Welcome to
International federation of centers for
libertarian studies and documentation,
"la Fédération internationale des centres d'étude et de
documentation libertaires",
a loose network of research centers on the libertarian matters
broadly defined.
by IIFOR (c) 2003 a.l. ISSN 0800-0220 URL: http://www.anarchy.no/ficedl.html
One of the most well known research results of the FICEDL - IFCLSD network is the Economical-Political World Map a.o.t. presented, discussed and agreed upon with general consent at the Anarchist Gathering in Venice 1984 and the libertarian gathering Technology and Freedom in Lisbon 1987:
*) The stars indicate the position of the Norwegian economical-political system after the revolutionary change in 1994/95. Read more about it at (click on:) http://www.anarchy.no/a_nor.html and http://www.anarchy.no/ija1994-96.html
Mathematically the map may be summarized in the following formulas:
Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery".
(1) DEGREE OF ANARCHY = 100[1-([(1-(AUTONOMY%/100))2+(1-(SOCIALISM%/100))2]/2) 1/2]%
This is the general Formula of Anarchism related to the Economic-Political map. The degree of anarchy is defined for the Quadrant of Anarchism on the EP-map. in general the libertarian degree is used, i.e. also valid outside the anarchist quadrant:
(2) LIBERTARIAN DEGREE = 100[1-([(1-(AUTONOMY%/100))2+(1-(SOCIALISM%/100))2]/2) 1/2]%
in general, for the whole map, the authoritarian degree is used, i.e. 100% minus the libertarian degree.
AUTHORITARIAN DEGREE = 100% - 100[1-([(1-(AUTONOMY%/100))2+(1-(SOCIALISM%/100))2]/2) 1/2]% <=>
AUTHORITARIAN DEGREE = 100[ 1 - [1-([(1-(AUTONOMY%/100))2+(1-(SOCIALISM%/100))2]/2) 1/2]]% <=>
(3) AUTHORITARIAN DEGREE = 100[([(1-(AUTONOMY%/100))2+(1-(SOCIALISM%/100))2]/2) 1/2]%
(4) The degree of autonomy is 100% - the degree of statism and the degree of socialism is 100% - the degree of capitalism
From (3) and (4) we get:
(5) AUTHORITARIAN DEGREE = 100[([(STATISM%/100)2+(CAPITALISM%/100)2]/2) 1/2]%
If the authoritarian degree is not significant, i.e. less than 50%, outside the anarchist quadrant, the term semilibertarian system is used.
Systems within the anarchist quadrant have the degree of both autonomy and socialism > 50%, the liberalist quadrant autonomy and capitalism > 50%, the marxist statism and socialism > 50% and the fascist statism and capitalism > 50% .
If the degree of capitalism is significant, > 50%, the system is economical plutarchy.
The degree of statism is connected to political/administrative hierarchy, that may be real monarchy, oligarchy, polyarchy, ochlarchy, and/or political/administrative plutarchy, i.e. if the degree of statism is significant, > 50%.
Very significant capitalism and/or statism also include the archies of rivaling "states within the state" (chaos), the tyranny of structurelessness (disorganization) and ochlarchy broadly defined.
If a system has insignificant degree of statism and capitalism, both < 50%, i.e. the degree of both autonomy and socialism are significant > 50%, and the system is anarchy and anarchism.
The area of the map, i.e. 100%, is divided of course with 25% for each of the main quadrants, marxism, anarchism, liberalism, and fascism. Furthermore the area of the systems with the least 1/3 authoritarian degree is Pi(100/18) = ca 17.4 % at the top of the map.
The anarchist and semilibertarian systems to the left and right, i.e. from above the middlepoint and less than 50% authoritarian degree cover an area of Pi(100/8) = ca 39,25 %. The democratic systems all in all, i.e. less than ca 67% authoritarian degree, cover an area of Pi(200/9) = ca 69.78 %. Of this the area between about 43,75 % and 66,67 % authoritarian degree is significant parliamentarian democracy, and the area with less than 43,75% authoritarian degree is significant direct democracy. The democracy, parliamentarian or direct, may be real, i.e. libertarian and anarchist - within the anarchist quadrant of the economical political map, or not, i.e. semilibertarian, also called semi-democratic, or authoritarian semi- or pseudo-democracy - outside the anarchist quadrant.
NB! A semilibertarian system is either 1. economically or 2. political/administrative authoritarian (buth not both), i.e. capitalist/economical plutarchy or statist respectively, significant, but in average, measured by the authoritarian degree, not significant authoritarian. Thus only anarchist systems are libertarian, i.e. not authoritarian in general: Libertarian both 1. economically and 2. political/administrative and 3. in average measured by the libertarian degree, significant. And thus either a system is anarchist and also libertarian, or authoritarian economically and/or political/administrative.
And thus the ultra-authoritarian, totalitarian systems, with more than ca 67% (i.e. 66.6 666... %) authoritarian degree cover 100 - Pi(200/9) = ca 30.22 %. Thus, the systems with more than 666 per thousand authoritarian degree have a lot more room, ca 30% of the map, than the most anarchist systems with ca 17 % of the area. This may indicate it is much more easy to create hell than heaven on earth.
The significant direct democratic systems including semilibertarian cover about 30 % of the total area. The totalitarian systems at the bottom of the map also cover about 30 % of the area. The parliamentarian systems all in all cover about 40 % of the area, of which about 30 % are authoritarian systems and about 10 % are semilibertarian or anarchist systems, i.e. with average authoritarian degree < or = 50 %.
Anarchism vs other -isms defined by the 10 most basic principles
( 1 ) Anarchies vs archies.
Societal, political-economical systems, including organizations
and political tendencies; economical, political or politological,
sociological and anthropological systems, may be anarchies or the
negation of anarchy = archies. Thus the total amount of societal
systems S = anarchy + archy <=> S = anarchies + archies.
Anarchy = anarchism, with respect to societal systems broadly
( 2 ) Archies may be expressed as x-archy, where
x is one of a set of systems characteristics of archs, say, (mon, olig, poly, plut, ochl, matri, patri, hier, etc; but not an)
or a logical union of several x-es reflecting different forms of
archy/archies as opposed to anarchy/anarchies, i.e. the negation
of x-archy = archies.
( 3 ) Possibility of anarchy. It is assumed that
these terms reflect concepts that may be defined in a way that
anarchy is not impossible in reality, i.e. the amount of
anarchies in real terms is greater than the empty set, zero.
Anarchy is matter of degree = tendency. Anarchy, i.e. an
anarchist social system, may have 100% or a significant degree of
anarchy, i.e. less than 100%, but above a given significant level.
( 4 ) Significant anarchist tendency = anarchy.
As anarchy is the negation of x-archy it may not have any amount,
i.e. significant tendency towards or of x-archy. Thus anarchy may
have zero or insignificant tendency towards or of archies. The
significant level is defined on aggregated dimensions.
( 5 ) Dimensions: a) There are an economic
dimension and a non-economical dimension in societal, political-economical,
system context: One aggregated economical, and one aggregated non-economical
dimension, i.e. political/administrative rank broadly defined.
Empirically this reflect economic remuneration and political/administrative
rank of organizational social systems' maps broadly defined. b)
The economical dimension measures socialism vs capitalism, where
the degree of capitalism is the tendency towards or of economical
archies (x-archy) and the non-economical dimension is autonomy vs
statism, where the degree of statism is the tendency towards or
of political/administrative archies. c) Along these two
dimensions different forms of anarchy and archies (x-archy), are
measured and mapped. The degree of socialism = 100% - degree of
capitalism. The degree of autonomy = 100% - degree of statism.
socialism and autonomy are defined as insignificant degree of
capitalism and statism respectively, and capitalism and statism
is defined as significant degree of statism and capitalism
respectively. Thus, socialism and autonomy are defined as
significant degree of socialism and autonomy, and capitalism and
statism are defined as insignificant degree of socialism and
autonomy respectively .
( 6 ) Anarchism and other -isms. Anarchy is the
negation of archies related to the economical and political/administrative
dimensions, i.e. socialism and autonomy. Capitalism is economical
plutarchy, including hierarchy and may be other x-archies broadly
defined in an economical context. Statism is political/administrative
monarchy, oligarchy, polyarchy, ochlarchy (mob rule), the archies
of rivaling states within the state, i.e. chaos; and the tyranny
of structurelessness i.e. disorganization, and/or political
plutarchy, and it may also include other archies, say, being
matriarchy, if the main rulers are women. Furthermore
1. Statism without plutarchy = marxism ((state-) communism, state-socialism);
2. statism plus plutarchy = fascism (populism included);
3. socialism without statism = anarchy = anarchism;
4. plutarchy without statism = liberalism.
Libertarian (in the meaning of 'libertaire' (french) or 'libertær'
(nordic)), and real democracy (realdemocracy) are synonyms for
anarchist, anarchy and anarchism. Anarchy and anarchism are
sometimes called the third alternative, social form, or way. (This
must not be mixed up with Tony Blair's non-anarchist "third
way = neue mitte" of Gerard Schröder, or Adolf Hitler's
"dritte reich".)
Archies (x-archy) are defined equal to authority and State in
societal context. Thus authority and State in societal context
are liberalism, fascism and marxism broadly defined. And thus
anarchy and anarchism are systems without any authority and
State, in societal context, i.e. economical and political/administrative,
also called political broadly defined. These societal, political
concepts of state and authority, must not be mixed up with
statism and the authoritarian degree, as defined related to
economical-political mapping. Furthermore insignificant tendency
towards or of State is not State, and insignificant tendency
towards or of authority is not authority, but anarchy and
( 7 ) Significant level at 50%. Anarchy has less
than 50% tendencies towards or of archies, x-archy, aggregated on
the two relevant dimensions, on a scale from 0 => 100%. Thus
more than 50 % tendencies towards or of archies, x-archy of
relevant x-es, aggregated on the economic and/or the non-economic
dimension, are not anarchist, not anarchy. Thus anarchy has 100-50%
degree of socialism and 100-50% degree of autonomy, and archies
have less of one or both, i.e. more than 50% degree of capitalism
and/or statism.
( 8 ) Anarchy defined: Anarchy and anarchism
mean system, coordination and management without ruling and
rulers (not without rules). i.e. co-operation without repression,
tyranny and slavery, and archies mean system, management and
coordination with ruling and rulers, i.e. the negation of anarchy
and anarchism. From greek 'an', as in anaerobe vs aerobe, i.e.
keeping what is essential of the object, (in this case system,
management, coordination) but without the special characteristic
mentioned in the suffix, i.e. 'arch', ruling and ruler(s), from
archos (ruler) and archein (ruling, being first).
( 9 ) Not totalitarian: The question of
anarchism and anarchy vs archies is limited to the societal
political-economical systems' management and coordination. What
is interesting in anarchist perspective is whether or not the
economical-political system has authority, i.e. ruling and rulers
- or not, with respect to the societal managent and coordination.
Other uses of the words anarchy vs x-archy and anarchies vs
archies are principally irrelevant to anarchism, and should in
general be avoided.
(10) Not valid concepts. Concepts as anarcho-archy
= anarchy-x-archy in any form, meaning system, coordination and
management "both with and without ruling and rulers" at
the same time and place, are not allowed for, because such
concepts are contradictive, and thus are nonsens and not logical
and scientifical, because this is in reality not possible, and
anarchism and anarchy is about realities. Thus anarcho-marxism,
anarcho-capitalism = anarchy-plutarchy, anarcho-ochlarchy,
anarcho-chaos, anarchy = chaos, anarchism = anarchy = minimal
state or libertarian state, state in general, anarcho-statism,
anarcho-authority, etc, are nonsens and not valid concepts, but
confused Orwellian "1984" "newspeak" that is
not anarchist, but authoritarian, i.e. chaotic, and should be
In addition to these axioms and most basic principles of social sciences, anarchy and anarchism and other -isms, other principles of policy defining authority more precise and concrete in a societal context, structural and functional, performance included, must be introduced, and the significant level of anarchy vs archies must be calibrated for applied and practical research and analysis. This is a.o.t. discussed on the file (click on:) http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html , search for 'calibration' and 'principles'. See also the basic course of anarchism (click on:) http://www.anarchy.no/course1.html . The axioms (1) - (10) are consistent with the economical-political map above.
Short presentation of several affiliates of the FICEDL-IFCLSD network - French/English:
Hauptstr. 118, D-67433 Neustadt / Wstr.
tél. 06321 3 39 57, 3 53 71; fax 7902
Fondé à Wetzlar (ADZ) en 1971. Réouverture prévue en 1996 (nouveaux
Ouverture: sur rendez-vous.
Fonds: Environ 7'000 livres et brochures, périodiques de 30
pays, tracts, affiches, archives, correspondance, photos,
documents audio et vidéo.
Fichier: rudimentaire.
Langues: allemand, espagnol, divers.
Spécialisation: mouvement de langue allemande.
Publications: aucune pour le moment.
via Pietro Gori 5 b, I-57023 Cecina (Li)
PINELLI (Centro Studi Libertari)
via Rovetta 27, i-20127 Milano, italia, (02) 284 69 23
(adresse postale: C.P. 17005, i-20170 Milano)
Association fondée en 1976.
Ouverture: lundi à vendredi de 15 h à 19 h. Pas de prêt à
domicile. Photocopieuse.
Cotisation 30'000 Lire minimum.
Fonds: Environ 10'000 livres et brochures, 900 périodiques
anciens (dont 600 en microfilm), 100 périodiques en cours,
quelques centaines d'affiches. Grande collection de photos et de
diapositives; deux cents cassettes audio et une centaine de
videos; expositions. Archives de militants.
Fichiers par auteur et matières en cours d'informatisation.
Langues: italien surtout, autres.
Spécialisation sur le mouvement anarchiste italien.
Publications: Bulletin bi- annuel.
viale Monta 255, i - 20126 Milano
Apartado 2051, E-03080 Alicante, tél. (96) 521 67 77
voir Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo. Publication: Siembra (trimestriel)
Apartado 1687, E-01080 Vitoria
Fermée en 1995, ses fonds ont été distribués à la Fundación
Anselmo Lorenzo (Madrid) et au CIRA Lausanne.
R/ Atocha Baixa 35, 1 , E-15001 A CoruÑa, tel/fax (981) 22 80 11
correspondance: Apdo 928, E-15080 A CoruÑa
Lieu pour la recherche et la divulgation de la pensée libertaire.
Fondé en 1994?
Ouverture: tous les jours de 19 h à 21 h. Cotisation annuelle
2000 Ptas.
Fonds: Plus de mille livres et brochures. En préparation: fonds
vidéo, photo, audio; histoire orale.
Catalogue général imprimé (par auteur, par titre).
Langues: espagnol, galicien, portugais.
via Rondanini 20, i-4014 Castelbolognese
Société coopérative fondée en 1985. PAS D'INFORMATIONS RÉCENTES.
Fonds: Environ 2000 livres, 500 brochures, 400 périodiques
anciens, 100 périodiques en cours. 500 photos. Manuscrits.
Fichier informatisé (auteurs, titres, matières).
Langues: italien, portugais, français, anglais, espagnol,
Spécialisation: Armando Borghi; mouvement anarchiste dans la région.
Largo Concetto Marchesi, i-56124 Pisa. tél. et fax 050/ 57
09 95
(adresse postale: casella postale 247, 56100 Pisa)
Association fondée en 1979 (ouverture en 1982)
Ouverture: lundi à vendredi de 15 à 19 h (sauf au mois d'août).
Prêt limité. Photocopies.
Fonds: Environ 7000 livres, 3000 brochures, périodiques anciens:
500 (1870-1943) et 2000 (1943-1980), 50 microfilms, 100 périodiques
en cours, 450 affiches, 2000 photos, 80 000 documents, 150
cassettes vidéo.
Fichiers informatisés (système iSiS/Pascal, Unesco): par titre,
auteur, matières, systématique CDD.
Langues: italien, espagnol, français, anglais, allemand,
esperanto, russe, hollandais.
Spécialisations: mouvement anarchiste italien, classes
subalternes de la région de Pise de 1870 à 1980, gauche révolutionnaire
et mouvements contestataires en italie, 1945-1980.
Publications: Bulletin bibliographique bi-annuel; Rivista storica
dell'anarchismo (bi-annuelle); plusieurs ouvrages de référence.
Diagonal Puyrredon 3324, 7600 Mar del Plata, Argentine.
Fondée en 1911.
Prépare une exposition et un concours sur Francisco Ferrer et l'école
Juan Ramirez de Velasco 958, 1414 Buenos Aires, Argentine
Fondée en 1935. Archives ouvertes depuis 1993.
Ouverture: les archives, le mercredi de 16 h à 20 h; la bibliothèque,
du lundi au vendredi de 16 à 20 h, ou sur rendez-vous.
Fonds: la bibliothèque a plus de 15 000 livres qu'elle prête à
domicile. Les archives ont un millier d'ouvrages anciens, 400
photos, 3000 tracts, 7000 périodiques, 2000 brochures +
affiches, objets, tableaux, correspondance, libros de actas,
manuscrits, de 1880 à aujourd'hui. En outre, un grand nombre de
caisses fermées à clef se trouvent chez des particuliers, faute
de pouvoir être abritées dans les locaux.
Fichier: pour la bibliothèque, par auteur et par titre (70%).
Archives: classées mais sans fichier.
Langues: Espagnol surtout, toutes autres langues (dont certaines
Pas de publications propres. Activités culturelles (débats, ciné-club,
Ricardo Mestre Ventura, Apartado postal 9090, 06002 México D.F.
correspondance: Carlos A. Solero, Casilla de Correo 984, 2000
Rosario, Argentine
Projette l'acquisition d'un local, souscription en cours.
via Mon. Melas 24, i - 09040 Guasilia
Passeig de Sant Joan 26, 1e. 1a, E-08010 Barcelona, tél. (93)
265 05 81
adresse postale: Apartat Correus 22212, E-08080 Barcelona
Association fondée vers 1980; dans ses locaux actuels (bâtiment
de la Biblioteca Arus) depuis 1995. (reconstitution de l'Ateneu
historique , 1902-1939).
Fonds: 35000 livres, 6000 périodiques, dossiers, archives (reclassification
en cours).
Ouverture: lundi, jeudi, vendredi, 18 h à 20 h (cotisation
Expositions, publications, activités culturelles.
CDL (Centre de documentation libertaire) c/o Librairie La
5 rue Sébastien-Gryphe, F-69007 Lyon, tél. (04) 78 61 02 25
Association fondée en 1975, en sommeil actuellement.
Fonds: Environ 500 livres, 500 brochures, 200 périodiques
anciens, 30 périodiques en cours, 300 affiches et des tracts.
Manuscrits, photos, archives (région Rhône-Alpes). 200
cassettes audio (interviews).
Pas de fichier.
Langue: français.
(adresse postale: B.P. 28, F-33031 Bordeaux Cedex)
Association créée en 1978. PAS D'INFORMATIONS RÉCENTES.
Fonds: Environ 1000 livres, 500 brochures, 100 périodiques
anciens, 50 périodiques en cours, 200 affiches, des centaines de
Fichier: informatisation en cours.
Langues: français, un peu d'espagnol, d'anglais et d'allemand.
correspondance: 145, rue Amelot, F - 75011 Paris, tél. (01) 48
05 34 08, télécopie (01) 49 29 98 59
Association fondée en 1988.
Ouverture: au Centre d'Histoire du Travail (CHT), 2bis, Boulevard Léon Bureau, F-44200
Service de photocopies (envoi possible).
Environ 3000 livres, 1500 brochures, 1000 périodiques, 5000
tracts, autocollants, badges.
Fichiers par auteur.
Langues: français, italien, espagnol, anglais, allemand, etc.
Spécialisation: Fédération anarchiste française; anarchisme
depuis 1968.
Cinq bulletins bibliographiques publiés à ce jour.
Le fond des livres, brochures et périodiques est ouvert au
public au Centre d'Histoire du Travail (CHT) à Nantes.
CP 10.512, CEP 03097-970 São Paulo, Brésil
Point de contact pour accéder aux archives: importantes
collections dans un local privé, accès très limité.
S'adresser à Jaime Cubero ou à José Carlos Orsi Morel.
Avda San José 146-148, Apdo Correos 1090, E-50080 Zaragoza, tél.
(976) 38 36 73
Voir Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo.
Contact avec la Filmothèque (collection de films restaurés sur
le Front aragonais pendant la Guerre civile).
Publication: bulletin Cultura y Acción.
vico Montesanto 14, i-80135 Napoli; tél/fax (081) 549 60 62
Association informelle créée en 1977.
Ouverture: mardi et jeudi de 19 à 21 h ou sur rendez-vous,
Photocopieuse. Prêt des livres à domicile.
Fonds: un millier d'ouvrages + fonds spécialisés, périodiques
italiens, affiches, manuscrits, tracts.
Fichier en cours d'informatisation.
Quelques publications.
av. de Beaumont 24, CH-1012 Lausanne, tél. 021/ 652 48 19 ou
652 35 43
bus 5 depuis la gare jusqu'à l'hôpital (CHUV), ou sortie
autoroute Hôpitaux.
Association créée en 1958.
Ouverture: tous les jours de 16 à 19 h ou sur rendez-vous, week-end
et fêtes compris.
Photocopieuse à disposition.
Prêt des livres à domicile (aussi par correspondance) et
photocopies pour les membres cotisants (40 fr. s. par an).
Fonds: 15000 livres et brochures, 3000 périodiques anciens, 200
périodiques en cours, 1500 affiches, 400 cartes postales;
archives, tracts, manuscrits, photos, cassettes audio et vidéo.
Fichiers par auteur, matières (fichier manuel + 11'500 titres
sur ordinateur à ce jour); fichier des périodiques et de
l'iconographie, en cours d'informatisation (ClarisWorks pour
Langues: toutes. Publications: bulletin bibliographique annuel,
quelques brochures.
Expositions. Pas de spécialisation.
3, rue Saint-Dominique, F-13001 Marseille, tél. (04) 91 56 24 17
(adresse postale: Boîte postale 40, F-13382 Marseille Cedex 13;
fax (04) 91 05 32 84)
Association fondée en 1965
Ouverture: mardi et jeudi de 15 à 18 h et sur rendez-vous.
Fonds: Environ 2000 livres, 600 brochures, 350 périodiques
anciens, 50 périodiques en cours, 1500 affiches (dont 1000
photographiées) et des centaines de tracts (non classés). Une
trentaine de périodiques sur microfiches. Quelques manuscrits,
photos, cassettes audio et video. Un millier de dossiers
individuels sur des militants et des groupes.
Fichiers par auteur, matières (partiel).
Langue: français surtout.
Spécialisé sur la presse anarchiste en français (dans le monde
entier) et en France (en toutes langues).
Publications: Bulletin bibliographique (40 publiés à ce jour).
Vicolo dell'Aratro 4, CH-6648 Minusio
Association fondée en 1993.
Ouverture sur demande (tél. 091/ 743 87 52).
Environ 4'100 livres et brochures. Archives du périodique Azione
diretta, tracts et affiches du mouvement anarchiste suisse et
d'autres mouvements depuis 1972.
Fichier: informatisé (MSDos, dBase iV).
Langues: italien, français, allemand, etc.
Spécialisation: mouvement anarchiste au Tessin, anarchisme en
Suisse, antimilitarisme.
CRAS (Centre de recherche sur l'alternative sociale)
Boîte postale 492, F-31000 Toulouse
Association fondée en 1981.
Ouverture: pas actuellement.
Beaucoup de périodiques, dossiers, tracts, affiches, archives.
Photocopies possibles.
Pas de fichier. Langues: toutes. 4 bulletins publiés.
Oude Gracht 65, Utrecht, Pays-Bas (derrière la librairie Rooie
(adresse postale: Pb 14045, NL-3508 SB Utrecht)
Fondation (Stichting) créée en 1983.
Ouverture: jeudi de 20 à 22 h sur rendez-vous seulement (tél.
030 230 24 82, Jaap van der Laan, après 18 h). Fermé pendant
les vacances scolaires. Prêt à domicile limité.
Fonds: Environ 2500 livres, 500 brochures, 300 périodiques
anciens, 12 périodiques en cours, beaucoup d'affiches et de
tracts. Cassettes audio (interviews), non cataloguées.
Photocopies possibles.
Fichiers par auteur, matières; fichier des périodiques par
Langue: hollandais surtout.
Publications prévues: bibliographies (anarchisme hollandais, périodiques,
etc.); autobiographies de militants.
Spécialisation: Promotion des études libertaires (prix biennal,
conférences bimestrielles, journées d'études, soutien à des
études universitaires).
IIFOR - International Institute for Organization Research URL: http://www.anarchy.no/iifor.html
FICEDL - IFCLSD Norway c/o URL: http://www.anarchy.no/afin.html
FICEDL - IFCLSD Sweden c/o URL: http://www.anarchy.no/afis.html
FICEDL - IFCLSD Denmark c/o URL: http://www.anarchy.no/afid.html
FICEDL - IFCLSD Finland c/o URL: http://www.anarchy.no/sa.html
FICEDL - IFCLSD Iceland - Andspyrna library and bookshop: http://www.andspyrna.org
FICEDL - IFCLSD Anglophone c/o
URL: http://www.anarchy.no/afb.html
FICEDL - IFCLSD Northern Countries in general - contact IIFOR
Specialities: See IIFOR's
Paseo de Alberto Palacios, 2, Villaverde Alto, E-28021 Madrid
tél. (91) 797 04 24, fax 505 21 83
Centre d'études libertaires et maison d'édition. importants
fonds reçus d'anciens militants.
Cotisation annuelle 6000 Ptas.
Publication: bulletin intérieur BiCEL (pour tous les centres
affiliés à la Fondation), catalogues.
via Layetana 18, 9 , E-08003 Barcelona
c/ Sagunto n 15, E-28010 Madrid, tél. 446 08 19
Fondation créée en 1986. PAS D'iNFORMATiONS RéCENTES.
Fonds: 2500 livres, 2500 brochures, 50 périodiques anciens, 500
périodiques en cours, 1000 affiches, 2500 tracts; photos,
cassettes audio et vidéo.
Spécialisation: histoire libertaire, syndicalisme, XXe siècle.
Publications: bulletin d'acquisitions, actes de colloques, etc.
Delegación de Valencia, Apartat Correus 204, E-46080 Valencia
Délégation créée en 1988, en cours d'installation dans de
nouveaux locaux.
Ouverture: sur rendez-vous. Pas de prêt à domicile. Photocopies.
Fonds: périodiques anciens; archives sonores (interviews de
militants); livres et documents.
Fichiers: informatisation en cours.
Langues: espagnol surtout, autres.
Spécialisation: mouvement anarchiste espagnol, exil anarchiste
en France. projet d'archives sonores (histoire orale).
Publications: El Noi, revue semestrielle; actes de réunions et
Apdo Correo 933, E-10080 Caceres; Apdo Correos 423, E-06088
Voir Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo. Colloques, conférences,
THE KATE SHARPLEY LIBRARY, URL: www.katesharpleylibrary.net/
Oundle (Northants), UK
adresse postale: BM Hurricane, London W.C.1 3XX
Fichier: en cours. Langues: anglais, autres.
Publications : bulletin, reprints, traductions prévues.
Spécialisation: anarchisme et anarcho-syndicalisme en Grande-Bretagne,
mouvement international.
Autres adresses, sans information:
ACCA, Schermerstraat 14 C, B - 2000 Anvers
AG Archive, POBox 20037, GR-11810 Athinai
Biblioteca Social Reconstruir, Ciudad de Mejico, e-mail:
Fanya Baron Library, c/o Jura Books, 110 Crystal Street,
Petersham, NSW 2049, Australie.
Autres bibliothèques et centres de
documentation ayant des fonds anarchistes importants etcetera:
Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv, Stockholm - Arbeiderbevegelsens
arkiv og bibliotek, Oslo: ARBARKiV - BDIC, Nanterre (F) - Biblioteca
Arus, Barcelona - Harvard College Library, Cambridge (USA)
Amsterdam - istorico-Hudozhestvem niy Muzeum, Dmitrov (CEi)
- Labadie Collection, Ann Arbor (USA) - Mundaneum, Mons
(B) - Le Musée social, Paris - etcetera
TAMIMENT LIBRARY, URL: http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/research/tam/
New York University, 70 Washington Square South, New York
10012, USA
tél. (212) 998 2630, fax 994 4070, e-mail: LEEA@ELMER1.BOBST.NYU.EDU
Fondée en 1906.
Ouverture: tous les jours 10 h à 17 45, parfois plus longtemps;
± fermée en août.
Fonds: 200 fonds d'archives, 60 000 livres, 6000 périodiques (3
à 500 en cours), un million de brochures+tracts. Photos,
affiches, vidéos, films, 2000 enreigstrements (histoire orale),
badges, trucs, archivistes et bibliothécaires.
Fichiers informatisés (Telnet, www); guides pour certains fonds
d'archives, certaines collections.
Langues: toutes. Accueil en anglais, espagnol; parfois aussi
yiddish, polonais, allemand; dans l'immeuble (qui abrite d'autres
bibliothèques de NYU) des gens parlent beaucoup d'autres langues.
Spécialités: Mouvement ouvrier et «radical» aux Etats-Unis,
gens de gauche.
Fonds iWW, archives Dolgoff, archives Bookchin.
Publications: irrégulières.
URL: http://www.blackrosebooks.net
URL: http://www.anarchy.no/au.html
NB! Most of the centers of the FICEDL-Network and the other mentioned libraries are not very updated, especially regarding International Journal of Anarchism/Folkebladet ISSN 0800-0220 - electronic issues ISSN 1890-9485 since 2009, and AI-material in general, but Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv og bibliotek, Oslo: ARBARKIV, is quite updated. If you want information etc. about the latest issues of IJA/FB on paper, etc. contact (click on:) ARBARKIV. Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv og bibliotek, Oslo has a large collection of Norwegian and international anarchism. The ARBARKIV Website is written in Norwegian and English, click on the British flag, to see the English version. Search in the 'library catalogue'.
Sources: CIRA and IIFOR
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