General resolution no 1 about the situation in Egypt
1. We call for a) President Mubarak to step down now, b) an end of the totalitarian fascist regime, and c) a steady and orderly movement of the Egyptian system towards real democracy, i.e. anarchy.
2. The violent response by, so far, Hosni Mubarak's regime against such a development, see 1., is totally unacceptable. Those responsible for the killings, attacks and intimidation must be brought to justice without delay. The impunity must end!
3. The present regime, the Mubarak-regime, has promised several concessions, including a new constitution. However what Mubarak says publicly of positive things, and what he in practice commands his ochlarchical (mob rule) henchmen to do of
negative things, behind closed doors, may be quite something else! We are not naive in this matter, Mubarak is a big lier, and this must stop. In this connection we call on domestic and international media to reveal and unmask the lies. The same is valid for any regime in Egypt.
4. Ad the new constitution, it must clearly state Egypt as a secular State, i.e. in the meaning of public sector, and thus clearly forbid and ban islamist law, i.e. sharia, and similar. And this secular constitution can only be changed with more than 3/4 majority.
Decided after dialog and based on general consent 08.02.2011
Wild cheers after President Hosni Mubarak has stepped down.
There is no real change of the system itself so far, but
it may now change.
Our work for a revolutionary change i.e. a revolution, of the Egyptian economic-political system in libertarian direction has now really started.
The International Workers of the World - Egyptian section and The Anarchist Confederation of Africa - Egyptian section
- The Anarchist International world wide AI/IFA
- The International of Anarchist Federations IAF - The International Federations of Anarchists IFA - The International of the Federations of Anarchists IFA - L'Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes IFA
- The World Secretariate and Commission (WSC) of IFA/IAF/AI - The AI-secretariate
- The Anarchist International Information Service AIIS
- The International Journal of Anarchism IJ@
- The International Anarchist Tribunal IAT
- FABS - The Federalist Anarchist Beat Society
- The FABS HUB - International Center for FABS in Oslo - Distributes FABS products world wide
- The Commune Anarchist International, Communist Anarchism, Anarcho-communist section of AI
- The Individual Anarchist International, Individualist Anarchism, Anarcho-individualist section of AI
- The Social-individualist Anarchist International, Mutualist Anarchism, Third Alternative Anarchist section of AI
- The Collective Anarchist International, Collectivist Anarchism, Anarcho-collectivist section of AI
- The Anarchafeminist International - L'Internationale Anarchoféministe - i@f
- The International Workers of the World - The Anarcho-syndicalist section of AI - SG & ICC and all sections
- The Anarchist Black Cross, affiliated to the International Black Cross, AI, and the ABC-I
- The Green Anarchist International Association - GAIA
- The Libertarian Association of Teetotalers - LAT
- The Community Action Network - CAN
- The International Federation of Centers for Libertarian Studies and Documentation - IFCLSD - FICEDL- Northern Secretariate
- The Anarchist Federation of Denmark - Anarkistføderationen i Danmark, affiliated to IFA
- The Anarchist Federation of Norway - Anarkistføderasjonen i Norge, affiliated to IFA
- The Anarchist Federation of Sweden - Anarkistfederationen i Sverige, affiliated to IFA
- The Anarchist Federation of Finland - Suomen Anarkistifederaatio, affiliated to IFA
- The Libertarian Federation of Iceland - Íslenska Frjálshyggjumaður Ríkjasamband, affiliated IFA
- The Northern Anarchist Confederation (NAC) - Anarkistenes organisasjon i Norden, affiliated to IFA
- The British and Anglophone Anarchist Federation (AF), associated member of NAC and affiliated to IFA and AI
- The Southern Anarchist Federations, affiliated to IFA - via WSC
- The Anarchist Confederation of Eastern Europe, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist Confederation of Asia and the Middle East, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist Confederation of Africa, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist Confederation of Latin America, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist Confederation of Oceania, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist International Network in Western Europe, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist International Support Network for Timor-Leste/East Timor AISNET
- The Anarchist Confederation of the Oceans, Arctic, Antarctic & Outwards, a section of the Anarchist International AI
- The Anarchist International University Federation, affiliated to NAC and AI/IFA
- The International Federation of Anarchist Youth IFAY, affiliated to AIUF, NAC and AI/IFA
- The International Institute for Organization Research, IIFOR
- World Economic Council - WEC
- The Anarchist International Embassy AIE
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ISSN 0800-0220 - ISSN 1890-9485