree of capitalism. Furthermore it is a dictatorship, with a very high degree of statism, included a very top heavy rank-pyramid, see a.o.t. Anarchist class analysis etc.. The degree of statism is about 76%. Thus it has both significant amount of capitalism as well as statism, and thus it is a fascist country, see System theory and economic-political map and Ranking of countries according to libertarian degree. It is no 88 on the ranking of countries according to libertarian degree, i.e. it is clearly very authoritarian.
The point estimate for China is ca 30,5% libertarian degree, i.e. 69,5% authoritarian degree, located in the left fascist sector of the fascist quadrant of the economic-political map. The system is totalitarian, with more than 67% authoritarian degree. Norway and Switzerland are ranked as no 1 and 2 respectively, they are anarchies of low degree. USA is ranked as 22, being significantly autonomous and capitalist, i.e. liberalist. If we look only at the gini-index, the USA seems less capitalist than China, with a gini-index of 40.8 in USA, compared to 44.7 in China. But we have also other indicators, i.e. a.o.t. economic regulations, the very large agricultural sector is not very capitalistic, etc., and thus, for the system seen all in all as a whole, the degree of capitalism in China is less than of the USA. But still the degree of capitalism, economical plutarchy, in China, is clearly significant. Conclusion: The system in China is left fascist, in practice not state communist, on the economic-political map.
Let us not be dazzled by percentage economic growth. China has a very weak income-development compared to Norway. China has as mentioned a real income (GDP) at 1 100 US $ per capita per year. Ten percent growth is 110 US $ income increase per year. In Norway the real income per capita is 48 412 US $ per year. A growth at 3% means 1 452 US $. Thus the growth in income per capita is 13 times as high in Norway, compared to China. The very high gini-index in China shows that the small income-growth in US $ is not benefiting the people (as opposed to upper classes), the grassroots and working class broadly defined, significantly.
01.10.2009. 60 years of brutal repressive communist party rule in China is marked by putting together its biggest-ever military parade: hundreds of thousands of marchers, batteries of goose-stepping soldiers and weaponry from drone missiles to amphibious assault vehicles. The "People's Liberation" Army in its newspaper early this year said the event's meaning was clear: "This military parade is a comprehensive display of the Party's ability to rule and of the overall might of the nation." Except for an especially invited audience, everyone else, though, was asked to stay home. President Hu Jintao inspected China's defense forces in Beijing on Thursday. "Greetings, comrades," Hu said as he saluted the troops, according to state-run Xinhua news agency. "Greetings, leader [i.e. ruler]," the soldiers responded.
The buoyant mood glosses over the country's gut wrenching twists - the ruinous campaigns of revolutionary leader Mao Zedong that left tens of millions dead - in 1989 after six weeks of heady demonstrations, the Tiananmen movement for freedom and democracy was brutally suppressed - as well as its current challenges: a widening gap between rich and poor, rampant corruption, severe pollution and ethnic uprisings in western areas of Tibet and Xinjiang. The Anarchist International calls for democracy and freedom in China, a movement of the system towards significant socialism and autonomy, away from the ultra-authoritarian left fascist system of today, and supports solidaric the people in China that fight for such a development.
23.12.2009. The Anarchist International, AI: release Liu Xiaobo immediately! A high-profile Chinese dissident accused of subversion was tried at a two-hour hearing Wednesday, a case that reflects the in the name only communist, in practice left fascist, government's deep suspicion of calls for political reform. Liu Xiaobo was detained a year ago, just before the release of an unusually direct appeal for more civil rights in China he co-authored called Charter 08, signed by scores of China's top intellectuals. He faces up to 15 years in jail. The verdict is due Friday. Anarchists, international human rights groups and Western nations have heavily criticized Liu's detention. Liu, 53, a literary critic and former professor, spent 20 months in jail for joining the 1989 student-led protests in Tiananmen Square that were crushed in a military crackdown.
In his writings, most published only on the Internet, he has strongly called for civil rights and political reform. Liu is charged with inciting to subvert state power, a vaguely worded charge that is routinely used to jail dissidents and carries a penalty of up to 15 years in prison. Liu admitted "to practicing his freedom of speech, but did not admit to trying to overturn the state's power." The Anarchist International calls on the government of China to release Liu Xiaobo immediately! 25.12.2009. Liu Xiaobo has been jailed for 11 years by the ultra-authoritarian, totalitarian left fascist extremist regime in China, for so called "inciting subversion of state power". The Anarchist International condemns the trial for not being fair and being the opposite of social justice and again demands: Release Liu Xiaobo!
05.03.2010. China vows to tackle social divide. According to the latest official figures, China's rural-urban wealth gap was the widest last year since the launch of economic reforms three decades ago. In 2009 urban per capita income stood at 17,175 yuan ($2,500), or more than three times the average rural income of 5,153 yuan. Speaking at the National People's Congress (NPC) in Beijing, premier ruler Wen Jiabao said China faced "major problems" that "urgently require solutions". "Everything we do, we do to ensure that the people live a happier life with more dignity and to make our society fairer and more harmonious." "We will not only make the pie of social wealth bigger by developing the economy, but also distribute it well on the basis of a rational income distribution system," Wen said. He promised more fairness, less corruption and steady economic progress.
"This is easier said than done in this ultra-authoritarian and corrupt regime - we demand deeds - not words - in these matters!" a spokesperson of The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME said to AIIS, and added: "ACAME demands a development toward Libertarian Human Rights and Real Democracy, a bottom - up approach - in China." China's National People's Congress is formally the country's top legislative forum. The NPC, which meets every year for 10 to 12 days, is a legislature "with Chinese characteristics." Its members come from every corner of the country and there are "representatives" of every ethnic and religious group, but it does not have the power to reject government proposals, so it is often rightly dismissed as a rubber stamp assembly. "Representatives" to this Chinese joke of "parliament" are selected by the top rulers, not elected, but in his speech Premier Wen indicated that he does listen to those outside the government. The meeting of the NPC is expected to last around 10 days and will be closely watched for signs of any political power shift.
10.05.2010. Lack of labor rights in China. China has ratified only four of the eight core ILO labor Conventions. Chinese trade and syndicalist unions have to be affiliated to the ACFTU, the "All China Federation of Trade Unions", and any effort to establish independent unions is repressed. ACFTU is a state organ, closely subordinated to the Chinese Communist Party. Although there are some efforts to promote collective wage consultation systems, the right to collectively bargain is severely restricted and many Chinese workers are not covered by collective agreements. Despite the lack of a right to strike except in cases of "health and safety work stoppages", many workers undertake industrial action to pressure for long standing unresolved issues, claim unpaid wages and demand better working conditions and wages. Industrial actions and protests have increased in recent years.
Institutionalized discrimination against migrant workers from rural areas remains a serious problem, despite recent legislation. Immigrant workers who live unregistered in the cities do not have access to public services such as education for their children. Discrimination on the grounds of gender is prohibited by law but, in practice, women are not equally remunerated and tend more often to find employment in unskilled and labor-intensive sectors. Moreover, ethnic minorities and persons who live with HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B frequently suffer from discrimination in remuneration and in access to employment, education and public services.
While national legislation stipulates that no children younger than 16 years old are allowed to work, child labor is a serious problem in China. Children are sometimes employed in the worst forms of child labor. Work-study programmes, run under school auspices, frequently result in forced child labour. Forced labor is prohibited but occurs in commercial enterprises. China imposes forced prison labor as a form of "re-education through labor", and a similar forced labor system for "rehabilitation" is in force for drug addicts. Trafficking in human beings is prohibited by law but remains a serious problem. There has not been much progress in prosecuting traffickers and in protecting and assisting victims of trafficking, which affects women, men and children. The lack of labor rights in China confirms that the country for the time being has a left fascist, and not a socialistic system, a spokesperson for ACAME said to AIIS.
08.10.2010. The autonomous Norwegian Nobel Committee ignored warnings from Chinese authorities and announced Friday 08.10.2010 that it was awarding the Nobel Peace Prize for 2010 to the jailed Chinese activist Liu Xiaobo for his long non-violent struggle for human rights in China. The prize will be formally awarded at the traditional Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo on December 10, see The Anarchy of Norway - Chapter IV. D..
10.12.2010. A historic Nobel Peace Prize event. The Anarchist International Information Service (AIIS) summarized the event and sent a press release world wide titled "Historic report: Nobel Peace Prize 2010 - And the winner is, Liu Xiaobo - Congratulations from the anarchists! Direct action by anarchists (AFIN) against the Chinese Embassy in Oslo!"
24.10.2017. China's ruling Communist Party has voted to enshrine Xi Jinping's name and ideology in its constitution, elevating him to the level of founder Mao Zedong. The unanimous vote to incorporate "Xi Jinping Thought" happened at the end of the Communist Party congress, China's most important political meeting. Mr Xi has steadily increased his grip on power since becoming leader in 2012. This move means that any challenge to Mr Xi will now be seen as a threat to Communist Party rule. More than 2,000 delegates gathered in Beijing's Great Hall of the People for the final approval process to enshrine "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era" into the Communist Party constitution of China. At the end of the process, delegates were asked if they had any objections, to which they responded with loud cries of "none", reported journalists at the scene. Mr Xi's term ruling China has been marked by significant development, a push for modernisation and increasing assertiveness on the world stage. However, it has also seen growing authoritarianism, censorship and a crackdown on human rights. The system in China is still in reality very capitalist (economical plutarchy), and extremely statist, i.e.all in all left fascist, and in reality not socialist and not democratic.
25.02.2018. The announcement Sunday 25.02.2018 that China will drop term limits on the presidency clears the way for Xi Jinping to rule the country indefinitely. This is a bad move indicating an even more authoritarian system in the future, a spokesperson for ACAME said to AIIS.
04.09.2019. Hong Kong's leader withdraws extradition bill that ignited mass protests. The chief executive did not concede to other demands including an inquiry into police violence. Hong Kong’s leader, Carrie Lam, has said her government will formally withdraw an extradition bill that has ignited months of protests and plunged the territory into its biggest political crisis in decades. In a five-minute televised address on Wednesday 04.09.2019, Lam said her government would formally withdraw the controversial bill to “fully allay public concerns”. The bill, which would have allowed the extradition of suspects to China to be tried under the mainland’s opaque and ultra-authoritarian judicial system, prompted the start of mass protests in June 2019 that have led to increasingly violent confrontations with police and the arrest of more than 1,000 people. "The ACAME, The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East, condemns the ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, is pleased with the withdrawal of the extradition bill, and supports the other demands of the Hong Kong protest movement", a spokesperson for ACAME said to AIIS.
16.09.2019. China and the Hong Kong Spring Revolution. The "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement (BD-PDM), fights the "White Dressed" pro-Beijing left-fascist groups, and more. ACAME condemns the ochlarchy, but mainly supports the aims of BD-PDM.
While 1. China in general has a de facto Left-Fascist, totalitarian and ultra-authoritarian, economic-political system with only about 30,5% libertarian degree , 2. as a special case, Hong Kong, via the "One country, Two systems"-policy (with freedoms etc. guaranteed during the 1997 handover to China from British soft colonial rule) has a non-totalitarian democratic system with significant autonomy (but also with significant capitalism, economical plutarchy) at about 42,1 % libertarian degree. The Hong Kong economic-political system, mainly based on Conservative Liberalism, and thus quite far from real democracy, i.e. anarchy (based on autonomy, but also on socialism) is under pressure from mainland China, and its de facto Left-Fascist rulers - Communists in the name only. China, i.e. the Beijing rulers, however still insists it is committed to the arrangement - the "One country, Two systems"-policy. The "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement (BD-PDM), a) first aims at securing the Status Quo, the freedoms etc. from 1997 and the present capitalist system, but also b) many aims at more democracy, i.e. higher libertarian degree towards real-democracy, that is Anarchy and a real revolution.
The top of the pyramid in mainland China, the Communist Party and a large upper class Bureaucracy broadly defined in private and public sector, facing lots of strikes and direct actions in general - class struggle by the Chinese People (the bottom class - grassroots), probably fears the BD-PDM, and spreading of this movement to the mainland, and may thus take actions to crush the BD-PDM. The Communist Party of course have sufficient armed power to invade Hong Kong and do this violently, but crushing the Hong Kong Spring (so far only embryo-) Revolution may still create severe problems, domestic and internationally. And perhaps it is soon time for "the withering away of the State", as Lenin - the Communist party top - suggested for the long run, i.e. cut the Chinese Bureaucracy and achieve a less top-heavy pyramid, and thus a more horizontally organized system, economical and political/administrative. This means a movement towards real democracy, i.e. Anarchy, of China in general, a Pro-People (the bottom class) Policy (PPP).
The ACAME mainly supports the BD-PDM, and its Hong Kong Spring (NB! so far only an embryo-) Revolution, but also welcomes a more general Chinese PPP, including more class struggle by the People, a Chinese Spring (inspired by the Arab Spring), but of course is clearly against ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) in this connection. Ad the present tendencies of ochlarchy in Hong Kong, the ACAME condemns the ochlarchist "hardcore" (may be "White Dressed" or police etc. in disguise, i.e. provocateurs) infiltrators to the BD-PDM, they should be expulsed from the movement, arrested and punished. ACAME calls for a clean-up operation within the BD-PDM, to get rid of ochlarchist and other counter-revolutionary elements. But also heavy handed police ochlarchy, mob rule broadly defined, should be investigated, and the guilty arrested and punished, as the BD-PDM also demands. And basic Human Rights, a.o.t. free right to protests and marches in this connection, should of course be respected, both the ACAME and BD-PDM demand this.
Police in Hong Kong have used water cannons and tear gas against a few ochlarchists throwing petrol bombs and bricks near government offices in the city. The violence broke out after thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators (BD-PDM) peacefully marched (despite being denied a police permit, the police here breaking Human Rights). Scuffles also broke out later, this time between rival protesters around the city, i.e. some persons from the "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement (BD-PDM) fought against "White Dressed" pro-Beijing left fascist counter-revolutionary groups. Earlier hundreds rallied outside the British Consulate, demanding the UK to press China to maintain freedoms guaranteed during the 1997 handover and more (see below). Remember, the months of unrest were sparked by a proposed extradition bill, which would have made it possible for people in Hong Kong to be extradited to mainland China. Critics said they could have faced human rights abuses. The bill was at first shelved, then on 04.09.2019 the government announced it would withdraw it completely, but that has failed to stem protesters' anger. The BD-PDM demonstrators are calling for full democracy [highest form of real-democracy, i.e. the Anarchist ideal] and an investigation into allegations of police brutality, among other demands.
What happened in the clashes? Police had as mentioned denied a permit for the march on Sunday 15.09.2019, but thousands of people of the BD-PDM attended anyway, marching from Causeway Bay and Central, the main business and commercial district. Some demonstrators used umbrellas - symbols of the 2014 wave of protests - to protect themselves against water cannons. For the second week running, some marchers carried the US Stars and Stripes flag and called for USA to "liberate" Hong Kong (i.e. to support the fight against Chinese left-fascism). Some protesters also congregated outside the British consulate, to get more international support. As the rally dispersed, hardcore protesters, ochlarchist infiltrators to the BD-PDM, clashed with police in the streets around the parliament and government offices, throwing firebombs and projectiles. ACAME condemns the ochlarchists and their ochlarchy.
Reports say some protesters (ochlarchists) threw bricks at police outside a Chinese military base in the city center. ACAME also condemns these ochlarchists and this ochlarchy. Some protesters also set fire to a banner proclaiming the upcoming 70th anniversary of the founding of the (so called) People's Republic of China. Police deployed tear gas and water cannons to break up the crowds. One was firing blue jets of water, which have been used elsewhere in the world to identify protesters later. One water cannon briefly caught fire after being firebombed. The entrances to several stations on the underground rail network, the MTR, were barricaded and fires were started at the entrance to the Wan Chai station, a major transport hub. One of the entrances to the Wan Chai metro station was set ablaze. There were smaller outbreaks of street-fighting in the North Point area of the city later in the night, as anti-government pro-democracy protesters dressed in black clashed with protesters wearing white, which has come to be associated with pro-Beijing left-fascist groups. Several people were injured throughout the night. Local media reported that some journalists had also come under attack. The ACAME condemns the ochlarchy, but mainly supports the aims of BD-PDM and their peaceful protests.
Why was there a protest at the UK consulate? While Hong Kong is part of China, the "One country -Two systems" arrangement gives it a high degree of autonomy and protects rights such as freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. But the protesters outside the British Consulate shouted "One country, two systems - is dead" and "Free Hong Kong". "It was promised that Hong Kong people would enjoy basic human rights and such protection," one demonstrator said. "We believe that the UK government has the legal rights and moral obligation to protect Hong Kong people," he added. Some Hong Kong protesters also were singing "God Save the Queen". As mentioned, some protesters have also been calling on USA's president Trump to intervene with China on their behalf, and urging the US Congress to pass a proposed bill backing human rights and democracy in Hong Kong. China however still insists it is committed to the arrangement, but international anti-fascist pressure (NB! As mentioned China has de facto a left-fascist regime!), by UK, USA and other democratic countries and organizations, including the Anarchist International, may contribute to a continued "Hands off Hong Kong, China!" policy and democracy (and more of it) in Hong Kong. And perhaps also give some support to the general anti-fascist class-struggle by the Chinese People (the bottom class). Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) 16.09.2019. Sources: BBC and AIIS.
17.09.2019. Summary per 17.09.2019 of the Hong Kong Spring Revolution. The "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement (BD-PDM) calls for "full democracy" = 100% degree of democracy - supported by ACAME!
The Hong Kong protests of 2019 began in opposition to a proposed extradition law that would allow the transfer of fugitives to jurisdictions with which the city lacks an extradition deal, including mainland de facto left-fascist China. The proposed extradition bill was dropped 04.09.2019, and the anti-government protests have developed into a wider pro-democracy movement. This is named BD-PDM, the "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement, with "full democracy" = 100 % degree of democracy i.e. 100% anarchy, as a main point on the agenda. A policy supported by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) as a long term aim, however for the first coming years the aim should be real democracy, similar to Norway. Over the past few months the BD-PDM has mainly demonstrated peacefully, with millions marching through the streets of Hong Kong, and a general strike, etc., i.e. the Hong Kong Spring Revolution. So far only an embryo-revolution, but may be developed to a real revolution, a significant system change, in real democratic (anarchist) direction - within the "One country, Two systems" arrangement. There have however also been some tendencies of ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) by small groups of hardcore ochlarchist infiltrators to the BD-PDM, including clashes with the police that have fired lots of rounds of tear gas, transport chaos - with a shutdown of the Hong Kong airport for two days, and some persons in hard hats storming government headquarters. The ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) condemns the ochlarchy and works against it, and the situation 17.09.2019 in the city is mainly calm! Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) 17.09.2019. Sources: BBC, CNN, South China Morning Post and AIIS. Updated 09.10.2019.
18.09.2017. Update on China and the Hong Kong Spring Revolution: ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) and BD-PDM-activists urge release of arrested Canton dissident: "Chinese Left Fascists! Release Lai Rifu NOW!"
ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) and BD-PDM-activists Wednesday 18.09.2019 demanded the release of Canton-based dissident Lai Rifu, who was arrested two days ago after sharing a video which had made use of the song "Glory to Hong Kong", the anthem of the BD-PDM-protesters in Hong Kong. Canton a.k.a. Guangzhou, is the capital and most populous city of the province of Guangdong in southern mainland China. "BD-PDM" is the abbreviation for the "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement, in Hong Kong. Lai Rifu's video apparently showed sceneries from Canton, and had captions which said "This is my homeland, I want her to be free". Sources said Lai was taken away by a group of about 20 unidentified people when he was walking towards home on Monday 16.09.2019 with his seven-year-old son. His family was contacted by some - de facto left-fascist, in name only communist - Chinese mainland authorities the next day, and told he was in detention for "picking quarrels and provoking trouble". "Clearly false accusations by the Chinese de facto left fascist authorities!", a spokesperson for ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong), declared.
Around 20 people, mainly BD-PDM-activists, marched to Beijing's liaison office in Hong Kong 18.09.2019, chanting slogans in support of Lai Rifu. Civil Party lawmaker Kwok ka-ki, who took part in the rally, said Lai's arrest was unreasonable. "He didn't say anything to overthrow the communist [de facto left-fascist] regime. He just said he would like to support Hong Kong," said Kwok, continuing: "and perhaps he would like to see in [the] future, that perhaps mainland China can have the same kind of movement [i.e. as BD-PDM & ACAME-Chinese Section (Hong Kong)] to fight for freedom and democracy." Lai Rifu had also been arrested in 2014 for supporting Hong Kong's Occupy movement. NB! "Chinese Left Fascists! Release Lai Rifu NOW!", a spokesperson for The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong), declared. Sources: RTHK, The Standard HK, and AIIS.
19.09.2017. ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) calls on Carrie Lam & Co. to contribute to Real Democracy, i.e. Anarchy, in Hong Kong, as soon as possible - together with the BD-PDM, that should demonstrate with dignity - not ochlarchy!
Countries: |
Rank of country according to libertarian degree, and type of system |
Libertarian degree and (authoritarian degree) % |
Degree of socialism |
Degree of autonomy and |
Gini-index |
Norway |
1 Anarchy |
54,0 (46,0) |
55,0 (45.0) |
53,2 (46,8) |
25,8 |
Switzerland |
2 Anarchy |
53,0 (47,0) |
51,0 (49,0) |
55,1 (44,9) |
33,1 |
Iceland |
3 Anarchy |
52,0 (48,0) |
54,0 (46,0) |
50,1 (49,9) |
25,0 (est.) |
Liechtenstein |
4 Soc.dem. |
49,5 (50,5) |
51,4 (48,6) |
47,7 (52,3) |
32,0 (est.) |
Luxembourg |
5 Soc.dem. |
49,2 (50,8) |
52,1 (47,9) |
46,5 (53,5) |
30,8 |
Denmark |
6 Soc.dem. |
48,8 (51,2) |
55,3 (44,7) |
43,0 (57,0) |
24,7 |
Japan |
7 Soc.dem. |
48,5 (51,5) |
55,2 (44,8) |
42,6 (57,4) |
24,9 |
Belgium |
8 Soc.dem. |
48,2 (51,8) |
54,0 (46,0) |
43,0 (57,0) |
25,0 |
Finland |
9 Soc.dem. |
47,9 (52,1) |
53,8 (46,2) |
42,6 (57,4) |
26,9 |
Sweden |
10 Soc.dem. |
47,5 (52,5) |
54,0 (46,0) |
41,7 (58,3) |
25,0 |
Netherlands |
11 Soc.dem. |
47,2 (52,8) |
52,0 (48,0) |
42,8 (57,2) |
30,9 |
Canada |
12 Soc.dem. |
46,8 (53,2) |
50,9 (49,1) |
43,0 (57,0) |
33,1 |
Austria |
13 Soc.dem. |
46,5 (53,5) |
52,1 (47,9) |
41,4 (58,6) |
30,0 |
Ireland |
14 Populist |
46,2 (53,8) |
45,0 (55,0) |
47,4 (52,6) |
35,9 |
Germany |
15 Soc.dem. |
45,9 (54,1) |
53,0 (47,0) |
39,6 (60,4) |
28,3 |
Spain |
16 Soc.dem. |
45,5 (54,5) |
51,5 (48,5) |
40,1 (59,9) |
32,5 |
Australia |
17 Populist |
45,0 (55,0) |
48,0 (52,0) |
42,2 (57,8) |
35,2 |
United King. |
18 Populist |
44,5 (55,5) |
44,7 (55,3) |
44,3 (55,7) |
36.0 |
New Zealand |
19 Populist |
44,0 (56,0) |
44,6 (55,4) |
42,4 (57,6) |
36,2 |
France |
20 Soc.dem. |
43,5 (56,5) |
51,4 (48,6) |
36,6 (63,4) |
32,7 |
Italy |
21 Populist |
43,0 (57,0) |
44,7 (55,3) |
41,3 (58,7) |
36,0 |
22 Cons. lib. |
42,5 (57,5) |
24,5 (75,5) |
69,8 (30,2) |
40,8 |
Israel |
23 Populist |
42,3 (57,7) |
47,8 (52,2) |
37,3 (62,7) |
35,5 |
Hong Kong |
24 Cons. lib. |
42,1 ( 57,9) |
22,1 (77,9) |
74,8 (25,2) |
43,4 |
Greece |
25 Populist |
42,0 (58,0) |
47,9 (52,1) |
36,6 (63,4) |
35,4 |
The estimates in the empirical System analysis above are approximately figures. © IIFOR/IJ@ ISSN 0800 – 0220, 2007 and later. Anarchy = here social-individualist anarchism; Soc. dem. = social democrat marxism; Populist = here moderate parliamentarian democratic fascism; Cons. lib. = Conservative liberalism. See economic-political map at System theory and EP-map. Ranking of countries according to libertarian degree, estimates of the libertarian degree in general, and information on methodology, see Ranking and System theory - Chapter V.B.. According to ThesaurusLegend: approximately = (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct. Thus: The estimates are approximately figures = The estimates are imprecise but fairly close to correct figures. There are many broader analysis of countries' systems at the Anarchy Debate, in several issues of IJ@, at the IAT-websites, and at the Norwegian Anarkidebatt, see (click on:) The official link-site of AI/IFA. We have used " , ", the European standard instead of the American/UK standard, i.e. " . " as decimal separator. The term "ca" is an abbreviation for the latin circa, which means about or approximately. The estimates are based mainly on UN figures from 2000 - 2007, but such estimates of economic-political coordinates for country-systems are in general, unless special cases, rather stable, reflecting rather stable economic-political systems, so the estimates are probably still valid as "imprecise but fairly close to correct" for these countries, that also very likely still is the 25 most democratic and libertarian countries in the world. Especially the estimates for Hong Kong and China in the introduction to this report "China's place on the economic-political map", should still mainly be valid as "imprecise but fairly close to correct".
This empirical analysis shows for Hong Kong a.o.t. that the autonomous region/country is ranked as no 24 in the world according to libertarian degree, far more libertarian than China ranked as no 88, with a de facto left-fascist system. See the data-estimates and analysis in the introduction to this whole report "China's place on the economic-political map" for more details about the coordinates for China. NB! The estimates are mainly based on UN statistics, and it is not clear if the UN-figures about China are for the whole country or just the mainland. There are however separate UN-data just for Hong Kong. This System analysis also indicates that Hong Kong has a very top-heavy income-pyramid (Gini-index = 43,4 %) compared to, say, Norway (Gini-index = 25,8 %), and the People of Hong Kong (i.e. the bottom class - grassroots) should thus benefit a lot from a development towards - and later achieving, Real Democracy, i.e. Anarchy. The anarchist (real-democratic) systems in Norway, the Swiss Confederation and Iceland, have, for all three countries, a far more horizontal economical organization than Hong Kong.
The Anarchists, i.e. the ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong), call on Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngo & Co, i.e. the regional Executive Council and its Secretariat as well as the Legislative Council; to contribute to a development towards Real Democracy, i.e. Anarchy (as, say, in Norway, see System analysis above), in Hong Kong, as soon as possible - together with the BD-PDM, the "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement (also including the Anarchists). The BD-PDM however should always demonstrate with dignity - not ochlarchy (= mob rule broadly defined, including chaos)! This means also that the BD-PDM should protest without ochlarchy at the direct actions in the city the coming weekend 20-22.09.2019, especially at the proposed "reclaim" the Tuen Mun park protest, and the sit-in at Yuen Long MTR station on Saturday 21.09.2019. NB! A development towards - and later achieving - Real Democracy, i.e. Anarchy, in Hong Kong, should a) be possible within the autonomy of the "One country, Two systems" arrangement with mainland China, and b) be a first step to meet the main demand of Full Democracy (100% degree of democracy, i.e. the anachist ideal) from the millions of people demonstrating with the BD-PDM. For more information about Real Democracy and how to achieve it - and later reach Full Democracy, feel free to take the Basic Course of Anarchism and other -isms, at (click on:) http://www.anarchy.no/course1.html. Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) 19.09.2019. Sources: Hong Kong Free Press, IIFOR/IJ@ and AIIS.
09.10.2019. China: Drop Coal! The Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the GGS with the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!" targets the 3 evil, i.e. ochlarchist, Coal-Monarchs - especially Xi Jinping of China - and his de facto left-fascist Communist Party.
The Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) with the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!" and main target: the 3 evil, i.e. ochlarchist, Coal-Monarchs - especially targets Xi Jinping of China - and his ultra-authoritarian de facto left-fascist Communist Party and its ditto ultra-authoritarian and totalitarian Top - Down left-fascist economic-political system of mainland China, with about 70 percent authoritarian degree! China: Drop Coal! Hands off Hong Kong, China!
Hong Kong, with the ongoing Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), demanding Full Democracy = 100 % degree of democracy = 100 % anarchy degree = the Anarchist Ideal, is as mentioned ranked as no 24 in the world according to democracy degree, and has 42,1 % degree of democracy = libertarian degree, i.e. a semi-democracy - not a real democracy and far from Full Democracy. This means about 42 % influence by the People - The Bottom of the social pyramid, on the societal decisions, mainly taken by the Top, also influenced by the Chinese Communist Party, all in all with a very significant influence at nearly 58 % from the Top, i.e. the authoritarian degree of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Spring Revolution, has so far, per October 2019, not managed to increase the democracy degree significantly. The Real Democrats - the Anarchists, and the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), condemn the significant ochlarchy made by ultra-authoritarian infiltrators to the Pro Democracy Movement in Hong Kong. "With Full Democracy = the Anarchist ideal, as a long term aim, and Real Democracy similar to Norway as a possibility in the coming years - on the road to Full Democracy later on, we call on The Hong Kong People in general to support and continue the Hong Kong Spring Revolution, as a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), and hope it will succeed!" Anna Quist, the official spokesperson for GGS declared 01.10.2019.
The GGS' "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!" continues. Main target: the 3 evil, i.e. ochlarchist, Coal-Monarchs - especially Xi Jinping of China - also the highest top of its Communist Party! Targeting the highest tops: the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!", is mainly addressed and directed to the highest top of the 3 authoritarian economic-political pyramids: the 3 evil, i.e. ochlarchist, Coal-Monarchs: Xi Jinping of China, Donald Trump of USA and Jean-Claude Juncker of EU. NB! Soon Ursula von der Leyen will replace Juncker and thus be the evil, i.e. ochlarchist, Coal-Monarch of EU. She is very likely worse than Juncker! The Coal-Monarchs and the Coal-Monarchy & Oligarchy Top - Down systems in China, USA and EU, must be replaced with a significant Bottom - Up managerial approach, where the Bottom - the People's, no 1 green demand - Drop Coal, is met. The People's Green demands no 2., 3., 4. and more, mainly connected to the general aim "under 1.5C global warming", will be introduced via the global People's Council later. First "Drop Coal!" for the main polluters, China, USA, and EU is the main target. As mentioned, in this connection the first, main and primary target is the 3 evil, i.e. ochlarchist, Coal-Monarchs. The Hong Kong Spring Revolution especially targets the evil, ochlarchist Coal-Monarch Xi Jinping of China - also the highest top of its Communist Party! Down with Xi Jinping & his ultra-authoritarian de facto left-fascist Communist Party and its regime in China, also negatively influencing the autonomous system of Hong Kong. "Hands off Hong Kong, China!" - "China: Drop Coal!" . Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) 09.10.2019. Sources: Hong Kong Free Press, IIFOR/IJ@ and AIIS.
13-14.10.2019. Xi Jinping: any attempt to divide China will end in "bodies smashed and bones ground to powder". The protesters repeat: "Full Democracy!" On Lion Rock the statue Lady Liberty held an Anarchist Black Banner that read: "Revolution of our time, Liberate Hong Kong."
China's president has issued a warning against dissent, saying any attempt to divide China will end in "bodies smashed and bones ground to powder". Xi Jinping's comments came during a state visit to Nepal on Sunday 13.10.2019, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said. He didn't mention any particular region but it was seen as a warning to Hong Kong, where anti-Beijing protests have been ongoing for months. "Anyone who attempts to split any region from China will perish, with their bodies smashed and bones ground to powder," Mr. Xi said, according to a foreign ministry statement issued on Sunday 13.10.2019. Since the start of the Hong Kong protest movement four months ago, China has blamed "external forces" for fueling the unrest, and accused the US and UK of interfering in Chinese domestic affairs. Xi Jinping has yet to make any direct comment on the ongoing protests in Hong Kong, so this will be seen as a rare and strong warning. Beijing has so far said it believes Hong Kong's police force is capable of handling the crisis. But some protesters fear Beijing could send in troops to end the violence on the streets. This is widely, also by the Anarchists, seen as an unlikely scenario because of the serious consequences. Few believe China would repeat its 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy activists in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, where lots of protesters were killed by the Communists. "We, the Anarchists repeat: Hands off Hong Kong, China! & China: Drop Coal!"
As mentioned Hong Kong is a part of China, but has a high level of autonomy - it has its own legal and justice system and far more freedoms than people have on the mainland. There has been growing anti-Beijing sentiment for some time, but the latest wave of protests started in June 2019. As mentioned it was triggered by a proposal to bring in a new law which would have meant criminal suspects could be sent to mainland China to stand trial. Many were afraid this law could end up being used by the ultra-authoritarian government in Beijing to persecute Hong Kongers who criticize it. Critics said it would undermine Hong Kong's judicial independence. The government responded to the initial massive protests by saying the bill would be withdrawn, but by that point the protests had escalated. The extradition bill was dropped 04.09.2019. The protesters now repeat the rest of their "five demands" to be met, which include Full Democracy for Hong Kong and an inquiry into what they say has been an excessive use of force by the police. This means Real Democracy for Hong Kong as soon as possible and Full Democracy, the democratic & anarchist ideal, as a long term aim!
Protests have taken place every weekend since June 2019 and have happened in every district of the territory, causing widespread disruption. More than 2,300 people have been arrested since the revolt began. Peaceful rallies in Hong Kong again descended into clashes on Sunday 13.10.2019. Public transport stations and shops deemed to be pro-Beijing were damaged. On Sunday, several neighborhoods saw rallies, and by the afternoon at least 27 stations on the MTR - Hong Kong's metro - were closed. Police said they had used "minimum force" to disperse protesters, but television footage showed weekend shoppers caught in severe police-ochlarchy, including chaos. Some were filmed screaming and apparently injured as officers rushed into a shopping center. Petrol bombs and a larger remote-controlled homemade bomb were used against the Mong Kok police station, by ultra-authoritarian infiltrators to the pro-democracy movement, and one officer was hurt. The Anarchists condemn the terrorism. Overnight on Sunday, one group of protesters hauled a three-meter-high (9ft) statue of a protester on to Lion Rock, a famous outcrop overlooking Hong Kong. The statue, Lady Liberty, has become a symbol of the rallies, and sports a gas mask, goggles and a helmet. She represents an injured protester who demonstrators believe was shot in the eye by a police projectile, i.e. police-ochlarchy. The group of several dozen Real Democrats, i.e. Anarchists, some wearing head lamps, climbed the 500m peak during a thunderstorm. The statue Lady Liberty held an Anarchist Black Banner that read: "Revolution of our time, Liberate Hong Kong." Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) 14.10.2019. Sources: BBC, Channel News Asia, IIFOR/IJ@ and AIIS.
16.10.2019. Hong Kong's Carrie Lam abandons speech after protests. Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has been forced to suspend her annual address after being heckled in parliament. Opposition lawmakers disrupted the Legislative Council session by shouting and projecting slogans behind her. After a first interruption, the session resumed only to be interrupted again. It was then suspended - and Ms. Lam delivered the address by video instead. It means the extradition bill - the trigger for months of protests - could not be withdrawn formally, according to BBC. The bill was suspended in July, but Wednesday's meeting was the first time the Legislative Council (Legco) had resumed since it was stormed by protesters in July, and was the first opportunity to withdraw the bill altogether. But as Chief Executive Lam was about to begin her speech, opposition lawmakers began shouting and climbing on tables. They also projected the words "Five demands - not one less" on the wall behind her. Since the protests began, they have widened from rallies against the bill to five key demands - including universal suffrage, probably a necessary condition for real democracy. Opposition lawmaker Tanya Chan said Ms Lam was to blame for the Hong Kong's troubles. "Both her hands are soaked with blood," she said. "We hope Carrie Lam withdraws and quits. She has no governance ability. She is not suitable to be chief executive."
It was the first time a Hong Kong chief executive had been unable to deliver a policy address in the chamber. Pro-establishment lawmakers condemned the interruption of the session - saying the address was important for Hong Kong's economic future. After the assembly was suspended, a pre-recorded speech was made available on the Legco website instead. In the address, Ms Lam stressed her commitment to "one country, two systems" - the parallel political system introduced in Hong Kong after British rule ended - and said calls for Hong Kong independence would not be tolerated. She announced several housing and infrastructure policies, saying housing was the most urgent issue the city faces. In a news conference after the address, Ms Lam rejected claims that her speech ignored the demands of the protest movement. But she said it was not the time to consider voting reform, while insisting Hong Kong did have freedom of speech and freedom of the press without Chinese interference. The developments came just hours after Hong Kong protesters won a show of support from US lawmakers, who passed a bill aimed at upholding human rights in the city.
Carrie Lam hoped this moment might signal the beginning of the end for Hong Kong's political crisis. The cover page of her policy address was bright blue, she said, to represent the clear skies ahead. But the first full session of Hong Kong's parliament since it was stormed by protesters in July was cut short. Other leaders in other places might have faced them down. But Hong Kong's limited form of democracy doesn't produce that kind of pugilistic politician, able to appeal over the heads of opponents to the public at large. Which is of course the central point at the heart of the deep divisions splitting this society apart. The tightly-managed political system seen as a source of stability and strength by supporters - like the ruling de facto left-fascist Communist Party in Beijing - is seen as a threat and a fundamental weakness for those taking to the streets to argue against it. Hong Kong is part of China but, as a former British colony, has large autonomy and people have more rights. The protests started in June against plans to allow extradition to the mainland - which many feared would undermine the city's freedoms and judicial independence. The government in September promised the bill would be withdrawn once parliament resumed but demonstrations continued. Demands have since widened into five key demand, summarized by the Anarchists in the following way:
1. Don't characterize the protests as "riots"
2. Amnesty for arrested activists
3. An independent inquiry into alleged police brutality
4. Full Democracy: implementation of complete universal suffrage, soon real democracy, i.e. anarchy, and later full democracy, the democratic and anarchist ideal. Real democracy always includes Green, a.o.t. China: Drop Coal!
5. Withdrawal of the extradition bill (de facto already withdrawn, but not yet formally)
In a conversation with the EU representative in Hong Kong earlier this week, Ms. Lam reportedly ruled out even debating universal suffrage in the current climate. The Anarchists stand firm on the five demands, but no 4. about Full Democracy, of course including green, clearly is the most important, and calls for "Revolution of our time! For Real, including Green, Democracy". Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) 16.10.2019. Sources: BBC, IIFOR/IJ@ and AIIS.
23.10.2019. Soon a general Chinese Spring Revolution (CSR)? Hong Kong's legislature has formally withdrawn a controversial extradition bill that has sparked months of unrest. The bill - which would have allowed for criminal suspects to be extradited to mainland China - prompted outrage when it was introduced in April 2019. At least hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets and the bill was eventually suspended. But protesters have continued regular demonstrations, which spiralled into a wider pro-democracy movement, by many known as: The "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement (BD-PDM). The BD-PDM's main demand is "Full Democracy" = 100% degree of democracy, meaning 100% influence by the People - the Bottom of the societal pyramid, over the decisions mainly taken by the Top - the Bureaucracy broadly defined economically and/or political/administrative, in private and public sector in dynamic perspective, i.e. implementation of complete universal suffrage, soon real democracy, i.e. anarchy, and later Full Democracy, the democratic and anarchist ideal. Real Democracy always includes Green, a.o.t. the general call: China: Drop Coal!
The ongoing Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), spearheaded by the BD-PDM including the Anarchists, is seen by the Top of the societal pyramid - The Bureaucracy broadly defined in public and private sectors, as the worst crisis for Hong Kong since the former British colony was handed back to China in 1997. It is also presented as a serious challenge to China's leaders in Beijing, who have painted the demonstrators as dangerous separatists and accused foreign powers of backing them. NB! This is bullshit from Xi Jinping & and the Communist in name only - de facto Left-Fascist - Party! The BD-PDM including the Anarchists, means the main demand of the revolution - a development towards Full Democracy including full Freedom for Hong Kong, can be done within the "One country, Two systems"-policy and framework. And also that Hong Kong should influence mainland China in democratic direction, be the spearhead in a General Chinese Pro-Democracy Movement and later a general Chinese [Green] Spring Revolution (CSR), a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) - and with a Green economy, ca. 100% without Coal, Oil and Gas. Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) 23.10.2019. Sources: BBC, IIFOR/IJ@ and AIIS.
01.02.2020. A message to Xi Jinping, ruler of China and an ochlarchical, evil Coal-Monarch. Ochlarchy is mob rule broadly defined, including evil, corruption and destruction of the climate. Power corrupts, and the more power, the more corrupt: according to the Gini-index, which clearly shows greater income disparities, more top-heavy income pyramid, in China than even in the stronghold of capitalism, the United States. At the same time, Xi Jinping promises to equalize the income differences in the interest of the People, i.e. the grassroots. This is probably reinforced and combined with Orwell's "1984" double-thinking, i.e. psychological dysfunction including a large portion of self-deception. Xi imagines as ruler of the Central Committee "the proletariat's vanguard" that he will "serve the People", reinforced by the fact that his "thinking" is now incorporated into the Constitution in line with Mao's thoughts. Both are unscientific marxist dialectical bullshit, something Kropotkin already showed as non-scientific about 1900. This is imbecility + power put into system.
And then since his large corrupt Bureaucracy Communist Party (de facto left-fascists) steals a lot and more and more of the societal cake, according to the Gini-index, he has to use the cheapest type of large economic growth in old-fashioned (not green) Gross Domestic Product (GDP), so the cake gets bigger - so also the People at the bottom of the societal pyramid get a bit too of the cake, otherwise the People are rebelling - something he fears like the plague, and more and more. Therefore, more and more coal, even though he realizes it's going to hell with the climate crisis - he won't fix it. And this only reinforces and reinforces itself in a vicious circle, which is now also combined with increased repression (based on Artificial Intelligence face-control), which only reinforces the madness even more. All of this makes Xi & Co act like Sociopaths in this evil circle! This must now end soon, preferably at once!
Remember! Lenin says away with the State in the end - is the goal of communism. Start to cut in the Bureaucracy now. Cogrips-models and -policies, which are both 1. integrated micro-macro models, including based on ecocirc, and 2. have elements of decentralized planning economy again based on MBO & freedom within a framework + a bottom up approach, plus 3. a generally flatter structure, somewhat like in Norway & Switzerland, with Real and rather green Democracy, quickly, is the way to go forward for China - ACT NOW IN THIS DIRECTION Xi Jinping!!! Hong Kong should influence mainland China in Real, i.e. including green, Democratic direction, be the spearhead in a General Green Chinese Pro-Democracy Movement and later a general Chinese [Green] Spring Revolution (CSR), a part of the The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) - and with a Green Economy, ca. 100% without Coal, Oil and Gas. First drop the Coal in China included Hong Kong! Remember the GGS "Action No 1: China, USA and EU! Drop COAL". Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) 01.02.2020. Sources: GGS, ACAME and AIIS.
07.02.2020. The death of a Chinese doctor who tried to warn about the coronavirus outbreak has sparked widespread public anger and grief in China. Li Wenliang died after contracting the virus while treating patients in Wuhan. Last December he sent a message to fellow medics warning of a virus he thought looked like Sars - another deadly coronavirus. But he was told by police to "stop making false comments" and was investigated for "spreading rumours". "I don't think he was rumour-mongering. Hasn't this turned into reality now?" his father, Li Shuying, told the BBC. "My son was wonderful." China's leadership had already faced accusations of downplaying the severity of the virus - and initially trying to keep it secret. The government has admitted "shortcomings and deficiencies" in its response to the virus, which has now killed 636 people and infected 31,198 in mainland China. Source: BBC.
13.02.2020. China’s current (2020) mainly State-capitalist market economy still features a high degree of income inequality. According to the Asian Development Bank Institute, “before China implemented reform and open-door policies in 1978, its income distribution pattern was characterized as egalitarianism in all aspects.” At this time, the Gini coefficient for rural – urban inequality was only 0.16. As of 2012, the official Gini coefficient in China was 0.474, although that number has been disputed by scholars who “suggest China’s inequality is actually far greater.” A study published in the PNAS estimated that China’s Gini coefficient increased from 0.30 to 0.55 between 1980 and 2002. In 2014, according to the Institute of Social Science Survey, Peking University, income inequality among Chinese mainland citizens has reached severe conditions, with 1% of the Chinese population possessing 1/3 of the country's wealth. In 2012, a report published by the Chinese Southwestern University of Finance and Economics estimated the Gini index of China at 0.61. China's government publishes an official yearly calculation of the country's Gini index. According to these reports, the average Gini coefficient between residents was .475 between the years of 2003 and 2018, reaching a high of 0.491 in 2008 and a low of 0.462 in 2015.
Because 1. the social scientific rule that State-power corrupts is always valid, and the more power of the rulers (The Bureaucracy) vis-à-vis the ruled (The People) as 2. is happening in China slowly over time, 3. the more corrupt, i.e. both “legal” i.e. based on unlaws, and directly criminal according to Chinese "laws" = mainly unlaws; 4. the de facto left-fascist system in China will never achieve a significant flat income distribution, despite big top-down campaigns. It simply will not work properly. Corruption, one way or the other, always beats the top-down campaigns for less income-differences over some time. To achieve the People's aim of 0,2 = 20 % Gini-index, a flat income pyramid, the Chinese system must change significantly in real, i.e. always including green, democratic direction. Sources: Wikipedia and IIFOR & AIIS.
20.03.2020. The Chinese doctor who was reprimanded for “spreading rumours” after he sought to warn colleagues about the emergence of Covid-19 has been officially exonerated by an investigation into his death. However the report has also been criticised for not going far enough, after it only recommended the reprimand against Dr Li Wenliang be withdrawn. Li had posted to a group chat with other medics about some patients showing signs of a new Sars-like illness in early December, well before Chinese authorities admitted to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. Police detained Li a few days later for “spreading false rumours” and forced him to sign a police document admitting that he had “seriously disrupted social order” and breached the law. The report also denounced the “anti-establishment” labels of “hero” and “awakener”, which some people had given to Li. Source: The Guardian.
26.03.2020. Hong Kong pro-democracy district councilor Cheng Lai-king arrested for 'sedition'. The anarchists condemn the arrest. The police said today that the chairwoman of Central and Western District Council, the Democratic Party's Cheng Lai-king, has been arrested under sedition laws, for allegedly doxxing a police officer. Superintendent Swalikh Mohammed said Cheng, 60, is believed to have illegally shared personal information, including the officer's name, picture, staff number, address and phone number, via her social media account. Mohammed said she is suspected of inciting violence and hatred and could also have violated a High Court injunction banning doxxing of police officers, as well as the Privacy Ordinance. Cheng's case has been linked to a widely-shared Facebook post purportedly containing information about the police officer responsible for firing a projectile into the face of an Indonesian journalist during protests last October. The journalist, who was left blind in one eye, is planning a private prosecution against the officer responsible. But police have refused to name him. As well as inciting violence, the charge of "seditious intention" also covers attempts to cause people to have "hatred or contempt" against the SAR government, "disaffection" against the administration of justice, or "ill-will and enmity" between different sectors of society. Those convicted of the charge can be jailed for two years for a first offense. Several Central and Western district councilors held a protest outside Kwai Chung Police Station over Cheng's arrest which was made late on Wednesday 25.03.2020 night, demanding the chairwoman's immediate release. Democratic Party lawmaker Ted Hui Chi-fung said the sedition law is outdated and is just a tool for the police to abuse their power. Shortly after 2:00pm, Cheng left the police station, thanking the media for covering her arrest but adding no further comment, except that her lawyers are handling the matter. In January, she had presided over a council meeting attended by Police Commissioner Chris Tang, who was grilled about allegations of police brutality. Tang walked out when Cheng began reading a motion to condemn the force. The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) condemns the arrest. Sources: The Standard HK and AIIS.
18.04.2020. Police in Hong Kong have arrested at least 14 pro-democracy activists in connection with the mass protests that rocked the Asian financial hub last year. Among those targeted on Saturday 18.04.2020 was Jimmy Lai, founder of anti-establishment tabloid Apple Daily, who was arrested at his home, according to local media reports. The group also included former legislators 81-year-old Martin Lee, Albert Ho, Leung Kwok-hung and Au Nok-hin, who are accused of organizing and taking part in unlawful assemblies in August and October, according to several current Hong Kong legislators. In all, nine former legislators were arrested. Lee is a prominent Democratic Party founder and senior barrister, who is known as the founding father of Hong Kong's democratic movement as well as one of the architects of the city's Basic Law, the mini-constitution under which Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule in 1997. Lai was also arrested in February, along with veteran activists Lee Cheuk-yan and Yeung Sum, over their involvement in a mass anti-government demonstration on August 31 last year. The raids mark the biggest crackdown on the pro-democracy movement since the outbreak of large anti-government protests across the former British colony in June last year. As mentioned marchers initially targeted a now-scrapped bill proposing to send suspects to mainland China for trial, but protests broadened into demands for full democracy and a public investigation of the use of force by police.
'Ring of terror'. Saturday's arrests come after several months of relative calm amid a partial coronavirus lockdown but just as Chinese and city government officials launch a new push for tougher national security laws for Hong Kong. Democratic legislator Claudia Mo, who was not among those arrested, said the government, led by Chief Executive Carrie Lam, was trying "to introduce a ring of terror in Hong Kong". "They are doing whatever they can to try to silence, to take down, the local opposition," she said, pointing to upcoming legislative elections in September in which democrats hope to win back their former veto power in the city assembly.
The pro-democracy protests and movement has recently died down, partly due to exhaustion and arrests but also because of the coronavirus pandemic. Hong Kong's autonomy has been a point of renewed concern after Beijing's top office in the territory said it has the right and responsibility to be involved in the city's affairs. Hong Kong's mini-constitution restricts Beijing from interfering in local affairs. But on Friday 17.04.2020, Beijing's top office in Hong Kong said it was not bound by Hong Kong's laws and therefore has the right to "supervise" how the "one country, two systems" principle is being implemented. The unprecedented statement came after the liaison office accused opposition politicians of abusing their power in the legislative council. The crackdown was "very timely" since it will not spark much reaction amid the lockdown restrictions. This is a particularly useful time for them to do it because people are not allowed on the streets and are not allowed to protest and the pro-democracy camp basically says that this is government's attempt at completely shutting down any democratic movements in the city. China's leaders have refused to accede to the protesters' demands, which include a.o.t. fully free elections in the city of more than 7 million, an inquiry into alleged police misconduct during the protests and an amnesty for more than 7,000 people arrested in connection with the protests. The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) condemns the arrests and is vigorously protesting against that the Beijing's top office in Hong Kong has the right to "supervise" how the "one country, two systems" principle is being implemented. Sources: Al Jazeera and AIIS.
19.04.2020. US and UK condemn arrest of Hong Kong democracy activists. The arrest of 15 activists is the biggest crackdown on the pro-democracy movement since the coronavirus pandemic began. The US and UK have criticised the arrest of 15 Hong Kong democracy activists on charges of organising and participating in anti-government protests last year. The arrests on Saturday 18.04.2020 were the biggest crackdown on the city’s pro-democracy movement since the outbreak of mass protests last year. “The United States condemns the arrest of pro-democracy advocates in Hong Kong,” US secretary of state Mike Pompeo said. “Beijing and its representatives in Hong Kong continue to take actions inconsistent with commitments made under the Sino-British Joint Declaration that include transparency, the rule of law, and guarantees that Hong Kong will continue to ‘enjoy a high degree of autonomy’.” In Britain, a Foreign Office representative said the government expected any arrests and court procedures to be “conducted in a fair and transparent manner”. The Foreign Office also said the right to peaceful protest was “fundamental to Hong Kong’s way of life” and authorities should avoid “actions that inflame tensions”. “The authorities should focus on rebuilding trust through a process of meaningful political dialogue,” the Foreign Office said. Source: The Guardian.
18.05.2020. Hong Kong: Lawmakers carried out during parliament mayhem. A number of pro-democracy lawmakers in Hong Kong were dragged out of the chamber during a row about a Chinese national anthem bill. The bill would criminalise disrespect of the anthem. Legislators were arguing over the leadership of a key committee, which would affect the bill's progress. One of the lawmakers carried out, Eddie Chu, told the BBC: "If Hong Kong was a democracy, we would not need to start scuffles like this." He added: "Unfortunately we are forced into this situation. I can foresee more fights within the chamber and outside the chamber." The chaotic scenes highlight the deep divisions in Hong Kong, which is a special administrative region of China. Although last year's street protests died down during the pandemic, some demonstrations are expected to resume. It's the second time in recent days there have been scuffles in the Legislative Council.
What happened in the chamber? The Legislative Council was in dispute over who should run the house committee, which scrutinises bills and decides when they are voted on. Last week, the council president appointed Chan Kin-por, a pro-Beijing lawmaker, to oversee the election of a new leader. On Monday 18.05.2020 - before the Legislative Council began - Mr Chan was in the chairman's seat, surrounded by more than 20 security guards. As pro-democracy lawmakers entered the room, they tried to reach the seat, but were stopped by the guards. As the guards used blankets to corral the protesters, others pointed and yelled from their seats. One lawmaker held a sign that said: "CCP [Chinese Communist Party] tramples HK legislature." During the melee - which went on for several minutes - at least one person fell to the ground, apparently injured. At one point, a lawmaker took a running jump to try to reach the chairman's bench, but was stopped in mid-air by guards. After most of the pro-democracy lawmakers left - or were removed - the pro-Beijing Starry Lee was elected chairwoman of the house committee. This, her opponents fear, will make it easier for the national anthem bill to be passed. China wants a controversial bill that would criminalise abuse of China's national anthem to get passed as soon as possible. But the house committee - responsible for scrutinising controversial bills, including the national anthem one - has failed to select a chairperson for months. The city will elect new lawmakers in September 2020. Democrats want to delay the bills to next term. Beijing has accused the pro-democracy camps of "malicious" filibustering, effectively paralyzing the legislature. What happened inside the chamber is another sign that China continues to tighten its grip on Hong Kong. It is very similar to what happened last year - when the pan-democrats failed to stop the controversial extradition bill in the LegCo [Hong Kong's parliament], which sparked months of mass protests. Some smaller-scale protests and clashes have come back to the city recently, and are expected to gain much more momentum after the pandemic. But there has been no sign that China, or Hong Kong's leadership, will make any concession. Source: BBC.
21.05.2020. China accuses US of 'blackmailing' Hong Kong government. A false claim. US says hard to assess level of autonomy in Hong Kong after recent incidents, including arrest of veteran politicians. China has accused US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of "blackmailing" the Hong Kong government with the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, saying on Thursday the US administration's recent actions amounted to blatant interference in China's internal affairs. Pompeo said on Wednesday 20.05.2020 the recent treatment of pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong made it harder to assess whether the territory remains highly autonomous from China, a requirement for the special treatment afforded to the city under American law. A spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry's office of the commissioner to Hong Kong said in a statement that Pompeo's actions could not scare the Chinese people and that Beijing would safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests. Hong Kong has been governed under "one country, two systems" since it was returned to China in 1997. The framework affords the territory freedoms that are not allowed anywhere else on the mainland, but concerns that those freedoms are being curtailed has helped fuel a growing movement for democracy.
Mass protests that began last year over a now-abandoned extradition bill - which would have allowed suspects to be sent to mainland China for trial - have begun to re-emerge in recent weeks as physical distancing measures imposed as a result of the coronavirus have been relaxed. But pro-democracy groups remain under pressure, with 15 people, including veteran politicians, a publishing tycoon and senior lawyers, arrested in April in a move that drew condemnation from the United States, Europe, the Anarchist International (AI/IFA), the Green Global Spring (GGS) and international rights groups. They were formally charged under colonial-era laws on Monday with organising and attending the protests, with five people facing more serious charges that carry a penalty of as many as five years in prison. Pompeo said a congressionally-mandated State Department assessment of the territory's autonomy was still pending. "We are closely watching what's going on there," he told a news conference. "Leading Hong Kong activists like Martin Lee and Jimmy Lai were hauled into court. Actions like these make it more difficult to assess that Hong Kong remains highly autonomous from mainland China." China has regularly dismissed popular discontent in Hong Kong claiming instead that foreigners are behind the rallies.
The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong) a) condemns the arrests and b) is vigorously protesting against that the Beijing's top office in Hong Kong has the right to "supervise" how the "one country, two systems" principle is being implemented, and c) is also protesting against the claim from Chinese authorities that foreigners are behind the rallies. This is a false claim, the rallies in the ongoing Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), spearheaded by the "Black Dressed" Pro-Democracy Movement (BD-PDM) including the Anarchists in Hong Kong, are entirely a domestic Hong Kong movement, with no influence, origin and started from foreign powers and organizations, such as USA, UK and EU, but of course the Anarchist International AI/IFA, the Green Global Spring (GGS) as well as USA, UK and EU and international human rights organizations in general, put pressure on the Chinese authorities and support the pro-democracy, i.e. including green, movement in Hong Kong. China! Hands off Hong Kong! Drop coal now! Resolution by ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong). Sources: Al Jazeera and AIIS.
22.05.2020. To the democratic countries, CIA and NATO and more. News from China and Hong Kong. Updated report from the ongoing Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) and more.
Also a non-classified intelligence report from AISC, the Anarchist International Security Council. If we a) go behind the official statistics on income-inequality and corruption, i.e. de facto more capitalism, economic plutarchy – unenlightened, according to Ragnar Frisch, and b) take into account the Gulags and the coming attempts of repression in Hong Kong, i.e. more statism, c) the in name only communist, China, is moving rapidly from de facto left-fascism towards ultra-fascism, similar to Hitler’s Germany, on the economic-political map and in reality, see http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html. If the Chinese “communist” party not rapidly changes towards Real, i.e. included green Democracy, i.e. Anarchy, somewhat like Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland, and drops coal now and soon fossil fuel in general, and replace it with green economy, voluntarily, after some diplomatic and other pressure, the democratic countries, including NATO and Russia? must take over the Green Global Spring Revolution, GGS, ca. 100%, and prepare for and soon perform violent military armed World War III, the Revolution War, joining the pro-democracy, i.e. including green, popular movements, against all ultra-fascist regimes, i.e. always not green, world wide - including China, soon – or else we will rather soon end in Ragnarokk, the World War IIII, the global Fugitive War, with most likely several billion persons killed and destruction of the climate environment, and probably soon the end of mankind on earth. That is the ca. 100 % truth – you all are warned. The small international GGS of today, with anarchists including AISC, and Greta Thunberg and her network + some other smaller groups, as network-members/subscribers, has no military capacity and will not participate in any significant way in the World War III, only contribute a little with information work based on intelligence mainly from open sources, and some advice based on Ragnar Frisch’ and Frischian Cogrips-model and –policy, updated, published at www.indeco.no and www.anarchy.no.
Best regards, for AISC:
Harald Fagerhus, editor of International Journal of Organization Research IJOR/Folkebladet/IJ@-IIFOR & AISC & GGS © ISSN 0800-0220 - electronic issues ISSN 1890-9485 since 2009 – www.anarchy.no.
Anna Quist, elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html & http://www.anarchy.no/green.html
Jens Hermundstad Østmoe, cand. oecon. Ph.D., research manager at the Institute of Industrial Economics, The NØI-INDECO-Network at www.indeco.no, e-mail: indeco@online.no, and consultant for International Journal of Organization Research IJOR/Fb /IJ@-IIFOR & AISC & GGS at www.anarchy.no.
PS. The above mentioned (see headline) AISC-report about China/Hong Kong is published on the Real Democracy = Anarchy Debate: http://www.anarchy.no/andebate.html, search for China in this file. More information about China at www.anarchy.no and www.indeco.no. This AISC-report was initially sent to military etc. included NATO and CIA, and political groups and embassies in Oslo, see below, with blind copies to several other embassies, and later distributed world wide, included to the GGS-network, Hong Kong, and the Anarchist International (AI/IFA), forwarded by Harald Fagerhus, Anna Quist and Jens Hermundstad Østmoe.
From: AISC - Anarchist International Security Council - Federal Bureaus World Wide [mailto: fb@anarchy.no]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 11:05 AM
To: Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; PST; USAs Ambassade terrortips; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; 'info@ncia.nato.int'; 'webmaster@ncia.nato.int'; 'natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int'
Cc: USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom ; Sveriges ambassade; Finlands Ambassade; Islands Ambassade; Danmarks Ambassade; Sveitsiske ambassade ; European Union; Russlands ambassade; 'Kinas ambassade'; The Green Global Spring Revolution; International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide
Subject: To the democratic countries, CIA and NATO and more. News from China and Hong Kong. Updated report from the ongoing Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) and more.
23.05.2020. Hong Kong security law: What is it and is it worrying? Comments from the Hong Kong anarchists. China dropped a political bombshell on Hong Kong lately when it declared it would impose a national security law on the city. Now many fear this could spell the end of Hong Kong's unique freedoms. So what do we know, and what do people fear the most? What is this law all about? Firstly, what China has submitted is a draft resolution to its rubber stamp parliament. That resolution will be voted (and probably passed) next week. Only after that, will it be fleshed out into an actual draft law. The concerns are many. Any law would make criminal any act of:
One part that's caused particular concern is a suggestion that China could set up institutions in Hong Kong that are responsible for defending national security. The Hong Kong anarchists are strongly against such a move from Beijing. More information from BBC about this case and problem, see (click on:) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52765838. Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong anarchists). Sources: BBC and AIIS. This resolution is distributed and forwarded world wide:
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2020 10:52 AM
To: Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; PST; USAs Ambassade terrortips; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; 'info@ncia.nato.int'; 'webmaster@ncia.nato.int'; 'natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int'
Cc: USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom ; Sveriges ambassade; Finlands Ambassade; Islands Ambassade; Danmarks Ambassade; Sveitsiske ambassade ; European Union; Russlands ambassade; 'Kinas ambassade'; The Green Global Spring Revolution; International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide
Subject: Latest news. To the democratic countries, CIA and NATO and more. Hong Kong security law: What is it and is it worrying? Comments from the Hong Kong anarchists. Updated report from the ongoing Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the GGS, and more. Headline: The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong anarchists).
Participating in the Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution, GGS.
PS. The Hong Kong anarchists declare that the Hong Kong Spring Revolution should be speeded up a lot, and be more green, in a message to the GGS general secretariat in Oslo. Follow up the message as far as you can! The GGS general secretariat in Oslo has forwarded this message to Hong Kong in general and other relevant groups and individuals world wide.
24.02.2020. Hong Kong: World political figures condemn China's security law plan. The Green Global Spring Revolution, GGS, declares: "The Chinese "communist" party's, de facto ultra-fascist, dark brown Hitlerism, also anti-climate - MADNESS - must be stopped. The democratic countries including NATO plus Russia, must take over the GGS ca. 100%, and take military action against China, in the World War III, the Revolution War, to avoid the terrible World War IIII, the global Fugitive War!
The Nearly 200 political figures from around the world have added to growing condemnation of Beijing's planned new security law in Hong Kong. Signatories from Europe, Asia, north America and Australia called the plans a "comprehensive assault on the city's autonomy, rule of law and fundamental freedoms". China is seeking to pass a law that would ban "treason, secession, sedition and subversion" in the territory. It rejects criticism of the move. Earlier this week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned the plans, which he described as a "death knell" for the city's freedoms. The UK, Australia and Canada have also expressed their "deep concern". Campaigners have called for protests on Sunday 24.02.2020.
What is in the statement? The statement was drafted by former Hong Kong Governor Christopher Patten and former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind, and signed by 186 policy makers and politicians from 23 countries. It describes Beijing's plans - which include setting up Chinese government intelligence bases in Hong Kong - as a "flagrant breach" of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, under which Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule in 1997. "If the international community cannot trust Beijing to keep its word when it comes to Hong Kong, people will be reluctant to take its word on other matters," the signatories wrote.
They include 17 members of the US Congress, among them Republican Senator Marco Rubio, who is acting chairman of the Intelligence Committee, and Senator Ted Cruz as well as Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, who is the most senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Democratic Representatives to sign include Eliot Engel, head of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Adam Schiff, chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee. Some 44 UK MPs and eight members of the House of Lords also signed. Relations between the two Washington and Beijing are already strained over trade disputes and the coronavirus pandemic. The US is currently considering whether to extend Hong Kong's preferential trading and investment privileges. President Trump has also weighed in, saying the US would react strongly if the law went through - without giving details....
Why does Beijing want to bring in the law? Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous region and an economic powerhouse, was required to introduce such a law after the handover from British control to Chinese rule in 1997. But its unpopularity means it has never been done - the government tried in 2003 but had to back down after 500,000 people took to the streets. Last year, Hong Kong was rocked by months of protests sparked by a bill that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, and developed into a general pro-democracy movement, for Real, i.e. including green Democracy = Anarchy, and Full Democracy later on. Now the Chinese government argues the law is necessary to "prevent, stop and punish" such protests in the future. Beijing may also fear September's elections to Hong Kong's legislature. If last year's success for pro-democracy parties, i.e. included a green tendency, in district elections is repeated, government bills could potentially be blocked. Hong Kong's leader Carrie Lam, who is seen as part of the pro-Beijing political establishment, has pledged full support for the proposed law and said the city's freedoms would remain unchanged, a false claim. The Chinese foreign ministry branch in Hong Kong dismissed fears it would harm foreign investors and lashed out at "meddling" countries.
What is in the proposed law? The "draft decision" - as it is known before approval by China's "National People's Congress - NPC" includes an article that says Hong Kong "must improve" national security. It adds: "When needed, relevant national security organs of the Central People's Government will set up agencies in Hong Kong to fulfil relevant duties to safeguard national security in accordance with the law." That means China could potentially have its own law enforcement agencies in Hong Kong, alongside the city's own. China could essentially place the draft law into Annex III of the Basic Law, which covers national laws that must be implemented in Hong Kong - either by legislation, or decree. The NPC is expected to vote on the draft law at the end of its annual session, on 28 May. It will then be forwarded to the NPC's Standing Committee, China's top legislature, which is expected to finalise and enact the law by the end of June. The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong anarchists) has condemned and protested against Beijing's proposed new security law for Hong Kong, and the protest is now joined by the Green Global Spring Revolution including The Anarchist International (AI/IFA), declaring: "The Chinese "communist" party's, de facto ultra-fascist, dark brown Hitlerism, also anti-climate - MADNESS - must be stopped. The democratic countries including NATO plus Russia, must take over the GGS ca. 100%, and take military action against China, in the World War III, the Revolution War, to avoid the terrible World War IIII, the global Fugitive War! Sources: BBC and AIIS.
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2020 10:28 AM
To: Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; PST; USAs Ambassade terrortips; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; 'info@ncia.nato.int'; 'webmaster@ncia.nato.int'; 'natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int'
Cc: USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom ; Sveriges ambassade; Finlands Ambassade; Islands Ambassade; Danmarks Ambassade; Sveitsiske ambassade ; European Union; Russlands ambassade; 'Kinas ambassade'; 'press@joebiden.com'; The Green Global Spring Revolution; International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide
Subject: Hong Kong: World political figures condemn China's security law plan. GGS: "The Chinese "communist" party's, de facto ultra-fascist, dark brown Hitlerism, also anti-climate - MADNESS - must be stopped by democratic countries including NATO by war...
Harald Fagerhus followed up this report sent from GGS, and forwarded it to Hong Kong in general, with the following message: Hello Hong Kong! Forwarding the latest report about China and Hong Kong - to Hong Kong in general, hope you find it interesting and will follow up in the Hong Kong news-media, politically and in general, also send protests to the Chinese authorities in Beijing and Hong Kong, say, by forwarding this e-mail to them, and make popular protest rallies in Hong Kong, NB! without any ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined – included terrorism. Best regards Harald Fagerhus, editor of International Journal of Organization Research IJOR/Folkebladet/IJ@-IIFOR & AISC & GGS © ISSN 0800-0220 - electronic issues ISSN 1890-9485 since 2009 – www.anarchy.no. PS. The Hong Kong anarchists declare that the Hong Kong Spring Revolution should be speeded up a lot, and be more green, in a message to the GGS general secretariat in Oslo yesterday. Follow up the message – Support the Hong Kong Spring Revolution! Follow up the GGS and the climate crisis in general, much more important than the Covid19-crisis!
Later Sunday 24.02.2020. Hong Kong police fire tear gas as protesters decry China security law plan. Police in Hong Kong have fired tear gas and water cannon at protesters rallying against China's plans to impose a new security law on the territory. Thousands of demonstrators have been marching through the city centre. Police say 120 have been arrested. Earlier, 200 senior politicians from around the world issued a joint statement criticising China's plan. But China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the legislation should be brought in "without the slightest delay". As mentioned above, China is seeking to pass a law that would ban "treason, secession, sedition and subversion" in the territory. Activists fear it is an attempt to limit freedoms and silence Beijing's opponents.
How are the latest demonstrations unfolding? Protesters gathered in the busy Causeway Bay and Wan Chai districts of the city on Sunday, chanting slogans against the government and waving banners. Riot police fired tear gas and water cannon at demonstrators, who were wearing face masks to protect against the spread of coronavirus. The rally comes despite earlier warnings from authorities against unauthorised assembly and a ban on large public gatherings to enforce social distancing. Some protesters threw objects such as umbrellas and water bottles at officers, and used bins and other debris to set up road blocks. The Hong Kong anarchists condemned the tendencies of ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined. Reports say Sunday's protest followed a similar pattern to many of last year's demonstrations.
China's proposal unites protesters old and new in anger. For many protesters Sunday's protest was seen a stress test. They wanted to see how the police would react to large scale demonstrations following months of relative quiet. The young and old chanted familiar slogans from last year's movement. They called for the Hong Kong government to respond to the five political demands they set out last year. The police were quick to disperse the crowds. They fired several rounds of tear gas before charging towards the protesters. The national security proposal has united protesters willing to risk both breaking the law and social distancing measures in order to show their anger at plans that many fear could spell the end to one country two systems. Relations between Washington and Beijing are already strained over trade disputes and the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking on Sunday, Mr Wang, a Chinese authority, said "some political forces in the US" were pushing the two countries "to the brink of a new Cold War". The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong anarchists) calls for continued protests and rallies in the coming weeks. Sources: BBC and AIIS. The latest update on Sunday 24.05.2020 of this report had only limited distribution, see below:
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2020 7:47 PM
To: The Green Global Spring Revolution; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide
Cc: Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; PST; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; 'info@ncia.nato.int'; 'webmaster@ncia.nato.int'; 'natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int'; 'press@joebiden.com'; USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom ; Sveriges ambassade; Finlands Ambassade; Islands Ambassade; Danmarks Ambassade; Sveitsiske ambassade ; European Union; Russlands ambassade; USAs Ambassade terrortips; 'Kinas ambassade'
Subject: Hong Kong: Later Sunday 24.02.2020. Hong Kong police fire tear gas as protesters decry China security law plan. The Hong Kong anarchists call for continued protests and rallies in the coming weeks.
Hong Kong: Later Sunday 24.02.2020. Hong Kong police fire tear gas as protesters decry China security law plan. The Hong Kong anarchists call for continued protests and rallies in the coming weeks.
Hello Hong Kong in general (lots of blind-copies) + copies to some to democratic powers including NATO and CIA + China’s embassy in Oslo that should send the message to Xi. Updated news Sunday evening from the Green Global Spring Revolution and the Hong Kong Spring Revolution, included The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong anarchists), about China and Hong Kong… Full updated report, historic and present, about “China's place on the economic-political map” below. (The whole report followed in this newsletter)
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2020 8:23 PM
To: International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.
Cc: The Economist
Subject: Hong Kong: Later Sunday 24.02.2020. Hong Kong police fire tear gas as protesters decry China security law plan. The Hong Kong anarchists call for continued protests and rallies in the coming weeks.
Hello international news-media. Forwarding the latest report about China & Hong Kong and more from The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) to international news-media, especially CNN, BBC, Euronews, Al Jazeera, DW, France 24 and The Economist, hope you find it interesting and will follow up and report about it. Best regards Harald Fagerhus, editor of International Journal of Organization Research IJOR/Folkebladet/IJ@-IIFOR & AISC & GGS © ISSN 0800-0220 - electronic issues ISSN 1890-9485 since 2009 – www.anarchy.no. PS. The Hong Kong anarchists declared that the Hong Kong Spring Revolution should be speeded up a lot, and be more green, in a message to the GGS general secretariat in Oslo yesterday. Follow up the message! And more green publishing in general! Report about GGS and the climate crisis in general, much more important than the Covid19-crisis!
25.05.2010. A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Unclassified report from AISC. Important message to democratic countries included NATO and more – read quick and follow up…
Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc., and vice versa- click here: Google Translate.
Washington said on Sunday 24.05.2020 that China's proposed security legislation against Hong Kong could lead to U.S. sanctions. "It looks like, with this national security law, they're going to basically take over Hong Kong and if they do ... Secretary (of State Mike) Pompeo will likely be unable to certify that Hong Kong maintains a high degree of autonomy and if that happens there will be sanctions that will be imposed on Hong Kong and China," National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien told NBC television. Source: France 24.
Sanksjoner er høyst sannsynlig ikke nok i denne sammenheng. Det må utvilsomt hardere – militær - lut til mot det nå klart ultra-fascistiske, Hitlerske, og anti-klima regimet i Kina. AISC går uten videre ut fra at USA og NATO i sin førsteslags strategi har et vanntett opplegg for å nøytralisere Kinas atomvåpen, med bomber, eventuelt med H-bomber, om det trengs. Fisjonsbomber griser fælt med radioaktivitet og bør unngås. Spørsmålet er imidlertid om de Kinesiske atombombe-anleggene kan nøytraliseres ved sabotasje, uten å bombe de. Dette er noe CIA og E-tjenestene og militæret ellers i NATO, inkludert USA, bør se om de kan fikse. GGS inkludert AISC er tilhengere av minst mulig blod og skade i 3. verdenskrig – den helt nødvendige forebyggende Revolusjonskrigen, for å unngå høyst sannsynlig milliarder drepte i 4. verdenskrig – Flykningskrigen. NB! Xi & Co er veldig upopulære blant Folket i Kina, og moralen i «Folke»-hæren deres er ventelig veldig lav, og hæren er derfor lett å slå i væpnet strid. Man må også bidra til å etablere et reelt, inklusive grønt, demokratisk regime der, mer om dette nedenfor. Opposisjonen er bred og modig – til tross for grotesk represjon - og det er nok av ivrige folk å satse på for a lage et grønt demokrati, i denne sammenheng, både i main-land Kina og Hong Kong, men det må styres en del, bl.a. utenfra og inn, og med rådgivere f.eks. fra Norge, Sveits og Island. Folket i Kina, inklusive Hong Kong, er for uopplyst til spontant å få til noe slikt. Reelt, inklusive grønt Demokrati, med kultur herunder også konsensus-kultur, og uten oklarki (pøbelvelde bredt definert) + «Checks & Balances» og hele pakken må LÆRES. Det fikses ikke spontant.
Men det er et par ting som må fikses først, spesielt i USA, men også noe i de semi-demokratiske landene generelt inkludert UK og EU, og de i EU som er medlemsland i NATO spesielt, og i Russland. Man må nå få til fløyels- og/eller idealistiske revolusjoner, dvs. noe økt demokratigrad i systemene i alle disse landene, så de blir en del mer demokratiske, inklusive grønne. Ellers går det rett til helvete om kanskje relativt kort tid, som forklart på www.indeco.no og www.anarchy.no i Cogrips-model og -policy resonnementene der. CO2 utslippene i fjor var de høyeste noen gang visstnok. Dette går ikke lenger mine damer og herrer i øvrighetene/Byråkratiene. Det går ikke an å nøye seg med store ord og love klimafiks, og selv kjøre på med fossilt å være «free rider» i klimasaken. Her må alle feie skikkelig for egen dør, og begynne med raskt å fase ut kull i EU, UK og USA, og så siden følge opp med olje og til slutt gass. Tiden er knapp. Et lyspunkt er anarkiene av lav grad, og ganske grønne, Norge, Sveits og Island, de kan tjene som eksempel til etterfølgelse, spesielt om også de blir enda litt mer reelt demokratiske, dvs. inklusive grønne. Men disse landene har jo ikke noe signifikant makt, spesielt ikke Sveits, som ikke er medlem av NATO engang. Og her trengs det makt, økonomisk og politisk/administrativt inklusive militært, for å fikse reelt demokrati inklusive grønt globalt, signifikant nok til å stoppe klimakrisen med den grusomme og totalt ødeleggende World War IIII, Flyktningskrigen, i tide.
I USA må nå administrasjonen/Byråkratiet inklusive CIA og flere, få Donald Trump over på snorklipping og symbolsk ledelse av det militære, som kongen i Norge, ved en ikke-voldelig «palassrevolusjon». Trump er 100% uegnet som de facto «Commander in Chief». Trump er klin gæren og helt irrasjonell, bl.a. vist ved hans nylige forslag a) om å bruke klorbaserte rensemidler til inntak gjennom munnen (og mange idioter fulgte «føreren» og ble lagt inn på sykehus med farlig forgiftning) og til og med intravenøst, mot Korona-sykdom, og b) sterk anbefaling av en malariamedisin, til forebyggende og til behandling av pesten, som nå beviselig ikke har effekt mot Covid19 i det hele tatt, og har av og til fatale bivirkninger på hjertet. NB! Mer alvorlig: Han er også a) klima-skeptiker, og mener feilaktig at den globale oppvarmingen ikke er menneskeskapt (via CO2 utslipp, fra i hovedsak bruk av kull, olje og gass), og b) hans militære ordrer fra toppen har vært katastrofale jevnt over både i Syria og Afghanistan og andre steder. VP Pence som er kreasjonist, og derfor er en like stor og helt uvitenskapelig idiot som Trump, er heller ikke brukelig som militær leder. Får håpe Joe Biden, som er klimavennlig og demokratisk, blir valgt som US-president i høst, men dette er langt fra sikkert, fordi det er mange kristne fundamentalister og andre autoritære, som dels er blåbrun møkk, dvs. erke-konservative liberalister, og en del til og med bare brun og mørkebrun møkk, dvs. populistiske/fascistiske elementer - i USA, som støtter Trump i tykt og tynt, herunder også den blåbrune og til dels bare brune til mørkebrune møkka-propagandasenderen FOX-News. Seriøse media og store organisasjoner, som fagbevegelsen og universiteter og CIA og andre sikkerhetsorganisasjoner, med alt i alt stor påvirkningskraft, må nå og fremover bruke all sin innflytelse til å motarbeide disse brune, inklusive anti-climate kreftene, ved spredning av vitenskapelig basert informasjon til Folket og Byråkratiet i privat og offentlig sektor (som tar hovedparten av de viktige beslutningene), og bidra til folkelig mobilisering mot galskapen, og forberede Folket på innsats i World War III, ellers går det til helvete, også for USA, med World War IIII.
USA, med foreløpig alt signifikant med H-bomber i NATO, har alt for mye makt og for mye å si i denne sammenheng og tuller det alt for mye til, bl.a. med økende bruk av kull, igjen med årsak i Trumps policy. Frankrike ruster opp atomarsenalet sitt. Nord-Europas NATO må nå skaffe seg en signifikant haug med H-bomber for å skape balanse. USA med Trump som de facto «Commander in Chief», som nå (men forhåpentligvis ikke for lenge), er alt for ustabilt og rett ut toskete, til å stole på dessverre og Trump driver også med utpressing. Fy faen for en stor idiot. «Commander in Chief» our asses. FÅ TRUMP UT AV FUNKSJON SOM DE FACTO RULER OG «Commander in Chief» NÅ! OG OVER PÅ SNORKLIPPING OG SYMBOLSK LEDELSE – NÅ! USA må legge om i retning mer reelt demokrati, inkludert grønt, raskt - ellers går det til helvete for USA og resten av verden i World War IIII. Alle gode krefter i USA og også med hjelp utenfra, må nå ta seg sammen og koordinere aktiviteten og skape Reelt, inklusive grønt Demokrati så det monner. Liberalismen, og den formen for kapitalisme, med det uopplyste pengevelde, jevnfør Nobelprisvinner i økonomi Ragnar Frisch, er totalt out of date og må reguleres og komme under kontroll i USA, noe likt med i Norge, Sveits og på Island – raskt – ellers går det til helvete med klimakrisen. Tendensene til populisme/fascisme med anti-climate, for tiden i USA, med Trump i spissen, må knuses og nøytraliseres jo før jo heller. Denne brune møkka kan ikke frihetens høyborg, USA, være bekjent av og leve med stort lenger etter AISC’s oppfatning, inkludert mange tusen i AISC-nettverket i USA.
NB! XI og «kommunist» partiet i Kina og deres system er totalt dysfunksjonelt (forklart nedenfor - og blir bare verre og verre ultra-fascistisk og overgår snart Hitler signifikant), og de er helt fanget av det ultra-autoritære og ultra-fascistiske systemet og spillet sitt, og det har nå gått for langt i Hitlersk retning til at de klarer å legge om i nødvendig reelt demokratisk, inklusive grønn, retning frivillig etter vanlig press og sanksjoner, pga. korrupsjonsloven som virker like sikkert som tyngdeloven. NB! Økonomisk og/eller politisk/administrativ makt, vanligvis begge deler samtidig, og desto mere jo mere makt, korrumperer i vid forstand og setter klare begrensninger på hva et strengt hierarkisk, veldig topptungt byråkratisk økonomisk-politisk system er i stand til å få til for Folket, og når det er så autoritært, inkludert klimafiendtlig som Kina, biter ikke press og sanksjoner på det, det kan ikke forbedres, og det må militær lut til for å få slutt på galskapen og få til nødvendig reelt, dvs. inklusive grønt demokrati. Dette gjelder både Kina og andre ultra-fascistiske, inklusive klimafiendtlige, regimer på kloden, som det er veldig mange av.
Det er nå gått for langt med det Hitlerske systemet til Xi i Kina, det kan bare ordnes opp der med makt og militær støtte til pro-demokrati, inklusive grønt, opposisjonen der, dette gjelder Kina under ett, både main-land Kina og Hong Kong, og det er helt nødvendig å ordne opp raskt. Å leke «free rider» og være militærnekter, dvs. motarbeide nødvendig militær intervensjon, og/eller være feig og pasifistoid i tilknytning til Worl War III, dvs. agere som Chamberlain vis-a-vis Hitler, med «Peace in our time» opplegg, vil akkurat som med Hitler, ikke virke positivt, det blir bare verre og verre siden akkurat som med Hitler, om de demokratiske land inklusive NATO, og helst med Russland, ikke raskt slår til mot Kina militært i World War III. Man må selvfølgelig ta seg tid til en grundig mobilisering og forberedelse, men jo før man kommer i gang, desto mindre problemer og blod blir det. Nøling koster fatalt og jævlig mye mer lidelse og blod, og lang tids nøling betyr World War IIII og da går alt til helvete med milliarder drepte globalt. Dette er ca. 100% høyst sannsynlige fakta og sannhet og må tas innover seg og tas hensyn til og følges opp av relevante makthavere - STRAKS! VÆPNET III VERDENSKRIG NÅ - SNART. Repeterer head-linen fra GGS i går og litt annet relevant og oppdatert stoff på engelsk følger nedenfor:
Hong Kong: World political figures condemn China's security law plan. The Green Global Spring Revolution, GGS, declares: "The Chinese "communist" party's, de facto ultra-fascist, dark brown Hitlerism, also anti-climate - MADNESS - must be stopped. The democratic countries including NATO plus Russia, must take over the GGS ca. 100%, and take military action against China, in the World War III, the Revolution War, to avoid the terrible World War IIII, the global Fugitive War!
To the democratic countries, CIA and NATO and more. About China and Hong Kong and more. Also about the ongoing Hong Kong Spring Revolution, a part of the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS). Also a non-classified intelligence report from AISC – updated. AISC is the Anarchist International Security Council. If we a) go behind the official statistics on income-inequality and corruption, i.e. de facto more capitalism, economic plutarchy – unenlightened, according to Ragnar Frisch, and b) take into account the Gulags and other hellish jails with political prisoners, also in Hong Kong, and the repression of popular pro-democracy i.e. including green movements in Hong Kong and also main-land China, and increasing repression a.o.t. based on a new ultra-fascist security law for Hong Kong i.e. more statism, c) the in name only communist, China, has moved rapidly from de facto left-fascism to now ultra-fascism, similar to Hitler’s Germany, on the economic-political map and in reality, see http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html. The Chinese “communist” party will not make changes towards Real, i.e. included green Democracy, i.e. Anarchy, somewhat like Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland, and drop coal now and soon fossil fuel in general, and replace it with green economy, voluntarily, after diplomatic and other pressure, so the democratic countries, including NATO and Russia? must take over the Green Global Spring Revolution, GGS, ca. 100%, and prepare for and soon perform violent military armed World War III, the Revolution War, joining the pro-democracy, i.e. including green, popular movements, against all ultra-fascist regimes, i.e. always not green, world wide - including China first – one of the worst and clearly the largest and most dangerous ultra-fascist, included anti-climate, regime in the world today, soon – or else we will rather soon end in Ragnarokk, the World War IIII, the global Fugitive War, with most likely several billion persons killed and destruction of the climate environment, and probably soon the end of mankind on earth. That is the ca. 100 % truth – you all are warned. The small international GGS of today, with anarchists including AISC, and Greta Thunberg and her network + some other smaller groups, as network-members/subscribers, has no military capacity and will not participate in any significant way in the World War III, only contribute a little with information work based on intelligence mainly from open sources, and some advice based on Ragnar Frisch’ and Frischian Cogrips-model and –policy, updated, published at www.indeco.no and www.anarchy.no.
The ca 100% truth about Xi Jinping, ruler of China and an ochlarchical, evil Coal-Monarch, and his ultra-fascist and extreme ultra-authoritarian “communist” party and regime. Ochlarchy is mob rule broadly defined, including evil repression, corruption and destruction of the climate. Economical and political/administrative power corrupts, and the more power, the more corrupt. Remember the Gini-index, which clearly shows greater income disparities, more top-heavy income pyramid, in China than even in the stronghold of capitalism, the United States. At the same time, Xi Jinping promises to equalize the income differences and get rid of the rampant regime corruption, in the interest of the People, i.e. the grassroots. This is probably reinforced and combined with Orwell's "1984" double-thinking, i.e. psychological dysfunction including a large portion of self-deception. Xi imagines as ruler of the Central Committee "the proletariat's vanguard" that he will "serve the People", reinforced by the fact that his "thinking" is now incorporated into the Constitution in line with Mao's thoughts. Both are unscientific marxist dialectical bullshit, something Kropotkin already showed as non-scientific about 1900. This is imbecility + power put into system.
And then since his large corrupt Bureaucracy, based on the “communist” party (and de facto ultra-fascists & Hitlerism) steals a lot and more and more of the societal cake, according to the Gini-index, based on updated statistics, he has to use the cheapest type of large economic growth in old-fashioned (not green) Gross Domestic Product (GDP), so the cake gets bigger - so also the People at the bottom of the societal pyramid get a bit too of the cake, otherwise the People are rebelling - something he fears like the plague, and more and more. Therefore, more and more use of coal and fossil energy in general, even though he realizes it's going to hell with the climate crisis - he won't fix it. And this only reinforces and reinforces itself in a vicious circle, which is now also combined with increased repression (based on Artificial Intelligence face-control), which only reinforces the madness even more + Gulags and lots of political prisoners. All of this makes Xi & Co act like Sociopaths in this evil circle! This must now end soon, preferably at once! The social-scientific law of corruption, i.e. power corrupts broadly defined, and more power the more corrupt, always beats his system’s campaigns for the climate and less income disparities and less economic corruption and less corruption in the meaning of misuse of political/administrative power to ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, and de facto anti-climate policy, by his Bureaucracy. His system can’t fix these problems because of the power concentration and following always corruption broadly defined.
Xi and his very large top-heavy repressive Bureaucracy in private and public sector, are totally trapped in his own game of this totally dysfunctional and very corrupt broadly defined - and over time even more corrupt - ultra-fascist and very hierarchical Hitlerism regime. Xi and his regime is very unpopular by the People, and to stay in power, that he wants at all costs because he and his Bureaucracy are totally corrupt, and because he is truly enough afraid of rebellion, he only increases his and his Bureaucracy’s power over time, by more and more repression, that makes the system even more corrupt broadly defined, including more anti-climate, and even more dysfunctional. He know it will go to hell because of the climate crisis, also for China, in the terrible World War IIII, the global Fugitive War, and he don’t like it, but the system is so dysfunctional corrupt & and from his place on the top, necessary repressing, that he can’t fix it, and make the necessary change towards Real, i.e. including green Democracy. Xi = Hitler II, will crush totally the pro-democracy, including green, opposition and movements in Hong Kong and main-land China, if he is allowed to. Thus it is necessary with military intervention from democratic countries, including NATO, plus hopefully Russia, to support the pro-democracy, including green, opposition and movements in Hong Kong and main-land China, and do away with Xi and his ultra-fascist regime (similar to Hitler’s Germany) and introduce and produce together with the opposition a sufficient Real, i.e. including green Democracy in China.
This should be based on Cogrips-model and -policy, which are both 1. integrated micro-macro models, including based on ecocirc, and 2. have elements of decentralized planning economy again based on MBO & freedom within a framework + a bottom up approach, plus 3. a generally flatter structure, somewhat like in Norway, Switzerland and Iceland (and perhaps even some more democratic including green) i.e. sufficient Real, including green Democracy to a.o.t. contribute to stop the climate crisis, quickly, is the way to go forward for China. Hong Kong should be the first to introduce Real, i.e. including green Democracy, and should be a model for main-land China in Real, i.e. including green, Democratic direction, be the spearhead in a General Green Chinese Pro-Democracy Movement and soon after a general Chinese [Green] Spring Revolution (CSR), a part of the The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) - and with a Green Economy, ca. 100% without Coal, Oil and Gas. First drop the Coal in China included Hong Kong! Remember the GGS "Action No 1: China, USA and EU! Drop COAL". But these, at present mostly embryotic, People’s popular pro-democracy including green oppositions and movements, already rather brutally repressed, need significant military support, with military intervention from democratic countries, including NATO, plus hopefully Russia, to succeed. This must happen soon. The Xi-Chinese ultra-fascist repression is soon crushing all opposition in Hong Kong and main-land China, like Hitler, effectively ca. 100%. Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong). Sources: GGS, AISC, ACAME and AIIS. Distributed and forwarded world wide, initially sent to the following addresses, see below, included blind-copies to other embassies in Oslo and more.
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 8:46 AM
To: Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; USAs Ambassade terrortips; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; PST; USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom ; 'USUNPublicAffairs@state.gov'; 'info@ncia.nato.int'; 'webmaster@ncia.nato.int'
Cc: The Green Global Spring Revolution; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide; International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.; NTB-Vaktsjef ; NTB-Utenriks
Subject: Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism rules! The strategic picture before the now not likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. More coal in China & USA.
Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism rules! The strategic picture before the now not likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. More use of coal in China & USA. A little more about World War III & IIII, moral and the military included NATO. A Summary-note. NB! READ THIS NOTE – IT IS IMPORTANT!
Hello again Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; USAs Ambassade terrortips (CIA); Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; PST; USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom, USUN and NATO. Blind-copies to other relevant embassies in Oslo and some more.
As expected we got no replies to yesterday’s e-mails (see below – not even from USUN in the latest), and thus Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism for the time being rules all over in the real democratic as well as semi-democratic countries including the armed wing NATO, and Russia! You all, including Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg and president Donald Trump in USA, seem to give a damn in our grand-children’s future. NB! No democratic country neither NATO, joined and took over the GGS this time, on our invitation, and the World War III is thus still only in the embryotic non-military phase, and ultra-fascism, including anti-climate policy, has won ca. 100% in Egypt & Sudan and now very soon totally in China included Hong Kong, and – sorry – will probably win in the Arab Spring in general and more, as long as the Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism rules. The strategic picture before the now ca. 100% not likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party, is repeated below, and we have added some more, especially on moral, below in this Summary-note.
NB! Since it will be no armed support to the opposition from the West including NATO, the ultra-fascists Xi & Co will quite certain crush the pro-democracy, including green, opposition and movement in Hong Kong and mainland China ca. 100% effectively, similar to what Hitler managed in Germany. The Hong Kong anarchist-network is however secret and classified AISC-stuff, so Xi & Co will probably not manage to crush and silence them totally, but they will probably go underground and there will soon be no protest rallies, due to heavy repression by Beijing, arrests of open opposition, use of Gulags for political prisoners and heavy handed police-ochlarchy against protesting People. Ochlarchy is mob rule broadly defined. The dictatorship in Hong Kong will be total, and not funny to live in for the anarchists & other opposition and the People in general. It will be much like main-land China, with ultra-fascism including anti-climate policy and much use of coal, and increasing repression and corruption broadly defined over time, as all over China.
The brown populist, included anti-climate, madman and slime-ball Donald Trump, also – sorry to say - continuing to be a very bad and cowardly, but still de facto Commander in Chief, will most likely be re-elected in USA in the autumn, but this is not certain. Perhaps, but not very likely, the more democratic, i.e. including green, Joe Biden, will win. GGS and the British and Anglophone Anarchist Federation campaign for Joe Biden, a.o.t. via AISC Section USA, but have very little influence.
NB! GGS Climate-Action No 1: China, USA & EU! Drop Coal! has got a clear set back. China and Trump’s USA use, and will use much more coal as well as fossil energy in general. The EU is not much better. This will contribute much to the worsening of the climate crisis, and make it full blown faster. We still continue with GGS Climate-Action No 1: China, USA & EU! Drop Coal! But especially in China there is ca. 100% certain no hope for a drop of coal use, it will increase, and as long as Trump rules USA, drop coal is also ca. 100% certain not possible there, but will only be increased. And EU is de facto not much better, but are at best very, very slow in reducing use of coal and fossil energy in general. Thus, very probably it rather soon goes to hell with the climate crisis, i.e. faster and faster towards climate-destruction!
The small present non-military GGS will however still try to trigger, a.o.t. via popular pressure and scientific based information, the democratic countries included the military wing NATO, via velvet and/or idealistic revolutions, to be sufficiently Real, i.e. including green Democracies, and to join and ca. 100 % take over the GGS, and fight and win the necessary World War III via support, also militarily when needed, to pro-democracy including green opposition and movements world wide, to prevent the horrible World War IIII. But as before, and now even more after the set back connected to China & Hong Kong: we are not optimistic – we are very pessimistic, most likely our grand-children will go to hell in the World War IIII with full blown climate crisis, because at present and probably for some time, Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism clearly rules the democratic countries including NATO. But we hope this hopeless negative security-policy will be changed and end in time to solve the climate crisis, so this is still not 100% certain. It is still possible to win the World War III, and avoid the terrible World War IIII, but then the Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism and coward-ness must end in time. This will probably not happen as long as Trump rules USA, because he is a coward and de facto practically has a policy of Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism, as showed in Afghanistan and Syria and other places. He even has said NATO is obsolete. Brown idiot! And USA must very likely be a member of the extended, included military forces, Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), as well as NATO in general – and more, shall it be success.
It is too late when the climate crisis is full blown and the horrible World War IIII comes, then you must and will most likely fight against the invasion of climate refugees from round equator, but it is nearly impossible to win, and billions will be killed. NATO and allies could have beaten Hemedti/Sudan, Xi/China and the ultra-fascists in general from round equator, easy now, soon or at least before the climate crisis is full blown, when it is easy to win because a) their fascist soldiers are less motivated and have low moral, and you can b) support opposition willing to fight for Real, i.e. including green Democracy, against the ultra-fascist including anti-climate rulers, but c) you have already demonstrated too much coward-ness with Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism, to do it now or soon, but remember in the World War IIII their soldiers will be desperate and motivated and nearly impossible to beat. Hope therefore you in good time before the full blown climate-crisis hits, will change policy and be more brave and drop the Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism, and will fight and win the necessary World War III, based on membership in the extended and armed GGS.
But perhaps you always will be stupid cowards, perhaps also in the World War IIII, and lose this war to the ultra-fascists included anti-climate policy. Hope not, but we are not optimistic on behalf of the Bureaucracies including the military and NATO, but still hope a little that you will get rid of the coward-ness and Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism in god time before the World War IIII, and fight the World War III and win, which is still quite possible and easy, probably also in the first coming years, but don’t wait too long. Your choice! Fight soon enough and win or wait too long and probably lose, with hell and death for our grand-children. Coward-ness and Pacifism & Chamberlain-ism certainly don’t pay, it is like to piss in the pants to be warm, and you should have learned from the World War II history, that this is idiotic and fatal. So please change security-policy in due time, in line with the strategy of the Cogrips-model and –policy, preferably soon.
But optimistic in this direction - sorry: NO! NO! NO! The moral in the Bureaucracy including the military is very low now in Norway and the real democratic and semi-democratic countries in general included NATO, and perhaps it will never change and be better. Our consultant JHØ has written about “free rider” fascism, and dysfunction in the system in this connection, and means to stop it. Read it! However we will continue to work with the GGS and also AISC and with research & information, but we know very well that we have quite marginal to ca. zero influence on the Bureaucracies in the democratic countries including the military wing NATO (post to the NATO-headquarter from GGS and AISC, say to natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int, is even rejected), and even less influence in the more authoritarian countries, but the costs are very small, so we will continue, as long as the health permits it.
We work and fight for our grand-children’s survival in a good global climate and environment in general, and with and for Real, i.e. always including green Democracy, and of higher and higher degree, world wide. Our aim is Full Democracy, i.e. always including sufficient green, all over the planet later on. NB! You should all help to reach this aim!!! The Bureaucracies should not struggle to get more power a) economically, with concentration of money and b) political/administratively, both included to cow the People and with anti-climate policy, for themselves, but listen to the People and decide and act based on much influence by the People, again based on the People’s demands, see - click on: http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html, and reduced power to the Top – the Bureaucracy, i.e. significant flat – horizontal - organizational structure.
Best regards Anna Quist elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) and member of AISC.
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 11:02 AM
To: Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; USAs Ambassade terrortips; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; PST; USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom ; USUNPublicAffairs@state.gov
Subject: ??? A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hello Forsvaret og E-tjenesten <forsvaret@mil.no>; USAs Ambassade terrortips oslotips@state.gov (CIA); Statsministerens kontor <postmottak@smk.dep.no>; Forsvarsdepartementet <postmottak@fd.dep.no>; Utenriksdepartementet <post@mfa.no>; Utenriksministeren <utenriksminister@mfa.no>; PST post@pst.politiet.no; USAs Ambassade <osloirc@state.gov>; United Kingdom ukinnorway@fco.gov.uk.
We at the GGS and AISC are very disappointed! OK! My very good friend and our consultant Jens Hermundstad Østmoe, who kindly forwarded my invitation to GGS with the new AISC-report to the NATO-headquarter early this morning after my mail from GGS was rejected, got a reply from the NATO-headquarter that they had received his message he has told me, but GGS in itself has not got a reply from anyone of Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; USAs Ambassade terrortips; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; 'info@ncia.nato.int'; 'webmaster@ncia.nato.int'; 'natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int'; PST, USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom; Sveriges ambassade; Finlands Ambassade; Islands Ambassade; Danmarks Ambassade; Sveitsiske ambassade; European Union; Russlands ambassade; 'press@joebiden.com' and from the blind copies to other relevant embassies/countries and more, except from USUNPublicAffairs@state.gov that the mail was received in an automatic reply, not even that the important e-mail with the latest AISC-report, and my invitation on behalf of the GGS to join the GGS, is received in automatic replies – not to mention a real reply i.e. ca 100% total black out. Very bad.
NB! The message has very likely not been taken by the spam-filter at all the addresses, and it is directly stupid to delete especially the important new AISC-report, and not take a look at it at all. Are you all friends of the brown madman and slime-ball Donald Trump, or are pacifists and will let the grand-children go to hell in the terrible World War IIII with total climate destruction? We just ask!?
Best regards Anna Quist elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) and member of AISC.
PS. NB! We don’t expect any reply at all, and if you don’t reply we just assume that you are all Trump-fans and/or pacifists and give a damn in the grand-children’s future, and will not participate in the necessary preventive World War III to avoid the terrible World War IIII. To hell with you all – you de facto give a damn in your grand-children, that will not be saved more than ours! Stupid cowards!
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 3:58 AM
To: International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.
Cc: The Economist
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hello international news-media.
Forwarding the latest and updated press release from GGS to democratic countries and NATO with invitation to join the GGS, see below, feel free to join the GGS you also via reply to this mail. Best regards Anna Quist elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 3:50 AM
To: Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; USAs Ambassade terrortips; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; 'info@ncia.nato.int'; 'webmaster@ncia.nato.int'; 'natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int'; PST
Cc: USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom ; Sveriges ambassade; Finlands Ambassade; Islands Ambassade; Danmarks Ambassade; Sveitsiske ambassade ; European Union; Russlands ambassade; 'press@joebiden.com'; International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide; The Green Global Spring Revolution
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hello from GGS to all real democratic and semi democratic countries via the embassies in Oslo, and NATO, CIA and military relevant institutions in Norway, see to/til and copies to above, and the rest of the relevant embassies and countries, and more, are informed via blind copies. Perhaps this newsletter will end up in the spam bin and does not be received or read at all. Very likely, but if you read this message with the forwarding notes from Harald Fagerhus and me below, plus the new AISC report further below, now corrected from some small printing errors, and will follow up by relevant actions, you are all more than welcome to join the Green Global Spring Revolution, GGS, and preferably take it over ca. 100%, and do the necessary military escalation and expansion of the GGS, with significant progress in the World War III globally, and also make Real, i.e. including green Democracy at sufficient high level of democracy degree in your own country and then globally via the World War III, to avoid the terrible World War IIII with full blown climate crisis. Perhaps you do not like the name GGS, then feel free to change it. If you will follow up and join the GGS, feel free to reply to this email, i.e. to the GGS email address, please reply as soon as possible. The GGS does not like to operate in vacuum, and the climate crisis does not wait, but is as a tendency and trend worsening year by year, so better do relevant actions against it now, before it is too late. Best regards Anna Quist elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS). PS. I will continue as spokesperson for the relatively small, but still very international GGS network of today, that will continue as small part of the necessary expanded GGS large global popular movement with whole democratic countries including NATO participating.
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 8:52 PM
To: The Green Global Spring Revolution; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hello fellows world wide, including many anarchists broadly defined, also networkmembers of anarchy.no groups that all have joined the GGS and AISC, and forwarding important messages, see below, that you all should read carefully and follow up with actions. Best regards Anna Quist elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 8:02 PM
To: The Green Global Spring Revolution; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hello to the international and Norwegian researcher network.
Forwarding important messages, see below. You should all join the Green Global Spring (GGS), based on Nobel Prize Winner in economics Ragnar Frisch’ and Frischian Cogrips-model and policy, i.e. Frisch’ work on the matter updated and extended by NØI-INDECO, www.indeco.no, and IJOR/IIFOR, www.anarchy.no, together presenting a large general Cogrips-model & -policy, and follow up this with additional research in the same direction, and stop doing what Frisch called “lommerusk-forskning”, and also take direct and indirect actions in GGS, as we have advised Senterpartiet and the present GGS-network and more to do, below. Best regards Anna Quist elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 7:31 PM
To: Senterpartiet epost; Senterungdommen; 'sp.postmottak@stortinget.no'; 'Marit.Arnstad@stortinget.no'; 'trygve-slagsvold.vedum@stortinget.no'
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hello Senterpartiet.
Forwarding important messages, see below, to Senterpartiet. You should individually and as a party, join the Green Global Spring (GGS), and work to put pressure on Prime Minister Erna Solberg and the Norwegian Bureaucracy in public and also private sector, to create a more Real, i.e. including green, Democracy in Norway, and contribute to international Real, i.e. including green Democracy in all countries world wide, a sufficiently Real, i.e. including green Democracy globally, to save the planet from billions killed in the World War IIII, and most likely resulting in hell ultra-fascism, i.e. including total climate-environment destruction globally. Best regards Anna Quist elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS). PS. Senterpartiet should work for Norwegian and NATO participation in the World War III, to prevent the terrible World War IIII with climate-environment destruction.
From: The Green Global Spring Revolution [mailto:ifa@anarchy.no]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 7:07 PM
To: The Green Global Spring Revolution
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hello to the GGS-network!
Forwarding the newest and a very important AISC-report (see headline) and further forwarding from Harald Fagerhus, - to the GGS-network. Best regards, Anna Quist elected and official spokesperson for the Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS). PS. Feel free to follow up with direct actions (non-violent) of all kinds, but remember direct action means no ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined. We, the mainly embryotic GGS, must try to trigger via popular pressure by direct and indirect actions (say, via elections), the authorities/Bureaucracy in democratic and semi-democratic countries, including the military wing NATO, to create more Real, i.e. always including green Democracy, and join the GGS to create a sufficient large and powerful global People’s organization, to save the planet from full blown climate-crisis, and the end of mankind after some years with hell ultra-fascism, i.e. including total climate-environment destruction.
Direct Action defined and explained: http://www.anarchy.no/directaction.html
From: AISC - Anarchist International Security Council - Federal Bureaus World Wide [mailto:fb@anarchy.no]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 5:59 PM
To: Folket - media og øvrigheten
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hei Folket – media og øvrigheten.
Videresender AISC-notatet nevnt i emnet, og en oppfølgende e-mail til internasjonale nyhetsmedia (se øverst nedenfor), til orientering, til de fleste norske myndighets-organer, politiske grupper, en del store organisasjoner og presse mv. Er det noe dere kan gjøre for å følge opp, f.eks. så Norge blir enda mere Reelt, dvs. inklusive grønt Demokratisk, og til å bidra til og å delta i den nødvendige 3. verdenskrig via NATO, så følg for all del opp. Men les nå stoffet nedenfor – alt sammen, og spesielt pressen bør følge opp stoffet. Dette er viktig stoff! Mvh. Harald Fagerhus. PS. Til Klassekampen, som ikke liker kapitalismen, dere kan vel finne noe interessant i analysen av Trump og USA og det uopplyste pengeveldet der. Og Aftenposten og VG skulle finne noe interessant i analysen av det Kinesiske systemet. Så bare følg opp!
From: AISC - Anarchist International Security Council - Federal Bureaus World Wide [mailto:fb@anarchy.no]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 5:22 PM
To: International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.
Cc: The Economist
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese “communist” party. Report from AISC.
Hello international news-media.
Forwarding the latest report from AISC, mainly about… see headline, to international news-media, especially CNN, BBC, Euronews, Al Jazeera, DW, France 24 and The Economist, hope you find it interesting and will follow up and report about it. It is especially a sharp analysis of the dysfunctional Xi-Chinese ultra-fascist regime and why it cannot work for the People and cannot be improved in Real, included green Democratic direction, but gets all of the time more and more repressive, more ultra-authoritarian and ultra-fascist including anti-climate, and cannot be changed without military intervention by the democratic countries including NATO supporting the heavy and more and more repressed pro-democracy, i.e. including green, opposition and movements in China included Hong Kong. It is also a sharp analysis of Trump and his rule in the USA, and about ways to stop his dysfunctional rule, and change USA in Real, i.e. always including green Democratic direction, which is now necessary because of the climate crisis and for US participation in the World War III.
Especially CNN and the US and Anglophone news-media on our press-list in general, should read this AISC-report carefully, and follow up AISC’s advice. Take time to read it all of you. It represent a social- scientific innovation, based on Nobel-prize-winner in economics Ragnar Frisch’ and Frischian Cogrips-model and -policy.
Best regards Harald Fagerhus, editor of International Journal of Organization Research IJOR/Folkebladet/IJ@-IIFOR & AISC & GGS © ISSN 0800-0220 - electronic issues ISSN 1890-9485 since 2009 – www.anarchy.no. Follow up the message! And please do more green publishing in general! Report about GGS and the climate crisis in general, much more important than the Covid19-crisis!
From: AISC - Anarchist International Security Council - Federal Bureaus World Wide [mailto:fb@anarchy.no]
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 3:06 PM
To: Forsvaret og E-tjenesten; USAs Ambassade terrortips; Statsministerens kontor; Forsvarsdepartementet; Utenriksdepartementet; Utenriksministeren; info@ncia.nato.int; webmaster@ncia.nato.int; natomediaoperations@hq.nato.int; PST
Cc: USAs Ambassade; United Kingdom ; Sveriges ambassade; Finlands Ambassade; Islands Ambassade; Danmarks Ambassade; Sveitsiske ambassade ; European Union; Russlands ambassade; press@joebiden.com; International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.; The people & anarchists and authorities world wide; The Green Global Spring Revolution
Subject: A message especially to USA, also about Trump. The strategic picture before the likely military escalation of the World War III against the dark brown, ultra-fascist Hitlerism and anti-climate rule of the Chinese "communist" party. Report from AISC.
Published on the China report at The Real Democracy = Anarchy Debate: http://www.anarchy.no/andebate.html, search for China in this document to see the whole report about China & Hong Kong, historic and updated, and this AISC-report is also published at the GGS-action website and in the press-release archive at the back of the Frisch-Notatet about the Cogrips-model and –policy at www.indeco.no. More information about China at www.anarchy.no and www.indeco.no.
28.05.2020. Hong Kong security bill backed by China's parliament. China's parliament has backed a new security law for Hong Kong which would make it a crime to undermine Beijing's authority in the territory. The bill - which now passes to China's senior leadership - has caused deep concern among those who say it could end Hong Kong's unique status. It could also see China installing its own security agencies in the region for the first time. The move has already sparked a new wave of anti-mainland protest. Clashes broke out on Wednesday 27.05.2020 as Hong Kong's parliament debated a different proposed law, which would make it a crime to disrespect the Chinese national anthem. Hundreds of people were arrested in protests over that and the security law. Security remains high on Thursday 28.05.2020, as a tense debate in the Legislative Council, Hong Kong’s parliament, continues. At least two pro-democracy legislators were ejected from the council on Thursday. One lawmaker, Ted Hui, threw rotten plants on to the floor of the chamber, saying it symbolised the decay of Hong Kong's political system. "I want the speaker to feel what is meant by rotten," he said. The speaker deemed the package to be an "unknown dangerous object", and called police and fire crews.
What has the reaction been? Full details about exactly what behaviour will be outlawed under the new law are not yet clear. It is due to be enacted before September. But hours before the bill was passed, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said developments in Hong Kong meant it could no longer be considered to have "a high degree of autonomy" from mainland China. That meant that Hong Kong no longer merited being treated differently from the mainland under US law. The declaration could have major implications for Hong Kong's trade hub status and drew an angry reaction from Chinese ultra-fascist authorities in the territory. In a strongly worded statement on Thursday, the office of China's foreign ministry in Hong Kong said it "firmly opposed and refuted" Mr Pompeo's statement and urged the US to "immediately stop meddling" in China's internal affairs. It described US criticism of the new draft law as "utterly imperious, unreasonable and shameless". Japan said it was "seriously concerned" by Beijing's move. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Hong Kong was an "extremely important partner" and that democracy and stability there must be maintained.
The National People's Congress (NPC) – China’s rubberstamp ”parliament” meeting in Beijing after a two-month delay caused by the coronavirus pandemic - backed the security bill resolution with 2,878 votes in favour, one against and six abstentions. The NPC only ever approves legislation put to it by the government so there was no chance the bill would not be supported. The bill - referred to as the Draft Decision - now passes to the Standing Committee of the “Communist” Party, de facto ultra-fascist, which will draw up the full details of the new law. The bill says that "when needed, relevant national security organs of the Central People's Government will set up agencies in Hong Kong to fulfil relevant duties to safeguard national security in accordance with the law". That means China could potentially have its own law enforcement agencies in Hong Kong, alongside the city's own. Critics fear it could lead to Hong Kongers being prosecuted - even retroactively - for criticising their or the mainland's leadership, joining protests or exercising their current rights under local laws.
Why did China do this? Last year, large protests over an extradition law to some extent turned violent and evolved into a broader anti-China, i.e. ultra-fascist, and pro-democracy movement, also with a small green tendency. The ultra-fascist Beijing authorities are keen to avoid a repeat of that unrest, and will via the new security law repress all democratic, including green opposition, in Hong Kong. "The Xi-Chinese ultra-fascist repression will be crushing all opposition in Hong Kong via the new security law, like Hitler's ultra-fascist regime in Germany - effectively ca. 100%. We protest strongly against this law!" Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong anarchists). Sources: BBC and AIIS. PS. ACAME -Chinese Section, the Hong Kong anarchists, are still going strong, and in good spirits, and keep a low profile due to the repression, but clench the fists in the pockets, declaring. "We will not be cowed by the Chinese ultra-fascists! To hell with Xi Jin-Ping sooner or later!" 11.11.2020.
03.06.2020. New AISC-report about China, with updated strategic analysis. Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc. click here: Google Translate. Ingen terrorister historisk har vært anarkister, se http://www.anarchy.no/apt.html. De sentrale anarkistiske talspersonene Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin og Malatesta tok alle avstand fra terrorismen. Men det må være lovlig å bruke vold i legitimt og proporsjonalt selvforsvar mot attakkerende og morderiske rødbrun, blåbrun, bare brun og mørkebrun møkk, og det med harde midler og lut, og det har det vært mye av nå og historisk. Anarkister er generelt ikke idioter og pasifister som Jesus. Merk dere det. Vi tar igjen med det vi har, selv om det ofte kan være lite for suksess, i legitimt selvforsvar. Jevnfør AISC-strategien ved angrep av killer-ochlarchs, se bl.a. http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html, om det skulle bli riktig ille. Vi er ikke der i dag heldigvis i demokratiske land. Men i Saudi-Arabia, Iran, Sudan, Egypt, og vel også Kina main-land, pluss flere mørkebrune møkkaland, er det lang tids tortur, ofte med dødsstraff etter lang tid med helvete, for opposisjonelle pro-demokrater med eller mindre grønn profil, som tør å si noe kritisk om regimet, og ikke lar seg kue 100%. Fy faen for noe mørkebrun møkk.
Men så over til the report “Join The Green Global Spring (GGS) for sufficient Real i.e. including green Democracy – to save The Planet from Manmade Global Warming via Bottom - Up Climate-Actions! A call for more GGS-actions! And the basic about GGS and Cogrips-model and -policy in general!” publisert på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html - med essensen av GGS & Cogrips-model & -policy, helt uten noe om anarkisme og anarki, bare demokrati, også Reelt, dvs. inklusive grønt Demokrati. (= anarki og anarkisme, men det kan man generelt bare glemme. NB! Det er ikke nødvendig å koble på anarkisme-delen av Cogrips-model og –policy i det hele tatt for resonnementet inkludert strategisk analyse og policy-en generelt. Denne anarkisme-delen er et helt unødvendig (men vitenskapelig ca. 100% sant likevel) tillegg til demokrati-analysene, inklusive korrupsjonsloven, som gjelder like sikkert som tyngdeloven og annen naturvitenskap, men innenfor samfunnsvitenskapen.
Korrupsjonsloven har også sin rot i biologi og gen-poolen til menneskene (men ikke bare – vil også avhenge noe av sosialt, dvs. økonomisk og politisk/administrativt, system), som er veldig beslektet med bavian-genene. Ikke alle har det i samme grad, noen er litt arvelig beslektet med tre-apene, som genetisk er ganske non-autoritære, og ikke er så autoritære som bavianer er av natur. AISC-nettverket kan være litt der, men med makt hadde også vi blitt korrupte, helt sikkert, er klart mennesker og derfor bavianlignende også vi, og ikke treape-lignende, som er genetisk non-autoritære. Så korrupsjonsloven gjelder også for oss, men ikke i så alvorlig grad, som for genetiske sociopater, arvelig mørkebrun møkk, som er veldig mye lik bavianene, bare verre – de er destruktive: Makt for enhver pris, inklusive anti-climate. Det er lite forskjell på samfunnsvitenskap og naturvitenskap, begge deler har med gener og arv og biologi å gjøre - ganske mye, men menneskene påvirkes også av sosiale systemer. Demokrati og lite maktkonsentrasjon betyr at effektene av korrupsjonsloven virker svakere. Men at overordnet makt korrumperer, og mer desto mere makt, gjelder like sikkert som tyngdeloven, det er bare det at systemet blir mindre korrupt i vid forstand, når det er lite maktkonsentrasjon – lite topptung pyramide og flat pyramide. I et reelt, dvs. inklusive grønt demokrati, av tilstrekkelig høy demokratigrad, vil selvoppholdelsesdriften til Folket, slå gjennom.
Folkets interesse, dvs. the People's Demands, publisert nær øverst på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.htm, av å unngå full blown climate crisis with Ragnarokk og for barnebarnas ve og vel i fremtiden, vil automatisk føre til at reelt demokrati også blir grønt, når Folkets innflytelse på toppens beslutninger øker tilstrekkelig, og forutsatt at Folket er seg bevisst problemet og har klare krav og mål. GGS har publisert klare mål (demands) i denne sammenheng, se nær øverst på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.htm, og ved større folkelig oppslutning og bidrag til opplysning av Folket generelt, bl.a. via støtte fra nyhetsmedia og store organisasjoner, kan GGS’ The People’s demands, publisert på GGS & anarchy.no, og i Cogrips-model og-policy, også på indeco.no, danne basis for gjennomslag på toppenes beslutninger, og Cogrips-model og -policy generelt, nasjonalt og globalt. Men alt dette går veldig tregt hittil og tilsynelatende med liten til null påvirkning foreløpig fra indeco.no og GGS og anarchy.no generelt. Folket - massene - er lite opplyste både om klimasaken og løsningsforslaget på indeco.no og anarchy.no, får håpe det retter seg tilstrekkelig på lengre sikt, men før det blir full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk. Tiden er ganske knapp for Cogrips-policy tar også tid å gjennomføre i tilstrekkelig grad til å unngå at det blir full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk.
Det som skjer nå er at selve selvoppholdelses-driften (som forutsetter grønt reelt demokrati verden over i tilstrekkelig grad globalt, for å opprettholdes og tilfredsstilles) blir undertrykt fryktelig mye av blå-brun, rødbrun og bare brun, og tendensielt over i mørkebrun møkk, dvs. ultra-fascisme, inkludert anti-klima (som Trump, men han er ikke diktator i USA ennå, som andre mørkebrune herskere er i sine respektive land, dvs. mange i landene bredt rundt ekvator som vil rammes av klimakrise om den slår til for fullt, alle Araber-landene, inklusive Hemedti i Sudan, Iran, mye i Asia og Sør-Amerika og så videre og videre, se resultatene av IIFOR’s demokrati-undersøkelse på anarki.no om demokratigrad = 100% - autoritærgrad – NB! foreløpige tall for nesten alle land i verden og med noen oppdateringer ellers på anarchy.no.) Det er veldig mange mørkebrune inkludert anti-climate møkka-systemer/land på kloden, men de står alle på leirføtter med lite motiverte tropper for tiden – som lett kan slås om de ikke gir seg ved militære trusler, inkludert krav om omlegging til reelt, inklusive grønt demokrati, og de har alle pro-demokrati, mer eller mindre grønne opposisjons-bevegelser, åpent der det går an (foreløpig også i Hong Kong, men der går det mot slutten på dette og opposisjonen må snart gå helt under jorden) og latent, der represjonen er fryktelig brutal som i Kina main-land, og snart også i Hong Kong, i Egypt etc. og mange andre steder, dvs. det er svært mange mørkebrune inkludert anti-climate møkka-land/systemer.
Selv om ikke alle toppene/herskerne der behøver å være ca. 100% genetiske sociopater, så fungerer de ca. 100% sociopatiske likevel, se analysen av Kina på http://www.anarchy.no/andebate.html om hvorfor, dette skyldes i hovedsak veldig stor maktkonsentrasjon og korrupsjonsloven, som trumfer alt, og desto mer korrupt jo mere makt, og slike systemer, som i Kina, er selvforsterkende over tid og blir bare verre og verre, med stadig mere bruk av kull og fossilt ellers, og stadig mere korrupsjon bredt definert og mere represjon og mer og mer topptung sosial pyramide og maktkonsentrasjon, når de kommer over en viss autoritærgrad og blir mørkebrune a la Hitler, og kanskje enda mere autoritære. Blåbrune (erke-konservativ liberalisme, inkludert anti-climate) og rødbrune (ml-kommunistiske o.l. inkludert anti-climate) systemer er lite stabile hybrider, som på grunn av korrupsjonsloven, når den får virke over lang tid uten tilstrekkelige demokratiske, inklusive grønne, motkrefter, tenderer til bare brune (populistisk/fascistiske), og siden via selvforsterkende mekanismer går de over til ultra-fascistiske mørkebrune systemer, som Kina har gjort nylig, og Trump gjerne vil ha i USA, men neppe får til på grunn av sannsynlig tilstrekkelige demokratiske inklusive grønne motkrefter (Joe Biden & Co og mange flere, i opposisjon til Trumps & Co’s veldig ultra-autoritære og ultra-fascistiske inkludert anti-climate og rasisme-politiske tendens, som nok vil stoppes før diktaturet er et faktum).
Og så har vi «free rider» fascismen, som saboterer vanligvis demokratisk systemer, og som fungerer like autoritært og dysfunksjonelt som topptunge maktsystemer, og forhindrer selvoppholdelses-driften til å slå gjennom, som vi har analysert og publisert på http://www.indeco.no/archive/samgrip2.doc (se pressemeldingsarkivet) og på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html. Helt destruktiv er «free rider» fascismen også. Den hersker i toppen i alle de mer eller mindre demokratiske land for tiden, og dessverre blant flere som tror alt er håpløst angående klimakrisen – noe det langt fra er fysisk-sosialt, men holder dette seg over lang tid, kan det medføre full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk om noen ganske få 10-år, fordi demokratiet ikke fungerer, men får ca. 100% autoritærgrad og null % demokratigrad, i det The People’s demands ikke når gjennom i systemet i det hele tatt, dvs. de facto null innflytelse for Folket på de viktige samfunnsmessige beslutningene i hovedsak tatt av Toppene, med påfølgene null realisering av the People's demands (gjengitt på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html, ganske høyt oppe på websiden), altså som nevnt resulterende i null demokratigrad og 100% autoritærgrad, og dermed full ultra-fascisme, uten diktator riktig nok, men pga. dysfunksjon og «free riding» inkludert de facto pasifisme, militær vegring og nekting av nødvendig væpnet påtrykk, i hvert fall seriøse trusler om væpnet støtte, til pro-demokrati inklusive grønn opposisjon, så de ultra-facistiske diktatur-systemene inkludert anti-climate policy, blir avviklet til fordel for tilstrekkelig Reelt, dvs. inklusive grønt Demokrati, raskt nok til å unngå full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk.
Straffebataljoner basert på alle «free rider» pasifister og de facto fungerende som fascister i de demokratiske landene, for nødvendig innsats i «3. verdenskrig» kan komme, som godt botemiddel, men kanskje for sent til å unngå 4. verdenskrig – Ragnarokk og full blown climate-crisis, som trolig vil tapes for demokratiene, som det er forklart både på indeco.no og publisert på GGS’ http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html. Man må i hvert fall true seriøst med væpnet støtte til pro-demokrati inklusive grønn opposisjon, for å få til tilstrekkelig grønt demokrati globalt til å unngå full blown climate-crisis med Ragnarokk i tide. Og man må nok trå til med litt væpnet kamp-støtte også av og til og noen ganger. Har godt litt tøft ut i rapportene om 3. og 4. verdenskrig for å skremme demokratiene og deres Topper til aksjon, men det er opplagt mye som kan gjøres ved trusler om væpnet intervensjon med støtte til pro-demokrati inklusive grønn opposisjon, og trusler om å bruke H-bomber, uten at det blir nødvendig å gjøre det som regel. I hvert fall om man gjør et par avskrekkende statuerende eksempler ganske raskt, så alvoret siger inn i de mørkebrune anti-climate diktaturene.
Opposisjonen i Kina, det er mest skjult opposisjon, ikke så mye åpen opposisjon, i det veldig repressive økonomisk-politiske Kina, bare øker og øker. Så NATO/USA har ikke vanskelig med å ta Xi & Cos tropper ved å støtte opprør. Truer man seriøst med massiv væpnet støtte og også massiv bruk av H-bomber tror AISC at «kommunist-partiet» i Kina vil oppløse seg som i Sovjet Unionen. Systemet til Xi er mye jævligere enn Stalin og Sovjet-unionen, for den var bare brunrød, og mot ultra-fascismen til Hitler. Kineserne er klart ultra-fascister som Hitler, og med rasisme bl.a. mot muslimene i nordvest, og som nevnt tidligere, med stadig mer kull og anti-climate. Men vi tror de bare fungerer som sociopater pga. systemet, som er så jævlig repressivt, korrupt og autoritært at de ikke klarer å styre det lenger i det hele tatt. De er imidlertid trolig ikke genetiske socipopater, som Hitler og Hemedti, derfor tror AISC at de vil gi opp uten mye bråk, i hvert fall tør de ikke utfordre NATOS/USAs store H-bombearsenal med det lille de har av atomvåpen. Og troppene deres har lav moral, og vil trolig desertere og slutte seg til Folkets opprør en masse når det topper seg. Og altså sannsynlig vil de gjøre som i Sovjet-Unionen, oppløse regimet sitt, når de blir utsatt for tilstrekkelig press og trusler om væpnet intervensjon fra NATO/USA, til støtte for åpen og latent pro-demokrati opposisjon, som nok lett kan overtales til å bli grønn, om den ikke alt er lei kullfyringen pga. smog. Det er mulig man må gi fly/rakett støtte, og må få ut våpen og litt spesial-soldater og E-folk, og skape litt militær organisasjon/militia, ut fra rådgivning, så en kan nok ikke bare sitte på røven og true, men tror ikke man trenger mye militær direkte intervensjon fra NATO/USA. Det blir ventelig lite blod og andre grusomheter.
I motsetning til nazister og andre ultra-fascister så tror ml-statskommunistene at de skal gjøre det godt for proletariatet og Folket, men det går ikke an å få det til med diktator pluss sentralkomite i toppstyrt, topptung og repressiv sosial-pyramide pga. korrupsjonsloven som ødelegger alt for dem, bortsett fra at det lovmessig fører til at de stjeler stadig mer og mer og beriker seg ditto i makt og penger til toppene selv, og har anti-klima-politikk som sikker bivirkning. Vi tror egentlig ikke Xi & Co liker seg noe særlig med tanke på barnebarnas fremtid, men systemet er alt for korrupt til at han får lagt det om og løse problemene med ulikheter, klima/kull etc. Systemet gjør at de får til svært lite positivt for Folket generelt. Ml-kommunistene kan ikke korrupsjonsloven, og tror ikke den virker, men den gjelder like sikkert som tyngdekraften og kan ikke oppheves ved idealisme i toppen særlig lenge. Det går bare ikke i praksis. Aldri! Det er mye biologi og genetikk, som gjør at mennesket, som er ganske baviansk, er biologisk bestemt til korrupsjon i vid forstand når det får overordnet makt økonomisk og politisk/administrativt. Men det lille som er igjen av idealisme hos Xi & Co, vil gjøre at de gir lett opp under sterk opposisjon støttet av NATO/USA med signifikant press på Xi & Co. De, inklusive diktatoren Xi, er neppe som Hitler som setter inn ungene sine til å slåss, selv når det åpenbart bare er destruktivt og det er helt håpløst. Xi er neppe like ille som Hitler var, selv om korrupsjonsloven skaper brutalitet og moralsk korrupsjon også.
Man får ikke løst klimaproblemet med Xi & Cos system, det er et stort og voksende problem der – Kina er digert med mye folk, og klimaproblemet der blir bare større og større pga. total mangel på styring ut fra Folkets inkludert barnebarnas interesser. «Kommunistenes» ultra-fascistiske med anti-klima system i Kina, må altså bort ganske raskt om vi skal unngå «full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk». Hvordan de sannsynlig vil te seg i et eventuelt Ragnarokk, har AISC analysert strategisk tidligere og konklusjonen var at da kan de være et veldig alvorlig og uhyre farlig sikkerhets-problem med atomvåpen og motiverte tropper, sammen med, og alliert med, andre ultra-fascister/anti-klima diktaturer lokalisert til de ubeboelige områdene vidt omkring ekvator m.m, som de neppe vil holde seg i særlig lenge, men prøve Lebensraum-krigføring nordover og sørover på kloden. Og alle ultra-fascister over hele kloden vil trolig rotte seg sammen, for å erobre verdensherredømme, ikke bare diktaturer fra rundt ekvator. Preventivt må Kineserne, tropper og Top, nå tas ut snarlig, Chamberlain-isme og pasifisme holder ikke, da får man det i fleisen meget ubehagelig og fatalt i voldsom grad senere i Ragnarokk, pluss helvete med ødelagt klima og miljø generelt i den anledning. Resolution by AISC, The Anarchist International Security Council.
Lawmaker: “This is the 'death knell' for Hong Kong's democracy fight.” The entirety of Hong Kong's elected pro-democracy opposition announced its resignation Wednesday in protest over the expulsion of four lawmakers. The dramatic move comes after Beijing passed a resolution giving local authorities broad new powers to quash dissent, likely signaling the end of political opposition in the city. The resolution, passed by China's highest legislative body, allows Hong Kong's executive to expel elected lawmakers directly without having to go through the courts, cementing Beijing's control over the semi-autonomous territory. Under the new ruling, lawmakers who are deemed to promote or support Hong Kong independence, or who refuse to acknowledge Beijing's sovereignty, will "immediately lose their qualifications," the resolution said. It also applies to elected lawmakers who "seek foreign forces to intervene in the affairs of Hong Kong, or who have endangered national security" and who "fail to uphold the Basic Law" -- the city's mini constitution -- as well as those who are deemed "not loyal to the legal requirements and conditions" of the territory.
The four legislators, Alvin Yeung, Dennis Kwok, Kwok Ka-ki and Kenneth Leung, were immediately disqualified from the city's Legislative Council following the ruling, the Hong Kong government said. The four were previously barred from running in now postponed legislative elections earlier this year. The ruling means that Beijing has effectively closed off one of the few remaining avenues open to Hong Kong residents to voice political dissent, following the imposition of a sweeping national security law in June criminalizing subversion. The government clampdown comes in response to months of pro-democracy protests, which at their height last summer attracted more than 1 million people, and plunged the city into political crisis. Some Hong Kong activists including former lawmakers and protest leaders have sought political asylum in other countries, fearing for their safety under the new measures. In a show of solidarity on Monday, the city's 15 remaining pro-democracy lawmakers announced they would step down en masse, saying that the "One Country Two Systems" framework that had meant to provide Hong Kong with greater autonomy from the mainland is now officially dead.
At a press conference announcing the mass resignation on Wednesday, Dennis Kwok, one of the four disqualified lawmakers, said that Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam had "sought to turn the Legislative Council into a one party system." "It is ridiculous that the government has completely given up the Basic Law and 'One Country Two Systems'," he said. "The Legislative Council has the responsibility to check the government." Kwok said that the pan democratic lawmakers "will stand together with our disqualified colleagues and we will today all resign together." The group said they would hand in their resignations in the legislative chamber together on Thursday. Before their announcement, pro-democracy lawmaker Claudia Mo told CNN that the authorities "have practically put the nail into Hong Kong's democracy fight. " "From now on, anyone deemed to be politically incorrect will not be allowed to run in the election," she said. "They are making sure only patriots can join Hong Kong's political election." China's National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) passed the resolution following a meeting in Beijing on Monday. The move is a latest in a months long clampdown on opposition and pro-democracy voices in the city, following last year's anti-government protest movement.
Lam, Hong Kong's leader, said in a press conference Wednesday that those who do not respect China's sovereignty "cannot genuinely perform their duties as legislators." "I welcome diverse opinion in the Legislative Council and respect the checks and balances," Lam said, adding that, "all of those responsibilities must be exercised responsibly." Though a part of China, Hong Kong has its own legal and political system, with limited democracy and greater personal freedoms than on the mainland. Opposition lawmakers -- the democratic camp -- held a minority in the 70-member Legislative Council and had often resorted to filibustering and other procedural tactics to slow down legislation they saw as diminishing those social freedoms. RTHK previously reported that Beijing was seeking to unseat the now disqualified lawmakers for violating Hong Kong's Basic Law by filibustering meetings. Emily Lau, former chair for the Democratic Party, said that she believed the Hong Kong government and the ruling Communist Party in Beijing had become frustrated with these tactics. "It is absolutely devastating," said Lau, a former Legislative Council member, of the new resolution. "We have procedures in the Basic Law if you want to kick out a legislator but they have just ignored all that ... there's no rule of law. It's sending a very bad signal to Hong Kong and the world."
Lau said that the broad definition of new ruling means it could be applied to "almost half of the population" and that the only people who could now run for government would be those who would "kowtow to Beijing." In July, 12 pro-democracy candidates, including the now-excluded four, were disqualified from standing in now-postponed legislative elections on the grounds that they would not uphold the city's mini-constitution. They included prominent Hong Kong activist and former leader of the 2014 Umbrella Movement Joshua Wong, and a number of candidates from more traditional pro-democracy parties, as well as several young activists who cut their political teeth in last year's pro-democracy protest movement. The legislative election, which had been scheduled for September 6, was postponed in July for 12 months due to coronavirus concerns. But some pro-democracy activists claimed the government was using the pandemic as an excuse to indefinitely postpone a crucial election for Hong Kong. Just under half the seats in the Legislative Council are controlled by so-called functional constituencies, which represent business and society groups and are typically pro-government. The rest go to candidates in geographical constituencies, and before the election postponement, opposition parties had aimed to ride a wave of discontent with the government to fill those seats. Critics now fear that with Beijing's ruling and the expulsion of democracy lawmakers, Hong Kong's parliament may just become a rubber stamp body for pro-Beijing policies. Source: CNN 11.11.2020.
The UK, US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand have accused China of a concerted campaign to silence critical voices in Hong Kong in breach of its international obligations. Their foreign ministers urged Beijing to reinstate elected members of the territory's legislature who were arbitrarily dismissed last week. As China tightens its grip on Hong Kong, international unease is growing. The UK and its four allies voiced "serious concern" at China's new rules.
These rules disqualify some elected members of Hong Kong's Legislative Council. The foreign ministers say this is a clear breach of China's legally binding commitments to protect the territory's freedoms and autonomy. They accuse Beijing of a concerted campaign to silence critical voices by undermining the rights of people in Hong Kong to elect their representatives. It is essential for Hong Kong's stability and prosperity, they say, for people to express their legitimate concerns. So they urge China to reinstate the legislators and live up to its commitments as a leading member of the international community. The question now is whether this political pressure will ever be reinforced by economic sanctions. Source BBC: 19.11.2020.
03.12.2020. Hong Kong is running out of opposition. Three high-profile democracy activists were jailed Wednesday, (02.12.2020) others have already fled the city, while still more face prosecution. Their cases involve a host of charges, both serious and petty, with one of those jailed this week, Agnes Chow, convicted in large part for shouting slogans through a megaphone. The city's parliament no longer has any pro-democratic members, while the media and judiciary are coming under increasing pressure. Protests, once a symbol of Hong Kong, have been stifled by a new national security law and sporadically-applied coronavirus restrictions. Invisible red lines are spreading out through a host of fields, with journalists facing arrest for accessing public records, or legislators accused of colluding with foreign powers for attending certain meetings. All the while, as members of the opposition are picked off one-by-one, the likelihood of them being replaced by new blood is shrinking, as the spaces for cultivating new talent shrink and the cost of getting involved in politics rises ever higher.
Chow, 24, was convicted Wednesday alongside Joshua Wong and Ivan Lam. All three are former student protesters and members of the now-disbanded political party Demosisto, icons of the youth-led movement behind both the 2014 Umbrella protests and the unrest that gripped the Chinese city last year. It was the first time Chow has been jailed, and she sobbed as the sentence was read out. Both Lam and Wong have been to prison before, and dragged before court even more often. A day later, another iconic opposition figure, Jimmy Lai -- the septuagenarian founder of pro-democracy tabloid Apple Daily -- was denied bail after an initial hearing into a fraud case. He will remain behind bars until the next trial date in April. In denying bail, the judge deemed the multimillionaire to be a flight risk, though Lai previously vowed to stay in the city and fight, despite facing growing pressure related to his activism. More information at https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/03/asia/hong-kong-democracy-arrests-protest-intl-hnk/index.html.
Hong Kong media tycoon and pro-democracy supporter Jimmy Lai has been charged with fraud and detained until a court hearing in April next year (2021). On Thursday 03.12.2020 a court denied him bail over a charge relating to the "illegal" use of his company's premises. It comes a day after three prominent pro-democracy activists were jailed. The arrests have raised fears of a renewed crackdown on the city's activists and media figures, spurred by a controversial new repressive security law. China has said the new law will return stability to the territory after a year of unrest, but critics say it has silenced dissent. The ACAME - Chinese Section, the Hong Kong anarchists, are still going strong, and in good spirits, and keep a low profile due to the repression, but clench the fists in the pockets, declaring. "We will not be cowed by the Chinese ultra-fascists! To hell with Xi Jin-Ping sooner or later!" They protest actively against the arrests, but will not however provoke the Xi-ultra-fascists to more repressive measures, by rallies or stands, etc. Sources: CNN, BBC and AIIS
04.12.2020. China is greatest threat to freedom - US intelligence chief. The top US intelligence official says China is the "greatest threat to democracy and freedom" since World War Two. Writing in the Wall St Journal, John Ratcliffe said China was growing its power by stealing US secrets and then replacing US firms in the market. The Trump administration has taken a hard line on China, imposing tariffs on Chinese goods and accusing Beijing of intellectual property theft. China has responded forcefully to US moves such as the imposition of tariffs and efforts to keep the telecoms giant Huawei out of the American market. Beijing was preparing for confrontation with the US and intended to dominate the world "economically, militarily and technologically", Mr Ratcliffe warned. Some of Mr Ratcliffe's comments echo previous interventions by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and FBI chief Christopher Wray. However, they also come at a time when China has stepped up pressure on US ally Australia, publishing a list of ways it wants Canberra to change its behaviour, slapping tariffs on imports of Australian wine and provoking the Australian government over its rights record in Afghanistan.
More information at https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55177975. Sources: BBC and AIIS.
08.12.2020. Eight Hong Kong democracy activists including three former lawmakers were arrested Tuesday 08.12.2020 for their part in a July protest, the latest in a broad crackdown by authorities under a sweeping new security law. The detained include veteran activist "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung, the former chief of Hong Kong's Democratic Party Wu Chi-wai, ex-legislator Eddie Chu and Figo Chan, the organiser of an annual rally marking the British handover of the city to China in 1997. Police said they are suspected of inciting, organising and joining an "unauthorised assembly" on July 1, for which they could face a maximum of five years in prison. The arrests came hours after the United States sanctioned 14 top Chinese officials in retaliation for Beijing's disqualification of pro-democracy lawmakers from Hong Kong's legislature last month. Beijing imposed a national security law in Hong Kong on June 30, a move aimed at crushing dissent in the international financial hub following months of huge protests last year.
Thousands of protesters took to the streets the day after its passage, leading to the arrest of over 370 people, including some for carrying banners and flags adorned with pro-democracy slogans. Hong Kong's administration insists the law has not impinged on the rights to freedom of speech and assembly guaranteed to the territory when it returned to Chinese rule in 1997, that is a damned lie. Activists, including anarchists, have spoken of a chilling effect over the city's opposition, as certain opinions and actions became illegal almost overnight. On Monday 07.12.2020, police arrested three people for chanting banned slogans at a university campus last month, accusing them of unlawful assembly and "inciting secession". As mentioned above, last week leading dissident Joshua Wong and two other prominent activists were jailed over a 2019 rally outside police headquarters. Sources: AFP and AIIS.
Thank you for your e-mail. We shall take follow-up action where appropriate...
From: LegCo ...
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2020 8:41 PM
To: Globaldistribution [for ACAME]
Subject: ... Re : Updated! Join The Green Global Spring (GGS) for sufficient Real i.e. always including green Democracy - to save The Planet from Manmade Global Warming via Bottom - Up - pro-democracy - Actions! A call for more GGS-actions!
This is to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail.
Please note that, where appropriate, your e-mail will be forwarded to Legislative Council Members and/or the relevant Legislative Council committees.
Thank you for your e-mail.
Public Complaints Office
Legislative Council Secretariat
26.09.2019. The Green Global Spring Revolution has started the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!".
This global action started with a note from the Anarchist International Embassy (AIE) sent 26.09.2019 to the embassies of China and USA and EU's delegation in Oslo, and also distributed world wide - see below for the note and more information.
05.12.2020 the Economist reports: making coal history. Celebrate the decline of coal in rich western countries. Asia must be next.
The world is finally burning less of the stuff.
It now faces the challenge of using almost none at all. Europe and America have shown that King Coal can be dethroned, but they cannot be bystanders as Asia works to complete the revolution.
If politicians in Europe and America are serious about fighting global warming, they must work harder to depress coal elsewhere (page 13 & 20).
The corona pandemic has led to the world emitting 7 percent less CO2 this year (2020) than last year (2019), according to UNEP 2020, the UN's annual status report on the world climate.
Nevertheless, the temperature in 2050 will only be 0.01 degrees Celsius lower than it would have been without a pandemic, due to the accumulation effect of CO2 in the atmosphere. Sources: NRK & AIIS 09.12.2020.
12.12.2020. Five years after the Paris accord, UN chief Antonio Guterres calls on members, i.e. including China, to declare a 'state of climate emergency', and make good
on their promises to slash carbon pollution as they recover from the pandemic, "until carbon neutrality is reached," he added.
Speaking at the opening of the Climate Ambition summit, held online to mark five years since the Paris climate deal, Guterres warned that nations' current commitments were "far from enough" to limit temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
"If we don't change course, we may be headed for a catastrophic temperature rise of more than 3.0 degrees this century," he said. However: Only big words and no deeds related to the summit, due to "free riders".
Especially Xi Jin-Ping's China talks load about domestic and global climate-actions, but self makes new coal-plants all of the time. Sources: France 24 & AIIS.
Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, etc., and vice versa (click on:) Google Translate.
Anarchist International Embassy in Oslo
l'ambassade du monde
We have the honor to inform you, on behalf of The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), about our "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". The top three greenhouse gas emitters — China, the United States (USA) and the European Union (EU) — contribute more than half of total global emissions. The main problem in these countries is coal. While 1. many countries vowed to drop coal at the UN 2019 Climate Action Summit, and 2. Greta Thunberg, a network-member/subscriber of the GGS, and 15 other young activists filed a UN complaint arguing big emitter countries violate children's rights, 3. the major emitters were mainly silent. As a part of the new The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS), we today start the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!"
In this action we, the GGS and associates & allies, will work hard and use all legal means; diplomacy, direct actions and indirect - with sanctions - and more, to achieve this aim as soon as possible! As stated 24.09.2019 in the GGS Report no 1: "The main strategy of the GGS is direct actions, sometimes supplemented with indirect actions (e.g. via elections), both with sanctions broadly defined, creating strength, force and pressure against the top (upper class), to achieve a more bottom - up approach, where the bottom - the People's demands, including “a safe pathway under 1.5C” global warming, are met." And as part of this general approach, the People now demand: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!, and we will not stop the action until this demand is met. Start to drop coal significantly NOW!
Today’s diplomatic action is of course only a first small step in this broad based "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". There will be much more to come… We must ask the 3 embassies/delegations, i.e. of China, USA and the EU, to forward this note from the AIE to relevant staff of the respective governments. This note is also distributed as a press release world wide, including to several other embassies/delegations and heads of state, and published at the GGS Report no 1. To China, USA, EU and also all other countries that use lots of coal, say, India and Australia: NB! Drop coal as soon as possible – start NOW!
We send the assurances of our greatest appreciations
Yours sincerely
Chargé d'affaires Anna Quist
for AIE
26.09.2019 - Updated 27.09.2019
Web of the AIE: http://www.anarchy.no/embassy.html.
The note, plus general information about the AIE, was sent 26.09.2019 as an e-mail to webmaster@chinese-embassy.no; osloirc@state.gov; delegation-norway@eeas.europa.eu; and world wide, titled:
"Update 26.09.2019 from The Green Global Spring Revolution: A note from AIE about the "Action: China, USA and EU! Drop Coal!". To the embassies of China and USA and EU's delegation in Oslo. Also distributed world wide!"
The note, per 26.09.2019 is published at the AIE-homepage, and at the (click on:) GGS Report no 1, and also featured at the homepage of (click on:) The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
PS. 27.09.2019. Ad Greta Thunberg's (of GGS) UN complaint! The 3 evil Coal-Monarchs: Xi Jinping of China, Donald Trump of USA and Jean-Claude Juncker (soon Ursula von der Leyen) of EU, are responsible for the Child Abuse!
The updated note with the PS is 27.09.2019 distributed and published the same way as the note dated 26.09.2019, but sent from The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS).
18.12.2020. Exiles and the inmates: The heart-wrenching hand dealt to Hong Kong's democracy activists: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/17/asia/hong-kong-exiles-and-inmates-dst-hnk-intl/index.html.
23.12.2020. India, Vietnam strengthen defence ties amid shared concerns over China’s assertiveness = militarism
• Prime ministers Modi and Nguyen held a virtual summit to enhance security cooperation and discuss ‘peace and freedom’ in the South China Sea
• Hanoi has had repeated run-ins with Beijing over the disputed waterway this year, while China and India are still locked in a border stand-off
https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3115104/india-vietnam-strengthen-defence-ties-amid-shared-concerns-over . Source: SCMP.
30.12.2020. Hong Kongers who tried to flee to Taiwan jailed in China for up to 3 years: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/29/asia/hong-kong-china-taiwan-jail-intl-hnk/index.html
31.12.2020. China sought to pay non-state actors to attack US forces in Afghanistan: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/30/politics/china-us-forces-afghanistan/index.html
Neither human rights concerns nor US disapproval could stop the EU-China investment agreement: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/31/asia/eu-china-trade-deal-human-rights-us-intl-hnk/index.html
03.01.2020. China’s military takes charge of war powers with new defence law
• Legislative amendments in force from New Year’s Day, remove policy and decision making from State Council
• The new laws also give Central Military Commission, headed by Xi Jinping, authority to mobilise civilian resources. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3115988/chinas-military-takes-charge-war-powers-new-defence-law
China-EU investment deal: who’s the real winner after seven years of negotiations? China... https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3116240/china-eu-investment-deal-whos-real-winner-after-seven-years Source: SCMP.
04.01.2021. Vietnam pins hopes on Japan to face down Beijing in South China Sea oil hunt
• Hanoi is proceeding with joint drilling ventures with Japanese firms in the disputed waterway despite the failure of similar projects with other countries
• But analysts say China is likely to test Vietnam through maritime military provocations if the energy ventures go ahead
https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3116152/vietnam-pins-hopes-japan-face-down-beijing-south-china-sea-oil. Source. SCMP.
06.01.2021. Mass arrests of former Hong Kong opposition lawmakers, activists for alleged national security law violations - a Hitler-like die Kristallnacht in HK,
• Occupy Central co-founder Benny Tai detained along with former legislators James To, Lam Cheuk-ting, Andrew Wan, Alvin Yeung and Wu Chi-wai
• Stand News, which helped organise a forum for the pan-democratic camp’s primary contests last July, told to turn in documents ‘connected to national security law cases’
https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3116573/dozens-hong-kong-opposition-lawmakers-activists. Source: SCMP.
10.01.2021. Pompeo: US to lift restrictions on contacts with Taiwan, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55606594. Source: BBC.
12.01.2021. UK moves to ban Chinese imports linked to forced Uighur labour, see: https://www.france24.com/en/business/20210112-uk-moves-to-ban-chinese-imports-suspected-of-using-forced-uighur-labour. Source: France 24.
13.01.2021. US bans cotton and tomato products from China's Xinjiang region over forced labor concerns, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/13/china/us-blocks-cotton-tomato-imports-xinjiang-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
China ‘must power up nuclear plans’ to meet carbon neutral targets?
• Industry observers say Fukushima disaster and problems with third-generation design held back capacity growth
• A fourth generation of plants could be a game changer, former lead developer says. Nuclear plants are no solution, according to ACAME.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3117463/china-must-power-nuclear-plans-meet-carbon-neutral-targets. Sources: SCMP & AIIS.
16.01.2021. ‘Survivor of the Chinese Gulag’: "China that tortures. China that is killing its Uighur citizens." Uighur refugee in France recounts her ordeal, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210116-survivor-of-the-chinese-gulag-uighur-refugee-in-france-recounts-her-ordeal Source: France 24.
19.01.2021. US accuses China of 'genocide' of Uyghurs and minority groups in Xinjiang, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/19/us/us-xinjiang-china-genocide-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
22.01.2021. China was threatened with a great catastrophe, but was saved by AISC. See also: http://www.anarchy.no/iwwai.html, distributed global, also in China included Hong Kong. Source: AIIS.
24.01.2021. Join The Green Global Spring (GGS) for sufficient Real i.e. always including green Democracy - to save The Planet from Manmade Global Warming via Bottom - Up - pro-democracy - Actions! GGS Climate-Action No 1: China, USA & EU! Drop Coal!, see: http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html, distributed global, also in China included Hong Kong. Source: AIIS.
24.01.2021. Taiwan reports large incursion by Chinese warplanes for second day, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55788359. Source: BBC.
25.01.2021. Sikkim: Chinese and Indian troops 'in new border clash', see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55793112. Source: BBC.
26.01.2021. Kinesisk økonomi revisited. Slavekontrakter og direkte slaveri bl.a. i Gulag, skaper billig arbeidskraft. Offisiell minsteinntekt er på ca. halvparten av WTOs fattigdomsgrense, og mange har ikke den engang. De klarer ikke å utvikle teknologi, jevnfør totalitært system, se EP-kartet http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html, og må kjøpe, rappe og kopiere. Til tross for et stort, rikt og mektig privat og offentlig byråkrati, sist med militærtoppen som medlemmer, blir de derfor «konkurransedyktige» på pris internasjonalt. Subsidier på eksport skaffer ytterligere utenlandsk valuta, som de bruker bl.a. til å kjøpe teknologi og råvarer, og på luksus til byråkratiet. Men de er grådige og vil ha mer, derfor militarisme, innledet siste året og spesielt de siste månedene. At dette steinkorrupte kinesiske byråkratiet også de facto gir blaffen i klimaet, følger uforbedrelig av det ultra-fascistiske systemet, og kan bare endres og forbedres klimamessig av en systemendring i signifikant flatere retning. Source: AIIS. Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc., and vice versa: Google Translate.
26.01.2021. Chinese economy revisited. Slave contracts and direct slavery i.a. in the Gulag, creates cheap labor. The official minimum income is approx. half of the WTO's poverty line, and many do not even have it. They are unable to develop technology, cf. totalitarian system, see the EP map http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html, and have to buy, steal and copy it. Despite a large, rich and powerful private and public bureaucracy, most recently with the military top as members, they therefore become "competitive" in price internationally. Subsidies on exports provide additional foreign currency, which they use i.a. to buy technology and raw materials, and on luxury to the bureaucracy. But they are greedy and want more, therefore militarism, initiated last year and especially in recent months. The fact that this stone-corrupt Chinese bureaucracy also de facto gives the damn in the climate, follows incorrigibly from the ultra-fascist system, and can only be changed and improved climate-wise by a system change in a significantly flatter direction. Source: AIIS.
28.01.2021. China-US tensions: new American defence chief calls on Japan and South Korea to team up in Indo-Pacific
• Soon after being sworn in, US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin calls for Asian allies to strengthen military ties
• American maritime manoeuvres in the South China Sea continue despite change of administration in the US
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3119111/china-us-tensions-new-american-defence-chief-calls-japan-and. Source: SCMP.
China’s new KJ-600 surveillance aircraft completes latest test flight
• PLA’s carrier-based early warning aircraft took to the skies over Xian on Wednesday morning, military insider says
• Domestically developed plane, which is in its final stages of development, is capable of spotting stealth aircraft like American F-22s and F-35s
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3119636/chinas-new-kj-600-surveillance-aircraft-completes-latest-test. Source: SCMP.
‘Taiwan independence means war’: China’s defence ministry warns Joe Biden against siding with Taipei
• Military activities in the Taiwan Strait included flyovers by warplanes and fighter jets, part of Beijing’s ‘stern response to external interference’
• Nominee for US ambassador to the UN says Washington must help Taiwan push back against efforts by mainland
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3119663/taiwan-independence-means-war-chinas-defence-ministry-warns. Source: SCMP.
China-US tension: Biden administration pledges to back Japan and Philippines in maritime disputes
• US secretary of state says America will stand with Southeast Asian claimants in the face of pressure from Beijing in South China Sea
• Phone calls with ministers from Australia and Thailand underscore US drive to strengthen military and security alliances in Indo-Pacific
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3119578/south-china-sea-blinken-pledges-us-backing-philippines-event. Source: SCMP.
29.01.2021. Pentagon spokesman dismisses China’s warning on Taiwan as ‘unfortunate’
• The US Defence Department under the Biden administration ‘sees no reason why tensions over Taiwan need to lead to anything like confrontation’, spokesman says
• Comment is a response to China’s defence ministry saying that ‘Taiwan independence means war’
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3119695/pentagon-spokesman-dismisses-chinas-warning-taiwan-unfortunate. Source: SCMP.
US should continue to view China as a threat, says congressional panel
• The story the Chinese Communist Party ‘is telling around the world is one that is often based on lies and half-truths,’ says US congressional panel’s co-chair
• The panel’s comments reflect a widespread distrust of China in the US that has lasted beyond the end of the Trump presidency
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3119692/us-should-continue-view-china-threat-says-congressional-panel. Source: SCMP.
China and India dig in at Himalayan border, with an eye on Washington
• There is no resolution in sight in the months-long border stand-off, with both countries’ militaries reinforcing their positions and no talks scheduled
• Analysts say Beijing is trying to get a better feel for what US President-elect Joe Biden’s China policy might be before making its next move
See: https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3117796/china-and-india-dig-himalayan-border-eye-washington. Source. SCMP.
China-India border dispute: Delhi minister slams Beijing over troops, infrastructure
• Subrahmanyam Jaishankar tells conference China has ‘signalled a disregard for commitments about minimising troop levels’
• Sensitivity to both sides’ interests cannot be one-sided, he says of negotiations that have yet to achieve a breakthrough
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3119720/china-india-border-dispute-delhi-minister-slams-beijing-over. Source: SCMP.
China warns Taiwan independence 'means war' as US pledges support, see https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55851052. Source: BBC.
Special UK visa for Hong Kong residents from Sunday 31.01.2021, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-55847572. Source: BBC.
BN(O) visa to allow staggered arrivals of successful family applicants, as Boris Johnson says scheme is about Britain standing up for Hong Kong
• New visa will allow everyone with BN(O) status and their dependants to stay in Britain for up to five years and to apply for citizenship after six years
• Hongkongers lodging their applications between January 31 and February 22 will have to make an online appointment to submit fingerprints at North Point visa centre
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3119687/bn-o-visa-allow-staggered-arrivals-successful-family. Source: SCMP.
Hong Kong national security law: Beijing won’t recognise British National (Overseas) passports as travel papers from Sunday 31.01.2021, reserves right on further action
• Announcement comes hours after the British government set out details of application process for new BN(O) visas
• Move seen as retaliation against London’s pathway to citizenship for eligible Hongkongers
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3119777/hong-kong-national-security-law-beijing-will-not-recognise. Source: SCMP. Updated.
UK prepares to welcome thousands of Hong Kongers fleeing national security law, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/29/asia/uk-hong-kong-bno-passports-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
UK stands firm over special visa for Hong Kong residents, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-55858851. Source: BBC.
South China Sea: Chinese military deploys ballistic missile’s launchers for training
• Destinations of DF-26 missile’s launchers put India within its range and pose a threat to US naval base in Japan
• China had last year staged a drill in which a DF-26 missile was launched into the South China Sea to target a moving ship
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3119203/south-china-sea-chinese-military-deploys-ballistic-missiles. Source: SCMP.
US admiral calls China’s anti-ship ballistic missiles a ‘destabilising effort’ that may not win a war
• Vice Admiral Jeffrey Trussler says United States is closely watching the PLA’s missile programme
• He hopes ‘they just keep pouring money into that type of thing’ because it may not help win a conflict
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3119798/us-admiral-calls-chinas-anti-ship-ballistic-missiles. Source: SCMP.
30.01.2021. Top adviser to Joe Biden says US plans to shift foreign policy to prioritise China
• Jake Sullivan, national security adviser, says Washington must repair relations with allies to build leverage against Beijing
• ‘China is right at the top of the list of things that we’ve got to work together on,’ he says
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3119879/top-adviser-joe-biden-says-us-plans-shift-foreign-policy. Source: SCMP.
Hong Kong BN(O): Britain stands firm on visa offer after Beijing declares the passports will no longer be recognised for travel, identification
• Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman says Britain will ‘not look the other way’ when it comes to Hongkongers with BN(O) status
• Beijing to stop recognising the passports as travel and identification documents from Sunday with further retaliation a possibility
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3119885/hong-kong-bno-britain-stands-firm-visa-offer-after-beijing. Source: SCMP.
China-US relations: as Biden team gathers allies, it finds Asian partners...
• The US president as well his secretaries of state and defence have sent early and consistent diplomatic signals about China and the Indo-Pacific
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3119890/china-us-relations-biden-team-gathers-allies-it-finds-asian. Source: SCMP.
South Korea, US set to move closer under Joe Biden, but China has concerns
• Annual joint military exercises to resume and Biden vows to drop US threat to withdraw troops from Korean peninsula over cost-sharing
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3119846/south-korea-us-set-move-closer-under-joe-biden-china-has. Source: SCMP.
31.01.2021. Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown. See: https://www.euronews.com/2021/01/31/thousands-flee-hong-kong-for-uk-fearing-china-crackdown. Source: Euronews.
Hong Kong BN(O): as applications open, families torn between moving all together or leaving one parent behind to make money
• With the scheme opening on Sunday, families must decide whether to head to Britain together or have one adult remain in the city to continue earning money
• Some are worried about breaking up the household, but finding a job after arriving is far from certain.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3119927/hong-kong-bno-applications-open-families-torn-between. Source: SCMP.
Update: Beijing lambasted London as the application window for the new British National (Overseas) visa programme opened on Sunday, calling the move “the logic of a brazen bandit”, crossing a Red Line.
China military’s landmark J-20 stealth fighter started a decade of modernisation
• The fifth generation jet’s maiden flight shocked the world and changed the regional balance of power
• Its development heralded a wave of advanced home-grown hardware, from aircraft carriers to hypersonic missiles
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3119615/china-militarys-landmark-j-20-stealth-fighter-started-decade. Source: SCMP.
China may seek to close nuclear gap after US and Russia agree to extend New START treaty
• The deal between Moscow and Washington gives Beijing the chance to play catch-up, but it may face increasing pressure to join future talks on non-proliferation
• One military source says the country now has around 1,000 warheads, but less than 100 of these are active
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3119913/china-may-seek-close-nuclear-gap-after-us-and-russia-agree. Source: SCMP.
01.02.2021. First Hongkongers head to North Point to apply for new BN(O) visas as Executive Council member pours cold water on scheme
• Parents with small children dominate a slightly busier than normal day at Britain’s visa centre in city
• But Exco’s Regina Ip dismisses new programme, saying it will draw those with ‘no skills and qualifications’. Britain’s visa centre in North Point was slightly busier than normal on Monday as the first Hong Kong residents walked through its doors to apply for a new British National (Overseas) immigration scheme, even as a member of the city’s Executive Council [Hong Kong's local government] said they were being treated like “refugees”.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3120072/first-hongkongers-make-way-north-point-apply-new-bno-visas. Source: SCMP.
Britain formally requests to join CPTPP mega trade pact
• UK Secretary of State for International Trade Liz Truss made the request in a videoconference with her Japanese and New Zealand counterparts
• Japan assumes the presidency of the CPTPP’s decision-making body this year, while New Zealand is responsible for receiving accession requests
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/3120116/britain-formally-requests-join-cptpp-mega-trade-pact. Source: SCMP.
02.02.2021. Taiwan lawmakers seek to remove references to mainland unity from constitution
• Pro-independence politicians also want to change island’s emblem and anthem, saying they are too closely associated with the opposition Kuomintang
• One supporter of the change says the constitution reflects a ‘Greater China’ mentality rather than reality
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3120122/taiwan-lawmakers-seek-remove-references-mainland-unity. Source: SCMP.
03.02.2021. 'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape. Women in China's "re-education" camps for Uighurs have been systematically raped, sexually abused, and tortured, according to detailed new accounts obtained by the BBC. See: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55794071. Source: BBC.
04.02.2021. Biden declares 'America is back' as he announces major foreign policy shifts. The President spoke only generally about China, saying the US will confront Beijing's "economic abuses, counter its aggressive, coercive action to push back on China's attack on human rights, intellectual property, and global governance." See: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/04/politics/biden-state-department-visit/index.html. Source: CNN.
05.02.2021. Hong Kong: Children to be taught about national security law. "The government basically does not trust schools. These measures will destroy the teacher-student relationship…”, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55948773. Source: BBC.
06.02.2021. China's top diplomat takes hardline stance in first call with new US Secretary of State. The US would continue to stand up for human rights and democratic values, including in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong. The US would work together with its allies and partners to hold China accountable for its "efforts to threaten stability in the Indo-Pacific, including across the Taiwan Strait,"..., see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/06/asia/blinken-us-china-call-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
09.02.2021. For a brief period, there was a platform for sensitive political debate in China. Then censors shut it down. But even before the app was blocked, there were potential security concerns for users within mainland China. Accounts are also tied to users' mobile phone numbers, which in China are registered under owners' real names. Furthermore, it would be a relatively simple task for the Chinese authorities to infiltrate open chat groups on issues such as Xinjiang and record what is being said for future use. See: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/08/tech/clubhouse-china-censorship-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
11.02.2021. Biden speaks with Chinese President Xi Jinping for first time as President, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/10/politics/biden-xi-call/index.html. Source: CNN.
12.02.2021. Biden says call with Xi was 'robust,' but China doesn't seem too concerned, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/12/asia/biden-xi-us-china-lunar-new-year-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
This may be the most fearsome US Navy weapon in the Pacific, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/11/asia/uss-ohio-submarine-navy-pacific-weapon-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
China bans BBC World News from broadcasting, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56030340. Source: BBC.
Biden warns China will 'eat our lunch' on infrastructure spending, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56036245. Source: BBC.
12.02.2021. ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China anarchists) declares: One China, Free China & Green China!
13.02.2021. China’s GDP ‘paradox’: why young Chinese despair about future prospects despite rapid economic growth
• Young Chinese are using social media platforms like Bilibili to voice despair over rising house prices, widening inequality and the price of everyday goods
• The growing frustration about social mobility highlights a ‘serious divergence’ between China’s fast-growing economy and the life satisfaction of citizens
"The optimism about China’s economy on social media was mostly “Communist Party propaganda”, with many other topics out of bounds due to the nation’s vast online censorship system. “The nationalism on Chinese media is a nihilistic statism, which is to conceal inequality through empty slogans without giving real equality and political rights to the people. This is reflected in the suffering people feel in their lives,” see: https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3121425/chinas-gdp-paradox-why-young-chinese-despair-about-future. Source: SCMP.
15.02.2021. ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China anarchists) declares: One China - the Chinese Confederation (CHINCON), Free China & Green China!
17.02.2021. China wants to be carbon neutral by 2060, but can its provinces manage it? [Probably not..]
• Ensuring carbon emissions peak before 2030, as is promised, may prove difficult for some provinces, not least where the economy relies on coal
• Some provincial-level authorities have taken steps towards the government’s goals, while others’ actions have been slow or vague.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3121901/china-wants-be-carbon-neutral-2060-can-its-provinces-manage-it. Source: SCMP.
How China is devastating Australia's billion-dollar wine industry, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/16/business/australia-china-wine-tariffs-dst-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Soaring EU-Xinjiang trade in textile machinery, tomatoes piles pressure on Brussels to act on alleged forced labour
• German-made exports of machinery parts for Xinjiang’s textiles industry are soaring, despite evidence of forced labour
• Pressure is on the EU to act on forced labour allegations after signing an investment deal with China in December.
See: https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3122025/soaring-eu-xinjiang-trade-textile-machinery-tomatoes-piles. Source: SCMP.
China-US relations: Xi knows there will be ‘repercussions’ for human rights violations, Biden says
• Biden says he told China’s president the US would speak up against abuses and crackdowns that contravened American values
• Secretary of state deems US in a stronger position against China when it works with allies and leads from the front rather than using Trump tactics.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3122039/china-us-relations-xi-knows-there-will-be-repercussions-human. Source: SCMP.
Sorry, America: China is now Europe's biggest trading partner for goods, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/17/economy/europe-china-united-states-trade/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.02.2021. New satellite images show Chinese troops have dismantled camps on disputed India border, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/18/asia/india-china-border-disengagement-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Beijing faces new abuse claims from Xinjiang. A former teacher and ex-detainee allege gang rape and torture of women inside China's vast network of detention camps. See: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/02/18/china-xinjiang-abuse-allegations-watson-pkg-lead-intl-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN.
19.02.2021. America is back, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken tells BBC. He condemned China's decision to block BBC World News television and World Service radio, calling the Chinese information space "one of the least open" in the world. "China uses that to spread misinformation and propaganda... I think ultimately is unsustainable and it requires countries coming together to stand up for free and open information space and we are looking at ways to do that more effectively," he said. Mr Blinken refused to be drawn on calls for a boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics, due to be held in Beijing, over allegations of genocide against the Uighur minority, saying only: "That's something we'll come to at the right time, in the right moment." See: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56131781. Source: BBC.
23.02.2021. Canada's parliament says China's treatment of Uighurs 'genocide', see: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20210223-canadia-s-parliament-says-china-s-treatment-of-uighurs-genocide. Source: France 24.
24.02.2021. Hong Kong's new loyalty oath requires all lawmakers to love China -- and the Communist Party, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/23/asia/hong-kong-patriots-election-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
What Biden should do about China's atrocities against the Uyghurs, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/23/opinions/uyghurs-china-biden-atrocities-khan/index.html. Source: CNN.
25.02.2021. US officials ask China not to subject staff to Covid-19 anal swab tests, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/25/asia/us-china-covid-swab-tests-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
Chinese bombers in strike exercises after US escalation in South China Sea
• Advanced H-6J among at least 10 planes involved in drills which followed February dual carrier operation in disputed waterway
• On Wednesday a US destroyer crossed the Taiwan Strait in a further escalation of tensions.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3123076/chinese-bombers-strike-exercises-after-us-escalation-south. Source: SCMP.
28.02.2021. South China Sea: PLA stages live-fire missile drill, US Navy on Paracels patrol
• Chinese military tests response to repeated attack far offshore, state media report
• Beijing think tank says US unarmed ocean surveillance vessel has been near disputed islands since Tuesday 23.02.2021.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3123437/south-china-sea-pla-stages-live-fire-missile-drill-us-navy. Source: SCMP.
Hong Kong detains dozens of pro-democracy activists for violating new national security law, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210228-hong-kong-detains-dozens-of-pro-democracy-activists-for-violating-new-national-security-law. Source: France 24.
01.03.2021. Crowds gather outside Hong Kong court for pro-democracy activists' hearing, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210301-crowds-gather-outside-hong-kong-court-for-subversion-hearing. Source: France 24.
Hong Kong protesters gather as 47 dissidents appear in court, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56237688. Source: BBC.
Chinese investment in Australia plunged last year as tensions worsened, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/01/economy/china-australia-investment-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
02.03.2021. Chinese study reveals Uighur 'assimilation' goal. 'If the others go I'll go': Inside China's scheme to transfer Uighurs into work, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56250915. Source: BBC.
04.03.2021. Hong Kong activists: 15 of 47 granted bail but remain detained pending appeal, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56281684. Source: BBC.
05.03.2021. China’s 6 million ‘black lung’ workers living on just US$61 a month, with most struggling to survive
• Pneumoconiosis, also known as black lung disease, is incurable and caused by long term exposure to dust in workplaces and is most common among coal miners
• The plight of some six million migrant workers in China currently suffering from the disease is set to be discussed at the ‘two sessions’ meetings in Beijing.
See: https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3124098/chinas-6-million-black-lung-workers-living-just-us61-month. Source: SCMP.
Anti-China sentiment in US continues to rise, Pew survey finds
• Nine in 10 Americans now view China as a competitor or an enemy, rather than a partner, poll suggests
• Two-thirds of respondents have ‘cold feelings’ towards Beijing, up from 46 per cent in 2018.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3124151/anti-china-sentiment-us-continues-rise-pew-survey-finds. Source: SCMP.
China NPC: Beijing to overhaul Hong Kong electoral system, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56264117. Source: BBC.
06.03.2021. China has built the world's largest navy. Now what's Beijing going to do with it? See: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/05/china/china-world-biggest-navy-intl-hnk-ml-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.
China NPC: US condemns 'assault on Hong Kong democracy', see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56296848. Source: BBC.
07.03.2021. China faces huge climate and tech challenges in its bid for global leadership, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/06/business/china-economy-climate-technology-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
China’s military ‘resolutely supports’ reform of Hong Kong electoral system
• ‘This is an important agenda of the Communist Party, the nation and Hong Kong,’ Central Military Commission vice-chairman Xu Qiliang says
• ‘It must be done at all costs and it carries great significance,’ he tells NPC deputies from PLA and People’s Armed Police.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3124423/chinas-military-resolutely-supports-reform-hong-kong-electoral. Source: SCMP.
09.03.2021. First independent report into Xinjiang genocide allegations claims evidence of Beijing's 'intent to destroy' Uyghur people, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/09/asia/china-uyghurs-xinjiang-genocide-report-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
10.03.2021. China building offensive, aggressive military, top US Pacific commander says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/10/asia/us-pacific-commander-china-threat-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
11.03.2021. China's parliament endorses plan to 'improve' Hong Kong elections, further curbing opposition, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/11/asia/china-hong-kong-election-reform-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
China's parliament remakes Hong Kong in its own image, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56364912. Source: BBC.
12.03.2021. Quad alliance of US, Japan, India and Australia is part of Biden's plan to contain China. But some experts aren't so sure, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/11/asia/quad-us-india-japan-australia-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.03.2021. US and Japan express concern over China's 'aggressive actions' during first trip by Biden's top diplomat, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/16/politics/blinken-austin-japan-trip-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
UK labels Russia top security threat, issues warning on China, and promises to build more nuclear warheads, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/16/europe/uk-security-defense-review-intl-hnk-gbr/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.03.2021. Report from AISC about USA & Russia, China and Burma. See: http://www.anarchy.no/ija431.html. This file will be updated. Click on and follow the news and comments….
20.03.2021. Extraordinary diplomatic clash signals tough times ahead for the US and China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/20/politics/us-china-friction-ahead/index.html. Source: CNN.
Why is everyone fighting over the South China Sea? See: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-56459744. Source: BBC.
22.03.2021. US and allies announce sanctions against Chinese officials for 'serious human rights abuses' against Uyghurs, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/22/politics/us-eu-china-uyghur-sanctions/index.html. Source: CNN.
Philippines demands Chinese fishing flotilla leave disputed South China Sea reef, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/22/asia/china-fishing-boats-philippines-reef-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
23.03.2021. Could China's aggressive Xinjiang sanctions counter-punch risk alienating the European Union? – See: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/23/asia/china-eu-xinjiang-sanctions-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
'Be relentless': What it will take to free two Canadians detained in China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/23/asia/china-canada-michael-kovrig-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
US tells NATO allies it wants to 'revitalise the alliance', [on climate change and China] see: https://www.euronews.com/2021/03/23/nato-foreign-ministers-hold-first-meeting-of-post-trump-era. Source: Euronews.
US Secretary of State Blinken pledges 'steadfast commitment' to NATO, see: https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20210323-blinken-offers-steadfast-us-commitment-to-nato-cooperation-on-afghanistan. Source: France 24.
Secretary General, US Secretary of State: transatlantic bond remains vital, see: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_182540.htm?selectedLocale=en. Source: NATO. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg sat down with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for a conversation on Tuesday (23 March 2021) on the theme of “Strengthening the Transatlantic Bond”. Citing challenges such as terrorism, cyber-attacks and the rise of China, the Secretary General urged Allies to work closely together. “No ally and no continent can deal with these challenges alone. We need Europe and North America together,” Mr Stoltenberg said. Read the transcript of the conversation here.
24.03.2021. China may just have doomed its trade deal with Europe, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/24/economy/china-eu-investment-deal-sanctions-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Chinese hackers targeted Uyghurs living in US, Facebook security team finds, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/24/tech/uyghurs-hacking/index.html. Source. CNN.
Chinese threat to Taiwan 'closer to us than most think,' top US admiral says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/24/asia/indo-pacific-commander-aquilino-hearing-taiwan-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
Intel chief Pat Gelsinger: Too many chips made in Asia, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-56512430. Source: BBC.
25.03.2021. US-EU announce dialogue on China; Nato pledges to work with Japan, other Asia-Pacific nations to counter Beijing
• New transatlantic dialogue needed to deal with China as ‘partner’, ‘competitor’ and ‘rival’, Josep Borrell of the EU says after meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken
• Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg discusses plan to build ties with ‘like-minded democracies’ in Asia-Pacific.
See: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3126837/nato-aims-build-partnerships-japan-south-korea-australia-and-new-zealand. Source: SCMP.
26.03.2021. Uighurs: China bans UK MPs after abuse sanctions, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56532569. Source: BBC.
Xinjiang cotton: Chinese brands championed as backlash against West grows, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56533560. Source: BBC.
Chinese celebrities rush to defend Beijing's Xinjiang policy by cutting ties with international brands, see: https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/chinese-celebrities-xj-cotton-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Sanctioned UK politician compares Beijing's Xinjiang policies to Nazis, see: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/03/26/china-uk-sanctions-xinjiang-iain-duncan-smith-intv-kinkade-ctw-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN.
26.03.2021. China has unleashed the nationalist genie. Beijing may regret letting it out of the bottle, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/26/china/xinjiang-china-us-wolf-warrior-patriotism-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
27.03.2021. Classified US military war game set to take place as concerns about threats posed by China and Russia increase, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/27/politics/us-war-game-russia-china/index.html. Source: CNN.
30.03.2021. Beijing passes new 'patriot' election law for Hong Kong that restricts opposition, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/30/asia/china-hong-kong-elections-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
31.03.2021. The cost of speaking up against China, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56563449. Source: BBC.
01.04.2021. Philippines says illegal structures found on reefs near where Chinese boats swarmed, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/01/asia/philippines-south-china-sea-structures-intl-hnk-scli/index.html. Source: CNN.
02.04.2021. 'The grim reality of reporting in China that pushed me out’, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56607815. Source: BBC.
04.04.2021. Philippines accuses China of plans to occupy more South China Sea 'features', see: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210404-philippines-accuses-china-of-plans-to-occupy-more-south-china-sea-features. Source: France 24.
07.04.2021. China flanks Taiwan with military exercises in air and sea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/07/asia/china-taiwan-military-surrounded-intl-hnk-scli-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
07.04.2021. Boris Johnson desperately needs a more coherent China strategy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/07/uk/boris-johnson-has-a-china-problem-intl-gb-cmd/index.html. Source: CNN.
08.04.2021. Hong Kong citizens to be given 'support' to come to UK, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56669016. Source: BBC.
Covid-19: The disinformation tactics used by China, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-china-56513257. Source: BBC.
09.04.2021. South Korea rolls out the KF-21, joining elite group of global supersonic fighter jet makers, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/09/asia/south-korea-kf-21-fifth-generation-fighter-jet-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
US blacklists seven Chinese supercomputer groups, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56685136. Source: BBC.
Bitcoin mining in China could soon generate as much carbon emissions as some European countries, study finds, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/09/business/bitcoin-mining-emissions/index.html. Source: CNN.
11.04.2021. Too Chinese for the US, too American for China. Where can Asian Americans like me call home? – see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/10/asia/asian-american-racism-us-china-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
COVID-19: Chinese official says homegrown vaccines not very powerful, see: https://www.euronews.com/2021/04/11/covid-19-chinese-official-says-homegrown-vaccines-not-very-powerful. Source: Euronews.
13.04.2021. Taiwan: 'Record number' of China jets enter air zone, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-56728072. Source: BBC.
Dramatic videos show Chinese naval exercises amid rising tensions over Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/04/13/china-military-taiwan-biden-xi-jinping-culver-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN.
Somaliland and Taiwan: Two territories with few friends but each other, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-56719409. Source: BBC.
Beijing has a navy it doesn't even admit exists, experts say. And it's swarming parts of the South China Sea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/12/china/china-maritime-militia-explainer-intl-hnk-ml-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.
15.04.2021. China 'can save $1.6 trillion by scrapping coal', report says, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-56761344. Source: BBC.
16.04.2021. Hong Kong court jails Jimmy Lai and other prominent activists for 8 to 18 months over 2019 protest, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/16/asia/hong-kong-activists-sentencing-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.04.2021. China and US pledge climate change commitment, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56790077. Source: BBC.
19.04.2021. Chinese feminists are being silenced by nationalist trolls. Some are fighting back, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/19/china/china-feminists-silenced-intl-hnk-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.
20.04.2021. Did China's former Premier just subtly criticize President Xi Jinping? – see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/19/china/wen-jiabao-xi-jinping-china-mic-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
27.04.2021. China targets foreign spies and 'hostile forces' with new anti-espionage rules, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/26/china/china-anti-espionage-security-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Britain is sending a huge naval force through some of the most tense waters in Asia, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/26/europe/uk-aircraft-carrier-strike-group-asia-intl-hnk-scli-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
29.04.2021. Joe Biden can't stop thinking about China and the future of American democracy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/29/politics/president-joe-biden-china-democracy/index.html. Source: CNN.
Hong Kong has fined a journalist for ticking a box. That shows the city's media freedoms are in jeopardy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/28/media/hong-kong-media-bao-choy-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Philippines tells China to mind its own business over maritime drills, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/29/asia/philippines-china-maritime-drills-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
30.04.2021. The great power race between the US and China is on. And Beijing is confident of winning, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/30/china/biden-xi-china-us-mic-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
01.05.2021. IIFOR: Hong Kong is no longer among the 25 most libertarian countries in the world, at about 42 % libertarian (= democracy) degree, but closer to the ultra-fascist system in mainland China, between 25% and 0 % libertarian degree, i.e. 75-100% authoritarian degree.
03.05.2021. US-China relations: Blinken accuses China of acting more aggressively, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56967211. Source: BBC.
China acting 'more aggressively abroad', says Blinken, see: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20210503-china-acting-more-repressively-aggressively-says-us-top-diplomat. Source: France24.
A Chinese Communist Party-linked account mocked India's Covid crisis on social media. It backfired, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/03/china/china-india-weibo-social-media-mic-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Chinese man dodges two navies to cross Taiwan Strait by rubber dinghy in search of 'freedom and democracy', see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/02/asia/china-taiwan-strait-defector-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Chinese Huawei Mate X2: Mastering the folding phone formula, taking inspiration from South Korean Samsung, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-56945791. Source: BBC.
07.05.2021. China's annual emissions surpass those of all developed nations combined, report finds, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/07/world/climate-emissions-china-developed-nations-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
15.05.2021. China uses Uyghur forced labour to make solar panels, says report, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57124636. Source: BBC.
20.05.2021. US destroyer backs up Biden's tough words in South China Sea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/20/asia/biden-south-china-sea-paracel-islands-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
26.05.2021. From protests to 'patriots': Why China is crushing Hong Kong dissent, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-57225142. Source: BBC.
27.05.2021. Hong Kong electoral reform: LegCo passes 'patriots' law, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57236775. Source: BBC.
28.05.2021. Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai jailed again for pro-democracy protests, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57278062. Source: BBC.
30.05.2021. Unmasking the Truth! China: The Kingdom of Fake News, see: https://tnews.to/CCP-Propaganda-Censorship-hk. Source: Tnews.
02.06.2021. South China Sea dispute: Malaysia accuses China of breaching airspace, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57328868. Source: BBC.
16.06.2021. Nato warns of military challenge posed by China, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57466210. Source: BBC.
17.06.2021. Apple Daily says Hong Kong press freedom 'hanging by a thread' after five arrested in raid. See: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210617-hong-kong-police-arrest-five-at-pro-democracy-newspaper-apple-daily. Source: France 24
US and allies are pushing China and Russia closer together, but will their 'unbreakable friendship' last? See: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/06/16/china/china-russia-ties-mic-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Biden and Putin praise Geneva summit talks..., see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57504755. Source: BBC.
23.06.2021. Hong Kong's Apple Daily print edition announces closure after police raid, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210623-hong-kong-s-apple-daily-print-edition-announces-closure-after-police-raid. Source: France24.
24.06.2021. Apple Daily: The Hong Kong newspaper that pushed the boundary, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53734887. Source: BBC.
Taiwan's foreign minister says 'we need to prepare' for military conflict with China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/06/24/asia/taiwan-foreign-minister-china-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
01.07.2021. CCP 100: Xi warns China will not be 'oppressed' in anniversary speech, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57648236. Source: BBC.
Theatrics or threat: How to handle China's Communist party at 100, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57666650. Source: BBC.
02.07.2021. China is building a sprawling network of missile silos, satellite imagery appears to show, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/02/asia/china-missile-silos-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
08.07.2021. South China Sea: The battle for Scarborough Shoal, see:https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-57757784. Source: BBC.
Erna Solberg sier nei til globalt Nato. Statsminister Erna Solberg (H) advarer mot å bruke Nato-flagget så mye ute i verden at alliansen blir stemplet som en fiende i muslimske land. Mandag samles stats- og regjeringssjefene i de 30 medlemslandene i Nato til toppmøte i Brussel. Der skal de stake ut kursen for alliansen fram mot 2030. I forkant av toppmøtet har Nato-sjef Jens Stoltenberg tatt til orde for «et mer globalt utsyn» i alliansen. Det er en tenkning statsminister Erna Solberg (H) nå advarer mot å trekke for langt. – Vi må ha evne til å diskutere konsekvensene av endringer i sikkerhetslandskapet, også utenfor vårt kjerneområde. Men det vi har vært tydelige på, er at dette ikke skal bety et mer globalt Nato, sier Solberg i et intervju med NTB før toppmøtet. – En global forståelse av sikkerhetssituasjonen betyr ikke at Nato skal bli mer globalt, sier hun.
Erna og Titten Tei i UD har vist seg for Kina-vennlig bl.a. i politikken flere ganger. De er alt for glad i å kjøpe billige varer fra Kina, og eksportere norsk laks. Det grenser mot landsforræderi. Et globalt NATO dreier seg bl.a. om å støtte det muslimske FOLKET mot ultra-autoritære herskere og deres Byråkrati, i the Arab Spring og the Green Global Spring Revolution, globalt. Ikke om å krangle med det muslimske FOLKET. Erna Solberg sier altså nei til globalt Nato - AISC ønsker nettopp et globalt NATO, deltakende i the 3rd WW - revolusjonskrigen. Dette er nødvendig for seier i det globale klima (CO2) problemet. Se http://www.anarchy.no/ija141.html & http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html . AISC 11.06. 2021.
PS. 18.06.2021. NATO må forberede seg på 3WW, også mot Kina. Selve NATO behøver ikke ta opp nye medlems-land, men alliansen må være klar til global innsats: = NATO GLOBAL.
Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc., and vice versa: Google Translate.
12.07.2021. US warns China it stands behind South China Sea ruling and is committed to Philippine defense, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/12/asia/us-philippines-south-china-sea-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.07.2021. US issues sanctions, warns businesses of risks in China and Hong Kong as Beijing promises to 'respond strongly', see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/16/politics/us-china-hong-kong-sanctions/index.html. Source: CNN.
US Air Force to send dozens of F-22 fighter jets to the Pacific amid tensions with China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/15/asia/us-air-force-f-22-guam-tinian-exercise-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.07.2021. Climate is the only thing Russia and the US can agree on right now. That's how bad it's got, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/18/world/russia-us-climate-crisis-intl-cmd/index.html. However, this unity on climate may indicate joint action in the 3rd WW against Xi & Co., the far worst C02 polluter globally.
19.07.2021. US blames China for hacks, opening new front in cyber offensive, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/19/politics/us-china-cyber-offensive/index.html. Source: CNN.
31.07.2021 AISC - Report: China still harvesting organs from prisoners at a massive scale, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/23/asia/china-organ-harvesting/index.html. Source: CNN.
03.09.2021. The long arm of China's new maritime law risks causing conflict in far-off waters, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/09/03/china/coast-guard-law-mic-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.09.2021. Japan's defense minister draws red line in island dispute with China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/09/15/asia/japan-defense-minister-kishi-china-interview-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
02.20.2021. Taiwan says dozens of Chinese planes entered defence zone, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58771369. Source: BBC.
04.10.2021. China sent 52 warplanes into Taiwan defense zone on Monday, Taipei says. The US State Department voiced concern over China's military activities near Taiwan on Monday 04.10.2021. "The United States is very concerned by the People's Republic of China's provocative military activity near Taiwan, which is destabilizing, risks miscalculations, and undermines regional peace and stability. We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure and coercion against Taiwan," State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. See: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/04/asia/taiwan-china-warplane-incursion-monday-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
10.10.2021. Taiwan won't be forced to bow to China, President Tsai says during National Day celebrations, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/10/asia/taiwan-national-day-tsai-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
22.10.2021. China says ‘no room’ for concessions over Taiwan after Biden commits to defend island, see: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20211022-biden-says-yes-us-would-defend-taiwan-against-china. Source: France 24.
27.11.2021. Why wiping out Hong Kong's opposition may have cost China a whole generation in Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/26/asia/taiwan-hong-kong-china-opposition-intl-hnk-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.12.2021. AISC report: 3WW is needed quickly to save the globe. The coal supply surplus is enormous and the price will therefore fall, and the more green energy is produced. Ultra-fascist states are forced to choose the cheapest energy - coal (and fossil otherwise) due to the law of corruption and the danger of rebellion. China will therefore never stop coal production and use voluntarily. Therefore, 3WW against China is a must to solve the climate crisis. Biden must understand that 3WW against China and other ultra-fascist states is absolutely necessary and the faster the better. Diplomacy and competition do not work at all. There is no way beyond 3WW, if we are to save the planet. The alternative is a huge global and increasing subsidy for the closure of coal power and fossil fuels otherwise, and support for green energy + technology otherwise. It will be far too expensive, and will only intensify authoritarianism. It is not a workable road. The United States and NATO must therefore immediately launch 3WW at full strength.
21.23.2021. Hong Kong election: China rejects democracy concerns from West, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-59738052. Source: BBC.
23.12.2021. Hong Kong's famous Tiananmen Square 'Pillar of Shame' statue removed from university, see: https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/hong-kong-tiananmen-square-statue-removed-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
24.12.2021. Biden signs bill banning goods from China's Xinjiang over forced labor, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/23/business/biden-bans-xinjiang-imports-china-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
04.04.2022. Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam won't seek second term, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-60978792. Source: BBC.
18.04.2022. Remote island ramps up defenses as tensions rise between Japan and China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/18/asia/japan-nansei-islands-defense-intl-hnk-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.
01.05.2022. The Anarchists of China: China, with its de facto mega anti-climate policy, is the enemy of the People of the world No. 1. It is the far biggest CO2 emitter in the world. Thus the 3WW, the Green Revolution "war", against Xi Jin-Ping & Co is a must! China, with its de facto mega anti-climate policy, is the enemy of the People of the world No. 1. It is the far biggest CO2 emitter in the world. Thus the 3WW, the Green Revolution "war", against China's Xi Jin-Ping ultra-fascist regime is a must and the sooner the better. We call for national and international actions in this connection, among others by NATO, Quad (Australia, India, Japan, and the United States), Taiwan and South Korea, and UK and the British Commonwealth, as well as EU and Switzerland, and international newsmedia. Even Russia should join in as an ally, and stop the quagmire-invasion/war in Ukraine. Regards - in solidarity... The Anarchists of China - ACAME - Chinese Section, May Day 2022. (Click on): http://www.anarchy.no/ija150.html for more information... Sources: AIIS and AISC.
20.05.2022. China uses more and more coal. China needs Russian coal. Moscow needs new customers, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/20/business/russia-china-coal-trade-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
23.05.2022. Biden says US would respond 'militarily' if China attacked Taiwan, but White House insists there's no policy change, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/23/politics/biden-taiwan-china-japan-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
06.06.2022. Why the sparsely-populated South Pacific islands have become the next US-China contest, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/06/asia/china-pacific-islands-wang-yi-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
Chinese fighter jet 'chaffs' Australian plane near South China Sea, Canberra alleges, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/05/australia/australia-china-plane-intercept-intl-hnk-ml/index.html, Source: CNN.
10.06.2022. China’s histoy. From China’s authoritarian roots to the iconic «Tank Man», see: https://ammo.com/articles/tiananmen-square-massacre-china-chinese-authoritarian-roots-tank-man. Source: Ammo.com
24.06.2022. US conducts Taiwan Strait flyover amid tensions with China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/24/politics/us-taiwan-strait-flyover/index.html. Source: CNN.
30.06.2022. Too much focus on Russia. The ultra-fascist, anti-climate China is the real and by far the largest problem in the world today and in the future. IJ@ 1 (50) is updated, see (click on) http://www.anarchy.no/ija150.html.
01.07.2022. The Quisling regime in Hong Kong is visited by Xi Jin-Ping. Hong Kong marks 25th handover anniversary, see: https://edition.cnn.com/asia/live-news/hong-kong-china-anniversary-07-01-22-intl-hnk/h_e34d4e28dc727601d028dccb5e1b452d. Source: CNN. Til NRK: Fy f… NRK. Dagsrevyen i dag bringer den ultra-fascistiske propagandasendingen fra Kina/Xi Jin-Ping om «demokrati» i Hong Kong videre uten kommentarer om hva det er for noe mørkebrun møkk. At det går an i Norge. Har Rødt/SV/Steigan overtatt NRK? Dette går ikke an NRK! Hilsen AISC-AGENT Z. PS. Rødt og Steigan er tilhengere av en helt annen «demokrati»-form enn de liberale sosialdemokratene = anarkistene, selv om de taktisk nå ikke vil reklamere med at de er ml (Mao) med «proletariatets diktatur» på programmet. SV er ikke mye bedre med stats-sosialismen sin om de fikk makt. Man må ikke være naiv når det gjelder stats-sosialistene/kommunistene. Bruk Det Økonomisk-Politiske Kartet (click on) Economic-Political Map, og tenk på hva Rødt/SV/Steigan ville gjøre om de fikk makt. Hvor det ville ende hen, dvs. nokså likt Kina i dag.
06.07.2022. FBI Director Wray, MI5 chief raise alarm over China spying, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/06/politics/fbi-mi5-wray-china/index.html. Source: CNN.
08.07.2022. China is relentlessly trying to peel away Japan's resolve on disputed islands, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/08/asia/japan-china-senkaku-islands-ships-intl-hnk-mic-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
10.07.2022. US concerned at China's 'alignment' with Russia, Blinken says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/10/world/us-china-blinken-wang-yi-russia-ukraine-trade-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
11.07.2022. China crushes mass protest by bank depositors demanding their life savings back, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/10/china/china-henan-bank-depositors-protest-mic-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.07.2022. China once saw Europe as a counter to US power. Now ties are at an abysmal low, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/17/china/china-europe-relations-ukraine-russia-intl-mic-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
19.07.2022. EU lawmaker promises support to Taiwan, see: https://www.dw.com/en/eu-lawmaker-promises-support-to-taiwan/a-62528187. Source: DW-News.
20.07.2022. US Navy destroyer enters Chinese-claimed waters for third time in a week, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/20/asia/us-navy-destroyer-taiwan-strait-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
China warns US of 'forceful measures' if Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/20/china/china-warns-pelosi-taiwan-visit-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
28.07.2022. USS Ronald Reagan Strike Group Enters South China Sea for Pelosi's Taiwan Visit, see: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/uss-ronald-reagan-strike-group-enters-south-china-sea-for-pelosi-s-taiwan-visit. Source: HalTurner USA.
02.08.2022. US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lands in Taiwan amid threats of Chinese retaliation, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/02/politics/nancy-pelosi-visit-taipei-taiwan-trip/index.html. Source: CNN.
03.08.2022. Taiwan: Pelosi leaves Taipei to sound of Chinese fury, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62405680. Source: BBC.
14.08.2022. A second US congressional delegation visits Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/14/politics/congressional-delegation-taiwan/index.html. Source: CNN.
15.08.2022. China conducts fresh military drills around Taiwan as US congressional delegation visits, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/15/asia/china-military-drills-congressional-delegation-taiwan-visit-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
19.08.2022. China must show it's not an 'agent of instability' on Taiwan, US Ambassador to China says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/19/china/us-ambassador-nicholas-burns-interview-china-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
'New normal' across the Taiwan Strait as China threat looms ever closer, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/19/china/china-taiwan-strait-new-normal-mic-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
Breakdown in US-China relations a 'manufactured crisis,' US ambassador says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/08/19/china-taiwan-us-ambassador-intv-wang-intl-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN.
28.08.2022. US sends two warships through Taiwan Strait, in first transit since Pelosi trip, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/27/asia/us-navy-destroyer-taiwan-strait-transit-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
31.08.2022. China's Xi pushes forward to third term despite mounting crises, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/31/china/china-20th-party-congress-countdown-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
01.09.2022. China may have committed 'crimes against humanity' in Xinjiang, UN report finds, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/31/asia/un-xinjiang-china-bachelet-report-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
03.09.2022. US approves $1.1bn Taiwan arms sale, angering China, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62775544. Source BBC. The anarchists, AI/IFA & ACAME - Chinese Section: Give a Damn in Xi Jin-Ping’s military = Paper tiger!
09.09.2022. China's economy is in bad shape and could stay that way for a while, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/09/economy/china-economy-party-congress-intl-hnk-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
19.09.2022. Biden again says US would defend Taiwan if China attacks, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62951347. Source: BBC.
09.10.2022. Gini indexes for China. Gini index of China update. In 2003 the Gini index was 44.7 (0.447). In 2020, China reached a score of 46.8 (0.468) points. It has been up to about 49 (0.49) in recent years. The Gini Index is a statistical measure that is used to represent unequal distributions, e.g. income distribution. It can take any value between 1 and 100 points (or 0 and 1). The closer the value is to 100 the greater is the inequality. 40 or 0.4 is the warning level set by the United Nations. As a rule of the thumb, a Gini index above 35 indicates capitalism. Thus China is a very capitalist country, more capitalist than the USA with Gini index about 40-42.
Growing inequality counts as one of the biggest social, economic, and political challenges to many countries, especially emerging markets. Over the last 20 years, China has become one of the world's largest economies. As parts of the society have become more and more affluent, the country's Gini coefficient has also grown sharply over the last decades. China's Gini coefficient ranged at a level higher than the warning line for increasing risk of social unrest over the last decade, 40 (0.4). These Gini index data do of course not account for corruption, thus the real figures are far higher, i.e. including income from the rampant corruption in China. The real Gini index may be as high as 70 (0.75), as a well educated estimate/guess. Source: IIFOR 09.10.2022.
09.10.2022. Taiwan president to pledge to bolster combat power as China tensions rise, see: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-president-pledge-bolster-combat-power-china-tensions-rise-2022-10-09/. Source: Reuters.
10.10.2022. ‘No room for compromise’ on Taiwan’s sovereignty, President Tsai says in National Day speech, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/10/asia/taiwan-national-day-tsai-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
10.10.2022. Unmasking the Truth::: CCP: Stop the Atrocity Against Humanity. Against organ stealing by the CCP!!!
Fra: Perry Labadie <perry.labadie1991@gmail.com>
Sendt: mandag 10. oktober 2022 03:47
Til: exec@windorchestra.co.uk; jmgpuga@telefonica.net; indeco@online.no
Emne: Unmasking the Truth:::CCP: Stop the Atrocity Against Humanity
I am writing to tell you about the real news.
On September 26, 2021, the five hosting nongovernmental organizations from the US, Europe, and Asia issued the “Universal Declaration on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting,” calling on all organizations and individuals in the world to join the effort to stop live organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The most vicious issue is the organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs, who were killed for not aligning with the CCP’s ideology. “This is unprecedented in human history. The declaration can be found at its official website https://ud-cp-foh.info . Supporters can sign the petition on the website.
Please find enclosed the full article at the link below for more details:
Take care,
Perry Labadie
PS: End the Evil Chinese Communist Party! Sign This Petition
Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is an advanced self-cultivation practice of the Buddha School. Falun Dafa was founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the practice's master. It is a discipline in which “assimilation to the highest qualities of the universe—Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance)—is the foundation of practice.
Information from official website: https://tnews.to/official-website
Falun Gong Introduction: https://tnews.to/falun-gong-introduction
The Truth about Falun Gong and the persecution in China: https://tnews.to/the-persecution-of-falun-gong
13.10.2022. Rare protest against China’s Xi Jinping days before Communist Party congress, see: http://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/13/china/china-party-congress-protest-banners-xi-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.10.2022. A sense of crisis has defined Xi’s rule. It will shape China well into the future, see: http://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/14/china/china-party-congress-walkup-analysis-intl-hnk-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.10.2022. China’s economy is ‘in deep trouble’ as Xi heads for next decade in power, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/14/economy/china-party-congress-economy-trouble-xi-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
15.10.2022. China's Communist Party is holding its five-year congress. Here's what to expect, see: https://www.euronews.com/2022/10/15/chinese-communist-party-is-holding-its-five-year-congress-heres-what-to-expect. Source: Euronews.
15.10.2022. Communist Party Congress will offer clues to China’s future, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20221015-chinese-communist-congress-will-offer-clues-to-china-s-future. Source: France 24.
16.10.2022. China kicks off 20th Communist Party Congress as Xi Jinping prepares to expand power, see: https://edition.cnn.com/asia/live-news/china-party-congress-10-16-22-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
19.10.2022. Xi Jinping wants China to ‘win local wars.’ Russia’s failures in Ukraine show that’s not so easy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/19/asia/china-party-congress-xi-military-russia-parallels-intl-hnk-mil-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
21.10.2022. The greatest risk to China’s Xi Jinping? Himself, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/21/china/china-party-congress-xi-jinping-risks-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
24.10.2022. After the CCP congress: China’s Xi is more powerful than ever. What does it mean for the world?... And he threatens Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/24/china/china-party-congress-consequences-world-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
26.11.2022. Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/26/china/china-protests-xinjiang-fire-shanghai-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
13.12.2022. Indian and Chinese troops clash on disputed border, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/13/asia/india-china-border-dispute-skirmish-tawang-sector-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.12.2022. Xi Jinping tied himself to zero-Covid. Now he keeps silent as it falls apart, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/16/china/china-zero-covid-uturn-xi-jinping-intl-hnk-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
19.12.2022. China could see nearly a million deaths as it exits zero-Covid, study says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/19/china/china-covid-study-one-million-deaths-intl-hnk-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
22.12.2022. As crematoriums fill up, China shifts how it counts Covid deaths, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/22/china/china-covid-deaths-crematorium-intl-hnk-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
25.12.2022. China carries out military exercises near Taiwan and Japan, sending 47 aircraft across Taiwan Strait in ‘strike drill’, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/25/asia/taiwan-china-aircraft-incursions-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
05.02.2023. Beijing threatens to 'respond' after US downing of Chinese spy balloon, see: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230205-beijing-threatens-to-respond-after-us-downing-of-chinese-spy-balloon. Source: France 24. AISC: USA og NATO må straks sette i gang 3WW (the revolution "war") på full styrke. 3WW mot Kina og andre ultra-fascistiske stater er helt nødvendig og jo raskere jo bedre.
06.02.2023. Hong Kong: Largest national security trial begins, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-64533716. Source: BBC.
14.02.2023. China goes on the offensive as balloon fallout threatens to damage credibility, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/14/china/china-accusation-us-balloons-analysis-mic-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
15.02.2023. Hainan island: Known as ‘China’s Hawaii,’ the vacation hotspot is also a strategic military base, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/15/china/china-hainan-island-explainer-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
15.02.2023. Dutch chip firm ASML says former China employee stole data, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/15/tech/asml-china-employee-data-breach-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.02.2023. China sanctions Lockheed, Raytheon after vowing to retaliate against US restrictions, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/16/business/china-sanctions-lockheed-raytheon-hnk-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
01.03.2023. Å importere fra Kina er en sikkerhetsrisiko på linje med import av naturgass fra Russland. Vi oppfordrer derfor NATO og allierte til å boikotte alle varer og tjenester fra Kina. Importing from China is a security risk on a par with importing natural gas from Russia. We therefore encourage NATO and allies to boycott all goods and services from China.
05.03.2023. China to increase defense spending 7.2%, sets economic growth target of ‘around 5%’ for 2023, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/04/economy/china-two-sessions-gdp-growth-target-military-spending-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
11.03.2023. Iran and Saudi Arabia signal the start of a new era, with China front and center, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/11/middleeast/iran-saudi-arabia-normalization-china-analysis-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
12.03.2023. China’s new defense minister is a general the US sanctioned for buying Russian weapons, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/12/asia/china-new-defense-minister-li-shangfu-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
13.03.2023. Xi Jinping vows to make China’s military a ‘great wall of steel’ in first speech of new presidential term, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/13/china/china-xi-jinpong-first-speech-third-term-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AISC: USA and NATO and allies: Arm Taiwan!!!
14.03.2023. Xi’s tightens grip, hardens stance on US: Key takeaways from China’s annual political meetings, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/14/china/china-two-sessions-takeaway-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.03.2023. China looms large as Biden makes submarine moves with UK, Australia, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/13/politics/joe-biden-aukus-china/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.03.2023. Taiwan unveils its new combat and surveillance drones as China threat grows, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/14/asia/taiwan-china-military-drones-unveiled-hnk-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
08.04.2023. China launches military drills around Taiwan after US Speaker visit, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/07/china/china-taiwan-military-exercises-hnk-intl-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
11.04.2023. Military exercises suggest China is getting ‘ready to launch a war against Taiwan,’ island’s foreign minister tells CNN, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/11/politics/taiwan-foreign-minister-interview/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.04.2023. World leaders are lining up to meet Xi Jinping. Should the US be worried? See: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/14/china/xi-jinping-lula-china-brazil-world-leaders-visit-beijing-intl-hnk-mic/index.html. Source: CNN. Cooperating with Xi & Co is just like cooperating with Hitler. Stop it!
17.04.2023. FBI arrests two alleged Chinese agents and charges dozens with working inside US to silence dissidents, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/17/politics/fbi-chinese-agents/index.html. Source: CNN.
11.05.2023. Chinese warships sail around Japan as tensions rise ahead of G7 summit, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/11/asia/chinese-naval-flotilla-japan-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.05.2023. G7 summit: Taiwan looms large as Japan prepares to host leaders, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65619249. Source: BBC.
19.05.2023. G7 leaders gather on China’s doorstep to seek unified response to Beijing’s threat, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/19/china/g7-summit-russia-china-agenda-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
21.05.2023. Russia and China hit back at a G7 that saw them as a threat, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/21/asia/g7-summit-china-russia-reaction-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
26.05.2023. China’s military has become an untouchable nationalist symbol. Artists and comedians are finding out the hard way, see: https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/china-comedians-artists-nationalist-scrutiny-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
31.05.2023. Xi Jinping tells China’s national security chiefs to prepare for ‘worst case’ scenarios, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/31/china/china-xi-national-security-meeting-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
31.05.2023. US says Chinese jet conducted ‘unnecessarily aggressive maneuver’ intercepting US spy plane over South China Sea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/30/politics/china-fighter-jet-south-china-sea/index.html. Source: CNN.
02.06.2023. Ukraine war hasn’t changed China’s thinking around possible attack on Taiwan, report says, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/02/china/shangri-la-dialogue-china-challenge-taiwan-ukraine-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AISC: We call again: USA and NATO and allies: Arm Taiwan!!!
03.06.2023. Overseas Hong Kongers carry Tiananmen’s torch as vigils to remember massacre victims are snuffed out back home, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/03/asia/hong-kong-china-global-tiananmen-square-massacre-commemorations-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
03.06.2023. These may be the world’s best warships. And they’re not American, but South Korean and Japanese, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/02/asia/japan-south-korea-naval-shipbuilding-intl-hnk-ml-dst/index.html. Source: CNN.
03.06.2023. Taiwan war would be ‘devastating,’ warns US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin as he criticizes China at Shangri-La security summit, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/02/asia/austin-shangri-law-dialogue-speech-taiwan-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
04.06.2023. China accuses US of ‘provocation’ after near collision of warships, https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/04/asia/china-defense-minister-shangri-la-speech-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AISC: Xi’s Nazi-China is the aggressive, militarist, force, not USA!
04.06.2023. The Anarchist International (AI/IFA): Save the planet! Crush Xi & Co! China, with its de facto mega anti-climate policy, is the enemy of the People of the world No. 1. It is the far biggest CO2 emitter in the world. Thus the 3WW, the Green Revolution "war", against Xi & Co is a must! Soon! Chamberlainism (Arthur Neville Chamberlain) and cowardness will not work against Xi & Co more than against Adolf Hitler & Co. Attack soon (if Taiwan is attacked or China in other ways attacks), in the defence of a green planet!
04.06.2023. Hong Kong police detain more than 20 on Tiananmen anniversary, see: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230604-hong-kong-police-detain-more-than-20-on-tiananmen-anniversary. Source: France 24. The Anarchist International (AI/IFA): The protests are going on! Crush Xi & Co. For a green planet!
05.06.2023. AI/IFA: Xi & Co are sitting on a volcano that will erupt with some unrest at the borders and they have no allies. We have 2-3 years until the 1.5 degree target is broken. The status quo does not hold. The US must change its goals and strategy or we are all lost!
15.06.2023. As Beijing’s intelligence capabilities grow, spying becomes an increasing flashpoint in US-China ties, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/15/china/china-us-spying-diplomacy-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.06.2023. Bill Gates og andre IT-topper til Kina. Xi vil bare snoke IT-teknologi. Blinken til Kina. Xi = Hitler. Det er det han må ta utgangspunkt i, og ikke fisle Chamberlainistisk. Han må ikke ha illusjoner. Filen her skulle fjerne slike. AI/IFA. 16.06.2023.
16.062023. China’s Xi greets ‘old friend’ Bill Gates in first meeting with a US business magnate in years, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/16/business/bill-gates-china-xi-jinping-visit-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.06.2023. China eyes Blinken’s imminent visit with deep distrust and low expectations, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/15/china/blinken-china-visit-us-tensions-analysis-int-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
21.06.2023. Taiwan's military is preparing in case China attacks. See how. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/06/21/taiwan-military-drills-china-sciutto-cnc-contd-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN.
22.06.2023. Dismissing tensions, Biden expects to see Xi despite 'dictators' jab. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230622-dismissing-tensions-biden-expects-to-see-xi-despite-dictators-jab. Source. France 24.
02.07.2023. EU ambassador regrets lack of 'substantial progress' on trade talks with Beijing. The European Union's ambassador to China expressed regret on Sunday over the lack of "substantial progress" with Beijing on trade talks, as EU countries seek to reduce their economic dependence on the Asian giant. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230702-eu-ambassador-regrets-lack-of-substantial-progress-on-trade-talks-with-beijing. Source: France 24.
04.07.2023. Hong Kong pro-democracy activists who fled abroad will be 'pursued for life', see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20230704-hong-kong-states-pro-democracy-activists-who-fled-abroad-will-be-pursued-for-life. Source: France 24.
04.07.2023. China just played a trump card in the chip war. Are more export curbs coming? See: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/04/tech/china-export-controls-semiconductor-war-explainer-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
06.07.2023. Can 'good cop' Janet Yellen help fix US-China relations? See: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-66083740. Source: BBC.
08.07.2023. Janet Yellen asks China to cooperate on climate change action, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66141559. Source: BBC. China has increased CO2 pollution by 4% since 2022… China is now the world's biggest investor in solar energy, and biggest producer of solar panels and wind turbines but saw its carbon dioxide emissions rise 4% in the first quarter of this year compared to 2022. China’s energy source is to a large extent COAL. And is still investing big in COAL. This is not green growth. Only about 10-15% of energy use is green in China. The rest is mainly COAL based.
11.07.2023. China and Taiwan loom large behind Ukraine at NATO summit, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/11/asia/nato-summit-asia-leaders-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
13.07.2023. ‘China has changed.’ Germany unveils strategy to cut reliance on world’s no. 2 economy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/13/economy/germany-china-strategy/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.07.2023. Chinese military’s three-day show of force increases headache for Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/14/china/china-pla-flights-taiwan-mic-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
15.07.2023. John Kerry to step into searing China heat as world’s two biggest polluters try to fix fractured ties. No breakthroughs expected. See: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/15/china/us-china-kerry-beijing-climate-talks-intl-hnk/index.html.Source: CNN.
19.07.2023. Xi says China will follow its own carbon «reduction» path as US climate envoy Kerry meets top officials in Beijing. China has invested heavily in clean energy in recent years. On the other hand, it has accelerated the approval of new coal plants due to a renewed focus on “energy security,” sparking concerns from environmentalists that these new projects will make the shift away from coal slower and more difficult. See: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/19/china/china-xi-carbon-climate-kerry-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
23.07.2023. China and the US are finally talking again – but can they really work together? There’s a willingness to engage further, but there’s nothing substantive, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/23/china/us-officials-visit-china-takeaways-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
25.07.2023. Xi Jinping’s foreign minister ousted after month-long unexplained absence from public view, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/25/china/china-foreign-minister-qin-gang-replaced-wang-yi-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
29.07.2023. New York Times: US officials search for hidden Chinese malware that could affect military operations, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/29/politics/china-malware-taiwan-us-military/index.html. Source: CNN.
30.07.2023. French finance minister says economic ‘decoupling’ from China is impossible. France's finance minister said during a visit to Beijing on Sunday that cutting all economic ties with China was "an illusion", as some Western countries question their reliance on the Asian giant. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230730-french-finance-minister-says-economic-decoupling-from-china-is-impossible. Source: France 24. AISC: The French finance minister is a traitor, that still will cooperate with Xi Jin-Ping. Xi = Hitler.
30.07.2023. Italy minister says decision to join flagship Chinese scheme ‘wicked’, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/30/europe/italy-china-belt-and-road-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
01.08.2023. Gallium and germanium: What China’s new move in microchip war means for world, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-66118831. Source: BBC.
02.08.2023. China spy agency’s social media debut calls for ‘all members of society’ to combat espionage, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/02/china/china-security-ministry-on-wechat-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
02.08.2023. China replaces elite nuclear leadership in surprise military shake-up, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/02/china/china-pla-rocket-force-shakeup-new-leaders-intl-hnk-ml-mic/index.html. Source: CNN.
04.08.2023. Hong Kong targets exiles’ loved ones as crackdown turns to old CCP playbook. Hong Kong authorities are targeting the relatives of activists overseas in latest sign of alignment with mainland China. See: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/4/hong-kong-uses-china-playbook-as-crackdown-turns-to-dissidents-loved-ones. Source: Al Jazeera.
07.08.2023. International backlash grows after Chinese vessel fires water cannon on Philippine boats, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/07/asia/china-philippines-coast-guard-confrontation-south-china-sea-intl-hnk/index.html.
10.08.2023. Biden administration announces new bans on investments in China meant to protect national security, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/09/politics/china-investments-white-house-joe-biden/index.html. Source: CNN.
12.08.2023. ‘Little blue men’: Is a militia Beijing says doesn’t exist causing trouble in the South China Sea? See: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/12/asia/china-maritime-militia-philippines-tensions-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
13.08.2023. Taiwan’s vice president is passing through New York. And China isn’t happy, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/13/world/china-taiwan-william-lai-new-york-transit-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.‘
14.08.2023. Taiwan will ‘never back down’ to China threats, island’s presidential hopeful says during US transit, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/14/asia/taiwan-china-threats-william-lai-new-york-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.08.2023. China’s defense minister warns against ‘playing with fire’ on Taiwan during Russia meeting, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/16/china/china-defense-minister-li-shangfu-russia-taiwan-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.08.2023. Chinese tensions loom large over Biden’s summit with Asian allies, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/18/politics/joe-biden-xi-jinping-japan-south-korea-summit/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.08.2023. US-Japan-SKorea summit a coup for Biden but will détente last? See: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66543514. Source: BBC.
18.08.2023. Biden looks to ‘next era of cooperation’ following trilateral Camp David summit with Japan and South Korea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/17/politics/joe-biden-camp-david-japan-south-korea/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.08.2023. US, Japan and S. Korea agree to reinforce economic, security ties at Camp David summit, see: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230818-biden-to-ramp-up-three-way-japan-south-korea-ties-in-sign-to-china. Source: France 24.
18.08.2023. China launches military drills around Taiwan as US wraps up landmark summit with South Korea and Japan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/18/china/china-launches-military-exercises-taiwan-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
19.08.2023. Taiwan detects 42 warplanes in Chinese military drills, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66553225. Source: BBC.
19.08.2023. China launches military drills around Taiwan as ‘stern warning’ after VP’s US visit, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20230819-china-launches-military-drills-around-taiwan-as-stern-warning-after-us-visit. Source: France 24.
21.08.2023. Beset by domestic economic woes, China’s Xi visits South Africa in just his second trip abroad this year, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/20/china/brics-summit-xi-jinping-south-africa-visit-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
26.08.2023. US condemns Hong Kong’s ‘harassment’ of pro-democracy activists’ family members, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/26/world/us-hong-kong-harassment-activist-families-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
27.08.2023. US commerce secretary heads to China to bolster trade amid tensions. U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo visits China for four days starting Sunday, aiming to boost business ties between the world's largest two economies even as the Biden administration has taken a series of steps to prevent exports of sensitive American technology. See: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230827-us-commerce-secretary-heads-to-china-to-bolster-trade-amid-tensions. Source: France 24.
30.08.2023. China map: India lodges 'strong protest' over territory claims, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66654645. Source: BBC.
01.09.2023. Blue-water ambitions: Is China looking beyond its neighborhood now it has the world’s largest navy? https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/01/asia/china-navy-overseas-military-bases-intl-hnk-ml/index.html. Source: CNN.
06.09.2023. The US government is investigating China’s breakthrough smartphone, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/06/tech/huawei-mate-60-pro-phone/index.html. Source: CNN.
07.09.2023. China’s top chipmaker may be in hot water as US lawmakers call for further sanctions after Huawei ‘breakthrough’, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/07/tech/china-smic-us-sanctions-huawei-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
08.09.2023. This US factory is actually Chinese state-controlled, see: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/09/08/china-us-land-purchases-syngenta-communist-party-culver-ebof-dnt-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN.
08.09.2023. Senior US general warns China is seeking to exploit US service members to strengthen its military, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/08/politics/us-general-china-service-members-warning/index.html. Source: CNN.
08.09.2023. Norway’s $1.4 trillion investment fund is shutting its China office, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/08/investing/china-norway-fund-shuts-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
13.09.2023. UK government under pressure to take tougher line on China amid spying allegations, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/13/uk/china-alleged-spy-uk-parliament-intl-gbr-cmd/index.html. Source: CNN.
13.09.2023. EU to assess punitive tariffs on Chinese electric cars, see: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-launches-anti-subsidy-investigation-into-chinese-electric-vehicles-2023-09-13/. Source: Reuters.
13.09.2023. China unveils ‘blueprint’ for Taiwan integration while sending warships around the self-ruled island, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/13/china/china-fujian-integration-taiwan-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.09.2023. Taiwan hits back at Elon Musk’s claim that it is ‘part of China’, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/14/business/elon-musk-taiwan-china-comments-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
17.09.2023. U.S. and Chinese Officials Meet in Malta to Discuss Ukraine and Other Flashpoints, see: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/17/us/politics/us-china-meeting.html. Source: NY-Times. AISC: The US must not tinker with China in a Chamberlainist way. USA må ikke fisle chamberlainistisk med China.
22.09.2023. Opinion: It doesn’t take an Agatha Christie detective to work out something’s up in Xi’s China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/22/opinions/china-xi-missing-ministers-ghitis/index.html. Source: CNN.
08.10.2023. Israel Urges China to Show Solidarity After Beijing Fails to Condemn Hamas Attacks, see: https://www.voanews.com/a/israel-urges-china-to-show-solidarity-after-beijing-fails-to-condemn-hamas-attacks/7302034.html. Source: Voanews.
14.11.2023. U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet Wednesday 15.11.2023 in California, USA. AISC: The US must not tinker with China in a Chamberlainist way. USA må ikke fisle chamberlainistisk med China. Xi = BIG HITLER!
16.11.2023. Biden hails productive talks with Xi as agreements reached on fentanyl and military communication, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/15/politics/biden-xi-meeting. Source: CNN. NB! Biden postulates China is Communist. That is wrong. It is ultra-fascist and Nazist... Xi = BIG HITLER. It was Communist under Mao, then left-fascist and now Ultra-fascist and Nazist under Xi. Xi = BIG HITLER. See below… (Xi is of course a dictator and also Mao)…
17.11.2023. Biden called Xi a 'dictator.' See how China reacted: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/11/17/china-censors-cnn-ripley-ebof-vpx.cnn. Source: CNN. AISC: Xi and China... ridiculous, ha, ha, ha... Xi = BIG HITLER!
29.12.2023. Chinese spy balloon used US internet provider to communicate its location, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/29/politics/chinese-spy-balloon-us-internet-provider/index.html. Source: CNN.
29.12.2023. China names new defense minister months after removing predecessor without explanation, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/29/china/china-names-new-defense-minister-dong-jun-li-shangfu-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & ACAME and AISC: Xi's regime is faltering, this weakens Xi & Co. Source: AIIS.
05.01.2024. World’s biggest polluter, China, just had its hottest year on record, marked by deadly extreme weather, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/05/china/2023-hottest-year-china-climate-intl-hnk. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & GGS/GAIA: The third world war against Xi & Co is necessary and must start soon. Source: AIIS.
13.01.2024. Taiwan votes for a new president against a backdrop of growing China threats, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/13/asia/taiwan-presidential-election-voting-intl-hnk/index.html. AI/IFA & ACAME, Section Taiwan and AISC support the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which has won Taiwan’s last two presidential elections. Source: AIIS.
13.01.2024. Taiwan voters dismiss China warnings and hand the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), a historic third consecutive presidential win, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/13/asia/taiwan-presidential-election-results-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & ACAME, Section Taiwan and AISC congratulate DPP. Source: AIIS.
14.01.2024. China's diplomats condemn foreign governments over Taiwan post-election remarks, see: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/chinese-embassies-condemn-foreign-officials-over-taiwan-post-election-remarks-2024-01-14/. Source: Reuters. AI/IFA & ACAME Section Taiwan and AISC: Hands off Taiwan Xi & Co! Xi = Hitler. Source: AIIS.
31.01.2024. Taipei protests against Beijing’s ‘unilateral’ moving of flight path closer to sensitive median line, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/31/china/taiwan-china-median-line-flight-path-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & ACAME and AISC declare: Hands off Taiwan, Xi & Co. Source: AIIS.
26.02.2024. The dangerous parallels between Putin’s ambitions in Ukraine and Xi’s claims on Taiwan, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/27/asia/putin-ukraine-xi-taiwan-parallels-analysis-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA, AISC & ACAME: NATO & allies! Send in more weapons & ammunition to Taiwan, and prepare for war against the ultra-fascist regime of Xi & Co. Crush Xi & Co, better sooner than later! Source: AIIS.
06.03.2024. What it’s like on board an outnumbered Philippine ship facing down China’s push to dominate the South China Sea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/06/asia/philippines-china-south-china-sea-confrontation-intl-hnk-dst/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & AISC and ACAME, Chinese section: Xi Jin-Ping is similar to Adolf Hitler. Source: AIIS.
07.03.2024. China slams ‘unfathomable absurdities’ of US trade controls as it hails Russia ties, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/06/china/china-two-sessions-foreign-minister-presser-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & AISC and ACAME, Chinese section: Xi Jin-Ping is similar to Adolf Hitler. Boycott China! We must trade as little as possible with China. Source: AIIS.
11.03.2024. Anarchism is strong in Taiwan. Audrey Tang - she’s young, an anarchist, and is leading Taiwan’s drive to become a digital powerhouse, see: https://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-taiwan-digital-minister-20170419-story.html. Source: LA-Times. Qalang Smangus, a collectivist anarchist movement, see: https://smangus.org/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnK5ew37QVI. And there are many more anarchists in Taiwan. Source: AIIS.
18.03.2024. A dissident in Europe is enraging Beijing. Now Chinese police are coming for his social media followers, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/18/china/china-teacher-li-followers-police-questioning-intl-hnk/index.html. AI/IFA & AISC and ACAME, Chinese section: Xi Jin-Ping is similar to Adolf Hitler. There is no private life in Xi's China. Boycott China! Source: AIIS.
19.03.2024. Hong Kong: New Security Law Full-Scale Assault on Rights. Beijing Doubles Down on Suppressing Basic Freedoms, see: https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/03/19/hong-kong-new-security-law-full-scale-assault-rights. Source: Human Rights Watch. ACAME - Chinese Section, the Hong Kong anarchists, are still going strong, and in good spirits, and keep a low profile due to the repression, but clench the fists in the pockets, declaring. "We will not be cowed by the Chinese ultra-fascists! To hell with Xi Jin-Ping sooner or later!" Source: AIIS.
23.03.2024. China coast guard water-cannons Philippine ship days after US backs Manila in disputed sea, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/23/asia/china-coast-guard-water-cannon-philippine-south-china-sea-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
24.03.2024. China ruled by Xi JinPing & Co. has got Brown Cards from IAT for breaking the Oslo Convention, i.e. for bullying and ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined) in general in the South China Sea, a part of the Anarchy of the Oceans. Source: AIIS.
25.03.2024. Biden administration indicts and sanctions Chinese hackers accused of sweeping espionage campaign against US targets, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/25/politics/chinese-hackers-accusations-espionage-campaign/index.html. Source: CNN.
30.03.2024. This US state is not covered by the NATO treaty. Some experts say that needs to change, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/29/us/nato-treaty-hawaii-intl-hnk-ml-dst/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & AISC: Since threats to NATO countries are global, especially China, the organization must be understood as NATO & GLOBAL. From now on! Source: AIIS.
01.04.2024. Taipei replica in remote Chinese province fans Taiwan invasion fears, see: https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240401-taipei-replica-in-remote-chinese-province-fans-taiwan-invasion-fears?xtor=CS4-501. Source: France 24.
06.04.2024. West facing 'authoritarian' alliance, says Nato chief, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68743805. Source: BBC.
12.04.2024. China is giving Russia significant support to expand weapons manufacturing as Ukraine war continues, US officials say, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/12/politics/china-russia-support-weapons-manufacturing/index.html. Source: CNN.
12.04.2024. Biden says US defense commitments to Japan and Philippines remain ‘ironclad’ as he hosts key meeting amid China tensions, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/11/politics/us-japan-philippines-trilateral-meeting/index.html. Source: CNN.
20.04.2024. US House passes key foreign aid package. The House has passed a $95 billion package providing foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific region, see: https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/house-vote-ukraine-israel-taiwan-aid-04-20-24/index.html. Source: CNN.
21.04.2024. China sees foreign threats ‘everywhere’ as powerful spy agency takes center stage, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/21/china/china-spy-agency-public-profile-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
23.04.2024. German ultra-fascist AfD staffer arrested for spying for the ultra-fascist China, see: https://www.dw.com/en/german-far-right-afd-staffer-arrested-on-china-spy-charges/a-68894735?mobileApp=true&at_medium=PushNotification&at_dw_language=en&at_number=20240423&at_campaign=BREAKING. Source: DW.
24.04.2024. Biden signs foreign aid bill providing crucial military assistance to Ukraine. President Joe Biden on Wednesday 24.04.2024 signed into law an aid package providing crucial military assistance to Ukraine, capping months of negotiations and debate. The aid package, passed by the Senate late Tuesday evening and worth $95 billion in total, includes nearly $61 billion in aid to Ukraine, $26 billion for Israel and $8 billion for the Indo-Pacific [Taiwan]. The package also includes a bill that could eventually lead to the banning of TikTok in the United States - giving Chinese parent company ByteDance roughly nine months to sell it or else it will be banned from app stores in the United States. See: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/24/politics/biden-signs-foreign-aid-bill/index.html. Source: CNN.
26.04.2024. Choose between stability and ‘downward spiral’ China’s foreign minister tells Blinken during Beijing trip, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/25/world/stability-spiral-china-blinken-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & AISC and ACAME: Blinken meets Xi Jin-Ping = Hitler, and must not act like Chamberlain vis-a-vis Xi. Source: AIIS.
26.04.2024. Blinken says China helping fuel Russian threat to Ukraine, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-68905475. Source: BBC.
26.04.2024. Blinken tells CNN the US has seen evidence of China attempting to influence upcoming US elections, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/26/politics/blinken-china-interview-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
27.04.2024. Xi shakes up China’s military in rethink of how to ‘fight and win’ future wars, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/27/china/china-xi-military-restructuring-information-support-force-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
05.05.2024. Macron set to press China's Xi on trade, Ukraine during Paris visit, see: https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240505-france-s-macron-set-to-press-visiting-xi-on-trade-ukraine. Source: France 24. AI/IFA & AISC and ACAME: Macron meets Xi Jin-Ping = Hitler, and must not act like Chamberlain vis-a-vis Xi. Source: AIIS.
07.05.2024. Two dead, 21 injured in hospital knife attack in China, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/07/china/china-hospital-attack-yunnan-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.05.2024. Biden to increase tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a new warning to Beijing, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/14/politics/biden-tariffs-chinese-imports/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.05.2024. China vows to take ‘all necessary actions’ in response to Biden’s tariffs, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/14/business/china-reaction-biden-tariffs/index.html. Source: CNN.
16.05.2024. China’s Xi Jinping rolls out red carpet for close friend Putin in strong show of unity, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/15/china/putin-xi-meeting-china-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
17.05.2024. In Beijing, Xi and Putin left no question of their close alignment in a divided world, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/17/china/xi-putin-china-visit-takeaways-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
22.05.2024. China starts ‘punishment’ military drills around Taiwan days after island swears in new leader, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/22/asia/china-military-drills-taiwan-punishment-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
24.05.2024. China says military drills encircling Taiwan designed to test its ability to ‘seize power’, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/23/asia/china-military-drills-taiwan-second-day-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
29.05.2024. Hong Kong democracy leaders convicted as mass national security trial concludes 1,240 days after their arrest, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/29/china/hong-kong-47-verdict-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. ACAME, section Hong Kong: We avoided the arrest, but hold a low profile, because of the tyrranic, repressive Xi-friendly rulers in Hong Kong. Xi = Big HITLER! Source: AIIS.
02.06.2024. Those who back Taiwan independence face ‘self-destruction,’ China’s new defense minister warns in combative summit speech, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/01/china/dong-jun-china-defense-minister-shangrila-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN. AI/IFA & AISC and ACAME: Xi = Big HITLER! And must be treated as this! Source: AIIS.
17.06.2024. US sounds alarm over Chinese and North Korean support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/17/politics/us-alarm-china-north-korea-russia/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.06.2024. US blasts ‘aggressive’ China over South China Sea collision with Philippine ship, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/18/asia/us-condemns-china-scs-collision-philippines-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
28.07.2024. US to revamp military forces in Japan in ‘historic’ move as regional tensions mount, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/27/asia/us-austin-trilateral-japan-south-korea-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
27.08.2024. Japan says Chinese spy plane violated its airspace, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cr40dpz1rkwo. Source: BBC.
03.09.2024. New York governor's ex-aide charged as Chinese agent, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c6281zgjjneo. Source: BBC.
29.09.2024. Trojan cars: Why the US fears Chinese cyberattacks on electric vehicles, see: https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240929-trojan-cars-why-the-us-fears-china-cyberattacks-on-electric-vehicles-russia. Source: France 24.
01.10.2024. Xi vows ‘reunification’ with Taiwan on eve of Communist China’s 75th birthday, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/01/china/china-xi-reunification-taiwan-national-day-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
14.10.2024. China encircles Taiwan as 'punishment' for president's speech, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cjwdgp02enet. Source: BBC. AI/IFA & AISC and ACAME: Xi = Big HITLER! And must be treated as this! Source: AIIS.
18.10.2024. US imposes first sanctions on Chinese firms for making weapons for Russia’s war in Ukraine, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/18/china/us-sanctions-chinese-companies-attack-drones-russia-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
19.11.2024. Joshua Wong shouts ‘I love Hong Kong’ as more than 40 leading democracy leaders handed lengthy prison terms in mass trial, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/11/18/world/hong-kong-democracy-leaders-sentencing-intl-hnk/index.html. Source: CNN.
18.12.2024. World coal use to hit record high in 2024: IEA report. Chinese coal demand to reach record high, see: https://www.dw.com/en/world-coal-use-to-hit-record-high-in-2024-amid-climate-concerns-iea-report/a-71089984. Source: DW.
11.01.2025. Protests turn violent in China after student falls to his death, see: https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/11/china/china-protest-pucheng-student-death-intl/index.html. Source: CNN.
29.01.2025. OpenAI says Chinese rivals using its work for their AI apps, see: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9vm1m8wpr9o. Source: BBC.
Et hvert skift i et økonomisk-politisk systems koordinater på ØP-kartet er per definisjon en revolusjon. Revolusjoner kan være av varierende størrelse, noen små, og av og til noe større. Revolusjon står i motsetning til reform, som er økonomisk-politiske endringer uten skift i system-koordinatene, dvs. endringer innenfor systemets rammer, uten å gå utover disse.
Et hvert skift i et økonomisk-politisk systems koordinater på ØP-kartet skjer nesten alltid ved en kontinuerlig prosess via infinitesimale skift i systemets koordinater, som integreres dynamisk over tid, til et signifikant samlet skift i systemkoordinatene, dvs. til en signifikant revolusjon. NB! En serie usignifikante revolusjoner kan altså resultere etter en tid, i en samlet signifikant revolusjon. Er revolusjonen en bevegelse nedover på ØP-kartet, kaller man den også en kontra-revolusjon.
Revolusjoner kan også skje ved diskontinuerlige, eventuelt store - skift i system-koordinatene, uten at vi skal gå videre inn på dette her, utover å bemerke at slike ofte går fryktelig gærent, oftest på grunn av mangel på relevante oppfølgende organisasjons-strukturer.
GGS, The Green Global Spring Revolution, bl.a. støttet av GAIAN Freedomly Zen-Buddhists, andre frihetlige, Greta Thunberg & Co og flere, satser ikke på denne gærne strategien. Men på opplegget nevnt under «NB!» over, som skulle bli en suksess, forutsatt trigging av tilstrekkelige folkemasser til støtte for opplegget (til GGS). Og det må det bli i tide til å avverge full blown climate-crisis, with Ragnarokk = FULLT HELVETE PÅ GAIA, A.K.A. TELLUS OG JORDEN. JHØ.
Best regards and real democratic greetings from the networks of NØI-INDECO at www.indeco.no and IJOR/IIFOR at www.anarchy.no.
*) The stars indicate the position of the Norwegian economical-political system after the revolutionary change in 1994/95.
Fig. 1. Picture of the Anarchist Economical-Political Map
A mathematical precisation of the map is presented at the Formula of anarchism .
For practical statistical methods of estimation of the authoritarian degree etc. see the chapter V.B.
NB! We usually have used " , ", the European standard instead of American/UK standard, i.e. " . " as decimal separator. The term "ca" is an abbreviation for the latin circa, which means about or approximately.
The People's economic-political demands and how they can be met.
Apropos 3. og 4. verdenskrig… 3. = Revolusjons «krigen» for nødvendig mer demokrati til å få gjennomslag for 1,5 graders målet, 4. = Flyktningskrigen, se tidligere sendt notat om dette fra JHØ, også publisert på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html. De 3 milliardene personer (se nedenfor) blir nok ikke værende i det glødende helvete vidt omkring rundt ekvator (og «under vann») lenge, de kommer nok nord og sørover en masse, kanskje mange 100 millioner til Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Island og Finland samt Sveits, UK og USA. Og det blir neppe fredelig… MEN RAGNAROKK!!! MED EXTREME ULTRA-FASCISTISKE HELVETES-SYSTEMER GLOBALT SOM RESULTAT OG ENORME SIKKERHETS-PROBLEMER BREDT DEFINERT. Hilsen AISC v. konsulent JHØ.
PS. På tide å få mye mer fart på "3. Verdenskrig" i preventivt øyemed – Nå må vi få slutt på klimakrisen snart – ellers så går det rett til helvete!!! Dette er alvor!!! Få bakenden i gir!!!!!!! ALLE SAMMEN!!!!!!!!!!! Koronakrisen er bare noe pusleri som er over om senest 2 år, det er klimakrisen som er det virkelige problemet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05.05.2020. Climate change: More than 3bn could live in extreme heat by 2070. More than three billion people will be living in places with "near un-liveable" temperatures by 2070, according to a new study. Unless greenhouse gas emissions fall, large numbers of people will experience average temperatures hotter than 29C. This is considered outside the climate "niche" in which humans have thrived for the past 6,000 years. Co-author of the study Tim Lenton told the BBC:
"The study hopefully puts climate change in a more human terms". Researchers used data from United Nations population projections and a 3C warming scenario based on the expected global rise in temperature. A UN report found that even with countries keeping to the Paris climate agreement, the world was on course for a 3C rise. According to the study, human populations are concentrated into narrow climate bands with most people residing in places where the average temperature is about 11-15C. A smaller number of people live in areas with an average temperature of 20-25C.
People have mostly lived in these climate conditions for thousands of years. However should, global warming cause temperatures to rise by three degrees, a vast number of people are going to be living in temperatures considered outside the "climate niche". Mr Lenton, climate specialist and director of the global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, conducted the study with scientists from China, the US and Europe. He told the BBC: "The land warms up faster than the ocean so the land is warming more than three degrees. Population growth is projected to be in already hot places, mostly sub-Saharan Africa, so that shifts the average person to a hotter temperature.
"It's shifting the whole distribution of people to hotter places which themselves are getting hotter and that's why we find the average person on the planet is living in about 7C warmer conditions in the 3C warmer world." Areas projected to be affected include northern Australia, India, Africa, South America and parts of the Middle East. The study raises concerns about those in poorer areas who will be unable to shelter from the heat. "For me, the study is not about the rich who can just get inside an air-conditioned building and insulate themselves from anything. We have to be concerned with those who don't have the means to isolate themselves from the weather and the climate around them," Mr Lenton said.
Mr Lenton says the main message from the team's findings is that "limiting climate change could have huge benefits in terms of reducing the number of people projected to fall outside of the climate niche. "It's about roughly a billion people for each degree of warming beyond the present. So for every degree of warming, we could be saving a huge amount of change in people's livelihoods." Source: BBC. This is mainly consistent with the scenario analysis of NØI-INDECO at http://www.indeco.no/archive/samgrip2.doc. Best regards, and revolutionary real & green democratic greetings, from Anna Quist. Source: http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html and indeco.no.
Best regards
Jens Hermundstad Østmoe
From: The Institute of Industrial Economics [mailto:indeco@online.no]
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2020 8:34 PM
To: The Economist; redaktionen@arbetaren.se; Samfunnsøkonomenes Forening; Finansdepartementet; Senterpartiet epost; Noam Chomsky; Norges Bank; anarkis69@gmail.com
Cc: International newsmedia and mandated persons etc.
Subject: The latest Cogrips-scientific research results. If established in due time before full blown climate-crisis, sufficient and real democracy globally automatically also will be sufficient green.
1. All brown shit: blue-brown, red-brown, only brown and dark brown ultra–fascist, systems, are always anti-climate because these systems cannot work otherwise, it is automatically build in them, all these more or less extreme ultra-authoritarian systems, world wide. They ca. 100% certain cannot in anyway make green policy, even if the rulers want to – it is impossible. [Why it is so, is explained ca. 99% certain, with China as a typical example, see the next three articles about China and more below.]
2. On the other hand sufficient democratic systems, i.e. both economically and political/administrative, i.e. with sufficiently a) high degree of democracy as defined in the Cogrips-model and b) real scientific based information to the People and their relevant demands, i.e. always including sufficient green and pro-climate, because a green world is necessary to survive as mankind on earth, and also based on the Cogrips-model and -policy, will automatically be green and pro-climate.
3. So the battle is all about sufficient democracy vs authoritarian regimes, and nothing else!
4. NB! The green movement is of no importance at all – totally irrelevant, and just a waste of money and time. With sufficient democracy globally soon enough, the climate-crisis will automatically be solved. The question is only how to make sufficient democracy globally in due time before full blown climate-crisis.
5. It is only by the Top of the societal pyramid - in the democratic countries, the Bureaucracies broadly defined in public and private sector, that mainly make all of the important societal decisions, to follow up the ca. 100% scientific true advice based on the Cogrips-model and –policy, in due time before full blown climate-crisis, to fix this problem. It is all very simple really.
NB! It is about time this very little but ca 100% true scientific knowledge is known globally. It is about time for the news-media to tell this simple truth globally to the People, the Bottom of the societal pyramid, as well as to the Top of the pyramid, i.e. the Bureaucracy broadly defined, economically and/or political/administrative, in public as well as private sector. Feel free to make your own reports based on the Cogrips-model and -policy on indeco.no and anarchy.no. You don’t need to quote anarchy.no or indeco.no and use the exact material from the Cogrips-model and –policy. Use the model to make your own relevant reports, preferably popularized.
The Cogrips-model and –policy, as presented at anarchy.no and indeco.no, has a.o.t. mathematical formulas and a rather heavy scientific language, and is not sufficiently popularized to reach and enlighten the People en masse and in general, a very likely necessary condition for development of Real Democracy, automatically also green, of sufficient high degree of democracy in due time to avoid full blown climate-crisis. And you don’t need to tell you found the ideas by us – the Cogrips-model and -policy is not copyrighted material but 100% free to use for all that want to. NB! Real ca. 100% true social scientific research and laws, as the Cogrips-model and –policy consist of, is always available to use for free for anyone who want to, without reference to any source, similar to use of the laws of natural science! Just steal the results at anarchy.no and indeco.no as much as you like and can, without necessary telling anybody about the source, especially if you don’t like to quote anarchy.no, an anarchist source, and indeco.no, i.e. much scientific mathematical economics broadly defined!
If the news-media want to report from the Cogrips-model and –policy’s research results, that they should 100% do and do quick, especially the small basic research results 1. – 5. above, they should feel free to use it in own reports, and not necessary quoting results at indeco.no or anarchy.no. NB! The Cogrips-model and –policy represents about full oversight globally of relevant social scientific research, analysis and research results, most practically certain and true scientific laws and relations, based on all disciplines of social sciences, including general military strategy on societal level, seen all together, plus all relevant natural sciences. NB! This research never go into confusing details – only look at the global picture on general level, based on the Cogrips-model and –policy, as well as practical research and advice based on the model and policy, all presented and published at indeco.no and anarchy.no and via press releases.
Best regards and real democratic greetings from the networks of NØI-INDECO at www.indeco.no and IJOR/IIFOR at www.anarchy.no.
Bidrag nr. 1 til Hjernekraftprisen 2020.
Av Jens Hermundstad Østmoe
I egenskap av å være forskning-sjef for NØI-INDECO-nettverket er jeg også offisiell talsperson, og jeg skriver her på vegne av hele nettverket, og benytter da vi-form, og ikke jeg-form, i begge de to bidragene til Hjernekraftprisen 2020, signert av undertegnede. Endelig noen seriøse forskere, i Forskerforbundet hvor jeg er pensjonist-medlem, som har lest det sentrale i Cogrips-model og –policy og synes det er bra, i følge e-mail fra Kari Folkenborg, Spesialrådgiver i Forskerforbundet. Kommer til å følge opp oppfordringen fra Folkenborg med to korte bidrag, som kreves for å delta i konkurransen om Hjernekraftprisen i år. Da tar jeg som nr. 1 analysen av Xi & Co, fra Hong Kong anarkistene, «The ca. 100% truth about Xi Jinping, ruler of China», hvor NØI-INDECO har bidratt sterkt som konsulent, og bearbeider det litt videre til et forsknings-paper undertegnet av meg. Og som nr. 2 tar jeg “New AISC-report about China, with updated strategic analysis.” Som altså er et konsulent arbeide for Folkebladets delgruppe AISC, og også det finpusser jeg til et forsknings-paper signert av meg, og sender begge paperne til Forskerforbundet. Denne innledningen er lagt til i det førstnevnte paperet.
Så får vi se hva juryen sier, tror ikke jeg vinner Hjernekraftprisen i år, for Forskerforbundet har mye « rødbrun møkk» fra Rødt, tidligere SUF og AKP-ml og SV, og marxismen får det glatte lag i disse notatene fordi de ikke har med korrupsjonsloven i ideologien/teorien sin med fatale følger i praksis. Undertegnede er nå overhodet ikke interessert i slikt æres-tull, er ikke som morfar Knut Hermundstad som var fryktelig stolt fordi han fikk Kongens Fortjenestemedalje i gull for all folkeminne-granskningen sin og tallrike bøker om dette, inkludert en økonomi-bok om Valdres handelssoga, og var personlig på slottet og hilste på Kongen, noe jeg blankt ville avvist selv som knapper og glansbilder fra øvrigheten (Byråkratiet) om noen skulle finne på å ville få til noe slikt, men det er nå positivt for undertegnede og NØI-INDECO-nettverket å bli lest av noen seriøse forskere i pris-komiteen til Forskerforbundet.
Det vanker vel også en vurdering og kommentarer. De er jo allerede positive til Cogrips-model og –policy i stort, i følge e-mail med kommentar fra Kari Folkenborg, så jeg regner med at noen små sentrale godbiter fra Cogrips-prosjektet, med vekt på demokrati og korrupsjonsloven, som er ca. like sikker som tyngdeloven, blir godt og seriøst mottatt, det er ikke bare ml-kommunister og venstre-marxister i Forskerforbundet – det er litt av hvert av ideretninger der. Kan hende priskomiteen ikke har ideologiske skylapper i år, men er opptatt av bidrag til ca. 100% sann samfunnsvitenskapelig-forskning, som er objektiv og gjelder helt uavhengig av politisk retning akkurat som naturvitenskapen. Og det er det Cogrips-model og –policy er ca. 100%.
At demokratigrad er lik libertærgrad, og også er lik anarkigrad for Reelt dvs, alltid inklusive grønt, Demokrati, er ikke politisk ideologi og propaganda, men er et objektivt ca. 100 % sikkert samfunnsvitenskapelig faktum. Dette er det bare å ta det innover seg mine damer og herrer. Å nekte å ta innover seg objektiv ca. 100% sann vitenskap, bare fordi det mye misbrukte ordet anarki forekommer, som Cogrips-model og –policy de facto er, er like dumt som å tro på Storebrors Nytale i Orwells «1984» dvs. krig = fred og helt analogt: anarki = kaos, og dette er like dumt som å tro man kan neglisjere tyngdeloven i praksis. Bare så dere vet det.
Cogrips-model og –policy kommer ganske sikkert til å resultere i et stort paradigme-skifte i samfunnsvitenskapen inklusive økonomi, sosial-økologi, og politologisk demokrati-forskning med videre, selv om det kan ta lang tid. Cogrips-model og –policy integrerer nær sagt alle samfunnsvitenskapene generelt, og omfatter både samfunnsøkonomi, politologi (statsvitenskap), sosial-økologi, sosiologi & sosialantropologi og militær-strategiske analyser, og til og med litt human-biologi, realfaglig økologi, meteorologi og psykologi trekkes inn. Spørsmålet er om ikke oppdelingen på ulike fag-disipliner i de samfunnsvitenskapelige fakulteter er et foreldet perspektiv, man bør se alle delfagene sammen i sammenheng, integrert som i Cogrips-model og –policy, og ikke som separate disipliner, for da skjønner man jo lite av de store sammenhengene og det faktum at alt henger betydelig sammen. Man får ikke skikkelig oversikt og analyse av det store bildet nasjonalt og globalt når alt bare oppsplittes. Det integrerte samfunnsvitenskapelige perspektivet i Cogrips-model og –policy, tar hensyn til det store bildet og at alt henger betydelig sammen, på en etter vårt skjønn god måte, og kan trolig stå som modell for fremtidens samfunnsvitenskap, angående både teoretisk grunnforskning, anvendt forskning og praktisk konsulentvirksomhet basert på forskningen, dvs. samfunnsvitenskaps-basert rådgivning, som også er utgangspunktet for våre to papers som bidrag til Hjernekraftprisen 2020.
Det er mye bedre å ta inn over seg nye vitenskapelige fakta basert på Cogrips-model og –policy raskt, analogt med å akseptere i praksis at jorden er rund, enn å tvi-holde på foreldete verdensbilder og sterkt mangelfulle teorier og tankekonstruksjoner som vi finner i marxismen, liberalistiske økonomi-bøker, og populistisk/fascistisk tankegods, analogt med å tviholde på påstander om at jorden er flat! Spesielt det førende økonomi-magasinet og hittil kun liberalist-organet The Economist bør merke seg dette, og ikke avvise ny og ca. 100% sann samfunnsvitenskap inklusive samfunnsøkonomi, som Cogripsmodel og –policy er, og ikke rapportere om dette nye vitenskapelige stoffet i det hele tatt. Redaksjonen i The Economist bør skjerpe seg, raskt. Det norske Samfunnsøkonomen er ikke mye bedre enn The Economist. Den som i praksis i gjøren og laden gir blaffen i ny og ca. 100% sann vitenskap, blant annet forskningsresultater fra Cogrips-model-prosjektet, som Donald Trump og i hittil The Economist, bidrar bare til at det bærer galt av sted og ofte riktig galt av sted. Ved å neglisjere ca. 100% sann og viktig ny samfunnsvitenskap, som Cogrips-model og –policy de facto er, - og det er det dessverre mye av, bidrar man til at det kan bære fryktelig galt av sted her på planeten. Og det kommer det til å gjøre dersom myndighetene i de demokratiske land, inklusive den væpnede ving NATO, med videre - fortsetter med å neglisjerer de nye forskningsresultatene fra NØI-INDECO, og som konsulent for IIFOR, og ikke følger opp i praksis. Det var bare det jeg ville ha sagt. NB Cogrips-model og –policy er ikke anarkistisk propaganda, men ca. 100% sann og objektiv ny vitenskap, og må ikke neglisjeres. Det er direkte farlig å neglisjere de nye vitenskapelige fakta i dette tilfellet.
Ad mitt livsverk så langt - har her innledningsvis også tatt med linker til den store generelle Cogrips-modellen. De som vil sette seg nærmere inn i teorien, kan klikke på linkene. Linkene representerer hovedtrekkene i mitt livsverk så langt. Det dreier seg i hovedsak om videreføring og utdyping av Nobelprisvinner i økonomi, Ragnar Frisch’ Samgripingsmodell (Kortform: Samgrepsmodell – Eng.: Cogripsmodel), medregnet demokrati og miljøaspekter, inklusive den praxeologiske delen mot miljøkrisen, GGS. Det er også litt om Koronakrisen, se linkene nederst. Det dreier seg dels om forskningsarbeider ved NØI-INDECO (indeco.no), dels om konsulentarbeider for International Journal of Organization Research/Fb/IJ@ © ISSN 0800-0220 - electronic issues ISSN 1890-9485 since 2009, ved redaktør Harald Fagerhus, på anarchy.no. NB! Både på indeco.no og på anarchy.no har flere bidratt, undertegnede har imidlertid gjort alt det meste på de filene som er linket opp nedenfor, det utgjør det meste av livsverket mitt (medregnet da også ytterlige linker på de angitte web-sidene nedenfor). Les og bli vis! NB! Dette dreier seg bare om en opsjon til videregående stoff for de som er interesserte. Det er ikke nødvendig å sette seg inn i alt dette stoffet for å forstå innholdet i de to paperne med bidrag til Hjernekraftprisen 2020. Disse kan leses alene som de står, og står helt på egne bein. Modell-linkene er bare med til orientering, for de som vil vite mer. The Cogrips Model reasoning at indeco.no and anarchy.no complement each other and form a complete whole of a large general Cogrips Model. Etter modell-linkene så følger den ovenfor omtalte forskningsbaserte konsulent-rapporten, i form av en resolusjon fra Hong Kong anarkistene. Resolusjonen er også publisert i flere dokumenter på indeco.no og anarchy.no.
Ragnar Frisch' & Frischian Cogrips-model & -policy… Read and learn (click on the following links, and additional links at them:)
The ca. 100% truth about Xi Jinping, ruler of China.
From the Real Democracy Debate at: http://www.anarchy.no/andebate.html, with the large article «China's place on the economic-political map». Read the whole article to get the full context and to understand the development of the in the name only communist regime, from de facto left-fascism in 2009, to ultra-fascism in 2020, and the present Chinese war-theater and scenario, and the strategic and other situation in general, also much from Hong Kong. To all that receives this report, at least read it, it has ca. 100% correct social scientific analysis and conclusions. And also report about it in your papers and on the web, and to your principals. We have ca. 100 % right, but we will also like to get ca. 100% right, in due time before full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk.
The ca. 100% truth about Xi Jinping, ruler of China and an ochlarchical, evil Coal-Monarch, and his ultra-fascist and extreme ultra-authoritarian “communist” party and regime. Ochlarchy is mob rule broadly defined, including evil repression, corruption and destruction of the climate. Economical and political/administrative power corrupts, and the more power, the more corrupt. Remember the Gini-index, which clearly shows greater income disparities, more top-heavy income pyramid, in China than even in the stronghold of capitalism, the United States. At the same time, Xi Jinping promises to equalize the income differences and get rid of the rampant regime corruption, in the interest of the People, i.e. the grassroots. This is probably reinforced and combined with Orwell's "1984" double-thinking, i.e. psychological dysfunction including a large portion of self-deception. Xi imagines as ruler of the Central Committee "the proletariat's vanguard" that he will "serve the People", reinforced by the fact that his "thinking" is now incorporated into the Constitution in line with Mao's thoughts. Both are unscientific marxist dialectical bullshit, something Kropotkin already showed as non-scientific about 1900. This is imbecility + power put into system.
And then since his large corrupt Bureaucracy, based on the “communist” party (and de facto ultra-fascists & Hitlerism) steals a lot and more and more of the societal cake, according to the Gini-index, based on updated statistics, he has to use the cheapest type of large economic growth in old-fashioned (not green) Gross Domestic Product (GDP), so the cake gets bigger - so also the People at the bottom of the societal pyramid get a bit too of the cake, otherwise the People are rebelling - something he fears like the plague, and more and more. Therefore, more and more use of coal and fossil energy in general, even though he realizes it's going to hell with the climate crisis - he won't fix it. And this only reinforces and reinforces itself in a vicious circle, which is now also combined with increased repression (based on Artificial Intelligence face-control), which only reinforces the madness even more + Gulags and lots of political prisoners. All of this makes Xi & Co act like Sociopaths in this evil circle! This must now end soon, preferably at once! The social-scientific law of corruption, i.e. power corrupts broadly defined, and more power the more corrupt, always beats his system’s campaigns for the climate and less income disparities and less economic corruption and less corruption in the meaning of misuse of political/administrative power to ochlarchy, i.e. mob rule broadly defined, and de facto anti-climate policy, by his Bureaucracy. His system can’t fix these problems because of the power concentration and following always corruption broadly defined.
Xi and his very large top-heavy repressive Bureaucracy in private and public sector, are totally trapped in his own game of this totally dysfunctional and very corrupt broadly defined - and over time even more corrupt - ultra-fascist and very hierarchical Hitlerism regime. Xi and his regime is very unpopular by the People, and to stay in power, that he wants at all costs because he and his Bureaucracy are totally corrupt, and because he is truly enough afraid of rebellion, he only increases his and his Bureaucracy’s power over time, by more and more repression, that makes the system even more corrupt broadly defined, including more anti-climate, and even more dysfunctional. He know it will go to hell because of the climate crisis, also for China, in the terrible World War IIII, the global Fugitive War, and he don’t like it, but the system is so dysfunctional corrupt & and from his place on the top, necessary repressing, that he can’t fix it, and make the necessary change towards Real, i.e. including green Democracy. Xi = Hitler II, will crush totally the pro-democracy, including green, opposition and movements in Hong Kong and main-land China, if he is allowed to. Thus it is necessary with military intervention from democratic countries, including NATO, plus hopefully Russia, to support the pro-democracy, including green, opposition and movements in Hong Kong and main-land China, and do away with Xi and his ultra-fascist regime (similar to Hitler’s Germany) and introduce and produce together with the opposition a sufficient Real, i.e. including green Democracy in China.
This should be based on Cogrips-model and -policy, which are both 1. integrated micro-macro models, including based on ecocirc, and 2. have elements of decentralized planning economy again based on MBO & freedom within a framework + a bottom up approach, plus 3. a generally flatter structure, somewhat like in Norway, Switzerland and Iceland (and perhaps even some more democratic including green) i.e. sufficient Real, including green Democracy to a.o.t. contribute to stop the climate crisis, quickly, is the way to go forward for China. Hong Kong should be the first to introduce Real, i.e. including green Democracy, and should be a model for main-land China in Real, i.e. including green, Democratic direction, be the spearhead in a General Green Chinese Pro-Democracy Movement and soon after a general Chinese [Green] Spring Revolution (CSR), a part of the The Green Global Spring Revolution (GGS) - and with a Green Economy, ca. 100% without Coal, Oil and Gas. First drop the Coal in China included Hong Kong! Remember the GGS "Action No 1: China, USA and EU! Drop COAL". But these, at present mostly embryotic, People’s popular pro-democracy including green oppositions and movements, already rather brutally repressed, need significant military support, with military intervention from democratic countries, including NATO, plus hopefully Russia, to succeed. This must happen soon. The Xi-Chinese ultra-fascist repression is soon crushing all opposition in Hong Kong and main-land China, like Hitler, effectively ca. 100%.
Resolution by The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East - ACAME - Chinese Section (Hong Kong). Sources: GGS, AISC, ACAME and AIIS. 25.05.2020.
Med vennlig hilsen NØI-INDECO-nettverket.
From: The Institute of Industrial Economics [mailto:indeco@online.no]
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2020 6:24 PM
To: The Economist
Cc: Samfunnsøkonomenes Forening; Finansdepartementet; Norges Bank; Statistisk Sentralbyrå; Aftenposten Økonomi
Subject: The Economist and liberalism vs Cogrips-science and NØI- INDECO's contributions to Hjernekraftprisen 2020.The Cogrips-model and -policy can be seen as a development of Adam Smith's ideas in Real, i.e. always including green Democratic direction.
Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc. click here: Google Translate.
The Economist har igjen begynt å svare at mail fra NØI-INDECO og undertegnede blir mottatt (se innkopiert svar-mail fram dem nedenfor), og kanskje også de blir lest. Burde skrevet på engelsk selvsagt, men har ikke tid til å oversette. Men oversettelses-toolen jeg bruker virker ganske bra, så de er vel ikke helt hjelpeløse til norsk stoff. Alt haster. Dette gjelder spesielt mitt bidrag nr. 1. til Hjernekraftprisen, hvor The Economist er nevnt, sammen med Donald Trump, som eksempler på institusjoner/personer som baserer seg på falsk tro/ideologi, og ikke vitenskapelige analyser som Cogrips-model og –policy (kanskje litt urettferdig mot The Economist, men det trengs hard lut - hele tiden, ellers går alt ganske sikkert rett til helvete med klimakrisen, og kanskje ganske raskt også.)
Jeg abonnerer på The Economist, som hittil bare promoterer liberalismen, men det betyr også at de tar standpunkt mot mørkebrun stats-møkk, som er bra. De hadde en knallgod analyse om korrupte ultra-autoritære diktatur-virkninger av Koronakrisen nylig blant annet. Veldig bra – det skal de ha takk for. Men de kan ikke korrupsjonsloven fullt ut, nemlig at den også virker plutarkisk, i retning blå-brun erke-konservativ liberalisme, og videre over mot bare brunt og senere mørkebrun ultra-fascisme, om ikke dette stoppes av signifikante demokratiske opposisjons-bevegelser. Dette skjønner dessverre ikke The Economist foreløpig. Og liberalismen deres er også alt for mye pro uregulerte markeder, selv om bladet heldigvis ikke er blant de mest ultra-liberalistiske her.
Uregulerte markeder skaper enormt stor topptung inntektspyramide, høy Gini-indeks, og er helt håpløse når det gjelder klima. Alt blir gjort på billigst mulig måte, og derfor basert på mye kull, men også mye øvrig fossilt, pga. uhemmet profitt-motiv, og det bare øker og øker på. Dessuten er The Economist for teknologi-utviklings-optimister, og har blant annet satset stort på CO2-rensing og -lagring som en farbar vei mot full blown climate-crisis, men dette er helt miljø-økonomisk umulig dyrt og ineffektivt i stor skala, og penger og sysselsetting brukt på slikt tull må derfor stoppes umiddelbart, til fordel for realistiske grønne prosjekter. Har mer om The Economist og liberalismen nedenfor. Les det alle sammen!.
Ekte liberalister er for autonomi, og dermed mot statisme, og for flat samfunns-pyramide i offentlig sektor og mot topptung stat generelt og sterkt mot ultra-fascisme spesielt, jevnfør Winston Churchill som gikk til krig mot det ultra-fasistiske systemet til Adolf Hitler (men de er alt for glade i uregulerte markeder til å være tilstrekkelig demokratiske og dermed også automatisk tilstrekkelig grønne). Ekte liberalister kan man samarbeide med mot ultra-fascismen, men de klarere ikke å stoppe klimautslippene, liberalismen er ikke noe tess til det, de må akseptere litt mer reelt, inklusive grønt demokrati, for å bidra til klima-fiks. Men ekte liberalister, som the Economist som jeg sender mye til og abonnere på, er ikke så vitenskaps-fiendtlige som Trump. De er glade i samfunnsvitenskap, økonomi og blant annet biologi – håper de kan lære litt Cogrips-model og -policy over tid og bli med i alle fall delvis på Reelt, som alltid er inklusive grønt Demokrati, og av tilstrekkelig høy grad til forhindre full blown climate-crisis.
De kan bli allierte i 3, verdenskrig, men kanskje for sent og for glade i kull-penger, men jobber som sagt med the Economist. Håper de kan tilegne seg Cogrips-modellen til Frisch, videreutviklet av meg med noen flere. Men de liker ikke anarkisme, selv om det egentlig bare betyr reelt demokrat – men de liker nå demokrati likevel, men ikke sosialisme heller, men de oppfatter det kun som statssosialisme og kommunisme, ikke sosialismen til Frisch og meg. Det er altså noe begrepsforvirring her som det må ryddes opp i før man kan nå frem til de ekte liberalistene (autonome sådanne), så de skjønner at tilstrekkelig mer Reelt, som automatisk også blir grønt Demokrati, er nødvendig og ikke dumt og markedsfiendtlig, men også at markedets tendenser til uopplyst pengevelde inkludert anti-climate, nå må tuktes med offentlig styring og reguleringer, spesielt grønne sådanne.
Cogrips-model og -policy kan oppfattes som en videreutvikling av Adam Smiths tenkning i mer demokratisk retning, dvs. at det markedsbaserte systemet utvikles til nok Reelt Demokrati, som automatisk også vil være tilstrekkelig grønt, til å forhindre full blown climate-crisis. NB! NØI-INDECO er ikke mot markeder i likhet med P. J. Proudhon, men de må reguleres grønt og styres for Folket, ikke bare tjene øvrigheten i privat og offentlig sektor. Her fjerner NØI-INDECO-nettverket seg litt fra sentral Frisch som var noe for mye for planøkonomi, men markedene i det økonomisk-politiske systemet må være grønne og basert på frie kontrakter – ikke slavekontrakter for bl.a. kullgruve-slit. Cogrips-modell og –policy kan som nevnt oppfattes som en videreutvikling av Adam Smiths tenkning i tilstrekkelig demokratisk og dermed automatisk grønn retning til å unngå full blown climate-crisis. Og får man de autonome liberalistene til å tenke i slike baner, kan de komme med tilstrekkelig tidlig i kampen for nok demokrati, til å bidra til løsningen som automatisk også vil være tilstrekkelig grønn til nettopp å avverge full blown climate-crisis. Men blå-brun erke-konservativ liberalisme, er alltid anti-klima - og er håpløst uforbedrelig blå-brun møkk - og er klar ultra-autoritær fiende, som man selvfølgelig ikke kan samarbeide med. Slike blå-brune systemer og tendenser må bekjempes av pro-demokrati folkebevegelser med støtte fra nyhetsmediene.
Best regards NØI-INDECO-network.
From: Letters Mailbox [mailto:lettersmailbox@economist.com]
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2020 5:55 PM
To: Jens Hermundstad Østmoe
Subject: Re: En kortfattet analyse av det økonomisk-politiske systemet i Kina, inklusive Hong Kong, med vekt på dysfunksjoner. Bidrag nr. 1 til Hjernekraftprisen 2020.
The Economist thanks you for your letter, which has been passed to the author of the article. All letters are edited if selected for publication either in print or online. We will need to know where you are writing from, so please ensure you have supplied the name of the city, town or village and the country if that is not obvious. If you do not wish your letter to be published send an e-mail promptly to letters@economist.com.
From: Letters Mailbox [mailto:lettersmailbox@economist.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2020 6:24 PM
To: indeco@online.no
Subject: Re: The Economist and liberalism vs Cogrips-science and NØI- INDECO's contributions to Hjernekraftprisen 2020.The Cogrips-model and -policy can be seen as a development of Adam Smith's ideas in Real, i.e. always including green Democratic direction.
The Economist thanks you for your letter, which has been passed to the author of the article. All letters are edited if selected for publication either in print or online. We will need to know where you are writing from, so please ensure you have supplied the name of the city, town or village and the country if that is not obvious. If you do not wish your letter to be published send an e-mail promptly to letters@economist.com.
Bidrag nr. 2 til Hjernekraftprisen 2020.
Av Jens Hermundstad Østmoe
I egenskap av å være forskning-sjef for NØI-INDECO-nettverket er jeg også offisiell talsperson, og jeg skriver her på vegne av hele nettverket, og benytter da vi-form, og ikke jeg-form, i begge de to bidragene til Hjernekraftprisen 2020, signert av undertegnede. Endelig noen seriøse forskere, i Forskerforbundet hvor jeg er pensjonist-medlem, som har lest det sentrale i Cogrips-model og –policy og synes det er bra, i følge e-mail fra Kari Folkenborg, Spesialrådgiver i Forskerforbundet. Kommer til å følge opp oppfordringen fra Folkenborg med to korte bidrag, som kreves for å delta i konkurransen om Hjernekraftprisen i år. Da tar jeg som nr. 1 analysen av Xi & Co, fra Hong Kong anarkistene, «The ca. 100% truth about Xi Jinping, ruler of China», hvor NØI-INDECO har bidratt sterkt som konsulent, og bearbeider det litt videre til et forsknings-paper undertegnet av meg. Og som nr. 2 tar jeg “New AISC-report about China, with updated strategic analysis.” Som altså er et konsulent arbeide for Folkebladets delgruppe AISC, og også det finpusser jeg til et forsknings-paper signert av meg, og sender begge paperne til Forskerforbundet. Denne korte innledningen er lagt til i det andre nevnte paperet.
Så får vi se hva juryen sier, tror ikke jeg vinner Hjernekraftprisen i år, for Forskerforbundet har mye « rødbrun møkk» fra Rødt, tidligere SUF og AKP-ml og SV, og marxismen får det glatte lag i disse notatene fordi de ikke har med korrupsjonsloven i ideologien/teorien sin med fatale følger i praksis. Undertegnede er nå overhodet ikke interessert i slikt æres-tull, men det er nå positivt for undertegnede og NØI-INDECO-nettverket generelt å bli lest av noen seriøse forskere i pris-komiteen til Forskerforbundet. Det vanker vel også en vurdering og kommentarer. De er jo allerede positive til Cogrips-model og –policy i stort, i følge e-mail med kommentar fra Kari Folkenborg, så jeg regner med at noen små sentrale godbiter fra Cogrips-prosjektet, med vekt på demokrati og korrupsjonsloven, som er ca. like sikker som tyngdeloven, blir godt og seriøst mottatt, det er ikke bare ml-kommunister og venstre-marxister i Forskerforbundet – det er litt av hvert av ideretninger der. Kan hende priskomiteen ikke har ideologiske skylapper i år, men er opptatt av bidrag til ca. 100% sann samfunnsvitenskapelig-forskning, som er objektiv og gjelder helt uavhengig av politisk retning akkurat som naturvitenskapen. Og det er det Cogrips-model og –policy er ca. 100%.
Ad terminologien: Det skrives mye om brun møkk i ulike avskygninger og det bannes litt i AISC-rapporten, som er basert på rådgiving fra NØI-INDECO, igjen basert på Cogrips-model og -policy. Dette er ikke verdinøytralt selvfølgelig, men dreier som ultra-autoritære systemer og partier, så da må de være ok å dra til litt verbalt, og kalle en spade for en spade, og bruke møkk-begrepet og banne litt, når det er relevant. Utrykket brun møkk har sin opprinnelse i det militære, og militær-strategisk teori og praksis, for å betegne ultra-autoritære fiender på en for soldater motiverende måte og for å vekke Folket og øvrigheten i sin alminnelighet. Vanlig sjargong bl.a. i Heimevernet, hvor undertegnede tjenestegjorde som troppsassistent (korporal) i mange år og selv brukte uttrykket en del. Det ble også brukt i marinen (Sjøheimevernet) hvor undertegnede i sin tid fullførte utdannelse til fenrik på forsyningssiden (intendanturet), men ble så overført til land-HV, og da passet ikke denne utdanningen og undertegnede ble troppsassistent i stedet, noe som passet bra, for dette er klart mindre arbeidskrevende enn å være fenrik, og den frigitte tiden ble brukt til mer forskning, som er og var bra.
Nedenfor følger AISC’s rapport i sin helhet. NB! Den inneholder ikke bare analyser av Kina, som tittelen skulle tilsi, men også analyse av ultra-fascistiske land generelt, pluss andre land med høy autoritærgrad = 100% - demokrati-grad, og tar også opp situasjonen i de demokratiske landene, med lav autoritærgrad og dermed høyere demokratigrad - altså både militær-strategisk analyse og økonomisk-politisk systemanalyse globalt.
New AISC-report about China, with updated strategic analysis
From the Real Democracy Debate at: http://www.anarchy.no/andebate.html, with the large article «China's place on the economic-political map». Read the whole article to get the full context and to understand the development of the in the name only communist regime, from de facto left-fascism in 2009, to ultra-fascism in 2020, and the present Chinese war-theater and scenario, and the strategic and other situation in general, also much from Hong Kong. To all that receives this report, at least read it, it has ca. 100% correct social scientific analysis and conclusions. And also report about it in your papers and on the web, and to your principals. We have ca. 100 % right, but we will also like to get ca. 100% right, in due time before full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk.
03.06.2020. New AISC-report about China, with updated strategic analysis. Translation tool Norwegian to English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc. click here: Google Translate. Ingen terrorister historisk har vært anarkister, se http://www.anarchy.no/apt.html. De sentrale anarkistiske talspersonene Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin og Malatesta tok alle avstand fra terrorismen. Men det må være lovlig å bruke vold i legitimt og proporsjonalt selvforsvar mot attakkerende og morderiske rødbrun, blå-brun, bare brun og mørkebrun møkk, og det med harde midler og lut, og det har det vært mye av nå og historisk. Anarkister er generelt ikke idioter og pasifister som Jesus. Merk dere det. Vi tar igjen med det vi har, selv om det ofte kan være lite for suksess, i legitimt selvforsvar. Jevnfør AISC-strategien ved angrep av killer-ochlarchs, se bl.a. http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html, om det skulle bli riktig ille. Vi er ikke der i dag heldigvis i demokratiske land. Men i Saudi-Arabia, Iran, Sudan, Egypt, og vel også Kina main-land, pluss flere mørkebrune møkkaland, er det lang tids tortur, ofte med dødsstraff etter lang tid med helvete, for opposisjonelle pro-demokrater med eller mindre grønn profil, som tør å si noe kritisk om regimet, og ikke lar seg kue 100%. Fy faen for noe mørkebrun møkk.
Men så over til the report “Join The Green Global Spring (GGS) for sufficient Real i.e. including green Democracy – to save The Planet from Manmade Global Warming via Bottom - Up Climate-Actions! A call for more GGS-actions! And the basic about GGS and Cogrips-model and -policy in general!” publisert på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html - med essensen av GGS & Cogrips-model & -policy, helt uten noe om anarkisme og anarki, bare demokrati, også Reelt, dvs. inklusive grønt Demokrati. (= anarki og anarkisme, men det kan man generelt bare glemme. NB! Det er ikke nødvendig å koble på anarkisme-delen av Cogrips-model og –policy i det hele tatt for resonnementet inkludert strategisk analyse og policy-en generelt. Denne anarkisme-delen er et helt unødvendig (men vitenskapelig ca. 100% sant likevel) tillegg til demokrati-analysene, inklusive korrupsjonsloven, som gjelder like sikkert som tyngdeloven og annen naturvitenskap, men innenfor samfunnsvitenskapen.
Korrupsjonsloven har også sin rot i biologi og gen-poolen til menneskene (men ikke bare – vil også avhenge noe av sosialt, dvs. økonomisk og politisk/administrativt, system), som er veldig beslektet med bavian-genene. Ikke alle har det i samme grad, noen er litt arvelig beslektet med tre-apene, som genetisk er ganske non-autoritære, og ikke er så autoritære som bavianer er av natur. AISC-nettverket kan være litt der, men med makt hadde også vi blitt korrupte, helt sikkert, er klart mennesker og derfor bavianlignende også vi, og ikke treape-lignende, som er genetisk non-autoritære. Så korrupsjonsloven gjelder også for oss, men ikke i så alvorlig grad, som for genetiske sociopater, arvelig mørkebrun møkk, som er veldig mye lik bavianene, bare verre – de er destruktive: Makt for enhver pris, inklusive anti-climate. Det er lite forskjell på samfunnsvitenskap og naturvitenskap, begge deler har med gener og arv og biologi å gjøre - ganske mye, men menneskene påvirkes også av sosiale systemer. Demokrati og lite maktkonsentrasjon betyr at effektene av korrupsjonsloven virker svakere. Men at overordnet makt korrumperer, og mer desto mere makt, gjelder like sikkert som tyngdeloven, det er bare det at systemet blir mindre korrupt i vid forstand, når det er lite maktkonsentrasjon – lite topptung pyramide og flat pyramide. I et reelt, dvs. inklusive grønt demokrati, av tilstrekkelig høy demokratigrad, vil selvoppholdelsesdriften til Folket, slå gjennom.
Folkets interesse, dvs. the People's Demands, publisert nær øverst på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.htm, av å unngå full blown climate crisis with Ragnarokk og for barnebarnas ve og vel i fremtiden, vil automatisk føre til at reelt demokrati også blir grønt, når Folkets innflytelse på toppens beslutninger øker tilstrekkelig, og forutsatt at Folket er seg bevisst problemet og har klare krav og mål. GGS har publisert klare mål (demands) i denne sammenheng, se nær øverst på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.htm, og ved større folkelig oppslutning og bidrag til opplysning av Folket generelt, bl.a. via støtte fra nyhetsmedia og store organisasjoner, kan GGS’ The People’s demands, publisert på GGS & anarchy.no, og i Cogrips-model og-policy, også på indeco.no, danne basis for gjennomslag på toppenes beslutninger, og Cogrips-model og -policy generelt, nasjonalt og globalt. Men alt dette går veldig tregt hittil og tilsynelatende med liten til null påvirkning foreløpig fra indeco.no og GGS og anarchy.no generelt. Folket - massene - er lite opplyste både om klimasaken og løsningsforslaget på indeco.no og anarchy.no, får håpe det retter seg tilstrekkelig på lengre sikt, men før det blir full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk. Tiden er ganske knapp for Cogrips-policy tar også tid å gjennomføre i tilstrekkelig grad til å unngå at det blir full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk.
Det som skjer nå er at selve selvoppholdelses-driften (som forutsetter grønt reelt demokrati verden over i tilstrekkelig grad globalt, for å opprettholdes og tilfredsstilles) blir undertrykt fryktelig mye av blå-brun, rødbrun og bare brun, og tendensielt over i mørkebrun møkk, dvs. ultra-fascisme, inkludert anti-klima (som Trump, men han er ikke diktator i USA ennå, som andre mørkebrune herskere er i sine respektive land, dvs. mange i landene bredt rundt ekvator som vil rammes av klimakrise om den slår til for fullt, alle Araber-landene, inklusive Hemedti i Sudan, Iran, mye i Asia og Sør-Amerika og så videre og videre, se resultatene av IIFOR’s demokrati-undersøkelse på anarki.no om demokratigrad = 100% - autoritærgrad – NB! foreløpige tall for nesten alle land i verden og med noen oppdateringer ellers på anarchy.no.) Det er veldig mange mørkebrune inkludert anti-climate møkka-systemer/land på kloden, men de står alle på leirføtter med lite motiverte tropper for tiden – som lett kan slås om de ikke gir seg ved militære trusler, inkludert krav om omlegging til reelt, inklusive grønt demokrati, og de har alle pro-demokrati, mer eller mindre grønne opposisjons-bevegelser, åpent der det går an (foreløpig også i Hong Kong, men der går det mot slutten på dette og opposisjonen må snart gå helt under jorden) og latent, der represjonen er fryktelig brutal som i Kina main-land, og snart også i Hong Kong, i Egypt etc. og mange andre steder, dvs. det er svært mange mørkebrune inkludert anti-climate møkka-land/systemer.
Selv om ikke alle toppene/herskerne der behøver å være ca. 100% genetiske sociopater, så fungerer de ca. 100% sociopatiske likevel, se analysen av Kina på http://www.anarchy.no/andebate.html om hvorfor, dette skyldes i hovedsak veldig stor maktkonsentrasjon og korrupsjonsloven, som trumfer alt, og desto mer korrupt jo mere makt, og slike systemer, som i Kina, er selvforsterkende over tid og blir bare verre og verre, med stadig mere bruk av kull og fossilt ellers, og stadig mere korrupsjon bredt definert og mere represjon og mer og mer topptung sosial pyramide og maktkonsentrasjon, når de kommer over en viss autoritærgrad og blir mørkebrune a la Hitler, og kanskje enda mere autoritære. Blåbrune (erke-konservativ liberalisme, inkludert anti-climate) og rødbrune (ml-kommunistiske o.l. inkludert anti-climate) systemer er lite stabile hybrider, som på grunn av korrupsjonsloven, når den får virke over lang tid uten tilstrekkelige demokratiske, inklusive grønne, motkrefter, tenderer til bare brune (populistisk/fascistiske), og siden via selvforsterkende mekanismer går de over til ultra-fascistiske mørkebrune systemer, som Kina har gjort nylig, og Trump gjerne vil ha i USA, men neppe får til på grunn av sannsynlig tilstrekkelige demokratiske inklusive grønne motkrefter (Joe Biden & Co og mange flere, i opposisjon til Trumps & Co’s veldig ultra-autoritære og ultra-fascistiske inkludert anti-climate og rasisme-politiske tendens, som nok vil stoppes før diktaturet er et faktum).
Og så har vi «free rider» fascismen, som saboterer vanligvis demokratisk systemer, og som fungerer like autoritært og dysfunksjonelt som topptunge maktsystemer, og forhindrer selvoppholdelses-driften til å slå gjennom, som vi har analysert og publisert på http://www.indeco.no/archive/samgrip2.doc (se pressemeldingsarkivet) og på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html. Helt destruktiv er «free rider» fascismen også. Den hersker i toppen i alle de mer eller mindre demokratiske land for tiden, og dessverre blant flere som tror alt er håpløst angående klimakrisen – noe det langt fra er fysisk-sosialt, men holder dette seg over lang tid, kan det medføre full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk om noen ganske få 10-år, fordi demokratiet ikke fungerer, men får ca. 100% autoritærgrad og null % demokratigrad, i det The People’s demands ikke når gjennom i systemet i det hele tatt, dvs. de facto null innflytelse for Folket på de viktige samfunnsmessige beslutningene i hovedsak tatt av Toppene, med påfølgende null realisering av the People's demands (gjengitt på http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html, ganske høyt oppe på websiden), altså som nevnt resulterende i null demokratigrad og 100% autoritærgrad, og dermed full ultra-fascisme, uten diktator riktig nok, men pga. dysfunksjon og «free riding» inkludert de facto pasifisme, militær vegring og nekting av nødvendig væpnet påtrykk, i hvert fall seriøse trusler om væpnet støtte, til pro-demokrati inklusive grønn opposisjon, så de ultra-fascistiske diktatur-systemene inkludert anti-climate policy, blir avviklet til fordel for tilstrekkelig Reelt, dvs. inklusive grønt Demokrati, raskt nok til å unngå full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk.
Straffebataljoner basert på alle «free rider» pasifister og de facto fungerende som fascister i de demokratiske landene, for nødvendig innsats i «3. verdenskrig» kan komme, som godt botemiddel, men kanskje for sent til å unngå 4. verdenskrig – Ragnarokk og full blown climate-crisis, som trolig vil tapes for demokratiene, som det er forklart både på indeco.no og publisert på GGS’ http://www.anarchy.no/ggs1.html. Man må i hvert fall true seriøst med væpnet støtte til pro-demokrati inklusive grønn opposisjon, for å få til tilstrekkelig grønt demokrati globalt til å unngå full blown climate-crisis med Ragnarokk i tide. Og man må nok trå til med litt væpnet kamp-støtte også av og til og noen ganger. Har godt litt tøft ut i rapportene om 3. og 4. verdenskrig for å skremme demokratiene og deres Topper til aksjon, men det er opplagt mye som kan gjøres ved trusler om væpnet intervensjon med støtte til pro-demokrati inklusive grønn opposisjon, og trusler om å bruke H-bomber, uten at det blir nødvendig å gjøre det som regel. I hvert fall om man gjør et par avskrekkende statuerende eksempler ganske raskt, så alvoret siger inn i de mørkebrune anti-climate diktaturene.
Opposisjonen i Kina, det er mest skjult opposisjon, ikke så mye åpen opposisjon, i det veldig repressive økonomisk-politiske Kina, bare øker og øker. Så NATO/USA har ikke vanskelig med å ta Xi & Cos tropper ved å støtte opprør. Truer man seriøst med massiv væpnet støtte og også massiv bruk av H-bomber tror AISC at «kommunist-partiet» i Kina vil oppløse seg som i Sovjet Unionen. Systemet til Xi er mye jævligere enn Stalin og Sovjet-unionen, for den var bare brunrød, og mot ultra-fascismen til Hitler. Kineserne er klart ultra-fascister som Hitler, og med rasisme bl.a. mot muslimene i nordvest, og som nevnt tidligere, med stadig mer kull og anti-climate. Men vi tror de bare fungerer som sociopater pga. systemet, som er så jævlig repressivt, korrupt og autoritært at de ikke klarer å styre det lenger i det hele tatt. De er imidlertid trolig ikke genetiske socipopater, som Hitler og Hemedti, derfor tror AISC at de vil gi opp uten mye bråk, i hvert fall tør de ikke utfordre NATOS/USAs store H-bombearsenal med det lille de har av atomvåpen. Og troppene deres har lav moral, og vil trolig desertere og slutte seg til Folkets opprør en masse når det topper seg. Og altså sannsynlig vil de gjøre som i Sovjet-Unionen, oppløse regimet sitt, når de blir utsatt for tilstrekkelig press og trusler om væpnet intervensjon fra NATO/USA, til støtte for åpen og latent pro-demokrati opposisjon, som nok lett kan overtales til å bli grønn, om den ikke alt er lei kullfyringen pga. smog. Det er mulig man må gi fly/rakett støtte, og må få ut våpen og litt spesial-soldater og E-folk, og skape litt militær organisasjon/militia, ut fra rådgivning, så en kan nok ikke bare sitte på røven og true, men tror ikke man trenger mye militær direkte intervensjon fra NATO/USA. Det blir ventelig lite blod og andre grusomheter.
I motsetning til nazister og andre ultra-fascister så tror ml-statskommunistene at de skal gjøre det godt for proletariatet og Folket, men det går ikke an å få det til med diktator pluss sentralkomite i toppstyrt, topptung og repressiv sosial-pyramide pga. korrupsjonsloven som ødelegger alt for dem, bortsett fra at det lovmessig fører til at de stjeler stadig mer og mer og beriker seg ditto i makt og penger til toppene selv, og har anti-klima-politikk som sikker bivirkning. Vi tror egentlig ikke Xi & Co liker seg noe særlig med tanke på barnebarnas fremtid, men systemet er alt for korrupt til at han får lagt det om og løse problemene med ulikheter, klima/kull etc. Systemet gjør at de får til svært lite positivt for Folket generelt. Ml-kommunistene kan ikke korrupsjonsloven, og tror ikke den virker, men den gjelder like sikkert som tyngdekraften og kan ikke oppheves ved idealisme i toppen særlig lenge. Det går bare ikke i praksis. Aldri! Det er mye biologi og genetikk, som gjør at mennesket, som er ganske baviansk, er biologisk bestemt til korrupsjon i vid forstand når det får overordnet makt økonomisk og politisk/administrativt. Men det lille som er igjen av idealisme hos Xi & Co, vil gjøre at de gir lett opp under sterk opposisjon støttet av NATO/USA med signifikant press på Xi & Co. De, inklusive diktatoren Xi, er neppe som Hitler som setter inn ungene sine til å slåss, selv når det åpenbart bare er destruktivt og det er helt håpløst. Xi er neppe like ille som Hitler var, selv om korrupsjonsloven skaper brutalitet og moralsk korrupsjon også.
Man får ikke løst klimaproblemet med Xi & Cos system, det er et stort og voksende problem der – Kina er digert med mye folk, og klimaproblemet der blir bare større og større pga. total mangel på styring ut fra Folkets inkludert barnebarnas interesser. «Kommunistenes» ultra-fascistiske med anti-klima system i Kina, må altså bort ganske raskt om vi skal unngå «full blown climate-crisis with Ragnarokk». Hvordan de sannsynlig vil te seg i et eventuelt Ragnarokk, har AISC analysert strategisk tidligere og konklusjonen var at da kan de være et veldig alvorlig og uhyre farlig sikkerhets-problem med atomvåpen og motiverte tropper, sammen med, og alliert med, andre ultra-fascister/anti-klima diktaturer lokalisert til de ubeboelige områdene vidt omkring ekvator m.m, som de neppe vil holde seg i særlig lenge, men prøve Lebensraum-krigføring nordover og sørover på kloden. Og alle ultra-fascister over hele kloden vil trolig rotte seg sammen, for å erobre verdensherredømme, ikke bare diktaturer fra rundt ekvator. Preventivt må Kineserne, tropper og Top, nå tas ut snarlig, Chamberlain-isme og pasifisme holder ikke, da får man det i fleisen meget ubehagelig og fatalt i voldsom grad senere i Ragnarokk, pluss helvete med ødelagt klima og miljø generelt i den anledning. Resolution by AISC, The Anarchist International Security Council.
PS. Fra: The Institute of Industrial Economics <indeco@online.no>
Sendt: torsdag 15. oktober 2020 01:34
Til: PST <post@pst.politiet.no>
Emne: ....
Kineserne har leid ørten russiske servere, og russerne elsker kinesisk valuta. Det er et reelt og alvorlig sikkerhetshull for den russiske stat/Putin.
Det var kineserne via en leid russisk server som hacket Stortinget og tyskerne….
Og det blir nok mere av slikt…
PS. INDECO-OSE har kontakt og PR funksjonen for anarchy.no, se http://www.anarchy.no/pictures.html
PPS. 08.02.2021. NB! Resonnementet om nødvendigheten av å vinne 3. WW for å løse klima-krisen, bygger på den forutsetning at kull og annet fossilt er billigere og foreligger i tilstrekkelig mengde, i forhold til grønn energi. Forutsetter at fisjonsenergi er utelukket pga. av ulykkesrisiko. Blir imidlertid grønn energi, dvs. vind, sol og vannkraft, inklusive infrastruktur og omstillingskostnader, signifikant billigere og foreligger i tilstrekkelige mengder/volum til denne lave prisen, globalt, vil ultra-autoritære regimer, inkludert det i Kina, sannsynligvis velge grønt i stedet for fossilt. Skjer dette i god tid før Ragnarokk og full blown climate-crisis, så er 3. WW ikke nødvendig for å berge barnebarnas ve og vel.
Men så langt er dette bare utopi, og fremstår ikke som en særlig aktuell løsning. Men en må naturligvis forsøke å satse på teknologi-utvikling her for å gjøre grønn energi og løsninger billigere, og kanskje de blir billigere nok, på tilstrekkelig kort tid, til å unngå full blown climate-crisis med Ragnarokk og 4. WW. Men man må være realist og ikke falsk utviklingsoptimist i denne saken. Jeg er realist og har ikke overtro på tilstrekkelig grønn teknologisk fremgang og da er 3.WW et must, og seier i den anledning. V-h. A. Stalin for AISC.
PPPS. 09.02.2021. Ad «Men en må naturligvis forsøke å satse på teknologi-utvikling her for å gjøre grønn energi og løsninger billigere, og kanskje de blir billigere nok, på tilstrekkelig kort tid, til å unngå full blown climate-crisis med Ragnarokk og 4. WW.» så er det en løsning a) for å få det billig nok på kort tid, uten tilstrekkelig, men med noe - teknologisk fremgang, at b) de rike industri-landene i Vest, dvs. USA, Canada og UK, EU + EØS-landene og Sveits samt Japan, går sammen og c) subsidierer de beste grønne løsningene for verdensmarkedet, dvs. globalt, til almen benyttelse for alle land og systemer, dvs. subsidierer i tilstrekkelig grad, og raskt nok, til at de beste (men av seg selv ikke billige nok) grønne oppleggene blir kjøpt og installert, + subsidier til skrotning av fossil industri, til d) å unngå mer enn embryoet av 3. WW og å helt unngå 4. WW, og full blown climate-crisis. Subsidiene kan finansieres raskt ved kvantitative lettelser, dvs. «trykke ferske penger». Dette kan muligens bli billigere enn 3. WW, og helt uten blod. Men det haster. 4. WW kommer snikende, kanskje raskt. En bør vel forfølge alle signifikante strategiske spor, innledningsvis. Det blir trolig billigere med 3. WW generelt enn et massivt subsidieprogram. Og så blir det fringe benefits i form av mer demokrati alt inklusive, som er verdt å ta med seg. V-h. A. Stalin for AISC.
From: IJ@ via Globaldistribution
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2020 5:52 AM
To: The Green Global Spring Revolution
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Subject: IJ@ 1 (50): The Situation in China included Hong Kong - China's place on the economic-political map. The Green Global Spring (GGS) will make actions pressing the Chinese & Hong Kong administrations in progressive green & real democratic direction!
IJ@ 1 (50) was distributed globally including lots to China mainland & Hong Kong and to ACAME in general early 26.11.2020.
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